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Karnataka State Akkamahadevi Women’s University

Department of Physics

M.Sc. Physics
Revised Syllabus
(Under CBCS and CAGP)

With effect from

Programmme Outcomes (POs) for M.Sc. Physics Programmme
Capable of demonstrating comprehensive knowledge in
PO1 Knowledge
Physics gained during course of study
Capability to ask relevant/appropriate questions for
PO2 identifying, formulating and analyzing the research
problems and to draw conclusion from the analysis
Ability to communicate effectively on general and
PO3 Communication scientific topics with the scientific community and with
society at large
Inculcate the scientific temperament and capability of
PO4 Problem Solving applying knowledge to solve scientific and solve real
time problems
Capable to learn and work effectively as an individual,
PO5 Individual and
and as a member or leader in diverse teams, in
Team Work
multidisciplinary environment.
Ability of critical thinking, analytical reasoning and
PO6 Investigation of research based knowledge including design of
Problems experiments, analysis and interpretation of data to
provide conclusions.
Ability to use and learn techniques, skills and modern
PO7 Modern tool usage
tools for scientific practices

Professionally trained to apply reasoning to assess the

PO8 different issues related to society and the consequent
Science and Society
responsibilities relevant to the professional scientific
Possess adequate knowledge required for sustainable
Environment and
PO9 development keeping in view of environmental impacts
and contemporary issues.

Aptitude to apply both analytical and computational

PO10 knowledge and skills, that are necessary for participating
Life-Long Learning
in learning activities throughout life

Capability to identify and apply ethical issues related to

one’s work, avoid unethical behavior such as fabrication
PO11 Ethics
of data, committing plagiarism and unbiased truthful
actions in all aspects of work

Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of

PO12 Research Project the scientific principles and apply these to manage
Management research projects
Acquire an in-depth understanding and knowledge of the core areas of Physics
encompassing mathematical physics, classical mechanics, quantum mechanics,
PSO1 electrodynamics, and statistical mechanics for explicating physical phenomena
covering wide length and time scales.

Be capable of applying the core physical laws to unravel a multitude of

PSO2 physical properties, processes, and effects involving radiation, nuclei, atoms,
molecules, and bulk forms of matter
Develop hands-on skills for carrying out elementary as well as advanced
experiments in different sub-fields of Physics viz. condensed matter physics,
nuclear physics, particle physics, materials science, computational physics &
electronics, along with enhancing their understanding of physical concepts and

Attain abilities of critical thinking, problem mapping & solving using fundamental
PSO4 principles of Physics, systematic analysis & interpretation of results, and
unambiguous oral & writing/presentation skills.
Have robust foundation in basic and practical aspects of Physics enabling them to
venture into research in front-line areas of physical sciences, and career as Physics
teachers and scientists.
Karnataka State Akkamahadevi Women’s University, Vijayapura
M.Sc. Physics Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Syllabus (Revised)
Duration Marks
Course Credits Instruction
Course name of Exam
L:T:P Hrs./week IA Exam Total
code Hrs
Semester I
PHT-1.1 Classical Mechanics 4:0:0 4 3 30 70 100
PHT-1.2 Mathematical methods of 4:0:0 4 3 30 70 100
PHT-1.3 Atomic, Molecular and 4:0:0 4 3 30 70 100
Optical Physics (General)
PHT-1.4 Basic Electronics 4:0:0 4 3 30 70 100
PST-1.5 (Any one to be selected) 4:0:0 4 3 30 70 100
a) Instrumentation
b) Astrophysics
PHP- 1.6 Practical I- General 0:0:4 4 4 30 70 100
Physics and Basic
Electronics Lab
POE -1.7 Physics for All 4:0:0 4 3 30 70 100

Total 28 700
Semester II
PHT-2.1 Quantum Mechanics - I 4:0:0 4 3 30 70 100
PHT-2.2 Mathematical and 4:0:0 4 3 30 70 100
Computational Methods of
PHT-2.3 Nuclear Physics (General) 4:0:0 4 3 30 70 100
PHT-2.4 Condensed Matter Physics 4:0:0 4 3 30 70 100
PST-2.5 (Any one to be selected) 4:0:0 4 3 30 70 100
a) Physics of Nanomaterials
b) Physics of Laser and
Laser Applications
PHP-2.6 Practical II- General 0:0:4 4 4 30 70 100
Physics and Numerical
Methods using Python
Programming Lab
POE-2.7 Elements of Modern 4:0:0 4 3 30 70 100
Total 28 700
Semester III
PHT-3.1 Quantum Mechanics -II 4:0:0 4 3 30 70 100
PHT-3.2 Statistical Mechanics 4:0:0 4 3 30 70 100
PHT-3.3 Electrodynamics 4:0:0 4 3 30 70 100
PST-3.4 (Any one to be selected) 4:0:0 4 4 30
a) Nuclear Physics – I
b) Condensed Matter
Physics – I (Special)
PSP-3.5 Practical III- Specialization 0:0:4 4 3 30 70 100
(Any one of the following
to be selected based on
PST- 3.4 a / b )
a) Nuclear Physics Lab
b) Condensed Matter
Physics Lab (Special)
POE-3.6 Biophysics 4:0:0 4 3 30 70 100
Total 24 600
Semester IV
PHT-4.1 (Any one to be selected 4:0:0 04 3 30 70 100
based on PST- 3.4 a / b )
a) Nuclear Physics – II
b) Condensed Matter Physics
– II (Special)
PHT-4.2 (Any one to be selected 4:0:0 04 3 30 70 100
based on PHT- 4.1 a / b )
a) Nuclear Physics – III
b) Condensed Matter Physics
– III (Special)
PST-4.3 (Any one to be selected) 4:0:0 30 70 100
a) Material Science
PHP-4.4 Project Work 0:0:4 04 3 30 70 100
POE-4.5 Atmospheric Science 4:0:0 04 3 30 70 100
Total 20 500
Programme Total 2500
L- Lecture, T- Tutorial, P- Practical.
PHT- Physics Hard Core Theory, PST- Physics Soft Core Theory, OE- Open Elective, PHP- Physics Hard Core Practical,
POE- Physics Open Elective course offered to students of other department.
*The project evaluation marks 100 are a total of 50 marks for dissertation, 20 marks for presentation and viva voce and
30 marks for internal assessment.
Mapping of Courses with Programmme Outcomes(POs)
Programmme Outcomes
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
I Semester
PHT-1.1 X X X X
PHT-1.2 X X X X
PHT-1.3 X X X X X
PHT-1.4 X X X
(a) X X X X X X
(b) X X X X X X
PHP-1.6 X X X X X X X X X
POE –1.7 X X X X X X
II Semester
PHT-2.1 X X X X
PHT-2.2 X X X
PHT-2.3 X X X X X
PHT-2.4 X X X X X
(a) X X X X X X
(b) X X X X X X
PHP-2.6 X X X X X X X X X
POE-2.7 X X X X X
III Semester
PHT-3.1 X X X X
PHT-3.2 X X X X
PHT-3.3 X X X X
(a) X X X X X X X
(b) X X X X X X X
(a) X X X X X X X X X X X
(b) X X X X X X X X X X X
POE-3.6 X X X X X
IV Semester
(a) X X X X X X X
(b) X X X X X X X
(a) X X X X X X X
(b) X X X X X X X
(a) X X X X X X X
(b) X X X X X X X X X
PHP-4.4 X X X X X X X X X X X X
POE-4.5 X X X X X X
PHT-1.1: Classical Mechanics

Course Objectives
 To understand the drawbacks of Newtonian approach and necessity of new approaches to solve
problems involving the dynamic motion of classical mechanical systems.

UNIT I 13 Hours
Review of Newtonian mechanics: Laws of Motion, Conservation of linear momentum, energy and
angular momentum, Mechanics of single particle and system of particles.
Lagrangian Formulation :
Constraints in motion. Generalized co-ordinates, Virtual work and D’ Alembert’s principle,
Lagrangian equation of motion, Simple pendulum and Atwood’s machine, Symmetry and conservation
laws and cyclic co-ordinates. Symmetries of space and time, Hamilton variational principle,
Lagrangian equations of motion from variational principle, Simple applications.

UNIT II 13 Hours
Motion in Central Force Field:
General Properties of Central Force Motion, Motion in central force field, Equation of motion for the
orbits, Keplers laws (inverse equations of force field) scattering in a central force field. Scattering
cross section, the Rutherford scattering problem.

UNIT III 13 Hours

Motion of Rigid bodies:
Fixed and moving coordinate systems, Euler theorem and angle ,Chasles’ theorem, Angular
momentum and kinetic energy of rigid body. Inertia tensor Eulers equation of motion, Torque free
motion, Equation of motion of symmetric top, Heavy Symmetric top with one point fixed.
Small Oscillations:
Types of equilibria, quadratic forms for kinetic and potential energies of a systems in equilibrium,
Lagrange’s equations of motion, normal modes and normal frequencies, examples of (i) longitudinal
vibrations of two coupled harmonic oscillators,(ii) Normal modes and normal frequencies of a linear,
symmetric, triatomic molecule, (iii) oscillations of two linearly coupled plane pendula

UNIT IV 13 Hours
Hamiltonian Formalism:
Generalised momenta, canonical coordinates, Legendre transformation. Hamilton’s equations of
motion- from Legendre transformations and the variational principle, Simple applications, Canonical
transformations, Poisson brackets- canonical equations of motion in possion bracket notation, possion
brackets of angular momentum.Hamilton- Jacobi Equations, harmonic oscillator using Hamilton –
Jacobi method.
1. Classical mechanics: H Goldstein, 3rd edition, Pearson Education Inc. 2002.
2. Introduction to classical mechanics : RG Takawale and PS Puranik, Tata McGraw Hill 1979.
3. Classical mechanics: NC Ran and PS Joag, Tata McGraw 1991.
4. Mechanics: Landau LD and Lifshitz EM, Addition Wesley, 1960.
5. Classical mechanics KN Srinivasa Rao, University Press, 2003.
6. Classical Mechanics :J.C.Upadhyaya, Himalaya Publishing House
Course Outcomes
CO1: Learn basic ideas of Newtonian Mechanics.
CO2: Understand the Lagrangian approach in classical mechanics and solve problems using it.
CO3: Gain the knowledge of motion in central force field
CO4: Study Kinematics and Dynamics of rigid body in detail and ideas regarding Euler’s equations of
CO5: Understand the Hamiltonian approach in classical mechanics and solve problems using it
CO6: Get knowledge of canonical transformation and Poisson’s bracket

PHT-1.2: Mathematical Methods of Physics

Course Objectives
 To learn mathematical tools required to solve physical problems by understanding basic theory
of Matrix algebra, Vector Algebra,, differential equations ,Special functions,Fourier series and
integral transforms.

Unit-I 13 Hours
Matrices: Orthogonal, Hermitian and unitary matrices, Eigen vectors and Eigen values,
diagonalisation of matrices.
Vector Analysis: Review of vector algebra, gradient of scalar field, line integral, surface integral and
volume integral, divergence of a vector function, curl of vector field, Gauss divergence theorem,
Stoke’s theorem.
Tensors: Coordinate transformation in linear spaces, definition and types of tensors, covariant and
contravariant tensors, symmetric and antisymmetric tensors. Tensor algebra, equality, addition and
subtraction, tensor multiplication, outer product contraction of indices and inner product quotient
theorem kronecker delta tensor, christoffeld symbols. Tensors in physics.

Unit-II 13 Hours Differential

Equations: Linear Ordinary Differential Equations of first and second order, Green’s function, Partial
differential equations (Laplace, Wave and heat equations in two and three dimensions),Boundary
value problems.

Unit-III 13 Hours
Special functions:
Legendre functions: Legendre polynomials, rodrigue’s formula generating function and recurssion
relations, orthogonality and normalization, associated legendre function spherical harmonics.
Bessel functions: Bessel functions of the first kind representation relations orthogonality.
Hermite functions: Hermite polynomials, generating five recursion relations, orthogonality
Laguerre functions: Laguerre and associated laguerre polynomials, recursion relations, orthogonality
Applications of special functions to problems in physics.

Unit-IV 13 Hours
Integral transforms: Review of Fourier series, generalized Fourier series, explanation of functions in
Fourier series, Fourier integrals, sine and cosine transformations, convolution theorem, Parsevel’s
theorem & applications, Laplace transforms and their properties, inverse Laplace transforms, solution
of differential equation using Laplace transformations.

1. Matrices and tensors in physics, AW Joshi, 3rd edition, New Age international (P) ltd, 2000.
2. Introduction to mathematical physics, Charlie Harper, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi 1995
3. Mathematical Physics, DK Chatopadhyay, Wiley Eastern Ltd, 1990
4. Mathematical Methods for Physicist, George Arfken and Hans J Weber, Academic press San
Diego, 1995.

