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ABBY SWEAIER EYSENSER / NO | INSTRUCTION: RENATE VOGHSEN size (XS) S (M-XL) 21-4XL MEASUREMENTS Bust: (135) 145 (150) 156 em. Leng: (57) 58 (69) 60.em, Sleove length:36¥, em, oe suitable All measurements ore for the ished garment = personal body rmensueionts + etement allowance The measurement ell xorg open tension ‘THE GARMENT Oversized sweater, worked from neck down with double yarn (1 strand Sunday +1 strand Tynn Silk Mohair) and stripe pater, Cast on sts for the back, and workback and forth with turning rows to shape slanting shoulders, Cont St- st back and forth and transfer sts to spare nal. Knit ‘up sts on each shoulder for left and right front. Cont ‘St-st back and forth with turning rows for slanting shoulders. Work ine for neckline, join fronts, work St- ‘tack and forth and transfer ststo spare nd Knit up sts for sleeves on sides of backy/front. Work ‘turing rows over sleave sts for sleeve cap. Join work. sand contin mds, atthe same timeineforraglan. ‘Work back and front with St-st in mds, divide for slit ‘oneach side and cont ribbing for each part Knitupsts ‘on armholes for sleeves, work sleeves in rds and end ‘with ribbing, Work neckband in ibbing. YARN SUNDAY (1002 Merino wool, 50 g = 235 m) ‘TYNNSILK MOHAIR (57 % mohair, 28% silk, 15 % woo, 25 = 212m) YARN REQUIRED SUNDAY Color 1: Dksravish-blue #6581: (4) 5) 6balls Color 2: Marzipan #2321: (2) 2 (2) 2balls TYNNSILK MOHAIR Color 1: Black #1099: (5) 5 (6) 6 balls Color 2: Putty #1015:(2)2 (2) 3balls SUGGESTED KNITTING NEEDLES Cireular3mmand 35mm Double pointed 3.5 mm Sie of nels ar only sogetons. If your king sews ter tension we thicker nls for loser tension we hiner needs TENSION 2stsSi st with double yarn and 35mm ndls = 10cm GSR GERMAN SHORT ROWS ‘After each turning always-l first st p-wise with yarn {nfront of work, lead yarn over right nd and pull yarn firmly t the back until? loops on ndl. The 2 loops countas1st. When working rows/mds with loops work loops tog ost INC RIGHT From back insert left ndl under yarn between 2 sts andthe newstitch, INCLEFT From front insert left nal under yarn between 2 sts and ktblthe new stitch, STRIPE PATTERN, ‘Work 8rnds olor 1 and mds color?, Rep these 13 mds EDGE ST First st: sl p-wise with yarn infront of work, Lastst: knit, BACK With col 1 double yarn) and 3.5 mm eireular nd east on (121) 125 (129) 133 ts, Insert marker (42) 49 (44) 45 sts from each side (= shoulder) Work turning rows with GSR for slanting shoulder as follows: Purl until 2nd marker, turn and knit until st ‘marker, turn, cont St-st and work (72077) 8777 (887777) 88.8777 sts morefor each turninguntilall, sts are knittod, last row from RS, cans-stbackand forth ove allt as fallows ane tcol2and work rows ange ool Land work Brows, pane toeat2and work rows {hangetoeol Land work Brows, Chane to col 2 and work 3 rows, ine on 4th row as fslows: ‘yorkk3 ince knit until sts rem on nl inexight, Js-Pstsine= (128) 127 (131) 136 sts. pur Lrow and insert 2 markers as follows: ‘Work it, insert marker, work until 1 st rem on ndl, insert marker, work 1st cutyam, transfer sts to spare ndl and work fronts. LEFT FRONT eg by neck. With ol 1 (@ouble yarn) and 85 mm cireularndl knit up (42) 43 (44) 45stson left shoulder ‘sng theshort van tall (forthe frst row tobekitted fomRS with thelong yar tai) ‘Wrkturningrows with GSR fr slanting shoulder as fas ‘Row 1: Knit (7) 8 (8) 8 sts, turn. ‘Row2: Purlall sts. Rep raw 1-2 but work (ATRI7) aT (Bit) 88777 ats more for each turning unt all ts have ‘eenlnited last row from WS. ‘Bowl: Change to col 2, knit. ‘Bam2;Purl and cast on (1) 1 (1) 1 new st at end of row bree ‘Row; Knit. Row 4; Purl and cast on (2) 2 (3) 3 new sta at end of row by neck ‘Row: Knit, ‘Row 6: Change to col 1, purl and easton (8) 4 (4)5 new ‘ts at end of row by neck. Baw Kit ow; Pur and easton (6) 5 (6) 5 new sts at end of rombyneck= (6) 55 (57) Sts Rowe Knit. utyar tranaferststo spare nland workviht Font RIGHT FRONT ee at outer point of shoulder. With col 1 (double yarn) and 35 mm circular ndl knit up (42) 43 (44) 45, stsonlef shoulder, ‘Work tuming rows with GSR for slanting shoulder as follows: Row: Purl 7) 8 (8) 8sts, turn Row2:Knit, Rep row 1- 2, but work (anie7) Traty (sia) 87777 sts more for each turning until all sts have ‘been nited, ast row from RS. ‘Row: Change tocol 2, pur ‘Raw2: Knit and cast on (1)1 (1) Inew statend of raw by neck, Row; Purl ow 4; Knit and ast on (2) 2 (8) 3 new sts at end of rowby neck, Rows: Purl ‘Raw; Change tocol, knitand easton (8) 4 (4) Snew stsat end ofrow by neck. Row Purk avd: Knit and cast on (6) 5 (6) 5 new sts at end of row by neck = (53) 55 (67) 89ts. Bow: Purl Join fronts inthis manner: ‘Work sts for right front, cast on 15 new middle front