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Reflective Essay

The book of Job is one of the wisdom books of Bible. It might have been written
in the 5th and 7th century BCE. The book of Job was written to address the problem of
human suffering. This book wants us to focus on the questions: Why do bad things
happen to good people?, How a just God allows innocents to suffer?, Does God govern
the world in righteousness?. In the Story, Job’s great trust, faith, belief, and devotion
to God was tested, and Job surmount it with an even greater trust, faith, belief, and

The book of Job is really relatable because of the fact that it teaches lifes lessons
that can make us realize a lot of things, and open our mind to see a situation with
different perspectives. The story has so much lessons that I can use in my lifes journey.
The story started by describing how righteous Job is, but because of Satan who
suggested God to remove all Job’s richess and wealth to test his faith in god, with this,
Job lost everything, his family, richess, and even good health. And like other human,
Job also questions God’s Righteousness, does really God run the universe according to
Justice?, and I can’t blame Job questioning God’s Justice because, if I were him, I
would also questions God’s Justice. I know a lot of us questions God’s Justice
whenever we are facing difficulties in life or tradegy. Just like me whenever I’m facing
difficulties and struggles in life, I always asks God, Why me?, Did I do something
wrong?, Do I deserve to be punish?. And when the story was on the part where Job
and his friends had a conversation about his situation, I felt like his friends are too
judgemental, they easily conclude that Job had might sinned, and it is really relevant in
today’s time, people easily judge you without knowing anything. When the story went to
a scene where God decided to talked to Job and showed him the virtual tour of the
Universe, it makes me realized how complex the universe is, and I should not accused
God whenever I encountered difficulties in life because, I’m not in the position to make
that claim. I should pray, and thank him despite the struggles, I should put in my mind
to trust his wisdom because, I know after all this challenges and trials I will be blessed
by him.

The book of Job taught us many lifes lessons, which makes our faith in the God
more stronger. In the Story, I also realized that sometimes life isn’t fair, but we should
just accept and learned to adapt to what the world has to offer, and with the question ,
“Why is there suffering in the world?”, Well our world is full of beautiful things in spite of
this, it is also dangerous that brings suffering or tradegy in our world. With that, I stand
with the fact, We live in an astonishing world that is not designed to prevent suffering.

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