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Employee: Culalic, Mandy B. Date: 6/12/2024

Point of Origin: Manila, Philippines

This Employment Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions of employment between employee and Labor Support
Services, Ltd. ("Employer") for employment in support of the U.S. Navy under the Diego Garcia Base Operation Support
Services Contract.


1. This Agreement and the Employee Data Sheet show specific terms and conditions of the employee’s initial employment
assignment, the identity of the company that will be the Employer, the position for which the employee is initially
assigned/hired and location of the project, rate of pay and other applicable benefit programs. Employee agrees to perform
services of the job position shown on the Employee Data Sheet below, and other services within capability as requested by
Employer In addition, employee is responsible for compliance with the Employer’s Code of Business Conduct, Corporate
Policies and company policies, procedures, and Business Practices.

2. Employer shall have no liability in damages whatsoever to employee for injuries, disabilities, detention, death or other
losses arising out of, or in connection with terrorism, war (declared or undeclared), rebellion, labor strike or unrest, civil strife
or acts of the civil authority or armed forces of any nation; provided, however, in the event of capture, employee will be paid
in accordance with the Specific Terms and Conditions of Capture and Detention. In an emergency, Employer will elect to
evacuate employee to some secure location. Employee’s sole recourse for any injury, illness, or death against Employer
and/or any other parent or affiliate of Employer arising out of or in the course of employment under this Agreement shall be
as determined under the provisions of the Defense Base Act.

3. Employer ceases to be liable for fulfillment of any and all obligations stated in this Agreement upon the termination of
employment. Upon termination, Employer shall pay employee all earned and unpaid Vacation leave benefits. If employee is
terminated for cause, employee will forfeit any unpaid vacation leave except where employee was prohibited from taking
vacation leave by project management. In such cases, employee will be paid for vacation leave days only to which employee
is otherwise eligible and entitled. If employee is leaving the area of Assignment Location, Employer shall pay employee
demobilization travel back to the Point of Origin.

4. Employee agrees to comply with all laws and regulations, both civil and U.S. military (to include U.S. Army’s Command
Directives), applicable at the Assignment Location or work site, and while on authorized travel status, and such other rules,
regulations, and policies as the Employer may establish from time to time. Employee understands that the Assignment
Location or work site may be under the supervision of military authorities, and agrees that compliance by Employer with any
order, directive or regulation promulgated by military authorities, which results in a breach or default by Employer with the
terms of this Agreement shall excuse Employer for any such breach or default.

5. Employee acknowledges and agrees that employee may be required to sign additional documents after arriving in the
country of deployment to facilitate his or her ability to work and/or reside in the country of deployment. Employee
understands and agrees that as between employee and Employer, the terms of this Agreement will control.


1. Assignment Duration

The duration of employee’s assignment is stated in the Employee Data Sheet below. This Agreement shall remain in full
force and effect for the duration of the assignment, including any extensions, except in the instance of just/authorized cause
for termination.

Employee is aware that the Assignment Location may be a potentially hazardous environment. Although the U.S.
Government is responsible for providing security for Employer’s operations, employee’s acceptance of this assignment
constitutes acceptance and acknowledgment of the risks and the willingness to stay in the Assignment Location until directed
by the Employer to evacuate.

2. Compensation

Employee’s individual compensation is identified on the Data Sheet below, based upon individual job position and including
the thirteenth month salary. The Project Manager must approve any job position or rate adjustment(s) in writing, and any
changes in job position or salary are only effective on the date indicated on the formal Personnel Action Notice (PAN). No
rate increase will be awarded unless there is adequate justification to support it.

Employee will be paid a Base Monthly Salary as specified in the Employee Data Sheet on the basis of a minimum 40-hour
workweek. There is no guarantee of more than 40 hours of work per week. All rate adjustments will be effective at the
beginning of pay period. For purposes of calculating the hourly rate for straight time pay, the following formula is used:

Base Salary per month x 12 months = Straight Time Rate per Hour
2080 hours

Each pay period, employee will be paid by applying the amount earned, after deducting mandatory tax withholdings,
authorized employee benefit charges, and any advances, reserves, or other obligations to Employer. Employee’s pay will be
sent to the location designated on the Employee’s Electronic Funds Transfer form. Payments shall be made on a monthly
basis with the pay ending date on Saturday of each pay period. Wage payments shall be subject to deductions required by
law, deductions provided for in this Agreement and such deductions as employee from time to time may authorize in writing.

(a) Capture and Detention

In the event employee is taken and held prisoner, hostage or otherwise detained by a hostile force or the force of any power
not allied with the United States while on foreign assignment, Employer will continue to pay Employee’s Base Salary at the
straight time rate per hour being paid on the date of capture and/or detention. The number of hours per day employee will be
paid will be the average number of hours per day over the two months immediately preceding detention. Compensation
benefits will continue for the period of detention or internment and will be paid to employee’s authorized party. Additionally,
Employer is authorized to continue to process employee’s contribution for insurance as established by employee prior to the
period of detention or internment. Such contribution will be deducted from employee’s compensation benefits prior to
payment of the compensation benefits to the authorized party. This will ensure insurance coverage remains in full force and
effect throughout the period of detention or internment.

3. Taxes

Employee is responsible for compliance with applicable home country tax laws and regulations, including but not limited to,
the payment of income taxes and social security and/ or social insurance contributions (collectively “Tax”). Notwithstanding,
the employee consents to Employer retaining the ability and hereby grants Employer the right to apply Tax withholding and
remittance procedures if and when legally required and/or prescribed by employee’s home country taxing authorities or if the
Employer determines it is in the best interest of the Employer.

