Preetha Wedding Part 2

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my” PT, i; Z WG, Poet ara i excitement grew | [stronger as well [Unik Solim Preetha was hovina |) fl ele of rable decting what [da fo buy for herself Mi =a oo eee Pregtha et Salm deige his Se Sie her ie" icked asiple yet Festeful feoking rurta and dot for hinge She was impressed by his choice, He hed picked tp ihelnot cout beroraa saree inthe shop: He ied such an eve Yor beaut Burt Salim came 49 her Preethe's heart swelled lop with love. What woute she do ithovt hm in [Salm waited] patiently ang| fis patience was rewarded. Preetha was blushing Tike a eerege. " TT just warted to ask you one last Time. 16 years older fo you and we have ‘Qvihole lifetime to spend: ‘won't be Beautiful forever Sali, wn, you are making a] hee. Wie et paki prandfe. We are aia mathe ‘and zon, Ande Mother al. remains the most beaut al Preetha had nothing else to sy ooking at his inocent, honest eves She hte for sure, this snot just boy, he ison ange! aaa Inext day. am) ay a > \ we 4 Nel her bridal)“ ~S. fit so much tet Jfimsel?. Pree tra fect eazed to Sie ewes 7 Eee eee 1 LSPs | Ea | seats neze 3 lo a, [ieee one scene seal a — oy bride, , Jy bonsin front ofthe fire wife — a The sublime Sa hod arranged | for everything his esearch tas perfect t]/“Kemonted al the rituals 40 be med [ie conformation ef seeety or low ne you) Like everything Salim had taken full esponsibity UO to'decorate-the room, and once again he had Proven his immaculate sense of aesthetics. ‘The room and bed was beautifully decked with flowers, the sweet smell of tube rose rmarigeld and ted roses hung heavy in the air. ty seri flyover fi | ws thectuk cy oes Wel Freche Mepeh ethe eiroon ol o La Tesia nie sali Te esertve and cofvnt i aa a Sarpssay core a ee gt in ieee Warde iusto ne ed Alraane’ 2 Ser eats oc aly Nes eee peck of cosines love'as husband’ and wife ee Piscean, cuttin STARE RO SON Wana oe fale | (58 ae tat ina med rig aman mest S| 7 ae {i wurneruble foduy, 5 ct | | beaut fe shy it is se spenial feco ey ey grtnraeky ie { baby, pou mos i! Twont “ jane attire was looking no lesger than a (aces (Bg Te edGeas erainy-nie Queen Salm actualy [> with your a z antunedated at that mament. He was on love. if HR | Unsure Mf he. coule! mensure up to her. He _— ox jbrowe down ord surrenderd to be Whe LOT chet Supe Isalim fale eye mth \Feluelees haw te appease ‘Ph Goadese bhs waman periee ta him i Bair cope ried wen Freathe realized she will have ta iirara] | her to and buried his face] g the uct ef love, She urderetacd hie| f/m hen encurmus basse, neraestess, Tels able sprec thor fest rime, the teremenc armos.| | he liste phar and For averue! Se) motaer¢ Hear | ane emellod é laching for the okay, es Feed much awaited Pinay when she relented [ie ns csi fl reath Prectnd ene ! ral of hel (Rup for thot Pat ps: suri y tongues and pientful ral juste Pg [Preetha, sighed and reclined back on the bed, making a show of erseif fo the boy in her glorious red and gold saree. Her sumptuous curves $wisting lenguly as she stretched Seite for hi, ering am wh her feminine charms, loo of Hike boy. she smothered him with countless wet kases, ee ee te alin notched oe she wist wong Gey Jf woman infront of ‘thine wifes he ire puriner? Wh good decd Weddin he preveu fe edesete tna? 2 27 SG 7 oy * 2 OGY 0! Siva of her drying sli was etl nis cheeks and face and Salim inhaled in eagerly. He was ready. » cu Salim lifted her palla slowly and delicately inhaling the perfume ree nnen 7. Preetha leoked at him Wait Monty, be alittle patient. You hav eaten anything teday due fo your fest for aur wedding, Your breath sa little unpleasant <= No, first you eat thr Banana and then I wil ‘Xm. rm. okay Thad little piece fom dont keep me ‘Salim pulled her blouse down, she was not wearing any bra within. She warited te give im easy access 3k my blouse leant take 1 any Li or bana St sine poh Yin my mouth.r krow you ier) breath! ‘Sess..rumminhh..