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Environment is the surrounding or condition in which both living and non-living beings live. It is the base of all
living organisms. Human beings have direct relation with environment. We build and construct many
buildings, factories, houses in the environment. Due to such human activities, the quality of our air, water,
soil has begun to be polluted, and are decreasing. The reduction in the quality of environmental factors or
the negative effects on these natural environments is called environmental degradation.


Human beings have been conducting developmental works in a not-organized manner neglecting
environmental factors resulting in adverse effect in the environmental sustainability, and this is called
environmental pollution.

There are various types of pollutions:

1) Air pollution
2) Water pollution
3) Land pollution
4) Noise pollution


A large number of cases happening at the same time in a certain country due to the rapid spread of the
disease is called epidemic.

Measures to take to prevent the spreading disease:

 Conduct awareness and educational programs.

 Run programs related to disease and hygiene.
 Keep environment clean.
 Pay attention in conservation and sanitation of water resource
 In epidemic situation provide treatment for patient
 Keep knowledge about cause, effect and preventive measures of disease
 and apply caution for that.



National and international organization have played a vital role on environmental conservation by helping us
to formulate policy and to design programs for the conservation of the environment. Some of the
organizations are:
 National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC)
 The World Conservation Union (IUCN)
 World Wide Fund of Nature (WWF)
 United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
 International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)

National trust for nature conservation (NTNC)

It was established in 2039 BS with the objective to conserve nature and natural resources in Nepal while
meeting the needs of people in a sustainable way. This organization has been supporting the project related
to nature, conservation, research and environment education. It also has been conducting different types of
programs in association with Bardiya conservation project, bio diversity conservation Centre - Chitwan,
central zoo etc.

The World Conservation Union (IUCN)

It was established in 1949 AD to protect the natural solidarity of nature and its diversities, to follow
environmental sustainability and equity while utilizing natural resources and to inspire, encourage and
coordinate with the different countries, societies and organizations to achieve its objective.

Functions of IUCN

 Helps to develop training program, package books and other materials.

 Conducts project of wildlife conservation area.
 Protects the cultural and natural heritages.
 Helps in designing instructional material.
 Makes plans and policies for environment conservation and also implements them.

World Wide Fund of Nature (WWF)

It is an international non-governmental organization for the conservation of nature which was established in
1961 AD. Its main objectives are:

 To protect and conserve the gene pool, races of the organisms and the diversity of geo-spatial
 To ensure sustainable utilization and development of renewable natural resources for present and
future generation.
 To organize various programs to reduce consumption of natural resources and energy producing
toxic waste products and polluting the environment.
 In Nepal, WWF has been supporting the conservation of tigers, rhinoceros, and red panda. Besides
this, it also helps in the conservation of watersheds, conducts scientific studies and researches and
also controls illegal trade.

United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)

It was found by Maurice Strong as a result of Stockholm Conference in June 1972 in which the conference
also decided to celebrate June 5 as World Environment Day. At the end of 1972, the general assembly of the
UNO established the “United Nations Environment Program” where the governments of different countries,
scientists, traders’ group, non-governmental organizations, women and youth groups have been
participating. It pays special attention to make the world’s developmental activities healthy and long lasting
from environmental point of view.

International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)

It was established in 1983 with the objective to promote the economic status of people of Hindu-Kush region
and to protect the ecosystem of hilly and mountain region and also to protect the eco-system of hilly and
mountain region. It has emphasized on the development of marginalized people of hilly areas. It lays
emphasis on the protection of hilly ecosystem for future.

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