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North Ceeville is well known for high levels of unemployment, with the inevitable economic and
social results that follow.
Having grown up in North Ceeville, Richard Tempest set up his own highly successful company.
He felt that the North Ceeville community was neglected by government and, through NCCP,
provided opportunities for personal and community growth, with a particular focus on training
to gain employment.

Education has always been at the heart of NCCP’s mission. All our courses are available
at various times throughout the year. The cost to you of a course is lower thanks to council
funding and the contribution of generous donors.
Computers For Beginners (places available)
If you’re looking for basic instruction in how to use a computer, this is the course for you! This
was the first course offered when NCCP opened.
Website Design (full – no places currently available)
This course will help you design, build and maintain your own website. It is appropriate if you
have a product, a service or an interest to publicise.
Finding A Job (full – no places currently available)
This course will help you to present yourself effectively to potential employers, both in writing
your own CV and in an interview.
Business Skills (places available)
This course is ideal if you want to develop your business skills. It is especially suitable if you
are self-employed or looking to start your own business.

Staff at NCCP fall into two categories: paid employees and unpaid volunteers. NCCP’s
organisational structure is as follows:

Chief Executive

Finance Director Marketing Director Operations Director

4 employees 3 employees 5 employees

Alongside four directors and twelve paid employees, each department benefits from the work
of unpaid volunteers who are not shown in the organisation chart. We could not manage
without the support of our wonderful volunteers!
Almost all of our courses are taught by paid freelance tutors.
1 [P.T.O.

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