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GNED 07 common currency areas.

developments have appeared to
THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD affect the evolution of global and
LESSON 4 regional businesses cycles in
REGIONALIZATION, ASIAN unexpected ways. For example,
despite the presence of strong
global trade and financial linkages,
INTEGRATION there was significant variation in
growth performance across
different regions during the 2008 –
REGIONALIZATION 2009 financial crises. Specifically,
Globalization and regionalization some regions (e.g. Asia) exhibited
are the two key defining features of surprising resilience during the
the contemporary world especially worst of financial crisis and rapidly
in politics. Regionalization and returned to high growth whereas
globalization are not completely some others (e.g., North America
new processes. Nonetheless, it can and Europe) experienced deep and
be said there was a re-emergence of prolonged contractions.
both processes in relevance,
influence and intensity since the In economic point of view,
1980s and especially during the globalization is a process of making
1990s after the end of the Cold world’s economy more integrated,
War. There has been an explosion the process of bringing more and
of new and reinvigorated existing more parts of the world together
regional organizations, the EU, into one seamless economy.
NAFTA, Mercosur, the Arab Regionalization on the other hand,
League, or ASEAN and so on. is a process that generally similar to
globalization, but can compete with
REGIONALIZATION: The it to some degree.
process of dividing an area into
smaller segments called regions. Although the two are similar,
regionalization can be opposed to
The inexorable forces of globalization. This occurs when a
globalization and ‘regionalization’ region tries to integrate itself, but
have reshaped the world economic then puts up barriers against the rest
landscape over the past quarter of the world. This would be a
century. Global trade and financial situation if, for example, China and
flows have registered the countries of South East Asia
unprecedented growth during this integrated but then prevented
period. Intraregional economic extensive integration with the rest
linkages have also become much of the world’s economy.
stronger with the proliferation of
regional trade agreements and
While globalization suggests that
the world is becoming more 3. REGION as an organized
interconnected, regionalization cooperation. – A region can be
demonstrates that global relations interpreted as a group of nations
are organized in different regions: who agree to take part and form a
global connections that have formal organization. For instance,
increased the flow of people, ideas, Southeast Asia is a region within
animals, and plants over time Asia, and it has been formalized
influences regions differently through memberships in the
depending on where the touch Association of Southeast Asian
down. Nation or ASEAN.

REGIONAL INTEGRATION Why do countries form regional

(REGIONALISM): The process associations?
by which two or more nation-states
agree to co-operate and work 1. MILITARY DEFENSE –
closely together to achieve, peace, Established in 1949, North Atlantic
stability, and wealth. Treaty Organization (NATO)’s
primary purpose is to provide
CONCEPTS OF collective defense or its member
REGIONALISM states against external threats,
Bjorn Hettne (1996) suggested that particularly during the Cold War
regionalism as a concept has era when the Soviet Union posed
varying degrees. significant military threat to
Western Europe. The alliance is
1. REGION as a geographical based on the principle of collective
unit. – A region can be interpreted security, where an attack on one
as a place, as a physical member is considered on attack on
environment. For example, we can all, leading to mutual defense
determine Asia as a region based on through military cooperation and
the land and water boundaries coordination.
surrounding it.
2. REGION as social system. – A economic crises, such as the Asian
region can be interpreted as a Financial Crisis In 1997, ASEAN
conglomerate of people occupying countries along with China, Japan,
a particular space and possessing a and South Korea, has worked
unique dynamic of interaction. For together to provide financial
example, Asia can be determined as assistance, promote regional
a region based on the group of financial cooperation, and
people occupying it and the shared implement measures to strengthen
ancestry, language, and culture economic resilience among member
these people have. states. The Chiang Mai Initiative
Multilateralization (CMIM) is one the Chinese, Indian, and Khmer
such mechanism established by civilizations. It has also been the
these countries to address financial home of influential cultural,
emergencies and stabilize regional philosophical, and religious
currencies. movements. Hinduism, Judaism,
Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism,
3. RESOURCES – Countries need and other oriental philosophies and
to pool their resources together to religions generally originated from
make themselves more powerful. an Asian country and have
The Organization of the Petroleum proliferated around the globe.
Exporting Countries (OPEC),
established in 1960, rose in power
when they took over domestic
production controlled crude oil
prices across the globe.

Union (AU) was established in
2001 to promote unity and
solidarity among African nations
and to safeguard their sovereignty
and territorial integrity. Member
states collaborate on security issues,
conflict resolution, and
peacekeeping operations to protect
their independence and stability
across the continent.

