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Personalised Guide

Example Daily Routine:

What I’ll include:

- The postural Stretches and exercises
- How to set up your day in terms of sleeping and waking so it’s optimal for
circadian rhythm
- How to mitigate the damage of Sitting at a desk all day
- Evening / Morning routine of thumb pulling / other facial exercises to do
- When / how often to massage masseters in a routine
- What high ROI things can I include such as supplements to take that will
help you
- Other High ROI things you can introduce that will have a big effect

Current Routine:

Time Activity
7:00am Wake up + Get a tea
9:00am Work Block (Sitting on shit chair)
9:00 - 10:00 am Breakfast
10:00 - 12:00 Work Block (Sitting on shit chair)
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch
1:00 - 2:00 Walk
2:00 - 6:30 Work Block (Sitting on shit chair)
6:30 - 7:30 Dinner (Blue Light Blockers)
7:30 - 11:00 Work Block (Sitting on shit chair)
11:00 - 11:30 Get ready for sleep

Questions ppl ask:

- What Supplements do I get to help me (High ROI)

- What things can I buy / invest in to assist me with my routine specifically

- What are the biggest lifestyle changes I can make for the biggest ROI

- When can I start chewing again?

- When do you think I need another call, and should I send you things like
regular updates

- Sometimes I’ll go to the gym too, are there any negative effects of training
my neck?

- I also sometimes do kickboxing in the evening

- What habits should I also be introducing everyday

Some quick Notes:

-Viewing Sunrise and Sunset are ideal, view the sunset/late sun everyday and the
sunrise or young/early sunlight everyday, with blue light blockers coming in as
soon as you want to trigger sunset in your body’s system (it can vary)

-Thumbpulling is to be done every single few hours if you want it to be most

optimised, however, morning and evening works extremely well too.

-Massage masseters every morning, every evening, and after every big
meal/chewing session.

-Cycle Shilajit, Sorghum (Raises DHT 57%) , Royal Jelly, and Gelatin

Time Activity
Sunrise Sungaze, Get a tea (Chamomile tea
works good for GABA if you want) ,
masseter muscle massage
7:00 AM This routine
Chill, Sun, etc till 9 AM Work (do releases from the posture
routine every 45 mins/1 hour)
9:00 - 10:00 AM Breakfast
10:00 - 12:00 Work (Do releases from routine every
12:00 - 1:00 PM Lunch
01:00 - 02:00 PM Walk
2:00 - 6:30 Work Block (Releases every 1hr)
6:30 - 7:30 Dinner (Add Blue Light Blockers)
7:30 - 11:00 Work Block (Sitting on shit chair)
11:00 - 11:30 Get ready for sleep
(Buteyko session) then masseter
muscle massage then THIS routine

Additional habits such as grounding or sungazing things like that:

- Apply topical magnesium on yer ballz before bed

-Baking soda before bed
-Buteyko whilst walking, pay attention to breath
-Sit more upright (for the love of god pls , no one listens but it works amazing, just
endure the pain and do it)

-Shilajit, Royal Jelly, Oysters, Gelatin, Sorghum

(use flower for bread or seeds to make popcorn)

-Buteyko Belt, Also, THIS is a big secret. Look into the products, heard the
vacuum is great,

-Expanding Palate, Sprints, DHT highering, Co2 tolerance,

- Probably chew again when you feel the stress get so less that you’re suctioning
and mewing much more often now and the face bloat clears up

- Sometimes I’ll go to the gym too, are there any negative effects of training my
neck? HMMM, just make sure you never train till failure and don’t get sore,
strengthen your neck flexors but NEVER and i repeat never train
sternocleidomastoid muscles, try to keep your neck loose and stretched but
muscled up too.

-Meditation mewing sessions where you just fully loosen up for a bit.

Thumb Pulling Routine

(can be subject to change according to needs, each exercise guide will be
clickable/scrollable to through it’s corresponding link)

Variation Length
Thumb Pulling Massages Each suture 10 breaths massaging
(Midpalatal and all around) Inside mouth 20 breaths
Parallel Expansion/Lateral Thumbpull Each variation for 10-20 buteyko
breaths, Relax and rep a lot
Sagittal Expansion/Pull Forward Each variation 15 breaths/25 reps
Mid Palatal Suture Strokes 15 breaths/30 reps
Guide to each exercise:

Thumb Pulling Massages:

So this exercise is meant to stimulate the upper palate into change and
prepare it for a session.
What we’re going to do is massage every line over here, softly gently
whilst breathing (preferably even buteyko style) and trying to really loosen
em up and separate them.
Now with the cheekbones and frontonasal and nasomaxillary sutures you
really want to be careful to not push them back into your skull
(would have a backfire effect ), a good grip for this is making a hook
finger shape with 2 hands and pulling the sutures “apart”
like the following picture:

Where the motions on each suture would be as so:

[<- Finger] (Your suture here) [Finger ->]
So, in other words;
Something similar to this but not exact because this is a retarded face
yoga woman.
As for the inside of the palate,
Every single line in here is a suture.
Massaging these is pretty straightforward.
You take your thumbs and loosen it all up, try to spread them apart
(Seems retarded but, remember, bones are mobile, way more than you
Some Images for visualisation purposes (Helps a lot) :

Yes, you may hear or feel pops, cracks, etc, that’s a great sign.