Foreign Tax/Social Insurance Protection

Foreign Tax/Social Insurance Protection approximates the additional cost incurred by employee due to assignment in a
foreign country. It is currently anticipated that the Client will obtain an exemption or waiver of foreign taxes and social
insurance obligations on employee’s behalf. Should the Client fail to achieve the exemption or waiver, Employer will pay
the foreign taxes and/or other host country statutory obligations on employee’s behalf and seek reimbursement from the U.S.
Government in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation 31.205-6(e). Employee will be responsible for completing
and/or signing all necessary paperwork associated with the foreign taxes and/or other host country statutory obligations.

4. Sick Leave

Unless Employer provides otherwise, employee will accrue 2.67 hours of sick leave for each full month of service, beginning
with the completion of the first full month of Foreign Service employment. Sick leave will not be paid in advance of it being
earned. Partial months of completed service will not be prorated. The maximum allowable accumulation is 32 hours within
any 12-month period. Approval of sick leave requires documentation from a certified medical professional. Sick leave
benefits will be paid at 8 hours straight time per day. No payment will be made for unused sick leave, nor may sick leave
accruals be used retroactively. Sick Leave is only applicable when employee is In Theater and may not be combined with
Vacation Leave and/or Leave with Out Pay (LWOP) when the LWOP is taken away from the Work Assignment location.

5. Holidays

Project holiday schedules will be set by Employer. Employee will be paid 8 hours straight time for any authorized holidays
observed and not worked. Any approved project holidays that are worked will be paid at straight time. Employee must be in
Country at Assignment Location to observe the holiday. Because of operational requirements to provide continued support to
the Client, it may not be feasible for all employees to observe local holidays concurrently; therefore, holidays may be taken
two weeks on either side of the actual day, or longer with Project Manager written approval. Holidays cannot be combined
with Vacation Leave; however, with advance Project Manager approval, if employee is In Country at Assignment Location to
observe a holiday, employee may combine the holiday with Leave Without Pay following the holiday. (In other words, the
employee wakes up in Country on the holiday, but travels later that day and goes on leave without pay as authorized in
advance by the Project Manager). Where two holidays fall within the four-week time frame window, an employee may
combine the two days if at the location assignment subject to approval of the Project manager.

6. Mobilization and Demobilization / Travel Expenses

Employee will be mobilized and demobilized from and to the designated Point of Origin. Employee will be paid for
mobilization travel time, generally not to exceed two 8-hour days at Base Salary. During demobilization, employee will be
paid travel time, generally not to exceed two 8-hour days at Base Salary. Demobilization flights are those flown subsequent
to termination of employment, except when termination occurs during a Vacation Leave, as discussed below. In accordance
with Federal Acquisition Regulation 52.247-63 -- Preference for U.S.-Flag Air Carriers, all mobilization and demobilization
flights must be on a U.S. Flag Air Carrier unless the exceptions identified in the regulation are met and properly documented.

Employee’s established Point of Origin for this assignment is Manila, Philippines. This is the location from and to which
employee travel and other expenses provided by Employer will be payable. Point of Origin may not change during the term
of employment under this Agreement. Standby time associated mobilization and demobilization is allowed only if the
approved departure point is difficult to reach due to weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances (e.g. MILAIR
flight availability). Standby time must be authorized by the Project Manager and must not exceed 8 hours per day.

Travel expenses other than air transportation will be reviewed on a case by case basis by the Project Manager. Shipment of
excess baggage of personal items is a personal expense and will not be reimbursed.

7. Local Housing and Transportation

Employer will provide transportation and housing at the Assignment Location. Meals and/or meal facilities (e.g. Dining
Facilities or DFAC, MREs, Meal Plan, etc.) will be provided. Laundry facilities will also be provided.

8. Vacation Leave

Vacation Leave is time away from the project during the assignment period due to hardships, lack of amenities and cultural
disorientation in the Assignment Location. The purpose of Vacation leave is to provide rest and relaxation (R&R) from the
work environment, thus maintaining operational effectiveness and optimum performance; therefore, Vacation Leave is
expected to be taken but, is subject to project schedules and requires approval from the supervisor and the Project Manager.
Vacation Leave will not be approved unless the job assignment is expected to last for a period of at least 30 days beyond the
qualification date.

Employees will earn 21 calendar days of Vacation Leave after each year of service, including travel days, paid at 8 hours
base salary rate per day. Employees will be able to use accumulated Vacation Leave after the first 12 months of employment.
Unused Vacation Leave days cannot be carried over into the following year nor will be paid in lieu. No more than 21 paid
days can be taken at one time.

The Employer will provide one (1) roundtrip airfare from approved departure point to the Point of Origin after each one (1)
year at site. Any additional airfare associated with Vacation Leave will be at the employee’s cost. Vacation Leave must be
scheduled and approved by the Project Manager.

Vacation Leave starts the date of departure from the approved departure point and includes travel time from and return to the
approved departure point. Transportation will be provided to and from the approved departure point. Payment for Vacation
Leave will only be made for days actually taken; therefore, payment will occur only after the Vacation Leave is completed.

Standby time associated with Vacation Leave is allowed only if the approved departure point is difficult to reach due to
weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances (e.g. MILAIR flight availability). Standby time must be authorized by
the Project Manager and must not exceed 8 hours per day.

Where the Employer is required to change employee’s scheduled leave due to circumstances stemming from U.S.
Government actions and/or actions beyond the control of the U.S. Government (e.g. Military Flight schedule changes or
restrictions, lack of government provided force protection delaying convoy travel, civil unrest or terrorist activity prohibiting
travel, critical unforeseen mission support requirements, etc.), the Employer shall pay for the costs associated with the change
in ticket fares, to include cost of fees for the changed schedule that resulted from the type of activities described above.

