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Unit 1 6 David: I haven’t used it that much! Mostly

out of this world just for texting.
Track 01 7 Sarah: I’m afraid we can’t give you a
to be honest refund.
Page 8, Exercise 4, Exercise 5a,
8 David: Well, I want a free replacement
Exercise 5b, and Exercise 6a really rough tracks battery then.
Conversation 1 Sarah: I’m afraid I can’t do that either.
Interviewer 1: So, Gina, why are you so Track 03
David: But it’s almost new.
interested in this activity?
Page 11, Exercise 1 and Exercise 2a Sarah: I’m sorry, but it’s company policy.
Gina: I just love the idea of feeling
as free as a bird. You fly Lynn: Hi, Nora. Did you know that there’s Conversation 3
above everything, and wow – a skateboarding competition next Dad: You’re late again. Dinner’s almost
the adrenaline rush as you weekend? ready. Why did the teacher keep
run and launch yourself off Nora: No. Where’s it going to be? you after school?
a mountaintop is just so Lynn: At the skateboard park. Melanie: I was texting on my phone, and he
amazing! Once I took off from Nora: And when is it exactly? I can’t go saw me.
the summit of Mount Olympus Saturday. I’m going to the school play. Dad: You’re always getting caught using
in Greece, and I felt like a god. By the way, would you like to go with your phone in class!
Interviewer 1: Have you ever had a bad me? Melanie: Not that much.
flight? Lynn: I’m going with Janette Moss. Dad: Yesterday in math, the day before
Gina: I’m very careful and check Nora: Janette Moss? She’s my cousin! That in chemistry, and in physics.
all my equipment and the reminds me, her birthday is next week. Melanie: OK, Dad! I didn’t know you were
weather conditions before I I have to get her a present. Do you watching me.
go. So no, nothing bad has have any ideas about what to get her? Dad: I wasn’t. What’s going to happen?
happened so far. Lynn: Definitely something funny. Melanie: If they catch me again, I’ll have to
Conversation 2 Lynn: I have to go. turn my phone in at the beginning
Interviewer 2: Now here we are at the end Nora: Yeah. Me too. Oh, what about the of every day.
of the race and I’m talking skateboarding competition? Dad: Well, say goodbye to your phone,
to Liam. Well, Liam, you won. Lynn: It’s on Sunday afternoon at two then!
How does it feel? o’clock.
Liam: To get down the river with
Track 06
Nora: Great! See you later.
those obstacles in this time Page 20, Exercise 5
was out of this world. I know Track 04
the other guys well, and I’d I ordered our food 30 minutes ago.
never beaten them before. Page 11, Exercise 4
1 2
Maybe I was just lucky today. I can’t do that!
It’s my birthday. That reminds me, I need new tennis shoes.
2 3
Interviewer 2: Well, double congratulations I only bought this two months ago, and the
then. What about going to the soccer game?
3 battery needs to be replaced already.
Conversation 3 4
Interviewer 3: John, you look exhausted. By the way, I have a ticket for tomorrow night.
4 You’re always getting caught using your phone
John: Well, to be honest, it pushed in class!
me right to my limit. I was Speaking of skating, can you teach me later?
scared at times, with those Yesterday in math, the day before in chemistry,
really rough tracks on the Unit 2 and in physics.
hillside. It’s much more
dangerous when you descend, Track 05 Track 07
you know. That’s when most
people fall off. You need your
Page 20, Exercise 2, Exercise 3, and Page 23, Exercise 1
brakes to be working well, and Exercise 4 Mario: So when did you start?
mine were. Conversation 1 Ben: This morning.
Tessa: Robert, this is ridiculous! How long Mario: Oh, really? So you don’t know where
Track 02 have we been waiting? anything is, then?
Robert: I ordered our food 30 minutes ago. Ben: No, I have no idea. I met my
Page 8, Exercise 6b … Where’s the waiter? counselor and filled out a lot of
1 Tessa: Post a comment on a review forms this morning. I’m going to be
as free as a bird website. in Mr. Johnson’s class.
