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By Target Psychology

1. Know
a. What amount of depth should I study or get a simple overview of a topic form which
2. Video 1: “Books for Psychology NET-JRF” dated 6th Aug, 2020.
a. Introduction/ General Psychology books
(study any 1 book form these two)
i. Psychology by Ciccarelli and White
1. Concise information with diagrams/mindmaps.
2. Better for beginners.
ii. Psychology by Baron and Mishra
1. Lot of studies are there.
b. Advanced General Psychology by Arun Kumar Singh
i. For hindi medium
ii. Learning & Personality chapters has a lot of content which is missing in foreign
c. Social Psychology by Baron and Brainscomb
i. 10% of NET exam syllabus.
ii. Easy language.
iii. Has summary at back.
iv. Social Psychology should be studied separately form this book because it has a
broad topics and sufficient information is not given in Introductory General
Psychology Book.
d. Biopsychology by Pinel
i. Although Biopsychology topic is covered sufficiently by General Psychology book
of Cicerarelli & Internet.
ii. But if I wish to study Biopsychology in indepth.
e. Cognitive Psychology by Sternberg and Sternberg
i. Topics related to Cognition & Intelligence chapter is well given.
ii. This topic is covered sufficiently by General Psychology book such as Cicerarelli &
Arun Kumar.
f. Theories of Personality by Richard Rychman
i. Lot of theories.
ii. This topic is covered sufficiently by General Psychology book such as Cicerarelli &
Arun Kumar.
g. Test Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences by AK Singh
i. Not more than 15 marks questions come in the exam.
ii. Questions are form Research Method and Statistics
iii. Psychological Testing topic is given in good way.
iv. Research Method topics is given in good way.
v. Sampling topic is given in good way.
vi. Experimental Designs topic is given in good way.
vii. Non-Parametric & Parametric Statistic topic is given in good way which will be
good for quick revision.
h. Statistics in Psychology and education by SK Mangal
i. Basic Statistic related topics.
ii. Good for time shortage.
iii. Gives a understanding of basic, Research Method, Psychological Testing, Statistics.
i. Psychology NET-JRF Previous Papers by Upkar
3. People who have time shortage & who are an Average students: -
a. First read 3 books
i. 1st book: Psychology by Ciccarelli and White
ii. 2nd book: Social Psychology by Baron and Brainscomb
1. Just reading the summary part behind chapters is sufficient because it
explains quite a lot.
iii. 3 book: Test Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences by
AK Singh
1. Study main chapters such as
a. Reliability
b. Validity
c. Sampling
d. Research Design
2. Or study as much as you can.
4. People who actually have no time at all:
a. Just read “Psychology by Ciccarelli and White” & “PYQPs”.
5. Video 2:“Must have books for Psychology - Psychology - Unacademy Live NTA UGC NET - Vinod
Kumar” dated 7th March, 2020 (books suggested are based on Cost and Benefit i.e. low
cost/effort but high benefit/return.)
a. Psychology by Ciccarelli and White
i. This is fundamental or an Introduction book.
ii. Do it line by line.
iii. It is well organized, simple & relevant.
iv. Each chapter has a flowchart at the end, so for revision I can simply refer to it
rather than referring the whole chapter and it will save my time.
v. It covers most of the general psychology topics so it gives us basic idea about
what is being talked about in what topic.
b. Psychology by Baron and Mishra
i. It is also an Introduction book.
ii. Study it if you have finished “Psychology by Ciccarelli and White” book and you
have time.
iii. Some topics are given extra which is missing in Ciccarelli.
iv. It is a good book for understanding basis as a lot of studies are there in this.
v. This book starts with story telling which enhances your critical thinking.
c. Advanced General Psychology by Arun Kumar Singh
i. For Hindi medium people not for me.
ii. It has more information which is not needed to prepare for UGC NET Exam. So it
is irrelevant & time-consuming.
d. Social Psychology by Baron and Brainscombe
i. This topic is important form exam point of view but it is not given in sufficient
amount in above Introductory Psychology books. So, refer this book.
e. Statistics in Psychology and Education by SK Mangal
i. Easy to understand but have to know how much do I have to study.
ii. Do limited study as it has information overload.
iii. Will create good basic understanding.
f. Test Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioral Sciences by AK Singh
i. Wasy to understand but lengthy.
ii. Finish this book first than go for the above book.
g. Psychology Book by Snyder
i. Topics related to Well-Being & Happiness.
ii. Do limited study form this as it has information overload.
iii. Best is to refer to online sources for Cost and Benefit.
h. UGC NET / JRF Exam. Sovled Ppaers Psychology
Tip: If you have limited time so just do NCERT + Ciccarelli (just read chapter’s back
summary only)+ PYQPs which will cover most of the UGC NET Psy syllabus.
6. Video 3:” Secret Behind Cracking NTA NETJRF - Unacademy Live NTA UGC NET - Vinod Kumar
dated 3rd April, 2020”
a. Paper 1
i. Refer book KVS Madaan.
ii. Upkar PYQPs.
iii. Know the techniques to solve questions as the questions/topics don’t repeat
which you can’t anticipate so you should know the method.
b. Paper 2
i. Know the high probability topics and revise them mostly.
