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1.1 The human body is made up of bones , blood , nerves and muscles.

1.2 Cells are the basic building blocks of the body.

1.3 The body has external body parts and internal body parts.

1.4 External body parts are those body parts that we can see at the outside of the body and
internal body parts are those found inside the body.

1.5 The following external body parts have their respective functions.

1.6 Head: contains sensory organs such as eyes , ears , tongue , brain and nose.

1.7 Eyes for seeing.

1.8 Ears for hearing.

1.9 Mouth for talking and eating.

1.10 Arms for handling things.

1.11 Legs for walking , running and kicking.

1.12 Chest as cover for the heart , lungs and liver.

1.13 The internal parts have the following functions.

1.14 Brain for thinking , memory , speech and function of the body parts.

1.15 Liver for pumping blood to all body parts.

1.16 Lungs help in breathing.

1.17 Stomach digests the food we eat.

1.18 Intestines get nutrients from the food we eat.

1.19 Gall bladder stores the bile that is produced by the liver.

1.20 Body parts that store and transport food work in a system called the digestive system
and include the mouth , throat , oesophagus , stomach , small and large intestines.

1.21. Body parts that transport and store air belong to the respiratory system and include the
nose , the throat , the windpipe ,the lungs and the diaphragm.
1.22 We breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.

1.23 The air enters and exists the body through the nose and the mouth.

1.24 The normal breathing rate whilst resting is between 12 and 25 times per minute.

1.25 Three body parts that help in the digestion of food are tongue , teeth and saliva.

1.26 Food nutrients are taken to the rest of the body by blood.

1.27 The heart and the blood vessels join together to form the blood circulatory system.

1.28 The heart is divided into four chambers.

1.29 Arteries carry oxygenated blood from the heart to all parts of the body.

1.30 Veins carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart.

1.31 Capillaries are formed where arteries and veins join.

1.32 A stethoscope is an instrument used to listen to the heart beat.


1 Name any two body parts that belong to the digestive system.

2 Which of the two is bigger , the large intestine or small intestine?

3 How many body parts make the digestive system?

4 What is the function of the digestive system?

5 From the body parts that make up the digestive system , identify one external part.

6 Where does digestion start in the human body?

7 Which body part stores faeces?

8 What does expansion mean?

9 Define contraction in relation with the digestive system?

10 What does the tongue use to mix broken down food in the mouth?

11 Which type of gas do we breathe in?

12 What do we use to breathe in and out?

13 How many lungs does a human being has?

14 What name is given to the system that transports and stores air?

15 The two openings of the nose are called ---------------------------

16 Give one function of the hairs found in the nose.

17 Where do we find the air sacs in the human body?

18 State the other name for tranchea.

19 Which fluid carries food to the parts of the body?

20 The air sacs are surrounded by ----------


1 the mouth ,salivary glands , gullet , stomach , small intestines , large intestines and rectum.

2 large intestines


4 store and transport food

5 mouth

6 mouth

7 large intestines

8 the walls of the gullet easing up to allow food through the gullet.

9 movement of the walls of the gullet as the food is squeezed with the gullet becoming

10 saliva

11 oxygen

12 nose

13 two

14 respiratory or breathing system

15 nostrils

16 help remove dirt and moisten the air we breathe in

17 lungs

18 windpipe

19 blood

20 blood vessels

1.1 A healthy lifestyle is a way of living that reduces the risk of falling sick or dying early.

1.2 Health is a combination of physical , social and mental well-being of a person.

1.3 Health related fitness is the ability of the body to carry out daily activities without too
much tiredness and still have energy to cope with emergencies.

1.4 The health related fitness aspects are endurance , strength , flexibility and body
composition and muscular endurance.

1.5 The major food groups are , fats , water , carbohydrates , vitamins ,proteins and mineral

1.6 Food can be grouped as healthy or unhealthy.

1.7 One must eat good food , clean the body , play and have enough sleep.

1..7.1 Carbohydrates provide energy.

1.7.2 Proteins help with the building and repair of body cells.

1.7.3 Vitamins help with the formation of body parts.

1.7.4 Fats provide energy and keep the body warm.

1.7.5 Minerals help with the formation of body tissues and help prevent diseases such as
goitre and anaemia.

1.7.6 Fibre/Roughage helps remove the waste from the body.

1.8 There are a number of dangers posed thru drug abuse.

1.8.1 Mbanje affects thinking and causes lung problems.

1.8.2 Nicotine causes lung cancer , heart diseases and high blood pressure.

1.8.3 Pain killers cause ulcers , kidney problems as well as death.

1.8.4 Cocaine causes loss of control , confusion and breathing problems.

1.8.5 Heroin causes vomiting , diarrhoea , breathing problems and HIV infection.

1.8.6 Smoking affects sporting performance.

1.8.7 Alcohol abuse leads to lung diseases , cancer and ulcers.

1.9 The aspects of sports related fitness are agility , balance , coordination , power , reaction
time and speed.
1.10 Sleep like rest heals and repairs the heart and blood vessels and also allows muscles ,
nerves , bones and connective tissues time to rebuild.

1.11 There are activities that can be performed at home , in the community and at school.

1.12 Some diseases are caused by lack of exercise and include obesity , diabetes , chest
pains , heart attack and stroke.