2 Robert: I can’t do that!
adrenaline rush
Mario: What courses are you taking?
Tessa: OK, I will. Ben: Geography, computers, and business
3 Conversation 2 studies. I really wanted to take
I felt like a god.
David: I only bought this two months history instead of computers.
4 ago, and the battery needs to be
check all my equipment
Mario: Yeah, you can’t take history and
replaced already. It’s dead. geography. It’s because of the
5 Sarah: It depends on how much you use it schedule. We’ll be in geography
How does it feel? and how often you charge it. together. The teacher’s really nice,
but don’t try to break the rules.

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Ben: Really? Track 10 Track 13
Mario: He can be pretty strict. Just do your
homework on time, and be careful Page 32, Exercise 4 Page 35, Exercise 3
about how much you talk. He’s very Adult Man: Homelessness is one of the Pete: Kathy, I’ve just read this. If every
funny, though. OK, here’s one of the worst results of natural disasters. family in the United States replaced
computer rooms. There are four in Without a home, people don’t just one regular light bulb with an
all. We’re not allowed to drink in feel safe. Without clean water, energy-saving one, it would have the
there. There’s also a ban on eating food, and sanitation, disease same effect as taking how many cars
in all the other classrooms, but you spreads. Crime increases as off the road?
can drink in them. people become desperate. Kathy: I don’t know. A million?
Ben: Can we use the computers for Pete: You’re wrong. It says here it’s seven
private stuff? Track 11
and a half million.
Mario: You can, but … before you use a Page 32, Exercise 5a Kathy: I’m not sure how true that is,
site, ask yourself if you’re sure you Adult Man: … This is why I’m starting actually. It sounds like a lot to me.
trust that site. There are laptops as SWYH – that’s Share What You Anyway, light bulbs don’t give off
well. You can take them anywhere in Have. I want us all to survive, dangerous gases like cars do.
the school, but you can’t take them and we can help those who Pete: That’s true, but if we all save energy,
home or anything. Watch the steps need our help if we do this we cut down on the amount of
here. Let’s go see the cafeteria. together. We all have something coal, oil, and gas we use to make
to share: You can volunteer after electricity.
Track 08
a natural disaster by helping to Kathy: I still think it’s very unlikely that
Page 23, Exercise 4 clean up, paint a house, or take changing one bulb can make such a
1 care of children. Sometimes difference.
Yeah, you can’t take history and geography. people need a helping hand Pete: Well, Kathy, as a matter of fact, if we
2 more than money. Join SWYH! all do a little, it adds up to a lot!
The teacher’s really nice, but don’t try to break Please volunteer with me today!
Track 14
the rules.
Track 12
3 Page 35, Exercise 4
He can be pretty strict. Page 35, Exercise 1 1
4 1 You’re wrong.
Just do your homework on time, and be careful Well, as a matter of fact, this has been the 2
about how much you talk. hottest summer ever. I’m not sure how true that is, actually.
5 2 3
We’re not allowed to drink in there. I see your point, but that’s not due to global That’s true, but if we all save energy …
6 warming. 4
There’s also a ban on eating in all the other 3 I still think it’s very unlikely that changing one
classrooms, but you can drink in them. You’re wrong there. Earth’s getting warmer bulb can make such a difference.
7 each year. 5
You can, but … before you use a site, ask 4 Well, Kathy, as a matter of fact, if we all do a
yourself if you’re sure you trust that site. I’m not sure how true that is, actually. Last little, it adds up to a lot!
8 winter was also the coldest in years.
You can take them anywhere in the school, but
you can’t take them home or anything.
That’s true, but climate change means the
Unit 4
weather gets more extreme. Track 15
Unit 3 6
Page 44, Exercise 3
I don’t think so. The planet can’t be getting
Track 09 both hotter and colder. Speaker 1
7 We film a lot of it in a desert. It needs to look
Page 32, Exercise 2a and Exercise 3 Well, actually it is. like the United States 200 years ago.