Course Outcomes
CO1: Learn about special type of matrices that are relevant in Physics and then learn about tensors.
CO2: Understand the methods to ordinary and partial differential equations and then learn different
ways of solving them.
CO3: Analyse the wide range of special functions and their use in solving complex Physics problems.
CO4: Analyse the various integral transforms of different series and their applications in Physics

PHT-1.3: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (General)

Course Objectives
 To provide an introductory idea of an atom and the processes that occur due to different
arrangement of electrons.
 To give insightful knowledge about the changes in the spectra of different atoms in presence
of an external magnetic and electric field.
Unit – I
One Electron System: 4 Hours
Quantum states of one electron atoms, atomic orbitals hydrogen spectrum. Spectra of alkali elements,
spin-orbit interaction. (Ref 1,6,7)
Two electron system: 9 Hours
LS- coupling equivalent and non-equivalent electrons, spectral terms, Pauli exclusive principle,
coupling schemes for two electrons, interaction energies for LS coupling, fine structures splitting for s
p electron configuration. lande interval rule. jj-coupling spectral terms, interaction energies for jj
coupling fine structure splitting for sp electron configuration. Qualitative consideration of selection
and intensity rules for LS and jj coupling hyperfine structure for one and two electrons and Lande
interval rule. (Ref 1,6,7)

Unit – II
Weak magnetic field effects: 6 Hours
Normal and anamolous zeeman effect- magnetic moment of bound electron and lande g-factor,
magnetic interaction energy, selection rules, zeeman pattern for principlal series doublet, intensity
rules. Zeeman effect for two electrons magnetic moment of the atom and g-factors. Expression for
magnetic interaction energy, selection rules, zeeman pattern transistions for diffuse series singlet,
intensity rules. (Ref 1,6,7)
Strong magnetic field and electric field effects: 7 Hours
Paschen back effect- express for total energy shift, transistions for principal series doublet qualitative
treatment of paschen – back effect and complete paschen back effect for two electrons. Isotope
structure. Stark effect- first and second order Stark effects in hydrogen width of spectral lines

Unit – III
Microwave and infra red spectra: 13 Hours
Types of molecules- linear symmetric top, asymmetric top and spherical top molecules. Theory
rotational spectra for rigid and non rigid rotator diatomic molecules, energy levels, intensity of
rotational lines. Microwave spectrometer and applications.
Vibrational energy of diatomic molecule as simple harmonic and anharmonic oscillators, morse
potential energy curve, energy levels and vibrational spectra. Diatomic molecule as a vibrating-rotator,
vibration rotation spectra- PQR branches. IR spectrometer and applications. (Ref 2-7)

Unit – IV
UV- visible spectra: 13 Hours
Electronic spectra of diatomic molecules, Born Oppenheimer approximation, vibrational coarse
structure- band progressions and sequences, Frank Condon principle-intensity of vibrational electronic
spectra, dissociation energy and dissociation products. Rotational fine structure of electronic vibration
transitions, determination of vibrational and rotational constants.
Molecular orbital. Classification of electronic states and multiplet structure selection rules for
electronic transitions and simple electronic transitions. UV visible absorption and flurescence
spectrophotometers and applications. (Ref 2-7)

1. Introduction to atmic spectra : HE White, MCGraw hill.
2. Fundamentals of molecular spectroscope: CN Banwell and EM Mc Cash ,Tata McGraw Hill 1999,
4th Edn.
3. Molecular spectra and molecular structure Vol I Spectra of Diatomic Molecules G Herberg Von
4. Spectroscopy Vols 1, 2 and 3 BP Straughan and S Walkar, Chapman and Hall.
5. Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy GM Barrow, Mc Graw Hill.
6.Physics of atoms and molecules BH Brandson and CJ Joachain, Longman 1983.
7. Spectra of atoms and molecules, PF Bernath, Oxford University Press 1995.

Course Outcomes
CO1: The students will have an understanding of quantum behavior of atoms in external electric and
magnetic fields;
CO2: Describe the spectra of single and multiple electron atoms including fine- and hyperfine
structure of hydrogen like atoms, different types of coupling such as L-S and J-J couplings.
CO3: Explain the effect of electric and magnetic field on the atomic spectrum
CO4: Analyse the spectra of diatomic molecules such as electronic, rotational, vibrational spectra and
Raman spectroscopy

PHT-1.4: Basic Electronics

Course Objectives
 This course provides the student with the fundamental skills to understand the basics of
semiconductor and components like diode, transistor, FET, MOSFET and operational
 To learn digital electronics and its applications.

Unit – I 13 Hours
Semiconductor Diode: construction, operation, characteristics, application of p-n diode and Zener
diode, Bipolar Junction Transistors- construction, operation, common-emitter configuration,
common-base configuration, common-collector configuration, derivation of β, α and various
parameters, loadline analysis, Operating point, voltage-divider bias, transistor switching networks, bias
stabilization, working of CE amplifier.
Construction, working and characteristics of JFET and MOSFET.
Unit – II 15 Hours
Operational Amplifier- Introduction, ideal characteristics, voltage follower circuit, inverting
amplifier, non-inverting amplifier, Op-Amp parameters- input and output voltage, common mode and
supply rejection, offset voltages and currents, input and output impedances, slew rate. Op-Amps as
summing amplifier, difference amplifier, differentiator and integrator.
Instrumentation Amplifier, A/D and D/A conversion circuits
Active filters: Types, specifications, filter transfer function, first order and second order low pass and
high pass filters, band pass and band reject filters.
Signal generator: Basic principles, phase shift oscillator, Wien bridge oscillator, triangular/ rectangular
wave generators.

Unit – III 10 Hours

Number systems-binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal, number base conversions, binary arithmetic,
1’s and 2’s complement, Binary codes-BCD, 8421, Excess-3, reflected code, alpha-numeric codes,
logic gates analysis-AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, Boolean Algebra- theorems and properties,
Boolean functions- Canonical and Standard forms , AND-OR and NAND-NOR implementation and
simplification of Boolean expressions, Karnaugh map (upto four variables).

Unit – IV 13 Hours
Combinational logic circuits- Adder, Parallel binary adder, subtractor, comparator, decoders, BCD to
seven segment decoder, encoders, code converter, multiplexers and demultiplexers.
Sequential logic circuits: Flip flops-SR, JK, D, T and master-slave JK flip flops, Edge triggered flip
flops, Registers, shift register, ripple counters, synchronous counters.

1) Semiconductor Devices Physics and Technology, S.M.Sze, John Wiley and sons Inc Asia, 2nd
edition, 2002
2) Solid State Electronics Devices. Ben G Streetman, Sanjay Banerjee, Pearson Ed Asia, 5 th
edition, 2000.
3) Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory: Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, PHI/Pearson
Education, 9th Edition
4) Textbook of Applied Electronics: R. S Sedha, S. Chand & Co Ltd, Multicolor Edition
5) Operational Amplifiers and Linear IC’s: David A. Bell, PHI/Pearson, 2nd edition, 2004
6) Op - Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits: Ramakant A. Gayakwad, PHI, 4th edition
7) Digital Logic and Computer design, M Morris Mano, PHI.
8) Digital Principles and Applications, Donald P.Leach and Albert Paul Malvino, Tata Mc Graw
Hill, 5th edition, 2002.
9) Digital Systems, Principles and Applications, Ronald J Tocci and Neal S Widner, pearson
education 8th edition 2001.

Course Outcomes
CO1: Understand the construction, operation and applications of diodes, BJT and FET.
CO2: The students will have an understanding of the concepts of operational amplifier and its
CO3: The students will be able to use techniques for analyzing analog and digital electronic circuits
PST-1.5 (a): Instrumentation
Course Objectives
 The course develops an understanding of the characteristics of instruments and elements of
error analysis.
 To understand vacuum and thermal systems.

Unit – I:
Generalized Characteristics of Instruments 13 Hours
Static characteristics: accuracy, precision, repeatability, reproducibility, resolution, sensitivity,
linearity, drift, span, range.
Dynamic characteristics: transfer function, zero order instruments, first order instruments – step, ramp,
frequency responses – second order instruments – step-ramp response – dead time elements.
Types of Errors: gross, systematic, random, linear and nonlinear curve fitting, chi-square test

Unit – II:
Vacuum Systems 13 Hours
Principle and operation of various pumps: rotary, diffiusion, sorption, turbomolecular, ionisation and
Gauges: McLeod, diaphragm, thermocouple, pirani, penning, ionisation and hot and cold cathodes –
design of high vacuum systems – high pressure cells – measurements at high pressures.

Unit – III:
Thermal Systems 13 Hours
Temperature scales – liquefaction of gases, achieving low temperature – design of cryostats.
High temperature furnaces: resistance, induction and arc furnaces – high temperature measurements –
pyrometers – total and selective radiation pyrometers – optical pyrometer.

Unit – IV:
Detectors and Spectroscopy 13 Hours
Detectors: pyroelectric, thermoelectric, photoconducting, photoelectric, photomultiplier, scintillation
types of detectors, photon counters.
Spectroscopy: principles of atomic absorption spectroscopy – instrumentation – single and double
beam spectrometers –theory and components of nuclear quadrupole resonance technique –

1) A.K. Sawhney and Puneet Sawhney, A Course in Mechanical Measurement and
Instrumentation, DhanpatRai&Sons, New Delhi 2000.
2) Dennis Roddy and John Coolen, Electonic communication, 4th edition, PHI private Ltd.,
(1999). (Unit – II)
3) C.S. Rangan, G.R. Sharma and V.S.V. Mani, Instrumentation Devices and Systems, Tata
McGraw-Hill (1983).
4) H.H. Willard, L.L. Merrit and John A. Dean, Instrumental Methods of Analysis, 6th edition,
CBS Publishers & Distributors (1986).
5) D.V.S. Murty, Transducers and Instrumentation, Prentice – Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi
6) Ernest O. Doebelin, Measurement System Applications and Design, McGraw Hill
International Book Company, Singapore (1983)
Course Outcomes
CO1: The students will have an understanding of different types of instruments and errors occurring
during measurement.
CO2: Understand production and measurement of vacuum.
CO3: Understand production and measurement of low and high temperatures
CO4:Understand the nuclear spectroscopy

PST-1.5(b): Astrophysics
Course Objectives
 To Understand the basic concepts used in astronomy .
 To classify the stars and study the solar system and to Understand the Physics of stellar

Unit – I 13 Hours
Basic concepts, Michelson’s stellar interferometer, binary stars and their masses, radial and transverse
velocities types of optical telescopes and their characteristics, modern telescopes like Gemini Keck

Unit – II 13 Hours
Properties of stars: Spectra of stars, spectral sequence –temperature and luminosity classifications,
H-R diagram, Saha’s ionization formula and application to stellar spectra, virial theorem, stellar
structure equations, star formation and main sequence evolution, mass luminosity relation, White
dwarf’s, Pulsars, magnetars, Neutron stars and Black holes, variable stars.

Unit – III 13 Hours

The solar system: The surface of the sun, solar interior structure, solar rotation, sun spots, the active
sun, properties of interior planets and exterior planets, satellites of planets, comets, asteroids,
meteorites, Kuiper Belt Objects and Oort Cloud, Theories of formation of the solar system.

Unit – IV 13 Hours
Star clusters, Galaxies and the Universe: open and global clusters, the structure and contents of
milky way galaxy, Hubble’s classification of galaxies, galactic structure and dark matter, galactic
motions, hubble’s law, Olber’s paradox. Big bang theory and the origin of the early universe,
nucleosynthesis, cosmic microwave background radiation and evolution of the universe.

1) The new cosmos A unsold, Springer Verlag 1977
2) Introduction to stellar astrophysics E Bohm Vitense 3rd volume ,CUP 1989
3) Astrophysics and stellar astronomy T L Swihart: Wiley 1968
4) The stars ; their structure and evolution R J Taylor , Cambridge University Press 1993
5) Introduction to Cosmo Log J V Narlikar Y, Cambridge University Press 1993
6) Principles of physical cosmology Peebles P J E, Princeton U P 1993
7) Galaxies their structure and evolution R J Taylor, Cambridge University Press 1993
8) Solar system astrophysics Brandt J C and Hodge, Mc graw Hill 1964
9) The physical universe, F Shu So press 1987
10) Introduction to modern astrophysics Ostlie and Caroll, Addn Wesley 1997
11) Astrophysics concepts M Herwit, John wiley 1990
12) An introduction to astophysics Baidyanath Basu, PHI
13) A textbook of astrophysics and cosmology V B Bhatia, New Age International
14) Our solar system, Rana
15) Stars and galaxies K D Abyankar, Cambridge University Press
16) Astrophysics, Krishanswamy
17) Pulsar Astronomy A G Lyne and G Smith, Cambridge University Press

Course Outcomes
CO1: Understand the basic concepts of astrophysics.
CO2: Apply principles of physics to astronomical objects.

PHP-1.6: Practical I – General Physics and Basic Electronics Lab

Course Objectives
 To understand the objective of a physics laboratory experiment, properly carry out the
experiments, and appropriately record and analyze the results.