1.13 There are diseases caused by lack of nutrients and they include scurvy(lacks vitamin C )
, pellagra(low levels of vitamin B3) , goitre (lack of iodine) , kwashiorkor (lack of proteins) ,
marasmus(lack of carbohydrates and proteins) and rickets(lack of vitamin D)

1.14 Diseases caused by poor sanitary conditions include cholera(eating contaminated food or
water) , typhoid(poor sanitation ) and hepatitis A , dysentery (bacteria enters the intestines
through food or water) , bilharzia (worms in stagnant water.(hepatitis A virus causes)

1.17 There are injuries related to physical activities are muscle pull and strain , sprained ankle
, shoulder injuries , knee injury , shin splints , tendinitis and wrist sprains.

1.17.1 Fracture is a broken bone and can be either open or closed.

1.17.2 Dislocation refers to a bone at a joint is out of its normal position.

1.17.3 Muscle strain is an injury to a muscle caused by over working.

1.17.4 Muscle cramp is a sudden and painful tightening of a muscle.

1.17.5 Wounds are caused by blows , cuts or forceful contact of the body with a hard object
or surface.

1.18 Physical activity gets your body moving and makes you breathe quicker and your heart
beat faster.

1.19 There are safety precautions in handling apparatus and participating in physical

1.20 Prior to a strenuous activity one has to correctly warm up and cool down at the end of
the main activity.

1.21 The correct warm up stages are as follows ; loosening , stretching , strengthening and
sign posting.


1 What is a contagious disease?

2 What do you understand by the term symptoms?

3 How do we help in order to avoid spread of diseases?

4 List any four healthy living habits at:




5 Identify any three traditional foods that we are encouraged to eat.

6 Write down six safety measures that promote healthy living.

7 Name five injuries related to physical activity.

8 Match the named injuries in number 7 with a particular sport in which they occur.

9 Physical activity helps to improve -------------

10 Where does a dislocation occur in/on the human body/

11 Why is it discouraged to exercise immediately after a meal?

12 Identify any three diseases caused by lack of exercise.

13 Explain how lack of exercise causes the diseases mentioned in number 12.

14 How many litres of fluids do we lose in an hour of exercise/

15 How often should fluids be taken during exercise?

16 How much fluids should be taken at regular intervals during exercise?

17 The type of diarrhoea with blood is known as ------------------

18 Outline five diseases caused by lack of nutrients.

19 How do you avoid the diseases outlined in number 18?

20 Three diseases caused by poor sanitary conditions are ------------------ , ------------------ and

21 Iodine is a mineral. (yes or no )

22 Lack of Vitamin D causes marasmus. (true or false )

23 State any three physical activities that can be done at :



24 What is malnutrition?
25 Give two ways in which Hepatitis A is spread.

26 State two disadvantages of being overweight.


1 a disease spread from one person or organism to another by direct contact.

2 are signs of an existence of an undesirable situation

3 exercising healthy living habits

4 (a)home-cleaning the house

-digging in the garden

-washing the car

-pounding grain using pestle and mortar

-playing games

(b)doing a clean-up campaign


-karate club

-aerobic dancing

(c)watering the garden

-musical hula hoop game

-skipping rope game

-hopscotch game

5 munyevhe , sadza rezviyo , mazhanje , matamba and tsubvu

6 –taking care of implements

-disposing chemical bottles or tins carefully

-using gloves when handling dangerous and poisonous chemicals

-constantly check stools and chairs for defects

-paraffin , gas , firewood and electrical gadgets must be handled carefully

-in sport wear proper clothes

7 muscle pull and strain

-sprained ankle

-shoulder injuries

-knee injury

-shin splint


-wrist sprains or dislocation

8- muscle pull and sprains=soccer , basketball , cricket

-sprained ankle=soccer ,rugby

-shoulder injury=volleyball , soccer , rugby , netball

-knee injury=soccer , basketball

-shin splints=soccer , tennis and basketball

9 help reduce the risk of illness

10 joints

11 causes discomfort since the stomach will be full

12 blood pressure obesity and diabetes

13-blood pressure-heart muscles will have been weakened

-obesity-the joints , the heart and movement is affected when one gains too much weight

-diabetes-the body is unable to produce insulin needed to transport glucose or sugar required
by different body parts

14 one and half litres

15 after every 15minutes

16 150mls

17 dysentery







19(a)scurvy-eating fruits like oranges , lemons and strawberry

(b)rickets-taking fish , dairy products and liver

(c)goitre-taking salt water fish and iodised salt

(d)kwashiorkor-balanced diets rich in proteins such as eggs , milk , beans , kapenta , meat and
mopani worms must be eaten

(e)marasmus-eating food with proteins , carbohydrates and other minerals

(f)pellagra-food such as eggs , poultry , peanuts , beans and cow peas should be consumed

(g)malnutrition-eat enough food that has all nutrients



(c)hepatitis A

21 yes

22 false




-playing games








24 malnutrition is a condition caused by eating food which does not have all the nutrients or
eating less food

25 Hepatitis A is spread by

(a)eating or drinking contaminated food or water

(b)getting in contact with someone infected by the virus

26 The disadvantages are

(a)the joints are affected

(b)the heart , movement and breathing are affected


1.1 Aquatic skills are necessary for one to survive in water and always be careful around
water bodies.

1.2 Water safety refers to the procedures , precautions and policies in , on and around water

1.3 The measures include the use of protective equipment in the water.

1.4 Sources of water include dams , boreholes , rivers , lakes and seas.

1.5 Water can be used for domestic uses and industrial uses.

1.6 Water hazards in Zimbabwe include ; floods , drought , landslides , storms , water borne
diseases and tsunamis.

1.7 Gliding is the pushing of legs and hands together to move forward in water.

1.8 Submerging refers to the going under water.

1.9 Survival techniques in aquatics are as follows:

1.9.1 Side stroke-swimmer uses one side and turns on the other side when the other hand gets

1.9.2 Stay afloat-enables one to keep the body on top of the water while waiting to be
rescued.This is done by lying on your back with arms stretched out and legs spread out so
that the body is in contact with the water surface.