9. Emergency Leave

Emergency leave may be granted in the event of a serious health condition or death in employee’s immediate family or
employee’s spouse's immediate family. For purposes of emergency leave, immediate family is defined as spouse, child,
parent, grandparent, brother or sister (Family members identified herein can include step relations).

Emergency leave must be authorized by the Project Manager, whose Human Resources Manager will coordinate such leave
arrangements. The maximum employee will be paid during any period of approved emergency leave is 40 hours straight
time at the Base Salary rate only. The Project Manager may authorize additional leave days without pay, not to exceed 30
days. If authorized, emergency leave starts the date of departure from the approved departure point and includes travel time
from and return to the approved departure point.

In the event of an emergency, employee’s family members should notify the nearest Red Cross agency and request the Red
Cross agency to notify the company home office in Houston who, in turn, will notify the In-Country Human Resources

All expenses, including round trip airline ticket will be at employee’s cost.

Proper documentation of the emergency, such as a copy of a death certificate or a physician's statement, is required for
payment of authorized emergency leave with pay. In the case of a death, a copy of the published obituary in a newspaper will
suffice as initial proof of the death, provided a death certificate is submitted to the Human Resources Department within the
30 days of returning to work.

10. Leave Without Pay (LWOP)

The Project Manager may approve leave without pay in the event of a non-life-threatening situation involving a family
member or for other personal reasons requiring employee’s absence from the Assignment Location for a limited period of
time, not to exceed 30 days. All expenses will be at employee’s cost. Employee will be paid only for actual hours worked on
day of departure and day of return to the Assignment Location.

11. Physical Examination

Employee represents that he/she is physically capable of performing the work for which employee is employed at the
Assignment Location.

During the term of employment, employee agrees, when and if required by Employer, to submit to a physical examination by
a representative designated by Employer and at employee's expense. At Employer’s direction, employee agrees to submit to
a post assignment physical at the completion of the assignment. Any physical examination may include a substance abuse
test. Employee expressly authorizes the examining representative to furnish those findings to Employer.

Employment is contingent upon passing the pre-deployment physical, and health examinations (including, but not limited to,
tests for controlled substances), and obtaining immunizations required by Employer, at a Department of Health approved
medical facility. During the assignment period, employee agrees to cooperate in random or post-accident substance abuse
testing and/or other testing for drugs or alcohol as requested by Employer.

Employee agrees to submit to such vaccinations and immunizations as may be required by Employer, to be administered at
such time, places and by such qualified medical practitioners as determined by Employer.

12. Sickness, Injury, or Accident

Should employee’s health become impaired by reason of injuries or illness, through no fault of employee, and it results in
termination of employment, employee will be returned to the Point of Origin at Employer's expense. In accordance with
Federal Acquisition Regulation 52.247-63 -- Preference for U.S.-Flag Air Carriers, all flights must be on a U.S. Flag Air
Carrier unless the exceptions identified in the regulation are met and properly documented.

In that event, all further obligations of Employer shall cease, except with respect to the payment of insurance, if applicable,
and any earned but unpaid compensation and Vacation Leave.

Should employee become impaired as the result of injuries or illness resulting, in whole or in part, from employee
negligence, Employer may terminate employee’s employment for cause.

During the term of employment, employee will be entitled to medical care at U.S. medical treatment facilities at the
Assignment Location or elsewhere within the Area of Operations as authorized by the U.S. Government authority.

13. Employee Inventions, Copyright and Use of Proprietary and Confidential Information

Employee Inventions

Patent Rights, Inventions, Modifications, Improvements

(a) Employee agrees to assign to Employer or its designees the following:

(i) Title to all inventions, developments or improvements, whether patentable or not, made, developed or conceived or
first actually reduced to practice by Employee, alone or jointly with others, in the scope of Employee’s employment;

(ii) The right to file and prosecute patent applications on such inventions, developments or improvements in any and all
countries; and

(iii) The patent applications filed and patents issuing thereon.

(b) Employee agrees to disclose promptly and fully all such inventions to Employer and to assist Employer in every
proper way (entirely at its own expense) to obtain and protect, patents thereon in any or all countries. Such inventions shall
be the property of Employer whether patented or not.

(c) Employee agrees to cooperate and give full and complete assistance to enable Employer to perfect any patent under
conditions set forth herein, including the execution of such papers or documents which Employer or those deriving rights,
therefore, may reasonably require.

(d) Employee represents that the inventions, if any, described in the accompanying papers comprise all the unpatented
inventions, developments or improvements which were made or conceived of prior to Employee Date of Hire. Employee
must list all such items which Employee wishes to be excluded from these provisions:

(i) Number of inventions, developments or improvements to be excluded NONE. (If there are no unpatented
inventions, developments or improvements write "none.")

(ii) Number of pages of description and drawings and/or reproductions attached NONE. (Description of invention(s)
shall include title, purpose of invention, mode of operation, drawings, if any, and/or such other information as may be
necessary to identify the excluded invention, developments, or improvements. If there are none, write “none”.)


In consideration of candidacy for employment with Employer, Employee agrees to provide a royalty-free, non-exclusive and
irrevocable license to sell, reproduce, translate, publish, use and dispose of all copyrighted or copyrightable material
produced or composed during Employee’s term of employment, conceived by Employee, alone or jointly with others, which
was produced or originated:

(a) At the specific request of Employer;

(b) As a result of Employee’s employment and/or duties; or

(c) With use of time and material furnished by Employer.

