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Prepared by: The TIE review team

Module-1-5 Sample questions

1. Explain the advantages, disadvantages and applications of optical fiber communication?

2. Explain the cross-sectional end view of the structure of an index guiding photonic

3. With suitable structures give a comparison of conventional single-mode and multimode

step-index and graded-index optical fibers

4. Explain briefly about fiber materials used in optical communication

5. Explain different absorption mechanisms in optical fibers.

6. With the help of a neat diagram, explain the main blocks of an optical fiber communication

7. Explain indoor and outdoor optical fiber cable designs.

8. Explain macro bending and micro bending losses with a neat diagram

9. Explain briefly chromatic dispersion within an optical fiber

10. Explain the ray theory of the optical fiber with the help of a neat sketch.

11. Draw the diagram of a typical GaAlAS double Heterostructure LED along with the
energy band diagram and Refractive index profile and explain.

12. Explain the implementation of WDM networks with various types of optical
13. Describe the principles of working isolators and circulators with a neat diagram

14. Explain the Fabry-Perot resonator cavity of the laser with a neat diagram.

15. Write a note on (i) Diffraction gratings and (ii) MEMS technology.
16. Explain the amplification mechanism in the EDFA amplifier with the help of an energy
band diagram

17. Explain the terms (i) Spontaneous emission (ii) Stimulated emission (iii) Quantum

18. Explain the basic operation of a generic optical amplifier

19. Explain Public telecommunications networks review with a neat


20. Explain synchronous networks with STS frame structure.

21. Describe Internet protocol over physical layer evolution and traffic flow pattern with
relevant diagram.

22. Explain with neat diagrams, Wavelength convertible routing network architecture

23. Explain an Optical packet-switched network with a neat diagram.

24. Explain the Routing and Wavelength Assignment with the help of a neat diagram

25. Explain the Generic structure of Optical burst switching networks.

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