Parallel Expansion/Lateral Thumb Pulling:

This exercise aims to target the mid palatal suture in widening the palate
laterally. This is basically the first “thumbpulling” exercise. Keep in mind
that this exercise is in no way similar to the massaging, we’re not
that this exercise is in no way similar to the massaging, we’re not
loosening here, we’re applying pressure.
Here’s a couple of variations:

1- Basic “Mow your palate” :

As the name suggests, it’s pretty boring but here’s some takeaways

-Put your fingers against the bone and not gum

-Take deep long light breaths and breath holds
-Start from the back of the palate and work your way forward slowly with
each few reps , move forward.
Apply pressure more on inhale, and less on exhale,
Exhale should be more for pressure control rather than applying pressure,
more for “maintaining” progress

2- Triangular Expansion/Frontal:
This exercise is designed to expand the front of the palate in a triangular
motion, this diagram helps explain it.
-Take your fingers, put them near the front of the palate and not so in the
back like first time, try to feel your 2 front teeth separating.
-Now, widen your grip sideways, and as you do that turn it into a stroke
backwards, that’s 1 rep.
-Take your fingers off, then put them back in the front and repeat
-Reaaaallllyyy emphasise that separation feeling
-Pull on the inhale and hold the pull on exhales.

Sagittal expansion/Pull forward:

This exercise is designed to bring the palate forwards, slightly upwards too
but mostly forwards.
Here’s a few variations:
1- Back to front:

This one pulls the palate forward all the way from the back, forward, it can
induce sphenoidal bone movement which improves your whole skull.

The following image is of a woman with FAGGA (Fixed anterior growth


This could yield similar, healthier effects.

-Take your thumbs to the back of your palate, very back.
-Now, grab the sides of the palate
-Proceed to tuck your chin/Look down with the thumbs inside
-Now, with your thumbs, slowly slide them forward, all the way to the front
teeth, that’s 1 rep,
During this, exhale, and on inhales hold.
-Keep in mind you’re allowed to press a bit upwards as it aids the process
-Massage the back of your neck if you feel any tension (Goes for any
exercise on here tbh)
-If your neck / head is drifting upwards, tuck your chin further, or put neck
Don’t go hard, but just combat the neck drift.
2- Nasofrontal sagittal growth:
This exercise is also forward growth, except it doesn’t aim to drag the
maxilla, it aims to increase and decompress tissues in the front of the
Some tips:

-Put your thumbs in the front of your palate, very front, behind the bone of
front teeth but not the gums (be careful)
-Proceed to tuck your chin/Look down with the thumbs on the back of the
front of the palate
-Now, with your thumbs, push them gently forward whilst tucking chin
down and back, all the way to the front teeth, that’s 1 rep,
-During this, exhale, and on inhales hold the position/state.
Powerful if you want to induce chin growth, nose appearance, and side

Mid Palatal Suture Strokes:

This is a classic, mainly for targeting the whole maxilla in upswing, it can
get rid of a steep gonial angle and whatnot.
It has about 1 variation, So, here we go
OK, oh yeah, you know the drill,
This little thing? Palate? Yeah you’re familiar by now.
We’re gonna pull it up to create this effect:

That known photo, it’s essentially just counterclockwise rotation.

Upwards and forwards growth of the maxilla.

-Put your thumb on your midpalatal suture, down the midline
-Tuck chin, head down, you know the drill
-then slowly pull it forwards and mostly upwards
-then slowly pull it forwards and mostly upwards
-do this while slowly “riding” the thumb with your skull, basically moving
skull up and down to really get the maxilla to go up. That’s 1 rep.
You can use 2 thumbs to apply more pressure.
Rep on exhales.Only hold Pressure on inhales.

In the following pages are advanced

thumbpulling techniques developed by John
Sparrow and Sand. If you have good experience
with the previous thumbpulling techniques, feel
free to give these a shot.
(These are only the tip of the iceberg BTW.)
Maxillary Expander Grab
Maxillary Advancement Grab
Tension Relief Protocol
Ok so first thing in the morning and before sleeping
we’d wanna relieve tension.
Here’s some stuff:
1- Mastication Muscle massages:
Perform muscle relaxation through the following:
Gentle massage can ease the pain and decrease the tension in
your jaw, therefore decreasing or eliminating the forces that
“Twist” your face, and bring it backwards and downwards.
-Before you start
Start by sitting or standing tall, legs uncrossed and feet
flat on the floor.
Gently nod your chin down as if you are saying “yes.”
Find the Rest Position with your jaw.
-What you should feel
You should feel slight tenderness in the muscles that you
are massaging. This tenderness should decrease as you
continue to massage.
°What you should not feel
You should not feel the pain increasing as you massage.
You should not feel the pain increasing as you massage.
Now, onto the How-To