Use of Proprietary and Confidential Information

In return for Employee having been considered for employment, work may be assigned Employee on this or any other job
and the possible disclosure to Employee of certain confidential information of the Employer and its Customers: Employee
does hereby agree as follows:

Employee agrees and acknowledges that Employer has developed and owns valuable information which is confidential,
unique and specific to the Employer (“Proprietary and Confidential Information”) and which includes, without limitation,
trade secrets; financial information; marketing plans and strategies; business and implementation plans; engineering plans;
prospect lists; technical information concerning products, equipment, services and processes; procurement procedures and
pricing techniques; names and other information (such as credit and financial data) concerning customer and business
affiliates; and other concepts, ideas, plans, strategies, analyses, surveys and proprietary information related to the past,
present or anticipated business of Employer.

Employee agrees that if Employee is provided access to Proprietary and Confidential Information, Employee will have and
continue to have, after the termination date, an affirmative obligation to maintain confidential all Proprietary and Confidential
Information. Employee agrees to safeguard the Proprietary and Confidential Information and Employee will not at any time
disclose to any person or entity, permit to be disclosed, use, permit to be used, copy or permit to be copied any such
Proprietary and Confidential Information (whether or not developed by Employee) without the prior written consent of the
Chief Executive Officer of Employer.

Employee further agrees to maintain in confidence any Proprietary and Confidential Information of third parties, including
their current and prior parents and their subsidiaries and affiliates, received or of which Employee has knowledge as a result
of the work.

The prohibitions of disclosure shall not apply, however, to i) information in the public domain (but only if the same becomes
part of the public domain through means other than a disclosure prohibited hereunder), ii) information that was known to
Employee prior to Employee’s receipt of the Confidential Information from Employer pursuant to this Agreement; iii)
information that was obtained from an independent third party who obtained such Confidential Information lawfully and was
under no obligation of confidentiality; or iv) information that was required to be disclosed as required by a court of
competent jurisdiction or other legal proceeding.



14. Special Obligations of Employee

(a) Security

Employee must comply with all security requirements of Employer and the U.S. Government. If U.S. Government or other
personnel provides the employee access to any classified or sensitive information in error, employee will report such
occurrence to the In-Country Security Manager immediately and cooperate in any investigation arising out of such
occurrence. Subject to paragraph 14 above, Employee must keep confidential all information, materials, documents and data
furnished by Employer or U.S. Government.

It should be understood that this position may be located in a hostile area and possibly in a combat or war zone. This could
include the possibility of suffering harm at the hands of hostile forces or by friendly fire. It should be further understood
that these dangers are inherent to work in a hostile environment

(b) Searches and Inspections

Employer reserves the right, with or without notice, to conduct searches or inspections of employee personal belongings,
living quarters, vehicle(s) or work area.

(c) Responsibility for Property

Employer assumes no responsibility for loss of or damage to employee’s personal belongings.

(d) Direct Deposit

As a condition of employment, employee agrees to establish and maintain an automated direct deposit capability with a
banking institution for direct deposit of monies earned. Employees are encouraged to establish a means to draw on personal
funds from international locations: i.e. debit, check or credit card, etc.

(e) Data and Documents

Employee agrees to furnish any data and documents required by Employer for purposes of verification of statistics, national
security, health, immigration or otherwise necessary or convenient with respect to any matter connected with employment.

f) Return of Common Access Card

Employee agrees to return any Department of Defense Common Access Card (CAC card), or equivalent, to Employer upon
Employer’s request. Employee agrees that Employee will return Employee’s CAC card to Employer upon Employee’s
termination of employment for any reason. Employees who fail to return the CAC card will be considered by the employer
as ineligible for rehire.

15. Standards of Conduct

Employee must observe the standards of conduct and other requirements of the KBR Code of Business Conduct whether or
not the law also imposes these standards and requirements.

In addition, the following standards for personal conduct are conditions of employment. Employer also requires compliance
with regulations placed upon it from time to time by the U.S. Government, foreign government, and State and Local
authorities. Accordingly, Employer may amend these standards of conduct, or may establish additional standards of conduct
in the future. Employee is also required to comply with all Corporate Policies including all Project or Work Location

Employee is aware of and understands that, pursuant to federal law, in the performance of employee’s duties under this
Agreement, employee may be subject to the provisions of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Actions that may require discipline or discharge include, but are not limited to, the following:

(a) Insubordination

Failure or unreasonable delays in carrying out instructions given by superiors or managers; disrespect for those persons in
positions of authority.

(b) Misconduct

Fighting, threatening or inflicting bodily harm on another person; gambling; committing immoral acts or using abusive
language; displaying or distributing lewd or obscene pictures or other materials, viewing, downloading or distributing
pornographic material from the Internet, unauthorized possession or movement of Employer or Client property; engaging in
any activity which conflicts with the interest of Employer or Client or in a manner which brings discredit or embarrassment
on the Employer or Client.

(c) Violations Involving Alcohol or Controlled Substances

Unauthorized possession or use, or being under the influence of a controlled substance (including narcotics and marijuana)
while on duty or while on Employer or Client premises at any time; consumption or unauthorized possession of alcohol while
on duty or on the work site, or having a detectable level of controlled substances, including alcohol, in the body while on
duty or at the work site; refusing to submit to a drug or alcohol test if requested to do so; being at work under the influence of
alcohol, resulting in the inability to perform work in a safe, productive, or professional manner; being in a physical condition
which creates a risk of impairment to employee’s professional judgment or to the safety and well-being of employee or
others, to the Client, or to Employer or Client property; being drunk or under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs and
behaving in such a manner off the job where Employer’s reputation could be damaged. Alcoholic beverages may never be
kept or consumed on any military camp or facility unless authorized in writing by the senior military commander.

