Listening Booster A2+

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Listening Booster


Rahmonbek Usmonov

Test 1
Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.
1 Where’s the girl going this afternoon?

2 Which is the boy’s new desk?

3 How will they get to their tennis class?

4 Which woman is Laura’s new English teacher?

5 What might Harry do if it rains on Saturday?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.
Audio Player

You will hear a teacher talking to a class about a new music club.

New music club

Start date: 15th September
Day club will meet: (6) ………………………………
Time: (7) from ……………………………… to 5 p.m.
Teacher’s name: (8) Mr ………………………………
Teacher’s phone number: (9) ………………………………
Place: (10) ………………………………

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Luis talking to his friend Charlotte about a computer game.

11 Where did Luis first find out about the game?

A from a game website
B from a school friend
C from a magazine advertisement

12 Charlotte likes the game because
A it’s funny.
B it’s hard.
C it’s new.

13 Who does Luis want to play the game with?

A his brother
B his granddad
C his cousin

14 How long did Charlotte play the game for last Saturday?
A forty-five minutes
B one hour
C one hour and thirty minutes

15 Which part of the game does Luis like best?

A finding food
B building a hut
C crossing the river

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.00:00
16 You will hear two friends talking about shopping.
What did the boy buy yesterday?
A something to wear
B something to eat
C something to read

17 You will hear a teacher talking to a student called Lyn.

Why didn’t Lyn come to school yesterday?
A She was sick.
B She was in a competition.
C She arrived back late from holiday.

18 You will hear a boy talking about surfing.

How did he learn to surf?
A by doing a course
B by watching videos
C by practising by himself

19 You will hear a girl talking about her day at school.

Which subject did she like best?
A geography
B English
C biology

20 You will hear two brothers talking about last night.
Why did they both sleep badly?
A Their bedroom was hot.
B There were noises in the street.
C They were excited about going on holiday.

Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.
Audio Player

You will hear Lucas talking to his mum about the jobs his friends want to do. What job does
each friend want to do?
0 Lucas F

Friends Jobs
A actor
B coach
21 Tyler ……
C dentist
22 Ava ……
D journalist
23 Mark ……
E mechanic
24 Victoria ……
F pilot
25 Bobby ……
G receptionist
H tour guide

Test 2
Listening Part 1
Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.00:00
1 What are they going to have for lunch?

2 Which family are Emily’s new neighbours?

3 What was Oscar doing when Isabel phoned him?

4 Why didn’t Niesha go to the party?

5 Where’s Oliver’s phone now?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.

You will hear a woman telling some students about their visit to the zoo.

Zoo visit
Name of project: Helping
Animal to draw: (6) ………………………………
Time to give animals water: (7) ……………………………… a.m.
Name of baby lion: (8) ………………………………
Age of oldest dolphin: (9) ………………………………
Get free: (10) ………………………………

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Jasmine talking to her aunt about a camping trip.

11 Where did Jasmine and her aunt go swimming?

A in the sea
B in the river
C in the lake

12 How did Jasmine feel about sleeping in a tent to start with?

A excited
B afraid
C unhappy

13 What did Jasmine’s aunt like cooking?

A omelette
B steak
C pasta

14 Jasmine’s aunt thought the campsite

A needed a shop.

B had good showers.
C was too small.

15 Which activity did Jasmine like best?

A cycling
B fishing
C running

Listening Part 4
Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.
16 You will hear a girl, Teresa, talking to her friend.
Who’s Teresa waiting for?
A a classmate
B a member of her family
C a teacher

17 You will hear a boy phoning his mother.

Why is he phoning her?
A to ask about something
B to give her some news
C to say sorry for something.

18 You will hear two friends talking about a new café.

How will they find out where the new café is?
A They’ll ask another friend.
B They’ll check on the internet.
C They’ll look at a poster.

19 You hear a girl and her dad talking about a boat tour.
Why do they decide to go on the boat tour today?
A It’s cheap today.
B The weather’s good.
C They know the guide.

20 You will hear a boy, Hugo, talking to his teacher.

What must Hugo do first?
A help another teacher
B help the school secretary
C help another student

Listening Part 5
Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear a girl talking to her mum about her friends and their hobbies. What hobby does
each friend have?
0 Mateo H

Friends Hobbies
A acting
B being in a band
21 Hannah ……
C building models
22 Christopher ……
D climbing
23 Samantha ……
E learning languages
24 Andrew ……
F photography
25 Grace ……
G swimming
H watching movies

Listening Part 1
Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.
1 What time does the nature programme start?

2 Who is Diana talking to on her mobile?

3 Where will Henry put his mum’s watch?

4 Why is the girl tired?

5 What will the weather be like on Sunday?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.

You will hear a boy leaving a message for a friend about a football match.

Football match
Day: Saturday
Name of stadium: (6) ………………………………
Bus number: (7) ………………………………
Cost of ticket: (8) £ ………………………………
Wear: (9) ………………………………
Bring: (10) ………………………………

Listening Part 3
Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Hitomi talking to her friend Freddie about her visit to Hardin Castle.

11 Who did Hitomi go to Hardin Castle with?

A her classmates
B her family
C her neighbours

12 What was the weather like?

A cold
B wet
C windy

13 What do Hitomi and Freddie both like best at Hardin Castle?

A the Queen’s bathroom
B the yellow bedroom
C the dining room

14 Freddie went to the castle because he wanted

A to learn about history.
B to take photos.
C to find out about birds.

15 What’s on at the castle next month?

A a running race
B an exhibition of old cars
C a painting course

Listening Part 4
Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.
16 You will hear a girl talking about a video.
Which part of the video didn’t she understand?
A the beginning
B the middle
C the end

17 You will hear two friends talking about a concert.

What’s the boy’s opinion of the concert?
A It was boring.
B It was terrible.
C It was unusual.

18 You will hear a boy talking to his dad about going to the city centre.
Why are they going to the city centre?
A to meet someone
B to buy something
C to watch something

19 You will hear a teacher talking to his class.

What information is he giving his student?
A They’re going to start a new project.
B They’re going to have their lesson outside.
C They’re going to have a longer lesson.

20 You will hear a boy talking about his sister, Emma.

Who has Emma married?
A an artist
B a tour guide
C a cook

Listening Part 5
Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Angela talking to her uncle about the problems with her old school. What problem
was there in each place in the school?
0 hall F

Places Problems
A crowded
B noisy
21 cafeteria ……
C not clean
22 library ……
D not modern
23 classrooms ……
E not useful
24 lift ……
F too far
25 office ……
G too small
H too warm

Test 4
Listening Part 1
Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.
1 How much did the boy’s football shirt cost?

2 What did Sophie enjoy doing most at the weekend?

3 Where did Paul stay on holiday this year?

4 Which subject will they study first today?

5 Why was Tina late for school today?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.

You will hear Rosie’s aunt telling her about a dance competition.

Dance competition
For children from: 13-15
Date to enter by: (6) ………………………………
Send: (7) ………………………………
Website address: (8) www. ……………………………… .com
Place: (9) ………………………………
First prize: (10) £ ………………………………

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Tommy talking to his friend Olga about their class party.

11 Which date is the class party?

A 25th June
B 28th June
C 1st July

12 What does Olga think Tommy should wear to the party?

A his black jeans
B his blue shorts
C his green T-shirt

13 What’s Olga worried about?

A singing at the party
B playing the guitar
C helping tidy up

14 Why will Tommy arrive at the party late?

A He’ll have to wait for a lift.
B There aren’t many buses.
C He wants to play tennis first.

15 What’s Olga going to take to the party?

A some balloons
B some paper plates
C some food

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.
16 You will hear two classmates talking together.
How did the girl come to school today?
A by car
B by train
C on foot

17 You will hear a girl talking to a man who works at a museum.

What’s the girl looking for?
A her bag
B her coat
C her folder

18 You will hear a boy talking about learning French.

How did he improve his French?
A by visiting France
B by watching French cartoons
C by emailing his French penpal

19 You will hear a girl talking to her aunt about her hobbies.
Which hobby does the girl like doing now?
A looking after animals
B taking photos of animals
C collecting toy animals

20 You will hear a headteacher talking to the whole school.

What’s new at the school this year?
A a cafeteria
B a sports hall
C a music room

Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear a boy talking to a friend about the presents he bought during a family trip round
Europe. What present did he buy in each country?
0 Germany E

Friends Jobs
A backpack
B calendar
21 Poland ……
C dictionary
22 Switzerland ……
D guidebook
23 Italy ……
E kite
24 Spain ……
F mug
25 Portugal ……
G photo album
H postcards

Test 5
Listening Part 1
Questions 1-5

For each question, choose the correct answer.

00:001 How will Luciana invite her friends to her birthday party?

2 What does Charlie want to borrow from his brother, James?

3 How will Carol get to her dance class?

4 Which film do they decide to watch first?

5 Which T-shirt does the girl like best?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.
Audio Player

You will hear a boy leaving a message for a friend about some homework.

Subject: English
What to write: (6) ………………………………
Number of words: (7) ………………………………
Remember to add: (8) ………………………………
Get ideas from: (9) www. ……………………………… .com
Date to give to teacher: (10) ………………………………

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Dan talking to a shop assistant in a sports shop.

11 Dan thinks plastic skateboards are

A cheap.
B popular.
C light.

12 What colour skateboard does Dan prefer?

A purple
B yellow
C grey

13 The shop assistant says the best skateboard for Dan is about
A 16 cm wide.
B 18 cm wide.
C 20 cm wide.

14 What free gift can Dan get from the shop?

A a backpack
B some gloves
C a scarf

15 When will Dan buy a skateboard?

A on Wednesday
B on Friday
C on Saturday

Listening Part 4
Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.
16 You will hear two friends talking about eating healthy food.
Why are they talking about eating healthy food?
A They’ve just read about it.
B They’ve just watched a video about it.
C They’ve just listened to a talk about it.

17 You will hear a boy talking about his history project.

Who gave him some information about it?
A a person who works as a guide
B a woman who lives near him
C a teacher he knows

18 You will hear a girl talking about her clothes.
Why does she want to buy some new clothes?
A to look nice at a party
B to go on holiday
C to play a new sport

19 You will hear a teacher talking about a problem.

Where is there a problem?
A in the playground
B in the sports hall
C in the cafeteria

20 You will hear a brother and sister talking about their pet rabbit.
What don’t they like about having pets?
A talking to them
B brushing them
C giving them food

Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear a boy talking to a classmate about the things he is going to do next week. What is
he going to do on each day?
0 Monday C

Friends Jobs
A finish a school project
B go on a trip
21 Tuesday ……
C go to a party
22 weekend ……
D help a neighbour
23 Wednesday ……
E make a meal
24 Thursday ……
F send emails
25 Friday ……
G take money to school
H visit the city library

Test 6
Listening Part 1
Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.
1 How did Carrie hurt her leg?

2 Which backpack has the boy bought?

3 Where will Daisy have her birthday party?

4 Which job does Dylan’s dad do now?

5 What did they both do yesterday?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.
You will hear a teacher telling some students about a class trip.

Class trip
Visit a: castle
Cost of trip: (6) £ ………………………………
Day of trip: (7) ………………………………
Time bus leaves school: (8) ……………………………… a.m.
Bring: (9) ………………………………
Name of special exhibition: (10) ………………………………

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Nadia and Tom talking about their new school.

11 How will Nadia get to their new school?

A by bike
B by bus
C on foot

12 What doesn’t Tom like about the school uniform?

A the jacket
B the shirt
C the trousers

13 How many students are there in the new school?

A under 500
B about 800
C more than 1000

14 Which subject does Nadia like?

A chemistry
B maths
C biology

15 What will they do on the first day?

A have a class quiz
B visit the school library
C meet all their teachers

Listening Part 4
Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.
16 You will hear a teacher talking about a trip.
What has changed?
A the cost
B the time
C the transport

17 You will hear two students talking about a problem.

Where’s the boy’s phone?
A in the teacher’s desk
B in his brother’s bag
C in his house

18 You will hear a boy talking about buying some boots.

Why did he buy the boots?
A They’re comfortable.
B He likes the colour.
C They’re in fashion.

19 You will hear a girl talking about playing tennis.

How does she feel after playing?
A angry
B hungry
C tired

20 You will hear two friends talking about a new teacher.

What do they like about the new teacher?
A He’s clever.
B He’s friendly.
C He’s famous.

Listening Part 5
Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear a girl talking to her uncle about the books she has read at school. How does she
feel about each book?
0 The Delay H
Books Feelings
A boring
B funny
21 Crunch ……
C good beginning
22 My Island ……
D hard to understand
23 Dangerous Animals ……
E sad
24 The Invitation ……
F scary
25 Skating Star ……
G too short
H useful

Test 7
Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 How will David travel?

2 What time will Roger see the dentist?

3 Ho
w much will Vera pay for her lunch?

4 What will the friends do in the afternoon?

5 What pet will Janet have?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.

You will hear a woman talking to a group of students about the library.
Library Information for Students
Hours during term time: 24 hours a day
Hours outside term time: (6) ……………- 7.00 p.m.
Number of books you can take out: (7) ……………
Cost of returning CDs and magazines late: (8) £…………… per day
Cost of first library card: (9) ……………
To get a card, give in a form and: (10) ……………

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer
You will hear Jane talking to her friend, David, about going to the cinema.

11 What does Jane want to see at the cinema?

A She doesn’t have a clear idea.
B She wants to see the new James Bond film.
C She wants to see a love story.

12 Robert
A can’t come to the cinema.
B likes action films.
C prefers not to see the James Bond film.

13 The sad film

A is about two people who die.
B doesn’t sound good to David.
C is the only choice.

14 David thinks
A the comedy would be good for children.
B the comedy is a good choice for everyone.
C not everyone likes comedies.

15 Jane
A will meet David at the cinema at about eight.
B says the film starts at about eight.
C will go to David’s house at about eight.

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.
16 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about a meal at a restaurant.
What did she eat?
A steak
B fish
C pasta

17 You will hear a man explaining why he was late for work.
Why was he late?
A He woke up late.
B The train was late.
C The bus was slow.

18 You will hear two friends talking about holidays.
Where did Anita go?
A New York
B Florida
C Los Angeles

19 You will hear two friends talking about shopping.

What do they need from the supermarket?
A potatoes
B carrots
C onions

20 You will hear a man talking on the phone.

Why can’t he come to the party?
A He has to go to work early.
B His mother is visiting him.
C His mother had an accident.

Listening Part 5
Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Greta talking to Anthony about holidays.
What type of holiday will each person go on?
Example: Anthony B
People Type of holiday
A sightseeing
21 Julie B walking
22 Greta C cycling
23 John D camping
24 Jenny E no holiday
25 Ed F sailing
G skiing
H beach

Test 8
Listening Part 1
Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.
1 What might Mark look like now?

2 What will the woman probably study next year?

3 What is David making for dinner?

4 What time does the exam begin?

5 Where does the woman think she lost her purse?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.
You will hear a woman talking about her work experience.
Work experience: Jessica Chapman
Job: Online language teacher
Taught: Students in (6) …………
Lessons: (7) ………… hours a week
Number of students: three to (8) …………
In lessons: talked, played (9) ………… and sang songs
Worked: from (10) ………… to September

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Laura talking to her friend John about her trip to Scotland.
11 Which city didn’t Laura visit?
A Aberdeen
B Glasgow
C Dundee

12 How many people went with Laura?

A two
B three
C four

13 They stayed
A in guest houses
B in hotels
C at the universities

14 What does Laura like about St Andrews?

A She likes the area.
B A lot of people live there.
C The buildings there are old.

15 Laura wasn’t sure about living in Edinburgh because

A it is a big city.
B there isn’t enough to do there.
C it costs a lot of money to live there.

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.00:0
16 You will hear a teacher talking to a student.
What does he say about her work?
A Her homework and project were both excellent.
B Her project was excellent, but her homework was not very good.
C Her project was good, but her homework was better.

17 You will hear a man talking about to his friend about a photograph.
Who is the woman in the photograph?
A his sister
B his cousin
C his aunt

18 You will hear a man talking to his friend about a jacket.

Why did he buy it?
A to look good
B to keep warm
C to wear to work

19 You will hear a mother talking to her son.

Why is she unhappy?
A He made the floor dirty.
B He didn’t tell her where he was.
C He didn’t remember to buy milk.

20 You will hear two friends talking about their day.

What did they do first?
A They went shopping.
B They had something to eat.
C They went to a museum.

Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Sally talking to James about different documents and books. Which person do they
belong to?
Example: Dad F
People Documents
A notebook
B diary
21 Jane
C postcards
22 Mum
D menu
23 Granny
E bills
24 Grandpa
F passport
25 George
G photo album
H driving licence

Test 9
Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 What time is Margaret’s train?

2 What will Mary bring to the party?

3 What will Roberta do this afternoon?

4 What will the friends eat for dinner?

5 What job does Kevin’s son have?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.

You will hear a woman talking to a group of students about the library.
Information about Student Flats
Number of students sharing type 1 flat: 10
Longest term: (6) …………… weeks long
Price of type 1 flat for final term: (7) £……………
Number of students sharing type 2 flat: (8) ……………
Term 1 dates for flats: (9) …………… September-20 December
Monday-Thursday Students must be (10) …………… after 10 p.m.

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Peter talking to his friend Linda about going camping.

11 Who is Peter going camping with?

A colleagues
B old school friends
C colleagues and old school friends

12 How many nights are Peter and his friends going camping for?
A three nights
B two nights
C one night

13 Peter
A thinks his house is dirty.
B wants a cleaner for his house.
C needs somebody to paint his bathroom.

14 How many tents are they taking?

A one
B two
C four

15 Peter and his friends

A will have simple breakfasts in cafes and restaurants.
B will have their own milk and cereal for breakfast.
C will pay for three meals a day.

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.

16 You will hear a woman shopping for shoes.

Which pair of shoes does she buy?
A the brown ones
B the green ones
C the black ones

17 You will hear a woman describing something she lost.

What did she lose?
A a suitcase
B a purse
C a handbag

18 You will hear two friends talking.

What is Paul going to make?
A a cake
B an omelette
C fried eggs

19 You will hear a man talking about his holiday to his friend.
What animal did he ride?
A an elephant
B a camel
C a horse

20 You will hear a woman talking to her friend.

Why is she upset?
A Jean was not at home.
B The taxi was expensive.
C The taxi driver didn’t help with her luggage.

Listening Part 5
Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear John and Fiona talking about what to do with the family at the activity centre.
What activity will each person do?
Example: John B
People Activity
A tennis
B golf
21 Billy
C football
22 Fred
D swimming
23 Fiona
E horse riding
24 Keith
F table tennis
25 Shona
G badminton
H no activity

Test 10
Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 Who is Jenny’s brother?

2 What will they have for dinner?

3 Where is Carla’s tent?

4 What is Louis writing to his friend?

5 What did Tom forget to bring to his last exam?

Listening Part 2
Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.
You will hear a student giving a presentation about a famous inventor.

Thomas Alva Edison

Nationality: American
Date of birth : 11 (6) ………… 1847
Moved to New York
Made: (7) $ ………… from his inventions.
1876: Opened a laboratory in Menlo (8) ……………
1884: His first wife, Mary Stilwell, (9) ……………
Married his second wife, Mina Miller, and moved to West Orange in
New Jersey
Died: 18 October (10) ……………

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Emma talking to her friend Fabio about a fashion show.

11 Who did Fabio go to the fashion show with?

A He went with some friends.
B He went with a family member.
C He went on his own.

12 Which day did Emma go to the fashion show?

A Friday
B Saturday
C Sunday

13 Which show didn’t Emma see?

A the costume show
B the children’s fashion show
C the sports clothes show

14 Who didn’t like the sports clothes show?

A Fabio and Anna
B Emma and Anna
C Fabio, Emma and Melissa

15 What is Emma making for the ‘Beautiful Plastic’ show?

A jewellery
B shoes and a bag
C clothes

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.

16 You will hear two friends talking about an accident.

What did Matt break?
A his arm
B his head
C his leg

17 You will hear two people talking about some keys.

Where did the man leave them?
A in the hall
B in the kitchen
C in the living room

18 You will hear two friends talking in a restaurant.

What does the woman decide to eat?
A a cheeseburger
B a salad
C a pizza

19 You will hear a man talking a friend about his grandparents.

What are they doing this weekend?
A They are having a birthday party.
B They are meeting their new neighbours.
C They are moving to a new house.

20 You will hear a woman talking to a friend about going to the airport.
How will she get there?
A by bus
B by taxi
C by train

Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Max talking to Ellie about a barbecue. What will each person bring?
Example: Ellie G

People Food or drink
A salad
B curry
21 George
C fruit
22 Jack
D drinks
23 Max
E sausages
24 Sophie
F ice
25 Oscar
G burgers
H desserts

Rahmonbek Usmonov

Tel: +998972924757

Test 11

Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 What will they buy Timmy for his birthday?

2 What time will they meet?

3 Where will they go skiing?

4 How will the friends travel?

5 How much will the woman pay for the bicycle?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.

You will hear a speaker giving information about a skiing trip.

Skiing trip
Country: Italy
Dates of trip: 2nd – (6) …………… January

Cost of trip: (7) £……………
Not included in price: Lunch and (8) ……………
Free lessons: Every (9) ……………
Lessons are important for: (10) ……………

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Nigel talking to his friend Elizabeth about his course at university.
11 Nigel is happy because
A he can study with friends.
B he can spend his spare time with his friends.
C he can study with his best friends.

12 How many students will be in Nigel’s group?

A two
B three
C four

13 What do they have to do in their project?

A start selling things to students
B start a student shop
C start a new business

14 Nigel and Jenny

A want to sell pens, notebooks and bags to students.
B want to sell food and drink to students.
C have different ideas about what to sell.

15 Elizabeth thinks
A students are good at selling things.
B students often can’t buy things.
C students like spending money.

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.

16 You will hear a woman talking to a friend about an experience.

Where did she go?
A to a film
B to a play
C to an opera

17 You will hear a man and a woman talking.

Where has the man been?
A fishing
B sailing
C swimming

18 What will they have for breakfast?

A cereal, eggs and toast
B eggs and toast
C toast

19 You will hear two friends talking.

What did Karen want to buy?
A clothes
B food
C books

20 You will hear two friends talking.

What new piece of furniture has David got?
A a sofa
B a table
C an armchair

Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.
Audio Player
You will hear Paul and Donna talking about summer jobs. What job does each person have?
Example: Donna B
People Job
21 Clare A cleaner
22 Kevin B waiter
23 Paul C journalist
24 Tony D factory worker
25 Katherine E tour guide
F farm worker
G receptionist
H teacher


Tel; +998972924757

Test 12

Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 Where were the sunglasses the last time Mark saw them?

2 Where did the man see the ad for the concert?

3 Who is Simon?

4 What job does the woman want help with?

5 When might the next bus arrive?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time
You will hear a tour guide talking about a boat tour in Venice.
Boat tour
Where: Venice, Italy
Number of islands: (6) ……………
Length of the Grand Canal: nearly (7) ……………kilometres
Number of bridges in Venice: (8) ……………
Duration of tour: (9) …………… minutes
Buildings along the Grand Canal: palaces, churches, museums, (10) … ………… market

Listening Part 3
Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Lisa talking to her friend Robin about finding a place to live.
11 Lisa
A has found possible places to live online.
B has talked to someone about places to live.
C has decided to live in a university flat in the city centre.

12 Which sentence is true?

A The university has 20 apartment buildings in the city centre.
B One apartment building in the city centre has nine flats.
C A number of students live in each of the flats in the city centre.

13 Howard House
A isn’t far from the university.
B is too expensive for Lisa.
C has two canteens.

14 In Morgan House
A students can’t cook their own meals.
B students have to share the bathrooms.
C there are 25 students.

15 What does Lisa think about Howard House and Morgan House?
A She isn’t sure which one she will prefer.
B She won’t like the other students who live there.
C She thinks they are very nice places to live.

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.
16 You will hear two friends talking about the weather.
What is the weather going to be like tomorrow?
A sunny
B windy
C rainy

17 You will hear a man talking to his friend on the phone.

Why is he angry?
A There is a problem with his suit.
B He lost all his money.
C The dry cleaner’s didn’t give him his suit.

18 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about work.

Why is she unhappy?
A She has to work at the weekend.
B She works too many hours.
C She has to work in the evening.

19 You will hear a man talking about where he lives.

What does he say about it?
A It is a noisy place to live.
B He doesn’t like the people he lives with.
C It takes a long time to get to work.

20 You will hear two friends talking about a sports centre.

Which sport is the woman going to do?
A tennis
B volleyball
C football

Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Charlie talking to his friend Evie about visiting his family. What gift did he buy
for each person?
Example: Grandmother C
People Gifts
21 grandfather A digital radio
22 mother B book
23 father C gloves
24 brother D backpack
25 sister E wallet
F football shirt
G jewellery
H camera



Test 13

Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 What time will the man pick up the woman?

2 Where will they meet?

3 What sort of holiday will they go on?

4 What musical instrument will she learn to play?

5 What date is the man’s appointment with the dentist?

Part 2
Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.
Audio Player
You will hear a speaker giving information to university students about language courses.

Language Classes at the University Language Centre

Languages: English, Italian, French, Russian, Spanish
Courses start: (6) …………… week of October
Cost of courses (except English): (7) £……………

Cost of second language course: (8) £……………
Number of lessons per course: (9) English: ……………; other languages: 18
All students should bring: (10) …………… and pen or pencil

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Paul talking to his friend, Debbie, about his new job.
11 Paul
A misses his old colleagues.
B had problems with his old colleagues.
C didn’t meet new people in his old job.

12 In his new job, Paul

A completes documents.
B speaks to customers.
C has to drive a car.

13 When there is a delay,

A people can’t rent a car.
B Paul sometimes gets angry.
C some customers aren’t happy.

14 What does Paul say about the people who work with him?
A More people work outside the office than inside the office.
B The people outside the office work more than the people inside.
C The people who work in the office get the cars ready.

15 Paul
A gets more money at his new job than his old job.
B got more money at his old job than he gets now.
C is new at his job but he has more money now.

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.
16 You will hear a woman talking about her day.
Where did she go?
A to the museum
B to the library

C to the cinema

17 You will hear a man talking.

What has he lost?
A his money
B his keys
C his car

18 You will hear two friends talking.

What will they do this afternoon?
A watch a football game
B play tennis
C watch a film

19 You will hear two friends talking.

What will they have for dinner?
A curry
B fish and chips
C pizza

20 You will hear a man talking in a shop.

What is he looking at?
A televisions
B laptops
C radios

Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Dean and Kylie planning the final week of their holiday. What activity will they
do on each day?
Example: Monday B
Days Activities
A shopping
B museum
21 Tuesday
C water park
22 Wednesday
D guided tour
23 Thursday
E boat trip
24 Friday
F fish market
25 Saturday
G palace
H zoo
Test 14
Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 How long will they park for?

2 What else will they have in their picnic?

3 What will they take to hospital for Jemima?

4 Where does Alex live?

5 How much will Nicola pay for her hotel room?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.

You will hear a speaker giving information at the start of a coach trip to London.
Coach trip to London
Journey to London: 2 hours
Free time in London: from 10.15 a.m. until (6) …………… p.m.
(7) ……………% at Kings and Queens
Shopping Centre
To get a discount, show your coach (8) ……………
Please look after your purses and (9) ……………
Michaela·s personal mobile phone number: (10) 0777……………

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Vivien and Tom talking about their meals last night.

11 The table in Vivien’s restaurant was

A too big.
B too small.
C too round.

12 Vivien’s restaurant
A had special food for people like Monica.
B had a lot of dishes on the menu.
C didn’t have vegetarian dishes.

13 At Vivien’s restaurant, Mark

A changed his order.
B ordered chicken.
C had steak.

14 At Tom’s restaurant,
A the dessert was the best part of the meal.
B everything was delicious, but not the dessert.
C the food was delicious, but the dessert wasn’t as good as the rest of the meal.

15 Tom
A paid too much for his meal.
B paid less than the full price for his meal.
C fixed the problem with the bill after half an hour.

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct ans
16 You will hear two friends talking.
Why can’t the man play football this afternoon?
A He has a bad foot.
B He has to work.
C He has to go to the dentist.

17 You will hear a man talking.

What animal did he see at the zoo?
A an elephant
B a bear
C a tiger

18 You will hear two friends talking.

Where have they been?
A to the library
B shopping
C to the cinema

19 You will hear a woman talking.

Where does her friend live?
A in a city
B in a village
C by the sea

20 You will hear two friends talking about cooking dinner.

What will the man do?
A wash the vegetables
B cut the vegetables
C cook the vegetables

Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear two people talking about their families. What activities do their children like?
Example: George D
Children Activities
A playing board games
B going to the cinema
21 Henry
C visiting art exhibitions
22 Edward
D reading
23 Annabel
E going to the theatre
24 Sophie
F playing video games
25 Ellie
G dancing
H playing the electric guitar

Test 15
Listening Part 1
Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.
1 Where will Ben and Sally go after school?

2 What time does the school sports day start?

3 What will Mary have for lunch?

4 How much are the shoes?

5 What was the weather like on Friday?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.

You will hear a teacher talking to a group of students about a school calendar.
School Calendar
For next: year
Start to sell calendars in: (6) ……………………
Last date to enter competition: (7) ……………………
Front picture will be: (8) in ……………………
Total number of pictures: (9) ……………………
Send your pictures to: (10) Mrs ……………………

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Sarah talking to her friend Tom about a school trip.
11 Where will they stay?
A in a hotel
B on a campsite
C in a guest house

12 Sarah thinks a camping holiday

A is like her usual holidays.
B will be a nice change.
C is better with families.

13 For Sarah and Tom, the holiday will be

A expensive.
B cheap.
C free.

14 What will the weather be during their school trip?

A rainy
B sunny
C cold

15 Where will they eat?

A on the campsite
B at a cafe
C in the farm

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.
16 You will hear a boy talking to his friend about his holiday.
What didn’t he like?
A Spanish food
B the weather
C German food

17 You will hear two friends talking in a restaurant.

Why won’t the girl order something sweet?
A She doesn’t like sweet food.
B Eating sweet food makes her ill.
C She wants to stay thin.

18 You will hear two teachers talking outside a shop.

Why is the woman unhappy?
A The shop assistants didn’t help her.
B The laptops were too expensive.
C The shop assistants weren’t polite.

19 You will hear a girl speaking on the phone.

What’s the problem with her trainers?
A their size
B their colour
C their price

20 You will hear a boy talking to his sister.

What’s the problem with his sister’s suitcase?
A It was very expensive.
B It’s too full and heavy.
C It can’t fit in their father’s car.

Listening Part 5
Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear a boy talking to his friend about the lessons that he had today. How does he
describe each lesson?
0 Art F
School Subjects Opinions
21 History A interesting
22 Mathematics B funny
23 Science C difficult
24 German D dangerous
25 Geography E boring
F surprising
G easy

H useful

Test 16

Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 When are they going to have lunch at the restaurant?

2 What time will they get the train?

3 How much did Daniel’s basketball kit cost?

4 What will Raul eat at the cafe?

5 What will Jane wear?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.

You will hear a teacher talking to a group of students about a leaving present for another teacher.
Mr. Snow’s leaving present
Teacher leaves next: month
His age: (6) ……………………
Money still needed: (7) £……………………
The present: (8) DVD ……………………
Day of party: (9) ……………………
Party’s time: (10) …………………… pm

Listening Part 3
Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Mike talking to his friend, Zoe, about an Arts festival.
11 Mike heard about the festival
A from a friend.
B online.
C at an Arts event.

12 Why is Mike interested in the Arts festival?

A It has different Arts events.
B There are music events.
C He likes painting and drawing.

