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Village Secretariat Functionaries

Activity calendar

Common Job Chart of the Village Secretariat Functionaries

1. The Village Secretariat shall function as…

An effective mechanism to deliver services at door step.
A strong & workable channel for implementation of NAVARATHNALU
A mechanism for Transparency and accountability in delivery of government services to the citizens
A unit of convergence among departments for providing services at village level.
2. The office of Gram Panchayat will be termed as “Village Secretariat”.
3. All the Village Secretariat Functionaries are the employees of the Local Government and are responsible to the
Gram Panchayat.
4. All the Village Secretariat Functionaries shall attend the office daily (apart from field visits), duly following office
timings i.e. 10.00AM to 5.30PM and they shall plan their day to day activities in a meticulous way to fulfill the
administration as well as field work. If necessary, they shall plan the filed visits in such a way (early morning/
late evening) keeping in view the importance of the responsibility/duty/task and also availability of the
beneficiaries/ target group at household/ community level.
5. The prime duty of the Village Secretariat Functionaries is to provide various Government / other services at the
door steps of Citizens and ensure effective delivery of Navarathnalu.
6. The Panchayat Secretary of each Village Secretariat shall function as the Secretary/convener to the Village
7. Functional assistants shall cross check and verify the sector wise needs/ beneficiaries/ problems of the
households identified by the Village Volunteers.
Common Job Chart of the Village Secretariat Functionaries

8. The Panchayat Secretary & functional assistants shall aid & assist Gram Panchayat in performing its functions,
while preserving the autonomy of Gram Panchayats.
9. The Functional Assistants of line departments will function as per the job chart provided by their respective line
departments and report to Gram Panchayat.
10. All the Village Secretariat Functionaries should maintain a diary of work done every day to be reviewed by the
Village Secretariat Authorities / Mandal / District Authorities
11. The functional assistants of Village Secretariat shall participate in Gram Panchayat meetings and Gram Sabhas
to enable convergence of their functioning at Gram Panchayat level.
12. Village secretariats shall assist in preparation of Gram Panchayat Development plans for Five years on the subjects
delegated to them from time to time, as per the prescribed procedure.
13. The functionaries of the village secretariat shall prepare integrated annual plans using the PRA (Participatory
Rural Appraisal) techniques, duly capturing the felt needs & aspirations of the people, as per the prescribed
14. Village secretariat shall endeavor to provide services pertaining to the subjects delegated to them from time to
time, as per well-defined citizen charter, being accountable to Gram Panchayats.
15. The Village Secretariat shall function according to prescribed business rules and office procedures. These business
rules, office procedures and record maintenance systems will be notified separately.
16. All the Village Secretariat Functional Assistants in coordination and with convergence shall ensure the
implementation of following enactments in the Local Government area
Common Job Chart of the Village Secretariat Functionaries

Protection of Government/ Gram Panchayat Properties

Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1956
Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956
Weights and Measures Act, 1976.
Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986
WALTA Act 2004
Domestic Violence Act, 2005
The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act 2006
Liquor Policy of Andhra Pradesh
17. All the Village Secretariat Functionaries shall take follow up action on the grievances received under ‘Spandana’
and other grievances at GP level.
18. All the Village Secretariat Functionaries shall ensure the implementation of AP Panchayat Raj Act, 1994.
19. All the Village Secretariat Functionaries shall be available in the office on every “Monday” as it is a headquarters
20. The performance of the Functional Assistants shall be reviewed periodically by th e Mandal/district level officers
concerned and periodically submit the performance appraisal reports.
21. The Functional Assistants shall converge their functioning with Village Secretariats keeping proper linkages with
other departments, to act as a single unit of administration. Organic links must be established among various
Departments and institutions.
Common Job Chart of the Village Secretariat Functionaries

22. The Functional Assistants shall apply for the Casual leave/ Medical leave to the Sarpanch through
Panchayat Secretary of the Village Secretariat.
23. The Functional Assistants shall be responsible to their regular Supervisory Officers of the concerned line
Departments in technical aspects.
24. In the event of transfer / suspension / removal / dismissal / retirement or proceeding on leave other than casual
leave, the functional assistants shall hand over all the accounts, registers, records and the like to the person duly
appointed by the competent authority or authorized to take charge on his/her behalf.
25. Each Functional assistant shall maintain and be the custodians of the department specific records. They shall
submit the records to the Gram Panchayat as well as to the respective departments for verification/ Inspection/
Audit on intimation or request.
26. All the Village Secretariat Functionaries shall attend any other work (which may not be related to their department)
as entrusted by the competent authorities/ Gram Panchayat.
27. All the Village Secretariat Functionaries shall accompany the higher authorities concerned during the filed
Village Surveyor
Daily Activities Calendar

Attending Office. Registering day movement in Movement Attending field Survey
Register, Collect Land Maps/ Records and Proceed Field
for attend Survey petitions. Attending of Record Work and uploading of Survey
Filed inspection to take action against Unauthorized
layouts/ constructions, violations/ deviations in Attending of Record Work and uploading of Survey
sanctioned plans. Detection of encroachments and Data, and issue survey certificate.
intimating the same to Panchayat Secretary for further
action Preparation of dairy on daily activities