1.9.3 Do not attempt to swim as it increases the chances of drowning as the one disturbs the
rescue operation by the moving hands and legs in all directions.

1.10 There are a variety of strokes in aquatics and they are:

1.10.1 Front crawl-main body parts which are active include the legs and their main task is to
kick the water using technique called flutter kick which starts from the knee point to the ankle
and feet.

-power from the thighs enable the knees to slightly bend and the legs move from the calf up
to the ankle making the feet move in an up and down motion kicking the water.

-the hands play a part as they pull water by catching it in the palm and the pulling factor
allows the body to move forward.

-the head movement is done in a way that the swimmer has time to breathe and he/she turns
the head slightly to the side of the recovery hand.

1.10.2 Side stroke

1.10.3 Backward crawl

1.10.4 Butterfly stroke

1.10.5 Breast stroke-hands are moved in a circular motion and the movement has three stages
that start with hands stretched or extended away from the head with palms facing out.

-the hands then move backwards with palms pushing water in a backward direction and hands
should be close under the chest with palms facing each other.

-the legs assist in making the body move forward in water by making a kicking action.

1.11 A turn is a reversal of direction of travel by a swimmer and is done when a swimmer
reaches the end of a swimming pool but still has on or more remaining pool lengths.

1.12 There are several types of diving which include sitting dive , feet first diving , fall in ,
frog’s jump , headers , spring dive ,kneeling dive , standing dive and diving from the starting

1.13 Treading in water means staying at one place in water.

1.14 Gliding refers to the smooth movement through the water that occurs without using arms
and legs for propulsion.

1.15 There are several water hazards in Zimbabwe and they include:

1.15.1 Flooding-floods can sweep away large areas of timber plantations making companies
suffer huge loses.

1.15.2 Drowning-can happen whilst trying to swim across flooded rivers , swimming without
supervision or fishing.

1.16 There are devices that can be used to assist in rescuing a drowning person and are:
1.16.1 Rope-a rope is used to pull out the drowning person as it is thrown to the victim who
holds on to it until having been pulled out of water.

1.16.2 Pole-drowning person can hold on to a pole which is then used to pull him/her out of
the water.

1.16.3 Life jacket or floating tube-a drowning person can hold on to a life jacket or a tube
inflated with air so that he/she can float on top of water until the rescue teams reaches the

1.17 First aid refers to the first help given to a person suffering from a sudden illness or
injury and the PRICE method to limit pain is recommended.

1.17.1 P-protection

1.17.2 R-rest

1.17.3 I-ice

1.17.4 C-compression

1.17.5 E-elevation

1.18 When a person collapses and is unconscious , the best procedure is DRABC.

1.18.1 D-Danger-check for all factors that might create more dangers.

1.18.2 R-Shout at the victim for response

1.18.3 A-Airway-gently tilt the casualty’s head back to clear the airways from obstacles.

1.18.4 B-Breathing-check whether the casualty is breathing.

1.18.5 C-Circulation-check that the person has a pulse.


1 The three basic swimming strokes are ---------------- , ---------------- and ------------------

2 Where does the body face in front crawl?

3 What are aquatic kills?

4 How does one breathe when swimming?

5 What technique is used by the feet in front crawl when kicking the water?

6 How does the hands play a part in moving the body forward in front crawl/

7 What do the following abbreviations mean?

(a) D.R.A.B.C
(b) P.R.I.C.E

8 Name three water bodies common in Zimbabwe.

9 What is water safety?

10 Write down three water hazards common in Zimbabwe.

11 Define the following terms.



12 Describe the following survival techniques in aquatics.

(a)side stroke

(b)stay afloat

13 State five types of diving in aquatics.

14 Identify three devices that are used to assist a drowning person and explain how they are

15 Water canals are used to -----------------

16 What is a victim?

17 When does one perform a tumble turn in swimming/

18 What are aqua-aerobics?

19 Floating on the back by a swimmer helps to ---------------------------

20 The stroke used in water polo is ------------


1 side stroke , front crawl and breast stroke

2 water source

3 skills necessary for one to survive in water

4 head should be above water

5 flutter kick

6 pull water by catching it in the palm

7 (a)Danger , Response , Airway , Breathing and Circulation

(b)Protection , Rest , Ice , Compression and Elevation

8 rivers , water canals , disused gravel and quarry pits , sewage ponds , dams and swimming

9 protection from and or avoiding disasters associated with water

10 flooding , drowning , lightning and droughts

11 (a)gliding refers to the safe movement through the water without the use of arms and legs
for propulsion

(b)submerging means going under water

12 (a)side stroke-swimmer uses one side and turns on the other side when the arm used gets

(b)stay afloat-lying on your back with arms and legs stretched out and spread.

