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This mod aims to improve upon personal unsastifactory minor details and content and

also add in additional cut content for New Vegas. Yukichigai Unofficial Patch's
changes have also been carried over aswell.

Notable list of changes

Various weapons have been improved:
The player now grips the BB gun properly.
Sniper rifles and their unique counterparts now use the scope reticle from Fallout
3 and use proper sound effects that was in the game files with a silencer.
Varmint rifles and the unique variant, Ratslayer now uses .22 LR ammo.
Veronica now carries a laser pistol instead of a 10mm pistol due to her being
proficent with energy weapons instead of guns.
The deathclaw guantlet has been improved, the weapon now works similarly to TTW's
The pulse and plasma grenades now uses the proper first-person throwing animation.
The player no longer pulls an invisible pin on them.
The Codac R9000 (Despite techinically not a weapon) now uses a more fitting
possible sound effect instead of reusing the coffee mug collision sound.
The condition for rippers, chainsaws and thermic lances have been halved, mainly to
make HD chain mods for rippers and chainsaws much more useful.
Plenty of cut content have been restored, put in the most lore-friendly and
balanced way possible:
Various outfits like the REPCONN jumpsuit, Enclave remnant tesla armor, armored
Vault 21 jumpsuit.
A few stuff which was also cut content in Fallout 3: 3 ranks for Life Giver, the
"atomization" effect meant for the Fat Man, deathclaw poisoning effect, the damage
effect for ants and bloatflies, and the screen effect upon consuming ant nectar.
The effect was too bright, so I had to tone it down.
4 challenges, Lucky Shooter, You Missed the Apple, Shoot His Eye Out and Locks,
4 cut weapon mods for the trail carbine, service rifle, marksman carbine and
the .45 Auto pistol.
The deathclaw guantlet, which can be crafted on a workbench along with the
shishkebab with enough repair level.
Radscorpion eggs, which can be obtained from dead radscorpions. The value is also
modified to be a reasonable 25 instead of 5.
Nuka-Cola Quantum, which was even modified for hardcore mode and is actually
partially used (Found once in the abandoned tent and Lonesome Road) has a low
chance to be found on Nuka-Cola vending machines like in Fallout 3. Quantum is also
now added for Nuka Chemist aswell.
Ruby's spicy casserole recipes, which can either be bought or stolen from Johnson
Pew Pew's special firing feature. Originally, the Pew Pew was to fire 2 shots each
time the weapon is fired, but since the weapon fires 2 shots regardless of ammo
count and the devs couldn't figure out how to fix this, this was cut from the game.
The ability to play Caravan with Poindexter.
The option to return Vance's gun to Primm Slim.
The full version of The Moon Comes Over the Tower. Originally, you were supposed to
deactivate the Lucky 38's network encryption through 3 terminals to access the
mainframe to bug it. Even though this was cut from the game, Emily still mentions
the cut objective when accepting the quest.
Dialogue choice to convince Caesar to let the Brotherhood of Steel go when told to
destroy their bunker.
The background music for Freeside which was partially used. The music was heard on
the gate entrance outside the town.
No-Bark's Noonan's speech failure dialogue: "That's just the kind of thing I'd be
expecting them to say, which proves you're not with them."
NCR emergency radio item dialogue. They were originally meant to be in the game,
but the devs couldn't get it working properly, so they commented the whole code
out. The code is now restored and improved, so it'll work anywhere and anytime
without any problems.
Vault 3 e-mail messages, which would've been in the empty terminals and would've
fleshed out the vault's backstory.
Marilyn in the Lucky 38, however the ability to talk to her is disabled due to her
lacking voice files. There are plenty of leftovers of her both in-game and
externally, which suggests she was meant to be included in the game in the first
place, but didn't due to time constraints. For example, Veronica mentions Mr. House
having "two robot sex slaves" and Marilyn appears on the Collector's Edition cards.
The unique climate for the Lucky 38.
.22 LR casings, in addition you can now craft .22 LR rounds at a reloading bench.
Child at Heart dialogue choices, which are now reimplemented as charisma checks.
TTW patch reverts to require the perk instead.
Most New Vegas-exclusive outfits now provide bonuses instead of being cosmetic-
Improved weapon condition system: Weapons in lower condition now jam upon firing
and the weapons' jamming likelihood is now increased.
The autoaiming for weapons has been disabled.
The radiation accumulation and hardcore mode needs rates have been increased.
Cannibalism perks (Cannibal, Ghastly Scavenger, Tribal Wisdom) now adapt to the
survival skill. The more skill points on survival, the more health recovered and
hunger decreased.
Restored music meant for certain places like Jacobstown, parts of Hoover Dam and
The Fort.
Various typographical errors and other text inconsistencies not covered by YUP yet
have been resolved.
The radio at Goodsprings now plays Radio New Vegas instead of Mojave Music Radio as
Trudy implies.
Radio New Vegas now plays Joshua Sawyer's songs Streets of New Reno, Home on the
Wastes, New Vegas Valley and Cobwebs and Rainbows listed on the credits as part of
the station upon recruiting the Lonesome Drifter and Bruce Issac respectively.
The classic Fallout music is now in better quality.
Fixed the player's death screams not playing.
Removed the fame bonus upon informing Manny or Jeannie May the ghouls are gone,
which doesn't make sense considering you already gain fame upon completing Come Fly
With Me.
Added a fame bonus upon completion of 2 Brotherhood elder-exclusive missions,
making it possible to reach a "idolized" reputation with the Brotherhood which is
normally impossible outside of Lonesome Road.
Vulpes, Gabban and Caesar now flee with the Terrifying Presence dialogue.
Sewer inhabitants no longer turn hostile upon killing Greasy Johnny and his
Modified a few challenges to reflect their description. Set Lasers for Fun now also
actually counts towards laser weapons, both challenge and perk.
Powder charges can now be bought from Carter in the NCR Correctional Facility.
Jason Bright's followers now carry the weapons found from their dead bodies instead
of only laser pistols.
A few NPCs with repair services like Major Knight now has their repair skills
reduced to prevent easy maximum condition repairs.
Fixed most sound effects not covered by YUP not playing due to problems with OGG
Added audio for Vault 11's sacrificial chamber in original quality to replace YUP's
low-quality audio.
Fixed the shovel having a low quality texture due to a missing 1st person texture.
Fixed the suitcase to have a proper opening and closing animation.
You can now pick up each item instead of everything from Mojave Express dropboxes.
Digging graves now gives a karma penalty like in Fallout 2.
Fixed inconsistent, lore-breaking copyright date on the terminals' boot-up screen.
The screen now reads 2075-2077 instead of 2201-2203.
Restored the original placement for the First Recon at Camp Forlorn Hope. This made
finding their members at Forlorn Hope easier again.
The Chinese stealth armor now has a +15 sneak boost instead of +5 and emits a
stealth field upon crouching, just like Fallout 3's Operation: Anchorage.
The escaped convicts at Primm now won't attack you if you're wearing a Powder
Ganger disguise.
The Great Khans' health has now been increased to match the loading screen tip of
them being extremely tough.
The pitch on the Mr. Gutsies' voices have been reduced so they sound a lot more
manly and less goofy.
Manny Vargas' terminal now require hacking to access, and is now owned. This makes
it less easy to obtain information about Benny from him.
One of the neutral level titles "Pinnacle of Survival" is now "Quill of Memory" to
be consistent with "Shield of Hope" and "Sword of Despair".

