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OIE Animal Welfare

requirements and existing

relevant Indonesian
Regulations for Handling and
Slaughter of Cattle of
Australian Origin
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Directorate of Veterinary Public Health and Post Harvest
Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health Services
Ministry of Agriculture - Indonesia
OIE Animal Welfare requirements and existing relevant Indonesian
Regulations for Handling and Slaughter
of Cattle of Australian Origin

The Joint Team Indonesian and Australian Agreed on the following from the OIE
Chapter 7.5 and Law 18/2009 article 66 (2) f. and g.

This document cross references the OIE requirement with existing/proposed

Indonesian Law and Regulation including MUI Fatwa. The basic principle is that
animal must be treated with care and respect (ihsan) to minimize the suffering.

OIE standard 7.5.1

To ensure that their transport, lairage, restraint and slaughter is carried out without
causing undue stress to the animals; the principles underpinning these
recommendations apply also to these animals. OIE has 15 high level principles and
clearly says there is a direct link between animal husbandry, animal welfare and
animal health. Article of Law 18/2009 article 78 are relevant also.

It does not include any assessment from the end of the slaughter relating to food
hygiene aspects.

This initial assessment will be based on the world organization for animal health
(OIE) welfare guidelines for the slaughter of animal (chapter 7.5) endorsed by 178
countries including Australia and Indonesia.

The management of the slaughterhouse and the Veterinary Services should ensure
that slaughterhouse staff are competent and carry out their tasks in accordance with
the principles of animal welfare.
(refer to Law 18/2009 article 61)

Animal Behavior
Animal handlers should be experienced and competent in handling and moving farm
livestock, and understand the behavior patterns of animals and the underlying
principles necessary to carry out their tasks.

Appropriate handling of animals will be achieved by animal handlers taking account

of cattle behavior.

Ministerial Decree no 13/2010 concerning the requirement for slaughter house and
meat cutting plant, article 4 stated that animal should be slaughter under three
principles of animal welfare, veterinary public health and religions rule

1 | OIE Animal Welfare requirements and existing relevant Indonesian Regulations for
Handling and Slaughter of Cattle of Australian Origin
OIE provides guidelines under s7.5.1(4) ‘distraction and their removal’ on general
principles that cattle should be accommodated and moved in an environment which
accounts for their behavioral sensitivities. This is an important consideration in the
design of the abattoir and training of the animal handlers.

OIE standard 7.5.2

transport should be conducted in accordance with the OIE recommendations for the
transportation of animals OIE Chapters 7.2. and 7.3. (Law 18/2009 article 66 (2) d.)

Specific issue that are relevant during handling and transport and management in an
abattoir are covered under OIE article 7.5.2; no 1f

Painful procedures (including whipping, tail twisting, use of nose twitches, pressure
on eyes, ears or external genitalia), or the use of goads or other aids which cause
pain and suffering (including large sticks, sticks with sharp ends, lengths of metal
piping, fencing wire or heavy leather belts), should not be used to move animals.

Any risk of compromising animal welfare, for example slippery floor, should be
investigated immediately and the defect rectified to eliminate the problem. In addition
to resource-based measures, outcome-based measures (e.g. bruises, lesions,
behaviour, and mortality) should be used to monitor the level of welfare of the

OIE Provisions relevant to restraining and containing animals

a) Provisions relevant to restraining animals for stunning or slaughter without
stunning, to help maintain animal welfare, include:
i. provision of a non-slippery floor;
ii. avoidance of excessive pressure applied by restraining equipment that
causes struggling or vocalisation in animals;
iii. equipment engineered to reduce noise of air hissing and clanging metal;
iv. absence of sharp edges in restraining equipment that would harm animals;
v. avoidance of jerking or sudden movement of restraining device.

b) Methods of restraint causing avoidable suffering should not be used in conscious

animals because they cause severe pain and stress:
i. suspending or hoisting animals (other than poultry) by the feet or legs;
ii. indiscriminate and inappropriate use of stunning equipment;
iii. mechanical clamping of the legs or feet of the animals (other than shackles
used in poultry and ostriches) as the sole method of restraint;
iv. breaking legs, cutting leg tendons or blinding animals in order to immobilise
v. severing the spinal cord, for example using a puntilla or dagger, to immobilize
animals using electric currents to immobilise animals, except for proper

