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° 2 > & = a 2 s u Pecan eee es eke Edu Consultants (P) Ltd, India has carved an eminent Position in providing consulting services to students NE Re a le uee aoe nc Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Germany, France, Tenn eu Cu ORC ne me Cac ‘Austria, Latvia, Estonia, Hungary, Czech Republic, etc. The Edge of SNY Cosmos > 19 years of expertise. > Vast experience of guiding 10000+ students. > One of the first consultants in India to promote Study in Europe extensively. » Direct representative of Top-ranked public universities & Business schools in Europe. > 150+ partner universities across 16 countries in Europe. » Wide range of course options matching every budget. > Extensive support in application and post admission process, Accomplishments > Guided about 10000 students to pursue their dream of studying in Continental Europe » Secured over 50 Crores worth of Scholarships covering tuition fees in some cases and living expenses in some cases. » Secured admissions at around 150 European universities. » Secured admissions in about 250 specializations. > Secured over 6000 admissions at universities and higher education institutions ranked among world’s best 500. Dedication & Values > Operates in the context of student's interests and the standards of the international universities. » Offers need-based consulting services by understanding technical requirements and psychological needs of students aspiring to study in abroad. » Maintains Up-to-date information on study opportunities, scholarship opportunities & latest changes in visa procedures. » Constantly update us with the latest advancements in the domain of international education through attending the conferences, so to ensure guiding the student in right direction. » Collaboration with other service providers to find solutions in the attestation services, translations services, loan applications, payment of fees ete. » Ensures that our counsellors are highly qualified and come from diverse academic backgrounds. > Ensures that human values and ethics are reciprocated in our operations, > Value for money. Services » Comprehensive Counselling » Launching housing Application » Country Selection » Expert Visa guidance > University and Course selection as per career interests and eligibility > Cultural Understanding and Adaptation > Support in exploring fee waivers for qualified students > Pre-Departure briefing > Active part in Admissions > Documentation guidance eS a eee ay Our organization has unmatched track-record of supporting Bee eae ue ae ce cee tard Coens Ree er We eee een ee cue) Feet ne RO eee eee Cte List of Universities “* Chalmers University of Technology * Jonkoping University * Dalama University = University West “= Lund Universiy ‘= Unversity of Boras “= Linneaus University ‘= Kistansted University “= Uppsala University “= Halmstad University = University of Shove “= Malardalen University “ Linkoping University Aao University University of Ture > Motropolia University of Applied Scioncos ‘> Tampore Univorsity > University of Outs + Haaga-Holla University of Apoliod Sciences ‘* Lappoenranta University of Technology Hankon School of Economics * LAB University of Applied Sciences: Denmark, Nor ‘= Aashus Universy- Facultes of Technical and Natural Sionces ‘= IBA- Intemational Business Academy ‘ Southern University of Denmark Sonderborg Campus ‘+ BI Nomwegian Business School Ital = Paltecnico Di Milano % Universi of Cattolica Accademia Haan * Politi Graduate School of Management = University of Padova LUISS University > Domus Academy > NABA- Now Academy of Fine Arts "*Universiy of Modena - UNIMORE * IULM University of Milan Poli Design - Politecnico Di Milano * Institue Marangoni - Fashion, Design and Art ‘= Ca Foscari Unversity of Venice ™ Bologna Business School ™ SPD Scuola Paiecnica Di Design * The Florence Insilule of Design International + Universiy of Insubria LUISS Business School IUAV Venice Unversity of RUF Rome Universiy of Fine Arts Aehteeture & Design Germany = FH Mitelstands EU Business School - Munich Campus “= TU Munich Germany - Campus in Singapore Berlin School of Popular Arts ISNIntematonal School of Management University of Applied Sciences Europe ‘Munich Business Seteol IU International Universy of Applied Sclencet ™ FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economies and Management ‘+ New European Collage Munich ® Brand Academy - Unversity of Applied Scionces ® SRH group of universes in Serin, Orosdon, Hamburg, Heidelberg ‘= GISWA Business Scrool __* Berlin School of Business & Innovation Design Academy- Berin Schoo! of Design and Communication, “= Constructor University (Formerly called as Jacobs University of Bremen) Gorany ‘+ ISL Sparchschule-Pathway + Master programs at TU Clausthal/ FH Jena /TH Bochum Frai ‘= Burgundy School of Business. ™ IMT Mines Ales * Rennes School of Business © Sustainable Design School “= SKEMA Business Schoo! IMT Mines Ai IESA School of As & Culture National Pelylochnic Institute ‘= Nooma Business School IMT Atlante * Insitute Culinary De France ISEP- School of Digital Engineors ‘* EMLV Business School IMT Nord Europe Cours Floren School of Acting ESAIP Graduate school of Engineering “= Paris School of Business = ISG Paris “* ESILY Enginooring Schoo! '* LISA School of Art & Design ‘= Excelia Business School ESCCI Paris + IPSA Paris ‘= UniLaSalle- School of Agronomy, Food Production ‘= Kodge Business School Toulouse Business School State School of Design ‘+ EPITA Gracluate School of Computer Science * EISTI- Graduate School in Computer Science & Mathematics Engineering