Adult Man: I’ve been watching the news 8 Speaker 2
reports of the recent terrible That’s not true at all. It doesn’t make any It was originally a novel and then a movie.
floods. I’ve never personally sense. Then a top composer put songs and dance
experienced a natural disaster 9 routines in it.
like an earthquake or a tsunami, The point is that it’s very unlikely that this Speaker 3
but I’ve seen how natural extreme temperature change is just natural. It’s full of zombies! The makeup is really scary.
disasters cause economic Speaker 4
disaster. People lose their homes It’s a political crime story. Viewers will be on
I’m afraid that’s not exactly true. The Earth just
and their jobs and can’t provide the edge of their seats waiting to see what
goes through natural periods of warming and
for their children as they want to. happens next.
cooling. It’s not our fault.
Devastating as they are, natural
disasters don’t come along all
that often, but when they do, the
economic loss is just as terrible
as the physical destruction.

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Track 16 Sophie: No, not personally. Speaker 4
Charlie: OK. The most important parts are I put a nice, new sofa next to an iron public
Page 44, Exercise 4 the technique, the amounts, and bench in my local park. I wanted to see which
Speaker 1 the temperature. Baking is like one people would choose to sit on. The sofa
I’m a costume designer. It’s amazing to be so a science. Get one thing wrong, was obviously more comfortable, but as a rule,
creative and really get into the story. After six and it all goes wrong. Do you people chose the bench – apart from children,
months to a year of filming, I almost feel like I understand what I’m saying? that is. They loved jumping up and down on
live in the world we created. Sophie: Yes, follow the recipe exactly. the sofa.
Speaker 2 Charlie: Exactly. OK, take the flour, cocoa,
I’m a director, but not the main one. I’m called
Track 21
sugar, and butter, and mix it
third assistant director. Basically, I have to together like this. Add in the eggs Page 56, Exercise 8
have a good memory. I have to remember and the milk gradually. Are you Speaker 1
where all of the extras were, what they were with me? I don’t know about you, but with the exception
doing, wearing, stuff like that. If you see a Sophie: Fine, no problem so far. of street painting, I think most art is pretty
mistake in a movie, it’s probably my fault. Charlie: OK, it needs to be smooth and boring.
Speaker 3 light. Speaker 2
I’m a makeup artist. When I get a movie like Sophie: Like this? On the whole, I liked art class, apart from
this, I can’t wait to get started. Horror movies, Charlie: No, lighter. sketching faces. That was hard.
science fiction movies – it’s incredible to be a Sophie: So I add more milk? Speaker 3
makeup artist on these kinds of movies. Charlie: No, that’s not what I meant. Mix it Well, as a rule, I don’t like modern art. Unless I
Speaker 4 like this. can see what it is, it doesn’t interest me at all.
I’m an assistant lighting technician. We have Speaker 4
to work really long hours when we get a job, Track 19
Apart from the fact that there was no gift
but then we can go months without work. I’m shop or café, I thought the art museum was
not sure which is worse. But do I like my job? Page 47, Exercise 4
1 absolutely fantastic.
Oh, sure – it’s a laugh a minute …
In other words, the desserts? Track 22
Track 17 2
That’s correct. Page 59, Exercise 1, Exercise 3, and
Page 44, Exercise 5 Exercise 4b
Speaker 1 So, you’re saying that you’ve never made it? Conversation 1
Oh, Anne, you look amazing in that costume!
4 John: The band was great, wasn’t it? I
You should wear it every day.
Do you understand what I’m saying? thought the guitarist in the last group
Speaker 2 was fantastic. Really talented.
I agree with you, but maybe it would be a good
Are you with me? Kathy: I totally agree. The singer wasn’t
idea to watch the movie.
6 very good, though. I think he wasn’t
Alt: I agree with you sir, but maybe it would confident enough, and he didn’t really
No, that’s not what I meant.
be a good idea to watch the movie. perform – he just stood there with his
Speaker 3 eyes closed most of the time.
Great, you’ve already been made up. Oh, no, Unit 5 John: Well, actually, that’s just his style.
sorry, you obviously had a bad night. Let’s
Track 20 Conversation 2
start with the zombie makeup.