13 What does Zoe prefer?

A classical music
B rock music
C all kinds of music

14 Bob Wood will play

A at an exhibition centre.
B in an old cinema.
C in a stadium.

15 Why won’t Zoe go to the concert?

A She doesn’t like Bob Wood.
B She has to go to a party.
C It’s too expensive.

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.
16 You will hear two friends talking together.
What are they doing?
A having a class meeting
B looking at a photo
C doing their homework

17 You will hear a boy talking about a journey.

What was his problem?
A He lost his ticket.
B He missed his train.
C He had to pay a lot of money.

18 You will hear two neighbours talking about Mrs. Day.

What’s Mrs. Day doing now?
A climbing through a window
B working in her garden
C planting flowers

19 You will hear two friends talking.

What did the boy do wrong?
A He didn’t send a birthday card.
B He sent a card with no stamp.
C He sent a card to the wrong address.

20 You will hear two teachers talking about a student.

What are they saying about Mandy?
A She’s now an excellent student.
B She lost her job last month.
C She has to work to help her parents.

Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Ben talking to his friend Vicky about a school play. Who will do what for the
0 Vicky H
Friends What they will do
A sing
B help actors
21 Tania
C sell ice cream
22 Frances
D make costumes
23 Jill
E build stage
24 Ben
F do make-up
25 Dave
G dance
H act

Test 17
Listening Part 1
Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 How will they get to school?

2 Where did Bill and his family stay on holiday?

3 What time does the earliest coach to Glasgow leave?

4 Which subject will they study first today?

5 What is Kate’s dad’s job?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.
00:00You will hear a teacher talking to students about a sports day.
Sports Day Information
New sport event: swimming
Date of sports day: (6) ……………………
Events list next to: (7) ……………………
List open until: (8) ……………………
For more info ask: (9) Miss ……………………
Sport race for teachers: (10) ……………………

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Tim talking to his friend, Sarah, about a party he’s going to have.
11 Sarah didn’t
A know about Tim’s party.
B receive a text message.
C remember Tim’s party.

12 At Tim’s party, there will be

A some parents.
B a lot of people.
C very few people.

13 Sarah
A would prefer a party at Tim’s house.
B likes Jack’s house.
C wants more people at the party.

14 What can’t Tim do?

A play loud music at his party at all
B continue the party after midnight
C invite a lot of friends

15 Why does Tim like winter parties better?

A He can be as noisy as he likes.
B More people usually come.
C He prefers the windows to be closed.

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.
16 You will hear a woman talking to her son, Ben.
What did Ben forget to do?
A make a shopping list
B do the shopping
C take the shopping list with him

17 You will hear two friends talking.

Why did the girl miss her train?
A She was not on the right platform.
B She got up too late.
C The train left at a different time.

18 You will hear a girl talking about her neighbour.

What happened to Mr Brown last night?
A He broke his leg.
B He didn’t feel very well.
C He went to hospital.

19 You will hear a man talking about his son, Mario.

What problem did Mario have?
A He didn’t pass an English test.
B He failed in a driving test.
C He wasn’t able to use a computer.

20 You will hear a husband and wife talking.

What are they doing?
A driving in a car
B walking in the countryside
C waiting for a train

Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Marcus talking to his Aunt Paula about a school trip. What problems did he have
on his trip?
0 school C
Places Problems
21 coach station A too small
22 museum B expensive
23 cafe C too hot
24 shop D not clean
25 car park E too far
F very cold

G crowded
H boring

Test 18
Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 What was the weather like on Sunday?

2 What will they do at the weekend?

3 How much did the boy’s shorts cost?

4 What will they do on Monday?

5 What time will the girl’s father meet her teacher?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.

You will hear a museum guide talking to a group of students.

Museum Visit
Tour of: Dinosaur exhibition
Time to leave museum: (6) …………………… am
Available at information desk: (7) ……………………
Don’t take: (8) ……………………
Holidays start: (9) ……………………
Don’t forget your: (10) ……………………

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Alan talking to his mum about a new teacher at school.
11 What did Alan’s mum think about his old teacher?
A Not many students liked him.
B He didn’t do his job well.
C He helped Alan to improve his grades.

12 What is Alan’s problem now?

A He doesn’t understand his teacher.
B The maths is too difficult this term.
C His teacher isn’t very nice.

13 Alan’s mum is surprised that

A his teacher explains things so badly.
B no-one has spoken to his teacher.
C his teacher speaks too slow.

14 Who does Alan’s mum want to speak to?

A the headteacher
B the maths teacher
C the other students

15 Alan thinks
A they should wait for about two weeks.
B his mum’s idea is a very good one.
C his mum should never talk to the headteacher.

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.
16 You will hear a mum talking to her son.
Where were they a few minutes ago?
A at school
B at home
C at a supermarket

17 You will hear two friends talking.

Why is the boy going to Bob’s house?
A to find his football kit
B to play computer games
C to study

18 You will hear a husband and wife talking.

Why doesn’t the woman want the ring?
A It’s very cheap.
B She thinks she’ll lose it.
C She likes necklaces better.

19 You will hear a girl talking about her plans for the next month.
Why can’t she go to the school party?
A She will be in Paris that day.
B She has an early flight the next morning.
C She has to get up early the next day.

20 You will hear two neighbours talking.

Why are they upset?
A They have got the wrong letters.
B The post office lost their letters.
C No other neighbour has the same problem.

Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Maggie talking to Bill about a Show and Tell class. What things will each student
bring to the class?
0 Bill G
Students Things
A comic book
B printer
21 Maggie
C diary
22 Ann
D gloves
23 Jane
E record album
24 Tania
F dinosaur egg
25 Ian
G camera
H newspaper

Test 19
Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 Where will David put his sister’s mobile phone?

2 What will the girl buy?

3 How much did the boy’s father pay for the TV?

4 What did the cat break?

5 Which man is the girl’s father?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.

You will hear a teacher talking to a group of students about a careers event.
Careers Event
For final-year: students
Date: (6) ……………………
Information about: (7) ……………………
Event until: (8) …………………… pm
First talk on: (9) science & ……………………
Ask questions: (10) Mr ……………………

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear a sports teacher talking to a student, Tom, about an after-school swimming club.

11 Why isn’t Tom’s name on the teacher’s list?

A He doesn’t like swimming.
B He didn’t know about the list.
C He decided not to put his name on it.

12 Miss Helen believes that Tom

A won’t be good enough for the team.
B may be able to be in the team.
C is the best swimmer in the team.

13 How does Tom usually go home?

A on foot
B by car
C by bus

14 Tom’s sister
A doesn’t like swimming at all.
B prefers studying to swimming.
C prefers swimming to studying.

15 It is possible that
A Tom will join the club this week.
B Tom’s sister will join the club.
C more than two students will join the club.

Listening Part 4
Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.
16 You will hear a brother and sister talking together.
Where are they?
A in a chemist’s
B in a restaurant
C in a clothes shop

17 You will hear two friends talking.

What does the girl have to do on Saturday?
A her homework
B look after her pet
C buy a ball for her dog

18 You will hear a teacher talking to one of his students.

Why was Sarah late at school?
A Her train was late.
B There was too much traffic.
C She walked to the school today.

19 You will hear two classmates talking.

Why is the girl upset?
A Tony got better grades than her.
B Her grades weren’t good enough.
C She didn’t win the maths prize.

20 You will hear a boy talking about his teacher.

What do we know about Mr. King’s new car?
A It doesn’t belong to him.
B It cost him a lot to buy it.
C He has just bought it.

Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Jim and Lisa talking about a school project. What did each student choose to put in
the ‘time box’?
0 Jim B
People What they chose
A board games
B mobile phone
21 Fiona
C money
22 Clare
D menu
23 Jack
E fashion book
24 Lisa
F MP3 player
25 Kevin
G photo
H food magazine

Test 20
Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 Which book does Sarah like best?

2 What animal didn’t the girl like at the zoo?

3 What will they watch tonight?

4 When are they going on holiday?

5 What will they do today?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.

You will hear a teacher talking to students about a school play.

School play
Date: 20th December
Last Day to buy tickets: (6) ……………………
Guests pay: (7) £……………………
Help needed to make: (8) ……………………

Teacher to talk to: (9) Mr ……………………
Things to sell: (10) …………………… & ice cream

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Zoe talking to her friend, Pete, about a birthday party she is planning.
11 Why doesn’t Zoe know how many guests will come to her party?
A She hasn’t sent the invitations yet.
B She hasn’t decided who she wants to invite.
C No one has received an invitation yet.

12 Guests will probably eat

A simple food.
B their own food.
C pizza and chips.

13 Who has Zoe invited?

A all her classmates
B a small number of friends
C some people she doesn’t know well

14 If the weather’s good, Zoe

A will have a barbecue in the garden.
B will have her party in the garden.
C will offer her friends some food outside.

15 What will some of Zoe’s friends do?

A They will bring music CDs.
B They will play musical instruments.
C They will buy her a CD player.

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.

16 You will hear a girl talking about her day at the city centre.
What is the girl’s problem?
A She lost her mobile phone.
B She couldn’t find her sister.
C She broke her mobile phone.

17 You will hear two friends talking.

What kind of film will they see?
A romantic
B science fiction
C horror

18 You will hear a teacher talking to a student, Ahmet.

What will the teacher help Ahmet to do?
A do his homework
B find his homework
C go to his house

19 You will hear a teacher talking.

Why didn’t she get the job?
A She made a mistake about the time.
B She didn’t have enough experience.
C She didn’t want to work in another country.

20 You will hear a mother and a son talking.

Why is the mother angry with her son?
A He spent too much money.
B He forgot to get some shopping.
C He used a lot of plastic bags.
Listening Part 5
Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Laura and Ian talking about a school sports day. Who will do what?
0 Anne E
Persons Activities
A swimming
B giving prizes
21 Ian
C running
22 Sue
D serving drinks
23 Toby
E cycling
24 Laura
F table tennis
25 Jill
G football
H tennis
Test 21
Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 What time did Omar arrive at the school?

2 How much did Mei Lua pay for her shirt?

3 How did Anna help her mother with the housework?

4 Who is the girl’s teacher?

5 Where will Ameera have her birthday party?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.

You will hear a teacher talking to students about a trip to a farm.

Farm trip
For students studying: biology
Date: (6) ……………………
Travelling by: (7) ……………………
Total number of students: (8) ……………………
Website address: (9) www. …………………… .com
Best project receives: (10) ……………………

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Harry talking to his friend Katie about their plans for the year.

11 Where will Harry’s sister get married?

A in Scotland
B in Italy
C in France

12 The day Harry’s sister gets married,

A Harry will be on holiday.
B Harry and his parents will be there.
C Harry will be taking his exams.

13 Harry isn’t very worried about his exams because
A he will go to another school.
B he never gets good grades.
C his grades don’t matter.

14 What do we know about Katie?

A She is the best student in her class.
B She is worried about the exams.
C She always studies just a few days before the exams.

15 What is Katie interested in?

A modern films
B chess
C tennis

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.
16 You will hear two friends talking.
What’s the problem with the boy’s bike?
A its price
B it wasn’t new
C its colour

17 You will hear two teachers talking.

What don’t they agree about?
A how hard it is to get work today
B when you should start thinking about work
C how some jobs are easier than others

18 You will hear two friends talking at a school.

Why is Paul tired?
A He was studying until late last night.
B He got some late yesterday.
C He spent the night at the school.

19 You will hear a girl talking about her holiday.

What didn’t she like about her holiday?
A the hotel
B the weather
C the sea

20 You will hear a boy talking about his piano practice.

Who has told him to stop practising?
A his mother
B the headteacher
C the history teacher

Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Dolores and Tony talking about a school lesson. What would each person take to a
desert island?
0 Teacher F
Persons Things
A umbrella
B pillow
21 Mandy
C swimsuit
22 Jackie
D backpack
23 Rob
E mobile phone
24 Vicky
F water
25 Dolores
G knife
H sunglasses

Test 22
Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 What is the weather like now?

2 Where will Svetlana meet David?

3 What is the boy looking at?

4 When will they go to the science museum?

5 What kind of film did they see?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.

You will hear a teacher talking to students about plans for a new school library.
New Library
New library’s books: modern
Library next to: (6) ……………………
Library not available until: (7) ……………………
Number of days for books sale: (8) ……………………

Books to borrow weekly: (9) ……………………
Send ideas to: (10) www. …………………… .com

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Mandy talking to her friend Dan.

11 What is the problem?
A They got up too early.
B They missed their train.
C Their train journey is very long.

12 Dan
A is hungry.
B has just eaten lunch.
C didn’t have any breakfast.

13 What is the problem with Mandy’s phone?

A It’s too expensive to repair.
B She left it at home.
C Its screen is broken.

14 Mandy
A wants to buy some new clothes.
B always asks Dan’s opinion about clothes.
C is sad Dan won’t be able to come with her.

15 How does Dan feel?

A unhappy about the whole trip
B glad he came with Mandy
C sad to have lunch without Mandy

Listening Part 4
Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.
16 You will hear a woman and a police officer talking.
What is the woman’s problem?
A She needs more driving experience.
B She doesn’t have a driving licence.
C She’s just had an accident.

17 You will hear a teacher talking about some students.

What did the students do?
A They worked at an office.
B They prepared for a talk.
C They watched a film.

18 You will hear two friends talking.

Why didn’t the boy eat Mary’s cake?
A He wasn’t hungry.
B It was too hard.
C No one offered him any.

19 You will hear a man talking about his neighbour, Katy.

What does Katy want for her son?
A to be more clever
B to go to university
C to get better at sports

20 You will hear two friends talking.

Where are they?
A on a bus
B in a taxi
C at the cinema

Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear a girl talking to her friend about a school trip to Spain. What did she do each day?
0 Sunday H
Days Activities
A water skiing
B walking
21 Monday
C shopping
22 Tuesday
D listening to a guide
23 Wednesday
E Spanish lessons
24 Thursday
F taking photos
25 Friday
G beach party
H phoning parents

Test 23
Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5

For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 What time is the man’s plane leaving?

2 How much does their meal cost?

3 What type of house is the woman looking for?

4 What does the man need to buy?

5 What was the weather like at the weekend?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.
You will hear a teacher talking to a group of students about a trip.
Class Trip
When: Tomorrow
Where: (6) the …………………… Museum
Time we leave: (7) …………………… a.m.
Meet at the: (8) Mr ……………………
Bring: (9) ……………………
Cost: (10) £ ……………………

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Lee talking to his friend Paula about going to the cinema.
11 Who has already been asked to go to the cinema with Lee?
A his friend Sarah
B a member of his family
C his friends from basketball

12 Where did Lee get the tickets?

A A friend from school gave them to him.
B He won them in a competition.
C He got them on the Internet.

13 What do they have to pay for?

A snacks
B fizzy drinks
C sweets
14 They are going to see
A a film about two people in love.
B a new film full of action.
C a really funny film.

15 What time does Paula think they should meet?

A half an hour before the film
B an hour before the film
C one and a half hours before the film
Listening Part 4
Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.
16 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about her new car.
Why did she sell her last car?
A It was old.
B It couldn’t be repaired.
C It was slow.

17 You will hear two friends talking about the man’s future plans.
What is the man going to do?
A learn a language
B do sports
C get a job

18 You will hear a couple talking about a video.

What’s the video of?
A a birthday party
B a summer holiday
C a swimming competition

19 You will hear a woman calling a friend.

What’s her problem?
A She got lost.
B She didn’t call Harry.
C She is going to be late.

20 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about a present.

What did she get?
A shoes
B clothes
C jewellery

Listening Part 5
Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Sam talking to her friend Paul about a play. What will each person help with?
0 Sam C
People Help with

A clothes
B actors
21 Marco
C lights
22 Mary
D dancers
23 Robert
E instruments
24 Ivanna
F photographs
25 Diego
G tickets
H singers

Test 24
Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 Who is the woman’s teacher?

2 Which pet does the man have?

3 What is the woman going to order?

4 What will the woman buy today?

5 When will they go to the festival?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.

You will hear a man leaving his friend a message about a car.
New Car
Meeting place: Cafeteria
Price: (6) £ ……………………
Bought: (7) 13th ……………………
Phone number: (8) ……………………

Email address: (9) ……………………
When to meet: (10) ……………………

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Mona talking to her husband Ken about their holiday.

11 What did Mona and Ken do on their first day?

A go fishing
B go windsurfing
C go swimming

12 How did Mona feel at the start about camping?

A worried
B excited
C unhappy

13 What didn’t they like eating?

A grilled sausages
B boiled eggs
C fried fish

14 Next time Ken thinks they should take

A more clothes.
B some medicine.
C less food.

15 What did Ken like best?

A singing by the campfire
B walking in the countryside
C swimming in the lake

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.
16 You will hear two friends talking about the weekend.
What did the man do on Saturday?
A He went shopping.
B He spent time with his family.
C He went to work.

17 You will hear a boss talking to an employee about work.

Why didn’t the man come to the office yesterday?
A He was sick.
B He was on a business trip.
C He was on holiday.

18 You will hear a woman talking about sailing.

How did she learn to sail?
A Her friends taught her.
B She got a sailing teacher.
C She practised a lot.

19 You will hear a woman talking about her day at work.

What did she like best?
A the conversation with her boss
B the new advertisement
C her new project

20 You will hear two friends talking about a flight.

Why didn’t they rest?
A The flight was too long.
B It was quite noisy.
C The seats were uncomfortable.

Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Tyler talking to his sister Sandra about the sports his friends want to try. What
sport does each friend want to do?
0 Tyler D
People Sports
A skateboarding
B table tennis
21 Daniel
C cycling
22 Barbara
D riding
23 Hasan
E sailing
24 Ingrid
F skiing
25 Charles
G snowboarding
H windsurfing

Test 25

Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 What did they have for lunch?

2 What did the man want to do at the weekend at the start?

3 How are they going to travel on holiday?

4 What time is the party?

5 What are they doing today?

Listening Part 2
Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.
You will hear a woman leaving her husband a message about a competition.
Singing competition
For: adults and children
Date to enter by: (6) …………………… December
What to send: (7) …………………… of birthday
Go online at: (8) www. …………………… .com
Meet at the: (9) West ……………………
First prize: (10) £ ……………………
Listening Part 3
Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Mei talking to her friend Haruto about an art exhibition.
11 Who did Mei go to the exhibition with?
A her family
B her friends from school
C her neighbours
12 What was the weather like?
A wet
B sunny
C cloudy

13 What didn’t Mei like about the exhibition?

A the paintings
B the photographs
C the videos

14 Mei didn’t want to go to the art exhibition because

A she doesn’t like modern art.
B she thought it might be boring.
C she had to study.

15 Where are Mei and Haruto going next week?

A to a festival
B to a concert
C to a competition

Listening Part 4
Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.
16 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about her holiday.
What didn’t she like?
A where the hotel was
B the meals at the hotel
C the staff at the car park

17 You will hear a couple talking at a restaurant.

Why won’t the woman order a drink?
A Her stomach hurts.
B She’s going to have a baby.
C She’s talking some medicine.

18 You will hear two friends talking outside a shop.

Why is the man unhappy?
A He hasn’t got any money with him.
B There wasn’t enough information available.
C The shop assistant wasn’t polite.

19 You will hear a woman talking on the phone.

What is wrong with the dress?
A It wasn’t the right colour.
B It doesn’t fit the woman.
C It was nothing like the picture.

20 You will hear a man talking to his wife about her handbag.
What is the man’s problem?
A His wife lost his keys.
B His wife is late.
C His wife’s bag is too big.

Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Angela talking to her friend Liam about some films she’s watched. What does she
say about each film?
0 Lost and Found D
Films Opinions
A interesting story
B terrible
21 Happy Place
C good acting
22 Kids Rock
D good music
23 Dangerous People
E unusual ending
24 Sunny Summer
F scary
25 Pop star
G boring
H funny

Test 26
Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.
1 What day will they meet?

2 How much does the woman pay for the ticket?

3 What job does the man do?

4 What are they watching tonight?

5 What is the weather like now?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.

You will hear a tour guide talking to a group of tourists about their plans for the day.
London City Tours
Guide’s Name: John
Meet at entrance: (6) …………………… a.m.
Bring: (7) ……………………
Cost of lunch: (8) £ ……………………
More information on: www. (9) …………………… .com
Meet at the end of: (10) …………………… Street

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Amir talking to his colleague Sarah about a company event.

11 When is the event?

A 29th May
B 1st June
C 3rd June

12 What does Amir think Sarah should wear at the event?

A her brown suit
B her black dress
C a new blouse and a skirt

13 What is Sarah excited about?

A a business appointment
B free aeroplane tickets
C a new project at work

14 Who will Sarah take to the event?

A her husband
B her mum
C her kids

15 Why does Amir have to be at the event earlier?

A to take photographs
B to make some calls
C to chat with employees

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.
16 You will hear a woman talking to a colleague.
Who is she waiting for?
A a colleague
B a family member
C a friend

17 You will hear a man phoning his wife.

Why is he phoning her?
A to ask her to cook for him and his colleague
B to invite her to his colleague’s house
C to say sorry for not coming home

18 You will hear a couple talking about a new car.

How will they find out how much it costs?
A They’ll have a look online.
B They’ll ask a friend.
C They’ll look at a magazine.

19 You will hear two friends talking about a group tour.

Why will they book a Monday tour?
A It’s cheaper.
B It’s less crowded.
C The weather will be better.

20 You will hear a woman calling her boss.

What does she need to do first?
A meet her boss
B be with a colleague
C talk to the secretary

Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Richard talking to Anya about the weather this week. What was the weather like
each day of the week?
0 Monday H
Days Weather
21 Tuesday A cloudy
22 Wednesday B sunny
23 Thursday C windy
24 Friday D snow

E rain
F foggy
25 weekend
G storm
H too hot

Test 27
Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 What time does Mary start work today?

2 When is the school play?

3 Where did Shivrang and his friends stay on holiday?

4 What are they going to do tomorrow?

5 Where was the woman’s phone?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.

You will hear a manager talking to his colleagues about fire practice.
Fire practice
When: Tomorrow
Don’t: (6) ……………………
Go to the closest: fire (7) ……………………
Get out of the: (8) Mr ……………………
Meeting point for 2nd floor: the (9) ……………………
Time practice ends: (10) ……………………

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Linda talking to her friend Alex about her new job.
11 How does Linda usually get to the office?
A on foot
B by car
C by bus

12 What doesn’t Alex like about his job?

A the money
B the hours
C his colleagues

13 How much does Linda earn in her new job?

A £22,500
B £19,500
C £25,500

14 What does Linda enjoy doing?

A answering calls
B writing emails
C going to meetings

15 What does Alex decide to do?

A look for another job
B talk to his boss
C work with Linda

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.
16 You will hear a man talking about a film.
Which part didn’t he enjoy?
A the beginning
B the middle
C the end

17 You will hear two friends talking about a festival.

What did the woman think of it?
A It was unusual.
B It was boring.
C It was horrible.

18 You will hear a couple talking about a trip to town.

Why are they going to town?
A to watch something
B to buy something
C to eat something

19 You will hear a coach talking to his players.
What is he telling them?
A They are playing against a bad team.
B The time of the math has changed.
C Practice is going to be longer today.

20 You will hear a man talking to his friend about his neighbour.
Who is his neighbour going out with?
A a member of his family
B a friend from work
C his assistant

Listening Part 5
Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Jennifer talking to Jin about how their friends were feeling this weekend. What
problem did each friend have?
0 Jennifer D
People Problems
A broken leg
B cold
21 Sebastian
C back pain
22 Olivia
D tired
23 Matthew
E stomach ache
24 Aisha
F broken arm
25 Jin
G toothache
H temperature

Test 28
Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 Where will Murat meet his friends?

2 What film will they see?

3 What did the woman buy?

4 What’s for dinner?

5 What needs fixing in the kitchen?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.
You will hear a man telling people about a new cinema.
Village Cinema
Opening: July 1st
Where: next to the (6) ……………………
Parking available at: (7) …………………… car park
Last movie at weekends: at (8) ……………………
Children’s tickets: (9) £ ……………………
Phone number: (10) ……………………

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Gustav talking to a shop assistant about some new clothes.
11 Gustav thinks jeans are
A uncomfortable.
B expensive.
C not fashionable.

12 What colour does Gustav prefer?

A black
B blue
C brown

13 The shop assistant says that the shorts

A don’t match his shirts.
B won’t fit Gustav.
C are not the right colour.

14 How much will Gustav pay?

A £65
B £55
C £45

15 When will Gustav come back to the shop?

A on Friday
B on Saturday
C on Monday

Listening Part 4
Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.
16 You will hear two colleagues talking together.
How did the woman come to work today?
A by car
B by train
C on foot

17 You will hear a woman talking to a man who works at a restaurant.

What is the woman looking for?
A her gloves
B some jewellery
C her handbag

18 You will hear a woman talking about cooking.

How did she become better at it?
A with the help of her mother
B through practising on her own
C by watching cooking shows

19 You will hear a man talking about his hobbies.

Which hobby has he stopped doing?
A horse riding
B watching sports
C helping out on a farm

20 You will hear a man talking about a department store.

What’s new at the department store?
A a clothes shop
B a place for drinks
C a bike shop

Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Luis talking to his sister about some places they could go to. What problem is
there in each place?
0 tennis courts A
Places Problems
A wet
B noisy
21 swimming pool
C cold
22 cafe
D dirty
23 cinema
E busy
24 park
F warm
25 home
G expensive
H boring

Test 29

Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 What did Anastasia have to do yesterday?

2 Where does the woman hurt?

3 When is the event?

4 What sport are they going to watch now?

5 How much did the girl pay for her coffee?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.

You will hear a teacher talking to a group of students about a summer course.
Summer Course
Study in: Brighton
Dates of courses: (6) 20th June – 15th ……………………
Students must not be older than: (7) …………………… years old
Any student can work as: an (8) Mr ……………………
Students have to be good at: (9) ……………………
Send an email to: (10) ……………………

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Monica talking to her brother Pierre about a website./span>

11 How did Monica find out about the website?

A from TV
B from a colleague
C from the radio

12 Monica thinks the online radio shows are

A boring
B funny
C different

13 Who does Pierre think the website would be useful for?

A Monica
B his English teacher
C his cousin

14 How much time did Monica spend on the website yesterday?

A 45 minutes
B 1 hour
C 1 hour and 30 minutes

15 Which part of the website is Pierre less interested in?

A the articles
B the videos
C the online teachers

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.
16 You will hear two friends talking.
Where are they?
A on a train
B on a plane
C on a bus

17 You will hear a woman talking about her friend.

What does her friend want?
A her son to become a doctor
B her son to stop playing football
C her son to finish school

18 You will hear a police officer talking to a man.

What’s the problem?
A The man should go slower.
B The man had an accident.
C The man is a new driver.

19 You will hear a woman talking to her son about school.

What is she telling him?
A He must try harder at school.
B He may have to stop working.
C He should talk to his teacher.

20 You will hear two colleagues talking at the office.

Why is the man tired?
A He had to work on his talk.
B He had trouble getting home.
C He has delayed at the office.

Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Sophia talking to her friend about the presents that she got on her birthday. What
did each person give her?
0 Mum G

People Presents
A laptop
B music lessons
21 Dad
C tablet
22 Grandpa
D ring
23 Sister
E concert tickets
24 Lucas
F necklace
25 Aunt
G keyboard
H mobile phone

Test 30
Listening Part 1
Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.
1 When is the Christmas office party?

2 What will the boy do at the youth club on Fridays?

3 What is the woman going to get her sister for her birthday?

4 Where has the girl left her trainer?

5 How much are the concert tickets?

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a
date or a time.

You will hear a woman leaving her colleague a message about a meeting.
Important Meeting
Subject: office design
What to prepare: (6) ……………………
Meeting will be: (7) …………………… minutes long
Website: www. (8) …………………… .com
Call: (9) ……………………

Date of the meeting: (10) …………………… October

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Sammy talking to her boyfriend Joshua about a trip to London.

11 Who isn’t going on the trip with Sammy?

A someone from work
B her boyfriend
C a family member

12 They’ll get there by

A train.
B plane.
C car.

13 Sammy must remember to

A download a travel guide.
B book a hotel.
C find out more about London transport.

14 What did Joshua like most about London?

A sightseeing
B the food
C the people

15 Joshua tells Sammy that she should worry about

A the money.
B the crowds.
C the weather.
Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.
16 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about her new boss.
What does the woman like about him?
A He’s strict.
B He’s funny.
C He’s friendly.

17 You will hear a man talking about a basketball match.

How did he feel after the match?
A angry
B excited
C worried

18 You will hear a teacher talking about a lesson.
What has changed?
A the cost
B the time
C the teacher

19 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about her house.
What’s the problem with the house?
A its size
B its age
C its cost

20 You will hear a man talking about a job.

Why didn’t he get it?
A He didn’t want it as much as others.
B He didn’t have enough experience.
C He was late for the meeting.

Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Daniel talking to his English teacher about his holiday. Where did he go on each
day of the week?
0 Monday C
Days Places
A old castle
B factory
21 Tuesday
C bridge
22 Wednesday
D art exhibition
23 Thursday
E theatre
24 Friday
F zoo
25 Saturday
G park
H square

Test 1
Part 1
1 Where’s the girl going this afternoon?
Boy: Are you coming shopping with me and Mom this afternoon?
Girl: To buy your new skateboard? I’d love to, but I’m meeting my classmate Susan. We’re
going to see that new Japanese cartoon.
Boy: OK, no problem, Mom can help me choose a skateboard.
Girl: And Mom wants to go to the new café in Bridge Street.
Boy: Great! They sell fantastic cakes!
2 Which is the boy’s new desk?
Boy: Mum’s bought me a desk for my bedroom, Aunt Barbara!
Aunt: Yes. She was looking at one online with four drawers. Did she get that one?
Boy: Mine’s got two drawers on the left and three shelves on the right.
Aunt: That’s good – you’ve got lots of books and things. Can I go upstairs and look at it?
Boy: Sure!
3 How will they get to their tennis class?
Boy 1: Are we going to go to our tennis class by bike today? The weather’s good.
Boy 2: Yes, it’s sunny but not too hot. But I’ve got a problem with my back wheel, so I’d
prefer to go by bus.
Boy 1: Or we could walk. It’s not far.
Boy 2: Good idea. My dad says he’ll fix my bike next weekend.
4 Which woman is Laura’s new English teacher?
Laura: Mum, you see the woman outside the bookshop? That’s my new English teacher.
Mum: The woman with long dark hair? She looks like your Aunt Suzanna.
Laura: But Aunt Suzanna’s got blonde hair! Anyway, it’s the other woman, with short dark
hair and glasses.
Mum: Oh, she looks really friendly!
5 What might Harry do if it rains on Saturday?
Katie: Hi, Harry, are you going to go running on Saturday to practise for the school race?
Harry: Possibly, buy it might rain. If it does, I don’t want to be outside.
Katie: What about playing badminton in the sports hall?
Harry: I like badminton, but my friends don’t. We all like volleyball, and that’s good exercise,
too, so I’ll think about that.
Part 2
Woman: Now, I want to tell you about a new school music club. It’ll begin on the fifteenth of
September and there will be classes once a week until December the eighteenth.
Let me check the day … Because there’s the sports club on Wednesdays, the music club will be
on Thursdays.
It’ll be after school. Your last lessons finish at ten to four and you can have a break before the
music club because it starts at twenty past four and ends at five o’clock.
Here’s some information about the teacher. His name’s Mr Taylor. I’ll spell that for you T-A-Y-
L-O-R. You don’t know him because he’s new.
If your parents would like to phone him, he’s happy for me to give you his phone number. It’s
zero-double seven-nine, three-eight-six, five-two-one.
Oh, you need to know where to go for the club. It’s going to be in the library. Use the doors next
to the art room because the other doors won’t be open then.
Part 3
Luis: Charlotte! I’ve got the computer game called Green Space.
Charlotte: Where did you find out about it, Luis?
Luis: I borrowed a magazine from a schoolfriend and there was an ad for it. I asked my mum
and she bought it for me from their website.
Charlotte: I really like that game. It’s not new, but it’s my favourite game because it isn’t easy.
I play it a lot, which is strange because it’s not funny at all! Who are you going to play it with?
Luis: Well, my brother’s too busy studying, and my cousin Amy only likes board games. But
my granddad has lots of time, so I want to play with him. How long do you usually play it for?
Charlotte: When I was sick last Wednesday, I played for an hour and a half. Then, on Friday,
an hour. And on Saturday, three quarters of an hour! Which part do you like best?
Luis: Crossing the river’s really good, but the bit I enjoy most is finding something to eat. The
part about building a hut’s my least favourite.

