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A. Content Standard:
The learners have an understanding of the common prac-
Republic of the Philippines tices in business organizations decorum, protocol, policies,
marketing, bookkeeping, reportorial requirements and doc-
Department of Education umentation, etc.)

B. Performance Standard:
The learners shall be able to craft simple “Codes of Ethics”
or “Codes of Right Conduct”

C. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs)

BUSINESS ETHICS The learners shall be to formulate a “code of ethics” that re-
flect core principles derived from analyses.

D. Specific Objectives:

1. Define and understand the common practices in business

organization like decorum, protocol, policies and etc.;
ACTIVITY SHEET 3 2. Craft simple codes of ethics or codes of right conduct; and
3. Apply the common practices in business organization.
(Quarter 1, Week 3)


NAME: ____________________________________________________
STRAND/GRADE/SECTION:_____________________________________ LESSON 2: Codes of Ethics
DATE OF SUBMISSION: ________________________________________
MM / DD / YY

1 2
III. PROCEDURES 3. Company A hires external auditor to evalu-

ate and assess the company’s financial statement. If the ex-

A. Preliminary Activities : ternal auditor arrives at the conclusion that there is a dis-
PRE-TEST: Write E if the statement is ETHICAL and UE is crepancy on their accounts, the company will make sure that
the statement is UNETHICAL. Write your answer in the pres- the accountants and other financial employees and executives
cribed answer sheet. will make necessary adjustment as part of their responsibil-

1. Obeying Company’s rules and regulation even others do

not abide. __________________4. Ms. Garcia, the manager of Treasury De-
partment, reported all the financial aspect of the company ac-
2. Taking credit for others hard work.
curately to all board of directors.
3. Extending lunch / snack breaks.
4. Using office printer for personal needs.
__________________5. The night shift security guard of Company
5. Changing the price of the product/s if it is high in de-
Y makes sure that he conduct his nightly building rounds
mand to earn more profits.
every 2 hours to secure company’s assets.
6. Showing initiative without being told.
7. Conducting personal business during office hours.
B. Presenting the New Lesson
8. Lying to the customer to increase profit.
Let this Picture Talk: Analyze the illustration and answer
9. Exchanging with important company’s information to
the guide questions below. Write 2-3 sentences to ex-
your best friend.
plain your answer.
10. Having a secret office romance because it is not allowed.

RECAPITULATION: Identify what principle (Accountability,

Fairness, Transparency, or Stewardship) is being applied in
the following situation. Write your answer on the prescribed
answer sheet.
1. Teacher Kim keeps his class record up-
dated and organized he gives his grade objectively.

__________________2. XYZ Company holds quarterly board

meeting to ensure that every employee is well-informed about
the current situation of the organization.

3 4
hat is Business Ethics?
Guide Questions:
1. What feelings and thoughts came to your mind whey you Ethics is the discipline that investigates the rightness or
saw the illustration above? wrongness of human actions. When this disciplines is used to
explore the rightness or wrongness of business activities and
__________________________________________________________ the conduct of business persons and professionals, then it is
__________________________________________________________ called Business Ethics.

__________________________________________________________ Other Definition of Business Ethics

1. Business Ethics systematic study of ethics as applied to
__________________________________________________________ the issues arising in business.

2. Business Ethics is the study of perceptions of people about

2. What ethical issue is conveyed in the picture? morality , moral norms, moral rules, and ethical principles as
they apply to people and institutions in business.
__________________________________________________________ 3. Business Ethics is the study of good and evil, right and
wrong, and just and unjust actions in business.
__________________________________________________________ 4. Business Ethics involves the application of standards of
moral behavior to business situations.
5. Business Ethics is a study of moral standards and how
these apply to the social systems of organizations through
which modern societies .
LESSON 1: BUSINESS ETHICS Three Sub-fields of Ethics
Business and Ethics are always interrelated. Ethics guides us 1. Metaethics - focuses mainly on the investigation of the sources of
that we are doing the right things. In the conduct of our busi- our ethical principles. It is concerned with what we mean when we
ness, we need the to follow ethical standards of the company. use word like “right or wrong” or “good or bad”.

