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Subject: Social Studies

Grade Level: Grade 12

Objective: Define participatory approaches and understand their significance

in various contexts., Identify key principles of participatory approaches, Apply
participatory techniques in a collaborative setting

Learning within and across curriculum:

- Within:

1) Environmental Science - Understanding participatory approaches in managing

environmental issues and involving community stakeholders.

2) Business Studies - Utilizing participatory techniques in decision-making processes

within organizations.

3) Psychology - Exploring participatory approaches in therapeutic settings for client


- Across:

1) Mathematics - Collaborative problem-solving using participatory techniques.

2) English Literature - Analyzing participatory storytelling methods in literature.

3) Physical Education - Applying participatory approaches in team sports and group


Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing]

[Instructional Materials: Storytelling Cards]

Engaging Activity 1 - Role-Playing scenarios involving participatory decision-making


Engaging Activity 2 - Storytelling using the K-W-L Chart to explore different


Engaging Activity 3 - Brainstorming session on real-life scenarios where participatory

techniques can be applied.

Activity 1: Participatory Decision-Making Simulation

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

Materials - Decision-making scenarios, role cards

Significance - Understanding the impact of participatory decision-making

Instructions -

1) Divide students into groups.

2) Assign roles and scenarios.

3) Simulate decision-making process.


- Participation - 20 pts.

- Communication - 15 pts.

- Critical Thinking - 15 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How does a participatory approach differ from a traditional decision-making


2) What are the benefits of involving stakeholders in decision-making?

3) How can participatory techniques improve the quality of decisions made?

Activity 2: Storytelling Perspective Analysis

[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning]

Materials - Story excerpts, K-W-L Chart

Significance - Understanding diverse viewpoints through storytelling

Instructions -

1) Read a story excerpt as a class.

2) Fill out the K-W-L Chart.

3) Discuss different perspectives.


- Analysis - 20 pts.

- Contribution - 15 pts.

- Reflection - 15 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How does storytelling contribute to understanding participatory approaches?

2) What insights can be gained from analyzing diverse perspectives in storytelling?

3) How can storytelling be used as a tool for participatory engagement?

Inclusive Activity 3: Collaborative Problem-Solving

[Teaching Strategy: Think-Pair-Share]

Materials - None

Significance - Fostering teamwork and collaboration

Instructions -

1) Pair students and present a problem.

2) Brainstorm solutions together.

3) Share ideas with the class.


- Teamwork - 20 pts.

- Creativity - 15 pts.

- Presentation - 15 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How does collaborative problem-solving enhance participatory techniques?

2) What are the advantages of working in pairs to solve a problem?

3) How can diverse perspectives contribute to finding innovative solutions?


Activity 1 - Students demonstrated a good understanding of participatory decision-

making through active role-play and effective communication.

Activity 2 - Students engaged in critical analysis of storytelling perspectives,

showcasing their ability to interpret diverse viewpoints.

Activity 3 - Collaborative problem-solving encouraged teamwork and creativity

among students, leading to innovative solutions.

Participatory approaches empower individuals to actively engage in decision-making

processes, fostering inclusivity and diverse perspectives. Understanding the key
principles and applying techniques collaboratively enhance problem-solving and
decision-making skills. Further exploration through literature and real-life scenarios
deepens students' grasp of participatory approaches.

Supporting Material 1 - "The Participatory Museum" by Nina Simon explores

interactive engagement in cultural institutions.

Supporting Material 2 - "Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision-Making" by Sam

Kaner provides practical strategies for effective collaboration.


[Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning]

Task 1 - Design a community project using participatory techniques for sustainable


Task 2 - Conduct a role-playing activity to simulate a participatory decision-making

process in a fictional scenario.


[Teaching Strategy: Case Studies]

[Instructional Materials: Case Studies Handout]

Question 1 - How can participatory approaches lead to more inclusive decision-

making processes?

Question 2 - What are the challenges of implementing participatory techniques in

various contexts?

Question 3 - How can participatory principles be applied to real-world situations?


Question 1 - Explain the ethical considerations involved in participatory decision-


Answer 1 - Considering diverse perspectives ensures equity and transparency in

decision-making processes, promoting social justice and inclusivity.

Question 2 - Analyze the role of power dynamics in participatory approaches.

Answer 2 - Power imbalances can influence the effectiveness of participatory

techniques, highlighting the importance of creating equitable spaces for

Question 3 - Evaluate the impact of participatory techniques on community


Answer 3 - By involving stakeholders in decision-making, participatory approaches

can enhance community ownership and sustainable development.


1) Conduct a reflective journal on a participatory experience in your community.

2) Create a visual presentation showcasing the key principles of participatory

approaches in different contexts.

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