13 jumping into water , bottom bounce , sitting dive , feet first , fall in , kneeling dive and
standing dive

14 pole , life jacket , floating tube and rope

15 irrigate fields

16 a person who has been harmed

17 when a swimmer reaches the end of a swimming pool but still has one or more remaining
pool lengths to swim.

18 exercises done in a swimming pool

19 enables one to keep the body on top of the water.

20 front crawl


-Athletics is one of the many sport codes done at schools and naturally the kids have the
capacity to jump , run and throw items.The sprint start technique has three stages namely on
your marks , get set and gun.

1.1 Running involves the moving fast on foot or at a speed which is faster than walking.

-In running the events are as follows , eight minute endurance race, bends formula and
sprint/hurdles/slalom relay.

1.2 Types of baton exchange in relays are upward pass and downward pass.
1.3 In jumping the events are , forward squat jump , precision long jump and long jump with
a pole.

1.4 Athletics field events include long jump high jump , discus , javelin ,shot put and pole

1.5 There are horizontal jumps namely long jump and triple jump.

1.6 High jump has two distinct types identified as Fosbury flop and scissors kick.

1.7 In throwing , the following events are undertaken , overhead backward throw , rotational
throwing , kids javelin throw and target throw over a barrier.

1.8 Formulae one combines forward roll , sprinting , slalom and hurdles clearance and the
distance is about 60m or 80m long.

1.5 Shuttle relay is a combined sprint and hurdles event.

1.9 Knee throw is a throwing event whereby a medicine ball is thrown from a kneeling
position to a set target using two hands.

1.10 Running techniques include:

1.10.1 Upper body movement-an athlete has to run properly and the arms are pumped moving
in an up and down movement alternating with the legs.

1.10.2 Lower body technique-the legs assist in the production of power to increase speed and
the athlete should step with the front or ball of the foot in order to keep the body off the

1.11 Middle distance running techniques include:

1.11.1 Running with the correct technique thereby improving efficiency and significantly
reducing injury risk.

1.11.2 Rhythm-they develop a rhythm they follow as they run and this is formed by the foot
stride which allows them to remain in good postural position.

1.11.3 Posture-athlete encouraged to keep the head and chest upright and relax as much as

1.11.4 Relax-allows the athlete to enjoy running as this takes pressure away from the joints of
the body.

1.12 Long distance running techniques include:

1.12.1 Foot landing-requires the foot placed correctly on the ground to avoid injuries and the
foot must land start by stepping using the balls of the foot so that the forward movement is
not disturbed.
-The heel of the foot will then slightly touch the ground before the leg is lifted off the ground

1.12.2 Body posture-the muscles around the stomach area assist the athlete by maintaining a
strong trunk or waist line which connects to the lower body of the athlete.

-hips connect the upper body and the lower body and play a big role in keeping the legs
moving at different speed frequency and stride length.

-the muscles in the buttock area help the athlete to gain power which is used to move the legs
starting from the thigh area.

1.12.3 Running rhythm-athlete creates a rhythm by maintaining the same stride length , stride
frequency and hand movements.

-athlete should not change the rhythm because this leads to loss of energy and time as the
athlete has to use more energy in order to catch up with others.

1.13 Jumping seem to be part of our culture from the time we are kids.

1.13.1 High Jump-is a vertical jump and the technique includes timing and leaving your feet
at the right point as well as how to bend your body as you go over the bar.

-jumping styles include The Fosbury flop and The scissors.

1.13.2 Long jump-is a horizontal jump which involves a run up by the athlete so that he/she
gains speed before stepping on a wooden board to leap and land into a pit.

1.13.3 Pole Vault-has steps to follow and for a successful jump and are:

-athlete runs down the track holding a pole at one end.

-at the end of the run , the athlete plants the tip of the pole into a metal box in the ground and
then moves up and over a bar using both a jump and the spring of the pole to gain height.

-athlete must get over the bar without knocking it off.

-athlete lands on a large mattress for safety.

1.13.4 Triple jump-involves three combined jumps that are done before landing into the pit
and the jumps involved are:

-The hop-athlete runs down the track gaining speed and will jump from one foot and land on
the same foot.

-The step-athlete then jumps again and this time landing on the opposite foot.

-The jump-athlete then jumps again as far as he/she can and land on both feet.

1.14 Throwing is an act of throwing an object so that it can land as far away from the
throwing area.
1.14.1 Discus-athlete throws a round disc ,made of rubber , plastic or wood with a metal rim.

-Females of all ages and levels use a discus weighing 1kg and boys use 1.5kg discus whist
junior men use a 1.75kg discus with senior men using a 2kg discus.

-The discus is thrown from a concrete circle that is about 2.4metres in diameter and the
athlete’s feet cannot leave the circle before the discus lands.

1.14.2 Javelin-spear like and weighs 600gr for boys and 500gr for girls.

-athlete jogs down a runway to gain speed and then throws the javelin before crossing a line
and only goes over the line when it has landed.

1.14.3 Shot put-athlete throws an implement made of steel and has a spherical shape and
weight differs depending on age of the athletes.

1.14.4 Hammer throw-form of throwing which involves the throwing of a steel ball attached
to a steel rod or chain and the ball weighs differently.