But first, let us define what is Ethics? Example:

It is wrong to kill
Ethics is derived from the Greek word “ethikos” which means
having to do with the character. The Latin word for ethos is
“mos” (or mores). That is why we know Ethics as Moral Science 2. Normative Ethics - attempts to come up with those ethical princi-
or Moral Philosophy. It refers to the theory of morality of right ples that we can use to judge whether our actions are right or wrong.
conduct. It evaluates the standard “rightness and wrongness” of the action.
It is wrong to kill one person to save many lives

5 6
3. Applied Ethics - investigates morally debatable issues such as
death penalty, the use of artificial contraceptives, euthanasia, and • Code of Practice it is adopted by a profession or by the
others. Business ethics is an applied ethics because it generally talks a governmental or non-governmental organization to
about the morally debatable issues in the field of business and com- regulate that profession. It may be styled as a code of
merce. professional responsibility, which will discuss difficult
Example: issues, difficult decisions that will often need to be
made, and provide a clear account of what behavior is
During Pandemic it is right to increase the price of considered “ethical” or “correct” or “right” in the cir-
alcohol since the demand is high and seller can have the cumstances.
opportunity to earned more profits.
• Code of Ethics is not written solely for the purpose of
doing ethical business practice. It can be also applied
and practiced in school government, and even profes-
Lesson 2: CODES OF ETHICS sional group.

To ensure that all those principles are practiced by all employ- There is code of ethics for teachers, accountants, engi-
ee in the organization, Code of Ethics , or Code of Conduct are neers, lawyers, doctors, nurses and all other professionals
crafted to be guiding light of the business in ensuring good eth- to ensure that they are following the same ethical stand-
ical practice. ards in their professionals practice.

Consideration in Ethical Decision-Making

What is Code of Ethics?
1. Know all the facts and circumstances.
2. Identify other needed information and find ways to attain
Ethical Code or Code of Ethics are principles adopted by them.
an organization to assist those in the organization called 3. Identify the ethical problems and issues involved.
upon to decide; it is about understanding the difference
between “right” and “wrong” and to apply this understand- 4. Identify those who will be affected by any decision that
ing to their decision. you will make. Picture the possible reactions, feelings, and
insights of those who will be affected.
In addition, the Code of ethics is a written set of guidelines 5. Consult the various ethical principles that you studied in
issued by an organization to its workers and management your Ethics subject. But remember that these ethical the-
to help them conduct their actions in accordance with its ories are not the end-all and be-all of correct ethical rea-
primary values and ethical standards. soning.

• Code of Conduct it is a document designed to influ- 6. Consult people especially those whom you trust much and
ence the behavior of employees. They set out proce- those who you believe to embody firm values and moral
dures to be used in specific ethical situations and delin- principles.
eate whether violation of the code of ethics occurred 7. Think of your family and whether they will agree and sup-
and, if so, remedies should be imposed. port you on your decision.

7 8
8. Think of your personal relationship with your God and
how this will factor in your decision. 3 Code of _________, it is adopted by a professions to regulate
9. Ask yourself whether your decision contributes to your that professions.
overall idea of a meaningful life, a worthwhile living and
virtuous person. 5 Code of _______ is not written solely for the purpose of doing
ethical business practice.
10. Make a decision and own it.
7 It evaluates the standard of “rightness and wrongness” of an
11. Always remember that your final decision may be revised
in the event that when it comes to resolving an ethical di- action.
lemma, a final decision will never remain final after all. 8 Ethical ____ are principles adopted by and organization to

assess those int eh organization called upon to decision.