2 | OIE Animal Welfare requirements and existing relevant Indonesian Regulations for
Handling and Slaughter of Cattle of Australian Origin
Ministerial decree 13/2010
Article 4.a
animal should be slaughter under three principles of animal welfare, veterinary public
health and religions rule

Article 8 (2) b
Slaughter house should have unloading facilities and shelter for holding the animal

Article 11.g
Non slippery floor

article 12 (1)
Unloading area should meet the requirements as follow :
a. should designed appropriately to keep animal not injured from jumping or slip and
falling down
b. Unloading ramps should be designed and constructed so as to permit animals to
be unloaded from vehicles on the level or at the minimum gradient achievable.
Lateral side protection should be available to prevent animals escaping or falling.
c. In principle the floor from area of unloading to holding facilities and to
slaughtering area are not slippery and designed to minimize injury
d. Should meet the requirements on animal welfare

article 12 (2)
requirement for holding facilities:
a. The distance from holding facilities at least 10 meters from the main building
b. The capacity to hold 1,5 times average number of animal slaughter per day
c. Have adequate ventilation and lighting
d. Drinking water facilities should be designed to easier to be clean
e. Floor made from strong material and water resistant, not slippery, easy clean
and disinfected
f. Drainage designed to easy for drain
g. Shade made from strong material, non toxic and could protect th animal from
sunlight and rain
h. Should have gangway connecting from the holding facility to slaughtering
room which strong railings in both side and the width is enough for one cattle
to keep the animal from turning around.
i. The race to move the animal from the holding area to the slaughtering room
should be designed properly not to have contrast color and strong lighting that
would caused the animal stress and fear.

3 | OIE Animal Welfare requirements and existing relevant Indonesian Regulations for
Handling and Slaughter of Cattle of Australian Origin
OIE standard 7.5.3
Lairage design and construction

OIE provides guidelines under s7.5.3 on’ Lairage design and construction’. Lairage
design here is important in the context of stocking densities where welfare is not
compromised such as through too many animals being confined together with would
not allow animal to lie down, turn around or move to access water or feed where

That Animals in the lairage must not be able to visualize animals being slaughtered
or products of the slaughter process can be inferred from this article and other
articles in the OIE code.

There must also be protection from adverse climatic conditions which all animals in
the lairage can seek protection from simultaneously . The section also provides for
appropriate flooring, drainage, ventilation, light, no physical dangers, and points to
remove sick/injured animals. This is correlates particularly with article 66(2) (b and c)
of Law 18/2009 regarding animal husbandry and animal health.

OIE standard 7.5.4

OIE requirements outline in detail. Indonesian requirements will be covered in the

proposed Ministerial Decree regarding Good Slaughtering Practices for Ruminants
as revised version of Ministerial Decree No 413/1994 regarding Good Slaughtering

OIE standard 7.5.5

Management of foetuses during slaughter of pregnant animals

In Indonesia according to the Law 18/2009 article 18(2) it is forbidden to slaughter
productive female cattle.
Before slaughtering should be confirmed through the reproduction examination.
Pregnant female cattle should be put in separate pens.

The requirements for productive female cattle pens should be the same as the
requirements for other cattle and equipped with crush for examination the
reproductive status.

4 | OIE Animal Welfare requirements and existing relevant Indonesian Regulations for
Handling and Slaughter of Cattle of Australian Origin
OIE standard 7.5.6

Summary analysis of handling and restraining methods and the associated animal
welfare issues
Presentation Specific Specific Animal welfare Key animal Applicable
of animals procedures purpose concerns/ welfare species
implications requirements
Restraining Lateral Restrainer/ Slaughter Stress of restraint Competent Sheep,
methods restraint – cradle/crush without animal goats,
manual or stunning Handlers calves,
mechanical camelids,
Upright Mechanical Slaughter Loading of animal Competent Cattle,
restraint straddle without and animal sheep,
mechanical (static) Stunning Overriding Handlers goats, pigs
Restraining Rotating box Fixed side(s) Slaughter Inversion stress; Proper design Cattle
by inversion (e.g. Weinberg without stress and operation
pen) stunning of resisting of equipment
inhalation of blood
ingesta Keep
as brief as
Compressible Slaughter Inversion stress, Proper design Cattle
side(s) without stress of resisting and operation
stunning restraint, of equipment
Preferable to
rotating box with
fixed sides
Keep restraint as
brief as possible

This proposed Indonesian regulation on Good Slaughtering Practices related to

animal welfare will covered all the aspects listed in the OIE table.

