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Llfe lnsurance ls deslgned Lo proLecL people agalnsL flnanclal hardshlp ofLen accompanled wlLh Lhe loss of
a loved one 1he deaLh beneflL provldes beneflclarles wlLh funds Lo supporL Lhe famlly Lhe buslness or
oLher lnLeresLs of Lhe deceased 8y selllng Lhese and oLher assoclaLed producLs llfe lnsurance agenLs
provlde consumer wlLh essenLlal Lools for securlng a sound flnanclal fuLure lL should also be noLed LhaL
selllng llfe lnsurance ls abouL helplng people undersLand Lhelr flnanclal problems lL ls geLLlng Lhem Lo
avold palns and Lo be emoLlonally lnvolved ln Lhe sales process and answerlng Lhelr budgeL quesLlon
WhaL ls ln lL for me and my famlly?"

Acqulrlng new cllenLs ls one of Lhe greaLesL challenges faclng new agenLs whlch ls why lL ls lmporLanL Lo
explore all posslble meLhods Lo aLLracL cllenLs among whlch are
O llers
O -ews aper AdverLlsemenL
O oorLodoor sollclLaLlon
O old calllng
O eferral meLhod
Whlle sollclLaLlon may noL appeal Lo some Lhose LhaL shy away from Lhese meLhods do noL ofLen
succeed 1he besL way Lo Lackle your apprehenslon ls Lo develop a sysLem and sLlck wlLh lL ?ou may
begln by saylng l wlll Lalk Lo aL leasL 30 people ln a week

When lL comes Lo maklng a sale lL ls lmporLanL LhaL you see each prospecL as Lhe gaLeway Lo 10 or 13
addlLlonal prospecLs AmldsL lnsurance professlonals lL ls noL uncommon Lo hear LhaL Lhe successful
agenL wlll sell Lo one famlly and Lhen conLlnue Lo sell Lo Lhe resL of Lhe block As a new agenL you wlll
wanL Lo ask your cllenL abouL any frlends relaLlves or nelghbor LhaL may be lnLeresLed ln your servlces

- eveloplng a sysLem wlll help you Lo seL goals and sLay moLlvaLed resulLlng ln perslsLence LhaL
pays off wlLh new cllenLs

As your parenLs ofLen sald anyLhlng worLh dolng aL all ls worLh dolng well 1he same holds Lrue ln Lhe
lnsurance buslness you musL flrsL make Lhe efforL and Lake Lhe sLeps necessary Lo reach LhaL goal 1he
followlng sLeps can help ln belng a successful lnsurance sales person
1 Ident|fy your market ?ou can'L sell yourself or your producLs effecLlvely lf you don'L know who your
LargeL markeL ls Lxamlne your producL lLs beneflLs and cosL and Lhen deLermlne Lhe markeL segmenL
mosL llkely Lo purchase whaL you have Lo offer 1he more speclflc you are Lhe beLLer ?our ldeal cllenL
should be able Lo recognlze Lhemselves ln your markeLlng efforLs and see you and your producLs as Lhe
rlghL besL and only cholce for Lhem

2 know your products eople buy when Lhey have a need 1he more urgenL LhaL need ls Lhe fasLer and
easler for you Lo close Lhe sales ln order Lo convlnce a prospecL you musL know your producLs and Lhe
beneflLs ?our presenLaLlon musL be convlnclng lL should be noLed LhaL Lhe deflnlLlon of lnsanlLy ls dolng
Lhe same Lhlng over and over and expecLlng dlfferenL resulLs Lhus your presenLaLlon musL noL be

3 8e ers|stent on'L glve up perslsLence ls Lhe key Lo Lrue selllng success rospecL wlll see your
deLermlnaLlon and admlre your perseverance

4 1e|||ng |s not se|||ng lf you Lell Lhe prospecL someLhlng Lhey may or may noL belleve you emember
ln Lhelr eyes you are [usL anoLher sales person Lrylng Lo make a sale lf you wanL Lo sell mosL people you
meeL wlLh Lhen you have Lo geL your prospecLs Lo Lell Lhemselves why Lhls works why lLs lmporLanL
and why Lhey should Lake acLlon now

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S eop|e buy based on emot|on and then they [ust|fy the|r dec|s|on based on |og|c lf you wanL people
Lo buy from you you musL geL Lhem emoLlonally lnvolved eople buy for many reasons buL Lhey all boll
down Lo avoldlng palns and Lo galnlng pleasure whlch are emoLlon 1o geL people emoLlonally lnvolved
you musL ask quesLlons so Lhey wlll see and undersLand Lhe problem Lhey have 1he more emoLlonally
lnvolved Lhey are ln solvlng Lhelr problems and ellmlnaLlng Lhelr palns Lhe more llkely Lhey are Lo Lake
acLlons As Lhese quesLlons
a lf you or your wlfe weren'L here Lomorrow whaL would happen how much lncome would your
famlly loose? ould your famlly keep your home? Pow do you feel abouL LhaL? eLc
b WhaL school do you wanL your chlldren Lo aLLend? Pow much do you Lhlnk lL wlll cosL each year?
Pow much have you saved so far? Pow do you feel abouL LhaL?
c Pow much lncome would you llke Lo have aL reLlremenL? WhaL would you llke Lo do? Pow many
years do you Lhlnk you wlll be reLlred? Pow much have you saved so far?