(d) Theft or Pilfering

Taking, possessing or tampering with Employer or Client property or records without proper authority.

(e) Fraud, Dishonesty, or Abuse of Employer Policies

Misuse or abuse of Employer policies such as excused absences, leaves of absence or sick leave; falsification of time card or
Employer expense report, failing to give complete or accurate information for personnel and/or security records; intentionally
making false statements, either oral or written, about employee, Employer, Client, other employees, supervisors, or work
situations; falsely claiming personal injury/illness as work-related in order to obtain worker’s compensation or other
employment benefits; misuse of Employer or Client-controlled funds.

(f) Misuse of Time

Neglect of duty; failure to perform work at an acceptable standard; interfering with the work of other employees; sleeping or
deliberate acts of inattention on duty; failure to return to duty promptly at the end of specified or established break periods;
unauthorized sale of articles or services, unauthorized distribution or posting of literature, canvassing, polling or petitioning;
conducting personal business on Employer time.

(g) Malicious or Negligent Destruction of Property

Willful, malicious or negligent destruction of or damage to Employer or Client property, or destruction of or damage to
property resulting from employee failure to use proper procedures and/or equipment.

(h) Health/Safety Violations

Failure to observe required health and safety practices and regulations; endangering the health and safety of employee or
other employees; committing unsafe acts such as loitering in or around aircraft/missiles or other heavy equipment during
fueling or servicing; smoking-restricted areas.

(i) Security Matters

Loss or mishandling, deliberately or otherwise, of classified, proprietary or trade secret documents or confidential
information; discussion of classified or sensitive matters with unauthorized persons or in public places; misuse of Employer
or other official identification including automobile decals or Employee Identification badges; unauthorized possession
and/or use of weapons, ammunition, explosives, unexploded ordinance/ residue; cameras or film; entering or assisting others
to enter restricted or closed areas without proper authorization; denial, suspension or revocation of a security clearance;
failure to report the occurrence of any unusual incidents which could adversely affect Employer or Client; wearing of
Employer identification badges outside work locations requiring such identification, except while commuting directly
between work locations or between residence and work locations; using the badge for reasons other than in connection with
work assignment or as otherwise authorized by Employer; failure or refusal to comply with Security instruction/direction
during Lockdown and/or security situation; failure or refusal to properly display employee identification and/or present
identification upon request by an Employer or Client Security Guard and/or other Employer representatives acting in their
official capacity.

(j) Absenteeism

Unauthorized or excessive absence from the work Assignment Location, to include but not limited to, failure to return to
work promptly at the scheduled conclusion of Vacation Leave.

(k) Tardiness

Excessive failure to be present at the scheduled report time for the start of a work shift or when work assignments are being

(l) Leaving Assigned Work Area

Leaving the assigned work area (except in cases of emergency) without prior supervisory approval.

(m) Illegal Actions

Violation of a public law or regulation or commission of a criminal offense (including under Host Nation laws), including,
but not limited to, any violation committed while operating an Employer or Client motor vehicle while not possessing a valid
operator’s license; unauthorized operation of a Government or Contractor Acquired/Government Owned (CAGO) or
Contractor leased vehicle for personal reasons; trafficking in narcotics, drugs, marijuana or other controlled substances;
trafficking in black market goods or currency; trafficking in persons for any purpose; participation of any form in any forced
labor, debt bondage, peonage, slavery or child labor scheme; payment or acceptance of gratuities, kick-backs or bribes.

(n) Sexual Harassment

Sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that is unwelcome or that
creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. Sexual harassment also occurs if submission to the conduct
is either an explicit or implicit condition of employment or if submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as the basis for
employment decisions.

(o) Discrimination

Unlawful discrimination, harassment, or other disparaging activity, such as slurs or gestures, based on race, religion, age, sex,
sexual orientation, national origin, disability or veteran’s status.

(p) Prohibited Personal Relationships

Being involved in a sexual or romantic relationship with another employee who is within the chain of command or sphere of
influence or with an employee of a client, customer, subcontractor, or vendor when that employee has the capacity to directly
influence the business relationship.

(q) Other Violations

Any other acts or failure to act in a responsible, reasonable manner which reflects upon employee’s fitness for the job and/or
which adversely affects Employer’s reputation or conflicts with the interests of Employer or Client, including such things as
drinking intoxicants in public while wearing Employer provided or prescribed uniform; untidy or improper appearance;
failure to wear Employer uniforms when required; involvement in preventable accidents involving Client or Employer owned
or leased vehicles or equipment; failure to report an accident and/or damage to property or injury to other individuals;
obstructing or delaying a properly authorized inquiry or investigation conducted by representatives of Employer or Client; or
refusal to perform any and all requirements of the assigned job.

16. Settlement of Personal Affairs

Should employee depart from the Assignment Location without settling his/her affairs, or should employee become so
physically or mentally disabled as to be incapable of handling personal affairs, employee hereby authorizes Employer to
settle employee’s affairs to the extent Employer deems necessary and/or appropriate under the circumstances. Employee
further authorizes Employer to payroll deduct such expenses from any sums due.

In the event of employee’s death while outside employee’s country of citizenship during the term of this Agreement,
Employer is authorized to make appropriate disposition of employee’s body and personal effects in first in accordance with
employee’s wishes, or second pursuant to instructions from next of kin and/or family members.