Part 4
16 You will hear two friends talking about shopping. What did the boy buy yesterday?
Female: I’m glad I got the school book I wanted yesterday.
Boy: Yes, my mum had already bought that and a new magazine for me. Everyone thinks the
gloves I got yesterday are cool, too.
Girl: The T-shirt I liked was really colourful!
Boy: But nearly one hundred pounds!
Girl: I know. Let’s buy some snacks now. We can eat them during break at school.
17 You will hear a teacher talking to a student called Lyn. Why didn’t Lyn come to school
Lyn: Mr Jones, could I ask you about the tennis match on Saturday?
Mr Jones: Of course, Lyn. You missed class yesterday. Do you feel better?
Lyn: Oh, I wasn’t ill. We were camping in Switzerland for a week and our flight was cancelled
on Sunday. We flew on Monday instead.
Mr Jones: Oh, OK. So, next Saturday’s really important. If we win, we’ll win the championship!
18 You will hear a boy talking about surfing. How did he learn to surf?
Boy: When I started surfing, I went to the beach with friends and tried and tried, but I didn’t
seem to improve. Then, I saw that someone was organising lessons, but they were on Fridays
when I play football. In the end, I found a website with a famous surfer showing people the best
way to learn. That’s what helped me.
19 You will hear a girl talking about her day at school. Which subject did she like best?
Girl: School was great today. First, we had a lesson about oceans and the average water
temperature in each one. But the most interesting lesson was about bees – how they live together
and how they develop from eggs to adults. In another lesson, we read part of a novel and, for
homework, we can write either a story or an article.
20 You will hear two brothers talking about last night. Why did they both sleep badly?
Jake: I’m tired this morning. I didn’t sleep well.
Nathan: Neither did I. Let’s ask Dad to turn down the heating in our room.
Jake: Yes, that was the problem. I can hear him outside. I thinking he’s packing the car so that
we are ready to go camping.
Nathan: I can hear Mum playing music downstairs. Let’s ask her about the heating.
Jake: Yeah.

Listening Part 5

Lucas: Mum, we talked about different jobs in class today and I’m surprised about the jobs
some of my friends want to do.
Mum: What do you want to do?
Lucas: You know I love planes, so I’d like to fly them for my job.
Mum: Great idea. What job does Tyler want to do?
Lucas: He wants to work at the hospital. His mum’s a receptionist there, but he wants to take
care of people’s teeth!
Mum: That’s a good job. Ava wants to be a sports coach, doesn’t she?
Lucas: Not now, she wants to show tourists round different towns.
Mum: Oh. And Mark?
Lucas: He’s always helping his dad repair cars. Remember, his dad’s got a garage? And that’s
what he wants to do.
Mum: He’ll be good at that. Does Victoria know what she wants to do?
Lucas: Yes, to write articles for a newspaper. She wrote a good story about an actor for English
last week.
Mum: Great! What about Bobby?
Lucas: He wants to be in plays and work in theatres all over the world.
Mum: He was good in the school play about a hospital.
Test 2
Part 1
1 What are they going to have for lunch?
Mum: Pete, would you like some pasta for lunch today?
Pete: There’s some pizza left … We didn’t eat it all last night.
Mum: Don’t you want something different? I can make make a salad if you don’t want pasta.
Pete: I’m fine with the same as last night.
Mum: OK then. Lunch won’t be long.
2 Which family are Emily’s new neighbours?
Emily: A new family has moved into the flat next to us. I met them yesterday.
Sean: What are they like?
Emily: Great. There’s the grandma, she’s really friendly, and two children, about my age, I
Sean: Like you and your brother?
Emily: Just girls. Their dad’s a photographer and their mum’s a teacher.
3 What was Oscar doing when Isabel phoned him?
Isabel: Hi, Oscar, it’s Isabel.
Oscar: Oh, hi. How are you? Listen, I can’t talk for long, sorry.
Isabel: No problem. Are you having your dinner?
Oscar: I’m helping my dad move the furniture in my bedroom. And then we’re going to paint
the walls.
Isabel: Wow! Don’t worry, I’ll send you a text later. Have fun painting!
4 Why didn’t Niesha go to the party?
Boy: Hi, Niesha, why didn’t you go to Jack’s party on Saturday? Were you sick?
Niesha: I was when I missed the sports day at school, but I missed the party because we were
driving back from holiday.
Boy: Did you visit your aunt – the one who’s a chef?
Niesha: Yes, we had amazing dinners every night!
5 Where’s Oliver’s phone now?
Oliver: Have you seen my mobile anywhere?
Poppy: I think it was on the kitchen table earlier.
Oliver: I’ve used it since then … did I put it on the desk afterwards?
Poppy: You often leave it on the sofa when you’re watching TV.
Oliver: Ah, I was right. Look – I couldn’t see it because of the books.
Listening Part 2

Woman: Hi. Today you’re going to do your project. It’s called Helping because it’s about what
people do to look after animals.
First, you’re going to do a drawing. It’s difficult to draw a monkey because they move so much,
so you’re going to draw a tiger.
Water is very important for our animals, and at ten forty-five you’re going to go with our staff to
give some animals their water. Then, at eleven thirty, you’ll see our youngest animal. He’s really
beautiful; he’s a baby lion. He’s called Sohatu. I’ll spell that for you, so you can find out more
about him on our website. It’s S-O-H-A-T-U.
After that, you’ll see the dolphins. Some dolphins can live to be sixty years old, but our oldest
dolphin is thirty-seven. He’s about one hundred kilos and two metres long.
At the end of the day, we’ll give you a present -a poster. You can also go to the shop and buy
perhaps a T-shirt or a toy.
Part 3
Jasmine: Thank you for taking me camping with you last weekend, Aunt Lizzie.
Lizzie: It was great, wasn’t it, Jasmine? Especially when we went swimming. It was too windy
to swim in the sea, but the lake was great anyway. Perhaps next time we can try the river.
Jasmine: Sleeping in a tent was new for me. I was worried about it on the first night, but I soon
found out how exciting it is! My brother was very unhappy that he couldn’t come with us.
Lizzie: Cooking was fun. Well, sometimes. It was difficult to cook the omelette, but I loved
grilling the steak on a barbecue. Did you like the pasta I made?
Jasmine: Yes, I was really hungry that day.
Lizzie: The campsite was quite big, but it’s a pity they didn’t have anywhere to buy food and
things. And the showers were a bit dirty, but OK. Which activity did you like best?
Jasmine: Well, running in the forest was OK, but hard. But fishing was amazing, even more fun
than cycling!
Lizzie: I’m glad you had a good time.
Part 4
16 You will hear a girl, Teresa, talking to her friend. Who’s Teresa waiting for?
Steve: Hi Teresa, why are you waiting outside the school gates?
Teresa: My aunt’s picking me up today because we’re going into the centre to buy some
birthday presents.
Steve: Do you think she’d take my brother? She knows him. He’s in your class. He’s talking to
Mr Harrison, the new sports coach, over there.
Teresa: Let’s ask her. That’s her car.
17 You will hear a boy phoning his mother. Why is he phoning her?
Boy: Mum, I’m still at school at the moment. If it’s OK with you, I’d like to go to Frank’s
house after school because we want to work on our science project together. All right? And
Frank’s mum’s said I can have dinner with them too. I hope you haven’t already cooked
something for me.
18 You will hear two friends talking about a new café. How will they find out where the new
café is?
Boy: Let’s go to that new café after school. Do you know where it is?
Girl: I tried to go online earlier to find out, but the wi-fi wasn’t working. Isn’t there a big notice
about it on the wall in the library?
Boy: You’re right, let’s go and read it. Has anyone in our class been to the café yet?
Girl: Sophia has.
19 You hear a girl and her dad talking about a boat tour. Why do they decide to go on the boat
tour today?
Dad: How about going on a boat tour today?
Girl: Yes! I don’t mind that the weather’s a bit cloudy.
Dad: Uncle Pablo works for the tour company and he’s telling tourists about the history of the
town when they’re on the boat today!
Girl: I’d love to hear him!
Dad: Me too. I’ll book our tickets online. It isn’t cheaper, but it’s more convenient.
20 You will hear a boy, Hugo, talking to his teacher. must Hugo do first?
Male: Hugo, are you free after my lesson?
Hugo: Yes, would you like me to take these books to the library for you?
Man: Thank you, but actually, Mrs Spencer, who works in the office, needs a pupil to take
some boxes to the computer room.
Hugo: OK, fine.
Man: Thank you. I’ve got to show Year 6 how to upload their projects.
Listening Part 5

Girl: Mum, you know Mateo?
Woman: Yes.
Girl: He’s got a new hobby. He’s really interested in horror films and he wants to see every one
that was made in the last ten years!
Woman: Wow! And what’s your best friend Hannah’s hobby?
Girl: She plays the guitar in a rock group. I took some photos of them last week.
Woman: Let’s see … Great! What about Christopher, what does he do?
Girl: He’s so clever. He went on a climbing holiday in Spain, so he’s studying Spanish now.
And he’s having conversation classes in Arabic, too!
Woman: And Samantha? Is she still interested in building model planes?
Girl: She gave them all to her little brother. She goes to a special club at the swimming pool
and now she can use the board that’s two metres high!
Woman: Fantastic! What about Andrew?
Girl: He’s always in a play at school. He likes playing a bad guy.
Woman: Really? Has Grace got a hobby?
Girl: Yes, you can see an exhibition of her pictures in the school hall next week. I think her best
one’s of her dad climbing a mountain.
Woman: Great!

Test 3
1 What time does the nature programme start?
Dad: Are you going to watch the nature programme after dinner tonight, Catherine?
Catherine: Yes, I think it begins at seven thirty, doesn’t it, Dad?
Dad: Let me check … Oh, it’s on just after the six-thirty sports programme, so ten past seven
actually. We can have dinner earlier than usual if you like.
Catherine: Great!
2 Who is Diana talking to on her mobile?
Boy: Mum, who’s Diana phoning? Is she calling Aunt Christine about borrowing her bike?
Mum: She’s asking her friend Sarah, you know, our neighbour’s daughter, about some maths
homework. Have you done your homework?
Boy: I’m doing a project with David, remember? He’s coming a bit later so that we can work
Mum: Oh, yes. You did tell me about David.
3 Where will Henry put his mum’s watch?
Henry: Mum, is this your watch here next to the cooker?
Mum: Oh, yes! Thank you, Henry, I was looking for it a minute ago in the sitting room. I
thought it was on the sofa.
Henry: Shall I leave it in the kitchen or put it in your bedroom?
Mum: On that little table next to my bed would be great.
Henry: OK.
4 Why is the girl tired?
Girl: I think I’ll go to bed early tonight.
Boy: Yeah, you look tired. Did you play tennis with Jane after school?
Girl: She played with someone else. I walked all the way home because the bus was late. It
took an hour!
Boy: Wow! But can you help me tidy my bedroom?
Girl: Erm, sorry!
5 What will the weather be like on Sunday?
Boy 1: I’m going swimming in the lake on Sunday with my mum and dad. Do you want to
Boy 2: Isn’t it going to be cloudy on Sunday?
Boy 1: That doesn’t matter because it’ll be about 25 degrees. Mum checked the temperature.
Boy 2: Oh, OK then. I went swimming when it was raining on holiday. It was really funny!
Listening Part 2

Emin: Hi. I’m phoning about the football match that we’re going to. It’s on Saturday. But it
isn’t in the City Stadium like the last football match we went to. This one’s in the Bridge
Stadium. That’s B-R-I-D-G-E. You know, near the river!
Can you come to my house at half past two? Then we can go to the match together by bus. Bus
number two-seven-four only goes every thirty minutes, so it’s better for us to get the three-nine-
five, which is every ten minutes.
The tickets are usually ten pounds, but because my dad’s a member of the football club, we only
pay four fifty each. That’s not bad, is it?
It’s going to be a bit cold, so don’t wear just a jacket – you’ll need a coat. I’m going to wear my
red one because that’s our team’s colour!
Oh, and another thing, bring a snack because the cafés are expensive. You can get water there for
free, so don’t bring water.
I think that’s everything. Bye!
Listening Part 3

Hitomi: Hi, Freddie. I went to Hardin Castle on Saturday.
Freddie: Did you go with your family or was it a class trip, Hitomi?
Hitomi: My class visited a factory. I went with the family who live next door to us.
Freddie: But the weather wasn’t good on Saturday …
Hitomi: Yeah, it rained, but I didn’t mind. It wasn’t cold and windy like today. Today’s worse!
Freddie: I went to Hardin Castle last year. I saw the dining room … but I liked upstairs better,
especially the Queen’s bathroom.
Hitomi: Me too! I thought the yellow bedroom was strange. Why did you go to the castle? Was
it to take photos? I know that’s your hobby.
Freddie: To get some information about wild birds. And I saw my history teacher when I was
Hitomi: Did you talk to him?

Freddie: Yes. There are lots of interesting things to do at the castle. Next week, there’s a race.
You have to run five kilometres. Then, next month, you can see some cars that are over fifty
years old!
Hitomi: Do they do painting courses?
Freddie: The next one’s next summer!
Listening Part 4

16 You will hear a girl talking about a video. Which part of the video didn’t she understand?
Millie: I liked that film about animals that live in the Amazon Forest. It started by showing the
different places different animals like to live in, and all that bit was clear. The next bit was
difficult though. I needed my mum to explain it to me! Then the last past was good and I didn’t
have any problems understanding it.
17 You will hear two friends talking about a concert. What’s the boy’s opinion of the concert?
Jess: I didn’t like the school concert yesterday, mainly because the musicians hadn’t practised
enough. They were really bad, I think.
Tom: Really? I think they played well, but I’ve never heard music like that before or seen some
of those instruments before.
Jess: It must be interesting to play new stuff, I guess.
Tom: Exactly! Doing the same thing’s awful.
18 You will hear a boy talking to his dad about going to the city centre. Why are they going to
the city centre?
Boy: When are we going to the city centre?
Dad: I just want to see the end of this football match. Then, we can go.
Boy: Shall I phone Mum now to say we’ll be at the café in the main square in 30 minutes?
Dad: Yes, please. And could you ask her to get today’s newspaper for me?
Boy: Sure.
19 You will hear a teacher talking to his class. What information is he giving his student?
Man: Listen, everyone. Because you still need some photos to add to your geography project,
we’re allowed to go to the park today! I know you love working there, but you must still make
sure you do your school work carefully. We’re coming back to the classroom at ten, so that we
have time to put everything away.
20 You will hear a boy talking about his sister, Emma. Who has Emma married?
Boy: My sister Emma got married last week to a guy she met in Paris. And now she lives in an
apartment above that restaurant called Marco’s in Green Street. She finished studying art and
design last year and has just got a job drawing pictures for a book! Her husband travels a lot in
his job, showing tourists round different cities.
Listening Part 5
Angela: Uncle Edward, we’re moving into our new school next month. They’re built it next to
the old one.
Edward: Fantastic! There were some problems with your old one, weren’t there?
Angela: Yes, like, the hall was a long way from the rest of the school!
Edward: But what was wrong with the cafeteria?
Angela: Well, you could always hear the traffic in the street outside or the crowds of people
waiting for the buses.
Edward: Oh, OK. And your library?
Angela: It wasn’t too small or anything like that, just … dirty and not warm enough!
Edward: But were the classrooms OK?
Angela: Yeah…, my class used the ones on the second floor, but they didn’t have the latest
Edward: That’s a pity. Was there a lift?
Angela: They were so slow, you could walk faster! I don’t know why we had them!
Edward: I went to the your school office once.
Angela: There wasn’t enough space for two desks and the bookshelves. But the secretary liked
it and said the shelves were quite useful.
Edward: Oh.

Test 4
1 How much did the boy’s football shirt cost?
Emily: Did you spend all your birthday money on your new football shirt?
Phil: Grandma gave me thirty-five pounds but it was only twenty pounds fifty in the sports
shop in the city centre.
Emily: That sounds expensive to me. My new T-shirt was only eleven seventy-five.
Phil: But football shirts are always more expensive than other shirts.
Emily: Oh.
2 What did Sophie enjoy doing most at the weekend?
Alex: What did you do at the weekend, Sophie?
Sophie: I went to the beach with my family. We played volleyball, but my foot hurt, so I wasn’t
very good.
Alex: Oh.
Sophie: Then, I went swimming with my little brother. That was OK, but my dad taught me
how to fish, and that was really cool!
Alex: Really? I think fishing’s boring!
3 Where did Paul stay on holiday this year?
Izzy: Hi, Paul. Did you have a good holiday?
Paul: Yeah, great. We went on holiday with my cousins again this year. Remember, last year
we stayed on a boat?
Izzy: Yes, did you do that this year, too?
Paul: Mum wanted to stay in a hotel with a big swimming pool, but everyone else wanted to go
camping. So we did that.
4 Which subject will they study first today?
Sam: Hi, Anna. Have you seen the new timetable for today?
Anna: No, aren’t we having maths first? That’s what we usually do on Tuesdays as soon as we
get to school.
Sam: Maths is the third lesson, after geography.
Anna: So chemistry before that.
Sam: Exactly! Anyway, I’ve finished my geography project – finally!
5 Why was Tina late for school today?
Colby: Tina, why were you late for school today?
Tina: Well, I got up at seven. My phone always wakes me up then, but when the bus came, it
didn’t stop because it was full!
Colby: So what did you do?
Tina: I went home and asked Mum to give me a lift. The traffic wasn’t bad, but I was still
fifteen minutes late!
Listening Part 2

Woman: Rosie, I’ve found some information about that dance competition that you’re
interested in. It’s perfect for you because it’s for children who are between thirteen and fifteen.
The competition’s on the fourth of August, but you’ve got to enter by the twelfth of July. So
you’ve still got over four weeks.

You don’t have to send any money to enter, just a video. I know you’ve already got some, but it
might be a good idea to make a new one.
Anyway, everything you need to know is on the website. Write down the address. It’s www dot
jittersea dot com. That’s spelt J-I-double T-E-R-S-E-A.
I also found out where they’re having the competition. It’s going to be at the college; the one
opposite the park. That’s easy for you to get to.
And the best news is about the prizes. The winner gets a hundred and seventy-five pounds, and
the person who comes second gets one hundred pounds! That’s a lot!
Listening Part 3
Tommy: Olga, you’re coming to the class party at school, aren’t you?
Olga: Yes, Tommy. I’m glad it’s at the end of June because I’m having my birthday party on
the first of July.
Tommy: And the twenty-eighth’s better than the twenty-fifth because it’s a Friday!
Olga: What are you going to wear?
Tommy: Either my black jeans or blue shorts.
Olga: Wear your new black T-shirt with blue shorts.
Tommy: OK.
Olga: I’m a bit worried about the party.
Tommy: Why? You’re not singing in front of everyone like in the school concert or playing the
guitar like last year.
Olga: But I’ve got to help make sure everything’s clean and tidy after the party, and that might
take a long time.
Tommy: I don’t think so. Actually, I’ll probably arrive late.
Olga: Why?
Tommy: I want to be in the tennis match at my sports club. I won’t have time to get the bus, but
my mum will drive me to the party.
Olga: Oh, OK. Is your mum cooking some food for the party?
Tommy: Yes, and we’ll bring some paper plates. And you’ve got some balloons, haven’t you?
Olga: That’s right.
Listening Part 4

16 You will hear two classmates talking together. How did the girl come to school today?
Boy: You’re at school early today! Did your dad bring you by car?
Girl: Actually, there were no problems on the underground! I was lucky.
Boy: But was your platform crowded? Mine was. I even thought about walking to school
Girl: Not really. And the seven forty-five was on time. Walking’s good if you want to be
healthy, but I live quite far away.
17 You will hear a girl talking to a man who works at a museum. What’s the girl looking for?
Man: Please, don’t carry your backpack round the museum.
Girl: Oh, sorry. Err, I left all my school papers somewhere in a blue plastic … sort of box. And
I can’t find them.
Man: Which rooms have you been in?
Girl: Well, first, I went to that one by the entrance where all the jackets and things are … Ah,
that’s where it is!
18 You will hear a boy talking about learning French. How did he improve his French?
Boy: When I was on the school trip to France, I realised I could hardly say a word! My teacher
asked our class to write to children in a French school, but after a couple of weeks everyone gave
up! That didn’t work, but finding funny films in French did. I like ones with talking animals!

19 You will hear a girl talking to her aunt about her hobbies. Which hobby does the girl like
doing now?
Freya: Where are all those plastic dinosaurs you used to have?
Tanya: I gave them to the little boy next door. Whenever I have free time, I go to the riding
school and I brush and feed the horses. For my birthday, Dad’s giving me a camera. Then, I can
go to the zoo and start getting some amazing pictures.
20 You will hear a headteacher talking to the whole school. What’s new at the school this year?
Man: First, let me say how pleased I am that the volleyball team won the summer
championships! Second, you’ve never had somewhere nice to buy and eat lunch, but all that’s
changed. After this meeting, go and look next to the library! Next, if you want to borrow a
guitar, violin, etc., you must see Mrs Howard before Friday.
Listening Part 5

Girl: Hi, did you have a great trip round Europe?
Boy: Yeah, and I bought this for you in Germany.
Girl: Wow! Thanks. I can fly it on the hill next to my house at the weekend. It’s going to be
windy. You went to Poland, didn’t you?
Boy: Yes, I bought this for my Aunt Steph. She can put all the pictures she’s taken with her new
camera in it. I also sent her a postcard of a lake that she loved.
Girl: Then you went to Switzerland, right?
Boy: Yeah, my cousin likes writing down what she’s doing on each date. So she can put this on
her kitchen wall.
Girl: The photos look like ones in guidebooks!
Boy: Then we went to Italy. My uncle’s studying Italian, so he can look up words in this.
Girl: Yeah. Did you buy any presents in Spain?
Boy: My neighbour’s always drinking tea and hasn’t got enough cups. This has got her name
written on it!
Girl: Where did you get this?
Boy: In Portugal. It’s actually a present for me. I can put my school books and things in it.
Girl: Perfect!

Test 5
1 How will Luciana invite her friends to her birthday party?
Astrid: Luciana, are you going to email your friends to invite them to your birthday party?
Luciana: Or do you think I should phone them? Then I can find out quickly if they can come or
Astrid: You’ll need a lot of time! Your sister sent her friends invitations by post – that was nice.
Luciana: Your first idea’s best. I’ll do that.
2 What does Charlie want to borrow from his brother, James?
Charlie: James, I’m going to the park to meet some friends. I’m going to wear my new jeans.
James: Cool. Do you want to borrow my trainers, the ones that are a bit small for me now?
Charlie: Actually, I need some sunglasses … and you’ve got two pairs.
James: OK, but make sure you bring them back.
Charlie: OK. Thanks.
3 How will Carol get to her dance class?
Carol: Dad, can you drive me to my dance class? It’s at six thirty.
Dad: Oh, I won’t be back from work until about seven. Sorry, Carol.
Carol: OK, I’ll walk there with Tessa.
Dad: … or take the bus?
Carol: That’s not so good for Tessa. There isn’t a bus stop near her house. Don’t worry, it’s not
4 Which film do they decide to watch first?
Aidan: There are lots of good new films, like the one about a man who climbs Mount Everest.
Holly: That sounds exciting. And there’s another new one about a dance competition.
Aidan: Oh, yes. Or what about Zuta? It’s about life in the future.
Holly: Let’s watch that next weekend when our cousins come. And the competition one now?
Aidan: Yeah, I think they’ll enjoy Zuta.
5 Which T-shirt does the girl like best?
Boy: Are you going to get that T-shirt with a picture of a surfboard on it?
Girl: I liked that one, I saw it in the shop, but I’ve just seen one with a dolphin on it in this
Boy: But look at this website. The T-shirt with a picture of an island’s fantastic!
Girl: Yes, but the one in the magazine’s my favourite.
Listening Part 2

Fabio: Hi, it’s Fabio. Sorry you weren’t at school today. I hope you’re feeling better. I want to
tell you about our homework for English.
It’s much easier than our last homework when we had to write an advertisement. This time it’s a
story. We’ve got to write about a journey. Of course, it doesn’t have to be real. I’ve already
started mine and I’ve written one hundred words, but actually we’ve got to write two hundred
and fifty, so I have to write some more.
We have to include a photo, but we don’t have to draw a map or anything like that. If you need
some ideas, look at this website: www dot collatra dot com. That’s C-O-double L-A-T-R-A.
One last thing, the date we’ve got to give it to the teacher. Let me look, I wrote it down. Yeah,
the twenty-second of May. That’s good because it’s before my birthday on the twenty-fifth, so
I’ll have no homework on my birthday!
Listening Part 3

Dan: Can you help me? I’d like to find out about buying a skateboard.
Man: Do you want one made of wood or plastic?
Dan: Plastic. I know they aren’t always cheap, but all my friends have plastic ones. My
brother’s plastic board has strong, heavy wheels.
Man: OK. What colour would you like?
Dan: Those purple ones look great and the yellows are fun, buy grey’s a better colour for me.
Man: Good. Now let’s think about how wide your skateboard should be. It’s actually in
centremetres. Are you a beginner?
Dan: Yes.
Man: The widest ones, twenty centimetres, are best for advanced skateboarders. Then there’s
eighteen centimetre ones, but for people who are new to the sport sixteen’s good.
Dan: OK. On the poster on the wall, it says there’s a free gift this month. What is it?
Man: The poster next to the backpacks? Yes, we can give you a pair of gloves.
Dan: I like those scarves, too. I’ll have to come with my dad to buy my skateboard.
Man: Good idea. Remember the store isn’t open on a Wednesday.
Dan: I think my dad’s busy on Saturday, so we’ll come on Friday.
Man: Fine
Listening Part 4

16 You will hear two friends talking about eating healthy food. Why are they talking about
eating healthy food?
Girl: I like fried food, but when that doctor came into our biology lesson and explained about
our hearts, I decided to eat more salads.
Boy: Yes, he said most people don’t eat enough fresh food.
Girl: We’re going to do the chapter in our textbook about healthy foods next lesson.
Boy: Instead of watching that video about cooking tasty, healthy food?
Girl: Yes.
17 You will hear a boy talking about his history project. Who gave him some information about
Boy: I’ve finished my history project! My neighbour, Mrs Ashton, is eighty years old, so I
wanted to ask her about my project, but she’s gone to the USA to visit her grandchildren. So I
went and joined a group going round the museum. I asked the group leader loads of questions,
and I found out everything I wanted to know!
18 You will hear a girl talking about her clothes. Why does she want to buy some new clothes?
Girl: We stayed in a hotel near the beach this summer and there was a skateboard park. Some
other kids there lent me their board and showed me how to skate. I’d really like to do that as a
hobby, but I need some gloves. They’re important so that you don’t hurt yourself. I’m getting
some special ones for my birthday.
19 You will hear a teacher talking about a problem. Where is there a problem?
Girl: Before you go and have your lunch break, can I just tell you that a pipe has broken, and
there’s water coming out of it. You won’t be able to have your volleyball match inside today
because there’s water all over the court. You’ll have to play outside, but I’m sure that’ll be
20 You will hear a brother and sister talking about their pet rabbit. What don’t they like about
having pets?
Boy: Have you given our rabbit something to eat this morning?
Girl: Yes, little Doris seemed very hungry. She was making funny little noises, just like she
was trying to say something to me.
Boy: Yeah, she does that when I’m getting the dirt out of her fur. There are hairs everywhere
after that. It’s horrible.
Girl: I hate that, too.
Listening Part 5

Girl: Hi, are you doing anything special this week?
Boy: Yes, on Monday, my cousin will be fifteen and he’s having his party then. I bought him a
T-shirt as a present.
Girl: That’s a good way to start the week. What are you doing on Tuesday?
Boy: I’ve got to remember to take fifty-five pounds to school to pay for the weekend trip. Did
you get an email about that?
Girl: Yes. It’ll be great. Are you going to the city library on Wednesday? You did last week.
Boy: I don’t need to. I’ve got all the information I need for my project on dinosaurs, and I’m
going to do the rest of it at home on Wednesday.
Girl: Is Thursday busy?
Boy: Yes, Mrs Brown, who lives next door, wants me to do some work in her garden. I love
that! She grows lots of fruit and vegetables.
Girl: Oh, yes, you did some shopping for her once.
Boy: And on Friday, I’m going to cook supper for me and Mum. Dad’s playing tennis with
another neighbour, and then they’re going to a meeting or something.
Girl: Oh!

