KEY 1 - Test 1 Part 1,2,3 - Copy

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KEY 1 - Test 1 Part 1

Now look at the instructions for part 1. For each question, choose the correct answer.

1. How did the woman travel to work this morning?

Hi, you're late for work today.
Yes, I _____________________________________. It's _____________________________.
So, did you get the train?
Well, I ___________________________________________ but got on the _______________________. It
took me to ________________________________. I was looking at my phone and didn't notice. Then I had
to __________________________________________________

2. What will the man eat first at the restaurant?

The menu looks really good.
What are you going to have?
Well, I want __________________________________, but I'll have ________________________________.

I'll have the chicken too, but I'll _____________________________________.

I had ________________________________, but I'm really hungry today.
Right, so _________________________________________.

3. Which was the view from the woman's hotel room?

Good holiday?
______________________, thanks. The hotel was by the beach. It ____________________________.
Here's a photo.
Amazing view. I'd __________________________________________ and see that beach.

Well, my room ________________________________________, opposite the pool. I

________________________________________ every day, and around the garden too.

4. Why will the man miss the concert tonight?

Are you ready to leave soon? ______________________________________________.

Oh no, you _____________________________________. Have you got a __________________________?

There's ___________________________________________. It really hurts.

What about ______________________________________________________?

No thanks. That'll ______________________________________________.
Okay, well, let me try and ________________________________________________________ for you.

5. What will the woman wear for the party?

I'm trying to ____________________________________________. What do you think of this __________?
It looks great, but won't you be _______________________? What about your favourite dress?
I'm not sure. Everyone else will probably _______________________________________.
You _______________________________________________________.

Yes, you're right. I'll ____________________________________.

KEY 1 - Test 1 Part 2

Now look at part two. For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word, or a number,
or a date, or a time.

Look at questions six to ten now. You have ten seconds. You will hear a man giving information about a
city bus tour.
Welcome to City Bus Tours. My name's Greg. We'll start our tour at ten o'clock.

There's __________________ tour at one-thirty, and a ____________ one at twenty past four. There are
lots of people this morning, so it might be _________________________________. If you decide to do
that, you need to know the colour of the bus stop.

Wait at ____________________________. The ____________________________________, not tourist

buses. Some of you've asked how long the tour takes.

It's _____________________________________, and I'll talk for ______________________________ of

that to _______________________________________. Don't lose your bus ticket, as
___________________________________________ at one of the most interesting places in the city. That's
the _________________________________________________.

You need to know __________________________________. As you can see, we're

_______________________________ now, and the ____________________________________. From
there, you can easily get to the river.

KEY 1 - Test 1 Part 3

Now look at part three. For each question, choose the correct answer. Look at questions eleven to fifteen

You have twenty seconds. You will hear two friends, Richard and Barbara, talking about a new
Have you been to the new supermarket, Barbara?
Yes, Richard.

It's great. I ________________________________, and I _______________________________ when you

get inside.
Were there many people?
Not really, but ____________________________.

And you __________________________________________________.

Yeah. Every week, there are ____________________________________________, like meat, for example.

It's ______________________________________________.
And next week, it ______________________________________?
I suppose. So, what did you like best?
Well, ____________________________________ told me about the cafe, but I didn't have enough time to

People _____________________________________________________________________, but I loved

them there.
Me too. But _____________________________________

You had to wait to pay?

Not really. I had to ____________________________, but I ______________________________________.
What a shame.

Did you use the car park?

Yes. I _______________________________.
You ____________________________________ to get to the supermarket, but at least

KEY 1 - Test 1 Part 4
Now look at part four. For each question, choose the correct answer.

16. You will hear a woman talking on the radio about her job.
What's her job?

I guess I've always enjoyed either _________________________________________, ever since I was a

little girl. As a teenager, I loved nothing more than ____________________________________________.

So it ______________________________________ when I chose a career where I

_______________________________________________________. I've had an amazing time so far.

17. You will hear a woman talking to a friend about a film.

What does she say about the film?

Have you seen any ________________________________________? Yes, last week. I usually watch
_____________, but I wanted to watch something different, _________________________________. I was
a bit afraid some of the time.

It still _______________________________________, but I ___________________________________.

Well, this one certainly wasn't.

18. You will hear a sports coach talking to some footballers. What would the coach like them to become
better at?

You did much better in last Saturday's match. Well done for ____________________________________.

They were a great team and __________________________________. What you need to

_________________________________________________________ when you've got the ball. That's

I'm going to _________________________________________________________ and we'll work together

to do this.

19. You will hear two friends talking about a website. Why does Julia prefer to buy clothes from the

That's a nice sweater, Julia. Thanks.

It's from _______________________________________. Their men's clothes are alright,

if _______________________________________________________________________. I don't care
about that, _________________________________________________________

But _________________________________________ before I get them in the mail. Yeah, other sites are
faster that way.

20. You will hear two colleagues talking together.

Why was the man not at the meeting this morning?

How was the meeting this morning, Charlotte? Uh, good. But _____________________________________
Did you ___________________________________________________________? That's tomorrow. But

He _______________________________________________,
___________________________________________________________________. Unfortunately, that
meant missing the meeting. Okay.

Well, ____________________________________________________.

Test 1 Part 5
Now look at part 5. For each question, choose the correct answer. Look at questions 21 to 25 now. You have
15 seconds.

You will hear Gregory talking to Angelica about some things he has bought for his new house. What is he
going to put in each place?

Where are you going to put all these things, Gregory?

__________________________________________, Angelica, so ________________________________.
I thought ________________________________________________.

I've ____________________________________________. I got this __________________ to go on it.

That'll look good.

It's ______________________________________________________ already in there.

That's true. Did you get something to go in _________________________________ too? This mirror,

I think _________________________________________________.
Nice idea.
And what about _________________________?
I thought about putting this bookcase in there, but
There's _______________________________________________, a ______________ place for the
bookcase, you know, under the mirror.
That's a good idea. Yes.

Do you think _____________________________________________? That's

_______________________________________________________________ Oh, but
_____________________________________________________________________________? Good idea.

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