17. Personal Baggage

Employee’s personal goods transported during travel are restricted to weight and size limitations as defined by the authorized
carrier. Unless authorized in writing by Employer, any additional charges for transport of employee’s goods will be
employee’s responsibility. Employer assumes no responsibility for loss of or damage to employee’s personal belongings.
Where excess baggage is required by the Employer to be transported by employee in connection with the assignment,
Employer will pay excess baggage charges.

18. Representations

Employee represents that he/she have familiarized himself/herself with conditions existing at the Assignment Location,
including those pertaining to health, economics, legal, political and religious condition, and that this Agreement is entered
into with full knowledge of such conditions. Employee agrees to become familiar with the rules, regulations, laws, policies,
customs and traditions at the Assignment Location and acknowledge their applicability to employment. Employer will,
however, make available to employee information it has available on living conditions and other matters of interest.

Employer undertakes no responsibility for providing housing, transportation or medical care to employee other than as set
forth herein.

Employee represents and warrants to Employer that: (a) all information provided by employee with respect to obtaining
employment is true and accurate to the best of his/her knowledge; (b) Employee is fully qualified by virtue of education and
experience to perform all duties of assignment; (c) Employee will perform such duties to the best of his/her ability; and (d)
Employee has read this Agreement and agrees to comply with all the provisions, terms and conditions contained herein.
Employee further represents and warrants that neither the execution of this Agreement nor the performance of the services
contemplated hereunder will violate the terms of any understanding, agreement or order between employee and any other
party or create or appear to create a conflict of interest between employee and any other party.

Subject to paragraph 14 above, Employee agrees that unless he/she has prior, written consent from Employer, employee will
not disclose or use at any time, either during or subsequent to employment, any secret, proprietary or confidential
information, whether patentable or not, of Employer or the Client, of which employee becomes informed during employment,
whether or not developed by employee, except as required in employee’s duties for Employer or the Client.

Upon termination of employment, employee agrees to deliver promptly to Employer all company property issued to perform
work, all records, films, tapes, discs, drawings, blueprints, manuals, letters, notes, notebooks, documents, reports, electronic
data and copies thereof, and all materials of a secret, confidential, proprietary or trade secret nature relating to Employer’s
business and which are in employee’s possession or under employee’s control. Subject to Paragraph 14 above, Employee
agrees to maintain the confidentiality of such materials thereafter.

19. Employer Required Documents

Before departure from the Point of Origin, employee will, at Employer’s expense, obtain necessary permits and clearances
required for work in the Assignment Location. Fees for obtaining the necessary documents will be paid by Employer, or
employee will be reimbursed for these expenses upon presentation of written evidence of payment, as required by Employer.
To the extent possible, Employer will assist employee in obtaining the documents; however, it remains the employee’s sole
responsibility to obtain the necessary documents.

20. Qualifications, Reclassification

Employee represents he/she is technically and/or professionally qualified without further training or experience to perform
the duties and responsibilities applicable to the work classification for which employee has been employed as stated herein;
that employee has such licenses, certificates and credentials as are required or customary for performance of the job for
which employee is assigned/hired;

21. Date of Hire

The date of assignment/hire for purposes of this Agreement shall be the effective date of this Agreement. The effective date
of this Agreement will be entered by the Human Resources Department and is the day employee goes “wheels up” en route to
the first assignment in Theater. For purposes of calculating Vacation Leave entitlements, the effective date of this Agreement
is Day One.

22. Severability

If any provision to this Agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, it shall not affect the validity or
enforceability of the other provisions, which shall remain in full force and effect.

23. Governing Law

This Agreement is formed in the State of Texas and shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the
State of Texas.

24. Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act

Under the Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act (MEJA) persons employed by or accompanying the U.S. Armed Forces
outside the United States are potentially subject to prosecution for certain criminal acts, including such acts occurring outside
the United States. MEJA applies only to those crimes punishable by imprisonment for more than one year if committed
within United States jurisdiction. The law applies to individuals accompanying a contractor for the US armed forces, which
may include a dependent of a DOD contractor or subcontractor employee. This law authorizes DOD law enforcement
personnel to arrest suspected offenders in accordance with applicable international agreements and specifies procedures for
the removal of accused individuals to the US. It also authorizes pretrial detention and the appointment of counsel for accused
individuals. See Army Field Manual 3-100.21, Contractors on the Battlefield and DoD Instruction 5525.11, Criminal
Jurisdiction Over Civilians Employed by or Accompanying the Armed Forces Outside the United States, Certain Service
Members, and Former Service Members.

Employee’s Initials ______________

25. Settlement of Disputes

All claims and complaints relative to the employment contract of the employee shall be settled in accordance with the
Company policies, rules and regulations. In the case the employee contests the decision of the employer, the matter shall be
settled amicably with the participation of the Labor Attaché or any authorized representative of the Philippine Embassy/
Consulate nearest competent or appropriate government body in host country or in the Philippines if permissible by host
country laws at the option of the complaining party.

Employee’s Initials ______________

26. Prostitution

The Company has adopted a “zero tolerance policy” regarding employees who engage in prostitution and other related
activities, including, but not limited to, pimping, pandering, or maintaining brothels. Failure to comply with this policy will
result in disciplinary action up to or including removal from the Assignment Location and/or termination of employment in
accordance with standard procedures and applicable laws or regulations in the host country.