Test 6
1 How did Carrie hurt her leg?
Boy: Hi, Carrie. Are you OK?
Carrie: My leg hurts a bit, that’s all.
Boy: Oh, you were in the running race yesterday and you nearly fell, didn’t you?
Carrie: Yes, but actually I hurt my leg when I was coming down the stairs at home.
Boy: Ouch! I hurt mine quite badly when I fell off my bike when we went cycling together.
2 Which backpack has the boy bought?
Girl: Is that a new backpack?
Boy: Yes. Remember I was looking at some online with one big pocket on the outside?
Girl: Yes, and with a picture of a star.
Boy: Well, I saw this one in the market. It’s the same except it’s got two small pockets instead
of one big one.
Girl: Yeah. I might get one, too.
3 Where will Daisy have her birthday party?
Boy: Daisy, have you decided to have your birthday party in your garden like last year?
Daisy: Mum said I should have it at the sports club because I want to invite a lot of my friends.
Boy: But what about food? There isn’t a restaurant there.
Daisy: Exactly, so, actually, Mum’s agreed to do the same as last year.
4 Which job does Dylan’s dad do now?
Girl: I saw your dad at the hospital yesterday, Dylan. He was helping an old lady. Is he a
Dylan: He works at the hospital, but he drives an ambulance. He loves his job.
Girl: Has he always had that job?
Dylan: He was an office worker before. He did that for a long time, but he said it was boring.
5 What did they both do yesterday?
Boy: It was great at the beach yesterday, wasn’t it? Why didn’t you come sailing?
Girl: I didn’t have enough time. I had to be home by four o’clock. But I loved going surfing.
Boy: That was the best thing for me, too. Shall we play beach volleyball next time?
Girl: Yes, that’s one of my favourite sports!
Listening Part 2

Woman: Please listen because I want to tell you about the next class trip. We’re going to a
castle. You read about this one in Tedbury last week in your history lesson. Tell your parents
they need to pay for the trip this week. It’s five pounds sixty. That’s three pounds for the ticket
and the rest is for transport.
This trip’s on a Saturday. We don’t want you to miss a school day, like a Friday.
We’re going by bus. Please get to school by eight fifty at the latest because the bus will go at ten
past nine exactly.
You don’t need to bring paper or a pen, but you’ll need a camera. If you haven’t got one, you can
share with a friend.
While we’re there, we’re going to see a special exhibition. The one about cars has just finished
and now there’s one about clothes that’s called Modana. That’s M-O-D-A-N-A. It’s very
interesting to see what people wore hundreds of years ago.
Now, any questions … (fade)
Listening Part 3

Nadia: Hi, Tom. We start our new school next week.
Tom: Yes, how are you going to get there, Nadia?
Nadia: It’s not far, so I don’t need to take a bus. I’ll cycle because I’ll have too many heavy
books to walk there.
Tom: I’ve got my new uniform.
Nadia: Me too! My jacket’s fantastic!
Tom: The blue shirt’s best, I think. Not boring like the trousers!
Nadia: There are a lot of students in the new school.
Tom: The blue shirt’s best, I think. Not boring like the trousers!
Nadia: There are a lot of students in the new school.
Tom: I know the number exactly. Mum told me: one thousand and fifty-five. Our told school
only had around eight hundred.
Nadia: My first school only had about four hundred and seventy-five children.
Tom: Chemistry is a new subject for us.
Nadia: Yes, I don’t know if I’ll like it, but I love maths, so I think I will. Will we study
Tom: I’m not sure. We’ll find out on our first day.
Nadia: Oh yeah, we’ll talk to all our teachers before we go to our class. In the second week,
they’ll show us how to use the library. There’ll be a quiz about it.
Tom: Great!
Listening Part 4

16 You will hear a teacher talking about a trip. What has changed?
Man: Right. You know the museum trip’s next Friday and you have to be at school at eight
thirty because the bus departs at eight forty-five. The bus can’t leave any later because the traffic
will be bad. I’d asked you all for ten pounds, but our group tickets are cheaper, so you only have
to give me eight. OK?
17 You will hear two students talking about a problem. Where’s the boy’s phone?
Girl: Why didn’t you text me to say you’d be late?
Boy: Sorry, I couldn’t. I was secretly looking at my phone in chemistry, and Mrs Clements saw
me, and took it and put it in her drawer. I can’t have it back until lunchtime.
Girl: Are you going home for lunch?
Boy: Yes, because I’ve left my maths books in my brother’s backpack.
18 You will hear a boy talking about buying some boots. Why did he buy the boots?
Boy: I got some new boots at the weekend. They’re the same as the ones that singer Jason
Wright’s wearing in his latest video. How cool is that? The leather’s a bit hard and
uncomfortable, but Mum says it’ll get softer when I wear them. They only have them in gold or
brown. Mum made me have the brown ones!
19 You will hear a girl talking about playing tennis. How does she feel after playing?
Girl: You’ll never guess what happened during my tennis match! We played doubles and the
girl I was playing with never let me hit the ball. I’m so mad at her. I know I won’t be able to
sleep tonight because I’ll be thinking about what to say to her tomorrow. I don’t even want to
have supper now!
20 You will hear two friends talking about a new teacher. What do they like about the new
Girl: Have you seen our new music teacher, Mr Martinez?
Boy: He smiles a lot, which is great.
Girl: And always wants to help you. I think he looks like that guy who plays for Manchester
Boy: Really? I don’t think so. Mr Martinez says he didn’t always get good grades at school and
only became a teacher when he was forty.
Listening Part 5

Uncle: Are you reading that book for school, Jade?
Jade: Yes, it’s called The Delay. It’s about chemistry and there’s lots of good information I can
use for my school project.
Uncle: Oh, so it isn’t a story?
Jade: Not really, but the last book we read at school was. It was called Crunch and it was great.
I finished it too quickly – in an hour! I wanted to read it for days!
Uncle: Have you read any more good books?
Jade: Yes, our teacher gave us My Island. It really made me laugh a lot. I wasn’t bored reading
it at all.
Uncle: Didn’t you read Dangerous Animals?
Jade: Yes, it’s not scary! But it was difficult to read – there were lots of words I didn’t know.
Uncle: OK.
Jade: I also read The Invitation. I cried when I read that, especially the beginning bit.
Uncle: Did you finish it?
Jade: Yes, and I finished Skating Star last week.
Uncle: Was that good?
Jade: Yes, the first bit was best. But the rest was good, too. There was a short programme about
the writer on TV last week.
Uncle: Interesting.

Test 7
1 How will David travel?
Woman: Hi David. What a lot of luggage! Where are you going?
Man: I’m going on holiday.
Woman: Are you going to the airport?
Man: Well, we wanted to fly, but the flights were so expensive.
Woman: Hmm. The train can be too.
Man: But we found discount train tickets online. Even cheaper than the coach.
Woman: Have a good trip!
Now listen again.
2 What time will Roger see the dentist?
Roger: Hello. Can I make an appointment to see the dentist, please?
Receptionist: Let me see … There are times available next Friday. How about one o’clock?
Roger: I’ve got a working lunch then. Is there anything later? I can come after 3.00.
Receptionist: I’ve got one available at three, and one at half past three.
Roger: OK, I’ll take the later one, please.
Now listen again.
3 How much will Vera pay for her lunch?
Vera: Can I have my bill, please?
Man: You had the chicken, correct? That’s seven pounds fifty.
Vera: And chocolate cake. That’s three pounds, isn’t it? So that’s … ten pounds fifty pence.
Man: Today dessert is half price. So seven pounds fifty pence plus one pound fifty.
Vera: So nine. Here’s a ten-pound note.
Man: I’ll get your change.
Now listen again.
4 What will the friends do in the afternoon?
Man: Would you like to play tennis this afternoon?
Woman: Maybe. I was thinking of going to the indoor swimming pool.
Man: But the weather’s lovely!
Woman: What about the beach?
Man: But we can’t play tennis on the beach.
Woman: They say the weather will change, so let’s go to the beach before it’s too late.
Man: OK, we’ll keep tennis and the pool for another day.
Now listen again.
5 What pet will Janet have?
Mum: Janet wants a dog.
Dad: Not in this house. A cat, possibly, or a fish.
Mum: She can’t play with a fish. That’s why she wants a dog.
Dad: We can go on holiday and leave a fish alone.
Mum: You can leave cats too. I say a cat.
Dad: Fine. I still think a fish would be good. Just don’t ask me to look after the cat!
Now listen again.
Listening Part 2

Woman: Welcome to the library. You will all come here a lot, so there’s some important
information that you need to know.
First of all, the hours the library is open. During term time, the library is open 24 hours a day.
But outside term time, it’s open from half past eight in the morning until seven o’clock in the
Of course, you will want to take things out of the library. You can borrow different things, like
magazines, CDs, books. You can take up to ten different things out of the library, but only six
books at one time. But please be careful! If you return things late, you will have to pay a fine!
The cost is two pounds a day for each book and one pound a day for other things. Library cards
are free, but you need to fill in a form and give it in with a photo. If you lose your card, you can
get a new one, but it will cost five pounds.
Now listen again.
Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
Jane: Hi David. Have you got any plans for this evening? Some of us are thinking of going to
the cinema.
David: Hello Jane. That sounds great. What are you going to see?
Jane: Well, we haven’t decided yet. There’s a new action film out – a James Bond film. But
Robert’s coming and he isn’t a fan of action films.
David: What else is on?
Jane: Let me try and remember what I saw on the website. There was a romantic film – two
people fall in love, but one of them gets ill and dies young. It sounds good, but really sad.
David: No … I really don’t enjoy films like that at all. Are there any other choices?
Jane: There’s a comedy, and people say it’s very funny. And a cartoon for children.
David: Well what about the funny one? Everyone likes a laugh, don’t they?
Jane: OK, yeah, why not? Shall we pick you up on our way there? About eight?
David: That’s a plan!
Now listen again.
Listening Part 4

16 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about a meal at a restaurant. What did she eat?
Man: Did you enjoy your meal last night?
Woman: It was delicious.
Man: What did you have?
Woman: Well, it was a steak restaurant, but there were other things on the menu, too, like fish
and pasta.
Man: David told me he had the pasta.
Woman: Yes, but then he spent the whole meal looking at my fish!
Now listen again.
17 You will hear a man explaining why he was late for work. Why was he late?
Man: I’m sorry for being late. I couldn’t do anything about it. I woke up earlier than usual and
got my train OK. And the train was on time today for a change. But the road from the station was
blocked with traffic, so the bus took over an hour – usually it’s a ten-minute journey. The traffic
lights weren’t working.
Now listen again.
18 You will hear two friends talking about holidays. Where did Anita go?
Man: Did you have a nice holiday, Anita?
Anita: Fantastic, thanks.
Man: You went to New York, didn’t you?
Anita: We did. Not that it was planned!
Man: Oh.
Anita: You see, we had booked Florida, but we were offered a change at the last moment
because of the bad weather there. Los Angeles was also a possibility.
Man: Nice to have a choice!
Now listen again.
19 You will hear two friends talking about shopping. What do they need from the supermarket?
Woman: Please get some potatoes when you go out.
Man: We’ve got some. They’re in the cupboard with the other vegetables.
Woman: Oh. But there aren’t any carrots.
Man: Because we never eat them. We buy them and then we throw them out.
Woman: But I want to make carrot cake. I haven’t made it for months.
Man: OK. Onions?
Woman: We’re OK for onions.
Now listen again.
20 You will hear a man talking on the phone. Why can’t he come to the party?
Man: I’m sorry. I left work early so I could come, but it’s my mother. You met her when she
visited me, didn’t you? She’s had a fall and I want to check that she’s all right. I need to pay her
a visit, anyway. I was going to see her tomorrow after work, but I think I should go now.
Now listen again.
Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
Greta: Hello Anthony. Are you getting ready for your holiday?
Anthony: Yes, Greta. We’re very excited. We’ve got new boots this year and we’re going to try
and do about 16 kilometres a day!
Greta: Great.
Anthony: I talked to Julie earlier. She’s got her suncream and hat ready – it’s sun, sea and sand
for her holiday this year.
Greta: Yes, and she said I could use her tent. My sister and I are going to Scotland.
Anthony: Sleeping out in a field? That’s not for me. I hope the weather is nice for you.
Greta: Talking about holidays, you know John, my neighbour?
Anthony: Yes. Didn’t he go skiing last winter?
Greta: Yes, and he broke his leg. He said ‘never again!’ after that. He’s booked a tour of four
European capital cities – he showed me a long list of interesting places he’s going to visit.
Anthony: I thought he was going cycling with Jenny.
Greta: That was the plan, but not anymore. Jenny couldn’t go. She has to work all summer.
Anthony: She’ll be home alone, then because Ed will be away on his boat.

Test 8
1 What might Mark look like now?
Woman: Are you excited to see Mark? When was the last time you saw him?
Man: Four years ago, when he came here as an exchange student.
Woman: He must look different now. Is he still short with short blond hair?
Man: I don’t think so – he told me he’s grown it, and he’ll definitely be taller now!
Now listen again.
2 What will the woman probably study next year?
Man: Are you going to continue studying geography next year?
Woman: Well, it isn’t a main subject so I don’t have to. I never really enjoyed it, so I’d prefer to
do something else. Maths might be more useful if I study business at university. How about you?
Man: I’m not sure either, but I think I want to continue with history.
Now listen again.
3 What is David making for dinner?
Tina: What are you doing, David?
David: Oh, hi, Tina. I’ve just made dinner. It’ll be the last time we eat together before we go
home for the holidays. I hope you like burgers and chips.
Tina: Yes! It’s my favourite. I can make the salad if you like.
David: Thanks! And if Brian joins us, I’ll make an omelette – he doesn’t eat meat.
Now listen again.
4 What time does the exam begin?
Woman: I’m really worried about the exam, Max.
Max: Me, too. I was up all night studying. I can’t wait until three o’clock when it will be over.
Woman: Well, it’s only a half-hour speaking exam. I’m going to get there early, around two
o’clock so I can relax before it begins.
Max: Good idea. I’ll come with you.
Now listen again.
5 Where does the woman think she lost her purse?
Man: Did you find your purse?
Woman: No, unfortunately, and I had £20 in it and my college ID card.
Man: Where do you think you lost it?
Woman: I had it at the library – I remember because I paid for a late book. Then I paid for
tickets at the cinema. But it wasn’t in my bag when I tried to pay for milk at the supermarket.
Now listen again.
Listening 2
Jessica: My name’s Jessica Chapman and I’d like to tell you about a job I did a few months
ago. I worked as an online language teacher. I helped schoolchildren in China to learn English. I
talked to them online using special software for two hours every Monday and Wednesday. My
students were all young, eight to ten years old and about the same level. The groups I taught
were small: three to six students in each lesson.
I had an interactive whiteboard on my screen that I could write and draw on. The students could
see it on their screens, too. We played games, sang songs and had conversations.
I saw an advert for the job in January, and I applied immediately. A month later I got a reply, and
I started working in July. I want to be a teacher in the future and this job gave me lots of
experience. I really loved it, and I was sad when the job came to an end in September.
Now listen again.
Listening Part 3

John: How was Scotland, Laura? Did you visit any universities?
Laura: Yes, in Aberdeen, Dundee and St Andrews. The last one was in Edinburgh. We wanted
to visit Glasgow, too, but there wasn’t enough time.
John: Did you go alone?
Laura: No. I was going to go with my mum but my dad and brother came, too.
John: Where did you stay?
Laura: The hotels were either full or too expensive. Then we learned that visitors can rent
rooms in the universities. They were even cheaper than a guest house!
John: What did you think of the universities?
Laura: Well, most universities are in large cities and they all have interesting courses. But I
preferred St Andrews because it’s by the sea and the countryside around it is beautiful. It’s one
of the oldest universities in the world and Mum loved the buildings.
John: What about Edinburgh?
Laura: It’s a great city with lots of shops, cafes and museums, but it’s expensive to live there as
a student.
John: So have you decided where you want to go?
Laura: Not yet.
Now listen again.
Listening Part 4

16 You will hear a teacher talking to a student. What does he say about her work?
Mr Davies: Rosie, can I speak to you about your project?
Rosie: Oh no, Mr Davies! Was it very bad?
Mr Davies: No, not at all, it was good, better than your last project, but it could be even better.
The homework you gave me yesterday was excellent, so I want your next project to be as good
as your homework.
Rosie: All right, I’ll try.
Now listen again.
17 You will hear a man talking to his friend about a photograph. Who is the woman in the
Woman: So, who’s that woman in the photo?
Man: That’s Clara. She’s my father’s youngest sister, my aunt.
Woman: She’s very young!
Man: Yes, she she’s only ten years older than me. People usually think she’s my cousin.
Woman: How old was your dad when she was born?
Man: Sixteen, so really, she’s more like a sister to me than to him.
Now listen again.
18 You will hear a man talking to his friend about a jacket. Why did he buy it?
Woman: Hi Peter. Did you go shopping today?
Peter: Yes, and I bought a jacket.
Woman: Another one?! Can I see it?
Peter: Yes, look. It’s for football practice during the winter.
Woman: Oh, it’s great! You could wear it every day, too. Sports clothes are in fashion now.
Peter: Yes, I could, but I have to dress more smartly when I’m at work.
Now listen again.
19 You will hear a mother talking to her son. Why is she unhappy?
Woman: Where have you been, Karl?
Karl: I went to the supermarket for some milk. Dad asked me to get some this morning.
Woman: OK, but next time take your boots off when you come in. Look at the floor! I’ll need to
clean it again!
Karl: Oh, sorry, Mum!
Now listen again.
20 You will hear two friends talking about their day. What did they do first?
Woman: What a busy day! I’m so tired! It was fun, though, and it’s nice to end the day here.
Man: I enjoyed it, too. The museum was really interesting.
Woman: Yes, it was, but I’m glad we went there before going shopping.
Man: And now I want something to eat. I’m hungry!
Now listen again.
Listening Part 5

Sally: What are you doing, James?
James: Hey, Sally. I’m looking through these old documents before I throw them away.
They’ve been in this cupboard for years.
Sally: I’ll help you. … Oh look! This is Dad’s. Remember that year when we arrived at the
airport and he couldn’t find it because he’d left it at home?
James: (laughs) Yes, and we nearly missed our flight…. Is that an old notebook?
Sally: No… Oh, it’s full of Jane’s writing. It’s her diary, the one she had years ago. She wanted
to write in it – her feelings, the things that happened every day. But in the end, she just wrote
what she had for dinner!
James: Well, she’s always been interested in food, like Mum.
Sally: And talking of Mum, look at this! James: It’s from that old restaurant … (remembering
name) La Strada. She and Dad went there a lot before it closed. I guess she kept it as a souvenir.
And hey! Look at this old photo of Granny!
Sally: Why is her licence here?
James: Well, she hasn’t got a car anymore. Anyway, it’s very, very old.
Sally: Let’s keep it. I want the photo for my photo album.
James: What’s in that envelope next to the box with the postcards?
Sally: Er … let’s see … it’s old bills for electricity and water and things like that.
James: They’re Grandpa’s. He never throws anything away.
Sally: And that? Another diary?
James: I don’t think so. It says ‘George Barron’ on the cover, and this is George’s writing:
‘French Vocabulary’! He wasn’t very good at French, was he?

Test 9
1 What time is Margaret’s train?
Man: Hi Margaret. What time’s your train? The eight o’clock one?
Margaret: I wish it was! That one was full.
Man: But there isn’t another one until nine fifteen. Isn’t that too late?
Margaret: Yes. They’ve put on an extra train at quarter to nine because of the holiday, and I’m
getting that.
Man: So there’s one before nine fifteen.
Margaret: Yes.
Now listen again.
2 What will Mary bring to the party?
Man: Hi Mary. What are you bringing to the party?
Mary: I thought I’d bring some pizza.
Man: Isn’t Henry bringing pizza?
Mary: No, he’s bringing cake. And I hope it’s a chocolate cake!
Man: Who’s bringing the balloons?
Mary: Balloons? That’s your job. Didn’t you read the email?
Man: No, my computer is broken. OK, so I’m bringing balloons.
Now listen again.
3 What will Roberta do this afternoon?
Man: Hey, Roberta, please don’t forget to buy sugar when you go shopping.
Roberta: I haven’t got time to go shopping today.
Man: But you always go on Fridays. And these books need to go back to the library.
Roberta: I’m having my hair cut and it’s going to take hours. You’ll have to go to the
supermarket and the library.
Now listen again.
4 What will the friends eat for dinner?
Man: What about dinner?
Woman: How about going out for fish and chips?
Man: Great idea, but have we got time? The film starts at eight. Maybe we should just have a
Woman: Or soup? There’s some in the fridge from yesterday.
Man: There isn’t enough for two. Look, it’ll only take a minute to get the bread and cheese out.
Then we won’t miss the film.
Woman: OK.
Now listen again.
5 What job does Kevin’s son have?
Woman: How’s the family, Kevin?
Kevin: Very well. Adam, my son, has a new job.
Woman: Oh, he’s not a cook anymore?
Kevin: Well, actually, he is. He went for a job as a shop assistant at the supermarket, but they
also needed cooks for the hot food they sell.
Woman: Doesn’t your wife work at the supermarket, too?
Kevin: Yes, but she’s in the office.
Now listen again.
Listening Part 2

Woman: Now I’m going to give you some information about university flats. The first type is
the cheapest. There are ten students in each flat. A room costs £95 per week. Each term is a
different number of weeks. The first term is longer than the others. It’s 13 weeks, so it’s more
expensive: one thousand two hundred and thirty-five pounds.
The second term costs nine hundred and fifty pounds, and the final term costs one thousand and
forty-five pounds. The second type of flat is £110 a week and you share with three other
students. In the first term, flats are available from the fifteenth of September until the twentieth
of December. You can’t stay in the flats during the university holidays, but you can move back
in on the fourth of January for the second term.
We have quiet time at night in student flats from Monday to Thursday between ten o’clock at
night and half past six in the morning so students can study and sleep.
Listening Part 3

Linda: So, Peter, who are you going camping with?
Peter: Well, Dave from work can’t make it, so Tom, Mike and Jon – you know them, old
school friends. I’ll do a trip with colleagues another time.
Linda: How long are you going for?
Peter: It was going to be three nights – Thursday, Friday, Saturday, but now Jon and Mike have
to be back by Saturday afternoon. It’s not a bad thing because I also want to do some things
around the house. I really need to do some cleaning, and I’m thinking of painting the bathroom.
Linda: Oh. You’re not all in one tent, are you?
Peter: It’s a four-man tent with two sleeping sections, and each is big enough for two people.
Linda: What you are doing for food?
Peter: We don’t want to spend all our time cooking, and we don’t want to take lots of food. So
we’re planning to eat in cafes and restaurants. We’ll take some milk and cereal with us for
breakfast. That way we don’t have to pay for three meals a day.
Now listen again
Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
16 You will hear a woman shopping for shoes. Which pair of shoes does she buy?
Woman: Have you got these brown shoes in size 7?
Man: Only in 6 ½ and 7 ½, I’m afraid. These green ones are similar and we’ve got them in all
Woman: What about these black ones?
Man: We’ve got those in all sizes, too.
Woman: Black it is. Green shoes don’t go with my clothes and the brown ones aren’t the right
Now listen again.
17 You will hear a woman describing something she lost. What did she lose?
Man: Can you describe it, please?
Woman: It’s brown leather. New, expensive!
Man: What was in it?
Woman: I had my purse in my coat pocket, so no money luckily.
Man: What about keys?
Woman: Yes! Keys! I can’t open my suitcase because the keys are in my handbag.
Man: Anything else?
Woman: My mobile phone. My passport is in the suitcase, so it’s OK.
Now listen again.
18 You will hear two friends talking. What is Paul going to make?
Woman: Are you making a cake for the party, Paul?
Paul: I’ve already made it! I’m just having a quick lunch.
Woman: Oh. That sounds like a good idea. Anything for me?
Paul: I thought you didn’t like omelettes!
Woman: Why not fry the eggs?
Paul: I’ve mixed them up already!
Now listen again.
19 You will hear a man talking about his holiday to his friend. What animal did he ride?
Woman: What was it like?
Man: Fantastic! You’re high up, so it’s scary!
Woman: Are they friendly?
Man: Not really, and they smell! But they’re so strong.
Woman: They have to be – to live in those hot dry places.
Man: I’ve been on an elephant before, but it wasn’t as difficult as the camel.
Woman: I think I’ll keep to horses!
Now listen again.
20 You will hear a woman talking to her friend. Why is she upset?
Woman: …Then the car wouldn’t start, so I called a taxi to Jean’s house. And it was late at
Man: Oh no! Of course you’re upset. And you went all that way! I’m sure it was very
Woman: I’ve been having problems with my car, so I wasn’t surprised. The taxi driver was
helpful with my luggage, but Jean was out and I had to wait in the rain!
Now listen again.
Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
Fiona: Let’s all go to the activity centre, John. There’ll be something to do for everyone.
John: Good idea, Fiona. They’ve got golf for me, and there’s a pool. That’ll keep Billy happy.
What about you? There’s tennis.
Fiona: My leg still isn’t right. I think tennis is a bit much for me, but Fred wants to try it again.
He didn’t like badminton the first time he tried that. I’ll take some time out and just watch him –
give him some advice.
John: Keith will definitely want to try out his new boots to see if they can help him score more
goals. What do you think Shona will want to do? Table tennis?
Fiona: Er, she got upset when she lost her bat. So maybe not. Swimming with Billy?
John: I think they need a break from each other. What about badminton with those other
Fiona: That will probably be all right. She always wants to do something different from
everybody else. But horse-riding is out! Do you remember what happened the last time?

Test 10
1 Who is Jenny’s brother?
Man: I hear your brother got the job, Jenny.
Jenny: Yes. It’s only part-time because he’s still at school.
Man: Let’s go and order some coffee from him after basketball practice!
Jenny: Good idea! And after that, we can go to the shoe shop on the corner. I need some smart
shoes for my new job.
Now listen again.
2 What will they have for dinner?
Woman: You aren’t making sandwiches again for dinner, are you? We need to eat better than
Man: I know, but I’m a terrible cook!
Woman: Well, there’s some fish in the fridge, we’ve got beans and potatoes …
Man: Oh, and here’s a tin of tomato soup.
Woman: No, I’m going to cook us a meal, and we can have the soup tomorrow.
Man: Great.
Now listen again.
3 Where is Carla’s tent?
Man: Have you put your tent up yet, Carla?
Carla: Yes! It’s a really beautiful campsite.
Man: It is. My tent is next to Max’s. We’re over there, by the river so we can go fishing early in
the morning.
Carla: Lucky you! I couldn’t find any spaces there or under the trees, so I’m next to Emma by
the lake.
Now listen again.
4 What is Louis writing to his friend?
Mel: You look busy, Louis. Are you writing a letter to your grandparents?
Louis: Oh, hi, Mel! No, nothing like that. I’m just writing to a friend in Singapore.
Mel: Isn’t it easier to email him?
Louis: Yes, but I found this cool magazine and I know he’ll like it. This is just a note to put in
the envelope when I send it.
Now listen again.
5 What did Tom forget to bring to his last exam?
Girl: Are you ready for the exam, Tom? I hope you’ve remembered to bring your pen. Not like
the last exam!
Tom: Don’t worry. Here it is, and I’ve also got a ruler and a pencil. I’ve left my calculator in
my bag.
Girl: So did I. What a pity we can’t use one for this exam!
Now listen again.
Listening Part 2

Man: Thomas Alva Edison was a famous American inventor. He was born on 11th February,
1847, the seventh child of Samuel and Nancy Edison.
Thomas wasn’t a good student and he left school after only a few months. But he was interested
in science and technology from an early age, and he spent hours reading scientific books and
making things.
He moved to New York City in 1869, and he soon made a lot of money from his inventions –
In 1871, he married Mary Stilwell, and in 1876, he opened a laboratory in a village called Menlo
Park. A lot of people worked for him and helped him with his inventions. His first great
invention there was the phonograph, a machine that could record and play sound. He also
invented an electric light bulb that people could use at home. His inventions made him very rich.
His wife died in 1884, but he married again in 1886. He and his second wife moved to West
Orange, in New Jersey. There, Edison built another big laboratory and factories. He worked
there until he died on the 18 October 1931.
Now listen again.
Listening Part 3

Emma: Hi Fabio. Did you go to the college fashion show last week?
Fabio: Hi, Emma! Yes, I did! Did you?
Emma: Yes, I went with some friends, but I didn’t see you there. Did you go alone?
Fabio: I was going to go with a friend from college, but he was busy, so I went with my cousin
Anna. She’s studying fashion design at university.
Emma: When did you go? We were there on Sunday.
Fabio: We actually went twice, once on Friday afternoon and then again on Saturday for the
costume show.
Emma: I missed that one. The children’s fashion show was interesting, but I didn’t like the
sports clothes one. My friend Melissa didn’t like it, either. She said it was boring.
Fabio: That was Anna’s opinion, too, but I thought all the shows were brilliant.
Emma: There’s another exhibition next month: Beautiful Plastic. I’m making some earrings and
a necklace for it, but people are also making bags, shoes, even clothes. All from plastic.
Fabio: That sounds interesting. I’ll be there!
Now listen again.
Listening Part 4

16 You will hear two friends talking about an accident. What did Matt break?
Woman: Hey, Matt! What happened to you?!
Matt: I had a silly accident in the park. I wanted to show my little sister how to play rugby. I
was running with the ball when a dog ran in front of me. I fell over him, he bit my leg, I crashed
into a tree, banged my head, and broke my arm.
Woman: How terrible!
Matt: Actually, it was funny. As I said, it was a silly accident.
Now listen again.
17 You will hear two people talking about some keys. Where did the man leave them?
Woman: Come on, Mark. We’re going to be late!
Mark: I can’t find the car keys. They aren’t in the hall.
Woman: Have you looked under the sofa? You took your coat off in here last night. Maybe they
fell out of your pocket.
Mark: I’ll look now.
Woman: Oh, don’t bother. Here they are, next to the fridge. You probably put them here when
you got the milk out for breakfast.
Now listen again.
18 You will hear two friends talking in a restaurant. What does the woman decide to eat?
Man: I haven’t been to this restaurant before. It looks nice. What are you going to have?
Woman: I’m not sure. Maybe a salad.
Man: I’m too hungry for a salad, but the pizzas look amazing!
Woman: Yes, they do, and the cheeseburgers look delicious, but I think I’ll go with my first
idea. I’d like a glass of lemonade, too.
Now listen again.
19 You will hear a man talking to a friend about his grandparents. What are they doing this
Woman: So, what are you doing this weekend?
Man: Visiting my grandparents. They’re having a party.
Woman: That’s nice. Is it someone’s birthday?
Man: No, Grandad was 72 in October. This is to meet their new neighbours. They moved to a
new house last weekend.
Woman: Did you help them move?
Man: Yes, and my brother and sister helped too.
Now listen again.
20 You will hear a woman talking to a friend about going to the airport. How will she get
Woman: My flight is at eight, but the first bus comes at six. It takes more than an hour, so that’s
too late…. I’d love to book one, but it’s expensive, and anyway, there will be a lot of traffic on
the road at that hour…. Yes, you’re right. I’ll ask Dad to drive me to the railway station. He
won’t be happy, though.
Now listen again.
Listening Part 5

Max: What time is everyone arriving for the barbecue, Ellie?
Ellie: I told them to come around 2 p.m. I’ve made meat burgers, and there are vegetable
burgers, too, for the vegetarians.
Max: Good idea.
Ellie: George is bringing ice cream and cakes. We all like to eat something sweet after lunch.
Max: I can bring a few melons from the market. It’s good to have a healthy option.

Ellie: Thanks, Max, but you don’t need to buy any fruit. Jack says he’ll bring some strawberries
from his mum’s garden. But perhaps you can make some lemonade – with real lemons. We can
put it on ice so it’s nice and cold. Oh, and maybe some orange juice, too?
Max: No problem! I’ll do that. What about Sophie?
Ellie: She said she can bring a curry or some salads. I love curry, but on a hot day people prefer
something nice and cool!
Max: OK, so what’s Oscar bringing?
Ellie: Nothing, but he’s going to cook the burgers on the barbecue.
Max: We should also have some sausages. Everyone loves them.
Ellie: OK. I’ll ask Oscar to bring some.
Now listen again.