¥es, ‘Shut up and emere you tease, Fuck condoms 9 W § il yy & . S Mom, it will ("Pal just gor cane ne fant believe how desperate Preetha was acting. She wos wild] Fooonnn. then you will bey fulhling the duty of @ husband, You will be 7 Mel me-tell me you il gvemed ct by cu Why did you bite me, © \ [Kio sweetheart Soa Ze | eect of you, F mill) Steck you Pikes Preetha dida’t ay anythi froce she gave hina” "9 Baie at chess he Eales es it Se Preetha poured the water fue elt goed gi hit fl accpse Ye her bo Preetha,celined on Sains ay, | ahinayingly touched the wet att Da as Se 7a te et hank popped off, Pree panerga] Fea es AcE RE Sie aap antenna Seats ores fees raise acceler? ne [he word ae Sale dd whet Hs wife wishes of Fe ck oft fis kirta,ond bent over her led on his lop, Preetha sighed at ell of i bare 2k ond whimpered Saft lips tpuched hers, tender} fesing. inhaling her warm Brat and C leasuting her Onin Rogheiers orked tie Seas [i pres Goa eee ae 8 will Mommy, just let me feel you over PSS ATE AHHH. Stop.-stop yay are tle more’just alittle moreso 3 rivng ng crazy. th th fe FR Se i a ees é f j Seviic >| The way Prestha looke ttm with loans or es pul 7 \ddperd ‘game oF [Considering her present size fond sexual develas demure he we frei a Sree ingen ge ae wK Sn SH ig Se eee? vowing magma ae Fe are ae aie eae PRP eae fF Pa ta ies ; rasta Fah ese, he missing | =f ERS a he waned MEP ce ich time she, called him, Ther'husband Safin was vam .hen did you ever need permission fer ‘mé Mammy? You are the grdwn up one ere” Mmm. your sit -ohe > actually 2echy nervous to tel iw him what she did, i T..F let my armpit hairs grow freely last three))- reeks, bb % Nf : & TE . \ «—Teline —< Ii ‘ ha ety depot rand aes " oc ‘Puen Be mad r SS eL_ ayo - = wi ‘ny a mak Sa ets ee eine ee a mie eRe egal ae a Re Sli ws ln (Behe se aren Rta vied ay Sets a m7 ante The sexual fengion had bul otch hungry. He Be ip invher tolsuehva ped Imissed the taste That her orgasm wal loft soymuch He immediate eure gis laravy immeksely nf oy) & ‘Shut up, fa ha Fe. inewed fook at you aD nen eset s}op embarrassing is heen ees she Felt lée ufreri Refpless ‘ fin = area 4 he'd ies & t & *) 2 rectors || ( oun frat sna | Ronee ‘fas, cimost | dictve. — (ARATE. 4 Fceetha was olnost choking {rom the abcbdance of Mere combi Tove be of erates ce ‘their combined SUN 3 $ am, Tam sorn & y Tpaited your alm enayed the hyptic fee sf hs body being rocked by Preetfals featy brediton tc et boom wer - 5 okay. gd donm geniy, pressed by his ght ‘ckmy ‘Aa he sucked on her milk gee ne ae Fs fos ttt? EI Jinouth unging her| of her own cum a fo suck on them far then| finaly. h Mommy, your thigh ere trembling 3h Co ny fo val / co J Ye / “ L Ce EY Ke. 0 — tight! & oan <= oT oe esenie’) N i's going inch Mommy, aT, 92 Sin ag AA AAAHHHHI sb my dash rer es aly “Affen mare Than a month ci cuetience anions oreplay on thelr fist night, Preetha and Selim's wedding was frally consunmmated ith the indescribable pleasure of penetration, focussed on pleasuring Hhrust she was Feeling new eneraceas at sie tar ae = i . Preetha was craving this physical] DT Satin was ror Tig entire concentration Luan For so fong that with eac speaking anymore. jias focussed on pleasuring , fotigo i thas welt godt was ao Toa? That Behe didnt even notice| that a trickle of drool roled| [she had already reached her E.T am going , jesm a8 Selim pumped her Ao