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1.Crime- An act or omission that is punishable by law.

2.Felonies- Refers to those violation of the revised penal code.

3.Misdemeanor- Refers to those violation of ordinances.

4.Static crime- Crime committed in one place.

5.Instant crime- Crime committed in a shortest possible time.

6.Motive- Refers to the moving power which impels one act for define results.

7.Opportunity- Refers to chance or time given to the offender.

8.Offenses- Refers to those violation of special law.

9.Simple crime- A single act constitutes only one offense.

10.Complex crime- Single act constitutes two or more grave or less grave felonies.

11.Extinctive crime- When the crime is destructive.

12.Acquisitive crime- When the offender acquire something for his criminal act.

13.Continuing crime- Those committed in several places

14.Episodic crime- Refers to a series of act in a lengthy space of time.

15.Seasonal crime- Those committed only during a certain period of the year.

16.Rational crime- Those committed crime by normal person.

17.Criminality- Defined as breaking the penal or criminal law.

18.Psychoanalytic- Study of human behavior.

19.Psychiatric- Study of the mind

20.Victimilogy- Study of the victim of the crime.


1.Laws- Refers to the formal body of rules enacted by the state..

2.Mores- Refers to the norms of morality.

3.Swift- Punishment must be swift to be effective.

4.Speculative- It attempts to explain what is happening.

5.Descriptive- Gathers descriptive data to describe what is happening.

6.Hedonism- A philosophy where people choose pleasure over plain.

7.Freewill- Capabilty to choose what is right and wrong.

8.Certain- People must know they will be punished for their illegal behavior.

9.Biological perspective- Crime is a product of internal forces.

10.Psychological perspective- Criminal behavior is produst of unconscious forces

operating within a person’s mind.

11.Phrenology- Study of the conformation of the skull.

12.Extraversion- Includes assertiveness and sociability and talkativeness.

13.Meroticism- Tendency toward negative emotion like irritability.

14.ID- Dictates the need and desires.

15.Agreeableness- Refers for altruism empathy cooperation and compassion.

16.Nature theory- Holds that intelligence is genetically determined and inherited.

17.Superego- Counteracts by ID by fostering feelings of morality.

18.Ego- Evaluates the reality of position of there too extremes.

19.Postpartum psychosis- Caused by multiple factors is uncommon with only in 1000


20.Social structure theories- Suggest that social factor and economic forces operating in

deteriorated lower class.


1.Nationalism- Means love, careful, reservation, and patrionage.

2.Culture- Shared beliefs and her way of life creates a common bond

3.History- Shared past connects people as group

4.Religion- A common religion helps to unite people

5.Language- A common language is the key element of communication

6.Territory- A shared land gives people a sense of unity

7.Political nationalism- Refers to its ideologies and political system

8.Cultural nationalism- Refers to shared tradition within a country

9.Religious nationalism- Connect between a particular religious identity and national


10.Group feelings- A sense of belonging together among the people of nation

11.One nation- A common government always implies in a nation

12.Distinction- It separates it from another nation

13.Patriotism- A feeling of love for one's country

14.Philippine eagle- National bird of the philippines

15.Extreme patriotism- That is extreme but no means extremely rare

16.Arnis- National martial arts sports in philippines

17.Philippine pearl- National game of philippines

18.Anahaw- National leaf of philippines

19.Mango- National fruit of philippines

20.Carabao- National animal of the Philippines


1.Ethics- Study of principles of right and wrong in human conduct

2.Morality- The foundation of every human society

3.Moral integrity- Dimension of what ought be

4.Mores- A forms of morality

5.Laws- Normal body of rules enacted by state

6.Values- Those belief which we hold to be true

7.Folkways- Standard of behavior that are socially approved but not significant

8.Taboo- An act is prohibited or restricted by social custom

9.Virtue- Refers of habit of being good

10.Ignorance- Absence of knowledge

11.Fashion- Tendencies toward desirable object

12.Prudence- Being careful about one's choices

13.Justice- Virtue that influence the world can give to each one of all right

14.Patience- Calmness in composure in enduring situation

15. Endurance- Ability to last

16.Temperature- Ability to moderate or avoid something

17.Perserverance- Ability to go on despite obstacles

18.Problem solving- Using their experience to solve problem together

19.Fortitude- The strength of firmness of mind

20.Natural duties those imposed by natural law


1.Overt behavior- Behavior that are observable

2.Complex behavior- Combination of simple behavior

3.Rational behavior- Acting with sanity or with reason

4.Voluntary behavior- Than with full volition of will

5.Involuntary behavior- Bodily processes that goes on even when we are awake or


6.Covert behavior- Those that are hidden from the view of the observer

7.Rational behavior- Acting without reason

8.Stage of resistance- Emotional defense

9.Exhaustion- Battery serves depleted emotionally trained.

10.Alarm reaction- Blood pressure increases adrenalism secretion

11.Arithomaniahe- Impulse ko count anything

12.Dipsomania- Impulse to drink liquor

13.Homicidal mania- The impulse to kill

14.Kleptomania- The impulse to steal

15.Megalomania- The impulse for frame or power

16.Pyromania- The impulse to set a fire

17.Suicidal mania- The impulse to take one's life

18.Anesthesia- The loss of sensitivity

19.Hypesthesia- The partial loss of sensitivity

20.Analgesia- The loss of sensitivity to pain


1.Juvenile- a person whose age is below 18

2. Delinquency- an act course or conduct or situation which might be brought before the


3. Juvenile delinquency- anna committed by minor that violates the penal code

4. Nuclear family- composed of father, mother and a child or children

5. Matrifocal family - consist of mother in her children

6.Extended family- purpose of members other than the father mother and children

7. Family- basic foundation of nation

8. School- a formal agent of socialization

9. Legitimate children- conceived or born during marriage

10. Illegitimate children- conceived and born outside a valid marriage

11. Mass media- refers to inform entertain and educate

12. Religion- refers of giving a society sense of direction

13. Socialize delinquency- refers to group that advocate bad things

14. Over inhibited- group that secretly trained to do illegal activities

15. Malicious- an expression of defiance

16. Non utilitarianism- pagdali sticks attitude life graficts

17. Lying- reders to an act of non telling the truth

18. Stealing - and discipline design of possession

19 Truancy- cutting class without justifiable reason

20. Emotional disorder- thinking disturbances


1.Research- a careful, critical, disciplined inquiry

2. Logical-face on the valid procedures and principles

3. Empirical- please on the experience or observable by the researcher

4. Field research- this done in natural settings

5. Library research- is done in the library

6. Pure research- also called basic research

7. Applied research- research involves seeking new application of scientific knowledge

8. Directive research- determine what should be done based on the findings

9. Descriptive research- studies the relationship of the variables

10. Experimental research- studies title of the variable on each other

11. Interesting- can attract the attention to study the problem

12. Specific- the problem should be specifically stated

13. Realistic- results are not manipulated

14. Independent variable-this is the stimulus variable

15. Dependent variable- this is the response variable

16. Control variable- variable that is controlled by the researcher

17. Moderator variable- is the secondary or special types of independent variable

18. Intervening variable- interferes with dependent and independent variables

19. Historical design- the study focus in the past

20. Descriptive design- studies focus in the present condition

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