Jane: What about these? Should I try the
Speaker 4 Page 56, Exercise 5, Exercise 6, and light blue ones or the black pair?
That’s your decision. You’re in charge – just tell Exercise 7
me what to do. Olivia: As far as I’m concerned, black’s best.
Speaker 1 Black goes with everything. And I
Track 18 I was caught by the police painting a mural think they make you look great.
on a wall, which you can’t do unless you have Jane: So do I. I’ll buy them.
Page 47, Exercise 2 permission. In general, I’d agree that you Conversation 3
Charlie: The hardest part really is the shouldn’t damage other people’s property, Pete: Isn’t it awful so far? I didn’t expect it
coordination. None of our menus but I thought what I was doing was art, and it to be so slow from the trailer I saw.
are particularly complicated to made that ugly old wall beautiful. Doug: Neither did I. I suppose the special
cook, but getting everything ready Speaker 2 effects are good, but there’s not much
to take to a location – and then So, I find whatever is lying around in the action so far, is there?
preparing and making things at street and get to work on it – except when Pete: I totally agree. Let’s hope it gets
the site with limited time, space, it’s raining. On the whole, the reaction of better soon. I’ll get some popcorn.
and utensils – makes getting the the public to what I create seems to be very
Doug: Good idea – and a drink.
timing pretty difficult. positive. And they see me actually making my
art – if you can call it art.
Conversation 4
Sophie: OK, so what should we do first?
Speaker 3 Eva: I don’t believe that you need an
Charlie: We start with the end of the meal.
expensive camera. You can get really
Sophie: In other words, the desserts? What I did was set up some speakers in
good shots with your smartphone.
Charlie: That’s correct. They can all be the street and play some slow, old classical
music – generally something by Bach – and George: I’m afraid I don’t agree with you.
made now and reheated at the Look at these wildlife pictures. You
site. … OK, so have you made this then I’d start dancing to it, but in a way that
was unusual. I’d do breakdance or jazz-dance couldn’t get that sort of quality
dessert before? without good equipment.
Sophie: I’ve seen it made. moves that didn’t seem to fit with the music.
Charlie: So, you’re saying that you’ve never Why? Just for fun. I call it “Bach breaks.”
made it?

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Eva: To be honest, I think it’s more about Martin: Look at that. Unit 7
being in the right place at the right Gina: What?
time, not carrying around heavy, Martin: They’ve taken the 20 dollars that Track 28
expensive cameras. was in my drawer but left the 500
Page 80, Exercise 3 and Exercise 4
euros I had in there for our vacation!
Track 23 At the age of 13, Waris Dirie knew her life
Gina: That’s really weird. Maybe they’re was about to change. She had lived with her
Page 59, Exercise 5 young kids and they’ve never been family as nomads, traveling with their camels
1 out of the country. from place to place in the Somali desert. But
I thought … Martin: That reminds me – I did see some then she was told that she had to get married
2 kids hanging around here the other to a man who was old enough to be her
I totally agree. day. Maybe they saw us go away for grandfather. She could see the dull life that
3 the weekend. was waiting for her and made the radical and
Well, actually … Gina: Well, there’s not much we can do. brave decision to leave.
4 Let’s call the police – and don’t She went to the capital, Mogadishu, to stay
As far as I’m concerned … touch anything. with relatives, but they treated her like a
5 Track 26 servant, and she eventually managed to
I think … escape to London, where she was at first
6 Page 71, Exercise 2 supported by an uncle who was the Somali
So do I. Conversation 1 ambassador. She learned English and found
7 Deb: Look at this room. I told you to clean work in a fast food restaurant. It was there
Neither did I. up your stuff. that a photographer saw her by chance and
8 Jan: Don’t get upset. I’ll do it. suggested that she could become a model.
I totally agree. Deb: I want it cleaned up right now! I’m She wasn’t enthusiastic about this at first, but
9 tired of always having to tell you to she accepted the offer and quickly became
I’m afraid I don’t agree with … pick up your mess! very much in demand, appearing on the covers
of several famous fashion magazines and
10 Jan: I have this homework to do first, and I modeling clothes in London, Paris, Milan, and
To be honest … need to study for an exam tomorrow.