1 What aspect of fitness is a necessity for the 8minute endurance race?

2 Identify the two types of baton exchange in relays.

3 Name three field events where no implement is used.

4 Some of the field events use an implement , list three of them.

5 Distinguish between the Fosbury flop and Scissors types of high jump.

6 What is the distance for formulae one?

7 List two running techniques in :

(a)middle distance running

(b)long distance running

8 What is the main difference between high jump and long jump?

9 What is the weight of the discus for junior men?

10 What difference in weight are the boys and girls javelin?

11 How many combined jumps are involved in triple jump?

12 Identify any three sprint events.

13 Name the two categories of jumps.

14 In which race is an implement used in athletics?

15 How is pole vault performed?


1 endurance

2 upward sweep , downward sweep , no visual exchange

3 high jump , long jump and triple jump

4 shot put , javelin , discuss and pole vault

5 Fosbury flop is a also known as the J approach and the jumper lands on back on a mat
whilst the scissors kick type the jumper lands on the front leg

6 80metres

7(a)rhythm , posture and relax and running rhythm

(b)foot landing , body posture ,

8 high jump is a vertical jump whilst long jump is a horizontal jump

9 1.75metres

10 600g -500g =100g

11 three

12 100m , 200m and 400m

13 vertical and horizontal jumps

14 relay event

15 the athlete runs down the track holding a pole at one end

-the athlete plants the tip of pole into a metal box

-the athlete must get over the bar without knocking it

-the athlete lands on a large mattress



2.1.1 Invasion games are games with two distinct territories and involves teams playing
against each other with the sole aim of invading the opposition territory and score points.

2.1.2 The games focus primarily on teamwork , maintaining possession , scoring and
2.1.3 Teams involved have equal numbers of players.

2.1.4 The aim of the game is to attack an opponent’s territory and score a goal and is played
with an equal number of players on each side.

2.1.5 There are a variety of skills used in invasion games and include:

-Space awareness as it allows players to recognise their position in relation to the position of
the ball and the opponent and the activities are running into space and covering open space.

-Reaction is done in a small space in order to maintain ball possession , receive the ball , pass
the ball or even dodge an opponent.Reaction refers to how fast or slow an athlete responds to
a situation during a game.

2.1.6 Make use of all space available when playing these games.

2.1.7 Different players play in different positions.

2.1.8 Players need to react quickly and get into free space .

2.1.9 The games are soccer , basketball , handball , rugby ,netball , hockey and water polo.

2.1.10 The principles of attack are :

-Penetration-getting inside and behind the opposition defence.

-Mobility-movement that makes it difficult for the defender to follow an attacking player.

-Width-the ability of the attacking players to use the whole width of the field.

-Creativity-the ability to of the players to deal with any situation by finding a solution to go
beyond the defence line of the opposition.

2.1.11 The defensive principles are :

-Delay-ability to slow down an offensive move , disrupt pace or numerical advantage of the
attacking team.

-Depth-refers to the defenders’ position on the part of the field as they don’t have to leave too
much space in front or behind.

-Balance-is the shape that is taken by the whole defence when defending in areas where the
ball is and even in areas where the ball is not found.

-Concentration-the ability of the defence to focus , reducing the chances of making mistakes.

-Composure/discipline/patience-necessary to maintain defensive shape.


1 Why is space awareness important in invasion games?

2 Describe two characteristics of invasion games.

3 Identify any three invasion games.

4 How many teams compete in invasion games?

5 Name four skills used in invasion games.

6 Give one advantage and one disadvantage of moving into space in invasion games.

7 Name two pieces of equipment used in cricket.

8 What do you understand by reaction?

9(a) Write down three principles of defence in invasion games.

(b)Write down two principles of attacking in invasion games.

10 A defender’s role in an invasion game is to --------------

11 Which player in soccer is only allowed to play using hands?

12 Why is it important to maintain position in relation to your team mate during a game?

13 What is the use of wearing uniforms during invasion games?

14 Why is it important for players to concentrate during the match?

15 Give an example of a position in soccer.

16 Teams that compete in invasion games must have equal number of players. ( true or false )


1 it allows the players to recognise their position in relation of the ball and their opponent

2 teamwork , maintaining possession , scoring and defending

3 soccer , netball , basketball ,water polo , rugby and handball

4 two at any given time

5 space awareness , positioning , reaction principles of attack and defence

6 advantages-allows attacking player to receive the ball without bring challenged

-enables the player to score points

-player can maintain possession

-disadvantages-ball possession is lost easily

-difficult to score more points

-movement is too slow

7 box , helmet , pads , bat and ball

8 reaction means how fast or slow an athlete responds to a situation

9(a)delay , depth , balance , concentration and composure/discipline/patience

(b)penetration , mobility , width and creativity

10 defend their territory so that they don’t concede points

11 goalkeeper

12 gives the team an advantage when attacking or defending

13 for easy identification of teams

14 concentration is needed because it reduces the chances of making mistakes.

15 goalkeeper , defender , midfielder , winger and striker

16 true


2.2.1 Target games are activities in which players send an object towards a target while
avoiding obstacles and the targets might be stationary or mobile.

2.2.2 The major strength should be aiming and the games are bull’s eye , knock down , target
5 , through the goal , pinwheel , golf , bowling , archery , darts and snooker.

2.2.3 Combat games include Wrestling , Taekwondo ,Wushu , Karate , Boxing Tug of war
and Judo.

2.2.4 Aiming is pointing or directing towards something that you want to hit.

2.2.5 It is very important to maintain balance when aiming and this helps the athlete to
remain upright and steady.

2.2.6 An athlete needs to put his or her body in a comfortable position that allows easy
performance and that is known as stance.

