UGC NET Psychology in detail

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Important Topics

1. 1st Answer -

a. Structure of Neuron, Types of Neurons, Synaptic Transmission, Various potentials of
Neurons, Neuronal Polarization, Neuroplasticity, Functions of Lobe, Limbic system,
Hormonal Regulations of Behaviour
b. Law of Perception, Monocular/Binocular Law, Ecological Perspective, Signal Detection,
Hull Theory of Learning, Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, Social Learning,
Multi Modal, Types of Long-Term Memory, Theories of forgetting
c. Types of Reasoning, Role of Concept in Thinking, Types of Thinking, Various Intelligence
and Creativity Approach, Intelligence vs Creativity
d. Trait and Type Theory of Personality, Drive Theory, Theories of Emotions by Lange, Bard,
and Schachter, Social Facilitation, Social Perception, Attribution, Confirmity,
Compliance Strategies, Group Dynamics, Obedience , Prenatal Development,
Development in Infancy, Psychoanalytical/Behavioural/Cognitive Approach of
Development, Mental Status Examination, Various Psychotherapies
e. Types of Research, Hypothesis, Sampling, Types of Errors, Research Design, Ethics in
Research, Experimental Research, Variables, Sampling
f. Statistics in Psychology: Dispersion, Standard Deviation, Factor Analysis, Regression,
Biserial, Product Moment, T-test, Z-test, test, Mann Witney, Kruskal Wallis, Degree of
freedom, ANOVA, MANOVA
g. Psychological Testing: Reliability, Validity, Item Analysis

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