Dead Money
Cut content restored:
Additional vending machine codes for the police pistol, the ability to return
Sierra Madre armor for chips and Rebound.
Suprise items for the vending machines, which would've dispensed random items.
A feature where you could distract the ghost people using holograms in the Villa.
Even though this was cut, this feature is still metioned plenty of times in the
Cut terminal entries and notes.
In addition, the remote maintenance terminal password is now properly relocated to
Ennis' terminal. His terminal now requires a password to access.
Junk ammo from the Junk Rounds perk, which has reduced damage and increases weapon
decay. Modified the requirements based off JSawyer and removed their value to
prevent easy cap exploits.
Unused ending slides for the DLC.
Dean Domino's hair, which was shown on this concept art and the achievement icon
for Assemble Your Crew.
Changed the dialogue to collect a complimentary reward into a less placeholder-y
one: "I'd like to collect my reward."
Father Elijah now actually resembles his appearance in his holograms.
Father Elijah's voice is now normalized to prevent distorted buzzing noises caused
by JIP's voice modulation fix.

Honest Hearts
Cut content restored:
An African-American race for both 3 tribal groups.
Waking Cloud's outfit, which was meant to be put on the reward footlocker.
An unique poison for green geckos, which reduces 1 hit point per second and 2
strength for 60 seconds.
The tritium-illuminated iron sights is now a seperate weapon mod for the .45 pistol
that increases zooming while aiming down sights.
Daniel's race has been changed from Caucasian to Asian as originally intended:
"Daniel was specifically supposed to be (and was, in data, for most of development)
Asian. I don’t know when, how, or why he was switched to Caucasian, but that’s how
he shipped. It’s frustrating, because those changes slot Joshua and Daniel as white
guys among (mostly) brown folk when 1) they weren’t supposed to be white guys and
2) the tribes were specifically called out as ethnically and culturally mixed
without any real-world analogues." - Joshua Sawyer.
You're now prevented from using the campfire in combat only while having the Home
on the Range perk.
Improved rain effect: Raindrops now transitions more smoothly upon looking up or
down, fixed rain effects not appearing in lower altitude areas for mods carrying
over the rain effect to the Mojave and improved overall performance..
Added a dialogue option to let Joshua Graham execute Salt-Upon-Wounds without the
Sneering Imperialist perk after Salt-Upon-Wounds talks to you.
Fixed the trees not moving due to an animation looping bug.
Fire bombs now use the unused Molotov cocktail sound effect and leave a lingering
flame that burns anyone who comes in contact with it.

Old World Blues

Cut content restored:
The modified Nuka-Cola vending machine in the Sink, which dispenses various types
of Nuka-Cola for bottle caps.
An unused ending slide for the brain tank.
An effect for the lobotomite jumpsuit where it would reduce your movement speed.
Skilled has now been reworked: the trait now gives +5 skill points when you level
up but you gain a perk every 3 levels instead of 2.
The darklight cowl's night-vision now switches on and off depending on the time of

Lonesome Road
Cut content restored: The Scorched Sierra power helmet, which Colonel Royez now
wears instead of a beret.
Workbench and reloading bench for ED-E only becomes available through asking from
his Lonesome Road counterpart.

Gun Runners' Arsenal

Cut content restored: 2 weapon mods, a third mod for the Ripper and a scope
attachment for the hunting revolver.
Increased the requirements of microfusion grenades from 30 cells and clusters to
180 cells.
The Bozar is now retweaked; the weapon now deals a maximum 30 damage, is
significantly more accurate but has a more fragile condition based on the weapon's
description of being a weapon prone to jamming from Fallout 2.
Hive missiles can now be used to give to Raquel at Nellis.
The laser pistol's combat sights now increase zooming while aiming down sights
instead of being purely cosmetic. (WMIM patch only)

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