General Physics lab

1) Determination of the size of the lycopodium particles by diffraction method using
a) Spectrometer b) Young’s method
2) Verification of Stefan’s Law by electrical method.
3) Determination of wavelength of iron arc spectral lines using constant deviation spectrometer.
4) Verification of Fresnel’s law of reflection.
5) Experiment with Babinet compensator.
6) Determination of Hartmann’s constants and hence to verify the Hartmann’s formula and study of
electronic absorption band KMnO4 .
7) Febry perot etalon
8) Interference and diffraction using He Ne Laser.
9) Edser Butter fringes.
10) Study of elliptically polarized light.
11) Rydberg consant.
12) Rotatory dispersion.
13) Study of dispersion of grating spectrograph.
14) Solar rotation period
15) Miller sweep circuit
New experiments may be added.

1) R.A. Dunlap, Experimental Physics: Modern Methods, Oxford University Press, New Delhi
2) E.V. Smith, Manual for Experiments in Applied Physics, Butterworths (1970).
3) D. Malacara (ed.), Methods of Experimental Physics, Series of Volumes, Academic Press Inc.
Basic Electronics lab
1) Op-amp 741 as an adder, subtractor, differentiator and integrator.
2) Low –pass, high-pass and band reject filters using op-amp 741.
3) Lead-lag network and wein bridge oscillator using op-amp 741.
4) RC Phase shift oscillator using op-amp 741.
5) Half adder, half subtractor, full adder and full subtractor.
6) Boolean expressions implementation.
7) Sinewave and square wave generators.
8) Study of triggered SR, JK and D flip-flop
9) Ripple counter and shift register using JK flip flop.
10) R-2R ladder network D/A converter.
11) Regulated power supply using 78XX integrated circuits.
New experiments may be added.

1) B.K. Jones, Electronics for Experimentation and Research, Prentice-Hall (1986).
2) P.B. Zbar, A.P. Malvino and M.A. Miller, Basic Electronics: A Text-Lab Manual, Tata Mc-
Graw Hill, New Delhi (1994).

Course Outcomes
CO1: Educate The Basics Of Instrumentation, Data Acquisition And
Interpretation of Results
CO2: Have a deep knowledge of fundamentals of optics and atomic spectra.
CO3:Apply the knowledge to understand the working of amplifiers, oscillators and
CO4:Understand analog and digital circuits

POE-1.7: Physics for All

Course Objectives
 To motivate and inspire the students to create deep interest in Physics,
 To develop broad and balanced knowledge and understanding of physical concepts, principles
and theories.
 To learn, design and perform experimental investigations in their respective arena of interest
such as transportation, sports, music, dance, home appliances etc.

Unit-I 12 Hours
Transportation: Linear motion, Speed, velocity, acceleration, Force and Laws of Force, Newton’s
laws, circular motion, friction, collision(elastic and inelastic), energy and momentum with examples
Sports: Force, energy, projectile motion, rotation, moment of inertia, angular momentum with

Unit-II 13 Hours
Physics of Music : Mathematical structure of musical note; scales, harmony, rhythm and chords.
Forces and pressure especially applied to strings, fluids and solid membranes. Energy, power and
intensity (sounds), Description of SHM and cyclic phenomenon of waves, Transverse and longitudinal
waves and their properties. Superposition of waves, resonances and beats. Applications to musical
Physics & Dance: Friction in dance, Shape of dancers, Gravity in dance, Force in dance, Momentum
and Angular momentum, Jump and Laws of jumping, Time of flight and length of the paths, Twists,
Biomechanics in dance, Importance of muscular load during dance.
Unit-III 13 Hours
Home Electricity: Electrostatics, electric potential, current, and resistance, ohm’s law, electric power,
refrigeration, electric safety.
Green Energy: Electricity as energy, Electromagnetic Induction, thermal power generation, heat
engine, nuclear power, solar power, wind power, biofuels

Unit-IV 14 Hours
Physics for Photography: Principle and Evolution of camera, Lenses, Lens aberrations, Aperture, Screen,
Focus, Images(Virtual, Real, Resolution, Density), Shutter and speed of shutter, Luminance of object, Exposure
timing and Law of reciprocity, Depth of field, f-stop, Polarization (Phenomenon, essentials of polarizing filters
in photography), ISO standards.
Camera Types: Box,Twin Lens Reflection(TLR) and Single Lens Reflection (SLR) camera Optics,
Digital screens(Resolution, Pixels, Memory), Digital Single Lens Reflection (DSLR) camera,
Lighting: Intensity and Exposure meter, Types of Lights(Natural, Flood, Flash, Spot lights)
Weather and climate: Energy, heat and temperature, the first law thermodynamics, heat transfer,
black body radiation.


1. How Things Work- The Physics of Everyday Life 3rd edition by Louis A. Bloomfield (John
Wiley & Sons, 2006)
2. D. E. Hall , ―Musical Acoustics ―, 3rdEdn.Crooks Pub. CA, 2002
3. T. D. Rossing et al, ―The Science of sound ―, Addison Wesley, CA,2002.
4. H. F. Olson , ―Music, Physics & Engineering ―, 2ndEdn. Dover’s Pub. Inc. New York, NY,1967
5. Emily Coates, ―Physics & Dance‖ , Yale university Publication,, ISBN:9780300195835.
6. Francis, Gregory E. "Light". Physics: A World View (6 ed.). Belmont, California: Thomson
Brooks/Cole. p. 339. (2007). ISBN 978-0-495-01088-3.
7. Barnbaum's The Art of Photography, Publisher Rocky Nook, ISBN 9781933952680
8. Jim Miotke, BetterPhoto Basics The friendliest book on photography for beginners,
Publisher: Amphoto, ISBN-13: 978-0817405021
9. Michel Freeman , Cameras and Lenses, ISBN: 0817436545
10. Bryan Peterson's Understanding Exposure 4th Edn.

Course Outcomes
CO1: Explain how Physics applies to phenomena in the world around them.
CO2: Recognizing how and when Physical laws relevant to their field.
CO3: Recognizing how and when Physics methods and principles can help in
facing challenges to overcome weakness in their problems.
CO4: Evaluating the limitations of their solutions
CO5: Critically access their current state of knowledge and expertise to develop,
implement and refine a plan in order to acquire new knowledge for specific
goals and in pursuit of new intellectual interests.
CO6: Participate effectively in multidisciplinary and /or interdisciplinary teams.
CO7: Communicate effectively via oral, visual and written format to achieve
diverse audiences.
CO8: Articulate how one’s own developing skills can be used in constructive
community service or engagement that recognizes the potential impact on local and
global issues including environmental impact and sustainability.
PHT-2.1: Quantum Mechanics- I
Course Objectives
 The main objective of this course is to make students aware about the basic formulations in
quantum mechanics.
 Students will be given insight to solve Schrodinger wave equations to different eigen value
problems in one and three dimensions and perturbation effects to these systems.

UNIT-I 13 Hours
Physical basis of Quantum mechanics:
Experimental background, inadequency of classical physics, summary of principal experiments and
inferences(Compton effect,Black body radiation,Photo electric effect),wave particle duality,
uncertainity and complementarity. Wave packets in space and time and their physical significance.

Schrodinger wave equation:

Development of wave equation: One dimensional and extension to three dimensions inclusive of
forces, Interpretation of wave function: Statistical interpretation, normalization, expectation value and
Ehrenfest’s theorem. Energy eigen functions: separation of wave equation, boundary and continuity

UNIT -II 13 Hours Some

exactly soluble eigen value problems:
One dimensional: Square well and rectangular step potentials, rectangular barrier, harmonic oscillator.
Three dimensional: Particle in a box. Particle in spherically symmetric potential, rigid rotator.
Hydrogen atom.

UNIT -III 13 Hours General

formalism of quantum mechanics:
Hilbert space. Operators-definition and properties, eigen values and eigen vectors of an operator.
Hermitatian, unitary and projection operators, commuting operators, complete set of commuting
operators. Bra and Ket notations for vectors. Representation of an operator, change of basis. Co-
ordinate and momentum representations. The basic formalism: The fundamental postulates,
expectation values and probabilities: quantum mechanical operators, explicit representation of
operators, uncertainty principle. Operator method solution of linear harmonic oscillator.
Quantum dynamics: Equations of motion, Schrodinger, Heisenberg and interaction pictures. Poisson
brackets and commutator brackets.

UNIT -IV 13 Hours

Approximation methods for stationary states:
Time independent perturbation theory; non-degenerate and degenerate cases (upto second order),
perturbed harmonic oscillator. Variational method: Application to ground state of helium.
WKB approximation: application to barrier penetration Bohr Sommerfield quantum condition
Theory of scattering: Scattering cross-section, wave mechanical picture of scattering, scattering
amplitude. Born approximation, Partial wave analysis: phase shifts, scattering amplitude in terms of
phase shifts, optical theorem; exactly solution problem scattering by square well potential.

1. Quantum mechanics: LI Schiff, Mc Graw-Hill, 1968
2. Quantum Mechanics: F Schwabl, Narosa, 1995.
3. A Text book of quantum mechanics PM Mathews and K Ventateshan, Mc Graw-Hill
4. Quantum Mechanics: VK Thankappan, Wiley Eastern, 1980
5. Quantum Mechanics BK Agarwal and Hari Prakash ,Prentice Hall 1997

Course Outcomes
CO1: To understand inadequacy of classical mechanics and origin of Quantum mechanics.
CO2: To provide an understanding of the formalism and language of non-relativistic quantum
CO3: The students will be able to formulate and solve problems in quantum mechanics using
Schrödinger and Dirac representation.
CO4: And to understand the concepts of time-independent perturbation theory and their applications to
physical situations.
CO5: The students will be familiar with various approximation methods applied to atomic, nuclear and
solid-state physics.
CO6: To understand the basics of scattering theory

PHT-2.2: Mathematical and Computational Methods of Physics

Course Objectives
 To Focus on techniques of group theory, functions of complex variables and numerical
methods applicable to analyse physics problems.
 To use Python-programming to solve physics problems.
Unit I 13 Hours
Group theory:
Groups, subgroups and classes; homomorphism and isomorphism, group representation, reducible and
irreducible representation, Schur’s Lemmas, orthogonality theorem, character of representation,
character tables, decomposing a reducible representation into irreducible representations, construction
of representations, lie groups, rotation groups, SU(2) and SO(3).

Unit–II 13 Hours
Functions of Complex Variables:
Cauchy-Riemann conditions, analytical functions, integration in complex plane, Singularities, Taylor
series representation, Poles and Residues, Laurent Expansion, Cauchy residue theorem, Applications
of the residue theorem. Evaluation of Integrals

Unit III 12 Hours

Numerical methods:
Solutions of algebraic and transcendental equations-Bisection, iterative and Newton- Raphson
methods, Eigen values and eigen vectors of a matrix, solutions of ordinary differential equations-
Euler’s method, modified Euler’s method, Taylor series method, Picard’s method and Runge Kutta
method. Interpolation-Newtons and Lagrange’s methods, Curve fitting-Method of least squares,
Differentation-Newton’s formula, Integration- Trapezoidal rule, Simpsons 1/3 ad 3/8 rules

Unit IV 14 Hours
Python Programming:
Fundamentals of Python: Python interpreter, Constants, variables, Operators, Data Structures-
Tuples, Lists, Dictionaries, Sets; Strings and formatting, Conditional Statements, For and While loop,
List comprehension, Functions and Lambda expressions, Modules in Python.
Visualising Data:Matplotlib, Plotply, Seaborn
Scientific Computing:Numpy, SciPy, Pandas, SymPy
Numerical methods using Python programming.
1. Elements of group theory for physicists, 3rd edition AW Joshi, wiley Eastern (1982).
2. Mathematical methods for physicists, George Arfken 4th edition, academic press, San Diego
3. Introductory methods of numerical analysis SS Sastry 3rd edition, prentice Hall of India New Delhi
4. Mathematical physics, P K Chatopadhaya Wiley Eastern Ltd New Delhi (1990).
5. Computational Problems for Physics With Guided Solutions Using Python (Series in
Computational Physics), Rubin H. Landau,Manuel Jose Paez, CRC Press (2018)

Course Outcomes
CO1: Elaborate the understanding of group theory.
CO2: Elaborate the understanding of complex variables.
CO3: Identify a range of numerical methods that are essential for solving problems in Physics
CO4: Learn Python-programming technique to solve problems in Physics.

PHT-2.3: Nuclear Physics (General)

Course Objectives
 The objective of the course is to appraise the students about the basic properties of nucleus,
various nuclear reactions, nuclear decays ,nuclear energy.
 To understand the fundamental particles of the Universe.

Unit – I
Basic properties of Nucleus: 13 Hours
The notion of nuclear radius and its estimation from mesonic X-Rays, electron scattering and coulomb
energies of mirror nuclei methods, the nomenclature of nuclei and nucleon quantum numbers. Nuclear
spin and magnetic dipole moment. Nuclear electric moments and shape of the nucleus.
Nuclear forces:
General features of nuclear forces. Basic properties of deuteron, Bound state of the deuteron with
square well potential. Binding energy and size of deuteron. Non existence of excited states, magnetic
moments – evidence for non-central forces, deuteron ground state as an admixture of s and d states.
Range of tensor force using quadruple moment, Rarita Schwinger equation,
Yukawa’s meson theory of nuclear forces.