Employee’s Initials ______________

27. Trafficking in Persons and Forced Labor

The Company has adopted a “zero-tolerance policy” with regard to all forms of forced labor and trafficking in persons.
Employee shall comply with this policy. Forced labor and trafficking in persons, wherever in the world they occur, are
crimes under U.S. law for which Employee may be held personally responsible. Pursuant to this policy:

(a) Employee shall in no way, including directly, through other Company employees, or through a subcontractor of any
tier, engage or participate in, establish, facilitate, permit, or associate him or herself or the Company with, any form
of forced labor. “Forced labor” means the obtaining of labor or services of a person, without regard to whether or
not the person whose labor or services are obtained is paid, by any one of, or by any combination of, the following:
(1) by means of force, threats of force, physical restraint, or threats of physical restraint to that person or another
person; (2) by means of serious harm or threats of serious harm to that person or another person; (3) by means of the
abuse or threatened abuse of law or legal process; or (4) by means of any scheme, plan, or pattern intended to cause
the person to believe that, if that person did not perform such labor or services, that person or another person would
suffer serious harm or physical restraint. Forced labor can be called “involuntary servitude.”

(b) Employee shall in no way, including directly, through other Company employees, or through a subcontractor of any
tier, engage or participate in, establish, facilitate, permit, or associate him or herself or the Company with, Debt
Bondage or Peonage. “Debt Bondage” means obtaining the labor or services of a person who has pledged his or her
personal services or those of a person under his or her control as a security for debt. “Peonage” is a form of debt
bondage where persons are specifically compelled to provide their labor to a creditor.

(c) Employee shall in no way, including directly, through other Company employees, or through a subcontractor of any
tier, engage or participate in, establish, facilitate, permit, or associate him or herself or the Company with,
trafficking in persons in any form, whether for sexual exploitation, forced labor, or any other purpose.

“Trafficking in persons” means the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person by any
means, including, without limitation, force, the threat of force, fraud, or abuse or threatened abuse of law or the legal
process, for the purpose of subjection to forced labor, involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery.

(d) Employee shall in no way, including directly, through other Company employees, or through a subcontractor of any
tier, engage or participate in, establish, facilitate, permit, or associate him or herself or the Company with, child
labor. “Child Labor” means the labor of any person under the age of 18.

(e) Employee shall in no way, including directly, through other Company employees, or through a subcontractor of any
tier, engage or participate in, establish, facilitate, permit, or associate him or herself or the Company with: work by
prisoners, work imposed to punish an individual’s opinion or expression of views ideologically opposed to an
established political, social or economic system; exploitative practices such as forced overtime or lodging of
deposits (of money or personal documents such as workers’ passports) for employment; or any prevention or
restriction, without lawful authority, of a person’s liberty of movement or travel in order to maintain the labor
services of that person.

(f) Employee shall immediately alert both his or her immediate supervisors and Company Legal Counsel whenever he
or she has reason to suspect that Company employees or entities or Company subcontractors of any tier or their
employees are engaging in any of the labor practices listed or described in paragraphs a through e. Similarly,
Employee shall immediately alert both his or her immediate supervisors and Company Legal Counsel whenever he
or she has reason to suspect that a Company employee, or an employee of a Company subcontractor at any tier, is or
has been the victim of any of the labor practices listed or described in paragraphs a through e. Employee will in no
circumstances be subject to adverse employment action because of having made reports pursuant to this paragraph.

(g) Employee shall cooperate in any U.S. or host nation government investigation into the activities listed and described
in paragraphs a through f.

(h) Employee shall participate in all mandatory trafficking and forced labor training and shall sign annual Forced Labor
and Trafficking in Persons Awareness Statements.

(i) Employee’s failure to comply with these provisions shall result in disciplinary action, up to and including removal
from an Assignment Location and termination of employment in accordance with standard procedures and
applicable laws or regulations. The Company will report Employee’s violations of its Trafficking in Persons and
Forced Labor policies to United States authorities and, as appropriate, to host nation and other governments.

Employee’s Initials _____________

28. Group Insurance and Other Benefits

Employee acknowledges they have been briefed and understand the available group insurance plans and the terms and
conditions of other benefit programs available from the Employer.

Employee understands that if employee is assigned to certain overseas projects, employee shall be required to enroll
themselves and eligible family members in appropriate group insurance plans offered by Employer.

Employee’s Initials ______________

29. Agreement and Release

Employee agrees that any baggage or personal effects that are left on the premises or in the care and/or custody of Employer
after employee’s termination of employment shall be deemed abandoned after 30 days from the date of such termination,
unless employee specifically advises Employer to the contrary, in writing, within such period. Should employee fail to
remove personal property within 30 days of termination or within 30 days after giving such notice, employee authorizes
Employer to sell the same as agent and remit the proceeds to the last known address, less the cost and/or expense incidental
to the storage and sale.

Employee’s Initials ______________

30. Use of Likeness Provision

Employee agrees that Labor Support Services, Ltd. may use, and hereby grants Labor Support Services, Ltd. the
nonexclusive and worldwide right to use, employee’s name, picture, likeness, photograph, signatures, or any other attribute of
employee’s persona (all of such attributes are hereafter collectively referred to as “Persona”) in any media for any
advertising, publicity or other purpose at any time, either during or subsequent to employee’s employment by Labor Support
Services, Ltd. Employee agrees that such use of employee’s Persona will not result in any invasion or violation of any
privacy or property rights employee may have; and employee agrees that employee will receive no additional compensation
for the use of employee’s Persona. Employee further agrees that any negatives, prints or other material for printing or
reproduction purposes prepared in connection with the use of employee’s Persona by Labor Support Services, Ltd. shall be
and are the sole property of Labor Support Services, Ltd.