2.2.7 A player can also transfer weight to one side of the body.


1 What is to aim?

2 Define targeting.

3 What is involved in target games?

4 Name two disciplines where a proper stance is important.

5 Which two body parts are mostly used in darts?

6 List three games that use stationary targets.

7 Two skills used in target games are ------------- and --------------

8 What is a stance?

9 In bowling the targets are called ----------------------

10 Name two combat games.


1 aim is to point the instrument or equipment one is using at a target correctly

2 targeting refers to aiming at what is to be hit

3 aiming and targeting

4 golf , darts , bowling , archery and snooker

5 legs and hands

6 darts , archery and golf

7 aiming and targeting

8 body position taken and followed by the person playing

9 pins

10 karate , judo , wrestling , boxing , wushu


2.3.1 The games are played on a court divided by a net and strokes are used and they involve
sending a ball over the net to the other side of the playing field.

- The games are pickle ball , lawn tennis , table tennis , badminton and volleyball.

2.3.2 Strokes are the act of swinging or striking a ball with a racquet and the following
strokes are common:

(a)Serve-used to start the game and the continental grip is encouraged for learners.

-Started at the baseline with the ball in the non-dominant hand and the racquet in the
dominant hand.

(b)Forehand-uses the player’s stronger hand and players normally use the semi-western grip
and players must pay attention to their footwork , racquet preparation and balance.
(c)Backhand-a stroke in which the ball is hit with the back of the racquet and is used to return
the ball with the racquet held showing the back part of the hand.

-One handed backhand uses the eastern backhand grip and the two handed backhand uses the
continental or eastern grip.

(d)Volley-stroke played by a player who approaches the net before the ball contacts the
ground or whilst the ball is still in the air.

(e)Overhead-used when the ball drops to the ground after an opponent would have tried to
play a long shot.

2.3.3 The player should keep eyes on the object with feet apart and knees flexed.

2.3.4 Spinning a ball can be done using many different sporting implements , hands and legs.

2.3.5 Strokes are performed for height , spin , distance and power.


1 Identify three purposes for strokes.

2 What are the five basic tennis strokes?

3 Give three examples of net games.

4 What are net games?

5 Describe the difference between a backhand and forehand stroke in net games.

6 Explain how the overhead stroke is executed in net games?

7 How is a serve executed in tennis?

8 The most important stroke in tennis is ----------

9 Which two strokes allow the player to gain distance in the shot by stepping into the shot?

10 A spin on the ball makes it ----------------------------


1 height , spin , distance and power

2 serve , forehand , backhand , volley and overhead

3 lawn tennis , table tennis and volleyball

4 games which involve sending a ball over the net to the other side of the court or playing
area using equipment or hands
5 backhand is a stroke hit with the back of the racket whilst a forehand is hit with the
dominant hand

6 executed when the ball would have dropped to the ground after the opponent would have
tried a long shot.

7 started at the baseline with the tennis ball in the non dominant hand and the racket in the
dominant hand.

8 serve

9 forehand and backhand

10 turn or cause to whirl round quickly


2.4.1 Striking games involve the use of bats to hit a ball aimed at a given target.

2.4.2 Players score points by striking an object and running to designated playing areas or
preventing opponents from scoring by retrieving the object and returning it.

2.4.2 The games are cricket , softball and baseball.

1.3 The grip helps the athlete to keep the implement under control and the implements can be
a racquet , stick and bat.

1.4 When striking the object always remember that the point of contact at which is made by
the implement to the ball determines how the ball moves.

1.5 Grip , stance , footwork and striking are an integral part in striking games.

1.5.1 Grip-an action which involves holding of the striking tool or equipment.

1.5.2 Stance-is the body position that is taken by the player when preparing to hit the ball and
the types of stance are open stance and closed stance.

1.5.3 Footwork-is the movement of legs of the batter as he/she prepares to hit the ball.

1.5.4 Striking-involves the striking team batting strike a ball and attempt to run between the
marked points in the field.

-The types of strokes are:

(a)Forward stroke-when the ball thrown to the batter is slow , he/she can move forward to
make contact with the ball.

(b)Backward stroke-the striker has to move back to make contact with the ball if the speed is
so fast.

1 How many types of stance do we have in striking games?

2 Name the two stances in striking games.

3 What is to grip?

4 What is the relationship between the grip , stance and footwork?

5 Identify two strokes used in striking games.

6 List three striking games.

7 One of the benefits of using the correct grip in cricket is ------------------

8 Forward stroke is usually done when the ball is ------------------

9 When do we use the backward stroke?

10 State the difference between the forward and backward strokes.

11 Name two skills used in striking games.

12 State two games where the grip is used.

13 Give one disadvantage of a poor grip.

14 In which discipline do we have a batsman?


1 two

2 open and closed stance

3 take and keep a firm hold of something or hold tightly

4 batter’s body action allows the three skills to work together

5 forward stroke , backward stroke

6 baseball , cricket and softball

7 you are able to take the shot you intend to

8 slow

9 when the speed of the ball is very fast

10 backward stroke has a fast ball involved whilst a forward stroke has a slow ball

11 right grip , hand position , stance , stride , swing , contact and follow through
12 baseball , softball and cricket

13 not able to execute the intended shot

14 cricket


2.5.1 A landform is any natural feature found on the land.

2.5.2 A map is a diagrammatic representation of landforms.

2.5.3 Familiarise with areas to do adventure.

2.5.4 The activities that one can get involved in are cycling , abseiling , climbing , descending
,animal riding , camping and orienteering

2.5.5 Orienteering is an outdoor adventure activity that exercises both the mind and the body.

-People involved use a map and compass to travel along a route they do not know as quickly
as possible.