New York City.
Deb: Really? OK, sorry I shouted. I shouldn’t She had great success and wealth, but this
Unit 6 have gotten so angry. Do you need any
was not enough for Waris. She wanted to do
something about an issue that was close
Track 24 Jan: Well, you could clean up the room. to her heart. After an interview she gave
Deb: Don’t be ridiculous! describing her own experience as a child,
Page 68, Exercise 2 and Exercise 3 Conversation 2 she became a United Nations ambassador,
Gina: Well, that was a good weekend. What Mom: I can’t believe we’re looking for your working for the rights of girls. She wrote a best-
are we doing next weekend? key again! You weren’t careful enough. selling autobiography, and a movie based on
Martin: Well, Susan is visiting and … Dad: I’m sorry, but it’s not my fault. her life was released in 2009.
Gina: Just a minute! I didn’t leave the light Mom: Really? How come?
on. Did you? Dad: I think one of the kids must have Track 29
Martin: No. Let me go in first. You wait here moved it.
and get ready to call the police if Page 83, Exercise 1, Exercise 3, and
Mom: Oh, come on. Just put it by the door in Exercise 4
someone’s still in there. the future. Conversation 1
Track 25 Dad: It won’t happen again. OK? Ron: Good morning. I’d like to get a money
Conversation 3 order for 150 dollars.
Page 68, Exercise 4 and Exercise 5 Tony: You were too aggressive. Clerk: No problem. Do you want to pay by
Martin: It’s OK, there’s no one in here. Come Claire: You think so? cash, check, or debit card?
in. Tony: Yes. It’s not that important. Ron: I have cash.
Gina: I can’t believe we’ve been Claire: I know, but he’s always late for Clerk: That’s fine. Just fill out this form. Write
burglarized! What have they taken? everything. I think it was just one time in the name of the person or company
Martin: Actually, it doesn’t look like they’ve too many. I’ll apologize later. receiving the money.
taken much.
Track 27 Ron: OK, that’s the Chicago Shoe Company.
Gina: Just a minute … They’ve taken the Oh, do I have to pay anything extra,
TV and DVD player in the living room like a service fee?
Page 71, Exercise 3b
and the computer and …
1 Clerk: Yes. There’s a 10 dollar fee for this
Martin: Sorry to interrupt you, but did service.
I’m tired of always having to tell you to pick up
we take the laptop with us this
your mess! Ron: I see. Um … are there any other
2 options?
Gina: No.
I shouldn’t have gotten so angry. Clerk: Well, you could write a check and put
Martin: They’ve taken that too. By the way, it in the mail. That would cost you just
did you back up our photos on the the price of a stamp.
You weren’t careful enough.
4 Conversation 2
Gina: Yes. Don’t worry about that. Have
I’m sorry, but it’s not my fault. Henry: Hi, I need to send this package to
they taken my jewelry?
5 China.
Martin: Let’s go upstairs and look.
It won’t happen again. Clerk: Well, OK. I’ll just weigh it for you … Do
Gina: They haven’t – that’s strange. They you want to send it Global Express?
seem to have taken only electronics. It’s just over three kilograms, so that
You were too aggressive.
would be 127 dollars and 49 cents.
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Henry: Oh, that’s more than I expected. Is Bill: Well, it’s more … what do you call it? Conversation 3
there a cheaper way to send it? Platonic. Brittany: I shouldn’t have yelled. I’m really
Clerk: Of course. We can send it priority. Gina: So in other words, “friends.” sorry for upsetting you.
Henry: How long will it take to get there with Bill: Um, I’m sorry. It’s not you, it’s … uh … Liz: I wasn’t upset. I was just shocked
the priority rate? me. at how angry you were.
Clerk: It should be there within a week. Brittany: I feel awful.
Henry: That’s fine. It’s not urgent. Can you tell Track 32
Liz: You should. There was no reason to
me how much that would cost? Page 92, Exercise 4b be so angry.