7. Video 4:” Most Important Topics for Psychology - Unacademy Live - NTA UGC NET - Vinod
Kumar dated 2nd March, 2020”
a. Personality & Intelligence
i. Don’t go too deep rather.
ii. It is divided in
1. Theories
a. Too many theories, Just don’t go in deep rather do from above of
b. Freud’s theory,
c. Anna’s Defense Mechanisms (sublimation, projection, rationale,
d. Rollo may’s - His book name, Rollo may’s theory of Personality is
imp. (Love theory – 5 TYPES, Mode of existence is important.)
(stages – rebellious, physical dependence, Development - ordinary
conscious self, extra ordinary consciousness of self)
e. Neo-Freudian - Erikson’s theory (development part), Jung
f. Trait theory
g. EI theory
h. Humanistic - Maslow’s theory
i. Behaviorism – all theories are important
j. Psychodynamic – all theories are important
k. Roger’s therapies are important as questions are asked on its basis
instead of his theories. (Client Centered Therapy)
2. Tests
3. Measurements & Evaluation (both Personality & Intelligence)
a. MMPI Scale (sequence)
b. Projective (TAT, Rorschach, DAPT)
b. Memory
i. Models of Memory (all not deeply but memorize)
1. Atkinson & Shiffrin
2. Level of Processing model
3. Working model memory
ii. Long term memory division (explicit & implicit)
iii. Long term Potentiation
iv. Eyewitness testimony
v. Theories of Forgetting
1. Retroactive Interference & Proactive Interference
2. Retrograde Amnesia & Anterograde Amnesia
vi. Types of memories (duration, types, which type of coding, ) – Sensory, Short-Term
memory, Long Term Memory.
vii. Attention (Filter Attenuation Model)
c. Perception
i. Illusion
1. Mular layer illusion vs Moon Illusion (questions based on these)
ii. Cosntancy
iii. Monocular cues & depth cues (questions based on these)
iv. linear
v. binocular (retinal disparity ya convergence)
vi. gestalt (6 laws of organization)
vii. pattern recognition (feature model or what)
d. Research Method
i. Clear your basics if you have less time. Watch youtube videos for 2 days only.
ii. Normal Probability Curve (84 or 16 % wala) (mean itna hain aur standard
deviation itna hain)
iii. Hypothesis testing
iv. Types of Variables (Continuous, discrete, normal discrete)
v. Quasi Experimental
vi. Result design
vii. Randomization
viii. Test validity-reliability
ix. Chi-square (solve wala)
x. Pair comparison
xi. Factor analysis (paragraph)
xii. Correlation (strength, method, when will you use it point by serial or phi
xiii. ANNOVA (degree of freedom, repeated measure ANNOVA, T-test ANNOVA)
e. Learning
i. Insight learning (who gave it)
ii. Toleman’s latent learning
iii. Thordike’s law of effect
iv. Operational condition
v. Classical conditioning (systematic desensitization, temporal sequence, backward
conditioning, delayed conditioning, simultaneous or trace conditioning)
vi. Schedules of reinforecement
vii. Laws of premak principles, pigmilian effect, scalpilian effect, cripsy effect
viii. Do theories not too deeply but majorly know things related to terminologies.
ix. habit family hierarchy & habit stanz
f. Emotions (6-7 theories given in Ciccarelli book)
i. James Lange theory & Canon Balt theory
ii. Falian & Feedback theory
iii. Schester & Singer theory
iv. Lazararus & Folkman theory
g. Intelligence
i. all theoris are imp. Can’t skip anyone
1. Thrustone – Primary ability
2. Guilford - structure of intellect
3. Gardener – Multiple intelligences
4. Spearman – General of Spatial Intelligence
ii. Measurements
1. Binet-simon test
2. Termites study
iii. tests
1. difference & Verbal & Non-Verbal test
2. Wechler’s intelligent test
3. What Scales were in what?
iv. Creativity
1. Torrent’s creativity test (TTCD)
2. Threshold’s hypothesis
3. Past stages – orientation, preparation, incubation, illumination, verification
h. Biological Basis of Behaviour
i. CNS
1. Brain & Spinal Cord (Q. mostly comes from Brain)
ii. Hormones (adrenal gland, adrenal gland cortex)
iii. Hunger (LHM & VHM)
iv. Nausea (failure to recognize object or things)
v. Biological study
1. Lesion (which is reversible & which isn’t)
2. Pathways & sequence of visual & hearing sense
3. Amygdala
i. Motivation
i. 2 theories - Content & Process theories
j. Social Psychology
i. Cognition social
ii. Attribution
iii. Group behavior
iv. Conformity studies
v. Milgram’s obedience experiment
vi. Escalation of commitment
vii. Group polarization
viii. Group think
ix. Prejudice
x. Realistic conflict theory
xi. Deprivation theory
k. Developmental Psychology
i. Piaget’s cognitive developmental theory
ii. Kholberg’s moral development
iii. Vygotsky’s zone of proximal distance
iv. Language development
1. Phonym & morphym
2. syntax of grammar
3. symantix
v. syndrome (4 types)
1. down syndrome
2. cling pheldom syndrome
3. ternor syndrome
4. fragile left syndrome
l. Cognition
i. Problem solving
1. Types
2. Intermediate stages
ii. Reasoning, Decision making, problem solving
iii. Questions related to concepts (difference b/w concepts & prototypes &
m. Psychological Testing
i. Attitude Scales (v. imp)
1. Validity
2. Reliability
n. Emergence of Psychology
i. Sufism, bhagwat gita, well-being, P-Psychology
o. Emerging Areas of Psychology

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