2.5.6 Climbing-a sport of climbing mountains and the equipment used include rope , helmet ,
harness , boots , belay(rappel device) , pulley and climbing pack.

-Climbing techniques include:

(a)Edging-step on a hold with the rubber on the edge of your shoe and use the inside edge
where your big toe offers stability on smaller holds.

(b)Smearing-if you do not have foot hold , rely on your shoes’ rubber soles for friction
against the rock.

2.5.7 Abseiling-is the act of descending or climbing down a rock face by using a double rope
fixed at a higher point and coiled around the body.

2.5.8 Cycling/biking-use of bicycles for exercise , sport or recreation and this promotes
weight loss , improves mental well-being , building muscles , strengthens immune system ,
reduces risk of heart problems and reduces stress levels.

2.5.9 There are a number of water based activities that include:

(a) Boat racing-is the use of power boats to participate in races and can be done as a sport or
for recreational purposes.

(b) Fishing-an activity where people catch fish for eating at home or for sale.

(c) Kite surfing-done on flat water surface using a kite to move forward as the wind blows
through it.
(d) Rafting-a competitive sport or recreational outdoor activity in which inflatable rafts are
used to navigate a river or other water bodies.

(e) Diving-involves jumping or falling into water from a platform or springboard.

(f) Canoeing-an activity which involves paddling a canoe with a single bladed paddle.

2.5.10 Ropes can be joined to form knots and the most common knots are the overhead knot ,
square knot and sheet bend.

2.5.11 Knots are used for pitching tents , mountain climbing and building rafts.

2.5.12 Lashing is binding or tying wooden poles or timber together.


1 List three outdoor activities you know.

2 Explain how one of them is performed.

3 Name five pieces of equipment that is used for mountaineering.

4 Identify the two important climbing techniques.

5 People involved in cycling are called ---------------------

6 Write down three types of equipment needed for cycling.

7 List two parts of a cycle.

8 What is mounting?

9 Give two road rules a cyclist must follow.

10 Name two types of knots used for tying.

11 What are knots used for?

12 When do we use lashings?

13 What is belaying?

14 Canoeing is an activity which involves moving a canoe using -------------

15 A rock climbing skill that enables safety during climbing is ------------------

16 Which outdoor activity does one need to use maps and a compass?

17 A compass is a device used to find ---------------------

1 cycling , canoeing , sailing ,mountain climbing , belaying , orienteering , boat racing ,
fishing , kite surfing , rafting and diving

2 choose an outdoor activity and explain how its undertaken

3 rope , helmet , harness , boots , belay , pulley and climbing pack

4 edging and smearing

5 cyclists

6 helmet , jacket , gloves , reflective leg band and goggles

7 pedal , brakes , spokes , saddle , reflectors and handle bars

8 mounting is the skill of getting onto a bicycle

9(a)obey all traffic rules and regulations

(b)keep to the left side of the road and use a cycle track

(c)avoid cycling at night

(d)watch for wet leaves , potholes , stones and broken glass on the road

(e)be sure brakes are working well

10 overhead knot , square knot and sheet bend

11 knots are used as joints in tent pitching , mountain climbing and building rafts

12 when binding or tying wooden poles or timber with a rope

13 belaying is process of holding the climbing rope and a climber in the event of a fall

14 paddles

15 abseiling

16 orienteering

17 direction


2.6.1 A combination of gymnastic activities which are done following a pattern from one
station to the last are called gymnastic routine.

2.6.2 Locomotion is the movement from one place to another using different parts of the
body and the types of locomotion are:

(a)Self propelled-athletes participate in activities like running , swimming , jumping ,

hopping and gliding.
(b)Locomotion through space-refers to a situation where the athlete can do various movement
patterns that require the body to move through space and round its own axis and examples
include rotation , twisting , rolling , turning and spinning.

2.6.3 Movements in locomotion vary from crawling , walking , running , hopping ,

galloping , skipping , and leaping.

2.6.4 Balancing is a skill that can be applied individually , in pairs and groups.

2.6.5 The types of balancing available are individual , pair , small group balances , large
group balances and whole group balances.

2.6.6 Weight bearing is the ability of the body to hold its own weight.

2.6.7 Weight transfer is the shifting of the body weight to and from different parts of the

2.6.8 Movement can be classified as heavy , light , quick and natural.


1 List two types of movements in locomotion through space.

2 Locomotion requires --------------------

3 Identify the two types of locomotion and explain them.

4 Give three ways in which locomotion can be performed.

5 Gymnastic activities promote ------------------ and --------------------------

6 Name four types of balancing one can perform.

7 What is the difference between balancing on a partner and balancing with a partner?

8 Explain the difference between a small group balance and a large group balance.

9 Which balance offers more stability between a 1 point balance and a 3 point balance?

10 Which skill is needed in forming pyramids?


1 self-propelled locomotion and locomotion through space

2 requires the movement of the body from one point to another

3(a)self-propelled-athlete participates in activities like running , swimming , jumping and


(b)locomotion through space-athlete can do various movement patterns that require the body
to move through space and round its own axis
4 rotation , running ,jumping , swimming and gliding

5 health and fitness

6 one point balance , three point balance ,pair balancing , group balancing etc

7 balancing on a partner refers to a situation where by one is bearing much of the weight
whilst partners bear the same weight when balancing with a partner.