Unit- II
Nuclear reactions: 13 Hours
Reaction scheme, types of reactions and conservation laws, reaction kinematics, threshold energy and
Q-value of nuclear reaction. Energetics of exoergic and endoergic reactions. Reaction probability and
cross section. Bohr’s compound nucleus theory of nuclear reactions.
Nuclear models:
Liquid drop model nuclear binding energy, Bethe Wizsacker’s semi empirical mass formula; stability
limits against spontaneous fission and nuclear decay.
Nuclear Shell model; empirical evidences for magic numbers, energy levels according to infinite
square well potential and harmonic oscillator potential, effect of spin orbit interaction, prediction of
ground state spin- parity of odd- A and odd-odd nuclei, magnetic moments- Schmidt lines.
Unit – III
Nuclear decays: 13 Hours
Alpha decay: Gamow’s theory of alpha decay and alpha half-life systematic, Hindrance Factors.
Beta decay: continuous beta spectrum, neutrino hypothesis, and Fermi’s theory of beta decay, beta
comparative half-life, Selection Rules
Gamma decay: Multipole character of gamma radiation and selection rules
Interaction of radiation with matter.
Interactions of charged particles with matter, ionization energy loss, stopping power and range energy
relations for charged particles. Interactions of gamma rays; photoelectric, Compton and pair
production processes. Nuclear radiation detectors- GM counter and scintillation detector.

Unit – IV
Nuclear energy 13 Hours
Fission process, fission chain reaction, four factor formula and controlled fission chain reactions,
energetics of fission reactions, spontaneous fission, mass energy distribution of fission fragments ,
Bohr Wheeler theory, fission reactor.

Fusion process, energetics of fusion reactions; controlled thermonuclear reactions; fusion reactor.
Stellar- nucleo synthesis.
Fundamental interactions and elementary particles:
Basic interactions and their characteristic features, classification of elementary particles, conservation
laws, Gellmann-Nishijima formula, Non Conservation of parity in weak interactions, SU(3)
symmetry- Gell-Mann Okubo mass formula, mass formula for baryon octet; equal spacing rule for
baryon decuplet, Quark model- Quark structure of mesons and baryons,

1) The atomic nucleus :RD Evans, Mc Graw Hill
2) Nuclear and particle physics : WE Burcham and M Jobes ,Adison Wesley, 1998, ISE
3) Nuclear physics: R R Roy and V P Nigam ,Wiley Eastern
4) Physics of nuclei and particles : P Mermier and E Sheldon ,Academic Press
5) Subatomic physics: nuclei and particles: L Valentin
6) Nuclei and particles: E Segre, Benjamin
7) Nuclear physics : D C Tayal ,Himalay Publishers
8) Nuclear physics : R C Sharma, Khanna Publishers
9) Introduction to nuclear physics: S B Patel ,Wiley Eastern

Course Outcomes
CO1: Acquire basic knowledge about nuclear properties such as mass, spin, radius, binding energy etc.
CO2: understand the features of nuclear forces, exchange force and Yukawa’s meson theory.
CO3: develop the understanding of various nuclear reactions and models
CO4: learn the decay process and interaction of radiation with matter.
CO5: learn about the concept nuclear energy, elementary particles and conservation laws.

PHT-2.4: Condensed Matter Physics (General)

Course Objectives
 To enable the students to understand the crystal structure, interaction of matter with X-rays,
crystal binding, lattice vibrations,
 To acquire the knowledge of formation of bands in solids and semi conductors.
Unit – I
Crystal structures: 7 Hours
Crystal systems, Crystal classes, Bravias lattice. Unit cell: Wigner Seitz cell, equivalent positions in a
unit cell. Notations of planes and directions. Atomic packing: Packing fraction. Co-ordination number.
Examples of simple crystal structures. NaCl, ZnS and diamond. Symmetry operations, point groups
and space groups. (Ref 1,5,6)
X-ray diffraction: 6 Hours
X-ray diffraction, Bragg law, Laue equations, atomic form factor and structure factor. Concept of
reciprocal lattice and Ewald’s construction. Experimental diffraction methods: Laue rotating crystal
method and powder method. (Ref 1,5,6)

Unit – II
Crystal binding: 7 Hours
Types of binding, Van der Waals-London reactions, Repulsive interaction. Madelung constant. Born’s
theory for lattice energy in ionic crystals and comparison with experimental results. Ideas of metallic
binding. Hydrogen bonded crystals.
Lattice vibrations 6 Hours
Vibrations of monoatomic lattices. First brillouin zone. Quantization of lattice vibrations, concept of
phonon, phonon momentum. Specific heat of lattice (qualitative) (Ref 1—3)

Unit – III
Energy bands in solids. 7 Hours
Formation of energy bands, free electron model: free electrons in one and three dimensional potential
wells, electrical conductivity, heat capacity, Fermi-dirac distribution, density of states, concept of
Fermi energy. Kronig - penny model. Nearly free electron model (qualitative) tight binding model
(qualitative) (Ref 1—3)
Defects in solids: 6 Hours
Point defects: Schottky and Frenkel defects and their equilibrium concentrations.
Line defects: dislocations, multiplication of dislocations (Frank – Read mechanism), edge and screw
dislocation, concept of burger vector and burger circuit, surface imperfections, colour centres in ionic
solids. colour centres in ionic solids.
Plane defects grain boundary and stacking faults. (Ref 1—3)

Unit – IV
Semiconductors: 13 Hours
Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors. Concept of majority and minority carriers. Statistics of electons
and holes(carrier concentration). Electrical conductivity. Experimental determinations of resistivity of
semiconductor by four probe method. Hall effect.
Magnetic materials: Diamagnetism, magnetic susceptibility, Langevin's diamagnetism equation;
Paramagnetism, Curie constant, the density of states curves for a metal; Ferromagnetism, Curie
temperature, Curie-Weiss law, exchange interactions, domain structure; Superconductors:
Superconductivity, Zero resistance, Meissner effect, critical field, classification into type I and type II,
Thermodynamics and superconducting transition, electrodynamics of superconductors. (Ref 1—2)

Reference books:
1) Elementary Solid State Physics: Principles and Application, M A Omar, Addision Wesley.
2) Introduction to Solid State Physics C Kittel, Wiley Eastern
3) Solid State Physics A J Dekkar, Prentice Hall Inc
4) Semiconductor Physics P S Kireev, MIR Publishers
5) Solid State Physics K.Ilangovan,MJP Publishers
6) Solid State Physics S.O.Pillai,New age International Publishers
Course Outcomes
CO1: understand the concepts of the crystal classes and symmetries
CO2: calculate the Braggs conditions for X-ray diffraction in crystals.
CO3: create understanding crystal binding and lattice vibrational properties of solid state systems.
CO4: learn the basics of the Band theory of solids, Magnetic behaviour materials and defects in solids
CO5: gain basic knowledge of semiconductors.

PST-2.5(a): Physics of Nanomaterials

Course Objectives
 To Introduce the students to the preparation and characterization of materials and solid in the
nanoscale range.
 To learn the synthesizing techniques and the variation of the properties of solid at the
 To Know the modern instruments of characterization from bulk to nano level.

Unit – I 13 Hours
Topics in condensed matter:
Density of states – variation with energy. Variation of density of states and band structure with size of
crystal. Density of states for different dimensions.
Introduction to nano materials: (Definitions, reason for interest in nanomaterials, classification of
nanostructures, 1D, 2D and 3D confinement, effect of nanostructure on structural and mechanical
properties, chemical reactivity and stability thermal magnetic optical and electronic properties,
nanoprocess in biosystems) – overview. Mechanical behaviour of nanostructured systems: Effect of
gain size on elasticity and hardness – empirical Hall-Petch equation models to explain it modification
for small grain sizes. Gas reactive applications of nanostructrured materials: Catalysts
electrocatalysis processes, impact of nanostructure, Gas sensors; physical principles of semiconductor
sensors and nanostructure design. Hydrogen storage: properties of hydrogen storage compounds and
nanostructure design. Nano magnetic materials and applications: Domain and domain walls- Bulk
and nano structures, magnetization processes in particulate nano magnets and layered nano magnets,
applications, magnetoresistance, giant magnetoresistance, spin values and tunneling

Unit – II 13 Hours
Overview of semiconductors: Electronic band structure, concept of the effective mass, optical
processes, direct and indirect band gap semiconductors, exciton formation superlattice heterostructure.
Quantum size effect: Quantum confinement in one dimensions quantum wells- Electron confinement
in infinitely deep square well square, square well of finite depth, optical absorption in quantum well in
the case of heterostructure consisting of thin layer of GaAs sandwiched between thick layers of
AlGaAs. Quantum confinement in 2 dimensions- quantum wires, Quantum confinement in 3
dimensions- quantum dots, Applications of wires and dots. Tunneling transport: T matrices for
potential step and square barrier, current and conductance. Resonant tunneling, charging effects,
coulomb blockade and coulomb blockade devices.

Unit – III 13 Hours

Methods for preparing nanomaterials Bottom up : Nano particles
Nano structures: Quantum dots, quantum well structures, thin film deposition techniques molecular
beam of epitaxy MOVPE-MOCVE. Cluster beam evaporation cluster nucleation theory of
condensation from super saturated vapor clusters formation. Top down : ball milling – details shaker
mills, lithography electron beam/ion beam. Self assembled molecular materials – principles of self
assembly micelar and vesicular polymerization colloidal nano particle crystals self organizing
inorganic nanoparticles. Thin organic films spin coating of polymers multilayers layer by layer
deposition Langmuir Blodgett techniques.

Unit – IV 13 Hours
Characterization of nanomaterials
Diffraction techniques: X-ray diffraction (XRD) crystallinity, particle/crystallite size determination
and structural analysis. Microscope techniques: Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) – morphology
grain size EDX; Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)- morphology particle size and electron
diffraction. Scanning probe techniques: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) surface imaging and
roughness; Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) – surface imaging and roughness; other scanning probe

1) Introduction to solid state physics, Charles Kittel ,VII edn 1996
2) Nanostructured materials –processing , properties and applications, edited by Carl C Koch
William, Andrew Publishing – Norwirch New york USA 2004
3) Nanoscale science and technology edited by Robert W Keasalla , Ian W Hamley and Mark
Geoghegan, John wiley and sons UK 2005
4) Physics of semiconductor nanostructures K P Jain ,Narosa 1997
5) Nanotechnology: molecular speculations on global abundance , BC Crandall, MIT Press 1997.
6) Physics of low dimensional semiconductor nanostructures Jahn H Davies ,Cambridge
University Press 1997
7) Nano materials; synthesis, properties and applications edited by A S Edelsteins, R C
Cammarata, Institute of physics publishing Bristol and Philadelphia 1996
8) Nano particles and nano structured films: preparation, characterization and applications Ed J H
Fendler, John Wiley and sons 1998
9) Quantum dot heterostructures D Bimerg M Grundmann and N N Ledentsar, John Wiley and

Course Outcomes
CO1:Understand the basics of nanotechnology
CO2: Understand the Quantum confinement effects.
CO3: To learn various approaches for the synthesis and fabrication of nanomaterials, nanostructures
and nanoscale devices
CO4: To learn various advanced methods of characterization techniques for the in depth
characterization of materials at nanolevel.

PST-2.5(b): Physics of Laser and Laser Applications

Course Objectives
 To Know about the basic working principal of different kind of laser systems and use of it in
practical applications

Unit – I 13 Hours
Laser characteristics:
Review of fundamentals of lasers,population inversion, pumping techniques and types (High powered
lasers and low powered lasers). Characteristics of laser beams – Gaussian and its properties. Stable
two mirror optical resonators. Modes of laser oscillations of a laser cavity – longitudinal and
transverse. An expression for the number of modes of oscillation in terms of frequency and the cavity
length. Mode selection, mode locking, gain in a regenerative laser cavity. Mechanism and energy
levels of 3 and 4 level laser, Threshold for 3 and 4 level laser systems – mode locking, pulse
shortening. Line broadening mechanism. Spectral narrowing and stabilization. Continuous lasers and
pulsed lasers.

Unit – II 13 Hours
Laser systems: Ruby laser, Nd YAG laser. Semiconductor lasers, diode pumped solid state lasers –
homogenous and hetergenous, double heterogenous lasers. Carbon dioxide lasers, excimer lasers, dye
laser, argon ion laser.
Nonlinear optics: Introduction, propagation of electromagnetic wave in nonlinear optical media,
nonlinear optical susceptibility, non-linear processes: harmonic generation, second harmonic
generation, sum and difference frequency generation, third-harmonic generation, phase-matching
technique, parametric generation, self focusing or lensing.

Unit – III 13 Hours

Laser spectroscopic techniques: Spectral characteristics of laser emission – active resonators, gain
saturation, spatial hole burning. Laser fluoresescence and Raman scattering and their application in
pollution studies.
Laser induced Multi-photon Processes: multi-quantum photoelectric effect, two- and three-photon
processes, parametric and phase conjugation optics and their application.
Ultrahigh resolution spectroscopy with lasers and its applications.