ASIAN REGIONALISM In the contemporary world, Asia

Asia is the largest and most has become an economic force
populated continent in the world. characterized by reduced poverty
Geographically, it is separated from and fast-paced economic
the European continent by the development (Asian Development
Urals, from Africa by the Suez Bank, 2008).
Canal, from the North America by
the Bering Strait. It is composed of DYNAMICS OF ASIAN
distinct regions such as Central REGIONALISM
Asia, East Asia, South Asia, In 2008, the Asian Development
Southeast Asia, and the Middle Bank published a book on the
East. emerging regionalism in Asia.
Asia has been the cradle of Haruhiko Kuroda, the president of
several ancient civilization such as
ADB, in the foreword of his • It provides platform for
manuscript, articulated that connecting financial markets
integration is contributory to the (reduced capital, shared risks)
economic development experienced • It makes the economy more
by Asian countries then. Kuroda resilient to global risks
identified some factors which are • It pools resources
influential in the growing • It creates regional mechanisms for
integration at that time: safety and security
• Enhanced dialogue between However, there are also challenges
citizens of various nations – This (ADB, 2008, p. 17):
facilitated by growing tourism • The need to establish compatible
activities in the regions and the product standards
consistent multilateral meetings • The need to establish guidelines
among the leaders of nation-states. that buffer financial contagion and
• Expanding intraregional trade ensure compatible financial
and investments – This brings regulations
forth closer financial markets and • The need to coordinate
interdependent economies. macroeconomic policies
• Increased connectivity – This • The need to manage cross-border
facilitated by regional infrastructure environmental and social polices
projects as well as collaboration in (e.g., fair treatment of migrant
delivering public goods. workers)
Furthermore, Kuroda noted that the
“market-friendly, multi-track, and Amidst challenges and criticisms,
multi-speed” approach of the Asian cooperation in the Asian region
integration is beneficial for the remain to exist, in principle, to
Asian region because of the serve the goals of its members.
following reasons: These cooperations are as follows:
• Members can integrate based on • APEC (Asia Pacific Economic
their capacity is vis-à-vis the Cooperation)
available opportunities • EAS (East Asian Summit)
• It opens up for collaboration and • APc (Asia Pacific Community)
merging of smaller groups • EAC (East Asian Community)
• It is responsive to business and • ASEAN (Association of Southeast
open markets Asian Nations)
• APT (ASEAN Plus Three)
There are various benefits
perceived from the Asian ASEAN INTEGRATION
Integration. Some of those When discussing about Asian
discussed by ADB (2008, p.13) are regionalism, one cannot veer away
as follows: from discussing the evolution and
• It harnesses the strengths of dynamics of the Association of
diverse economies Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
In the early 1960s, there was cooperation. Thus, in August 8,
already an emerging organization 1967, these foreign ministers sat
among Philippines, Thailand, and down in Bangkok, Thailand and
Republic of Malaya in what was signed the ASEAN Declaration.
called the Association of Southeast Also referred to as the Founding
Asia (ASA). It was established in Fathers of ASEAN, the five
July 31, 1961 by Thanat Khoman ministers present were Adam Malik
(Thailand), Felixberto Serrano (Indonesia), Narciso R. Ramos
(Philippines), and Tunku Abdul (Philippines), Tun Abdul Razak
Raman (Malaya). While the (Malaysia), Sinnathamby
articulated goal of this regionalism Rajaratnam (Singapore), and
process was cultural and economic Thanat Khoman (Thailand).
cooperation, there were also
political goals gleaned. Some The goal of ASEAN is a more of
challenges were encountered from cooperation in terms of economic,
its inception such as: lack of social, cultural, technical, and
confidence from other Southeast educational and other fields. Also,
Asian nations, presumed political in its promotion of regional peace
goals, and the dissent from other and stability through abiding
states because of their alignment respect for justice and the rule of
with the Western Bloc. law and adherence to the principles
of the United Nations Charter. It
In 1963, another confederation was was stipulated that the association
form, convened by then President will be open for participation by all
Diosdado Macapagal. This was States in the Southeast Asian region
referred to as MAPHILINDO subscribing to its aims, principles,
(Great Malayan Confederation) and purposes. It proclaimed
involving Malaysia, Philippines, ASEAN as representing “the
and Indonesia, which aimed to collective will of the nations of the
unite “nations of Malay origins.” Southeast Asia to bind themselves
This did not last very long and was together in friendship and
terminated by Indonesia-Malaysia cooperation and, through joint
Konfrontasi- the former’s policy efforts and sacrifices, secure for
arguing against the formation of the their peoples, and for posterity the
Federation of Malaysia. blessings of peace, freedom, and
Four years after, representatives
from Indoensia and Singapore, with
those from three ASA member
states, engaged in formal
discussions in a coastal resort in
Bang Saen, where they formulated
the idea of a Southeast Asian
Economic Community (AEC) to
promote economic integration
through measures such as the
elimination of tariffs,
harmonization of standards, and
facilitation of trade and investment
flows among member states.