Test 11
1 What will they buy Timmy for his birthday?
Man: Timmy’s birthday is next week! Shall we get him those football boots he wants?
Woman: He’s also asking for jeans … and a shirt.
Man: He can’t have everything! What about asking your parents to give him the boots?
Woman: OK, so we could get the jeans and a shirt.
Man: Just the jeans. There’re quite expensive. He can wait for the shirt.
Woman: OK.
Now listen again.
2 What time will they meet?
Ted: Would you like to meet for a coffee later?
Ella: OK. What about eleven?
Ted: Eleven? My doctor’s appointment is at ten. That should take about thirty minutes.
Ella: Well, if you come out at half past ten, you’ve got half an hour to get to the cafe.
Ted: OK, that should be fine.
Ella: Great. See you then. Usual place.
Now listen again.
3 Where will they go skiing?
Man: … France has lots of places for skiing
Woman: France? Again! We were there last year. What about a change. Italy? Or Poland? I
hear that’s cheap.
Man: But France has the best skiing. And I want to use my French.
Woman: If you let me choose the hotel, then OK. If not, then I say Italy.
Man: Agreed. You can choose where we stay.
Now listen again.
4 How will the friends travel?
Man: Shall we get a taxi?
Woman: The last time I tried that I waited for half an hour.
Man: Let’s take the car then.
Woman: It’s difficult to park in town. Let’s jump on a bus.
Man: But there aren’t many around at this time of day.
Woman: So what about driving after all? We just have to hope we find a space.
Man: Fine.
Now listen again.
5 How much will the woman pay for the bicycle?
Woman: How much do you want for the bicycle?
Man: Fifty pounds.
Woman: I’m sorry, that’s too expensive. Will you take forty?
Man: I won’t sell it if I can’t get fifty pounds for it.
Woman: I can’t afford fifty. Forty-five pounds is my last offer.
Man: That’s no good.
Woman: OK, you win! But forty-five pounds would be fairer. Now give me the bike.
Now listen again.
Listening Part 2

Woman: Thanks for coming today and showing interest in the skiing trip. Now, I’m going to give
you some details. This year we’re going to Italy.
The trip starts on the second of January and lasts for ten days, so we’ll be away until the twelfth
of January. I’m pleased to say that this year trip will be a bit less expensive than last year, when
it was £775. The price has come down £45 to £730, and that’s because the hotel is cheaper.
That price includes breakfast, the evening meal, the cost of renting skis and ski clothes, and the
ski lifts. But you’ll need to pay for your own lunch. That’s not included, and drinks aren’t, either.
There are lessons every morning. The cost is included in the price of the holiday. If you’re a
beginner, I strongly advise you to take these lessons so that you learn good skiing techniques.
Right, are there any questions?
Now listen again.
Listening Part 3

Elizabeth: Hi Nigel. How’s your course?
Nigel: OK, I think. It’s harder than I expected but I’ve got some friends who are doing the same
course. I’m glad because we help each other study. But there’s no spare time left for my other
friends! My best friends are doing other courses.
Elizabeth: Jenny does Business too, doesn’t she?
Nigel: Yes. we’re working on a project together. But it’s only us and Pete at the moment. We
need another person in our group.
Elizabeth: What do you have to do in the project?
Nigel: We have to start a company and make money!
Elizabeth: Doing what?
Nigel: We still haven’t decided. I’m interested in selling something, maybe through the student
Elizabeth: What sort of thing?
Nigel: Maybe something students use, like pens, notebooks, bags. Jenny’s talking about food or
drink, but I’m not interested.
Elizabeth: Maybe you should think about it for a few days. You might have clearer ideas then.
Selling things to students is hard – they don’t have much money, so it must be something that
they really want!
Now listen again.
Listening Part 4

16 You will hear a woman talking to a friend about an experience. Where did she go?
Woman: It was fantastic! Really! And the story was so exciting. We were close to the stage so
we had a great view. The costumes were amazing. I’ve never been to one before. It’s quite hard
to follow what’s going on because there’s only singing, so you have to pay attention.
Now listen again.
17 You will hear a man and a woman talking. Where has the man been?
Woman: Oh, you’re back. Did you have a good time?
Man: Well, Barney fell into the water and got wet, so then he wanted to come home.
Woman: Is he OK? How did that happen?
Man: He wasn’t careful! I told him he was too close to the water. And we didn’t catch anything
Woman: Oh, that’s a pity.
Now listen again.
18 What will they have for breakfast?
Woman: Do you want some cereal for breakfast?
Man: Cereal? We need something to keep us going all day. We can’t stop for lunch. What about
some eggs, toast and mushrooms?
Woman: Eggs, then, with toast. Mushrooms take too long, and we need to leave soon.
Man: OK, but I’m having a big cooked breakfast tomorrow with eggs, mushrooms, toast and
Now listen again.
19 You will hear two friends talking. What did Karen want to buy?
Man: Did you get everything you wanted, Karen?
Karen: Nearly. I couldn’t find a blouse I liked. I tried on one or two.
Man: Did you try that shop we saw yesterday? Next to the book shop?
Karen: Yes, I did, but they didn’t have anything I liked. So I bought a book instead. Then we
had a nice lunch – bread and soup.
Man: Good.
Now listen again.
20 You will hear two friends talking. What new piece of furniture has David got?
Woman: Oh, that’s nice, David.
David: Do you like it?
Woman: It goes really well in this room.
David: Well, it’ll be useful when I invite lots of people to my new flat. We can all sit down
Woman: You can have dinner parties!
David: It’s big enough for six people. I just need more chairs now.
Now listen again.
Listening Part 5

Paul: Have you got a job for the summer, Donna?
Donna: Yes, I’m going to work for my parents, serving customers. I’ll probably also have to
help with the washing-up in the kitchen.
Paul: That’ll keep you busy!
Donna: Yes, but it’ll be fun.
Paul: What about Clare and Kevin? Have they got jobs?
Donna: Clare’s doing her usual job in the countryside – picking fruit and looking after the
animals. And Kevin’s going to work at his uncle’s hotel.
Paul: Again? I wouldn’t like to tidy people’s rooms and empty their bins! Poor Kevin! Donna:
What about you, Paul?
Paul: I’m back at the language school this summer. We’ve got some French teenagers arriving
on Saturday for an English course.
Donna: Do you know what the others are doing? Tony and Katherine?
Paul: Tony’s going to Rome for the summer. His parents have got a small hotel there.
Donna: So he’ll be working as a receptionist?
Paul: He usually does. But this year he’s going to show tourists around the sights of Rome. You
know how he loves talking! And Katherine will be at her local newspaper again, writing articles.
What a great job!

Test 12
1 Where were the sunglasses the last time Mark saw them?
Woman: Mark, have you seen my sunglasses?
Mark: You had them on Saturday at the beach. They were in your backpack.
Woman: I’ve looked. They aren’t there.
Mark: What about on your desk? You often put things there.
Woman: Good idea. I’ll look now.
Mark: Oh, and look on the bookcase, too. Maybe you put them there with your keys.
Now listen again.
2 Where did the man see the ad for the concert?
Man: Hey, Sandy, are you going to the concert in the park this year?
Sandy: I haven’t heard anything about a concert!
Man: That’s strange. Tina usually puts ads about local events on the noticeboard.
Sandy: I’d love to go. Where can we get tickets?
Man: The ad in the newspaper this morning said we can get them online.
Sandy: Great. I can’t wait.
Now listen again.
3 Who is Simon?
Woman: Thanks for coming to the party, David.
David: It’s nice to be here!
Woman: Come and meet my brother Simon. He’s over there.
David: Is he the guy with the dark hair and the blue jacket?
Woman: No, that’s my cousin Max. My brother is the one with the dark hair and shirt talking to
the tall man with the glasses.
David: I’ll go and say hi.
Now listen again.
4 What job does the woman want help with?
Man: Tanya, do you need any help? I can wash the dirty dishes for you.
Tanya: Don’t worry. I’ve already put them in the dishwasher.
Man: How about if I cut up those vegetables next to the cooker?
Tanya: Ah, great, that would be a big help. Thank you! And the kids can put away the dishes
when they come out of the dishwasher.
Now listen again.
5 When might the next bus arrive?
Woman: Excuse me, what time is the next bus?
Man: It usually comes at twenty-five past three, but the buses are running about twenty minutes
late today.
Woman: Really? So it will be here at quarter to four … I need to be at the dentist at four.
Man: Maybe you should take a taxi.
Woman: I will. It takes about half an hour to get to the dentist by bus.
Now listen again.
Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
Woman: Welcome aboard! Before we begin our tour, let me tell you a few things about this
beautiful city. Venice is built on a number of islands in the Adriatic Sea. No one knows the exact
number, but we think there are 118. Between the islands there are 150 canals.
Today we are going to travel along the Grand Canal, the city’s busiest canal. It’s also the longest:
almost four kilometres long! You won’t see any cars, of course, but there will be lots of different
boats. We will pass under four bridges, but there are many more in the city. Venice has 391
bridges, and most of them are very beautiful. You should try and see some of them while you are
Our boat trip today will take about thirty minutes. We will go past many of the city’s famous
churches, museums and palaces. We will even go past the fish market!
Now, please be seated and we will begin our tour … [fade]
Now listen again.
Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
Robin: Where are you going to live while you are at university, Lisa? I’m not sure.
Lisa: It isn’t easy, is it, Robin? A secretary I spoke to told me about some university flats, but
I’d also like to look online and visit some other places.
Robin: What does the university offer?
Lisa: There are 20 flats in an apartment building in the city centre. Four students share a flat.
But I’m not sure about it. It’s nine kilometres from the university. And what if I don’t like the
other students in the flat?
Robin: What else is there?
Lisa: Two buildings near the university: Howard House and Morgan House. Howard House is
more expensive, but there’s a canteen, and the price includes meals. Morgan House is cheaper,
but you only pay for your room.
Robin: So there’s no canteen in Morgan House?
Lisa: That’s right. But on each floor, there’s a kitchen and four bathrooms – oh, and there are
25 students on each floor.
Robin: So which one do you think is better: Howard House or Morgan House?
Lisa: Well, they sound good, but I want to see them and meet the students who live there.
Robin: Right, because what do you do if you don’t like them!
Lisa: That could be a problem …
Now listen again.
Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
16 You will hear two friends talking about the weather. What is the weather going to be like
Man: Do you think it will be warmer tomorrow? I’m so tired of all this rain.
Woman: Yes, I know. I can’t wait until summer. It doesn’t look sunny on the weather app, and
the wind will be quite strong. And it’s going to be rainy again at the weekend.
Man: Oh well, at least it won’t be wet tomorrow!
Now listen again.
17 You will hear a man talking to a friend on the phone. Why is he angry?
Man: You won’t believe it! You know the suit I wore to the meeting last week? I took it to the
dry cleaner’s and they said they could clean it in an hour, so I went to a cafe to wait. When I
returned, I paid and came home. But when I looked carefully at the suit, it was still dirty! I paid a
lot of money for nothing!
Now listen again.
18 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about work. Why is she unhappy?
Man: Do you have any holidays planned, Michelle?
Michelle: No, unfortunately. I have to work on Saturday and Sunday twice this month, and I’m
not pleased about that.
Man: So, how many hours a week are you working now?
Michelle: About 20 hours, but I also work a couple of evenings in the week.
Now listen again.
19 You will hear a man talking to his friend about where he lives. What does he say about it?
Woman: Where do you live now, Chris?
Chris: On the other side of town. I share a house with two other people.
Woman: Do you like it there?
Chris: Yes and no. I need thirty minutes to cycle here in the morning – the traffic is terrible.
Woman: So why did you move far from work?
Chris: The city centre was too noisy for me.
Now listen again.
20 You will hear two friends talking about a sports centre. Which sport is the woman going to
Man: So, are you going to become a member of the sports centre?
Woman: Yes. Actually, I joined last week. I was quite good at football at school, and I’d love to
play with the local team here. But maybe I’ll try another ball game, too.
Man: How about volleyball or tennis?
Woman: I’ve never tried them, but I’ll think about it.
Now listen again.
Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
Evie: When are you going home, Charlie?
Charlie: Tomorrow, and I’ve bought everyone a gift. Look!
Evie: Who are these for?
Charlie: Granny. Her hands get cold in the winter, and these will keep them nice and warm.
Evie: Is the scarf for her, too?
Charlie: No, that’s for Grandad. I also got him this – he needs a new one. He lost his wallet last
Evie: Nice … What did you get your mum?
Charlie: I bought her these earrings … and this bracelet.
Evie: Oh, Charlie, they’re beautiful!
Charlie: They’re a special gift because it’s her birthday tomorrow.
Evie: What about your dad?
Charlie: I got him this. Everyone else in my family listens to music on their phones, but not
Dad. He’ll also enjoy listening to the news on it in the mornings.
Evie: And your brother?
Charlie: Oh, he’s football mad. I was going to get him a football shirt, but then I saw this. It’s a
history of his team and there are some great photos in it.
Evie: What about your sister?
Charlie: This. It’s bigger than her school bag and she can put all her books and lots of things in
Evie: I love the colours.

Test 13
1 What time will the man pick up the woman?
Man: What time shall I pick you up?
Woman: I’ve got a late meeting. I won’t be finished until six o’clock.
Man: Six? I’ll have to wait for half an hour. Can’t you leave earlier? At five thirty?
Woman: I could probably leave at quarter to six. Can you wait for 15 minutes?
Man: OK. I might not be there by five thirty, anyway.
Now listen again.
2 Where will they meet?
Man: Where do you want to meet, Anne?
Woman: How about outside the cinema?
Man: But the weather’s terrible. Let’s meet inside somewhere. I might be late.
Woman: OK, what about the shopping centre next door? You can park the car in the car park
Man: Good idea.
Woman: OK, then. Just inside the main entrance.
Now listen again.
3 What sort of holiday will they go on?
Man: We could go to the beach for a few days.
Woman: Or something a bit different. Helen was telling me about her cycling holiday.
Man: Cycling? I cycle quite a lot at home.
Woman: Or sailing. I saw an advertisement for a sailing holiday in Turkey.
Man: You know I don’t like boats. I prefer bikes to boats.
Woman: OK, let’s do that, then.
Now listen again.
4 What musical instrument will she learn to play?
Woman: I think I’m going to learn the piano.
Man: You can practise on mine. But it’s a bit old.
Woman: Thanks!
Man: I’ve got a guitar too, if you want to use it.
Woman: A guitar? I tried that, but I wasn’t very good. I also tried the violin.
Man: I love the violin. Why don’t you try again?
Woman: I want something easier.
Now listen again.
5 What date is the man :S appointment with the dentist?
Woman: Can you come on the fourteenth?
Man: Yes, but only after two o’clock.
Woman: Oh dear. How about the next day?
Man: The fifteenth? I’m free in the morning. But the day after that, I’m free all day.
Woman: All day?
Man: Yes.
Woman: How about eleven o’clock in the morning?
Man: Perfect.
Now listen again.
Listening Part 2

Woman: Welcome to the University Language Centre. I’d like to give you some basic
information about our evening language classes.
We offer evening classes in English, Italian, French, Russian and Spanish. Classes are in the
afternoons or evenings, and they start in the first week of October. Courses are six weeks long,
so they end in the middle of November. The English courses are free, but the other language
courses cost £80. If you want to learn more than one language, you get a 20% discount, so your
second course will cost you just £64.
There are courses for beginners as well as for more advanced students. Most courses have
lessons three times a week, but English courses have four lessons a week, so 24 lessons in total.
You don’t need to buy any books, but we suggest that all students should bring a notebook and a
pen or pencil to classes. Now, any questions?
Now listen again.
Listening Part 3

Debbie: Hi Paul. How’s your new job?
Paul: Hi Debbie. Really good. My new colleagues are fun to work with.
Debbie: Do you miss your old colleagues?
Paul: Well, that was the problem with my old job. I almost never saw anyone else.
Debbie: I expect it’s a big change. What are you doing now?
Paul: I’m in the office. When customers come in, I give them some documents to complete,
check their driving licence, answer any questions, take their money, and give them the keys for
the car they’re renting.
Debbie: Is it a difficult job?
Paul: No, the job is simple. But when there are a lot of customers and people have to wait for
their car, they can get angry.
Debbie: How many people work there?
Paul: There are six of us in the office. Then there are nine people who work outside, getting the
cars ready, making sure they’ve got petrol, showing customers how things work, …
Debbie: It sounds better than your last job.
Paul: It is. I don’t make as much money now, but that’s because I’m new. But soon I’ll be
earning more than I was.
Now listen again.
Listening Part 4

16 You will hear a woman talking about her day. Where did she go?
Woman: I had a lovely afternoon on my own. You know what it’s like – on a weekday there’s
almost no one else there. I spent a long time just sitting and looking at one old painting. It was so
quiet! I wrote my name in the visitors· book and said how much I enjoyed it.
Now listen again.
17 You will hear a man talking. What has he lost?
Man: I can’t believe it! I parked my car late last night in the rain and I didn’t notice the name of
the street. I couldn’t find it today until I had looked for it for 30 minutes! Then my money and
my keys were missing. My money was in my coat pocket, but I don’t know about my keys.
Now listen again.
18 You will hear two friends talking. What will they do this afternoon?
Woman: Would you like to watch the football game?
Man: We could, but everyone knows who will win. What about a game of tennis?
Woman: But it looks like rain! I’d like to watch the game.
Man: Or we could watch that film we were talking about?
Woman: If you agree to the football, we can watch the film another time.
Man: OK, then.
Now listen again.
19 You will hear two friends talking. What will they have for dinner?
Man: Shall we get a pizza?
Woman: Didn’t we have one a few nights ago?
Man: Or fish and chips?
Woman: The fish and chip shop is closed on Tuesdays. We haven’t had a curry for a long time.
Man: I don’t like hot food. We have pizza often because we like it.
Woman: All right, but it’s curry or fish and chips the next time!
Now listen again.
20 You will hear a man talking in a shop. What is he looking at?
Woman: Can I help you sir?
Man: Yes, I’m interested in this. The sound is good, but do you have one with a bigger screen?
Woman: The bigger ones are over here.
Man: I like that one. That would be good for watching things on.
Woman: Yes, it’s a popular model. And it has more memory than the one here.
Now listen again.
Listening Part 5
Dean: It’s Sunday already! Let’s plan our last week.
Kylie: Well, we can go to the museum tomorrow.
Dean: Yes, and on Tuesday we could do something for the children. They’d love to see all the
baby animals, especially the elephants.
Kylie: Good idea. And they want to visit Aqualand too.
Dean: Let’s keep that for Saturday.
Kylie: So what about looking around the old town on Wednesday? We can join a group and
there will be someone to show us around and tell us about the history of the place.
Dean: Yeah, OK. And I really want to go shopping.
Kylie: OK, but let’s look around before we buy anything.
Dean: Good idea. Well, on Thursday, we could go on a boat trip, or visit the palace or go to the
fish market.
Kylie: We can’t do all those things, but I’d love to look at all the seafood for sale.
Dean: Yes, that would be fun.
Kylie: And then on Friday we can buy gifts for the neighbours … and I saw some lovely
Dean: And the kids can go swimming on Saturday.
Kylie: Done!
Now listen again.

Test 14
1 How long will they park for?
Woman: Parking costs one pound for thirty minutes. Shall we pay for two hours?
Man: Let’s say an hour.
Woman: We’re getting you a suit. That takes a long time. We need two hours at least.
Man: I’ll be finished in half an hour. Then another half an hour for the other things. We’ll be
back in an hour.
Woman: OK.
Now listen again.
2 What else will they have in their picnic
Woman: Right … So, chicken and potato salad. What else shall we take on our picnic? Fruit?
Man: We always have fruit. What about something nice, like cake?
Woman: Cake! We had cake yesterday. I can’t eat more cake.
Man: OK, OK, you’re right. Sandwiches will fill me up. If I just have fruit, I’ll be hungry later.
Woman: All right.
Now listen again.
3 What will they take to hospital for Jemima?
Woman: We must take something when we visit Jemima in hospital.
Man: People usually take flowers.
Woman: They’re boring. Why not get her a book? Then she could do some reading.
Man: But she’ll have her own book. What about some chocolates?
Woman: I don’t think she can eat much. Let’s go with your first idea. They’ll look pretty in her
Now listen again.
4 Where does Alex live?
Woman: How do we get to your house, Alex?
Alex: Go up the High Street. past the post office. Take the first turning on your left. My house is
on the right-hand side of the road. You can’t miss it.
Woman: I get my left and right mixed up! Turn right after the post office?
Alex: Left after the post office. Then cross the road to get to my house.
Now listen again.
5 How much will Nicola pay for her hotel room?
Nicola: Can I book a room for two for Friday and Saturday night, please?
Man: We have one with a king-size bed for £350.
Nicola: That’s rather expensive.
Man: Or with a queen-size bed for £315. Or a room with two single beds for £279.
Nicola: Two single beds for £279?
Man: Yes.
Nicola: I’ll take the one with the queen-size bed, please.
Now listen again.
Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
Woman: Good morning, everyone. My name’s Michaela and I’m going to give you some
information about our trip today. It takes two hours to get to London, so that means that you will
have from ten fifteen until quarter to five to look around the city. We have to leave at that time as
the traffic gets very bad after five o’clock.
I know some of you want to go shopping, and the new Kings and Queens shopping centre on
Bristol Street is now open. You can get a 15% discount in the shops there. I know it’s not as
good as the 20% we got last year, but I think you’ll agree it’s better than nothing. The staff there
just need to see your coach ticket and they’ll give you your discount.
Please be careful with your wallets and purses! The streets and shops are crowded on Saturdays,
and that’s a chance for pickpockets to steal things. If you have any problems, my mobile number
is 0777-5819-236. That’s 0777-5819-236.
Now listen again.
Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
Vivien: Hi Tom.
Tom: Hi Vivien. How was your meal last night?
Vivien: Actually, it didn’t go too well. Firstly, we couldn’t get around the table. We’d booked
for six people, but eight came.
Tom: Oh dear!
Vivien: Then they didn’t have anything for Monica to eat.
Tom: She doesn’t eat meat or fish, does she?
Vivien: That’s right. She’s a vegetarian. She wasn’t happy! Then they brought Mark the wrong
dish. He ordered steak but they brought him chicken, so he sent it back, and then he had to wait
again for his steak. What about your meal?
Tom: The food was delicious, especially the dessert. Everything was perfect – until the bill
Vivien: Was it expensive?

Tom: Well, it was quite expensive, but we knew that from before. The problem was they gave
us the bill for a different table. It took half an hour for them to fix the problem! In the end, they
gave us a discount because of all the problems with the bill.
Vivien: Well, that’s something at least.
Now listen again.
Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
16 You will hear two friends talking. Why can’t the man play football this afternoon?
Woman: So, are you playing football this afternoon?
Man: I can’t.
Woman: Don’t tell me. It’s your foot again, isn’t it?
Man: It’s true I had problems with my foot, but it’s fine now. And my boss said I could leave
work early to play. The trouble is I’ve got really bad toothache, so I’m going to see the dentist
about that.
Now listen again.
17 You will hear a man talking. What animal did he see at the zoo?
Man: It was just so beautiful. I watched it while it was eating. Those big teeth! I wouldn’t like
to be near it if it was hungry! That golden fur with the black stripes is fantastic. It must be really
difficult to see it in the forest. And those yellow eyes! Just … beautiful!
Now listen again.
18 You will hear two friends talking. Where have they been?
Woman: I can’t believe it! They didn’t have anything we wanted!
Man: I know! I was sure they’d have some of the things on our list.
Woman: Maybe we can find them online.
Man: Maybe, but I hate reading on a screen all the time.
Woman: Me too. Let’s try the big one in the city centre tomorrow.
Now listen again.
19 You will hear a woman talking. Where does her friend live?
Woman: I had a lovely time with Aneka. She’s got a lovely place. You wouldn’t know that you
were in the middle of a city, it’s so quiet. Her street has a village feel to it – everyone knows
everyone. Then we went off to the seaside on Saturday. It took a while to get there, but it was
great fun.
Now listen again.
20 You will hear two friends talking about cooking dinner. What will the man do?
Woman: You have to help me!
Man: I always do!
Woman: Not just the easy things. The hard work is washing and cutting the vegetables. Cooking
them is easy.
Man: But I’m good at cooking.
Woman: Well, I’m not cutting them this time.
Man: OK, I’ll do that. You do the rest.
Woman: Fine.
Now listen again.
Listening Part 5
Woman: So, what kind of things do your children like doing?
Man: George loves books. He reads anything.
Woman: I wish Henry did! Henry spends all his time in front of a computer screen. I keep
telling him to go outside, but he doesn’t listen.
Man: Edward was like that, but he’s changed. He’s on the school chess team now!
Woman: That’s great!
Man: Yes, he loves games like chess, but he doesn’t do much exercise.
Woman: And Annabel?
Man: She’s the musician of the family. She plays in a band with some friends. They make a
terrible noise! Luckily, they don’t practise at our house.
Woman: She sounds very different to my Sophie.
Man: Is she the dancer?
Woman: You’re getting Ellie and Sophie mixed up. Sophie is the one who loves painting. She
loves going to see shows with the very modern stuff, and she draws quite well herself. Ellie is
the one who’s always practising in her bedroom. I can hear her jumping around, and she
sometimes bumps into the furniture!
Man: We can’t get any of them to do things with us.
Woman: Same here! Not even Henry.
Now listen again.

Test 15
1 Where will Ben and Sally go after school?
Ben: Hi Sally. Would you like to go to the park after school?
Sally: It’s too cold today to be outside.
Ben: We could go to see a film. The cinema will be nice and warm.
Sally: I don’t have much money. Why don’t we go for a coffee?
Ben: Good idea.
2 What time does the school sports day start?
Girl: What time are you going to the school sports day, Jim?
Boy: Look, it opens at 11, but I want to help to get everything ready, so I will be there at 10
o’clock in the morning.
Girl: I will go early with you, then. My first race is at 11.30.
Boy: So, you can help me do some things before it opens.
Girl: Yes, of course.
3 What will Mary have for lunch?
Dad: Would you like a sandwich to take to school for lunch, Mary?
Marry: I like sandwiches, but today I would like something different.
Dad: We still have some of the birthday cake that your mum made.
Marry: No, thanks, I don’t want to get fat. I’ll have a banana, please.
Dad: Ok, I’ll get it ready for you. Do you want an apple, too?
Marry: No, thanks!
4 How much are the shoes?
Boy: Excuse me, are these shoes half price?
Shop Assistant: That’s right, they’re in the sale. Everything on that shelf is £20.
Boy: Oh good. I’ll have them and I’d like this scarf, too.
Shop Assistant: Right. That will be another £5 for the scarf so that is £25 in total.
5 What was the weather like on Friday?
Boy 1: What was the weather like during the football match, on Friday?
Boy 2: It wasn’t raining, but it was very cold.
Boy 1: I know. We didn’t have any sun all weekend, did we?
Boy 2: Right. By the end of the game it was snowing, so I was quite happy when the match
finished and we went for a hot shower.
Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
Woman: Last year’s school calendar was very popular. Because of this, we are going to make
another one, ready for next year. (6) We hope to finish it by November, so that we can sell it in
early December. We have decided to include drawings, rather than photos, in next year’s
calendar. This is because we think it will be more interesting and less expensive to make.
If you would like to have your drawing in our calendar, you must enter it into our school
competition. (7) The final date to enter the competition is October 12th. We hoped it would be
October 20th, but we had to change the date as we need to print it by early November. We will
choose a different drawing for each month and the best of all will be put on the front cover. The
12 inside pictures will be in black and white, and (8) the one on the front cover will be in colour.
So (9) we need 13 pictures in total. (10) Please send your drawings to Mrs. Rivers. That’s R-I-V-
E-R-S. She works in the geography department.
Listening Part 3
Sarah: Hi Tom! Are you going on the trip next month?
Tom: I’m not sure, Sarah. (11) I like the idea of staying on a farm, but not at a campsite.
Sarah: (11) I know. (12) I usually stay in a guest house or hotel when I go on holiday with my
parents. But this will be fun!
Tom: I don’t think I want to be with my classmates for a whole week!
Sarah: I think that makes it more interesting, don’t you?
Tom: Maybe. But (13) won’t it be expensive?
Sarah: (13) No. It’ll be really cheap as we’re going in a group. The teachers are lucky. They
don’t pay!
Tom: But, what if the weather’s bad?
Sarah: Don’t worry, (14) it’s summer now. It’s not winter or spring, when it usually rains! I
have heard the weather will be sunny these days.
Tom: So, can we cook our own food on a fire outdoors?
Sarah: Unfortunately, we aren’t allowed to.
Tom: Why not?
Sarah: Well, the campsite where we will stay belongs to the farm. So, we aren’t allowed to do
what we like.
Tom: So, (15) where will we eat? I don’t suppose there’s a café near there.
Sarah: (15) No! [laughing] We’ll eat in the farm. Some people there will prepare food for us.
Tom: Sounds good! Maybe I will come after all!
Listening Part 4

16 You will hear a boy talking to his friend about his holiday. What didn’t he like?
Girl: Hi Dave. How was your holiday? Did you have a good time?
Boy: Actually, I’m pleased to be back.
Girl: Wasn’t the weather good?
Boy: It was great and so was the hotel. I just didn’t enjoy the meals.
Girl: Don’t you like Spanish food? I thought you did.
Boy: I do. But they only served German food, and I hate that.
17 You will hear two friends talking in a restaurant. Why won’t the girl order something sweet?
Boy: Would you like a dessert?
Girl: I’d love one. But I have to be very careful.
Boy: But you’re so thin! Oh, I forgot! You’ve got a problem with your stomach and there are
some things you can’t eat, right?
Girl: Yes, eggs and milk. Only the bowl of fruit is OK.
Boy: But that’s not your favourite, is it? So, I guess we’ll just get the bill, then.
18 You will hear two teachers talking outside a shop. Why is the woman unhappy?

Woman: I’m not going in there, again! The shop assistants were very polite, but even I know
more about laptops than they do!
Man: Well, my advice is, don’t get anything cheap.
Woman: But they were all about the same price. They had nothing at a low price.
Man: Look, I’ll take you somewhere where I know they’ll be able to help.
Woman: Thanks.
19 You will hear a girl speaking on the phone. What’s the problem with her trainers?
Girl: Hello. I’d like to return some trainers. They’re much lighter in colour than in the photo.
It’s a pity, because they are at a low price and their size is exactly what I want. Until now, I’ve
been very happy with everything I have ordered from your website. I suppose you can’t be
lucky, all the time!
20 You will hear a boy talking to his sister. What’s the problem with his sister’s suitcase?
Boy: Don’t pack board games again. You always pack so much! Look! MY suitcase is nearly
empty! We always have to pay extra for your luggage when we fly, because your suitcase is too
Girl: OK. My suitcase is very heavy again, but at least we won’t have to pay anything this time
as we aren’t travelling by plane.
Boy: Right. I just hope that there is enough space left in dad’s car.
Listening Part 5

Girl: Hi Tom, how was school today?
Boy: Hi! Well, my first lesson this morning was Art and our teacher talked to us about Pablo
Picasso. I don’t really like Picasso’s work but I couldn’t believe how good some of his paintings
were. (21) Then I had an hour of History. I almost wanted to sleep.
Girl: Oh, me too. (22) Did you have Mathematics today?
Boy: (22) Yes, but I didn’t understand most of the lesson. I never thought Maths is easy.
Girl: What lessons did you have this afternoon?
Boy: (23) Science and German. Mrs Bright made us (23) wear special glasses so that we
wouldn’t hurt our eyes. She put some things in a box and it suddenly made a big noise. (23) We
had to be careful. Later, I had (24) German. Our teacher made a list of all the words that we
should know which will help me a lot.
Girl: (24) That’s really useful, isn’t it?
Boy: (24) Yes. And the last lesson was (25) Geography. I always find this lesson interesting.
But I don’t like our new teacher. Miss Brown, our teacher last year, made us laugh all the time.