sts, worksts forlef front FRONT = (121) 125 (129) 338s. Cont St-st and work sts back and fort, Change tocol 2and work 5 rows. Change tocol 1 and work 8 rows. Change to col 2 and work 3 rows, ine on 4th row as follows: ‘Work k3,ineleft knit until sts rem on nd, ne right, i =2atsine= (129) 127 (131) 135 ts. Pur row and insert 2:markersin this manner: Work Lt, insert marker, work until 1 st rem on nel, insert marker, work:1t. Gut yar, transfer sts to spare nd and knit up sts on side of back/frontforleft and right sleve cap. LEFT SLEEVE CAP Withcol2 (double yarn) and 35 mm circular nal knit ‘up23sts on front and 23 sts onback edge = 46 sts. ‘Work purl until 1strem, turn. Knituntil st rem, turn, Work ptoend of ro. Cut yarn, transfer sts to spare ndl and work right sleevecap. RIGHT SLEEVE CAP ‘With col2 (double yarn) and 3.5 mm cireular nd knit 1up23 sts on front and 23 sts on back edge = 46 sts Purluntilt strem,turn.Knituntil1strem, turn. Work toendofrow. Cut yarn and join back and front to same 35 mm cireularndl ‘Note: 4 markers on row are already inserted. Insert new markers around 4 sts by each marker (= 2sts on ‘each side of markers) = markers for raglan ine. ‘Sts are organized on nell as follows: (44) 44 (44) 44 sts for each sleeve, (117) 121 (125) 129 sts fro front and (117) 121 (125) 129 sts for the back, 4sts by each raglan ine 16 raglan sts in ota) YoKE (898) 246 (854) 362, Rad beg between sts forthe back and the raglan sts, Work Sts with strine pattem and ine for raglan as follows: ‘Bnd: Ine for raglan over sleeves only (not over sts for front and back) inthis manner: Work 4 marked sts, ine left, work until marker, inc ight. work 4 marked sts, work sts for front, work 4 ‘marked sts, ineTef, work until marker, ineright, work 4 marked sts, workests for the back = 4 ss ine. ‘Bnd2; Work 1 md St-st. ‘Bnd 2: Work 1 rnd St-st, while ine for raglan by each markers follows: Inctightbefore the 4 marked sts, incft. afer the Amarked sts =Bstsi Rnd 4; Work1 md Stst. Rep nd 1-4 a total of (6) 5 (5) 5 time (414) 422st6 Cont ine for raglan as follows: ‘Rnd: Work 1 rnd St-st, atthe same time ine by each ‘marker for raglan as follows: (398) 406 Inctight before the 4 marked sts, inc left after the 4 marked sts stsinc. Rnd 2: Work! mdSt-st. Rep nd 1-2 a total of (7) 8 (10) 12 times = (454) 470 (494) 518 ts, Dividests on nl for sleeves, back and fronts follows: ‘Work 4 sts, transfer the next (78) 80 (84) 88 sts to spare yarn (= sleeve), cast on (6) 12 (10) 8 new underarm sts, work (149) 155 (163) 171 sts (= front, included 4 marked sts on each side) transfer the next (78) 80 (64) 88 sts tospare yarn (=sleeve),cast on (6) 12.0) 8 new underarm sts, work (149) 155 (163) 171 sts («the back, included 4 marked sts on each sie), Knit (@) 6 (6) 4 sts = beg of md here at middle underarm. BACK AND FRONT = (B10) 394 (046) 358 sts Insert marker at middle underarm on each side with (155) 167 (173) 179 sts for each pat. Cont St-st and stripe pattern in ends until work meas (98) 37 (88) 39 em, meas from cast on at neck back or ‘until 21 em before suitable length, End with at east 1 ‘md col 1 Divide work on each side for slit and work each part separately. BACK = (255) 167 (178) 179 sts, From RS, knit 1 row inside 1 edge ston each side with col ‘Work 19% em ribbing back and forth as follows: Row: (= WS) edge st, pl tbl, "kl, tbl’, rep from’ fend with 1 eget Row2:(- RS) 1 edge ski th, "pl, kt th’, rep from end with Ledge st. Last row from WS, Change to ool 2 and cont further with 4 rows ribbing backand forth, Work Italian cast-off FRONT ‘Work in the same manner as the back ee sueeves ‘Transfer ste from spare thread to35 mm circular na ndwith double yarn knit up (6)12 (10) 8 sts over the fewunderarm sts = (84) 92 (94) 96sts, Pickup yarn between sleeve stsand on each ide ‘ewe underarm, ono rst nd th st toguith next st to avoid holes in the garment, Insert marker at middle nnderarm =begofmnd. Work ts and stripe pattern in mds further and on next rnd dee inthis manner: Work k&tog, work until 2 sts rem before marker, sl1 sowie, transfer stk tbl back to left nd and Ie2togthl =astsdee. Repdec every (21) 2 (2X) 2% em (6)8 (7) 6em=(72) 76(G0) BA sts Cont St-st until sleeve meas 18 cm, oF until 18% em ‘fore suitable length ‘Change to, or cont with col 1 and work 17 om ribbing 1th plinnds. Change to col 2 and cont 4 rds ribbing and work Italian cast-off ‘Work other sleeve in the same manner. NECKBAND ‘Witheol 1 (oubleyarn) and 3mm eireular na knitup Istinevery ston neck edge. Work nd ribbing with kt tbl, pLand atthe same ime Adjust umber of sts to (90) 92 (04) 96 on fist rd Cont until ribbing meas 6 em. Cast off loosely rib-wise, fold neckband double to WS and sew loosely with hidden sts. a,

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