Conversation 3 Luke: Hi, Mike. I have to talk to you about
Miriam: Hi. Can I have a first-class stamp Track 35
to send this letter, please? It’s Mike: What’s that? Page 95, Exercise 5
going to France. Luke: Well … how hard is college? I mean, 1
Clerk: OK. Here you are. That’s one dollar do you have to study all the time? I wish I hadn’t told him.
and 15 cents. Mike: Why are you asking? 2
Miriam: So, when do you think it will Luke: Um… It’s just that Dad really wants It doesn’t matter now.
arrive? It is airmail, isn’t it? It’s a me to study to be an engineer, and I’m 3
birthday card, and it needs to get … like … not sure I’m smart enough. I’m sorry if I upset you.
there as soon as possible. Mike: And you’re not sure if you even like 4
Clerk: With first class, it should arrive in a engineering? I shouldn’t have yelled.
week. Luke: Yeah, I kind of don’t want to study 5
Track 30 something that’s, you know, boring. I feel awful.
Mike: You still have some time to decide.
Page 83, Exercise 5
Luke: Yeah. College seems pretty far away,
but it’s just, uh, on my mind now.
Unit 9
Ron: I’d like to get a money order. Mike: Don’t worry. I think you’ll figure out Track 36
2 what you like. And I don’t study all the
Ron: Do I have to pay anything extra? time. I still have time to relax and have Page 104, Exercise 2
3 fun! Conversation 1
Ron: Are there any other options? Brad: Joey’s Steakhouse.
Track 33 Angie: Hi, I’d like to reserve a table for four
Henry: I need to send this package to for next Saturday.
Page 95, Exercise 1 and Exercise 2
China. Ted: Hi, Sheila. I apologize for calling so
Brad: Are you joking? Look. Don’t you
5 know you have to reserve at least six
late at night.
Henry: Is there a cheaper way to send months in advance?
Sheila: That’s OK. Don’t worry. What’s up?
it? Angie: Sorry. I didn’t know that.
Ted: I feel bad about our presentation
6 today. I really regret letting you down.
Brad: Well, you know now, don’t you?
Henry: How long will it take to get Sheila: You couldn’t help it. You were nervous Track 37
there? anyway, and then when Mike and
7 Andrew sat there talking all the time, Page 104, Exercise 3
Henry: Can you tell me how much that it was very hard to concentrate. Conversation 2
would cost? Ted: I know. I still feel bad. It won’t happen David: Victoria, do you think we should
8 again. I promise. order the …
Miriam: Can I have a first-class stamp Sheila: Seriously, don’t worry. It wasn’t your Victoria: Don’t decide for me. You have no
to send this letter, please? fault. idea about food.
9 Ted: So you’d work with me again? David: I was just trying to …
Miriam: When do you think it will arrive? Sheila: Of course! Victoria: Well, David, don’t. I know what I
Track 34
Unit 8 Track 38
Page 95, Exercise 3
Track 31 Conversation 1 Page 104, Exercise 4
Mike: I wish I hadn’t told him. Conversation 3
Page 92, Exercise 2 and Exercise 3
Kate: Try not to worry about it. It doesn’t Mr. Jones: Gino’s is famous for our pizzas.
Bill: Um … Gina, I think we need to talk.
May I suggest that you try one?
matter now.
Gina: What about? This weekend?
Jane: Oh, are they all homemade here?
Mike: He was really upset!
Bill: No, actually … well, I think we need to
Mr. Jones: Yes, and I get most of the
take a break from each other. Kate: Well, he wasn’t going to be happy
about it, was he? ingredients from the market next
Gina: What? door.
Conversation 2
Bill: I mean, I still like you and everything, Jane: Is everything locally produced?
but, you know, we spend a lot of time Keith: I’m sorry if I upset you.
Daryl: You didn’t upset me. It was just Mr. Jones: Definitely!
together, and that’s, you know … um …
a little too much sometimes. disappointing.
Gina: Hold on. Are you breaking up with me? Keith: Sorry.