Unit – IV 13 Hours
Laser Applications:
Measurement with laser, alignment, targeting, tracking, velocity measurement, surface quality
measurement. Measurement of distance (interferometric, pulse echo, Beam modulation). laser
Holographic nondestructive testing (NDT).
Application in communication: Review of optical fibers. Propagation of light in a medium with
variable refractive index. Optical fiber as a waveguide. optical switches, optical couplers, Types of
losses- attenuation loss, dispersion loss, splice loss etc.
Material Processing: cutting, welding, drilling and surface treatment. Medical Applications,
Laser trapping.

1) Lasers: theory and applications K Thyagarjan, AK Ghatak, Mc Milan India 1981
2) Principles of lasers O Swelto, Springer 1998
3) Lasers A E Sigman, University Press 1986
4) Solid state laser engineering W Koechener, Springer verlag 1992
5) Laser spectroscopy W Demtroder, Springer international 2002
6) Laser and nonlinear optics B B Laud, Wiley Eastern ltd 1991
7) Optical electronics Amn Yariv on, holt Rinchart and Winston 1991
8) Fiber-optic communication, D Jafar K Myubaev and Lowell L scheiner
9) Introduction to fiber optics A K Ghatak K Thaygarajan, Cambridge university press 1997
10) Optical electronics A K Ghatak K Thyagarajan, Cambridge University Press 1997.
11) Laser Applications in Surface Science and Technology; H.G.Rubahn; John Wiley & Sons
Course Outcomes
CO1: Characteristics of the laser systems
CO2: Know about the basic working principal of different kind of laser systems and use of it in
practical applications.
CO3:Understand the applications of LASER in various fields

PHP-2.6: Practical II - General Physics and Numerical Methods using Python

Programming Lab

Course Objectives
 To understand the objective of a physics laboratory experiment, properly carry out the
experiments, and appropriately record and analyze the results.
 To solve Problems using Python Programming

General Physics
1. Thermal conductivity of a material of a rod by Forbes’s method.
2. Determination of elastic constant of glass plates by Cornu’s interference method
3. Thermionic emission and verification of Richardson’s law.
4. Ultrasonic interferometer.
5. Absorption coefficient of solution.
6. Determination of e/m by Zeeman effect.
7. Solar cell
8. Analysis of X-ray diffraction pattern
9. Study of β absorption
10. Analysis of single crystal rotation photographs
11. Experiments with Geiger Counting Systems (GCS) (2 experiments)
12. Energy gap and semiconductor by 4-probe (resisitivity) method
13. Hall effect
14. Beer’s law
New experiments may be added.

Numerical Methods using Python Programming

1. Bisection method
2. Euler method.
3. Gauss elimination method.
4. Least square method (linear regression)
5. Newton- Raphson method.
6. Simpson’s 1/3rd rule method.
7. Simpson’s 3/8th rule method.
8. Runge Kutta 2nd order method.
9. Runge kutta 4th order method.
10. Trapezoidal rule method.
New Analysis for numerical techniques may be added.

1) R.A. Dunlap, Experimental Physics: Modern Methods, Oxford University Press, New Delhi
2) E.V. Smith, Manual for Experiments in Applied Physics, Butterworths (1970).
3) D. Malacara (ed.), Methods of Experimental Physics, Series of Volumes, Academic Press Inc.

Course Outcomes
CO1: Have a deep knowledge of fundamentals of optics.
CO2: Understand the fundamentals of Python programming
CO3: Write Python program for simple applications in physics

POE-2.7: Elements of Modern Physics

Course Objectives

 This course covers certain conceptual courses of physics by virtue of which the students will be
able to understand some concepts of Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Lasers, Condensed
Matter Physics and Nuclear Physics.
 It also imparts the basic principles of Relativity, Quantum mechanics, equations and its
 To introduce students to the fundamentals of Laser physics and Properties, Condensed matter
physics and Nuclear physics.

Unit: I
Relativity: 6Hours
Reference systems, inertial frames, Galilean invariance, Postulates of special theory of relativity,
Lorentz transformation, length contraction, time dilation, addition of velocities, mass-energy
Quantum Mechanics: 7 Hours
Inadequacy of classical theory, Basic postulates of quantum mechanics, wave functions and operators,
Expectation values, Angular momentum in quantum mechanics with matrix representation and
commutation relation (Qualitative).

Unit: II 13 Hours
Laser Physics: Properties of laser, spontaneous and stimulated emission, Einstein’s coefficients, light
amplification, population inversion, types of pumping, optical pumping, Laser oscillations, resonator
modes, longitudinal and transverse laser modes, He-Ne laser, Ruby Laser.
Application of laser: holography and optical communication (basic principles only).

Unit: III 13 Hours

Condensed Matter Physics: Crystal Structure, lattice and basis, fundamental translational vectors,
unit cell, Wigner-Seitz cell, X-ray diffraction, Bragg’s law, Neutron diffraction.
Bonding in solids: Concept of ionic, covalent, Vander Walls, metallic, and hydrogen bonding. Band
theory of solids, semiconductors, intrinsic and extrinsic (p-type, n-type) semiconductors,
Superconductivity: Meissner effect, type-I and type-II superconductors, London equation.

Unit: IV 13 Hours
Nuclear Physics: Classification of nuclei: isotopes, isobars, isotones, and isomers, properties of
nucleus, binding energy, nuclear fission, fusion and chain reaction, atomic bomb and nuclear reactors
Nuclear models: liquid drop model and shell model,
Nuclear detectors: GM counter and Scintillation counter,
Accelerator: Linear Accelerator, Cyclotron, Synchrotron.
1. Concept of Modern Physics, Arthur Beiser, McGraw Hill.
2. Modern Physics, R Murugeshan and Kiruthiga Sivaprasath, S. Chand Publication.
3. Elements of Quantum Mechanics, K. Singh and S.P. Singh, S. Chand Publication.
4. Nonlinear Optics, B. B. Laud
5. Lasers, K. Thyagarajan
6. Nuclear Physics, D C Tayal

Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

CO1:Understand the meaning of relativity, frames of reference and postulates of theory of relativity
and mass energy relation.
CO2:Understand and explain the differences between classical and quantum mechanics.
CO3:Explain different Laser used and make a comparison between them
CO4:Know the Einstein’s coefficients, types of pumping, some applications
CO5:Condensed matter crystal Structure, Unit cell, Bonding in solids , Band theory of solids
CO6:Learn the super conductivity phenomenon
CO7:Identify properties of the nucleus and other sub-atomic particles.
CO8:Describe theories explaining the structure of nucleus and models.

PHT-3.1: Quantum Mechanics - II

Course Objectives
 To learn the methods to find transition probability for absorption and emission.
 To study quantisation of angular momentum and Second quantisation of Schrondinger

Unit – I
Time – dependant phenomena 13 Hours
Perturbation theory for time evolution, first and second order transition amplitudes and their physical
significance. Application of first order theory : constant perturbation, wide and closely spaced levels –
Fermi’s golden rule, scattering by a potential. Harmonic perturbation: interactions of an item with
electromagnetic radiation, dipole transitions and selection rules; spontaneous and induced emission,
Einstein A and B coefficients. Sudden approximation

Unit – II
Identical particles and spin 13 Hours
Indistinguishability of identical particles. Symmetry of wave function and spin. Bosons and Fermions.
Pauli exclusion principle. Single and triplet states of He atom and exchange integral, spin angular
momentum, Pauli matrices
Angular momentum: Definitions, eigen values and eigen vectors, matrix representation, orbital
angular momentum. Addition of angular momenta, Cebsch-Gordon coefficients for simple cases.-
j1=1/2, j2=1/2 and j1=1, j2=1/2.
Symmetry principles Symmetry and conservation laws, symmetry and degeneracy. Space-time
symmetries, displacement in space - conservation of linear momentum, displacement in time-
conservation of energy, rotation in space – conservation of angular momentum, space inversion-
parity. Time reversal invariance.
Unit III
Relativistic wave equations: 13 Hours
Schrodinger’s relativistic equation: free particle, electromagnetic potentials, separation of equations
energy level in a coulomb field.
Dirac’s relativistic equation: free particle equation, dirac matrices, free particle solutions, charge and
current densities. Electromagnetic potentials. Diracs equation for central field: spin angular
momentum, approximate reduction, spin orbit energy. Separation of the equation. The hydrogen atom,
classification of energy levels and negative energy states.

Unit IV
Quantization of wave fields: 13 Hours
Classical and quantum field equations; co-ordinates of the field, classical Lagrangian equation,
functional derivative; Hamilton’s equations quantum equations for the field; quantization of non-
relativistic Schrodinger wave equation: classical Lagrangian and Hamiltonian equation. Second

1. Quantum Mechanics : LI Schiff (McGraw Hill 1968).
2. Quantum Mechanics F. Schwabl (Narosa, 1992).
3. A text book of quantum mechanics PM Mathews and K Venkateshan (TMH, 1994)
4. Quantum mechanics : VK Thankappan (Wiley Eastern, 1980)
5. Quantum mechanics BK Agarwal and Hariprakash (Prentice Hall, 1997).

Course Outcomes
CO1: To understand the concepts of the time-dependent perturbation theory and their applications to
physical situations.
CO2: The students will be able to grasp the concepts of identical particles, spin and angular
momentum, as well as their quantization and addition rules and symmetry principles.
CO3: To apply the concepts of relativity to Quantum mechanics and obtain relativistic wave equations
and to grasp the concepts of spin arising naturally from the Dirac equation.
CO4: Understand quantization of wave fields.

PHT-3.2: Statistical Mechanics

Course Objectives
 To provide an introduction to the microscopic formulation of thermodynamics.
 Students will learn the different types of statistics distribution of particles.
Unit – I
Basic thermodynamics and statistical concepts: 13 Hours
The laws of the thermodynamics and their implications. Thermodynamic potential, Chemical Potential
Maxwell’s relations and their applications. Phase space, ensembles, Ergodic hypothesis and
Liouville’s theorem, probability, probability distribution and the most probable distribution. The
probability distribution and partition function. Micro canonical, canonical and grand canonical
ensembles. Thermodynamic potentials and the partition function. Heat capacity equations heat
capacity at constant pressure and volume, Density of states, Quasi static process

Unit- II
Classical statistics: 13 Hours
Partition function of a systems of particles. The translation partition function. Gibbs paradox: Sackur
Tetrode equation and Boltzmann equipartition theorem. Rotational and vibration partition function.
Einstein relation and electronic partition function. The various partition functions and the
corresponding thermodynamic potentials. Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution and its physical
applications. (Ref - 2,4 & 5)

Unit – III
Quantum statistics: 13 Hours
The symmetry and anti symmetry of the wave functions. Bosson’s and Femino’s, Bose Einstein and
Fermi Dirac distributions. Ideal Bose and Fermi gases – their properties at high temperatures and
densities. Ising model, Weak and strong degeneracy of perfect gases, Pauli paramagnetism.Bose-
Einstein condensation. Blackbody radiation and photons. The phonons and specific heat of solids.
(Ref-2,3,5 and 7)

Unit – IV
Fluctuations 13 Hours
Fluctuations in canonical, grand canonical and microcanonical ensembles. The Brownian motion and
Langevin equation. Random walk, diffusion and Einstein relation for mobility. Fokker-plank equation.
Johnson noise and shot noise. (Ref-2)
Irreversible thermodynamics: Onsager reprocity relations. Thermoelectric phenomena, non-
equilibrium phenomenon in liquid helium-fountain effect. Gibbs entropy for non-equilibrium states.
The entropy and information., Wiener khintchine relations Nyquist’s theorem (Refer-2,6 and 7)

1) Statistical mechanics : K Huang ,Wiley Eastern
2) Statistical mechanics and properties of matter: E S R Gopal, Macmilan
3) Elementary statistical physics: C Kittel ,John Wiley
4) Fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics: F Reif ,Mc Graw Hill
5) An introduction to statistical physics: W G V Roser ,John Wiley
6) Thermodynamics of irreversible processes: S R de Groot
7) Statistical physics: L D Landau and EM Lifshitz,Pergamon

Course Outcomes
CO1: Explain statistical physics and thermodynamics as logical consequences of the postulates of
statistical mechanics and Grasp the basis of ensemble approach in statistical mechanics to a range of
CO2: work out equations of state and thermodynamic potentials
CO3:describe the features and examples of Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein and FermiDirac
CO4:understand fluctuations in various ensembles
CO5:to model Brownian motion and random walk problem

PHT-3.3: Electrodynamics
Course Objectives
 To acquaint the students regarding the concepts of electrostatics and magnetostatics.
 To Describe the nature of electromagnetic waves using Maxwell’s equations and its
propagation through different media.

Unit – I
Electrostatics 13 Hours
The static electric charge, Coulomb’s law, the electrostatic field and Gauss law. The static field laws in
integral and differential forms. The electrostatic scalar potential, Poisson and Laplace equations. The
potential energy of charges and field energy density. The electric potential and fields due to monopole,
dipole and quadropole. The dipole in an external field and the dipole interaction energy. The multi
polar expansion of potential and for the energy of localized charge distribution in an external field, the
physical significance of various multipoles. The electrostatic fields of matter, polarization, Uniqueness
Theorem, macroscopic filed equations. The electrostatic energy in dielectric media. The electrostatic
boundary conditions.