Test 16
1 When are they going to have lunch at the restaurant?
Boy: Shall we have lunch at the new restaurant tonight? I like eating out on Fridays.
Girl: I have dance lessons until late every Friday. Why don’t we go on Saturday?
Boy: We’ve got theatre tickets for that day. Are we doing anything the next day?
Girl: No, we aren’t. Let’s go on Sunday, then.
2 What time will they get the train?
Mike: What time shall we go to the museum tomorrow, Bahar?
Bahar: I think we should go early as there are lots of things to see. Why don’t we get a train at
8 o’clock?
Mike: That’s the busiest time of day; the tickets will be expensive.
Bahar: You’re right, I didn’t think about that. What about 10 o’clock?
Mike: Let’s go at 11 and then we won’t have to get up too early.
Bahar: No, that’s too late for me.
Mike: OK, we can go at ten, then.
3 How much did Daniel’s basketball kit cost?
Sofia: Did you spend all your money on your new basketball kit, Daniel?
Daniel: My uncle gave me forty five pounds for my birthday. My new kit was only thirty
pounds fifty in the new department store.
Sofia: I still think that’s too expensive. My new tennis kit was only twelve sixty-five.
Daniel: Yes, but you buy sports clothes all the time. I only buy something when I need to.
Sofia: OK. You’re right.
4 What will Raul eat at the cafe?
Leticia: Before we see the rest of the exhibition, Raul, shall we get some lunch because I’m
very hungry?
Raul: Good idea Leticia. I’d love some pizza.
Leticia: I had pizza yesterday. Oh, look! They have fish and chips today. You love fish and
chips, don’t you?
Raul: I do, but I’ve changed my mind about the pizza because the burgers look delicious.
Leticia: Well, actually I’m going to have the fish because it looks really nice, too.
5 What will Jane wear?
Jane: Hi, Fred. I’m going to the cinema this evening to see a new horror film. I’m going to
wear my jeans.
Fred: Why don’t you wear your new skirt?
Jane: I’d like to but it’s too cold to wear a skirt today.
Fred: You could take your coat with you.
Jane: No, I don’t think that’s a good idea.
Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
Man: As you all know, Mr. Snow is leaving next month, at the end of the spring term.
Unfortunately he decided not to stay until next year. (6) He is now 60 years old and he would
like to stop teaching before he is 65.
We know that he is popular with our students and we would like to buy him a leaving present. If
we collect enough money, we can buy him something really nice. (7) We have already
collected £60, but we need at least £40 more to make a total of £100. Someone suggested buying
a clock, and someone else suggested a watch. But (8) we decided to buy him a nice DVD player
instead, because he loves watching films! Your teachers will collect money for Mr. Snow in the
school cafeteria after lessons, next Friday.
We finish lessons at midday, on Friday 15th April. (9) On Saturday 16th we will meet at school
at around 5.30 pm to prepare for the party. (10) The party starts at 7 in the evening. Then a
student will give him the present. I hope all our teachers and some parents will be there and of
course, all of you!
Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
Mike: Hi Zoe! (11) Have you heard about the arts festival? It starts next week.
Zoe: No, but I’m not too interested in painting and drawing.
Mike: Well, I’m not so interested, either! But (11) a friend was telling me about it. He goes to
lots of arts events. He told me to look online. (12) There are some good concerts on, that we
could go to!
Zoe: (12) Really? That sounds interesting. (13) Are there any rock concerts that I would like?
Or, is it classical music only?
Mike: Most of it is classical. However, I think you’d like one of these concerts.
Zoe: Oh, why? (14) Is someone famous playing?
Mike: (14) Yes, Bob Wood. You know, the one who plays the guitar.
Zoe: That sounds nice. Where’s the event?
Mike: It was going to be in the old cinema, near the stadium. But (14) he’s so popular, that
they’ve changed their plans. Now it’s going to be in the big exhibition centre.
Zoe: I suppose I should get a ticket now. What date is it?
Mike: Wednesday the 17th.
Zoe: (15) Oh no. I can’t come! It’s my sister’s birthday.
Mike: Can’t she come too? Or doesn’t she like music?
Zoe: She does! That’s why (15) she’s asked me to do the music at her party!
Mike: That’s a pity!
Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
16 You will hear two friends talking together. What are they doing?
Boy: Do you see anyone you know in this photo?
Girl: Oh yes! That’s Jane. Doesn’t she look pretty?
Boy: Yes, she does! Oh, there’s Mrs. Lake.
Girl: She isn’t a very nice person, is she? And who’s the man she is standing next to?
Boy: I think that’s Mr. Stone. He’s very popular, isn’t he?
Girl: Yes, but he always makes us study very hard.
17 You will hear a boy talking about a journey. What was his problem?
Boy: I’m very upset. Yesterday I nearly missed my train. I ran to get the train and I got on, just
as the doors were closing. But I didn’t have time to get a ticket on the platform. The man
collecting tickets didn’t believe me, so I had to pay £80 to the railway company!
18 You will hear two neighbours talking about Mrs. Day. What’s Mrs. Day doing now?
Boy: Can you see Mrs. Day in her garden?
Girl: Oh, yes. She likes to work in her garden.
Boy: I know she likes to plant flowers. But what’s she doing now?
Girl: She’s forgotten to take her key with her again! Look! She’s now climbing through the
window to enter her house.
Boy: She’s lucky that she left a window open!
19 You will hear two friends talking. What did the boy do wrong?
Boy: Hi Tracy. How are you?
Girl: Great. I’ve just got back from holiday!
Boy: It’s a pity you missed my party. Did you get my birthday card?
Girl: Only a postcard, actually.
Boy: But I posted it with your postcard to the same address.
Girl: Well, there was an extra stamp on the postcard, so …
Boy: Oh, no! So, I forgot to put a stamp on the birthday card. I must be more careful in future!
20 You will hear two teachers talking about a student. What are they saying about Mandy?
Man: Mandy isn’t doing so well in most of her studies, is she?
Woman: That’s not very unusual.
Man: I suppose she’s a bit busy at the moment.
Woman: Not studying, I think! [laughing]
Man: No, I think she’s started working in a cafe to help her family because her father lost his
job last month.
Woman: Oh, no! Sorry, I didn’t know that. What a pity!
Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
Ben: You must be excited, Vicky!
Vicky: Yes, Ben. I didn’t think I would be in the play!
Ben: (21) Do you have a nice costume as you’re the star of the show?
Vicky: I don’t know. (21) Tania hasn’t finished it yet.
Ben: Oh, I thought she’d do the make-up. Anyway, she’s going to be busy!
Vicky: Well, there are only four other actors. Oh, and (22) Frances, too!
Ben: But, (22) she can’t act!
Vicky: Exactly! (22) That’s why she’s going to sing a song and (23) her friend Jill is going to
Ben: Let’s hope they’re better at singing and dancing than they are at acting!
Vicky: (24) What about you, Ben? You can’t sing, dance or act!
Ben: That’s why (24) I’ll be BEHIND the stage, not ON it!
Vicky: Doing what?
Ben: (24) Making sure that the actors have what they need.
Vicky: You’ll be good at that!
Ben: [doubtfully] Thanks.
Vicky: (25) What’s Dave going to do?
Ben: Like me, he doesn’t want to be on the stage. (25) He’s actually going to MAKE the stage!
He’s good at building things.
Vicky: Really? Oh, I forgot to ask. Is anyone selling ice cream before the show?
Ben: No. That’s a good idea. No-one’s thought of that!

Test 17
1 How will they get to school?
Girl: What are we going to do now that your bike is broken?
Boy: We will have to take the bus to go to school.
Girl: Or maybe we could walk. It’s not too far.
Boy: Good idea! My dad says he’ll fix my bike next week.
2 Where did Bill and his family stay on holiday?
Jill: Hi Billy! How was your holiday? Did you enjoy camping?
Billy: Actually, there was a big storm when we arrived and the children were too scared to sleep
in the tent.
Jill: Oh no! So, what did you do? Did you stay in a guest-house near the farm?
Billy: We found a very modern hotel that had a family room for all of us. It was so nice, with
such a good restaurant and pool, that we booked in for the whole week. There weren’t any guest-
houses available in the area.
3 What time does the earliest coach to Glasgow leave?
Boy: Good morning. Do you know what time the next coach to Glasgow leaves? I think there is
one leaving at 11.45, isn’t there?
Girl: Unfortunately they told us that it has been cancelled because the driver is sick. There’s
usually another one at 12.15, but that has been delayed because of a problem with the engine.
Boy: Oh no! I need to be in Glasgow before 2 pm. I have an important school project there.
Girl: Don’t worry! The 12.15 will actually leave at 12.30, so you’ll have plenty of time to get
there on time.
4 Which subject will they study first today?
Oliver: Hi Maria. Have you seen the changes to the timetable for today’s lessons?
Maria: No, aren’t we having History first?
Oliver: I think that today we have Maths, first.
Maria: Oh, and when will we have History, then?
Oliver: After Chinese, which is the second lesson for today.
5 What is Kate’s dad’s job?
Kate: Your job at the hotel must be very difficult at times, dad. Are there many problems with
customers and guests?
Dad: Only a few people have problems with our staff; especially with our waiters and
Kate: What about the receptionists, dad? Do they ever have any problems with guests?
Dad: Sometimes yes, but it’s very unusual. If there’s a problem, I’m called from my office and
I have to go and see what is happening. But I don’t mind that, it’s my job.
Listening Part 2

Man: (6) We have changed the day of our sports day this year. This is because we want to
include swimming events and our new swimming pool won’t be ready until June 4th. (6) The
new date will be Friday, June 14th. I think this will be much better for everybody.
I hope that all of you will be interested in doing something for our sports day. (7) Please put your
name on the events list, if you would like to take part. (7) The list will be put on the wall beside
the library (8) until Thursday. (9) If you have any questions, Miss Pink, that’s P I N K, our sports
teacher, will be available to answer them during lunch break, on Monday. We will have many of
our usual events, such as a volleyball match and, of course, a football match. However, (10) this
year we will also have one more new event. This is a cycling race in which teachers can take
part. It will be at the end of the day, before prizes are given to the winners of each race.
I hope to see you all there!
Listening Part 3

Tim: (11) Hi Sarah. Did you get my text message about the party?
Sarah: (11) For next weekend?
Tim: (11) So you didn’t, then. It’s going to be a week late. I forgot we have exams next week!
Sarah: Right! So, where’s your party going to be? Your house?
Tim: No. My parents will be at home the night I want my party.
Sarah: Oh no! So what will we do, Tim?
Tim: (12) Jack said we could go to his house. Well, at least we can invite all our friends.
Sarah: (12) Yes, but (13) it’s quite far from here and it’s not as large as yours.
Tim: I know. (14) Jack also said that because he lives in a quiet area, the party must finish at
midnight. He will have problems with his neighbours if it doesn’t.
Sarah: That’s a pity. It was great last time when your party finished at three in the morning.
Tim: (15) That’s why I prefer parties in the winter. The doors and windows are closed. Now it’s
summer; everyone will hear the noise from the music and dancing.
Sarah: I suppose so. Can’t we close the windows?
Tim: Actually, I thought I would have the party in the garden. This way the guests will have
more space.
Sarah: That sounds great!
Listening Part 4
16 You will hear a woman talking to her son, Ben. What did Ben forget to do?
Woman: Thanks for doing the shopping, Ben!
Boy: No problem, mum. I like to help when I can.
Woman: I hope you didn’t forget anything!
Boy: I got everything I remembered. Milk, bread, vegetables, and the newspaper.
Woman: Didn’t you make a shopping list?
Boy: Yes, but I left it on a table at home!
Woman: Well, let’s hope everything’s here!
17 You will hear two friends talking. Why did the girl miss her train?
Boy: Hi Jackie. What’s the matter? You look upset.
Girl: I missed the train!
Boy: Didn’t you hear your alarm clock, again?
Girl: Yes, I did. I actually got up earlier than usual. But they changed the timetable so I was on
the wrong platform.
Boy: Oh no! Didn’t you try and run to get the train?
Girl: It was too late to do anything when I found out.
18 You will hear a girl talking about her neighbour. What happened to Mr Brown last night?
Girl: I saw an ambulance at Mr Brown’s house yesterday evening but I spoke to his daughter
after the ambulance left. He wasn’t as bad as they thought at first, so he didn’t need to go to
hospital. His leg was making him feel awful, so she thought it was broken. Luckily it wasn’t. He
was just in pain.
19 You will hear a man talking about his son, Mario. What problem did Mario have?
Man: Unfortunately, Mario didn’t pass his driving test. His English isn’t good enough. Or, not
as good as mine, at least. He speaks English quite well, but his vocabulary isn’t good enough to
understand some instructions. So he couldn’t answer all the questions on the computer test. It’s a
pity; he can drive really well.
20 You will hear a husband and wife talking. What are they doing?
Man: If you look on the map, we’re just here.
Woman: No, we’re not. There aren’t any mountains around here.
Man: But we passed that lake only two minutes ago.
Woman: You were going so fast that I didn’t see it.
Man: Well, we’ll go on a bit further, then. If we’re going the right way, we’ll drive past the
train station soon.
Woman: I hope you’re right. But I think we’re lost.
Man: Well, let’s see if you’re right!
Listening Part 5

Paula: How was your school trip, Marcus?
Marcus: It wasn’t very good. First, all students met at the school. It was so hot there yesterday.
Then we all had to meet some of the teachers at (21) the coach station which was very dirty. And
then we all went by coach to a museum in the city centre.
Paula: Were the roads very busy? Was there too much traffic, as usual?
Marcus: No, but we couldn’t open the windows; it was 30 degrees yesterday so it was much too
hot inside.
Paula: Oh dear! But (22) was the museum interesting, at least?
Marcus: (22) Quite the opposite, actually. I didn’t enjoy it at all. It was very big but it was full
of old things that I don’t like. Then we went to the cafe to buy some lunch.
Paula: Oh yes, (23) they have a big cafe there, don’t they?
Marcus: (23) Yes and it wasn’t expensive but there were so many people that there was
nowhere to sit.
Paula: (24) Did you look in the museum shop? They have nice books in there.
Marcus: (24) Yes, that wasn’t boring, but they were asking too much money for everything.
Paula: You must have been happy to get back on the coach and come home.
Marcus: Yes, but (25) we had to walk half a kilometre to get to the car park.
Paula: Oh dear!
Test 18
1 What was the weather like on Sunday?
Girl: Hi, Tom! Did you go sailing on Sunday?
Boy: Yes and no.
Girl: What do you mean? It didn’t rain, did it?
Boy: No, and I did go sailing in the morning, but after a couple of hours it was too hot and
sunny, so I had to go back home.
Girl: Oh, that’s a shame. Never mind, you can go again when it’s windy and not so hot.
2 What will they do at the weekend?
Boy: Shall we go to the skateboard park at the weekend?
Girl: I love going there but it’s going to be 40 degrees this weekend; and the skateboard park is
Boy: We could play basketball in the sports centre.
Girl: I still think it will be too hot. What about going to the beach?
Boy: Ok, good idea. I’ll borrow my brother’s surfboard.
3 How much did the boy’s shorts cost?
Girl: Were these shorts on sale?
Boy: Yes. Everything on that shelf was nine pounds ninety-five.
Girl: Great. Was this T-shirt the same price?
Boy: No. That was fifteen pounds fifty, and I bought it with the shorts. So I paid twenty five
pounds forty-five in total.
4 What will they do on Monday?
Alex: Shall we go to the park and ride our bikes there on Saturday, Tina?
Tina: I’m busy on Saturday as I’ll go for a picnic with my cousins.
Alex: Oh, what a pity.
Tina: Well, it’s a holiday on Monday, so our school is closed. Let’s go then.
Alex: Of course it is! OK, that would be perfect. We can do our homework on Sunday.
5 What time will the girl’s father meet her teacher?
Man: Can I speak to your father, please?
Girl: He’s not at home now. Should I ask him to call you back at half past five, when he
Man: I’m meeting a customer then. I can call you back at six o’clock.
Girl: Oh, he’ll be meeting my school teacher at six. Can you please call at half past six?
Man: OK, that’s fine.
Listening Part 2

Man: Welcome to the Museum of the Natural World. I know most of you are interested in the
new dinosaur exhibition, so I will take you there first. The tour will take 1 hour. Afterwards, you
can look at the rainforest and countryside exhibitions by yourselves. (6) Don’t forget that your
coach leaves at 11 am, so you have 3 hours, in total, for your visit. (7) There are guidebooks for
sale at the information desk. (8) Please remember, you cannot take photographs in the museum.
Of course, you may write down information in your notebooks if you like.
Next year we will have a new exhibition on technology and the natural world. We were hoping
to have it ready by March 13th. Unfortunately, it will now open a month later, on April 12th,
(9) a week before the school holidays, which start on April 20th. We hope you can visit us again,
then! When you leave the museum today, (10) please remember to collect your coats from the
entrance hall.
Enjoy your visit!
Listening Part 3

Alan: (11) We’ve got a new teacher for Maths, mum!
Mum: (11) I hope he’ll be better than the last one!
Alan: But mum, he was so popular!
Mum: (11) I’m not surprised. Teachers who forget to ask their students to do their homework
are always popular!
Alan: But my grades were good, last term!
Mum: That’s because you always study hard.
Alan: I suppose so.
Mum: Anyway, (12) do you like your new teacher?
Alan: He seems nice. (12) But I don’t always understand when he explains things in class.
Mum: Maybe maths is more difficult this term?
Alan: Yes, it is. But I think our teacher is the problem.
Mum: Why?
Alan: (12) He spends a lot of time explaining things. But he just speaks too fast.
Mum: (13) Why doesn’t someone tell him that?
Alan: He’s new and the other students are afraid to say anything.
Mum: (14) If you like, I can say something.
Alan: But not to him, right?
Mum: No. (14) To the headteacher.
Alan: (15) Do you really think that’s a good idea?
Mum: Yes. That way he’ll know there’s a problem.
Alan: (15) Why don’t we leave it a week or two?
Mum: How will that help?
Alan: (15) Maybe he is afraid because he is still new. That could explain why he speaks so fast.
Mum: You may be right. If things don’t improve after two weeks, I’ll go and talk to the
Alan: OK then, mum. [sighing]
Listening Part 4

16 You will hear a mum talking to her son. Where were they a few minutes ago?
Mum: Have you got everything you need, from the supermarket, Gary?
Boy: Yes mum. I didn’t get the chocolate cake, however.
Mum: It’s too expensive, isn’t it?
Boy: Yes, but it’s still popular. There was none left on the shelf!
Mum: Never mind. I’m sure you have some at home. We just left the place. We haven’t got
time now to go somewhere else.
Boy: Yes, I know. You need to collect my sister from school!
17 You will hear two friends talking. Why is the boy going to Bob’s house?
Girl: Are you going to football practice, Harry?
Boy: No. I can’t today.
Girl: Why? Are you busy doing the new school project?
Boy: You know me! I only study when I have to!
Girl: So? Where are you going?
Boy: To Bob’s house. I think I left my sports kit there. So I have to find it first. If I don’t, at
least we’ll play some computer games at the internet cafe.
18 You will hear a husband and wife talking. Why doesn’t the woman want the ring?
Woman: What a beautiful ring! But I’m sure it is expensive, Bob.
Man: I’ll buy it for you, Mary!
Woman: Thank you. But I don’t think it’s a good idea.
Man: Why not?
Woman: I do a lot of washing up every day.
Man: Take off your ring before you put on your washing up gloves. That way it will always be
Woman: But I’m afraid that way I’ll lose it.
Man: OK, then. How about a necklace?
19 You will hear a girl talking about her plans for the next month. Why can’t she go to the
school party?
Girl: Sorry Abdul, but I can’t come to the school party next month. I know it’ll be fun, but if I
have a late night, I won’t be able to wake up early the next day. I know that we don’t need to go
to school because the holiday starts then, but my parents have booked a flight to Paris for the
whole family. It isn’t an early flight, but the bus to the airport leaves really early.
20 You will hear two neighbours talking. Why are they upset?
Boy: Here are your letters. Are these mine?
Girl: Yes. I really think we should phone the post office.
Boy: My parents have tried a few times. Every time they say they’ll do something about it.
Girl: I don’t understand why this is happening. The addresses are clearly written on the
Boy: Do you think this is happening to other people, as well?
Girl: Probably!
Listening Part 5

Maggie: Hi Bill! What are you bringing to the Show and Tell class?
Bill: We have to show and talk about something from the past, don’t we?
Maggie: That’s right. You could bring that interesting camera that your dad has. It has a printer
with it, doesn’t it?
Bill: No, the camera itself prints the photos.
Maggie: Wow!
Bill: OK. I’ll bring it.
Maggie: (21) My dad collects things, too. He’s got part of a dinosaur egg.
Bill: (21) Can you bring it, Maggie?
Maggie: (21) Yes. If I wear gloves when I show it.
Bill: Great! (22) What’s Ann bringing then?
Maggie: (22) A newspaper printed the year she was born.
Bill: That’s nice but (23) I prefer Jane’s idea.
Maggie: (23) Everyone writes a diary!
Bill: (23) It’s more interesting, as her mum wrote it at school.
Maggie: OK then. (24) What about Tania?
Bill: (24) She’ll bring an old comic book. Jane’s mum has seen it and she liked it a lot.
Maggie: Nice! (25) Did you see the funny cartoon on the cover of Ian’s record album?
Bill: No. (25) I’ll just have to wait and see it in class.

Test 19
1 Where will David put his sister’s mobile phone?
David: What’s wrong, Angela?
Angela: I’ve lost my phone, David. I think I left it on my bookshelf this morning.
David: Look! Here it is. It’s on the sofa. Shall I leave it there or put it back on your bookshelf?
Angela: Please leave it on that little table in my bedroom and I’ll take it with me when I leave
David: OK, fine.
2 What will the girl buy?
Man: Hello, can I help you?
Girl: I’m not sure what to buy for my brother. He wants to use the internet but he’s interested in
photography, too. So, I thought I might buy him a camera or a computer.
Man: Computers are a bit expensive. What about a mobile phone? Then he can use the internet
and take photos.
Girl: That sounds like a good idea to me.
3 How much did the boy’s father pay for the TV?
Alicia: Wow! That’s a big TV, Tom!
Tom: Isn’t it great? My dad got it for a really good price.
Alicia: My parents bought one last month for £350, but it’s not as big as yours.
Tom: We bought it for an amazing price. It was £375 before, but it was on sale, so it only
cost £250.
Alicia: You were lucky! Shall we watch a film?
Tom: Good idea.
4 What did the cat break?
Girl: Who broke that?
Boy: I was making a cup of tea to have with my sandwich when I saw that the cat was on the
kitchen table.
Girl: And what happened?
Boy: I shouted at the cat because it was going to eat the sandwich from my plate. Then, it
jumped off the table and knocked the lamp on to the floor. I was sad to see my nice lamp was
5 Which man is the girl’s father?
Dad: In my opinion, this is the best digital camera that is available in our shop now, Debbie.
Girl: Why do you think it’s worth buying it, Dad?
Dad: Well, many top photographers and journalists use it. It’s got a big memory and the battery
lasts longer than most cameras.
Girl: But it is very expensive, isn’t it?
Dad: Yes. We also have cheaper cameras at the shop, but this one really is the best.
Listening Part 2

Woman: I know you are preparing for the test on Monday, June 9th. However, because you are
final-year students, you need to think about a career, too. So, before term ends, on June 20th,
(6) someone will visit the school, on June 17th to give careers advice. (7) On this day, you will
be able to find out about many different occupations. We hope that this will help you choose an
interesting career. It is never too early to start thinking about the future!
(8) The event will be from 9am to 4pm. From 11am until midday, (9) the first talk will be for
anyone interested in science and technology and from 2pm until 3pm, the second talk will be
about languages.
(10) If you would like more details, please speak to Mr. Rogers, that’s R-O-G-E-R-S. He will
add your name to a list of those interested in the event. There is also an information sheet at the
back of the hall that you can take home with you to read.
Listening Part 3

Teacher: (11) Hello Tom. I see your name isn’t on the list for the after-school swimming club.
Tom: (11) Yes, I know that, Miss Helen.
Teacher: I thought you wanted to be in the school swimming team.
Tom: I do. But (12) do you think I’m good enough?
Teacher: (12) If you practise, yes.
Tom: That’s the problem. I can’t come twice a week.
Teacher: Too much homework?
Tom: It’s not just that. My parents both work, so they can’t take me back home by car. (13) I
usually have to go home by bus. It’s too far to walk, you see.
Teacher: So, why can’t you come to the club and just leave school later?
Tom: Because I have to go home with my sister.
Teacher: She’s younger than you, isn’t she?
Tom: Yes. My parents think she’s too young to travel alone.
Teacher: I suppose so. (14) Does she like swimming?
Tom: (14) Not as much as studying.
Teacher: Do you think she might join the swimming club? Then you could still go home
Tom: She might agree to come and watch but she won’t take part.
Teacher: OK. Why don’t you ask her if she wants to come?
Tom: So, (15) it’s not too late to add my name to the list?
Teacher: (15) Not if you do it before the end of the week. There are still two places left.
Tom: OK. I hope my sister agrees!
Listening Part 4

16 You will hear a brother and sister talking together. Where are they?
Boy: Have you got everything you need, now?
Girl: Nearly. I just need one more thing.
Boy: OK, but I’m getting hungry.
Girl: Oh, look at this! It’s lovely. I’ll buy it. There’s only one left and it’s my size!
Boy: Well, please be quick, as the chemist will close soon and I need some medicine.
17 You will hear two friends talking. What does the girl have to do on Saturday?
Boy: Let’s go to the beach on Saturday! Don’t tell me you need to do your homework, again.
Girl: This time I have to stay home for another reason. I can’t leave Bella, my dog, alone.
Boy: Well, bring her to the beach, too! She’ll love it there!
Girl: OK, then. I’ll also bring a ball for her to play with.
18 You will hear a teacher talking to one of his students. Why was Sarah late at school?
Teacher: Hi Sarah! You’re late! You didn’t have a problem with the traffic, did you? Your dad
drives you to school, doesn’t he?
Girl: It wasn’t too bad, actually. But my brother had to go on a trip today and my dad drove
him to the train station. So I had to come to school on foot. My house is a bit far, you know
Teacher: Ok then, I understand.
19 You will hear two classmates talking. Why is the girl upset?
Boy: Congratulations, Jill!
Girl: Thanks, Tony.
Boy: You don’t sound too happy. You got the best grades for maths!
Girl: Yes. That’s why I should have the maths prize.
Boy: I understand. But the prize is only for the student who has improved most, over the whole
Girl: But I studied hard, too!
Boy: I know. Maybe I would think the same as you, if my grades were as good as yours.
20 You will hear a boy talking about his teacher. What do we know about Mr. King’s new car?
Boy: I saw Mr King park a new car outside the school yesterday. His brother has lent it to him
and he can keep it until he gets his licence. His brother decided to buy the car before getting his
licence first, because he saw it in the sale. What a strange thing to do!
Listening Part 5

Jim: That was a fun lesson!
Lisa: I think we all chose interesting things to put in the ‘time box’.

Jim: Yes. They would certainly help people in the future understand how we live our lives
Lisa: Your idea was popular, Jim!
Jim: Well, everyone uses mobile phones for chatting, listening to music and playing games!
Lisa: That’s true. But (21) I didn’t like Fiona’s idea.
Jim: (21) I know. Who plays board games today?
Lisa: (22) Clare’s idea was better. You can learn a lot from a photo. What people wore, for
Jim: Yes. But you could learn more about clothes by looking at a fashion book.
Lisa: I agree. (23) What did you think of Jack’s choice?
Jim: (23) You mean the menu that he chose. It’s an interesting idea, but it wouldn’t give much
information about what we eat today.
Lisa: Yes. A food magazine would be better.
Jim: I’m surprised you didn’t choose that, (24) Lisa. You love food!
Lisa: Not as much as I love going out and listening to music!
Jim: And spending money!
Lisa: That’s why (24) I thought about choosing money for the ‘time box’. If I didn’t choose that
I’m sure I would choose the MP3 player.
Jim: But (25) Kevin got there first! Anyway, an MP3 player is still a good idea.

Test 20

1 Which book does Sarah like best?
Boy: Are you going to get that book about dolphins, Sarah?
Girl: I liked that one, I saw it in a bookshop actually, but I’ve just seen one about art on TV.
Boy: But look at this website. That book about sailing is really exciting. And we both like
Girl: Yes, but the one on TV is what I’m most interested in.
2 What animal didn’t the girl like at the zoo?
Boy: Wow, those lions were amazing!
Girl: Yes, they were really big, weren’t they? They looked very friendly, but I’m sure they
Boy: The monkeys made me laugh most. They were so funny.
Girl: I could watch them for hours; not like that horrible scary snake.
Boy: But I love snakes. I want to get a pet snake when I’m older.
Girl: Well, I won’t come to your house if you do!
3 What will they watch tonight?
Peter: What’s on TV tonight?
Jessica: There’s a new film about the life of an astronaut.
Peter: That sounds really interesting. But I think there’s also a song competition.
Jessica: Oh, yes. What about The Superstars? It’s a film about the life of famous athletes.
Peter: Let’s watch that next Saturday online, when mum is here. So what about now? The
Jessica: Yes. I think mum will enjoy The Superstars.
4 When are they going on holiday?
Dad: I’m looking forward to going on holiday this summer. I feel very tired. I’m so busy all
year round.
Girl: Me too, dad! Any idea when we can leave? What about July 15th?
Dad: I think I have to be at work until July 20th. So, how about leaving the following day?
That’s July 21st.
Girl: That’s fine with me. School will be closed anyway.
5 What will they do today?
Boy: Would you like to go swimming today?
Girl: That sounds like a good idea. But we haven’t played tennis for a long time.
Boy: Yes, and we haven’t played basketball either. But today the weather is so hot that I prefer
to go to the beach.
Girl: OK then. And next time we’ll play tennis.
Listening Part 2

Woman: I’m sure you are all looking forward to the school play. This will be at the end of term,
on Monday, December 20th. (6) Tickets will be on sale in the gym during the break, until Friday.
Adult tickets will cost £3.00 for parents and (7) £4.00 for guests.
Children’s tickets are £2.00 each but, of course, students who are in the play will get two free
tickets for family and friends.
We hope that everyone is ready for the play! I think most of you are quite excited about it!
However, (8) we still need people to help make costumes. Please (9) speak to Mr. Field, that’s F-
I-E-L-D, if you are interested in helping.
For those of you who will take part in the play, there will be a meeting after school, next week.
We still need to decide who will do different jobs. (10) We need people to sell ice cream and
drinks before the play starts and others to help tidy up afterwards. I hope that lots of you will
want to help!
Well, that’s all I want to say for now. Thank you for listening!
Listening Part 3

Zoe: I’m looking forward to next Saturday!
Pete: (11) Have you sent everyone an invitation?
Zoe: (11) Yes, but they’re still in the post, so I don’t know how many people will come, yet.
Pete: OK. And what will we eat? Pizza and chips?
Zoe: No! (12) I’m going to make some nice food myself.
Pete: Really? I didn’t know you could cook!
Zoe: I love cooking! But (12) I can only make things that are easy!
Pete: Are you going to ask everyone to bring some food or drinks, too?
Zoe: I don’t need to. (13) I’m only going to have just a few friends. I won’t feel comfortable if I
invite my whole class, or any people that I don’t know very well.
Pete: I agree! Anyway, small parties can sometimes be more fun.
Zoe: That’s what I thought. I hope the weather will be good!
Pete: Why? Will we eat outside?
Zoe: (14) I’ll serve some snacks outside if the weather’s nice, but we’ll have the main course
inside. We’ll sit at the big, wooden table in the dining room.
Pete: So, no barbecue then. What about music? We WILL have music, won’t we?
Zoe: Of course. But I won’t need a CD player. (15) Some of my friends have offered to play
music. They’re in a band.
Pete: That’s great! I can’t wait.
Listening Part 4

16 You will hear a girl talking about her day at the city centre. What is the girl’s problem?
Girl: I’m so glad to see you! I’ve just come back from the city centre. It was very busy.
Anyway, someone pushed me and my phone fell out of my pocket. Fortunately, I found it
immediately; it was not broken. But when I turned around to speak to my sister, she wasn’t
there! I tried to ring her but her phone was turned off. What an awful day!
17 You will hear two friends talking. What kind of film will they see?
Boy: Let’s go to the cinema, tonight. There’s a good horror film on.
Girl: Ben, you know I hate those films!
Boy: OK, then. We can see a romantic film, if you like. ‘Love in the Desert’ starts at 9pm.
Girl: But I won’t get back home before midnight. I have to get up early tomorrow.
Boy: Well, let’s see a new science fiction film at the weekend, then.
Girl: OK! Let’s do that.
18 You will hear a teacher talking to a student, Ahmet. What will the teacher help Ahmet to do?
Teacher: Where’s your homework, Ahmet? Did you leave it at home again?
Boy: No, Miss. I just couldn’t finish it. I tried very hard but I couldn’t answer some of the
Teacher: OK, Ahmet. You can stay after school today and I will help you finish it.
Boy: Oh. Thanks, Miss.
19 You will hear a teacher talking. Why didn’t she get the job?
Woman: I’m so sorry I didn’t get that job. I have never been late before. I have a lot of
experience working as a teacher. Also, there weren’t many other people who wanted this job,
because you have to work for three months in a foreign country and most people don’t want to
do that. But I do. It’s a pity I went to the right place but not at the right time.
20 You will hear a mother and a son talking. Why is the mother angry with her son?
Mother: So you finally did the shopping. OK, but where is it? I can only see two small bags
Boy: And all those ones over there!
Mother: But, we don’t need so many bags!
Boy: Plastic bags only cost 5p each!
Mother: The problem is all that plastic, not the cost!
Boy: Sorry, I thought you could use them again.
Listening Part 5

Laura: Hi Ian! You don’t usually cycle to school.
Ian: I’m trying to get fit for the sports day.
Laura: Is there a cycling race? Because you could win it!
Ian: There is. Anne’s going to take part in it. (21) I’m better at running. So I’ll enter that. I
might come first.
Laura: But (22) Sue always wins. She’s the fastest runner in the class.
Ian: She broke her leg last summer playing football, remember?
Laura: Oh, yes. I guess she won’t take part in the sports day this year.
Ian: She will, but (22) she’ll be in the swimming pool, not the stadium, this time.
Laura: Will there be any racket sports?
Ian: Like tennis, you mean?
Laura: Yes. I’d be interested in that.
Ian: No. (23) Only table tennis!
Laura: Actually that sounds more fun!
Ian: Unfortunately it’s too late to enter for that. (23) Toby took the last place available.
Laura: Oh, well. I don’t like sport much, anyway.
Ian: (24) What will you do, then, Laura?
Laura: (24) I’ll help give the prizes at the end. My friend (25) Jill did that last year.
Ian: And this year?
Laura: (25) She will be serving drinks instead.