Netherlands “= Univorsiy of Twonte = HAN University of Appliod Sclonces-® Rotterdam Business School - University of Applad Scioncos ‘Haarlem Campus ‘= Savion Universty of Applied Sciences Wittenborg University of Apolied Sciences “Vile University Amstordam * Global School for {toprenourship Belgium, Austria, Slovenia NICH Innsbruck, Ausra "* KaG University of Applied sciences, Belgium GEA College Liublana, Slovenia * Thomas Moore university of Applied sciences, Belgium Switzerland ‘= Geneva Business School - Geneva = Mt Luzem “EU Business School - Geneva and Montreux _® BHMS- Business & Hotel Management Schoo! Spain, Portugal “= UCAM — Catnolc University of Murcia, Spain = Genova Business Schack: Bareolona and Maca, Spain “* EU Business School ~ Barcelona, Spain = UPT Portugal Czech Republic, Latvia, Hungary, Poland, Croatia, Georgia “= MIAS Schoo! of Business, Czech Technical university Budapest Metropolitan Unversity, Hungary ‘= Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic University of Debrecen, Hungary ‘+ Riga Technical University, Latvia ** Universiy of Information Technology & Management, Poland "* Latvia University of Life Sciences & Technologies, Latvia Algebra University College, Croatia “= Riga Stradi University, Latvia Alte University, Georgia 9 REASONS TO STUDY IN EUROPE ery Sy SNY COSMOS “WZ Overseas Edu Consultants, (Pvt) Lt. z -chershing the Academic Lies Chennai Bangalore Phone: 044 45502487/45502448/9940382688 Phone? 080-41646995/41645999/8884377788 Eel E-mail: chennai@ E-mail: bangalore@ Hyderabad Vijayawada E-mail: E-mail STUDY IN THE UNITED KINGDOM Overseas Edu Consultants, (Pvt.) Ltd. (Cherishing the Academic Lives ay SNY COSMOS ‘om TOP REASONS TO STUDY IN UK The United Kingdom consists of four constituent countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The United Kingdom was the world's firs industrialised country and the worlds foremost power during the 19th and early 20th centuries. The UK has © multicultural society, with a rich diversity of cultures, languages, and faiths. + The United Kingdom's capital and largest city is London, a global city and financial centre with an urban area population of 10.3 milion London has the highest number of top worldwide ranked universities per city * The UK is substantially cheaper than other English-speaking study abroad destinations such as the US and Australia when # comes to paying for higher education UK is Second-lorgest economy in Europe after Germany * The sectors hat contribute mostio the ULK.'s GDP are agriculture, services, manufacturing, construction, and tourism + The UK is one of the world’s most popular destinations fo study higher education, with more than 500,000 international students enrolling each year. Britain is home to some of the world’s most prominent institutions of higher learning and ranked among the top Universities in the world. Such as University of Cambridge, Oxford University, Imperiol College, London, and UCL consistently rank among the world’s top ten universities * British higher education is highly valued around the globe for its quality and rigorous academic standards. Encourage international study and support the exchange and mobility of students, scholars and academics around the world. The UK education system has attracted many international students who have gone on to become global financial leaders, leading politicians and thinkers who have had an important influence on the world, * Internationally Recognized Degrees and Qualifications. The United Kingdom (UK) is home to some of the world’s oldest universities and colleges having their roots in the 12th ond 13th centuries * Wide Range of Speciation’s are taught In UK around 50,000 various Courses. The most developed area isa service sector, which contributes about 80% of GDP. 2 Years stay back visa after graduation * Opportunity to pursue salary based internships in poriner companies which may lead to further employment. Hundreds of companies advertise thesis projects, internships, jobs, doctoral positions through the student union of each Uk universities -e Some of the major companies including SHELL, BR GSK, VODAFONE, HSBC, AVIVA, LEGAL AND GENERAL, UNILEVER, TESCO, PRUDENTIAL, ROLLS ROYCE, SHIRE LIST OF OUR PARTNER UNIVERSITIES: “& University of Edinburgh University of Manchester ® University of Worwick - WMG * University of Birmingham Southampton University Kings College London * University of Sheffield “University of Leeds > Queen Mary University London ® University of York * University of Both * Exeter University * Nottingham University ® University of Aberdeen * University of Liverpool Royal Holloway, University of London F University of Sussex * Cordiff University Reading University * Kent University “* Brunel Universi * Cronfield University “* University of Leicester * University of East Anglia ® Queens University Beast University of Dundee > Swansea University * University of Essex > Herio! Wat University Edinburgh > Anglia Ruskin University * Universi of Sirathelyde ** Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne ** University of Teesside % City University London ® University of String University of Woles Bongor * Liverpool John Moores University F Middlesex University, London * University of Portsmouth * Aston University * Aberystwyth University Plymouth University University of West of Scotland * De Montfort University Falmouth University * Durham University * Glosgow University Lancoster University University of Greenwich * University of Hertfordshire Glasgow Caledonian University * Oxtord Brookes University ® London Metropolitan University * University of