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YEAR 3 – SEMESTER 2 – December 2021

End–Semester Examination

EEE312 Measurements and Instrumentation

Two Hours

Answer all Questions

No. of Questions: 04

No. of Pages: 05 (including the cover page)

Important Instructions to the candidates

 The mode of the exam will be in the form of an online, open book examination
 There are two parts of the exam paper, PART A and PART B. You must answer both parts.
 If a page or a part of this question paper is not printed, please inform the supervisor , invigilator
or the examination unit via the hotlines provided
 Candidate's registration number, Module code and Module Name should be written clearly and
legibly on all answer sheets
 Candidates must not seek, give or receive assistance of any kind during the exam. Any
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candidate’s paper, and any other disciplinary action as may be deemed appropriate.
 Candidates are requested to adhere to the examination guidelines circulated
PL/EX/02 REV:00/00.00.0000

Question 1

I. Fill in the blanks with technical words.

According to their functions measuring instruments can be classified to indicating
instruments, ________ instruments and recording instruments. Out of these induction
type instruments use __________ effect. In order to ensure proper operation indicating
instruments three kind of torques are required. These are ____________ torque,
__________ torque and _________ torque. To control the indicator movement, Spring
or _______ used in general. If the instrument is __________ damped, the indicator will
oscillate about the correct value indefinitely. Most modern instruments use _______
currents to dampen the movement using Aluminium or _________ disc which set to
cross a poles of a _________ magnet.

II. Explain the range extension techniques used in PMMC instruments.

a. PMMC Ammeters
b. PMMC Voltmeters

a. A 50 V moving iron voltmeter has a resistance of 1000  and an inductance of 0.765
H. Assuming the instrument reads correctly on d.c., what will be the percentage error
when the instrument is used to measure alternating voltage of 50 V at 25 Hz ?
b. A correctly adjusted single phase 240 V energy meter has a meter constant of 600
rev/kWh. Determine the speed of the disc for a current of 10 A at a p.f. 0.8 lagging.

(25 Marks)

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Question 2

I. An Owen’s bridge is shown in figure 1. It is used to measure the properties of a sample

of sheet steel at 2 kHz. A test specimen is placed at balance arm ab. A resistor is placed
arm bc is R3 =100 Ω; arm cd is C4 = 0.1 µF and in arm da is R2 =834 Ω series with C2
= 0.124 µF. Derive the balance condtions and calculate the effective impedance of the
specimen under test condtions.

Figure 1

(10 Marks)

II. An AC bridge was designed as follows:

Arm ab, a capacitor of 0.8 µF in parallel with 1 kΩ resistance, bc a resistance of 3 kΩ,
arm cd an unknown capacitor Cx and Rx in series, arm da a capacitance of 0.4 µF. A
signal was given at 1 kHz which is connected across bd and a galvanometer is connected
along ac.
Draw the circuit diagram with given values and find the series equivalent of the
unknown impedance.
Determine the value of unknown capacitance Cx, unknown series resistance Rx and
dissipation factor.
(15 Marks)

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Question 3

I. For a circuit given that P = VI, and V = 100 ± 2 V (measured) and I = 10 ± 0.2 A
(measured), Determine the maximum allowable uncertainty, and the expected
uncertainty in power

(07 Marks)
II. The resistance of a certain size of coaxial cable is given by R = Ro[1+α(T − 20)] . The
resistance at 20°C is Ro = 6Ω ± 0.3%, temperature coefficient α = 0.004/°C ± 1%,
temperature T = 30°C ± 1°C. Compute the uncertainty in the resistance R

(09 Marks)

III. Illustrate the difference between accuracy and precision under the static characteristics
in instruments.
(09 Marks)

Question 4

I. An analog signal contains frequencies up to 15 kHz.

a. What range of sampling frequencies allows exact reconstruction of this signal from the
b. Suppose that we sample this signal with a sampling frequency Fs=6 KHz. Examine what
happens to the frequency F1=5 kHz.
c. Repeat part (b) for a frequency F2=11 kHz

(15 Marks)

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III. Figure 2 shows an oscilloscope displays of two signal waves in blue and red colour.
Determine the phase shift of the smaller 20 V peak (blue) waveform relative to the larger
25 V peak (red) waveform.

Figure 2:

(10 Marks)



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