5 | OIE Animal Welfare requirements and existing relevant Indonesian Regulations for
Handling and Slaughter of Cattle of Australian Origin
OIE standard 7.5.7
Stunning methods
According to the Fatwa of Indonesian Islamic Body (MUI) dated 18 October 1976
regarding animal slaughtering practices with mechanical stunning. However
only reversible stunning is permitted

“Menetapkan / memfatwakan bhwa penyembelihan hewan secara mekanis

pemingsanan merupakan modernisasi berbuat ihsan kepada hewan yang disembelih
sesuai dengan ajaran Nabi dan memenuhi persyaratan ketentuan syar'i dan
hukumnya sah clan halal, dan oleh karenanya, diharapkan supaya kaum Muslimin
tidak meragukannya”

The OIE provides guidelines under 7.5.7(5) ‘stunning methods – bleeding’ which
state that animals which are stunned with a reversible stun should be bled without
delay. The article provides a guideline in stating that no more than 20 seconds
should elapse between stunning with a non penetrative captive bolt and sticking.
Sticking should include the incision of both carotid arteries. No dressing procedures
should be commenced for at least 30 seconds after sticking and not before all brain
stem reflex have ceased.
Signs of correct stunning using a mechanical instrument are as follows:
a) the animal collapses immediately and does not attempt to stand up;
b) the body and muscles of the animal become tonic (rigid) immediately after the
c) normal rhythmic breathing stops; and
d) the eyelid is open with the eyeball facing straight ahead and is not rotated.
OIE standard 7.5.8
Summary analysis of stunning methods and the associated animal welfare issues
Method Specific Animal welfare Key animal Species comment
Method concern/implications welfare
Mechanical Captive bolt – Inaccurate Competent Cattle, Presently
non- targeting, operation and calves, available devices
penetrating velocity of bolt, maintenance of sheep, goats, are not
potentially equipment; deer, pigs, recommended
higher failure restraint; camelids, for young bulls
rate than accuracy ratites, and animals with
penetrating poultry thick skull. This
captive bolt method should
only be used for
cattle and sheep
when alternative
methods are not

6 | OIE Animal Welfare requirements and existing relevant Indonesian Regulations for
Handling and Slaughter of Cattle of Australian Origin
OIE standard 7.5.9

Summary analysis of slaughter methods and the associated animal welfare issues

Slaughter Specific Animal welfare Key Species comment

Method Method concern/implications requirements
Bleeding out Full frontal Failure to cut both High level of Cattle, No further
by cutting across common carotid operator buffalo, procedure
severance of the throat arteries; competency. A horses, should be
blood vessels occlusion of cut very sharp blade camelids, carried out
in arteries; pain during or knife of sheep, goats, before the
the neck and after sufficient length poultry, ratites bleeding out is
without the cut so that the point completed (i.e.
stunning of the knife at least 30
remains outside seconds for
the incision mammals).
during the cut; The practice to
the point of the remove
knife should not Hypothetical
be used to make blood clots just
the incision. after the
The incision bleeding should
should not close be discouraged
over the knife since this may
during the throat increase animal
cut. suffering.
Bleeding with Full frontal Failure to cut both A very sharp Cattle,
prior stunning cutting across common carotid blade or knife of buffalo,
the throat arteries; sufficient length horses,
occlusion of cut so that the point camelids,
arteries; pain during of the knife sheep, goats
and after the cut. remains outside
the incision
during the cut;
the point of the
knife should not
be used to make
the incision. The
incision should
not close over
the knife during
the throat cut.
Neck skin cut Ineffective stunning; Prompt and Cattle
followed by inadequate size of accurate cutting
severance of stick wound; of vessels
vessels in the inadequate length of
neck sticking knife; delay in
sticking after
reversible stunning

7 | OIE Animal Welfare requirements and existing relevant Indonesian Regulations for
Handling and Slaughter of Cattle of Australian Origin
OIE standard 7.5.10
Methods, procedures or practices unacceptable on animal welfare grounds

The restraining methods which work through immobilisation by injury such as

breaking legs, leg tendon cutting, and severing the spinal cord (e.g. using a puntilla
or dagger) cause severe pain and stress in animals. Those methods are not
acceptable in any species.

8 | OIE Animal Welfare requirements and existing relevant Indonesian Regulations for
Handling and Slaughter of Cattle of Australian Origin

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