give her ml iple lorgasm as Salim pumped hing held ot 2 ofesng rouge fl cvshing iui out A “Gin forme 4 = tonight You 9 ore nothing but Salim pounded Fer mercilessly, enjoy er cries’ this was (He stil couldnt get over The fact thet Preetha had working inaide Jim as heFucked T fom yes only Sabyesinays Fees ey ahs check Salim pinged her downl Preetha pulled up er Teas, curl fr Bosra mene ie hee grabbing her wrist rrageperma Bogresiveh Re A her ond give him comfortable a 5 laccess 18 her face, [ig ravaging kisses were infoxieating! ‘Mom. .Mommy..this Feels like our ist night together. that was she’ night you let ss Ime dof without conden T had Ginost Forgotten the feeling how lwgrm and wet N Feels insioe you, ‘het rubber was always between: TF dorit care T need you to cum ‘agen rove your Sars ANAh orgy bab) SHIT oh ahi youre taking me then Baty amell wil "D7 i,t Gath alte You wee make yu, hres ti Emus? cottra musta’ give in inaite off discharging her Be (irom. you nere right sere rel! [aye Preetha stopped ig orgasm os ae fer sock ond i beeethe isthe aa She never compromised Y J |snenicone shen ‘hen you tal ‘bau your, husbands [Her intense screams reverberated| pili Fhe parfait. wes the mother ef lle “ims fas building up, Sel sr ws Gelat, sl WUT | ‘Then he iinaained her as a Goddess, great and beautiful. Gigantic in Stature. Almost twelve feet tall Ul Preetha anyhow was tall and robust but in the sex intoxicated vision of Salim she had become larger ‘than life. Adorned in beautiful and exotic jewels she was a vision man could'die for and Salim was her humble worshipper. Nd STII] with each spasm of the inevitable 7 orgasm Salim’s head swom to distant Shores of fantasy. Showing him visions undreamt of. ( Satomsss. oe And then the landscape |} changed. It became a |= 7 =| primordial jungle from |. time before time. Preetha was the beautiful and elusive queen of that = wilderness. Strong and . {| powerful. While Salim was [| a tribal boy who fell in love with this lady Tarzan. Then with a quick flash the scenario oi They were working | out a new pose never tried before. Salim's legs were wrapped around Preetha's waist as he entere I Preetha's legs were ji] wide apart ¥9 give him We accesss inside her. Wi Wil The sterile air of the cathedral was hung heavy with the pheromone rich scent of their sweat and sex. -|seemed almost divine as they genitals copulating in the act of creation. The somber silence of the catherdral was reverberating with the music ji s and moans. TH of their sig} | i} | | | both could clearly see their Ther cries etnsesin the “rat hale find then, they actually found themselves in heaven, a beautiful city populated only by beautiful women, peek eT es ROMA E a ae ORL Lee) Ee eR Mag at rn ee URC Rane Merete ee ie Ted ee RUC RLSa SRa SRR MR a RS at Le eg eh uf in droves fram the massive palaces and femples, They were rejoicing their TUR ear tRReCRL ai tor ae melo eve) ot em TR CaM ara Raa ee they all wanted to have Salim and he could make love fo any and all of Bee aR ROR ‘And then, like a Goddess who loves, nurtures. as well as protects ‘and punishes, he saw his powerful ‘Mother destroying the evil men who harased them in their lives, crushing them beneath her’ powerful limbs. ‘And Raju Bhai, the evil pimp who molested and raped Salim and sold his sister to the brothel Ayan Mallick, her treacherous ‘ex-husband, ‘Suman Bhaduri, her Boss who tried to exploit and abuse her. TN ‘And then he saw her as a reat B] Warrior Goddess fighting hordes f/f enemies and protecting him. 2, ; SR my Oe ‘The horde of Asuras were actually a of the evil society that way of their ve and union: Riding @ fearsome Liam She fought AZ, ‘And then