Unit – II
Magnetostatics 13 Hours
The steady electric current, Biot-Savart law, magnetic filed and Ampere’s law. The magneto static
field laws in integral and differential forms. The magnetic scalar and vector potentials. Potential and
field of circular current element –magnetic dipole. The dipole in an external field and the dipole
interaction energy. The multipolar expansion for the potential of localized current distribution, the
physical significance of multipoles. Magnetic fields in matter, magetisation of the microscopic
equations. The energy in the magnetic field. The magnetostatic boundary conditions. Macroscopic
linear and non linear media

Unit – III
Electromagnetics 13 Hours
The nonsteady currents and charges, Lorentz force law and Faraday’s law of induction. The
displacement current. Maxwell’s electromagnetic filed laws in integral and differential forms. The
macroscopic equations and boundary conditions. The electromagnetic potential, Coulomb and Lorentz
gauges. Continuity Equation. Energy in the the electromagnetic field. Poynting’s theorem and energy
momentum conservation.

Unit – IV
Electromagnetic waves 13 Hours
The wave equation, light and its electromagnetic character. Plane waves in free space, waves in non
conducting media and polarization. Electromagnetic waves in conducting media, skin depth.
Electromagnetic waves in bounded media; Refection and refraction of waves. Energy flux in a plane
wave. The retarded potentials, Lienard – Wiechart potentials and fields for a moving point charge.
Relativistic electrodynamics-The principle of invariance Lorentz transformations. Four vectors in
electrodynamics and the covariant formulation of the laws of electrodynamics. The electromagnetic
field tensor.

1) Introduction to electrodynamics: D J Grififth ,Prentice Hall 1981
2) Classical electromagnetic radition: J B Marion ,Academic 1968
3) Classical electrodynamics: C D Jackson ,Wiley Eastern 1978
4) Electromagnetics: BB Laud ,Wiley Eastern 1987
5) The Feyman lectures on physics: vol-II R P Feynmann ,Addison Wesley 1964
6) Classical electricity and magnetism: W Panofsky & M Philips ,Addison Wesley 1962

Course Outcomes
CO1: Understand the laws of electrostatics and magnetostatics
CO2: Use Maxwell equations in analysing the electromagnetic field due to time varying charge and
current distribution.
CO3: Understand the covariant formulation of electrodynamics and the concept of retarded timefor
charges undergoing acceleration.
PST-3.4(a): Nuclear Physics – I (Special)
Course Objectives
 To Impart higher level knowledge and understanding of nuclear physics with regards to nuclear
forces, nucleon- nucleon interaction and nuclear electronics

Unit – I 13 Hours
Particle Accelerators and Applications: Basic components of accelerator, types of accelerations,
principles of operation.
Ion sources: Duoplasmatron ion source and electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source.
Accelerators: Principle and working of electrostatic accelerators, azimuthally varying field (AVF)
cyclotron and pelletron accelerator, RIB accelerator, Microtron, Super Conducting Cyclotron,
synchrotron source.
Application of ion beams: Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (RBS), Elastic Recoil Detection
(ERD), Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA).

Unit – II 13 Hours
Low energy nucleon – Nucleon interaction: n-p scattering:
Partial wave analysis expression for total scattering cross sections, n-p incoherent scattering using
square well potential, singlet and triplet potentials, scattering length and its significance, coherent
scattering by ortho and para hydrogen, spin dependence of nuclear forces, effective range theory for n-
p scattering.
p-p scattering: qualitative features, effect of Coulomb and nuclear scattering, charge symmetry and
charge independence of nuclear forces, isopin formalism generalized pauli principle.

Unit – III 13 Hours

Nucleon interactions at high energy:
Experimental results of p-p and n-p scattering at high energies, repulsion at very small distances,
exchange forces, role of saturation, polarization due to scattering, spin orbit dependence of nuclear
forces, structure of nucleons, nucleon form factors, deep inelastic electron proton scattering.
Ion optics: Electric and magnetic fields in paraxial approximation, focusing properties of linear fields,
electrostatic aperture lens, magnetic quadruple lens, transfer matrices for common optical elements.

Unit – IV 13 Hours
Nuclear Electronics:
Preamplifiers, charge sensitive, current and voltage sensitive preamplifiers, linear pulse amplifier,
linearity, stability pulse shaping and pulse stretching operational amplifiers integral and differential
discriminators, Schmitt trigger as a discriminators, analog to digital converters (ADC), time to
amplitude converters, scalars, timers, memories, single channel analyzer (SCA) multichannel analyzer
(MCA) functional block diagram: its use in data processing.
NaI(TI) gamma ray spectrometer; Calibration, photopeak, compton edge and back scattered peak,
single escape and double escape peak. Role of thickness of the crystal for detecting the radiation.

1) Nucleon –Nucleon interaction, GE Brown and AD Jackson, North Holland Amsterdam 1976
2) Nuclear interactions S de Bendett, John Wiley New York 1964.
3) Physics of nuclei and particles P Marmier and E Sheldon Vol I and II, Academic press 1969.
4) Introduction to nuclear physics H A Enge, Addison Wesley 1975
5) Structure to the nucleus MA Preston and RK Bhaduri ,Addn Wesley 1975
6) Theoretical nuclear physics M Blatt and V F Weisskopf, John Wiley 1967
7) Nuclear physics – Theory and experiments R R Roy and B P Nigam, John wiley 1967
8) Atomic and nuclear physics S N Ghoshal vol II 2000
9) Introduction to high energy physics L D H Perkins, Addison Wesley London 4th edition 2000.
10) Principles of Charged particle acceleration S Humphris Jr ,John Wiley 1986
11) Practical gamma ray spectrometry G Gilimore and J D Hemingway, John Wiley and sons 1995.
12) Radiation detection and measurements G F Knoll 3rd edition, John Wiley and sons 2000
13) Nuclear radiation detectors, S S Kapoor and V S Rammurthy ,Wiley Eastern New Delhi 1986.
14) Radiation detection W H Tait, Butter Worths London 1980.
15) Nuclear radiation detection W J Price, Mc Graw Hill New York 1964.

Course Outcomes
CO1: Understand the applications of Particle accelerators
CO2: Learn Advanced concepts of Nuclear forces
CO3: Nucleon- Nucleon interactions at low energy and high energy.
CO4: Analyse the statistics of of nuclear particles With the help of Multi channel analyser.

PST-3.4(b): Condensed Matter Physics – I (Special)

Course Objectives
 To Impart higher level knowledge and understanding of condensed matter physics.

Unit – I 13 Hours
Periodic structures:
Reciprocal lattice and its properties, periodic potential and bloch theorem, reduction to brillourin zone,
Born-von Karman boundary conditions, Counting of states.
Electron states: nearly free electron model, discontinuity at zone boundary, energy gap and Bragg
reflection. Tight binding method, bandwidth and effective mass. APW and KP methods of band
structures calculations.

Unit – II 13 Hours
Fermi Surface studies:
Extended, reduced and periodic zone schemes, Construction of Fermi surface in square lattice,
Harrison construction, electron orbits. Hole orbits and open orbits. Experimental methods: electron
dynamics in a magnetic field, cyclotron frequency and mass, cyclotron resonance. Quatization of
orbits in a magnetic field. Landau quantization, degeneracy of Landau levels, quantization of area of
orbits in K space de ass van Alphen effect, extremal orbits.

Unit – III 13 Hours

Quantization of lattice vibrations and phonons:
Potential and kinetic energies in terms of generalized coordinates and momenta, Hamiltons equations
of motion, quantization of normal modes.
Elastic properties of solids:
Stress and strain tensors, elastic constants and Hooke’s law, strain energy, reduction of elastic
constants from symmetry, isotropy for cubic crystals, technical moduli and elastic constants.
Propogation of long wavelength vibrations. Experimental determinations of elastic constants by
ultrasonic interference method.
Unit – IV 13 Hours

Electrical transport in metals and semiconductors:

Boltzman equation, relaxation time, approximation, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity,
thermoelectric effects calculation of relaxation time, scattering by impurities and lattice vibrations.
Mattheisen’s rule, temperature dependence of resistivity, residual resistance.

1) Solid state physics: N W Aschroft and AD Mermin ,Saunder college publishing New York 1976.
2) Principles of theory solids: J M Ziman, Cambridge University, Press 1972.
3) Introduction to solid state physics: C Kittel, Wiley Eastern Ltd, Bangalore 1976.
4) Lattice dynamics: AK Ghatak and L S Kothari ,Addison Wesley Reading 1971.
5) Physics of solids: F C Brown Benjamin Inc Amsterdam 1967.
6) Introduction to theory of solid state physics J D Peterson ,Addision Wesley publishing co. Reading

Course Outcomes
CO1: To describe the different crystal structures
CO2: Shall be able to draw the energy bands, Brillouin zones and Fermi surface.
CO3: To formulate basic models for quantization of lattice vibrations and elastic properties of
CO3: Understand electrical transport in metals and semiconductors.

Practical III- Specialization Lab

PSP-3.5(a): Nuclear Physics Lab (Special)

Course Objectives
 To provide practical knowledge of radiation sources.
 Experimental skill development by performing basic practicals on ,  radiation.
 To have hands on experience with nuclear electronics including data acquisition and data

1) Statistics of counting
2) Dead time of a GM counter by single source method
3) Z-dependence of Beta absorption co-efficient
4) Half life of In-116m state by beta measurement
5) Gamma ray spectrometer (SCA)
6) Gamma ray spectrometer (MCA)
7) Absorption of gamma rays
8) Two stage amplifier
9) Schmitt trigger as discriminator
10) Transistor coincidence circuit
11) Calibration of detector (NaTl) proportional counter
12) Back scattering of beta particles
13) Randomcity of GM counter
14) End point energy of beta particles by feather analysis
15) Dead time of GM counter by the method of two sources.
16) Resolving time of a coincide module
17) Energy loss of alpha particles
18) Determination of half life of In -116ms state by gamma measurement
19) Z- dependence of external bremstrahlung radiation
20) Pulse shaping
21) Pre amplifier

Course Outcomes
CO1: Apply the theory to find the solutions of practical problems.
CO2: various simulation techniques which can be used in future by students to analyse the data.
CO3: how to handle nuclear materials and nuclear safely management

PSP-3.5(b): Condensed Matter Physics Lab (Special)

Course Objectives
 To understand the objective of a physics laboratory experiment, properly carry out the
experiments, and appropriately record and analyze the results.
 To demonstrate the ability to formally communicate scientific findings and interpretations,
both in writing and speaking.

1) Analysis of X-ray powder photograph- Cu, Au, Ag

2) Analysis of X-ray powder photograph- W, Mo.
3) Calibration of electromagnet and magnetic susceptibility determination of magnetic salts-
MnSo4, MnCl2 by Quinke’s method
4) Fermi energy of copper and related parameter using calendar and grififth’s bridge.
5) Experiments with p-n junction a) determination of n, Eg and dV/dt of p-n junction material b)
determination of junction capacitance (Cd)
6) Ionic conductivity of NaCl : study of the temperature variation of  and estimation of
activation energy.
7) Indexing of rotation photograph using Bernal chart.
8) Analysis of X-ray diffraction of Si and estimation of R factor.
9) Determination of curie temperature for ferromagnetic material (Ni-Fe alloy)
10) Thermal expansion determination of co-efficients of thermal expansion of some materials at
room temperature. (Al, Cu,Brass,NaCl,KCl)
11) Indexing of cubic crystals.
12) Analysis of X-ray diffractogram and estimation of R- facor (Sample NaCl)
13) Analysis of X-ray diffractogram and estimation of R- facor (Sample KCl)
14) Analysis of X-ray powder photograph (Cu backward reflection)
15) Analysis of X-ray powder photograph (KBr)
16) Analysis of X-ray powder photograph (NaCl)
17) Electrical resistivity of thin films by four probe method and its temperature dependence (Cu,
Al, Si)
18) Determination of a) optical constants and k b) energy gap using transmission data of ZnO-
B2O3-V2O5 thin film
19) Determination of a) optical constants and k b) energy gap using transmission data of Zno-P2O5-
V2O5 thin film
20) Temperature variation of dielectric constant and determination of curie point of a ferro electric
and solid-lead Ziconate Titanate.
21) Magnetic susceptibility of ferrous ammonium sulphate by Gouy’s balance method.
22) Indexing of tetragonal crystals.
Course Outcomes
CO1: Understand advanced concepts and mathematical methods of Condensed Matter physics.
CO2: Practice problem solving by using selected problems in Condensed Matter physics.
CO3: Explore important connections between theory, experiment, and current applications.
CO4: Analyze the problem studied through analytical calculation.

POE-3.6: Biophysics

Course Objectives
 To make the students acquire the knowledge of the links between physical and biological
sciences including Molecular Biology and Biological Physics.

