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Chapter 1 My World

In this unit, learners will explore the topics of hobbies, friendship, important people in
their lives and their hopes and dreams.
Reading 1

Title: Discovering Emma's Hobbies

Meet Emma, a curious and creative sixth-grade student who loves to explore various
hobbies. Let's take a look at some of Emma's favorite pastimes and what she finds
exciting about them.

Reading: Emma is an avid reader. She enjoys diving into the pages of fantasy novels,
mysteries, and adventure stories. With every book she reads, Emma embarks on a
thrilling journey to different worlds, meeting fascinating characters along the way.
Reading allows her to broaden her imagination, improve her vocabulary, and learn
about different cultures and perspectives.

Coding: Emma has discovered her passion for coding. She spends hours tinkering with
computer programs and coding languages. Through coding, Emma can bring her ideas
to life and create her own games, websites, and interactive projects. She loves the
challenge of solving problems and the satisfaction that comes from seeing her code
work seamlessly.

Cooking: Emma is a budding chef in the making. She finds joy in experimenting with
recipes and creating delicious dishes. From baking cookies to preparing a full-course
meal, Emma enjoys the process of selecting ingredients, following recipes, and adding
her own unique touch. Cooking allows her to express her creativity and share her
culinary creations with family and friends.

Photography: Emma has an eye for capturing moments through the lens of her camera.
She loves exploring the world around her, capturing the beauty of nature, and
documenting special events. Photography helps her appreciate the little details in life
and encourages her to see things from different perspectives. Emma enjoys
experimenting with different angles, lighting, and subjects to create captivating

Playing the Guitar: Emma has recently taken up playing the guitar. Strumming the
strings and learning chords allows her to express her emotions through music. Emma
finds solace in playing her favorite songs and enjoys the sense of accomplishment as
she improves her skills. She dreams of performing in front of an audience one day.

Emma's hobbies not only bring her joy but also provide opportunities for personal
growth and exploration. Each activity allows her to develop new skills, expand her
knowledge, and express herself in unique ways. She believes that hobbies are like
windows to different worlds, offering endless possibilities and adventures.

Answer the following question in complete answer!

1. What are some of Emma's hobbies?

2. How does reading benefit Emma?

3. What does Emma enjoy about coding?

4. How does cooking allow Emma to express her creativity?

5. Why does Emma find photography interesting?

6. What does playing the guitar mean to Emma?

Reading 2

The Significant People in Sarah's Life

Sarah is a sixth-grade student who has been fortunate to have several important
individuals in her life who have influenced her in various ways. Let's explore the stories
of three remarkable people who have made a lasting impact on Sarah's journey.

Mom - The Nurturing Rock: Sarah's mom is her pillar of strength and a constant source
of support. She has been there for Sarah through thick and thin, offering unconditional
love, guidance, and encouragement. Her mom's nurturing nature has created a safe and
loving environment at home. She always listens attentively to Sarah's joys and
concerns, providing valuable advice and reassurance. Sarah's mom teaches her
important values like honesty, respect, and resilience, shaping her character and
helping her become a compassionate and confident individual.

Mr. Rodriguez - The Inspirational Teacher: Mr. Rodriguez, Sarah's English teacher, is an
extraordinary educator who has ignited her love for literature and learning. His passion
for teaching and his ability to make lessons engaging and interactive have captivated
Sarah's interest in English language and literature. Mr. Rodriguez's encouragement and
belief in Sarah's abilities have boosted her self-confidence. Through thought-provoking
discussions and insightful feedback, he has fostered Sarah's critical thinking skills and
helped her realize her potential.

Coach Emily - The Motivating Coach: Coach Emily, Sarah's soccer coach, has played a
pivotal role in her life. Beyond teaching soccer skills, Coach Emily instills discipline,
teamwork, and a strong work ethic. She motivates the team to give their best effort,
encourages them to support one another, and emphasizes the importance of
sportsmanship. Under Coach Emily's guidance, Sarah has not only improved her soccer
skills but also learned the values of perseverance, dedication, and resilience, which
extend beyond the field and into all aspects of her life.

These significant individuals have shaped Sarah's journey, providing guidance,

inspiration, and unwavering support. Their influence has helped Sarah develop
important life skills, fostered her personal growth, and empowered her to face
challenges with determination and positivity.

Answer the following questions in complete sentence!

1. Who are the important people in Sarah's life?

2. How has Sarah's mom influenced her?

3. What qualities make Mr. Rodriguez an inspirational teacher?

4. How has Coach Emily impacted Sarah's life?

5. What values or life lessons has Sarah learned from these important people?

6. Can you think of any important people in your own life? How have they influenced

Speaking activity

1. You are divided into pairs or small groups.
2. Each you should think of someone you know well, such as a family member, friend,
or neighbor.
3. One student will describe the person they know in detail while the other student
4. The student describing the person should provide as much detailed information as
possible, including physical appearance, personality traits, hobbies or interests, and
any significant experiences or achievements.
5. Encourage the students to use descriptive language, adjectives, and specific
examples to paint a vivid picture of the person they are talking about.
6. After one student has finished describing, the listener should summarize what they
have learned and ask follow-up questions for more information.
7. Then, switch roles so that the listener becomes the speaker and describes someone
they know in detail.