Employee’s Initials ______________

31. Termination

If for any reason, employment is terminated, employee agrees to complete the required out-processing procedure that
includes the signing of exit documents and the return of all badges, vehicle stickers, employee identification cards, tools,
books, supplies, money, and any other property issued to employee.

a) Termination by Employer: The Employer may terminate this Contract without notice on the following just causes;
serious misconduct, willful disobedience of Employer’s lawful orders, habitual neglect of duties, absenteeism,
insubordination revealing secrets of establishment, when employee violates customs, traditions, and laws of host
country and/ or terms of this Agreement. The Employer shall shoulder the cost of repatriation but may seek
reimbursement of cost from the employee where he/she was terminated for just cause.
The Employer may terminate this Contract with authorized cause by serving one (1) month in-advance written
notice to the Employee, plus one month’s wages. The Department of Labor and Employment define the following as
authorized causes; installation of labor-saving devices, redundancy, retrenchment to prevent losses, closure and
cessation of business, and disease / illness. The Employer shall shoulder the cost of repatriation.
b) Termination by Employee: The employee may terminate this Contract without serving any notice to the Employer
for any of the following just causes; serious insult by the Employer or his representative, inhuman and unbearable
treatment accorded the employee by the Employer or his representative, commission of a crime/ offense by the
Employer or his representative. Employer shall pay the repatriation expenses back to the Philippines. The employee
may terminate this Contract without just cause by serving one (1) month in-advance notice to the Employer. The
Employer shall shoulder the cost of repatriation.
c) Termination due to Illness: Either party may terminate the contract on the ground of illness, disease, or injury by the
employee. The Employer shall shoulder the cost of repatriation.

Employee’s Initials ______________

32. Conformance with Code of Business Conduct

Employee specifically acknowledges and agrees that employee has been provided a copy of the Code of Business Conduct,
and that employee is responsible for reading it in its entirety and complying with the provisions contained therein and any
future updates to the Code of Business Conduct, copies of which will be provided by the local Human Resources
Department. Furthermore, employee acknowledges that employee has been specifically briefed and understands the
Employer’s policy on equal employment opportunity, including the prohibition against sexual harassment and discrimination
or harassment based on race, sex or sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability or veteran status.

Employee’s Initials ______________

33. Authorization for Deductions from Compensation

Employee agrees that Employer is authorized by employee to deduct from any compensation due to employee by Employer
any amounts employee owes to Employer including but not limited to those amounts owed for expenses, phone bills,
advances, and credit card charges. Employer is authorized by employee to deduct from employee’s compensation to the
fullest extent permitted by law.

Employee’s Initials ______________

34. Authorization for Deductions from Compensation for Losses to Employer

Employee agrees that if any action or inaction by employee has caused monetary or material loss to Employer, then
Employer may deduct the equivalent amounts of such losses from any compensation due to employee by Employer to the
fullest extent permitted law.

Employee’s Initials ______________

35. Repatriation of Remains

In the event of death of the employee during the terms of this agreement, remains and personal belongings shall be repatriated
to the Philippines at the expense of the Employer. In the case the repatriation of remains is not possible; the same may be
disposed of upon prior approval of the Employee’s next kin and/ or by the Philippine Embassy/ Consulate nearest the jobsite.

36. Modification in Writing

No modifications to this Agreement are effective unless in writing, signed by employee and the Project Manager or his
designee. This Agreement supersedes any and all prior understandings, promises, or agreements of any kind, whether oral or
written, except special commitments and/or agreements approved by management as stated below.

37. Understanding of Terms

Employee acknowledges they have read this Employment Agreement, and fully understand, agree, and consent to the terms
and conditions of this Agreement.

Executed at Diego Garcia this _________ day of _________________ and effective 6/12/2024.


Employee: Culalic, Mandy B.

SAP: 573494


Employer: KBR / Labor Support Services, Ltd. (LSS)

Address: Al Moosa Tower 1, Sheikh Zayed Road,

PO Box 120727 Dubai, UAE


KBR / Labor Support Services, Ltd.

1. Employer: KBR / Labor Support Services, Ltd. - Philippine Independence Day

- USA Independence Day
2. Employee: - Labor Day
- Columbus Day
Name: Culalic, Mandy B.
- Veteran’s Day
SAP: 573494 - Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
Home Address:
NOTE: Regular work schedule on Memorial Day. If a
Contractor holiday falls on a Sunday, the following
Person to be notified in case of emergency: Monday shall be observed as the holiday or as requested
Name: by the Contractor.
e. Housing in-country: Provided
f. Transportation in-country: Provided
g. Meals in-country: Provided

3. Location of Overseas Assignment: Diego Garcia
Employee: Culalic, Mandy B.
4. Job Position: Cashier SAP: 573494
5. Work Week: 48 hours (8 hours/day; 6 days/week)
6. Assignment Duration: 12 months
The duration of the assignment is anticipated to be Employer: KBR / Labor Support Services, Ltd. (LSS)
approximately twelve months. There is no minimum
guaranteed duration of employment. The employee or Address: Al Moosa Tower 1, Sheikh Zayed Road,
Employer may terminate employment at any time, in line PO Box 120727 Dubai, UAE
with just/authorized causes stated in Section 31 above.
7. Compensation:
Changes to base salary will not be effective unless in
writing and signed by Project Manager and Employee.

a. Salary (based on 48 hours per week): $510.00

b. Payroll period: Monthly
c. Overtime basis: Work in excess of 8 hours per day
or work performed on a rest day and/or holiday,
will be paid at the base salary rate.
d. Project Holidays observed will be paid at 8 hours
per day at the base salary rate. Project Holidays are
as follows:
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday
- President’s Day


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