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Q.1 For single server queuing system with infinite buffer capacity, derive the formula for mean
time waiting in the queue. Assuming mean arrival rate ( 𝜆) and mean service rate (𝜇) are
constant. Suppose 5 requests arrive in a minute at the server while server spends 10 seconds to
serve a single request. Also find the server utilization, mean number of jobs waiting in queue to
enter the system.

Q.2 Let bit error rate on a link be 0.01, then what is the probability that a packet of length 128
bits is correctly transmitted under the assumptions that error correcting code can correct up to 3
bit errors.

Q.3 Suppose that the decay of battery follows an exponential distribution with parameter λ. A
random variable X measures the life of battery in minutes. Given that the probability of battery
life will more than 1000 Minutes is 0.368. Calculate the value of parameter λ.

Q.4 Consider the car-wash station shown in Figure-1. Assume that it is not allowed for care to
wait on the side of the road. So, station has made some modifications so that 6 cars can wait
inside the station (See diagram). Also, a driver is hired to move cars from parking to the
machine. The driver takes an average of 2 minutes to move the car to the machine. Assuming
that the arrival rate is 9 cars per hour and the washing time is 6 minutes. Also, assume Poisson
arrivals and exponential service. Answer the following questions in steady-state:
a.) What is the average number of cares waiting in station?
b.) If the car wash costs 15 SR and the station works from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm how much money
the collects per day on average? How much the station losses?
c.) On average how much it takes for a customer until he leaves with his car washed?
d.) The management decided to buy another machine if the old machine works more than 85%
of the time. Will the management buy a new machine?
Q.5 Suppose we know that the number of items produced in a factory during a week is a random
variable with mean 500.
(a) What can be said about the probability that this week’s production will be at least 1000?
(b) If the variance of a week’s production is known to equal 100, then what can be said about the
probability that this week’s production will be between 400 and 600?

Q.6 Write a short notes on followings:

(a.) Monte Carlo Simulation
(b.) Irreducible process

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