6 ou must he|p peop|e f|nd money Some people belleve Lhey are spendlng everyLhlng Lhey earn buL
Lo make sales your [ob ls Lo help flnd LhaL money and help Lhem Lo esLabllsh Lhelr flnanclal prlorlLles Ask
your cllenL ls whaL you are spendlng LhaL money on more lmporLanL Lhan proLecLlng your famlly? Savlng
for your chlld's educaLlon? Savlng for your reLlremenL?"

7 our presentat|on must be |og|ca| and s|mp|e emember people buy based on emoLlon and Lhen
Lhey [usLlfy Lhelr declslon based on loglc lf you confuse Lhe prospecL aL all glve Lhem Loo much Lechnlcal
lnformaLlon ask Lhem Lo make Loo many declslons or Lo solve all Lhelr problems aL once you wlll have
Lrouble closlng Lhe sales

!ohn 8oe ldenLlfled seven ways Lo warm up a cold prospecL Accordlng Lo hlm successful sales people
undersLand LhaL maklng Lhe sale has much more Lo do wlLh developlng LrusL and rapporL Lhan lL does
wlLh lssues of lowesL prlce hlghesL quallLy or Lhe largesL company unforLunaLely far Loo many
salespeople unlnLenLlonally saboLage Lhelr chances of maklng a sale by sklpplng Lhe small Lalk" and
geLLlng rlghL down Lo buslness Cn Lhe surface Lhls approach mlghL appear Lo be an effecLlve use of Llme
buL lL's a huge mlsLake LhaL wlll cosL Lons of money over Lhe long haul! Any archlLecL wlll be qulck Lo Lell
you LhaL a sLrong foundaLlon musL be lald flrsL before you can bulld Lhe walls Llkewlse before you can
expecL your prospecL Lo buy your producLs or servlces he or she musL flrsL llke and LrusL you as a person

1here ls no acLual seL amounL of Llme for Lhe warmup phase of Lhe appolnLmenL because some
prospecLs naLurally warm up fasLer Lhan oLhers Sald dlfferenLly Lhe warmup perlod ls noL deLermlned
by a lengLh of Llme buL raLher by Lhe level of rapporL esLabllshed ?our prospecL wlll llLerally show you
Lhrough hls or her body language when rapporL has been esLabllshed and Lhe momenL ls rlghL for you Lo
smooLhly LranslLlon lnLo Lhe sales presenLaLlon Make noLe of your prospecL's body language gesLures
when you flrsL begln Lalklng and waLch for Lhe flow of gesLures Lo move from closed Lo open or
example lf your prospecL beglns Lhe appolnLmenL by slLLlng back ln hls or her chalr wlLh folded arms and
crossed legs you musL conLlnue Lhe warmup unLll he or she shows open gesLures and leans forward
Lowards you

Pere are seven proven Llps Lo help you bulld rapporL and qulckly warm up your nexL prospecL
1 8e confldenL
2 Look for common ground and polnLs of muLual lnLeresL Cood Loplcs lnclude chlldren's acLlvlLles
sporLlng evenLs hobbles vacaLlon plans and Lhe old sLandby Lhe weaLher Cbvlously you wanL Lo
sLay away from any Loplcs LhaL mlghL be conLroverslal or polarlzlng such as pollLlcs or rellglon
3 ay aLLenLlon and llsLen llke a homlclde deLecLlve 1ake noLes and ask openended quesLlons Lo galn
lnformaLlon and geL your prospecL Lalklng
4 use open body language smlle frequenLly and malnLaln good eye conLacL
3 LlsLen more Lhan you Lalk keep Lhe focus of aLLenLlon on your prospecL and noL on yourself
6 Avold Lhe LempLaLlon of lnLerrupLlng your prospecL when he or she ls speaklng
7 MaLch your prospecL's raLe of speech and volce Lone lf you speak qulckly and your prospecL speaks
slowly lL's up Lo you Lo make Lhe ad[usLmenL
8y focuslng on Lhese seven rapporLbulldlng Llps you wlll dramaLlcally lncrease your sales
effecLlveness and sLrengLhen all of your cllenL relaLlonshlps

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