Bill: Well, kind of, but not really. Daryl: I thought I could trust you, but now I’m
Gina: Oh, come on! So are we boyfriend and not sure I can.

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Track 39 Stylist: I don’t think you need either. You Prediction 2
have beautiful naturally thick hair, With an increasing population, we will find
Page 104, Exercise 5 and you don’t need mousse or gel that we have to grow and produce food in ever
Conversation 4 with this style. Would you like it more creative ways. Urban farms will become
Eric: Come on, Ellen. We’re almost at the blow-dried? normal – basically, you’ll live next to and buy
top of the hill. The view is going to be Olga: That would be fine. direct from the farmer! And they won’t just be
fantastic. on small pieces of land. Farms will be built
Ellen: I’m tired. We’ve been walking for over Track 41 upward in tall skyscrapers that will act as huge
an hour, and there’s nothing to see greenhouses. Local communities will depend
Page 107, Exercise 4b and
except trees. on these, especially for produce grown out of
Exercise 4c season.
Eric: But it’s a beautiful day, and all this 1
exercise makes you feel great. We’ll Prediction 3
Emma: Do you think blond hair would look People’s houses will generate nearly all of the
have our picnic when we get to good on me?
the top … energy they need and become carbon neutral.
2 We will heat our houses from underground
Ellen: Oh, all right. I guess I can walk another Stylist: I think blond hair would go well with
hour. energy and generate the electricity we need
your skin color. from wind and solar power, which means
Track 40 3 we will be less dependent on big energy
Stylist: Would you like some highlights too? companies. The things we use will become
Page 107, Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 4 much more energy efficient too.
Conversation 1 Don: I’m not sure exactly, but I’d like Prediction 4
Stylist: How would you like your hair cut? something a lot shorter. What would More and more people will become
Emma: I’m happy with the length, but I’d like you recommend? entrepreneurial and start their own businesses.
to get it dyed. Do you think blond 5 Technological developments will mean that
hair would look good on me? Stylist: I think having the sides and back many people can make and sell a much wider
Stylist: Yes, I think blond hair would go well short would look good on you, and range of products than before, which means
with your skin color. Would you like I could leave it a little longer on the people will rely less on big companies.
some highlights too? top.
Emma: OK. I think that will look nice. Track 43
Conversation 2 Stylist: I’d choose mousse. It makes it look Page 116, Exercise 5
Stylist: What sort of haircut would you like? shinier. 1
Don: I’m not sure exactly, but I’d like 7 Vertical farming, which is growing products in a
something a lot shorter. What would Stylist: How much would you like me to cut skyscraper, will become more common.
you recommend? off? 2
Stylist: I think having the sides and back 8 Self-sufficiency – in other words, supporting
short would look good on you, and Stylist: I’d suggest a buzz cut. That leaves yourself, will become the norm.
I could leave it a little longer on the you with a quarter of an inch of hair 3
top. Would you like something on it all over. Entrepreneurs (that is, people who start their
afterward? 9 own businesses) will be more common.
Don: What do you suggest? Olga: I’d like my bangs shorter, and the 4
Stylist: I’d choose mousse. It makes it look back and sides trimmed too. More and more people will live in cities. This
shinier. 10 could be problematic or difficult, but one way
Don: OK. That sounds good. Stylist: Would you like it blow-dried? cities will cope is by expanding upward.
Conversation 3
Stylist: How much would you like me to cut Track 44
off? Unit 10
Page 119, Exercise 1
Ben: I have to go into the Army next week, Track 42 Conversation 1
so it has to be short and neat. What
do you think about shaving it all off?
Kim: I’m really going to miss you.
Page 116, Exercise 3 and Exercise 4
Stylist: I think that’s a little radical. I’d Valerie: I’ll miss you, too. It’s been a lot of
Prediction 1
fun seeing you again.
suggest a buzz cut. That leaves you People’s worlds are going to get smaller and
with a quarter of an inch of hair all smaller. In other words, we’re going to find Kim: Don’t forget to stay in touch.
over. ourselves living and working in smaller areas. Valerie: I promise I’ll call you soon.
