question reading 2

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Name: Nadia Helga P

NIM: 5170511050

Question 1-10
As viewed from space, Earth’s distinguishing characteristics are its blue waters and white
clouds. Enveloped by an ocean of air consisting of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen, the planet is
the only one in our solar system known to harbor life. Circling the Sun at an average distance of
149 million kilometers (93 million miles), Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the fifth
largest planet in the solar system.
Our planet’s rapid spin and molten nickel-iron core give rise to an extensive magnetic
field which, coupled the atmosphere, shields us from nearly all of the harmful radiation coming
from the Sun and other stars. Earth’s atmosphere protects us from meteors as well, most of which
burn up in the Earth’s atmosphere before they can strike the surface. The planet active geological
processes have left no evidence of the ancient pelting it almost certainly received soon after it
formed about 4.6 billion years ago.
The Earth has a single natural satellite – the moon.

1. What are the earth’s distinguishing characteristics as viewed from space?

a. It has the largest size
b. Blue waters and white clouds.
c. Blue ocean and white clouds.
d. White clouds and green forest.

2. In line 2, consisting most nearly means?

a. Hardening
b. Withholding
c. Containing
d. Shortening

3. Why is the earth habitable?

a. Because enveloped by an ocean of air
b. Because circled by the Sun
c. Because enveloped by an ocean
d. Because doing a rapid spin
4. How far the distance The Earth circling the Sun?
a. 150 million kilometers
b. 163 million kilometers
c. 147 million kilometers
d. 149 million kilometers

5. What causes the Earth’s magnetic fields created?

a. The planet’s rapid spin and molten nickel-iron core
b. The nitrogen atmosphere
c. The moon
d. The blue waters

6. What is the meaning of distinguishing?

a. Elevating in nature
b. Devastating in nature
c. Characteristics like all other planets
d. Characteristics that set it apart from other planets

7. Which of the following that can protect the Earth from radiation?
a. Rapid spin and molten iron-nickel core
b. Blue waters and white clouds
c. Magnetic field and atmosphere
d. The Sun and the Moon

8. What is the appropriate title from this passage?

a. The Earth's natural satellite—the Moon
b. Rings around Saturn
c. The different planet in the solar system
d. People on planets

9. What is the first paragraph discuss?

a. Earth has no common characteristics with other planets
b. Earth is predominantly water
c. Life-supporting characteristics on Earth
d. Earth is the only planet with a moon

10. What is the single natural satellite from Earth?

a. The satellite
b. The star
c. The moon
d. The sun
Question 11-20
Since life began eons ago, thousands of creatures have come and gone. Some, such as the
dinosaurs, became extinct due to naturally changing ecologic conditions. More recent threats to
life forms are humans and their activities. Man has drained marshes, burned prairies, damned and
diverted rivers. Some of the more recent casualties of man's expansion have been the dodo, great
auk, passenger pigeon, Irish elk, and Steller's sea cow.
Sadly, we can no longer attribute the increasing decline in our wild animals and plant
species to "natural" processes. Many species are dying out because of exploitation, habitat
alteration or destruction, pollution, or the introduction of new species of plants and animals to an
area. As mandated by Congress, protecting endangered species, and restoring them to the point
where their existence is no longer jeopardized, is the primary objective of the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service's Endangered Species Program

11. Which the following is nearly meaning of eons

a. particles
b. ages
c. animals
d. condition

12. Why humans are called threats to life forms?

a. Because they kill animal
b. Because they destroy the habitats
c. Because they destroy the plants
d. Because they pollute an environment

13. Why does we cannot attribute the increasing decline in our wild animals and plant species
to "natural" processes?
a. because there are many species are dying out
b. because the environment was polluted
c. because the habitats were destroyed
d. because of the exploitation

14. What are the species that become extinct due to man's destruction?
a. Cow, Dolphin, Whales, Pigeon
b. Great auk, Eagle, Dusky Gopher, Dolphin
c. Dodo, Great auk, Passenger pigeon, Irish elk, and Steller's sea cow
d. Pigeon, Irish elk, Dodo, Dusky Gopher, and Great auk
15. Why did the dinosaurs become extinct?
a. Because of the human
b. Because of the naturally changing ecological conditions
c. Because the destroyed habitat
d. Because there is no food

16. What is the appropriate title for the passage?

a. The causes of animals become extinct
b. The causes of dinosaurs become extinct
c. The reason why the human are threats
d. The naturally changing ecological conditions
17. What is the synonym of attribute?
a. characteristic
b. change
c. assign
d. introduce

18. Habitat alteration" as used in this paragraph means

a. climate change
b. changing humans' environments
c. changing clothes
d. changing animals' environments

19. What are the forms of man's habitat alteration?

a. drained marshes, burned prairies, and damned rivers
b. drained rivers, burned prairies, damned marshes
c. burned marshes, drained rivers, damned prairies
d. damned prairies, burned marshes rained rivers

20. What is the main purpose of forming the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Endangered
Species Program?
a. stopping pollution
b. education of the public
c. custodial care of endangered species
d. enforcement of Congressional law
Question 21-30
With the sudden onset of severe psychotic symptoms, the individual is said to be
experiencing acute schizophrenia. "Psychotic" means out of touch with reality, or unable to
separate real from unreal experiences. Some people have only one such psychotic episode; others
have many episodes during a lifetime but lead relatively normal lives during interim periods. The
individual with chronic (continuous or recurring) schizophrenia often does not fully recover
normal functioning and typically requires long-term treatment, generally including medication,
to control the symptoms. These symptoms may include hallucinations, incoherence, delusions,
lack of judgment, deterioration of the abilities to reason and feel emotion, and a lack of
interaction between the patient and his environment. The hallucinations may be of a visual,
auditory, or tactile variety. Some chronic schizophrenic patients may never be able to function
without assistance of one sort or another.