10 A Greek word which means having to do with the character.
CROSSWORD PUZZLE : Fill-in the crossword puzzle by identi-
fing the statement being asked. Match the word to the boxes
placed across and down the grid. Write your answer in the DOWN
prescribed answer sheet.
1 A theory of morality on right or wrong.

2 It focuses mainly on the investigation of the source of our

ethical principles.

4 A sub-fields of Ethics which investigates morally debatable


6 Code of _______ is a document designed to influence the

behavior of the employee.

9 A Latin word for Ethos.


APPLICATION: Interview your father, mother, guardian or any

other relative regarding Ethical Issues that they have encoun-
tered in their work. Describe how the management handles the
issues and if he/she agrees or not with the management deci-
sions and why?. Write your answer on the prescribed
answer sheet.

9 10
b. consider it yours unless someone looks for it and
you can give it back.
Ethical Issue/s:
c. turn it over to your teacher just in case someone
looks for it.

d. none of the above.

2. You are walking with your friends at the park, you saw one of
them drop a soda can in the pavement even there is a trash
Management Decision regarding the issue/s:
bin near you. You:
a. would not say anything since it is not you who did
b. tell your friend to pick it up and throw it properly in
the trash bin.

c. will pick it up yourself and throw it properly.

Do they agree or not with the management decision in handling the ethical
issue/s? Why? d. none of the above

3. Your company has a policy regarding NO GIFTS or ACCEPT-

ING GIFTS from customers or suppliers to prevent any issues
regarding bribery in the organization. However during Christ-
mas season, one of your supplier who happened to be also
your friend gave you a Christmas gift. You:

a. will accept the gift because it was given to you as a

friend but not as a your company’s supplier.
HOW ETHICAL ARE YOU: Read each statement carefully and
b. will accept the gift because it customary for Filipinos
using the different ethics principles, identify what would be
to give and accept gives during Christmas season.
the best answer in each situation. Write your answer in the
prescribed answer sheet. c. will accept the gift because it was given to you with
out asking anything in return.
1. After finding a Php. 500.00 in the floor of your classroom d. none of the above
during lunch break. You:

a. keep it because you believe in the finder’s keeper


11 12
4. During the annual meeting, your boss has congratulated
you for a job well done. However the accomplishment is not
yours but from your co-worker who was absent during he MINI CASE STUDY: Read and analyze the case below. Answer
said meeting. You: the given guide question.

a. will stay quite because it is not your fault but the

fault of your boss. CASE ANALYSIS

b. Wills stay silent during the meeting and later on The Strange Case of Mighty Cigarettes
explain to your co– worker that it is not your fault In January of 2013, the government’s revised “sin tax” law came into
you are being recognize. effect. With this came the stipulation that cigarette makers were to
c. will tell your boss after the meeting that he made begin paying 12 pesos per pack as a “sin tax,” which was a stagger-
mistake in recognizing you instead of your co- ing rise over the previous sin tax of just less than three pesos per
worker. pack.

d. none of the above

It was in this new regulatory environment that, almost miraculously,
Mighty Corporation of Bulacan came practically out of nowhere to
take over a substantial share of the country’s cigarette market.
5. After you and your family had a dinner in a nice restaurant,
you got the check and upon checking you saw that there
was discrepancy of Php. 2,000.00 on the bill. You: Mighty Corporation manufacture Mighty cigarettes. Before the re-
vised sin tax, Mighty cigarettes were a near insignificant presence in
a. just pay the bill, since it was their mistake. the market. But with the revised sin tax in place, Mighty sales sud-
b. pay the bill and give the difference as tip to the denly exploded. The reason: the brand’s impossibly low price.
waiter because you knew it help him a lot.
c. talk to the manger and asked him/her to recompute All other cigarette manufacturers had been forced to raise their pric-
the bill but tell him/her to give you discount for be- es astronomically because of the revised tax scheme. Aside from the
ing honest. additional sin tax per pack, there were also the value added tax of
1.58 pesos per pack. In all, taxes alone should account for over
d. none of the above 13.50 pesos per pack.