8 small group balance is a balance where the number of gymnasts are less than the number of
groups whilst a large group balance has gymnasts more than the number of groups

9 three point balance

10 weight bearing


3.1:SUB TOPIC==========MUSIC

3.1.1 Mass Displays is an act that involves a group of people dancing and acting in a way
which shows a theme.

3.1.2 Mass Displays promotes the sense of beauty , leadership ,teamwork , discipline and
social cohesion.

3.1.3 Music during Mass Displays is used to enter and exit the performance area.

3.1.4 Musical songs are played to entertain , teach the audience and also to guide the

3.1.5 Music can be produced using various instruments depending on the type of sound one
wants to produce and dance to.

3.1.6 Athletes can use mbira , shakers ,clappers , jingles , marimba and shakers for music in
Mass Displays.

3.1.4 Music normally comes from background sources to which performers dance.


1 Give three functions of music in Mass Displays.

2 What is the source of music in Mass Displays/

3 What do the performers use music for in Mass Displays?

4 Give four examples of percussion instruments.

5 Identify five percussion instruments that can be combined with other instruments.

6 What is a theme?
7 Give an example of an event where Mass Displays are done.


1(a)entertain the audience

(b)teach the audience

(c)guide the performers

2 recorded music or live music

3 enter , entertain and exit the performance area.

4 triangle , drums , tambourine and rattles/shakers

5 marimba , triangle , suspended cymbal , clappers , drums and whistles

6 theme is a topic of what one wants to put across

7 sports days , speech and prize giving , independence day and defence forces day


3.2.1 Consists of a variety of pictures and letters that send a message and the artwork must be

3.2.2 Is part of the scene that is furthest away from the spectator and is behind the main figure
of object.

3.2.3 Can write letters and draw pictures that depict various themes using a number of paints
and colours.

3.2.4 Themes are the topics that are used to formulate shapes and drawings.

3.2.5 Geometric shapes are shapes that have flat areas surrounded by edges and include circle
, square , triangle , rectangle , pentagon , diamond , hexagon , trapezium and star.

3.2.6 Organic shapes are shapes that are formed from shapes of things from the environment.

3.2.7 Abstract shapes are formed from real elements found in the world to create a simplified

3.2.8 Colours have meaning for background art.

(a) Red-passion , drama , danger ,courage , strength and power.

(b) Yellow-hope , success , confidence , freshness and energy.

(c) Green-growth ,health , refreshing and peaceful.

(d) Black-mystery and bad luck.

(e) Blue-trust , shade of sea and sky , calmness and extreme peace.

(f) Pink-sensitivity , love , femininity and tenderness.


1 Identify the meaning of the following colours as used in background art.






2 Why are pictures used as background art?

3 Name five geometric shapes available.

4 What are organic shapes?

5 Describe an abstract shape.

6 State three materials that can be used to make background art.

7 How many primary colours do we have?

8 Give three examples of secondary colours and pair the primary colours that produce the
respective secondary colours.

9 How many colours does the colour wheel has?

10 Where can we display background art?


1(a)pink-sensitivity associated with love , femininity and tenderness

(b)blue-trust , calmness and peace

(c)red-passion , danger , courage ,strength and power

(d)yellow-hope , success ,confidence , freshness and energy

(e)green-growth , health and peace

2 as a symbol that represents an idea

3 circle , square , triangle , rectangle , pentagon , diamond , hexagon , trapezium and star
4 shapes formed from shapes of things found in the environment

5 shapes formed from real elements found in the world

6 symbols , figures , words , drawing or paintings

7 three

8 red and yellow-orange , red and blue-purple/violet , yellow and blue-green

9 twelve

10 cards , posters , banners and stage


3.3.1 There is movement freely from point A to point B as well as responding to music
played and the movement must be interesting.

3.3.2 When involved in movement remember to use space wisely.

3.3.3 Calisthenics are gymnastic exercises that are designed to develop health and vigour and
are performed with little or no special apparatus.

3.3.4 Mass Displays formations take different shapes and displays different activities

3.3.5 Simple formations are popularly known as the exercise point and include exercise
formation , file formation , column formation , oblique formation , circle formation and
square formation.

3.3.6 Complicated formations include star formation , s shaped and flower formation.

3.3.7 Dance involves movement and can be done in the arena as part of play through sport.


1 What is rhythm?

2 What is choreography?

3 Identify the major two groups of formations in Mass Displays.

4 Give three examples of each of the two major groups of formations.

5 What are calesthenics?

6 Hand signals can be used to give --------------------to performers in Mass Displays

7 Simple formations are used in performance to maintain ------------- during performance.

8 -------------------- is a repeated pattern of sound.

9 The type or art used in Mass Displays is ----------------------

10 Define a formation.


1 a set pattern followed by gymnasts

2 choreography is movement made by dancers when performing dance of their choice

3 simple and complex formations

4(a)simple formations-file , column/linear ,circle and square

(b)complex formations-star , s shaped , star and flower

5 gymnastic exercises performed to develop health and vigour with little or no apparatus

6 command

7 maintain order

8 rhythm

9 background art

10 way in which a group or groups of performers are arranged into different shapes or

Prepared by P Mugomba

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