Student A: "I'm going to describe my older sister, Emily. She has long, wavy brown
hair that falls just below her shoulders. She has sparkling blue eyes that light up when
she smiles. Emily is very outgoing and sociable. She loves meeting new people and
is always the life of the party. She's also very caring and always there for her friends
and family. In her free time, Emily enjoys playing the guitar and writing songs. She
has even performed at local events and won a singing competition last year. Emily is
passionate about environmental causes and volunteers at a local wildlife rehabilitation
center. She has always loved animals since she was a child. Last summer, she
traveled to Costa Rica to work with a sea turtle conservation project. It was a life-
changing experience for her."
Student B: "So, your sister Emily has long, wavy brown hair and blue eyes. She
sounds like a very outgoing and caring person. I'm curious, what kind of songs does
she write? And what made her so passionate about environmental causes?"

Listening activity

Luke's Dream
Luke, a sixth-grade student, has a dream that fills his heart with excitement and hope.
Let's delve into Luke's dream and the journey he ____________ for himself.
Luke's dream is to become an astronaut. Ever since he was a young child, he has been
captivated by the wonders of ___________ space. He spends hours reading books
about space exploration, watching _________________, and studying the stars in the
night sky.
Luke imagines himself floating weightlessly in the vastness of space, exploring planets,
and ________________ the mysteries of the universe. He dreams of stepping foot on
the moon, just like the brave astronauts who came before him. Luke's passion for
astronomy and space travel fuels his determination to make his dream a reality.
To ____________ his dream, Luke knows that he needs to work hard and excel in his
studies. He focuses on his science and ________________ classes, eager to learn the
principles that underpin space exploration. He participates in science ____________,
where he presents space-related projects and receives recognition for his
_____________ and creativity.
Luke also _____________ to famous astronauts who have made significant
contributions to space exploration. He admires their _____________, intelligence, and
their ability to push the boundaries of human knowledge. He dreams of joining their
ranks and contributing to scientific __________________ that will shape the future of
space travel.
Luke understands that becoming an astronaut requires physical fitness and
__________ resilience. He engages in regular exercise and trains his body to endure
the challenges that space travel presents. He ________________ in science camps
and joins _______________ activities that promote teamwork, problem-solving, and
___________ skills.
Luke's dream of becoming an astronaut inspires him to further explore STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. He ____________ seeks
opportunities to engage with professionals in the space _______________, attending
lectures, workshops, and space-related events. He dreams of one day being selected
for a space mission and making his mark on history. With every step he takes, Luke is
____________ to turn his dream into reality. He knows that becoming an astronaut is
challenging, but his passion, dedication, and ______________ belief in himself will
guide him toward ___________ for the stars.

Answer the following question in brief!

1. What is Luke's dream?
2. Why is Luke passionate about space exploration?
3. What steps is Luke taking to pursue his dream?
4. What qualities does Luke admire in astronauts?
5. How does Luke’s dream inspire him to explore STEM fields?
Exploring the Present Simple Tense

- "I eat breakfast every morning."

- "She walks to school with her friends."
- "The sun rises in the east."
- "They play soccer on weekends."

Point out that these sentences describe regular or habitual actions, general truths,
or facts!

Usage and Time Expressions:

Present simple tense is used to talk about:
- Routine actions: "I brush my teeth twice a day."
- Facts and general truths: "Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius."
- Opinions and beliefs: "I think dogs are friendly animals."
Some of time expressions commonly used with the present simple, such
- always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never
- every day, every week, every month, on weekends, in the morning, etc.

1. Fill in the Blanks:

a) The sun ______ (rise) in the east.

b) They ______ (play) basketball every Saturday.
c) My mom ______ (cook) dinner every evening.
d) Sarah ______ (read) books before bedtime.
e) We ______ (watch) movies on Fridays.

2. Daily Routine Presentation (Project Chapter 1)

Create a presentation or a poster illustrating your daily routine using the simple
present tense. You can include activities such as waking up, brushing teeth, having
breakfast, going to school, doing homework, etc. Use time expressions like "every
day," "in the morning," or "at night" to describe your routines.

3. Interview Activity:
Do in pair an interview using the simple present tense. You can take turns asking
and answering questions about daily habits, hobbies, likes and dislikes, and future
plans. For example:

Student A: "What do you usually do after school?"

Student B: "I usually play soccer with my friends in the park."

4. Sentence Transformation
Change the following affirmative sentences into negative sentences:
a) She sings beautifully.
b) They play soccer every weekend.
c) We go to the park in the afternoon.
d) He always helps his classmates.
e) I eat breakfast every morning.
5. Transform the following affirmative sentences into interrogative sentences:
a) She dances ballet.
b) They watch movies on Fridays.
c) We play video games after school.
d) He often visits his grandparents.
e) I enjoy reading books.

6. Daily Habits Writing:

Write a short paragraph describing the significant someone in my life using the
simple present tense. See the reading text 2 for references!

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