21. According to the passage how many types of schizophrenia symptoms?

a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7
22. The word “symptoms” in line 1 has the meaning
a. Indication
b. Direction
c. Instruction
d. Phenomenon

23. How to control the schizophrenia symptoms?

a. Stay at home
b. Long-term treatment
c. Go to the hospital
d. Short-term treatment

24. How can the individual said to be experiencing acute schizophrenia?

a. The body feels trembly
b. Its very hot body temperature
c. The sudden onset of severe psychotic symptoms
d. The sudden onset of hallucination

25. According to the passage, how many different types of hallucinations are there?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 1
d. 3
26. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of schizophrenia?
a. Vertigo
b. Hallucinations
c. Incoherence
d. Delusions

27. What is the meaning of tactile?

a. Smell
b. Sight
c. Touch
d. Taste

28. What is the meaning of interim?

a. Constant
b. Temporary
c. Unreal
d. Continuous

29. "Acute" as used to describe schizophrenia in the passage means

a. Mild
b. Severe
c. Recurring
d. Chronic

30. According to this passage, thinking that one can fly might been example of
a. medicine overdose
b. being out of touch with reality
c. recovering normal functioning
d. symptom control
Question 31-40
Stress is with us all the time. It comes from mental or emotional activity as well as
physical activity. It is unique and personal to each of us. So personal, in fact, that what maybe
relaxing to one person may be stressful to another. For example, if you're a busy executive who
likes to keep occupied all of the time, "taking it easy" at the beach on a beautiful day may feel
extremely frustrating, nonproductive, and upsetting. You may be emotionally distressed from
"doing nothing." Too much emotional stress can cause physical illnesses such as high blood
pressure, ulcers, or even heart disease. Physical stress from work or exercise is not likely to
cause such ailments. The truth is that physical exercise can help you to relax and to better handle
your mental or emotional stress

31. What is the meaning of distressed in line 5?

a. Relaxed
b. Active
c. Upset
d. Distinctive

32. The word “aliments” in line 8 has meaning to

a. illnesses
b. traits
c. episodes
d. characteristics

33. What are the effects of too much emotional stress?

a. High blood pressure, ulcers, or even heart disease
b. Low blood pressure, ulcers, or even heart disease
c. High blood pressure, vertigo, ulcers
d. High blood pressure and ulcers

34. How can we handle our mental or emotional stress?

a. Working hard
b. Spiritual exercise
c. Physical exercise
d. Sleep sufficiently

35. What is the meaning of unique?

a. Relaxing
b. Stressful
c. Distinctive
d. Brisk
36. What would be a determinant as to what people find stressful?
a. Other people
b. Impersonality
c. Personality
d. Work environment

37. Stress is
a. optional
b. relaxing
c. manageable
d. the same for all people

38. What are sources of stress that mentioned in this passage?

a. physical, mental, and emotional activity
b. physical and educational activity
c. mental, educational, and physical activity
d. mental activity and physical activity

39. Why stress is always with us all the time?

a. because we do some activity
b. because we meet the other people
c. because we often feel tired
d. because of the job

40. Mention one example of job that make people would find "taking it easy" stressful?
a. Construction worker
b. Business executive
c. Farm worker
d. Truck driver
Question 41-50
The "Karat" marking on jewelry tells you what proportion of gold is mixed with other
metals. If 14 parts of gold are mixed with 10 parts of base metal, the combination is called14
Karat (14K) gold. The higher the Karat rating, the higher the proportion of gold in the object.
The lowest Karat gold that can be marketed in the United States is 10 Karat. Jewelry does not
have to be marked with its Karat quality, but most of itis. If there is a Karat quality mark, next to
it must be the U.S. registered trademark of the person or company that will stand behind the
mark, as required by the National Gold and Silver Stamping Act.

41. How can we know the proportion of gold is mixed with other metals?
a. The price of jewelry
b. The "Karat" marking on jewelry
c. The national gold and silver stamp
d. The brand of jewelry

42. How did we count the karat?

a. Combine the parts of gold and the parts of base metal
b. Count the parts base metal
c. Count the parts of gold
d. Separate the parts of gold and the parts of base metal

43. What is the conclude after we count the karat?

a. The higher the Karat rating, the higher the proportion of gold in the object
b. The higher the Karat rating, the lower the proportion of gold in the object
c. The lower the Karat rating, the higher the proportion of gold in the object
d. The Karat rating has no influence to the proportion of gold in the object

44. According to the passage, the phrase "stand behind" has means
a. not in front
b. to the side
c. back up
d. give up
45. What is the meaning of "marketed" In line 4?
a. Sold
b. Registered
c. Mixed
d. Engraved
46. "Karat," as it used in the jewelry industry, refers to the
a. U.S. registered trademark
b. money value
c. amount of gold mixed with other metals
d. jeweler's appraisal
47. Gold which is 10 Karat in proportion is
a. represents the highest grade of gold in the U.S
b. cannot be sold in the U.S
c. never carries a Karat quality mark
d. represents the lowest-grade gold marketable in the U.S

48. If gold is marked with a Karat quality mark, it must also

a. bear a "made in the USA" mark
b. bear a percentage mark
c. bear the registered trademark of the entity standing behindthe mark
d. bear a national gold and silver stamp
49. If the jewelry is marked, 14 parts of gold mixed with 10parts of base metal will always
a. a 14K mark
b. a 10K mark
c. an 18K mark
d. a platinum mark

50. Who makes that requirement?

a. National Gold and Silver Stamping Act
b. National Gold Stamping Act
c. Gold and Silver National Act
d. National Silver Stamping Act

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