Test 21

1 What time did Omar arrive at the school?
Woman: Why are you so late, Omar? It’s quarter to eleven now and your class began at nine
Omar: I’m so sorry! I left my home at nine o’clock and I hoped that I would be here on time but
my mum’s car broke down. So I had to wait to catch the bus.
Woman: OK then, I see.
2 How much did Mei Lua pay for her shirt?
Boy: Hi, Mei Lua! What a nice shirt! It must be expensive.
Girl: Yes, it is. It costs 50 pounds, but my sister works at a clothes shop so we can get
everything at half price.
Boy: You’re very lucky. I bought a shirt too, but I paid 75 pounds.
Girl: Oh, no. That’s a lot of money.
3 How did Anna help her mother with the housework?
Jose: Hi Anna. What did you do at the weekend?
Anna: I helped my mother do the housework. I washed the car. I hate doing that.
Jose: I know what you mean. I only like to water the plants. I prefer doing things outside of the
Anna: I only enjoy being outdoors when I’m playing; not when I have to water the plants or
pick up the rubbish.
4 Who is the girl’s teacher?
Boy: Is that man with no hair your teacher?
Girl: No, my teacher has got brown hair. He’s also got a beard.
Boy: Oh, I can see him, now. He’s over there. He also wears glasses.
Girl: No, my teacher has got short hair and he doesn’t wear glasses.
5 Where will Ameera have her birthday party?
Dylan: Ameera, have you decided to have your birthday party in the cafe near your house? Like
last year?
Ameera: Perhaps I could have it in my garden this year. We also have a swimming pool. I think
it will be really exciting there.
Dylan: But I’ve heard the weather will be bad on your birthday.
Ameera: Exactly. So, to be safe, I’ll have it in the dining room.
Listening Part 2

Woman: All the biology students will be excited to hear that there will be a trip to a local farm,
next month. We wanted the trip to be on the 18th April, but April’s a very busy month for farms.
So (6) we’ll go the following month, on May 19th, before examinations begin on June 2nd.
(7) We will go by coach, as the farm isn’t near a train or bus station. There’ll also be a lot of us!
(8) In total, we will be 52. That’s 2 teachers and 2 classes of biology students. Mr. Low will be
with his class of 30 students and Mrs. Topping with the 20 students who are in her class.
Before you go, you will start preparing a project on farm animals. You can work alone or in
small groups. Please find such projects at (9) the school’s website. That’s www-dot-biostaff-dot-
com. That’s spelt B-I-O-S-T-A-double F. (10) There will be a competition for the best project
and a prize for the winner or winners! I have written all the details on these sheets. Please take
one before you leave!
Thank you!
Listening Part 3

Katie: This is going to be a busy year, isn’t it?
Harry: Especially for me.
Katie: Oh, I forgot (11) your sister is going to get married in a big city in Italy.
Harry: Yes. (12) I’ll have to fly back to Scotland immediately afterwards. My parents will stay
over there for another week and then they will go on holiday in France.
Katie: It’s a shame our exams start so early!
Harry: I know. I may have to study on the plane!
Katie: (13) You always leave things until the last moment, don’t you?
Harry: But I haven’t failed any exams because of it.
Katie: Yes, but you know these exams are important.
Harry: Maybe more for you.
Katie: I suppose so. (13) Anyway I’m not the one who’s going to change school!
Harry: Yes, I’d still like to get good grades anyway.
Katie: Well, (14) I feel worried just talking about exams! I need to do something to help me
Harry: (15) What about coming with me to an after-school club? There’s a film club, a tennis
and chess club …
Katie: (15) I’d only be interested in the first. But not if they show old movies!
Harry: Don’t worry, the students choose what films they want to see.
Katie: OK. Sounds great!
Listening Part 4

16 You will hear two friends talking. What’s the problem with the boy’s bike?
Girl: Did you sell your bicycle, John?
Boy: No, I didn’t.
Girl: Oh, that’s a shame. Maybe you asked for too much money?
Boy: Not really. Especially as it’s almost new. The problem is that most people don’t like its
colour. It’s black. I have to paint it in a lighter colour.
17 You will hear two teachers talking. What don’t they agree about?
Man: I think the careers day is a good idea, don’t you?
Woman: I think it’s interesting only for the older students.
Man: But you need to start thinking about a career when you’re still very young.
Woman: At that age I was only interested in playing games.
Man: But things aren’t easy, now. It’s more difficult to find a good job.
Woman: I know, but it’s better to worry about that when you’re older!
18 You will hear two friends talking at a school. Why is Paul tired?
Girl: How are you, Paul?
Boy: OK, thanks. I finished the school project I had to do.
Girl: You look tired. Did you go to bed late?
Boy: Yes, but that was because my train home from school was delayed. At least I could do
some work, sitting at the station. The rest, I finished on the train. There wasn’t much to do.
Girl: Oh, well done! I still haven’t finished mine. I’ll probably have to study until late tonight.
19 You will hear a girl talking about her holiday. What didn’t she like about her holiday?
Girl: My brother and some of his friends went on a sailing holiday and I decided to go with
them. I love the sea, but I don’t like sailing. However, it was better than I thought it would be.
But I don’t think I will go again. We might not get such good weather, next time! Also, I didn’t
like the place where we stayed. It was a very old hotel.
20 You will hear a boy talking about his piano practice. Who has told him to stop practising?
Boy: My music exam is next week. I started practising the piano, but then I had to stop. Miss
Nelson, my history teacher, told me that I have to finish my project before the end of the week. I
tried to talk to her about my music exam but it made no difference. My mother says that she’ll
talk to the headteacher.

Listening Part 5

Dolores: I’m glad I don’t have to stay on a desert island for a week!
Tony: But it was an interesting lesson. It made me think about what I would take, if I had to
stay on one.
Dolores: We all had good ideas.
Tony: It’s funny, you know. Everyone was thinking about bringing equipment, like a knife or a
backpack, but no one thought of the most important thing: water!
Dolores: Well, our teacher did! Anyway, I’m not surprised (21) Mandy thought of a backpack
to carry all her clothes in!
Tony: But I’m surprised (22) it was Jackie, and not Rob, who thought of the knife. I mean,
(23) Rog goes camping a lot and always brings one.
Dolores: Well, (23) his idea was good, anyway.
Tony: I know. (23) It’s not so bad sleeping outside if you have a pillow to lie your head on.
Dolores: (24) Vicky’s idea about an umbrella was a bit silly, wasn’t it?
Tony: Yes, but it wasn’t for the rain. It was to stop getting too hot in the sun!
Dolores: Oh, I see! Well, (25) I think my idea was better.
Tony: (25) What was it, Dolores? A swimsuit?
Dolores: (25) No, sunglasses!
Tony: At least no one suggested taking a mobile!

Test 22
1 What is the weather like now?
Boy: It’s such a nice day. I love cloudy weather.
Girl: Yes, it’s great. However, I prefer the sun.
Boy: It looks like it may rain room.
Girl: Yes, and I hope so.
Boy: Why’s that?
Girl: I really love how rain clears the air.
2 Where will Svetlana meet David?
Boy: Hi Svetlana. Are you in the city centre right now?
Girl: Hi David. Yes, I’m just having breakfast at a cafe. How about you?
Boy: I’m at the museum; a really great art exhibition is on. Why don’t you come and meet me
Girl: OK, but I won’t stay long. I have to go to the dentist’s at 2.
3 What is the boy looking at?
Girl: Hi James. Are you looking at the stars?
Boy: Not really. I’m looking at something more interesting.
Girl: Ah, are you watching the planes going towards the airport again?
Boy: No, no. Look at the beautiful moon tonight. It’s very big. You can even see the mountains
on it.
Girl: Let me have a look. Oh, yes, it’s really beautiful, isn’t it?
4 When will they go to the science museum?
Girl: Which day do you want to go to the science museum? I think Monday is a good day to go,
isn’t it?
Boy: It is, but the museum is closed on Mondays. How about Friday?
Girl: I have a lot of homework on Thursday and Friday, so I don’t think I can go then.
Boy: Come on! Forget school, just for once.
Girl: OK. Let’s go on Friday then.
5 What kind of film did they see?
Boy: That was a frightening film, wasn’t it?
Girl: Yes, there were too many strange people from space. I didn’t really enjoy it.
Boy: Yes, you were so scared all the time.
Girl: Well, I prefer comedies and romantic films. Next time, I’ll choose the film.
Boy: OK, I will take you for a coffee because you didn’t enjoy the film.
Listening Part 2

Man: I’d like to tell you about our plans for the new library. We all feel that in this digital age
students aren’t interested in reading books from a library. They prefer to read a book on a mobile
phone or a tablet. For this reason, we want to make reading more exciting by buying more
modern books and building a new library.
(6) The new library will be beside the cafeteria, so you can buy a coffee or something to eat
when you want a break from studying. The old library, next to the gym, will close on February
(7) For one week from that date, until March 7th, you will not be able to use either library. (8)
On March 15th, and for two more days, there will be a sale of old library books in the new
(9) When the new library opens, students will be able to borrow four books a week. If you have
any ideas about the new library, please send them by email to (10) this website: www-dot-
digibooks-dot-com. That’s D-I-G-I-B-double O-K-S. Thank you for listening.
Listening Part 3

Dan: It’s really noisy, here, isn’t it?
Mandy: It is the underground!
Dan: But it’s so busy! It’s a shame we didn’t get up earlier.
Mandy: (11) The problem is that we got the first train we saw. The next train was much faster.
Dan: (11) Well, it’s too late now to do anything about it. Actually, (12) can we stop somewhere
first to get a snack?
Mandy: But Dan, we’re going to have lunch in an hour!
Dan: I know, but (12) I didn’t have much to eat for breakfast!
Mandy: Wait a minute, I’ve got some chocolate in my bag. Here it is. Oh, no. (13) I forgot that
my phone’s screen is broken. I have to repair it.
Dan: Don’t worry. I know a place where they can fix it for you. It won’t be expensive.
Mandy: But we haven’t got much time, today.
Dan: Look, (14) you can do your shopping while I go to this place.
Mandy: (14) Great idea! You’d get bored if you came with me, anyway. (14) I always try on
many different clothes.
Dan: Right. And it’s not like you would ask my opinion, anyway!
Mandy: True! I think I’d be quicker on my own, too!
Dan: (15) Actually, I don’t even know why I came!
Mandy: I’m beginning to ask myself the same question!
Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
16 You will hear a woman and a police officer talking. What is the woman’s problem?
Police Officer: Excuse me, Miss. Have you got a driving licence?
Woman: Yes. It’s in my bag. Wait a minute … Here it is!
Police Officer: Let’s see the date on the licence. Oh … the 12th May this year. That’s only …
Woman: A week ago, yes. That’s when I passed my test.
Police Officer: Take my advice then, Miss. Please stay away from motorways until you’ve had
more driving experience. You nearly had an accident.
Woman: Oh, OK officer. Sorry
17 You will hear a teacher talking about some students. What did the students do?
Woman: I spent the whole weekend preparing for a talk and now it’s not needed! It was about
what it’s like to work in an office. But plans have changed. The students weren’t interested at all.
They decided that it would be better for them to watch a film about careers, instead!
18 You will hear two friends talking. Why didn’t the boy eat Mary’s cake?
Boy: That’s a nice dress, Judy.
Girl: Thanks, Mark. I got it for my birthday last week. But I didn’t tell anyone.
Boy: Why not?
Girl: Actually, I didn’t want Mary to bake a cake.
Boy: I remember when she made one for Greg.
Girl: I nearly broke my fork trying to cut it!
Boy: I just said I wasn’t hungry, so I didn’t have to eat it!
19 You will hear a man talking about his neighbour, Katy. What does Katy want for her son?
Man: I saw Katy yesterday. She seemed a bit worried. I guess she’s worried about her son. He’s
very clever but his grades are not good enough for university. He was always more interested in
sport than studying. I think Katy wants her son to go to university more than HE does!
20 You will hear two friends talking. Where are they?
Boy: We were lucky to get the last night bus.
Girl: Yes. Especially as there weren’t any taxis around.
Boy: Everyone tries to get them at the same time!
Girl: I think that’s why some people leave before the end of the film. They want to be sure
they’ll get a taxi.
Boy: Correct!
Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
Boy: Hi, Eva. How was your school trip to Spain?
Girl: It was brilliant. We arrived late on Sunday so we called our parents and went to bed.
(21) Monday was our first day. We had a wonderful beach party.
Boy: Wow! Nice! Did they teach you some Spanish?
Girl: No, we just had fun. (22) On Tuesday it was really hot and we did lots of water sports. I
also tried water skiing and I found it really exciting.
Boy: (23) What did you do on Wednesday?
Girl: (23) We went on a coach trip with a tour guide to Granada and saw the palace there.
Boy: That sounds a bit boring. I only like taking photos; not listening to someone talking all the
Girl: Actually, I hate taking photos myself. What the guide told us was very interesting and the
palace was beautiful. (24) It was Thursday that I thought was a bit boring. We went walking in
the countryside. I don’t like long walks and it was too hot.
Boy: Did you buy anything?
Girl: Yes, there were some great shops in Malaga. (25) Friday was our last day. I spent a lot of
money buying presents.

Test 23
1 What time is the man’s plane leaving?
F: What time shall I drive you to the airport?
M: Well, I should be there by 11.00 pm.
F: I don’t think you need to be that early. That means you will wait for two hours!
M: Ok. Let’s leave at 11.30. It’s only half an hour to get to the airport, so I’ll have an hour to
get to the plane by 13.00.
2 How much does their meal cost?
M: Well, £50 is expensive for such a small meal!
F: I told you that this is an expensive restaurant!
M: I know! But we only got a salad and some chicken. The chicken alone was £35.
F: Well, it could be worse. My sister paid over £70 here last week! But they did have a great
3 What type of house is the woman looking for?
M: Let’s have a look in the house advertisements, shall we?
F: I looked last night. All the houses are either too big or apartments.
M: I think I saw exactly what you want on the internet last night. It had a lovely garden.
F: Well, if it’s a one-bedroom house that isn’t expensive, I think it’ll be great!
4 What does the man need to buy?
F: Can I help you, Sir? Are you looking for summer clothes? Our T-shirts are on sale.
M: Um. No, actually I’m looking for something a bit warmer.
F: Well, the trouser department is here, and upstairs is the jumper department. My colleagues
will be there to help you.
M: OK. I’ll go upstairs then. Thank you for your help.
5 What was the weather like at the weekend?
F: Hi Jim! Did you have a good weekend in the countryside?
M: Great, thanks. The weather couldn’t have been better!
F: Oh, I thought the forecast was for a cloudy rainy weekend in the South.
M: Yes, but luckily they were wrong. I spent the whole weekend outdoors! Not like the last
time we were there when it snowed all day.
Listening Part 2

M: I know most of you are interested in going on tomorrow’s class trip so here’s everything
you need to know about it.
As our last visit to The Arts Museum was so popular, (6) I’m glad to say we’re going to The
Music Museum this time.
I know we usually travel by train but a coach will be much faster this time. (7) The coach leaves
at 8.30 am so we must have everyone on it by 8.20 at the latest. Please try not to be late.
We are going to meet at 8 o’clock (8) outside the library. This is the building opposite the gym.
(9) You can have your own snacks with you and you can buy water and drinks at the museum.
No food will be served during our visit. (10) Tickets cost £9.50 but as we are a large group, we
get a £3 discount, so that’s £6.50. Make sure you bring the money at the time of the visit if you
haven’t paid already.
Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
B: Hi Paula. I’ve got some free tickets so some of us are going to the cinema. Are you free
G: Yes, I’d love to come with you. Who else is coming?
B: I wanted to ask Sarah and her brother but as he’s sick, they wouldn’t come – (11) so there’ll
be three of us from my basketball team and you.
G: So who gave you the free tickets?
B: (12) I saw a school friend on Monday and he told me about a competition on an online
magazine. Who’d think I’d win?
G: (12) Lucky you!
B: And we can also get some scrips and drinks but (13) no free ice cream or chocolate
G: So what are we watching?
B: A popular adventure film’s on but (14) I’d rather watch Mandy Down’s new film.
G: She’s my favourite actress. (14) She makes everyone laugh. I also like love stories but…
B: No, thanks. We’d better watch something we’d both like. Shall we meet at 7 outside the
cinema? (15) That’ll give us plenty of time before the 7.30 film.
G: (15) I think we should be there at around 6.30 to have time for a coffee too.
B: OK! See you there.
Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
16 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about her new car. Why did she sell her last
M: So, you’ve got a new car, Susan?
F: Yeah, do you like it?
M: It’s great!
F: Thanks! I was always late with my old car. It kept breaking down. I had it for 14 years.
M: And you always had to repair it, didn’t you?
F: Yeah. I really needed something newer.
17 You will hear two friends talking about the man’s future plans. What is the man going to do?
F: So do you think you’ve decided?
M: I loved football at school, but it isn’t useful for job searching. I’ve always dreamt of living
in Spain and my friend Luis told me there are quite a few jobs there. So I guess knowing Spanish
will help a lot. I even thought about going back to university but I couldn’t find anything I really
18 You will hear a couple talking about a video. What’s the video of?
F: Look how happy Lindsay is. They are jumping into the pool and laughing…
M: Look, she’s racing with Sam to get to the cake first…
F: She really enjoyed it. I can’t believe she’s 12 already. Remember the summer in Italy? Well,
I didn’t think we could have a better time than that.
M: But we certainly did.
19 You will hear a woman calling a friend. What’s her problem?
F: I feel awful! I got stuck in traffic. There are no buses today. I couldn’t find Harry’s phone
number so I’m calling you. Do you happen to know if there’s any other way to his house?
Oxford Street is too busy and I’m afraid I’ll get lost if I turn into Madison Road. Please start
without me. Call me back, will you?
20 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about a present. What did she get?
M: Did you get anything nice for your birthday, Mia?
F: Well, John got me the best present this year. We’re going over to his parents’ house tonight.
His whole family is going to be there. I think he’s going to give me a ring. Anyway, look…
M: Oh, that’s lovely! Dresses always look great on you!
F: He knows what colour I like and it matches my favourite boots.
Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
G: We’re getting ready for our end-of-the-year play.
B: Oh, what are you doing this year, Sam?
G: I’m helping with the lights. I want to make sure there’ll be no mistakes.
B: You’ll do great.
G: (21) Marco suggested having some dancers but Ms Jones said no. (21) So he’s finding
people to sing in the play.
B: I see
G: (22) Mary did great work as an actress last year but (22) she is deciding what everyone’s
going to wear this time.
B: (23) Robert did that last time, didn’t he?
G: Yes, but (23) he’s helping with the music now. We need some students to play instruments
at the play.
B: Is (24) Ivanna helping, too?
G: Yes, (24) she’s deciding on who’s going to act in the play.
B: Oh, will she be good at that? She took great pictures last time.
G: Well, she says she likes this now.
B: Ok then, (25) so who’s selling tickets?
G: I thought I was going to do that but, as I’m helping with the lights, (25) Diego is.
B: I guess I should get one from him then.

Test 24
1 Who is the woman’s teacher?
F: Oh, look Tom! It’s my English teacher over there. I hope he doesn’t come this way.
M: Oh, you mean that man with no hair?
F: No silly! The one standing next to him, the man with a beard.
M: Oh, the other one not wearing glasses?
F: Yes, that’s him. I haven’t finished my project yet. I think he’ll be mad if he sees me here.
2 Which pet does the man have?
M: Oh dear! I forgot to buy food for your fish. I told your mother I would, as I was going to the
pet shop for Ricky’s biscuits.
F: I think John is going back to the store in the afternoon to get a new bed for his cat. Maybe he
could help you.
M: Ok I’ll call him and then I’ll take Ricky for a walk.
3 What is the woman going to order?
M: I’m so hungry! I’m going for a sausage and some chips! The burger here is great, too!
F: I’m on a diet! I really shouldn’t be eating fast food but I’m so tired of eating salad.
M: Oh come on! Have the same as me. It’s delicious.
F: Well, I guess I’ll have the burger, if you don’t mind.
4 What will the woman buy today?
M: Can I help you Madam?
F: Yes. I would like to buy a shirt for my husband.
M: For work, Madam? Or do you want something for the summer?
F: Well, something for our summer holidays with stripes would be perfect for now. But I’m
definitely coming back for work clothes in the autumn as I see you have wonderful shirts of all
5 When will they go to the festival?
F: So when are we going to the festival? Monday could be ok for both of us.
M: It is but the festival is on until Sunday.
F: What about Friday? I guess it will be less crowded than Saturday.
M: I’m not sure as I have to work late.
F: Don’t worry. I can pick you up any time you finish.
M: Ok then.

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
M: Hi Emir! It’s Samuel here. Remember you asked me to look for a good car for you? Well, I
think I have found one. The ad was on the college notice board outside the library and I met the
woman selling it at the cafeteria.
The car she’s selling is really cheap. She bought it for £5,600, she was asking for £4,800 but as
no one’s been interested in it, (6) she’ll give it to you for £4,200.
The car’s quite new. She’s only had it for almost a year. (7) She bought it on the 13th of
August last year and she wants it gone by the 30th of the month.
She says (8) you can call her on 675509872. I think you should call her soon or she’ll sell it to
someone else at this price.
If she doesn’t answer, (9) try emailing her at That S-O-P-H-I-E-T-U-R-
(10) She’s free to meet in the evenings as she’s usually in class in the mornings. I’m sure you’ll
find time that suits you both. Let me know what you think.
Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
F: I’m so happy I went with you on the camping trip.
M: We really enjoyed it, didn’t we? (11) I loved swimming in the lake. I didn’t even mind that
we didn’t go windsurfing. Maybe next time we can go fishing too.
F: Yeah, (12) I wasn’t sure I was going to like camping but now I know how exciting it is. It
makes me unhappy thinking we didn’t do it sooner.
M: I knew you’d love it. Wasn’t it fun having barbecues? And the day we bought fish and fried
it? Amazing!
F: (13) But having egg for breakfast every day was a bit boring.
M: Yeah, we should think of something else next time. (14) And you should remember to pack
a jacket and a sweater too. I was afraid you’d catch a cold.
F: It’s ok. I always take some medicine with us just to be sure.
M: (15) I know but how would you sing when we were around the fire if you were sick? What
a special night, even better than the day we swam in the lake.
F: I loved the long walks we went on in the countryside.
M: They were OK.
F: I can’t wait to do it again!
Listening Part 4

16 You will hear two friends talking about the weekend. What did the man do on Saturday?
F: So did you have fun at the weekend?
M: Well, Saturday was busy. I woke up early because I had to finish that project for work but
my daughter wanted me to drive her into town to meet her friends. I thought I had some time to
go to the supermarket but then Sarah called me and said we shouldn’t be late for lunch.
17 You will hear a boss talking to an employee about work. Why didn’t the man come to the
office yesterday?
M: Mrs Gibbs, can I talk to you about the meeting?
F: Of course, Sam. You missed it yesterday. Are you feeling better?
M: Oh that isn’t the reason I wasn’t here. Wendy called in sick and I had to go to our store in
F: Oh, why didn’t George go?
M: Actually, he’s in Greece for the summer. Anyway…
18 You will hear a woman talking about sailing. How did she learn to sail?
F: When I said I wanted to learn how to sail, my friends got really excited and said we’d go on
sailing trips together… John told me about a YouTube sailing channel. Anna suggested taking
lessons but as they were expensive, I didn’t. I tried and tried and after a couple of months I sailed
a boat on my own.
19 You will hear a woman talking about her day at work. What did she like best?
F: Work was great today! First, we had a meeting where our boss talked to us about the
company’s future plans. We are making an advertisement about our new smart phone these days
and he’s really happy about it. He asked me to think of a person to star in the ad. How exciting!
I’m going to meet a celebrity. That’s why I love this job.
20 You will hear two friends talking about a flight. Why didn’t they rest?
M: What a flight! I can’t believe we are back from our holiday.
F: Me too. It felt like a long time till we landed. Those kids didn’t stop laughing out loud.
M: I’m sure their parents felt really uncomfortable, especially when the girl sat in my seat.
F: Well, I don’t know about you but I need some sleep.
Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
B: Hey Sandra, today my friends and I talked about which sports we’d be interested in.
G: And what do you want to do, Tyler?
B: You know how much I like horses, so I’d love to learn how to ride.
G: Great! So what does (21) Daniel want to do?
B: (21) He loves the sea. His uncle has a boat and he’s asked him to teach him how to sail.
G: That’s nice. I thought he’d like to surf.
B: No, he’s scared. And (22) Barbara likes winter sports. She usually skis on the mountains but
she’s thinking of trying something a bit different.
G: Well, (22) Hasan could teach her how to snowboard.
B: (23) I guess and I could teach him how to ride a bike. That’s what he wants.
G: Good idea. What about (24) Ingrid? Does she still want to learn how to play tennis?
B: Sandra, she never wanted to play tennis.
G: Oh, right. (24) It was table tennis, wasn’t it?
B: Yes, and she’s going to start practising with (25) Charles.
G: Oh, and does he want to try anything new?
B: Well, (25) he’s meeting his friends at the park tonight to skate.
G: Great!

Test 25

1 What did they have for lunch?
F: I’m feeling really hungry! What’s for dinner tonight?
M: You ate all that food at lunch! You can’t be hungry!
F: Come on. I just had a bit of pizza! You ate most of it! I should have ordered fish and chips. I
wouldn’t be so hungry now.
M: Ok, I guess it wasn’t a lot. How about pasta?
2 What did the man want to do at the weekend at the start?
F: Let’s do something together this weekend.
M: Um. Well, I had arranged to play football with the guys on Saturday.
F: Well, this weekend you can forget it! I want to go out. I can’t stay in another day! How
about the circus?
M: The circus? That’s next weekend. There’s a new movie playing. How about that?
F: Ok then. I’ll book tickets online.
3 How are they going to travel on holiday?
M: I’ve been thinking… How about changing our holiday plans a bit?
F: Don’t tell me you don’t want to go to Scotland! It’s all booked!
M: No! Don’t panic! But how about driving rather than going by train?
F: I guess we could, but not by coach. But as my car is too small, let’s take yours.
M: Ok then, I should call the railway company.
4 What time is the party?
F: Hi, Tom! Are you coming to Gill’s party at the swimming pool in an hour?
M: I am but isn’t it at a quarter to one? That was the time on the invitation at least.
F: Oh, it’s been changed to half past one as the cake will arrive later than we thought, at around
a quarter past one.
M: Lucky you told me. I was on my way there!
5 What are they doing today?
M: Would you like to go swimming today?
F: That sounds like a good idea but we haven’t played tennis for a long time. And the coach
wants to know if we’re going to basketball practice tonight.
M: I know but today it’s so hot that the only thing I’d like to do is go to the beach.
F: Ok but next time I decide what we’ll do.
Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
F: Well Peter, I have a great idea. Why don’t we enter the singing competition at the office
Christmas party? It’s perfect for us as we can bring the children too.
The Christmas party is on the twenty fourth of December, (6) but we have to let Mr Fowler know
we’re taking part by the 15th of December so that leaves us just a week to decide. (7) Mr Fowler
is expecting to receive videos of the people wishing to enter the competition. I thought we could
send the video from our summer holiday but then I remembered the one from Annie’s birthday
last year. It’s much better. (8) I also found out about a website we could practise on. It’s That’s spelt S-I-N-G-P-R-O-S.
Anyway, if you’re interested (9) we could meet after work at the West Café to talk a bit more
about it. It’s just opposite the street from the post office next to the cinema. So meet you there?
(10) It would be great if we won first prize. That’s £180. Even second prize sounds good at £120.
Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
G: Hi Haruto. I went to an art exhibition yesterday!
B: Did you go with your mum? I know she loves art. Or was it a class trip?
G: Neither, (11) my friend Paul who lives next door asked me to go with him and his family.
B: Didn’t it rain on Saturday?
G: I thought it would but no. (12) There were clouds in the sky but it was warm.
B: I don’t really like exhibitions. Some paintings look strange.
G: (13) I know but I think the paintings were better than the photographs. But what was really
special were the videos.
B: You’d never see me going to an art exhibition any day soon!
G: You know I’d do anything to avoid finishing my project. I was not keen on the idea. (14) I
usually find such events a bit boring but since it was about modern art I thought I’d give it a try.
B: So any plans for next week? I know it’s your birthday.

G: Well, I wanted us to watch Lee Jones sing live at the local park but then (15) I heard of an
art and music festival at the nearby town.
B: (15) Sounds better than the singing competition we took part in last week…
Listening Part 4

16 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about her holiday. What didn’t she like?
M: Hi Diana! Did you enjoy your holiday?
F: It could have been better, actually.
M: Wasn’t the hotel good?
F: It was fine and the breakfast they served was ok too. It was just too far away from the main
M: But didn’t you have a car to get around?
F: I did but the car park was far and there was traffic all day.
17 You will hear a couple talking at a restaurant. Why won’t the woman order a drink?
M: Would you like some wine?
F: I’d love some but I can’t.
M: Don’t tell me you’ve got a stomach ache again… I’ve got some medicine with me you
could take.
F: Actually, no… But I guess I should tell you we need to get the kid’s room ready soon.
M: Are you serious? That’s great news. I can’t wait to be a dad!
18 You will hear two friends talking outside a shop. Why is the man unhappy?
M: Well, I understand that he was trying to sell that smart phone but he shouldn’t have pushed
me so much.
F: He really knew what he was talking about so was trying to get you to buy it with all this
information he kept giving you.
M: I know but did you see the prices? I couldn’t buy anything in that shop, anyway.
19 You will hear a woman talking on the phone. What is wrong with the dress?
F: Good morning. I’d like to return a dress. I need a bigger size, I’m afraid. Other than that, it’s
great. I thought that, since it was cheap it wouldn’t look good on me or the colour wouldn’t be
like the picture but it was ok. Anyway, is it still available?
20 You will hear a man talking to his wife about her handbag. What is the man’s problem?
M: Not again! I never seem able to find anything in here… Why do you have to carry such a
big bag? And what is that? A book? What do you need a book for at the supermarket? I’m telling
you I’ve lost my keys…
F: Well, if you stop being in such a hurry, then I could help you. Give me my bag. See… Here
they are…
Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
B: Hi Angela, have you watched any good films these days? I’d love to rent a DVD tonight.
G: You should get Lost and Found. It’s amazing. It has some great songs, too.
B: What about (21) Happy Place? I’ve heard it’s really good.
G: Well, (21) the film isn’t anything special, but the actors are great, especially the young girl.
B: I see. Didn’t you also watch (22) Kids Rock?
G: I did. (22) I really enjoyed it excepts for the last part. It was really strange.
B: Oh, ok. Klaus suggested watching (23) Dangerous People.
G: You could, but you know (23) I think adventure films are horrible.
B: That’s because you’re scared to watch something new. But you watched (24) Sunny
Summer too. Isn’t that an adventure film?