Unit – I 13 Hours
Cell biophysics: Cell doctrine: general organization and composition of the cells.
Bioenergetics: The biological energy cycle and energy currency. Thermodynamic concepts; free
energy of a system – Gibb’s free energy function, chemical potential and redox potentials. Energy
conversion pathways - Kerb’s cycle, respiratory chain, oxidative phosphorylation. Photosynthesis
apparatus; mechanisms of energy trapping and transfer photophosphorylation.

Unit – II
Membrane biophysics: 7 Hours
Cell membranes – structure, function and models; transport across membranes – passive and active
processes; chemiosmotic energy and transduction – van’t Hoff equation ; ionic equilibrium
electrochemical potential; Nernst’s equation; flow across membranes-membrane permeability.
Neuro physics: 6 Hours
The nervous system. Synaptic transmission information processing in neuronal systems. Physical basis
of biopotentials; action potential; Nernst Planck equation. Nerve excitation and conduction; Hodgkin –
Huxley model.

Unit – III
Physiological biophysics 13 Hours
Physics of sensory organs – the transmission of information generator potentials. Visual receptor –
mechanism of image formation, auditory receptor, mechanism of sound perception; mechanisms of
chemical somatic and visceral receptors. Mechanism of muscle contractility and motility. Temporal
organization basis of biorhythms.

Unit – IV
Biophysics of the immune system: 13 Hours
The immune system; cellular basis of immunal responses antibodies and antigens immunological
memory. Genetic Engineering: Gene, structure, expression and regulation; genetic code genome
organization; recombinant technology. Transgenic systems. Cybernetics – genetic information and the
brain; neural nets.

1) An introduction to biophysics C Sybesma, Academic 1977
2) Biophysics, V Pattabhi and N Gautham, Narosa 2002
3) Essential of biophysics P Narayan, New Age 2001.
4) Molecular biophysics R B Setlow and E C Polland ,Addn Wesley 1962
5) Biophysics W Hope, W Lohmann H Markl H Ziegler ,Springer Verlag 1983
6) Biophysics and human approach I W Sherman and V G Sherman ,Oxford 1979
7) Molecular biology of the cell B Alerts D Bray, J Lewis M Raft, K Roberts and J D Watson
,Garland 1984
8) Molecular cell biology H Lodish A Berk S L Zipursky P Matsudaira, D Baltomore and J
Darnel ,Freeman 2000
9) Biophysical principles of structure and function F M Snell S Shulman R P Spensor and C
Moos ,Addn Wesley 1965
10) Principles of neural science E R Kendel J G Schwar ,Elsevier 1982.

Course Outcomes
CO1: Understand the interdisciplinary applications of Physics to life sciences.

PHT-4.1(a): Nuclear Physics – II (Special)

Course Objectives
 The course gives deepening knowledge about nuclear fission,nuclear reactors,Gamma decay
and elementary particles.

Unit: I 13 Hours
Nuclear Fission:
Fission cross section, Bohr Wheeler theory, saddle point, barrier penetration, comparison with
experiment. Shell correction to the liquid drop model, strutinky’s smoothing procedure, induced
fission below the fission barrier, evidence for the existence of second well in fission isomers, photo
Nuclear techniques:
Mossbauer Effect and its applications, Radioisostope tracer method, Neutron activation analyses,
Applications of radio isotopes in cancer treatment, agriculture and industry.

Unit II: 13 Hours

Nuclear reactors:
Slowing down of neutrons by elastic collisions, logarithmic decrement in energy, number of collisions
for thermalisation, elementary theory of diffusion of neutron flux (i) in an infinite slab with a plane
source at one end (ii) in an infinite medium point source at the center, reflections of neutrons.
Slowing down density, Fermi age equation, correction for absorption, resonance escape probability the
pile equation, bulking critical size for spherical and rectangular piles, condition for chain reaction, the
four factor formula, classification of reactors, thermal neutron and fast breeder reactors.

Unit III 13 Hours

Gamma decay:
Selection Rules of gamma decay, multipole expansion of electromagnetic radiation in the source free
region, sources of multiple radiation, quantum mechanical derivation of the single particle transition
probabilities, multipole moments, parity selection rule, weisskopf estimates.
Angular distribution of multiple radiation, angular distribution function for dipole and quadrupole
radiation, gamma-gamma angular correlation for dipole transitions, angular correlation studies in
cobalt-60, life time measurements.
Internal conversion: Elementary theory of internal conversion, derivation of the K- conversion
coefficient, 0-0 transitions in nuclei.

Unit IV 13 Hours Elementary

particle Physics:
Week interaction: weak decays, lifetimes and cross sections, Feynman diagrams, leptonic, semi
leptonic and non-leptonic processes, quark flavor changing interactions with examples, muon decay,
Fermi’s four particle coupling and modern perspective with a mediating vector boson, W and Z
bosons; their masses and range of weak interactions.
Charged weak interactions of Quarks:
Cabibbo factor, GIM-mechanism (Glashow - Ilipoulos- Miani mechanism)
Neutral kaons: CP as a symmetry, CP violation in neutral kaon decay (Fitch Cronin experiment) CPT
theorem (qualitative) evolution of a neutral kaon beam with time regeneration experiments.
Standard Model (qualitative), Grand theories (quadrative)

1. Introduction to nuclear reactor theory JR Lamarsh, Addison Wesley 1966.
2. The elements of nuclear reator theory S Gasstoene and MC Edund ,Van Noutrand Co 1953.
3. Physics of nuclei and partiecles P Marmier and E Sheldon: Vol I and II ,Academic Press 1969.
4. Elementary pile theory H Soodak and BC Campbell, John Wiley 1950.
5. Structure of the nucleus MA Preston and RK Bhaduri ,Addn Wesley 1975.
6. Theoretical Nuclear Physics M Blatt and VF Weisskopf, John Wiley, 1952.
7. Nuclear Physics – Theory and Experiments RR Roy and BP Nigam ,John Wiley, 1967
8. Classical Electrodynamics JD Jackson, John wiley 1975.
9. Atomic and nuclear physics SN Ghoshal Vol II 2000.
10. Alpha bet and gama spectroscopy K Seighbahn Vol I and II, John Wiley 1967.
11. Introduction to High Energy physics DH Perkins ,Addision Wesley London, 4th edition 2000.
12. Introduction to elementary particles D Griffiths: John Wiley 1987.
13. Quarks and Leptons F Halzen and AD Martin, John wiley and sons, New York 1984.
14. Modern Elementary particle Physics G Kane, Addison Wesley 1987.
15. Unitary symmetry ad elementary particles, DB Liehtenberg 2nd edition ,Academic Press 1978.
16. Elementary particles JM Longo II Edition, McGraw Hill New York 1973.

Course Outcomes
CO1:Advanced topics of Nuclear fission, Gamma decay and elementary particle physics
CO2:Understand the construction and working of Nuclear reactors

PHT-4.1(b) :Condensed Matter Physics – II (Special)

Course Objectives
 This advanced course illustrates Quantum mechanical approach of the diamagnetic,
paramagnetic, ferro and antiferro -magnetic properties of solids.

Unit I 13 Hours
Review of Weiss theory of ferromagnetism, its success and failures, Heisenberg exchange interaction,
exchange integral, exchange energy, Ising model, spin waves (one dimensional case only),
quantization of spin waves and magnons, density of modes, thermal excitation of magnons and Bloch
T 3/2 law, specific heat using spin wave theory. Band theory of ferromagnetism. Ferromagnetic
domains, hysteresis curve, magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy, bloch wall.
Characterstic property of antiferromagnetic substance, neutron diffraction experiment. Two sub-
lattice model molecular field theory of antiferromagnetism, Neel temperature susceptibility below and
above neel temperature.
Ferrimagnetic order, ferrites, curie temperature and susceptibility of ferrimagnets.

Unit II 13 Hours
Magnetic Resonance:
Basic principles of paramagnetic resonance, spin-spin and spin-attice relaxation, susceptibility in the
a.c magnetic field power absorption, equation of Bloch, steady state solutions, determination of g-
factor line width and spin lattice relaxation time, paramagnetic resonance and nuclear magnetic
Effect of crystal field on energy levels of magnetic ions (qualitative). Spin Hamiltonian, zero field

Unit: III 13 Hours

Review of basic formulae, dielectric constant and polarizability, local field, Clausius-Mossotti relation,
polarization catastrophe. Sources of polarazibility, Dipolar polarizability: dipolar dispersion, Debyes’
equations, dielectric loss, dipolar polarization in solids, dielectric relaxation. Ionic polarizability.
Electronic polarizability: classical treatment, quantum theory, interband transitions in solids.

Unit IV 13 Hours
General properties of ferroelectrics, classficaion and properties of representative ferroelectronic
crystals, dipole theory of ferroelectricity, dielectric constant near curie temperature, microscopic
source of ferroelectricity, Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation and its implication, thermodynamics of
ferroelectric phase transition ferroelectric domains, piezoelectricity and its applications.

1. The physical principles of magnetism: A H Morrish ,John Wiley and Sons, New York (1965)
2. Solid state physics : A J Dekker, Macmillian India Ltd Bangalore (1981).
3. Introduction to solid state Physics: 5th edition C Kttel, Wiley Eastern Ltd Bangalore (1976).
4. Elementary solid state pysics: M A Omar, Addision Wesley Pvt Ltd New Delhi (2000).
5. Introduction to magnetic Resonance : A Carrington and AD Mclachlan, Harper and Row, New
York (1967).

Course Outcomes
CO1: To know the magnetic properties of materials
CO2: Study the ubiquity of dielectrics.
CO3: Understand ferroelectrics.

PHT-4.2(a): Nuclear Physics – III (Special)

Course Objectives
 To impart knowledge about quantum mechanical approach to nuclear physics. nuclear models
for Beside this, students will be exposed various nuclear models.
Unit- I 13 Hours
Partial wave approach:
Partial wave analysis of nuclear reactions, expression for scattering and reaction cross sections and
their interpretation, shadow scattering, resonance theory of scattering and absorption, overlapping and
isolated resonances, Briet Wigner formula for scattering and reactions, shape of cross section curve
near resonance.
Heavy ion reaction:
Characteristics of heavy ion reactions, classical elastic scattering of particles, deflection function,
rainbows and glories, diffraction model strong absorption scattering effects of coulomb field.

Unit – II 13 Hours
Perturbation approach:
Nuclear reaction cross section, its behavior threshold, inverse reactions, principle of detailed balance,
optical model, mean free path, optical potential and its parameters for elastic scattering, transfer
reactions, stripping and pickup semi classical description, plane wave born approximation (PWBA) its
predictions of angular distribution, modifications introduced in the distorted wave born approximation
(DWBA) spectroscopic factors transfer reactions and shell model.

Unit – III 13 Hours

X – ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy: X ray Fluorescence; Energy and wavelength dispersive X – ray
fluorescence spectrometers. microXRF, Total XRF and their applications
Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy: Principles, positron sources and experimental arrangements,
Angular correlation of annihilation radiation (ACAR), positron annihilation life time (PALT)
measurement. Applications
Perturbed angular correlation (PAC): PAC sources, experimental arrangement, magnetic dipole
interaction, electric quadruple interaction, applications.

Unit – IV 13 Hours
Collective model:
Inadequacies of shell model, nuclear deformation;properties of deformation parameters, spheroidal
and ellipsoidal deformations.
Vibration model: Hamiltonian for charged liquid drop, Phonons, vibrational energy levels of even-
even nuclei.
Rotational model:
Principal axes co-ordinate system, Rotational model Hamiltonian, Rotation levels in even-even nuclei,
semi-empirical formula for rotational levels, rotational spectrum of odd-A nuclei, rotational particle
Nilsson model:
Nilsson Hamiltonian, calculation of energy levels prediction of ground state spins.
1) Introduction to nuclear reactions G R Satchler, Macmilan Press 1980
2) Quantum collision theory, Jochain, North Holland 1975
3) Semi classical methods for nucleus-nucleus scattering D M Brink: Cambridge university Press
4) Classical mechanics II Goldsten, 2nd edition, Narosa publishing House 1990
5) Concepts of nuclear physics B I Cohen, Tata Mc Graw Hill New Delhi 1978
6) Physics of nuclei and particles P Marmier and E Sheldon Vol I and II, Academic press 1969.
7) Theory of nuclear structure M K Pal ,Affiliated East West Madras 1982
8) Structure of nucleus M A Preston and R K Bhaduri, Addn Wesley 1975
9) Theoretical nuclear physics M Bhatt and V F Weisskopf ,John Wiley 1952
10) Nuclear physics – Theory and experiments R R Roy and B P Nigam, John Wiley 1967
11) Nuclear structure A Bohr and B R Mattelson Vol I and II Benjamine reading 1969
12) Nuclear models J M Eissenebrg and W Greiner, North Holland 1970
13) Theoretical nuclear physics A de Shalit and II Feshbach Vol. I ,John Wiley 1974
14) Atomic and nuclear physics S N Ghoshal vol II 2000.