Ben: OK. Let’s do that, then. Cities will become taller rather than bigger, and Kim: Have a great time! Take care of
Conversation 4 we will do everything in a smaller space. We yourself.
Stylist: What would you like? will live, work, shop, and eat all within a short Valerie: You too.
Olga: I’d like my bangs shorter, and the distance of each other. We will have to do this
back and sides trimmed too. Would as our cities become too crowded for private
you recommend mousse or gel? vehicles.

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© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.
Conversation 2 Track 46 Mark: OK, I do. Look at the back cover, and
John: It’s been too short again, as usual. read what it says.
Jennifer: I know. I hope I’ll see you again Extra Reading, An Adventure at Amy: I don’t need to. I know the story. I saw
soon. Brownville, Page 125, Exercise 5a the movie.
John: You will. I’ll be back here in a few Amy: I like the setting. It’s a … you know ... Mark: There isn’t just one story. There are
months. a very normal place. a lot of stories. I think you’re not
Jennifer: Great! Then I’ll see you soon! Mark: That’s right. It’s the sort of place where interested because you don’t like the
Conversation 3 you don’t expect a crime to happen. cover.
Nick: It’s been great having you at sports And I think it’s good that the narrator Amy: I think it’ll be just like the movie was.
camp. I hope you had a good time. is a teacher, and not a detective. You A lot of fighting and yelling, and that’s
Danny: I did. I’m going to miss it here – can ... um ... identify with him because all.
and everyone who comes here. he’s ... kind of ... an ordinary person. Mark: You won’t know unless you try it.
Nick: We hope you won’t forget us. Amy: What about the other main Amy: OK. I’ll read it. But on one condition.
Danny: How can I? I’ll always remember characters? We don’t know who they Mark: What’s that?
you. really are, do we? Amy: You read the book I’ve just finished.
Nick: I wish you all the best. Just keep Mark: Well, we know the two girls are sisters, Mark: What is it?
practicing, and I’ll see you here but who’s the man? And why is he Amy: Rebecca.
next summer. singing that song? Is that a clue? Mark: But that’s a girls’ book.
Conversation 4 Amy: He must be the killer! Amy: Excuse me!?
Rose: Marta asked us to pass on her Mark: Really? I’m not so sure. Mark: OK. I’ll give it a try.
best wishes. Amy: What do you mean? There’s a victim.
Rebecca: How is she? The oldest sister dies, remember? And Track 48
Rose: She’s doing well. She loves New there aren’t any other suspects.
Mark: But hold on ... maybe she died of Go Beyond, Level 4, Workbook, by Andy Harvey
York. So when are you moving and Louis Rogers
there? natural causes. Or ... I know! ... Maybe
her sister killed her. Published by Macmillan Education, a division
Rebecca: In a few weeks. Don’t worry – I’ll do of Macmillan Publishers Limited
my best to see Marta as soon as I Amy: That’s interesting. I hadn’t thought of
Copyright Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2015
can and keep her out of trouble. that possibility. Uh ... so the sister is
Rose: Say hello from me! the killer and the narrator ... um ... the
teacher ... is a witness!
Track 45 Mark: But he can’t tell the police because
he’s in love with her!
Page 119, Exercise 3 Amy: I’m glad it’s a short story.
1 Mark: Why?
We hope you won’t forget us. Amy: Because we don’t have to wait long
2 before we find out what happens.
I hope I’ll see you again soon. Mark: What page are you on?
3 Amy: Thirty-four.
Marta asked us to pass on her best wishes. Mark: Me too.
I wish you all the best. Track 47
I promise I’ll call. Extra Reading, King Arthur,
6 Page 128, Exercise 5a
I’ll do my best to keep her out of trouble. Mark: This one sounds cool.
7 Amy: Let me see. Oh, yes. Really cool.
Have a great time! Mark: What do you mean?
8 Amy: It’s a boys’ book. Just look at the cover.
Take care of yourself. A knight on a horse who looks like he’s
going to war.
Mark: I suppose so.
Amy: Don’t just agree with me. If you like it,
say so.

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© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.

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