G: Yes, but (24) it will have you laughing all day. The star is so funny. Oh, I almost forgot…
The (25) Pop Star is on.
B: Not another teen comedy…
G: Well, (25) it’s not the usual love story. It’s a clever film with lots of exciting facts about the
singer’s life.
B: Hm, that doesn’t sound boring!

Test 26

1 What day will they meet?
F: How about dinner sometime this week? There’s a great new restaurant in town.
M: Good idea. What’s today? Thursday? Because I think I’ve got an appointment with the
F: Actually it’s Tuesday. So is tonight good for you then?
M: Well, I can’t on Wednesdays, as I’m working late, so tonight is probably best. I’ll call you
2 How much does the woman pay for the ticket?
F: Hello. Do you have cheap tickets for Paris for tomorrow?
M: The cheapest is £104, Madam, but I’m afraid they’re all sold out.
F: Oh well, I guess I’ll have to pay the standard price of £180, then.
M: Actually, we have a special offer of a £40 discount this week. So that’s £140 rather
than £180, Madam. Now, if you would just…
3 What job does the man do?
M: Well, my job at the hotel is very difficult at times. Sometimes the customers have problems
with our staff; especially with our waiters and waitresses.
F: What about the receptionists, then? Do they ever have any problems with the guests?
M: Sometimes yes, but not that often. If anyone needs my help, they call me and I come right
away from my office.
4 What are they watching tonight?
M: What’s on TV tonight?
F: There’s a new film about the life of a famous doctor.
M: That sounds really interesting. But I think there’s also a dance competition.
F: Oh, yes. What about The Men in Blue? It’s a film about the lives of police officers.
M: Let’s watch that next Saturday online, when Jin is here. So what about now? The
F: Yes. I think Jin will love The Men in Blue.
5 What is the weather like now?
M: Look how great the clouds look in the sky!
F: They do look nice but I prefer the sun. It makes me happy!
M: Well, it looks like it’s going to rain in a few minutes so no clear sky today.
F: I hope so. It hasn’t rained in a while and the trees need some water. It’ll be sunny at the
weekend anyway.
Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
M: Good morning, everyone. I’m John, your tour guide. Tomorrow we are going to leave at
9.00 am. (6) Please make sure you are all at the hotel entrance at 10 to 9. The bus will pick us up
from I will have all your tickets and you can leave your passports behind. (7) But don’t forget
your cameras.
We will go to the Palace first. Then, we will have an early lunch at a nice restaurant in Hyde
Park, next to the lake. (8) There is a good set menu for £9.95. If you want a drink, you can have
anything you like for £2.50 at the nearby cafe. Then, in the afternoon, we will go to the London
Eye and the British Museum. After that, you are free to go shopping until 8.00 pm. (9) For the
best shops in London visit That’s spelt S-H-O-P-S-P-O-T-S.
(10) At 8.00 we will meet again at the end of Piccadilly Street to return to the hotel for dinner.
That’s P-I-DOUBLE C-A-D-I-DOUBLE L-Y Street. I hope you enjoy your day…
Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
M: Hi Sarah, you are coming to the dinner party, aren’t you?
F: (11) Yeah, now that it’s on the 3rd. My daughter’s birthday is on the 29th of May so she’s
having her party on the 1st of June.
M: Oh ok, what are you wearing? Not your little black dress again.
F: Maybe my new blouse and a skirt?
M: (12) Why not the blouse with the brown suit?
F: We’ll see. Now, I’ve got some great news! (13) I talked to Mr Larson and he told me he was
giving away plane tickets to the employee of the month. I could take John to Paris.
M: I hope you get them. Booking that appointment with Gin Sanders was quite a success.
F: I know. So are you taking the kids to the party?
M: No, I asked my mum to look after them.
F: Me too. (14) It’ll just be me and my husband.
M: Great! You have to be there by 8.00 to take some photographs. (15) I will get to the office at
7.00 as Mr Larson wants me to talk to the others first. I suggested calling them the night before
but he said no.
Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
16 You will hear a woman talking to a colleague. Who is she waiting for?
M: Hi Ann, why are you waiting outside the office building?
F: My husband is picking me up today because I need him to drive me to the dentist in the city
M: I see. Do you think you could take my friend Fay with you, too? She’s meeting someone
from the office in Oxford Street.
F: Yeah, why not?
17 You will hear a man phoning his wife. Why is he phoning her?
M: Hi Sheila. I’m still at work at the moment. If it’s ok with you, I’d like to go to Paul’s house
after work because we want to work on our project together. Ok? (17) And his wife said you and
the kids could come along later in the evening so that all of us can have some dinner together.
18 You will hear a couple talking about a new car. How will they find out how much it costs?
F: I wonder how much this car is.
M: I’ve already been on the company’s website but there was no information on it. Maybe we
could call your friend John. He knows everything about cars.
F: I guess but wouldn’t it be better to ask the car company?
M: I know… Their manager gave an interview to “Car Wheels”. I’ll get it from the shop.
19 You will hear two friends talking about a group tour. Why will they book a Monday tour?
F: How about going on that group tour to the city centre today?
M: You know I like to relax on Sundays. Plus today it’s too hot to be outside all day.
F: What about tomorrow then? Maybe there’s a discount on weekday tours.

M: No, there is no discount, but I guess it’ll be easier to get around when the streets aren’t so
20 You will hear a woman calling her boss. What does she need to do first?
F: Hi Mr Johnson. Your secretary told me you need me to come and meet you at the airport to
welcome the Japanese business people. I’ll be there as soon as I finish with Sean, the new guy. I
am showing him around the building in 20 minutes. I’ll tell your secretary to call you to let you
know I’m leaving. Thanks.
Listening Part 5

B: Wasn’t the weather strange this week? I can’t believe it was so hot on Monday that we went
to the lake for a boat ride.
G: (21) Tuesday was nice too.
B: (21) Yes, it wasn’t as hot as Monday but there weren’t any clouds in the sky.
G: It was nothing like (22) Wednesday, was it?
B: No, (22) there was so much wind we couldn’t stand outside. I didn’t even go to basketball
G: And (23) Thursday was even worse.
B: That’s right. I wouldn’t mind some light rain but (23) there was thunder all day.
G: But (24) Friday was much better.
B: Maybe for you but (24) I couldn’t see where I was going. It made it really hard to ride a
G: Who would have thought the weather would change so much on (25) Saturday, then?
B: I know. When I woke up and looked out of the window (25) I could not believe everything
was white.
G: Let’s hope the weather gets better next week.
B: I wouldn’t mind if it stayed as it is. No school for me…

Test 27
1 What time does Mary start work today?
M: How about going to the cinema later?
F: I’d love to but I’m working nights this week. I start at half-past-eleven.
M: Well, we could go to the early film. It finishes at ten thirty, and it’s only a ten-minute drive
from work.
F: If I’m at work by 11.00 pm, then yes. That gives me half an hour to get changed before I
start work.
2 When is the school play?
B: Hi Sue! Is everything ready for the play?
G: Yes! Today is our last meeting with the teacher! The great thing is that I’m missing Friday’s
Maths class!
B: Lucky you! So the big day is tomorrow, then? Is it playing on Sunday too?
G: No. Only tomorrow. I hope you can come! Wish me luck!
3 Where did Shivrang and his friends stay on holiday?
F: Hi Shivrang! Did you enjoy camping?
M: Actually, there was a big storm when we arrived and we couldn’t sleep in the tent.
F: Oh no! So, did you stay in a guest-house?
M: We found a very modern hotel that had a room for all four of us. A guest-house would be
cheaper but there weren’t any available in the area.
4 What are they going to do tomorrow?
B: Shall we meet the others at the skatepark tomorrow?

G: You know I love going there but it’s going to be too hot tomorrow to do something
B: We could play basketball in the sports centre.
G: I still think it will be too hot. What about going to the beach?
B: Ok, good idea. I’ll borrow my brother’s surfboard.
5 Where was the woman’s phone?
M: What’s wrong, dear?
F: I’ve lost my phone, Liam. I think I left it on the kids’ bookshelf this morning.
M: Look! Here it is. Mary must have taken it again and left it on the sofa. Shall I put it back on
the bookshelf?
F: Please leave it on the little table in our bedroom and I’ll take it with me when I get ready.
M: OK, fine.
Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
M: Hello everyone. Now this will take just a minute. As you know tomorrow we are having a
fire practice so today I need to tell you what to do.
When you hear the bell, get up from your desks (6) but you mustn’t run anywhere. Leave all
your things behind … yes, that includes bags, phones, everything.
Then, (7) follow the arrows to the nearest fire exit. You will not have time to wait for friends or
pick things up. There will be no talking, (8) just move out of the building quickly and quietly. Do
not use the lifts, take the stairs instead.
Now I am going to tell you where the main meeting points are. Everyone on Floor One goes to
the park opposite the main building. (9) Floor Two, go to the gym. Floor Three, go to the car
park behind the gym. OK. Got that?
(10) Now, the practice will be tomorrow between 9-1.15! Remember, we’ll continue to work
from 2 to the end of the day as usual.
Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
F: Alex, I’m so excited. I started my new job on Monday.
M: Congratulations! So do you drive there every day?
F: No need. (11) It’s a 10-minute walk and if it rains, I take the bus. There’s a bus stop just
outside the office.
M: You’re lucky! I spend so much time and money driving to work, but that’s not my problem.
(12) Now you have left the office, I have no one to talk to. Everyone’s so boring.
F: I know. That’s one of the main reasons I left and the money, of course. £19,500 was good
(13) but £22,500 is better and I save another £3,000 as I’m closer to home.
M: Do you still answer calls and send emails?
F: (14) I do but I also have to be with the manager when he’s in a meeting. It’s tiring but so
much better than sitting at my desk all day.
M: Well Linda, I’d love to do that. I wish Ms Pearce would give us something new to work on.
F: Why don’t you talk to her?
M: She’d never change her mind. (15) I think I’d better do what you did.
F: I couldn’t agree more…
Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
16 You will hear a man talking about a film. Which part didn’t he enjoy?
M: Well, the film I watched last night was really interesting! The main actor’s opening words
were brilliant. During the next half hour everything seemed to go a bit slower as the actor tried to
show us how life in African villages is. Probably it also felt that way because of the music. But
towards the end it just kept getting better and better…
17 You will hear two friends talking about a festival. What did the woman think of it?
M: I think that art festival we went to yesterday was really terrible. I can’t believe you made me
agree to go.
F: Really? I think it was really interesting. We saw things we’d never seen before, like that
street artist.
M: I guess it may be interesting for you because you love art.
F: Well, what can I say? Normal shows seem awful to me…
18 You will hear a couple talking about a trip to town. Why are they going to town?
F: Are you ready to leave?
M: I just need to have a snack before going. Driving makes me hungry.
F: Ok, but don’t be late! Your mother is going to wait for us outside the department store at 4
and (18) the play is on at 5. That doesn’t leave us much time.
M: Don’t worry we’ll be on time.
19 You will hear a coach talking to his players. What is he telling them?
M: Listen carefully everyone! The match against the Tigers is tomorrow at 7; not 6 as our last
game. The Tigers are a stronger team than the Captains so I need you to do your best. I know we
usually finish practice around 4, but since this is our last one before the match we’ll probably
stay until 5 or more.
20 You will hear a man talking to his friend about his neighbour. Who is his neighbour going
out with?
M: You must have met my neighbour, Mary. She used to work with James in town. She was his
assistant before moving here. So I was at Antonio’s Italian restaurant last night and I saw her
with my cousin, Roger. I hadn’t seen him since our aunt invited us to her new place. Anyway,
they’ve been seeing each other for some time now. I’ll tell you more about it at work.
Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25
G: I guess I was lucky. I was just feeling a bit down after a busy week.
B: I know. Did you hear about (21) Sebastian?
G: (21) Yes, he fell off his bike and broke his arm. He was in a lot of pain and now he can’t
write. Luckily, he didn’t break his back or his leg.
B: And (22) Olivia is hurt, too.
G: Yes, she tried to carry some heavy boxes and now (22) she can’t walk without her back
hurting. At least she didn’t break anything like Sebastian.
B: And I think (23) Matthew had a temperature.
G: He didn’t but the doctor said he should have some soup.
B: Did his stomach hurt?
G: (23) No, just for the cold. What about (24) Aisha?
B: (24) She had to go to the dentist and now she’s in less pain.
G: That’s good to hear. (25) Aren’t you feeling any better Jin?
B: I thought I was getting better but I’m still sick.
G: You don’t look like you still have a cold.
B: I don’t. (25) Some of the medicine hurt my stomach. Now I can’t eat anything.

Test 28
1 Where will Murat meet his friends?
F: So Murat, have you decided what to do on your birthday? Are we meeting at the café?
M: Well, perhaps we could do something outdoors. How about the local pool?
F: The weather won’t be good on Sunday. Maybe we should stay in.
M: Ok, I’ll make sure I have enough snacks and drinks and I’ll invite everyone for a games
night at my house. I’ll ask John from the café for some help, too.
2 What film will they see?
F: How about going to see a film?
M: Great idea! There’s that new movie about a train journey through Siberia.
F: I was thinking of a nice love story.
M: We saw one last week! We could see that film about the family that lives alone in Alaska.
F: Ok, yes, that’s a better idea than your first one. Anyway, next time I choose!
3 What did the woman buy?
G: I am so tired! I’ve spent all day trying to buy a present for mum!
B: Did you get something in the end? I usually buy her a scarf.
G: She’s got loads of those! I wanted to buy her sunglasses but they were all too expensive
… and then I saw these gloves.
B: Hey! Those are nice! They will keep her really warm. She’s got a pair of sunglasses anyway!
4 What’s for dinner?
M: Mmm… Something smells good!
F: Yes. I thought I’d do something different from the usual chicken dish I make for dinner.
M: Please tell me you’re not making soup, are you? It’s too hot for soup!
F: I was thinking a nice Italian pasta dish. How does that sound? Or would you rather I roasted
some chicken?
M: No, pasta will be perfect, dear.
5 What needs fixing in the kitchen?
F: Can you phone the Home Fix Company for me?
M: Sure. What’s the problem? Not that sink again?
F: Not this time. I need to make a birthday cake tomorrow and I can’t turn on the oven.
M: Okay! Don’t worry. The number is on the fridge, isn’t it? I’ll phone now. Maybe they’ll
give us a discount this time. It’s only a week since they came in for the sink.
Listening Part 2

M: Village Cinema is opening on the 1st of June and will stay open for the summer still
September 15th. So I am here to tell you everything you need to know about us.
The cinema is located opposite Green Park at the corner of Oxford and White Street. If you
choose to get there by the underground (6) you’ll find the cinema on your left next to the
playground. If you get here by car, (7) you can park at the Williams car park about 5 minutes’
walk from the cinema. I repeat, that’s spelt: W-I-DOUBLE L-I-A-M-S. Parking is £9.00
Programmes for the month can be picked up at the ticket office or viewed online at On weekdays, films are shown from 6 to 11.00 pm and (8) on
Saturdays and Sundays from 4 to 12.00 pm. Adult tickets cost £9.99. (9) Tickets for children
under the age of 12 cost £6.99. You can also buy group tickets for 10 for £85.
(10) For more information and special offers call us on 5644300. We’ll be happy to help.
Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
M: Good morning! I’m looking for some new clothes.
F: Certainly. Let me show you some jeans. They never go out of fashion. This is our most
popular design.
M: Oh, thanks. (11) I know most people love jeans but I’d like something more comfortable,
like this pair of trousers, maybe?
F: Of course. We have them in black and blue. Which one would you rather try on?
M: I’m afraid neither. (12) I find brown matches my shirts better.
F: I see. (13) We’ve got these shorts in that colour. But I’m not sure you could wear them with
a shirt.
M: That’s true but since they’re my size I’d like to try them on, please.
F: Of course. You should also know that they’re on sale. They were 65 pounds but are now
down to 45. (14) Oh sorry, 55 that is.
M: I don’t carry that much with me but I guess I could come back on Saturday.
F: Unfortunately we’ll be closed then. So either later today or on Monday.
M: Well, I have to go to work in the afternoon and on Fridays we always work late, (15) so it’ll
have to be after the weekend.
Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20
16 You will hear two colleagues talking together. How did the woman come to work today?
M: You’re in early. Did you drive here today?
F: Actually there were no problems on the underground!
M: That doesn’t happen often.
F: I know. That’s why at first I was thinking about driving as usual.
M: Well, I walked here today. The streets were so busy I would never be here on time if I took
the car.
F: Lucky you! You live so close to the office…
17 You will hear a woman talking to a man who works at a restaurant. What is the woman
looking for?
F: Hi. My family and I had lunch there an hour ago. We were sitting by the window. I think
I’ve dropped my wedding ring as I was taking off my gloves. Could you have a look? Oh, no
need to… Sorry… I had taken it off and put it in my handbag while I was in the bathroom…
M: That’s ok Madam. Have a good day.
18 You will hear a woman talking about cooking. How did she become better at it?
F: While I was studying away from home, I needed to learn how to cook. My mum always said
that if I needed help, she’d be there for me but her advice never seemed to work for me. I had
heard of a popular chef with his own YouTube channel but what I realised after watching a few
videos was that I had to do it on my own. And that’s when I started to improve.
19 You will hear a man talking about his hobbies. Which hobby has he stopped doing?
M: I’m so excited. Sandra has finally agreed to go to the farm with me on Sundays. It’s so
much fun growing and picking fruit and vegetables. She never used to come with me when I
brushed and rode the horses so I got tired of being on my own. She only likes going to the
stadium sometimes to watch our favourite team play.
20 You will hear a man talking about a department store. What’s new at the department store?
M: Good morning everyone. The sales are on at our clothes department. Get your new
swimming costume at 50% off. Now, at the food and drinks department a juice bar has just
opened. Taste their delicious drinks today. Finally, for those who want to buy a new bicycle or
repair their old one, visit Tom’s Bikes on the second floor.
Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25

G: Hey Luis! How about doing something this afternoon? Would you like to play tennis at the
local court?
B: I’d love to but it’s going to rain.
G: Well, let’s do something indoors. (21) The pool is open at weekends.
B: (21) No way! Last time I went there the water was green! I’m sure they haven’t cleaned it
G: There’s always (22) the cafe in Elm Square. Let’s go for a coffee.
B: That’s not a good idea on a Saturday! (22) It’s full of people! It will take ages to get a seat!
G: Hey! (23) I heard there’s a good film at the cinema.
B: Sorry, I can’t do that this week. (23) It’s £8 a ticket and I’ve got no money left.
G: OK. Well, that leaves (24) the park, but I’m not sure it’s warm enough to spend so much
time outside.
B: (24) We’d catch a cold. (25) Why don’t we stay in? I’ll make us some coffee and we can
listen to music!
G: (25) Well, that’s not exciting at all, is it?

Test 29

1 What did Anastasia have to do yesterday?

M: Hi Anastasia. You look tired. What did you do yesterday?
F: I helped my friend Gill do the housework and washing a car is no easy task.
M: I know. That’s why I only water the plants.
F: Well, that sound more relaxing. I wish I had done that. But at least washing a car is better
than picking up the rubbish.
2 Where does the woman hurt?
M: Are you alright?
F: I don’t feel too good! Since lunch, actually.
M: Have you got a headache again? Or was it the food? A bit too heavy?
F: Well, actually the food was not so good but that’s not it. I think I need to go to the dentist.
Something’s wrong. Anyway, I’d better take some medicine before I get a headache too.
3 When is the event?
M: Hi! The boss asked me to send invitations for the office dinner party. Are you coming?
F: That’s in November, right? I’m not sure if I can.
M: Actually it was going to be on 30th November but now it’s on the 30th of this month!
F: Oh, OK. Today’s the 13th October so in two weeks, right?
M: Yes! So is it ok with you now?
4 What sport are they going to watch now?
F: I’m bored. Let’s watch something on TV.
M: Well. It’s sports hour. How about some football?
F: We watched Real Madrid play against Manchester United last night. I’m not watching
another match! Let’s watch a basketball game.
M: Sorry no basketball tonight. There’s volleyball or football now, so I guess the choice is
made. But a great basketball game is on tomorrow. Let’s not miss it!
5 How much did the girl pay for her coffee?
B: Let’s go to that new café on the corner for some coffee!
G: No way! I went last week. I paid just under £3.00 for a coffee!
B: You are joking! I paid £2.00 in London yesterday, and I thought that was too much!
G: There’s the café by the cinema! My brother paid £1.00 for coffee and a biscuit there. He said
it’s really good.

Listening Part 2
Questions 6-10
F: Most students in this college study in Brighton Summer School during the summer holidays
and really enjoy it. So I’m going to tell you a bit about their summer school.
(6) Courses start on the twentieth of June so you can choose any date that suits you until August
the 15th. Most students choose courses in the middle of July as the weather’s better then.
(7) Courses are available for students who are between eighteen and twenty five years old.
(8) But to work there as an assistant during your studies you have to be at least twenty two. You
don’t need to be good at sports or other languages (9) but they need you to speak good English.
That’s because all classes will be in English.
Each day you’ll get some homework and during your time there you’ll need to do two group
projects, one each week.
(10) If you’re interested, you need to email me at, that’s J-E-DOUBLE-S-
Y-J-O-N-E-S, telling me why you’d like to go.

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
F: I found out about a website that helps you improve your English.
M: Who told you about it? Sarah from work?
F: (11) Actually I saw an advert during my favourite TV programme, English Fun, the one we
used to listen to on the radio.
M: I got tired of it. It got so boring.
F: (12) It’s funny you should say that, but the online radio shows are nothing like
that. (13) Their clever advice has really helped me.
M: (13) We should tell Ms Jessica about it. My cousin has a lesson with her today. So do you
spend a lot of time on it?
F: On Friday I was on it for an hour and a half, (14) yesterday about three quarters of an
hour and today maybe I’ll find an hour to read some articles.
M: Are there articles too?
F: Yes, on different levels and some of them also have a video. If you are not sure about your
English level, you can ask an online teacher.
M: (15) The only way I’d read an article is if I were to watch something about it. So I’m going
to contact a teacher on the website and get started.
F: Great!

Listening Part 4
Questions 16-20
16 You will hear two friends talking. Where are they?
M: We were so lucky we got these last-minutes tickets.
F: Yeah. But a flight home would be much faster and more comfortable than a train ride. We
should have booked earlier, it was too expensive.
M: It could be worse! Last time we had to catch a bus home. It took us 9 hours to get back and
we were too tired to go to work the next day.
17 You will hear a woman talking about her friend. What does her friend want?

F: I spoke to my friend Delilah, the doctor, and she seemed a bit worried to me. Her son told
her that he was interested in becoming a football player when he finishes school. He’s really
good at football and his coach tells him he could play for an important team one day. I guess
Delilah always hoped he would like to do what she does.
18 You will hear a police officer talking to a man. What’s the problem?
F: Good morning Sir! May I see your driving licence?
M: Of course. I just got it last month.
F: Well, that explains it. Please stay away from motorways for some time. You almost had an
accident back there.
M: But I wasn’t going fast.
F: Going fast is not the only reason why someone may have an accident. Have a good day!
19 You will hear a woman talking to her son about school. What is she telling him?
F: I know after your dad lost his job, you’ve been trying to help us by working in the cafe in the
afternoons but I’m really worried about your school work. Your teacher has called us and she
wanted us to tell her why you are always so tired. I explained but she said she wasn’t sure you
should keep doing this and I think I agree with her.
20 You will hear two colleagues talking at the office. Why is the man tired?
F: Hey Omar, you look really tired. Did you stay up late to finish the talk we had to prepare?
M: Actually, my train was delayed so I didn’t get home until after 10. At least I did most of the
work at the station and the rest on the train.
F: Well, you are done with it now. I still have to write another 200 words.

Listening Part 5

B: Did you have fun at your party Sophia?
G: Yes, I got so many great presents. I got this keyboard from my mum. She knew I had trouble
typing on my old computer.
B: What did (21) your Dad get you?
G: (21) He bought me this. Now I can call and text all my friends.
B: That’s great but I thought you wanted a new laptop.
G: I did, but what (22) my grandpa got me is even better. I can now carry my new tablet around
more easily.
B: What about (23) your sister? She was thinking about signing you up for music lessons.
G: I know but (23) she arranged for us to see our favourite singer live.
B: And what did (24) Lucas get you?
G: (24) This lovely golden heart to wear around my neck.
B: Oh, it’s pretty. And it matches (25) your aunt’s present.
G: Yeah, it does. Oh… (25) I think I should try it on my middle finger.
B: Yeah, it’s better that way.

Test 30
1 When is the Christmas office party?
M: I’m trying to decide when to do the meeting with the English. I was thinking of Friday.
F: Not a good idea. The Christmas party is that weekend.
M: Oh! You mean everyone will be getting ready for it?
F: Exactly! It’s also Mr Johnson’s birthday on Saturday and his assistant is thinking of
surprising him with a cake. And the following day is the office party. So we’d better think of a
different date.
2 What will the boy do at the youth club on Fridays?
B: Hi! I’d like to join the youth club. What do you do here?
G: Loads of things: singing, reading, games, sports. What do you enjoy?
B: I like reading and art.
G: Well, we have reading classes on Wednesdays at 4.00. Oh, and Fridays is great for you!
There’s a music class at 6.00 and right after a painting class.
B: Well, I’m not that good at singing so the other two classes seem great.
3 What is the woman going to get her sister for her birthday?
F: It’s Dina’s birthday on Saturday. I’m going to get her a present tomorrow.
M: She likes photography, right? So I guess you’ll get her a camera!
F: Actually she takes most photos on her phone, but yes, she needs one.
M: OK. You get that and I’ll buy her a book on photography. I think she’ll love it.
4 Where has the girl left her trainer?
F: Have you seen my trainers? They’re usually in the cupboard under the stairs, but they aren’t
there now.
M: You were wearing them yesterday.
F: Yeah, I drove to the gym so I had them on.
M: Ah yes, I remember! I saw them outside the bedroom window.
F: Those aren’t mine, John. Oh wait… My gym bag is still in the car.
5 How much are the concert tickets?
M: Your favourite group is playing at the stadium next week.
F: I know! But I’ve heard the tickets are £14.45 each!
M: No way, not even famous groups charge that much! You must have heard something
wrong! Maybe £5.00 is closer to it! Let’s look it up!
F: Yes. Here we are. You were right. They are just under £5.00. That’s great, we are definitely
Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10
F: Hi Vladimir, it’s Sonia from work. We missed you today at the office. So next Monday
we’re having the meeting for the new office design. Mr Fowler asked everyone for ideas.
(6) So we must make notes and then email them to Mr Fowler. On the day of the meeting we’ll
also give a short talk based on our notes in front of everyone. Our talk shouldn’t be longer than 3
minutes (7) as the whole meeting should take no more than 45 minutes. That will give all of us
some time to talk and then around 15 minutes for us to decide on the best ideas.
(8) If you need help, you can go online at That’s O-DOUBLE F-I-C-E-D- It’s got great ideas for small offices. Oh, I almost forgot. (9) Could you talk to
Anna and let her know about this as I’m already late for my tennis class.
Make sure you are ready by Friday the first of October so that we’ll have the weekend to go over
our ideas (10) before Monday the 4th.

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15
11 B 12 A 13 A 14 A 15 C
M: Are you excited about London, Sammy?
F: Yes and no. (11) It’s such a pity you have to work.
M: Your sister is going to be with you and that girl from your office.
F: But you could drive us there. (12) Now we’ll be stuck on the train. Too bad going by air was
so expensive.

M: So have you booked a room?
F: Yes, at a hotel in the city centre. There’s a bus stop just across the street and the
underground’s near. But I still have to find out more about the city.
M: Don’t worry. (13) There are many online London guides.
F: (13) I hope I don’t forget to get one of those. When did you last go to London, Joshua?
M: Just a year ago. Sammy, you’ll love the local dishes and the people. (14) But the sights are
F: But isn’t it expensive to visit them?
M: If you book before getting there, no. That way you’ll also avoid waiting. London sights get
really crowded. (15) But for me, the only thing that can ruin a day in London is rain.
F: Let’s hope for some sun, then.

Listening Part 4
16 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about her new boss. What does the woman like
about him?
F: Our new boss came to work this morning. He looks like our friend John, but he isn’t half as
funny as him. Anyway, he told us he has just finished university and he’s happy to share his
ideas with us.
M: Well, that’s good.
F: Yeah, he seemed to be glad to work with us. Not like our last boss. I was worried every time
I had to talk with him.
17 You will hear a man talking about a basketball match. How did he feel after the match?
M: I had been waiting for that match for a month. I had trained really hard. It was so tiring
going to practice every day. I thought we could easily win. Then, our best player got sick. That
made me worry but we all did our best. Now, I’m just mad. I can’t believe we lost. We were
better than them.
18 You will hear a teacher talking about a lesson. What has changed?
F: Hi everyone. You know the English writing class starts on Monday at 5.00. I expect
everyone to be here at 4.00 at the latest. We need you to pay for your books before class so
remember to bring 15 pounds with you. Mr Johnson, and not Mr Williams, will be here with you
during these four weeks. Thank you.
19 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about her house. What’s the problem with the
F: I thought I could easily sell the house. It’s a three-bedroom house, perfect for a family. And
if you ask me, it’s quite cheap for a house in such a good neighbourhood. I understand that the
house was built in the 1980s but still I think that no one could find a more comfortable place for
their family.
20 You will hear a man talking about a job. Why didn’t he get it?
M: I can’t believe I didn’t get that job. I am always on time and I have a lot of experience
working as a manager. There aren’t many people who can do this job as well as me. You have to
work long hours and most people don’t want to do that. It’s such a pity that there was so much
traffic the day of the meeting.
Listening Part 5

F: Did you enjoy Italy, Daniel?
B: Yes, Miss. We visited lots of great places. On Monday we went for a walk by the river and
took some photos from high above.
F: So what did you do (21) on Tuesday?
B: (21) We saw where the king and queen used to live many years ago. We also walked in the
F: Great! Did you see any paintings (22) on Wednesday?
B: My sister was bored so (22) we watched a play instead.
F: What about (23) Thursday? I know you wanted to see some animals.
B: I did but when we got there it was closed, so (23) we visited a place where they make
chocolate. The building is 100 years old.
F: Did you drink any hot chocolate, too?
B: Yes, (24) the next day we sat in a lovely café in the city centre square. People walked by all
F: And (25) on the last day of your holiday?
B: We were really tired on Saturday so (25) we just went for a walk among the trees.


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