ASEAN seeks to promote social
progress and cultural development
This integration of the Southeast in the region, fostering mutual
Asian region was anchored in the understanding and cooperation
following reasons: among member states. ASEAN
1. FOR REGIONAL conducts various cultural
STABILITY AND SECURITY – exchanges, educational programs,
In the aftermath of World War II and initiatives to promote cultural
and the Cold War, Southeast Asian understanding and cooperation
countries sought a platform for among member states. For example,
regional cooperation to ensure ASEAN organizes cultural
peace, stability, and security in the festivals, promotes heritage
region. SEAN has established conservation, and supports
mechanisms such as the ASEAN educational exchanges among
Regional Forum (ARF) and the member states.
Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in
Southeast Asia (TAC) to promote 4. FOR POLITICAL
dialogue, conflict prevention, and COOPERATION – The
confidence-building measures organization aims to strengthen
among member states and external political cooperation and mutual
partners. assistance among member states,
promoting democracy, the rule of
2. FOR ECONOMIC law, and good governance. ASEAN
DEVELOPMENT AND facilitates political dialogue and
PROSPERITY – By fostering cooperation through mechanisms
economic cooperation and such as the ASEAN Political-
integration, ASEAN aimed to Security Community (APSC),
promote economic growth, trade, which aims to promote democracy,
and investment among member the rule of law, and good
states, thus improving the standard governance among member states.
of living for their populations. Additionally, ASEAN promotes
ASEAN has implemented conflict resolution and mediation
initiatives like the ASEAN efforts in the region.
shows purity and yellow
5. FOR REGIONAL IDENTITY symbolizes prosperity. The circle
AND UNITY – ASEAN serves as represents the unity of ASEAN.
a platform for promoting a sense of
regional identity and unity among ASEAN also faces several
Southeast Asian nations, fostering challenges including:
solidarity and cooperation in
states vary significantly in terms of
economic development, which can
lead to disparities in the
implementation of integration
measures and uneven distribution of
benefits. For example, countries
like Singapore and Brunei have
high-income economies, while
countries like Laos and Myanmar
addressing common challenges and
have lower-income income
opportunities. ASEAN promotes a
economies. This economic disparity
sense of regional identity and unity
can make it challenging to
through initiatives such as the
implement such measures that
ASEAN Socio-Cultural
benefit all member states equally.
Community (ASCC), which aims to
strengthen social cohesion, promote
human development, and foster a
AND DISPUTES – Political
sense of community among
tensions and disputes among
member states. ASEAN also
member states, particularly
organizes events like the ASEAN
regarding territorial claims and
Summit and the ASEAN Day to
sovereignty issues, can impede
celebrate regional unity and
cooperation and integration efforts.
For example, territorial disputes in
the West Philippine Sea. Several
ASEAN countries have coastlines
The ASEAN Emblem represents a
along the water. These includes:
stable, peaceful, united and
Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia,
dynamic ASEAN. The colors of the
Brunei, and Indonesia. This led to
Emblem -- blue, red, white and
disputes over sovereignty, fishing
yellow -- represent the main colors
rights, resource exploration, and
of the crests of all the ASEAN
freedom of navigation within the
Member States. The blue represents
peace and stability. Red depicts
courage and dynamism. White
3. SOCIO - CULTURAL Summit, an annual meeting of
DIVERSITY – Differences in leaders from ASEAN and the three
language, culture, and social norms East Asian countries to discuss
among member-states can pose regional issues and cooperation
challenges to achieving social priorities.
cohesion, potentially undermining
the cooperation among member ASEAN+3 cooperation plays a
states. crucial role in promoting regional
integration, stability, and prosperity
ASEAN +3 COOPERATION in East Asia by fostering dialogue,
building trust, and deepening
ASEAN+3 Cooperation refers to a economic and political ties among
framework of cooperation between participating countries.
the member states of the
Association of Southeast Asian
Nations (ASEAN) and three East
Asian countries: China, Japan, and
South Korea. This framework was
established to promote economic,
political, and security cooperation
among the participating countries.

The ASEAN+3 cooperation

mechanism was formalized in 1997
during the Asian Financial Crisis
when ASEAN countries sought
support and cooperation from
China, Japan, and South Korea to
address the economic challenges
facing the region. Since then,
ASEAN+3 cooperation has
expanded to cover a wide range of
areas, including finance, trade,
investment, energy, environment,
education, culture, and disaster

Key initiatives under the

ASEAN+3 framework include the
Chiang Mai Initiative, which aims
to enhance regional financial
stability through currency swap
arrangements, and the ASEAN+3

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