A-Massage the masseter muscles:

Your masseter muscles are used to chew and clench.
They are located under your cheekbones. The masseter
muscles can become painful and thick if you have TMD,
tension in general, or a recessed facial structure due to
difference in the insertions, gentle massage can help.
1. Find the Rest Position with your jaw.
2. Place 2 to 3 fingers on the muscles below your cheek
bones. If you clench your teeth, you should feel the
muscles tighten under those fingers. Press into the
muscles and hold that pressure for 6 to 10 seconds.
3. Keep your jaw relaxed and repeat in another tender or
tight area of your cheek.
4. Find at least 4 to 5 different parts of the muscle to work
on. Try to find at least 4 to 5 different parts of the muscle
to work on.

B-Massage the temporalis muscles:

The temporalis muscles are located along the sides of your
head under your scalp and are used to pull your teeth
together. They can become thick and tight, giving you a
headache or head tension.
1. Place2 to 3 fingers on top of the painful and tense parts
of this muscle. Make sure you are NOT pressing on your
1. Place 2 to 3 fingers on top of the painful and tense parts
of this muscle. Make sure you are NOT pressing on your
2. Find the Rest Position with your jaw.
3. Press firmly on the muscle and hold for 6 to 10
4. Move your fingers to another spot along the side of your
head that is tight or painful.
5. Find 4 to 5 different spots to work on.

Note: You can also use a Jade roller or any facial

massage device, keeping the tool cool will improve the
relaxation feeling.

The following videos should help you get some

nuance and deeper understanding into all of this:

Here , Here and Here


Myofunctional therapy:
From the following video I will give you a simple exercise split.
From the following video I will give you a simple exercise split.

Tongue Pops 30 x 2 sets

Tongue Pushups 30 x 2 sets
Tongue Pull aerobics 20 sec hold each variation x 2 sets
Tongue against spoon 30 sec x 2 sets
Spoon Hold (with weight if you can) 30 sec x 2 sets
Button Hold 30 secs x 2 sets
Puff 10 secs each variation x 5 sets
Monkey Upper and lower 25 sec x 5 sets
(You can change these according to how hard they are to you)

Postural Restoration:
I’ll give you a routine/exercise split and link the sources in which you’re
taught how to do them
1- Thoracic exploder for posterior mediastinum expansion, this will help
your ribcage posture, shoulders, neck, vagus nerve, and parasympathetic
nervous system.
Here , breathe as deep and as far as you can, you may even hear pops,
feel stretches, or slight pain (keep going, break the barrier, you’re allowed
to breathe in with your mouth strenuously as the aim is to get as much air
in as rapid as possible and expand the area)
Do about 15-30 second breaths for 5 sets
2- PRI 90/90 hip lift and shift Found Here
Do this for about 5-10 breaths for 2 sets
Make sure you feel diaphragm activation and maybe even a muscle burn.
3- Anterior chain stretch 1 hold for 30 secs/3 long breaths x 2 sets, make
sure you feel your hammies stretch
4- Anterior chain stretch 2 is a harder version than stretch 1, it has
4- Anterior chain stretch 2 is a harder version than stretch 1, it has
variations as seen in the video, try to progress throughout the weeks into
something harder and harder,
Hold each stretch side 30 secs/3 long breaths x 2 sets

Buteyko breathing is as we said,

Download the app on Android or iOS, progress with it

Do also slow, light breathing throughout the day and avoiding sighs, big
breaths or gulping air.

Miscellaneous for core:

Perform this video
You should feel a lot of relief,

After that, GUIDE
try to multi task 1.0 breath holding with an ab workout,
/ couple
holding leg raises, crunches, and more, you can look up some ab workouts
on youtube and just hold the positions,

Planking is also good, make sure it is hard and you feel it in your
in studying so many diverse cultures and diets he was able to pinpoint
common factors in all the traditional diets that ensured that the children
grew up strong and straight, maximising their genetic potential:
● All of them consumed a complete range of minerals and fat soluble
vitamins from either high-vitamin butter, seafood, cod-liver oil
,seal oil or animal organs with their fat.
● All consumed some daily raw, unaltered protein from sources
such as meats, seafood, nuts, cheeses, eggs, milk or high
quality sprouted seeds.
● Most diets contained some form of fermented foods – milk
● Most diets contained some form of fermented foods – milk
cultures, pickles, and other fermented foods.
● Everyone ate naturally organic wholefoods, grains were freshly
ground. The plants they ate had a very high mineral content.
● People spent most of their day exposed to fresh air and
sunlight, and were engaged in vigorous physical exercise on a
regular basis.
● Each culture observed periods of partial abstinence from food or
regulated periods of under-eating as part of natural seasonal
shortages of food or else as rituals involving fasting.
● Sweets (even good, natural sweets) were used rarely or sparingly,
only for occasions of ritual, celebration or special feasting.


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