Course Outcomes
CO1: Underatand partial wave and perturbation approach of nuclear reactions.
CO2:Learn the various spectroscopic techniques in nuclear physics.
CO2: Understand the various nuclear models like shell model, collective model,rotational model and
Nilsson model.

PHT-4.2(b): Condensed Matter Physics – III (Special)

Course Objectives
 To provide an advanced introduction of semiconductors, transport properties, fabrication of
semiconductor devices and low dimensional semiconductor structures.

Unit – I 13 Hours
Elemental and compound semiconductor, band structure of real semiconductors.
Carrier concentrations, Fermi energy and its dependence on impurity concentration and temperature.,
binding energy of impurity, impurity levels, population of impurity levels,
Transport in semiconductors:
Electrical conductivity and mobility, their dependence on temperature and scattering mechanisms,
energy gap determination, diffusion, Einstein relation, diffusion equation and diffusion length.
Optical properties:
Interband and intraband absorption, fundamental absorption, absorption edge excitaton absorption free
carrier absorption, impurity involved absorption. Photoconductivity, luminescence.

Unit – II 13 Hours
Magenetic field effects:
Hall effects hall resistance , magnetoresistance, cyclotron and effective mass determination.
Semiconductor devices: p-n junction in equilibrium space charge region, barrier potential, barrier
thickness, contact field,junction capacitance its determination
p-n junction in non-equilibrium generation and recombination current, continuity equations current
voltage relation, tunnel diode, gunn diode,LED and photocell.

Unit – III 13 Hours

Low dimensional semiconductor structures:
Inversion layer, quantum well. modulation doping, quantum well wire, quantum dot and superlattice.
Two – dimensional electron gas, energy levels and density states. Quantum hall effect (qualitative).
Thin film physics: preparation: chemical vapor deposition MOCVD, MBE and thermal evaporation
methods. Thickness measurements: electrical methods, (resistivity and capacitance measurements),
optical methods (optical absorption and interference) and vibrating quartz method.

Unit IV 13 Hours
Soft Condensed Matter Physics
Introduction: Basic phenomenology of soft condensed matter systems, intermolecular forces,
viscoelasticity, ordering in softmatter, glass transition, phase separation
Polymers: Basic concepts, classification of polymers, effect of temperature, mechanical properties of
general polymers. Conducting polymers, classes, synthesis, charge transport mechanism, Polymer
composites, General applications.
Colloids: Basics of colloids and Stability of colloidal systems,
Liquid crystals: Classification, orientational order and inter-molecular forces, magnetic effects,
optical properties and general applications.
1. Elementary solid state pysics: M A Omar, Addision Wesley Pvt Ltd New Delhi (2000).
2. Solid state physics:N W Aschroft and A S Mermin
3. Solid state and semiconductor physics : J P Mckelvey, Harper and Row, New york (1966)
4. The physics of low dimensional semiconductors : J H Davies, Cambridge university press
5. Physics of thin films, L Eckertova, Cambridge university press ,Cambridge 1998
6. Thin film phemomena: K L Chopra, Mc Graw Hill Book Company New York 1969
7. Soft Matter Physics by M. Klemanand and O. D. Lavrentovich
8. Soft Condensed Matter by R. A. L. Jones
9. Principles of Condensed Matter Physics by P. M. Chaikin and T. C. Lubensky
10. Structured Fluids: Polymers, Colloids, Surfactants by T. Witten
11. Introduction to Soft Matter: Polymers, Colloids, Amphiphiles and Liquid Crystals by I. W.
12. Intermolecular and Surface Forces: With Applications to Colloidal and Biological Systems by
J. Israelachvili
13. Introduction to Liquid Crystals by P. J. Collings and M. Hird

Course Outcomes
CO1: To explain effect of doping in semiconductors.
CO2: To explain the transport properties, Magnetic field effects and optical properties of
CO3: Understand fabrication of semiconductor devices
CO4: Study low dimensional semiconductor structures
CO5: Understand thin film preparation methods and thickness measurements of thin films.
CO6:Study the different soft materials.

PST-4.3(a): Material Science

Course Objectives
 To understand how structure, property, processing relationships are developed and applied for
different type of materials
 To Interpret the phase diagrams of single component, multi-component systems.

Unit – I
Engineering materials: 03 Hours
Materials Science and Engineering, Classification levels of structure, structure- property relationship
in materials. (Ref 1, 2 and 3)
Structure of solids: 05 Hours The
crystalline and non crystalline states, covalent solids, metals and alloys, ionic solids, the structure of
silica and silicates. (Ref 1, 2 and 3)
Crystal growth: 05 Hours
Crystal growth from melt: Bridgemann technique, crystal pulling by czocharalski’s method, growth
from solutions, hydrothermal method, gel method, zone refining method of purification. (Ref: 2 and 5)
Solid phases and phase diagrams: 13 Hours
Single and multiphase solids, solid solutions and hume-rothery rules, intermediate phase, the
intermediate and interstitial compounds, properties of alloys; solid solutions and two component alloy
systems; phase diagram, gibbs phase rule, lever rule, first, second and third order phase transitions
with examples; some typical phase diagrams: Pb-Sn and Fe-Fe2O3 , Eutectic, eutectoid peritectic and
peritectoid systems. (Ref 1, 2 and 3)

The phase transformation: 07 Hours
Time scale for phase changes; nucleation and growth, nucleation kinetics, the growth and overall
transformation kinetics, applications; transformation in steel; precipitation processes, solidification and
crystallization, glass transition recovery re-crystallization and grain growths. (Ref 1, 2 and 3)
Diffusion in solids: 06 Hours
Theory of diffusion, self diffusion, Fick’s law of diffusion, Kirkindal effect activation energy of
diffusion, applications of diffusion. (Ref 1, 2 and 3)

Unit-IV 13 Hours
Magnetic Materials
Magnetic properties - paramagnetism - ferromagnetism - domain theory - magnetic hysteresis, Weiss
molecular field theory, Heisenberg's theory - magnetic anisotropy - domain walls - Exchange energy –
Low dimensional properties of Materials
Thick Film and Thin Film of materials study and applications
1) Elements of material science and engineering L H Vanvleck, Addison Wesley 1989, 6th edn
2) Material science and engineering V Raghvan, Prentice Hall of India 3rd edn
3) Material science and processes S K Hazra Choudhary, Indian Distr Co 1977
4) Introduction to solids L V Azaroff ,Tata McGraw Hill
5) Crystal growth B R Pamplin, Pergamon press

Course Outcomes
CO1: Study structure of solids
CO2: Understand the various techniques involved in Crystal Growth.
CO3: The basic concepts on Solid phases and phase diagrams.
CO4: Understand the phase transformations and diffusion solids.
CO5: Study different magnetic materials


Course Objectives
 The course aims to help the students to become a skilled and efficient MATLAB user, and
apply their knowledge effectively in Physics and Industrial and R& D environment.
 It also helps student to understand virtual environment, LABVIEW
UNIT I 13 Hours
Introduction to MATLAB
MATLAB environment – working with data sets – data input/output – logical variables and operators
– array and X-Y Plotting – simple graphics – data types matrix, string, cell and structure – file input
and output – matlab files – simple programs.

UNIT II 13 Hours
Applications of MATLAB
Matrices and array operation – elemental matrix functions – file functions – application of matlab –
solving linear algebraic equations – curve fitting – interpolation – numerical integration – basic 2D
Plots – overlay plots – specialized 2D plots – 3D plots – view.

UNIT III 13 Hours

Introduction to LABVIEW
Introduction to LABVIEW tools palette, controls & functions palette, data types, conversion – front
panel, block diagram construction, parallel data flow, create indicators/controls/constants math
operations, booleans, arrays, case structures, sequences – for loops, while loops – I/O reading and
writing to files, paths, graphing, timed loops, signal generation/processing, waveform types,
connecting to hardware, DAQ.

UNIT IV 13 Hours
Modeling Approaches Finite Element Methods: Introduction to 1D FEM – Problems in wave
propagation and structural mechanics using 2D elements- Plane stress and plane strain analysis, 3D
stress analysisSimulation packages – ABAQUS-COMSOL Multiphysics – Modeling Applications.

Reference Books:
1. S. Chandra, Applications of Numerical Techniques with C, Narosa Publishing House Pvt.
Limited (2006).
2. R. Pratap, Getting Started with MATLAB: A Quick Introduction for Scientist and Engineers,
Oxford University Press (2010).
3. K. L. Ashley, Analog Electronics with LabVIEW, Prentice Hall Professional (2003).
4. T. R. Chandrupatla and A. D. Belegundu, Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, 4 th
edition, Prentice Hall (2011).
5. V. K. Ingle and J. G. Proakis, Digitals signal processing using MATLAB, 3 rd edition, Cengage
Learning (2011).
6. Ross L. Spencer and Michael Ware, Introduction to MATLAB, Brigham Young University (2010).
7. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods and Steven L. Eddins, Digital Image Processing Using
MATLAB, 2 nd edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Education (2010).
8. Learning MATLAB – The MathWorks, Inc. (1999).
9. LabVIEW Basics I Course Manual, National Instruments Corporation.

Course Outcomes
CO1: Understand Basics of MATLAB coding.
CO2: Write the program for a given problem in MATLAB coding.
CO3: Simulate various electric circuits in MATLAB simulation tool
CO4:Understand the data acquisition by interfacing with LABVIEW

Course Objectives
To provide the best possible training in learning to apply classroom knowledge to real experiments,
and allow further development of the creative process that is so necessary to being a researcher.
Project work can be carried out in industries/R&D Organization/IITs/IISc/Any Universities.
Project shall be conceptualized soon after the completion of the II Semester; Students shall work for
the project during the mid-term vacation of III semester examinations and IV Semester.

Note: Any new experiments can be introduced by the staff member in all the practical papers
depending upon the availability of equipment and other facilities.

Course Outcomes
CO1: Understand the importance of experimental and theoretical analysis.
CO2: Develop a Scientific approach in solving problems related to physics.
CO3: Educate and train the students to write scientific papers.

POE-4.5: Atmospheric Science

Course Objectives
To make the students to focus on science methodology on natural human environment by applying
instrumentation and data analysis from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Unit – I 13 Hours
Meteorology: Atmospheric composition, laws of thermodynamic of the atmosphere. Adiabatic
process, potential temperature. The Clausis Clapyeron equation, laws of black body radiation, solar
and terrestrial radiation, albedo Green house effect, Heat balance of earth atmosphere system.
Dynamic meteorology: Fundamental forces, non-inertial reference frames and apparent forces,
structure of static atmosphere. Momentum, continuity and energy equations. Thermodynamics of the
dry atmosphere, elementary applications of the basic equations. The circulation theorem, voracity,
potential vorticity, vorticity and potential vorticity equations.

Unit – II 13 Hours
Monsoon dynamics: Wind, temperature and pressure distribution over India in the lower, middle and
upper atmosphere during pre, post and mid-monsson season, monsoon circulation in the meridonal (Y-
Z) and zonal (X-Y) planes, energy cycle of monsoon. Dynamics of monsoon depressions and easterly
waves. Intra seasonal and internal variability of monsoon. Quasi- bc weekly and 30-60 day
oscillations. Enso and dynamical mechanism for their existances.

Unit – III 13 Hours

Numerical methods for atmospheric models: Flitering of sound and gravity waves, filtered forecast
equations, basic concepts of quasi geostropic and primitive equation models, one level and multi level
models. Basic concepts of initialization and objective analysis for wave equation, advection equation
and diffusion equation.
Atmospheric pollution: Role of meteorology on atmospheric pollution atmospheric boundary layer, air
stability, local wind structure, Ekman spiral, turbulence boundary layer scaling, residence time and
reaction rates and of pollutants, sulphur compounds, nitrogen compounds, carbon compounds, organic
compounds, acrosols, toxic gases and radio active particles trace gasses.
Unit – IV 13 Hours
Atmospheric instrumentation systems: Ground based instruments for the measurement of
temperature. Pressure, humidity wind and rainfall rate. Air borne instruments-radisonde, rawinsode,
rockestsonde-satelite instrumentation (space borne instruments)
Radar meteorology: Basic meteorology radar principles and technology radar signal processing and
display -weather radar observation of precipitating systems estimation of precipitation radar
observation of tropical cyclones, use of weather radar in aviation, clear in air radars-observation of
clear in phenomena- other radar systems and applications.
1) The Atmosphere by Frederick K I Utgens and Edward K Turbuk (for chapter I and VI)
2) The Physics of Monsoons by R V Keshwamurthy and M Shankar Roy: Allied publishers,
1992(for chapter 3)
3) Dynamic meteorology by Holton J R edition 3rd academic press N.yf 1992.
4) Numerical weather prediction by G J Haltiner and R T Villians, John Wiley and Sons. 1980
(for chapter 4)
5) Principles of Air pollution meteorology by Tom Layons and Prillscott, CBS publishers and
distributors (P) Ltd Radar Meteorology by Henry Sangagcot

Course Outcomes
CO1: Understand dynamics of meterology
CO2: Understand dynamics of monsoon
CO3: Develop numerical methods for atmospheric models
CO4: Understand working of atmospheric instrumentation systems.

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