Westminster, London * University of West of England * Nottingham Trent University * Coventry University + University of Bradford *% Manchester Metropolitan University Kingston University Edinburgh Napier University * University of Bedfordshire University of Fost London University of Central Lancashire eo ooo oeoeee eee eae eeaeaaane University of Northumbria, New Castle & London Campus Eee eect Paeres NIE EnEEE Shetfield Hallam University, Sheffield Rochompton University, London Cardiff Metropolitan University University of Salford Canterbury Christchurch University University of Wolverhampton University of Ulster Main Compus Hult Business School (London) University of South Wales Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen University of Sunderland University of Northampton Bath Spa University Solent University, Southampton University of Chester Abertay University, Dundee University of Creative Ars University of West London York St John University The University of Low University of Bolton University of Worcester St. Mary University, London Regents University London Richmond University, London University College Birmingham BPP Universily London South Bank University Leeds Beckett University, Leeds Birmingham City University University of Derby University of Ulster, London & Birmingham ey STUDY IN IRELAND SNY COSMOS Overseas Edu Consultants, (Pvt.) Ltd. (Cherishing the Academic Lives * Ireland is a dynamic, lively and modern country. * The Irish economy is one of the fastest growing in the Eurozone and the th mos! competitive in the world. It is an entrepreneurial country wih global connections “e The mojor industries of Ireland include: Food producis, brewing, texiles, clothing, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, machinery, transportation equipment, glass and crystal, and software. Ireland known forils large expanse of lush green fields and magnificent castles, Ireland is ¢ country that offers you the best cof both worlds - the green countryside and a vibrant urban lifestyle. “* The lorgest industries in the country are Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Computer Hardware and Software, Food Produels, Beverages and Brewing, and Medical Devices. Ils world-class institutions, exlensive selection of courses, and abundant work opportunities make it an ideal destination for international students lrish people ore renowned for ther friendliness and hospitality which greatly contributes fo the ease with which overseas sfudents adap! o student Iifein Ireland The Irish government monitors the quality of education via National Framework of Qualifications (NFF). This means rrespeclive of the university you envoll in, the quality of education remains uniform. = A technology hub with many leading companies having their European headquarters here. All seven of Ireland's public universities rank within the world’s top 700. Ireland consistently ranked in the world's top 20 countries for exceptional quality oflife, peace, and human development, Ireland is increasingly becoming a op choice among international students. * Universities and colleges of Ireland form the top 1% of research institutes of the world with impacts in 19 disciplines. “® Universities in Ireland rank in the top 3% world-wide and graduates from Irish universities are ottractive to employers the world over, Post-graduate Programmes can be tought or research-based. = With a vibrant culture that rewards entrepreneurial spirit and offers multiple opportunities to grow professionally, the country will teach you lessons that go beyond the class curriculum, * Master’s degrees are typically one-two years in length and usually involve both taught coursework and a thesis component, The Ireland system of learning is heavily balanced towards a more practical approach to learning with opportunities for nternships with local companies * Many leading global companies are located in Ireland and career opportunities are plentiful. It is especially good for careers in Software Development and I, Engineering, Financial Services, Food and Agriculture, Medtech and Pharma: Ireland is the lorgest exporter of software in the world and rates amongst the top five producers of pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals globally 1000s of giant companies in Information & Communications Technology ICT), Social Media, Pharmaceuticals, and Finance have their European headquarters (HQ) or their largest European operations in Ireland. Some giant companies in Ireland are Google, HP Apple, Accenture, Dropbox, IBM, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, eBay, Microsoft, PayPal, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Abbot! Laboratories, Plzer, GSK, Genzyme and many more Dublin, the capital of Ireland, is said to be one of the 7 new cities in the world for start-ups. LIST OF OUR PARTNER UNIVERSITIES University College Dublin ® Trinity College Dublin a] we Unveniy of tine oll + Dublin City University \ National University of reland, Gahvay + Notional University of Ireland, Maynooth University Collage Cork ® TU, Dublin (Formally DIT) Insure of Technology Carlow i can ® Notional College of ireland Pa -» Dundalk Insttute of Technology , cued - Insitute of Technology, Irolee i 1 Pi Dublin Business School Cu al Grifith College Dublin * Galway Mayo Institute of Technology Woterford Institute of Technology - Limerick Institute of Technology DT + Cork Insite of Technology aie Letierkenny Insitute of Technology Athlone Institute of Technology Institute of Technology Blanchardstown Shonnon College of Hotel Management

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