standing victarious Massacering the ev horde mt on Poe ighs! Like Goddess Durga % Z she was unstoppabiel| {Tp Y \ i Y. I Cn Me over amountain of dead enemies she smile Eenevelently Little To touch, him with her feet, ‘Salim was qwestruck] ‘and fearful of this him: He had only one. prayer te her. Hundreds upon thousands fellbefore her. And she obliged him magnanimoush From @'fearsome Goddess she wend into a nurturing Mather lr foot touched his face ving him instont bliss Soa her presets leaked out the divine sustenance on a Mother an provide ‘And then he saw her as SAMSARA ‘he orgasr reledee. 7 a AKA [Salin's whole body threbbed ond =, * Pan feel your eon iebiy os he im inside released his deep within her. nag Ona atmnhe OhWenmy Teane mese you. for the first time T ide youl hing heavily. enjoying thelr brace of final fllfiment for where. did yor learn 29 much > MARAT vou wil never ere fSurpetzing your Mommy. Wite Fy Witte Zen lover. Preethe relaxed back contemplating on the maturity of her boy husband. He wes's0 increcblel 7 ‘00 Mam, Tam actually Feeling a) ave 10 {ou almost released & if ieee Nah Forget how small ond light . Tem your Together they were! L ‘husband, not your the picture of ace Pca ale ust fuse et you Tike this, Keepin embarrasing ” ) | happiness. Ericyn mei Money) other, lying in poked The strong amells of their Bodily juices that soaked mellewer ost mingled with the fragrance et the flowers iste Teddy Nissan) AS pom let eget out efFall these jewelry Tt is pricking my skinnowdg Selim reed over on the bed playfully, Ho to gee Prectina nad kept a few jeweltjy 4 onkersry yan. giris bodies are different 10 Boys. Univ, can never grow ard muscles hke-)~7T woe ening al my will olways his ual ‘sommuch! fe roo mommy. Tmesea Minis is what makes me afraid Mammy. Se many peo this look of sefisfactiosS \ have eyes on your beauty. your exquisite body, Mer fore dréwm to You like bees to heney. You Fonored me by morrying me, But T om so small ond of worry baby. Tam rong encughte protect See hoth of ua Telaxed offer The furultuous release of sexual energy frestha dozed off intove confortable socoen of slumber ‘Selim however remained awake, ‘curled up on the comfortable caushion of her soft body, his need pillowed on her huge Grease Tr wes such on intimate feeling, nestled 20 close ‘fo his newly wed wite enjoying her'warmth, the Jehit Sof her armpit smells Teaving a heady arom ell around Tt was blissful | cages aie A Pr eail this woman wos 30 | ‘Stronger claim at her love ond |: devotion? How could he make her forever his? ond his alone? Whe? will Bind them to the ends of ¥ ime? What? How? ae I isthe most seered, mo Monny, please wakeup Vi Fiimmn..nhet heppened ff ANhh-my oll wont alte you fo Tome napeenes oon cree) al TMoment Gon? so milraliin the Ieee ot fordeap theve Cy aha? Many A Ysiching an rometflag fo picking be sey 0 youl - “tc, Bs ieepy hed on Eh gonna pian trolel ft: ng HP veourifal thins pon you ‘And Lam taking it's kasam that we WILL [Preetha jumped up with jo) a4 = Find tam reach io be a daddy too [Sleep nent foretoss ce Presifa} ~) rs Gite | recire ved the ‘ Jord Selim started waeving & OF course pray he sold everything tapestry of “Treresplenh anny. your bel)\|| "Aah with such idneety Grime Ss Haare shed wil eoreyour baby < WAM" tns cornestrest BSS rks whats nor S! PN Tove about at you'l 4 BIL ys 220% real geod care youre my “ibity Saym genre ase reece ar epesied sat ety peace ean eee are “Simple, we wil hove [ots of __ sex together, We ‘and in due time God will sift us oc [tle "Okay? LONG DRIVE PART 2 nee ome Leo usHr Teen aemmrr Topour rates our MMMMH,,.MHH ‘MPPHH.

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