Yet Mighty cigarettes were being sold at wholesale for just 14.70 pe-
sos per pack. That is just a little over a peso per pack to pay for the
cost of producing the pack, for profits, and even for collateral costs
such as shipping and handling. One peso compared to the typical
prices of other low-cost cigarettes that were already hovering at the
30 pesos mark. One can see why Mighty cigarettes can suddenly
capture market leadership, especially for the cost-conscious market.

13 14
The only possible reason for this was that the company was misdeclar-
ing the total number of cigarettes that it was producing. It is effectively RUBRICS
“smuggling” manufactured cigarettes to wholesalers without paying
taxes on them-based on AC Nielson studies of nationwide cigarette ASSESSMENT RUBRIC
sales which showed Mighty to be the leading brand in provincial mar-
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
However, Mighty Corporation did see that what they are doing is wrong
since the aim of every business is to earn profits and they just sell it on Require- All require- Almost all re- At least 50% Less than 50%
wholesale price rather than retail price. This serves as their marketing ment ment content quirement requirement requirement
strategy. was presented content was content was content was
presented presented presented
Highly effec- Functional Ideas are Ideas are dis-
Guide Question: tive sequenc- sequence with somewhat connected
ing of present- evidence of an connected to without evi-
1. Do you think the Might Cigarettes strategy is ethical? Why?
ing ideas with organizational organizational dence of an
strong organi- pattern pattern organizational
zational pat- pattern
Includes sig- Includes many Includes few Missing or
nificant rele- details to sup- details to sup- weak facts or
vant, and port infor- port infor- details
compelling mation or po- mation or po-
details or facts sition though sition many
to support few are not all are not rele-
information relevant vant
Evidence of Evidence of Few evidence New learning
genuine learn- learning of learning is not evident.
ing not just a though some most of the Not developed
/ Applica-
repeat of infor- information information or tied into
mation found appears to appears to past
just be given just be given knowledge
Virtually no Few spelling A number of So many
grammatical and grammati- spelling and spelling and
errors cal errors grammatical grammatical
errors errors

15 16
Directions: Reflect on what you have learned after tak- VI. ASSESSMENT
ing up this lesson by completing the chart below in 2-3
Post Test: Write TRUTH if the statement is TRUE and LIE if
sentences. Write your answer on the Organization and
the statement FALSE. Write your answer in the prescribed an-
Management notebook. swer sheet.

I thought ... ______________1. Ethical character traits includes integrity,

What were your ideas honesty and justice.
and thoughts regard- ______________2. Employee should obey only written works
ing ETHICS, BUSI- rules.
NESS ETHICS and ______________3. Ethics is a set of principles of conduct govern-
CODES OF ETHICS? ing an individual or group.
______________4. There is a code of ethics for different profes-
______________5. Business ethics is an example of normative
I learned that ... ethics because it generally talks about the
morally debatable issues in the field of busi-
What new or addition-
ness and commerce.
al ideas and thoughts
did you learn after fin- ______________6. Ethics is also known as Moral Science and
ishing this lesson? Moral Philosophy.
______________7. Code of Ethics is understanding the difference
between right and wrong.
______________8. Metaethics evaluates the rightness and wrong-
ness of the action
How are you going to
______________9. Code of Conduct are sets of rules and regula-
apply things you have tions that employees should follow.
learned about ETH-
_____________10. Know all the facts and circumstances because
of ethical decision making.
ETHICS in business

17 18
Enrichment Activities
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Senior High
Direction: Identify one occupation and research what codes School, (2020) Vibal Gruoup Inc.
of ethics or codes of right conducts they followed. After, craft
your own simple codes of ethics or codes of right conducts Roa, Floriano C. Business Ethics and Social
that you believe is appropriate for that occupation that is not
included to the existing codes of ethics. Write you answer in Responsibility, (2007) Quezon City: Rex Bookstore,
the prescribed answer sheet. Inc.




19 20

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