Inspection of lands proposed for layouts Attending Government special programmes

Protection of Panchayat Properties Attend general duties and duties of other Functional
Assistants as and when required.
Attending Spandana grievances. Preparation of note on
necessary issues in village and submit to the Reporting Any other duty entrusted by Panchayat Secretary or
Officers/ Panchayat Secretary and Redressal of other higher authorities
grievances (Ex. RTI etc.)
Monthly Activities Calendar
Day Activities (Week Wise)
1 stWeek 2ndWeek 3 rd Week 4th Week
Monday To prepare schedule of Attending Office. To prepare schedule of tour Attending Office. Supply of
tour Programme, to Supply of copies of Programme, copies of FMB, RSR
prepare & Issue notices to FMB, RSR extracts.
extracts. To prepare notices under
the applicants/ Adjacent
section 15(2) of S&B Act.
land holders. Serve the Village Secretariat Staff
Village Secretariat
survey notices to the Land Staff Meeting Village Secretariat Staff Meeting
holders. Village Secretariat Meeting
Staff Meeting
Tuesday Attending Filed Survey to Attending Filed Attending Filed Survey to Attending Filed Survey to
dispose Survey Petitions, Survey to dispose dispose Survey Petitions, dispose Survey Petitions,
Like F-lines, Patta Sub Survey Petitions, Like F-lines, Patta Sub Like F-lines, Patta Sub
Divisions, Survey for Web Like F-lines, Patta Divisions, Web Land Divisions, Web Land
Land Petitions, correction, Sub Divisions Petitions etc. Petitions, etc.
etc. Preparation of Record Preparation of Preparation of Record work
Preparation of Record work
work and uploading of Record work and and uploading of Survey
and uploading of Survey
Survey Data in Digital uploading of Data in Digital Format.
Format. Survey Data in Review with Village Data in Digital Format.
Review with Village Digital Format. Volunteers Review with Village
Volunteers Review with Volunteers
Village Volunteers
Wednesday Attending Filed Survey to Attending Filed Attending Filed Survey to Attending Filed Survey to
dispose Survey Petitions, Survey to dispose dispose Survey Petitions, dispose Survey Petitions,
Like F-lines, Patta Sub Survey Petitions, Like F-lines, Patta Sub Like F-lines, Patta Sub
Divisions, Web Land Like F-lines, Patta Divisions, web Land Divisions, Web Land
Petitions, etc. Preparation Sub Divisions Petitions etc. Petitions, etc.
of Record work and To attend training Preparation of Record work Preparation of Record work
uploading of Survey Data for capacity and uploading of Survey and uploading of Survey
in Digital Format. building. Data in Digital Format. Data in Digital Format.
Day Activities (Week Wise)
1st Week 2 nd
Week 3 rd Week 4 th Week
Thursday Attending Filed Survey Survey work for Gram Sabha Meeting GP Meeting
related to House sites / land conversion.
L.A / Land Alienation / Preparation of Record work
Land Assignment/ etc. Preparation of Record work and uploading of Survey
Preparation of
Preparation of Record work and uploading of Survey Data in Digital Format.
Record work and Data in Digital Format.
and uploading of Survey uploading of
Data in Digital Format. Survey Data in
Digital Format.
Friday Survey of Government Inspection all Survey of Government Inspection all types of
Lands, and booking of types of survey Lands, and booking of Survey Marks, and
Encroachments Marks, and Encroachments, rectification of missing
rectification of Verification of Survey marks
missing Survey unauthorized layouts in Entering Missing and
Attending Officers Field marks village Planted Stone details in
Inspection Attending Officers Field Stone Registers, Prepare
Entering Missing Inspection and serve the 15 (2) notices
and Planted Stone under S&B Act.
details in Stone
Saturday Attending Court Second Saturday To act as a bridge between Attending Officers Field
Commission Work, assist the Law and real life on Inspection.
Legal authorities like Lok land matters and work on
Adalat, Consumer Court mediation, organizing, Updation of software and
etc., Education and Advocacy in other issues.
the Village (Legal Assistant
Preparation of Record work role). Preparation of Record
to submit reports to Court work to submit reports to
Authority Court Authority
Sunday Holiday Holiday Holiday Holiday
Note: The Village Surveyor shall attend the following work when demarcation/ Patta Subdivision applications are not
1) Data collection and recording of Topo details.
2) Survey marks/ Control points inspection.
3) Verification of status of Government lands/ properties.
4) Preparation of reports on the above items.
5) Updation of all survey related registers with latest information.
6) Conducting legal awareness camp.
7) Assisting the Mandal Surveyor/DIOS/IOS/AD for preparatory work of Re-survey, Joint Inspections and Court
Seasonal Activities Calendar
Season Activity

Rainy season 1. Stone inspection on filed

(July to October) 2. To update data collection of Topo details in field.
3. Update the stone register of previous week stone inspection.
4. Preparing of Sub-division/Lay-out records on un-objectionable house sites/cultivable
5. Prepare sketches for rebuilding of missing FMBs and other records
6. Prepare the sketches for incorporation of Topo details
7. To act as a legal Assistance. Act as a bridge between the Law and real life and work
on mediation, organising, Education and Advocacy in the Village
Winter season 1. Sur vey of Lay-out plots
(November to February) 2. Prepare the proposed Lay-out plan for House sites
(The Govt. have announced to issue house sites to every poor person on eve of Ugadi)
Summer season 1.Re-survey operation and other maintenance works.
(March to June) 2.Survey endowment and waqf board lands
3.Survey for rebuilding of missing FMBs and other Records
Annual Activities Calendar
Month Activity
January Practical field training with Mandal Surveyor in Mandal on all subjects in survey works. Field work will be
done in one village per day to cover all villages in a Mandal.
February Practical field training with Mandal Surveyor in Mandal on all subjects in survey works. Field work will be
done in one village per day to cover all villages in a Mandal.
March To attend F-lines, Patta Sub divisions, Survey for webland correction, survey for issue of passbooks, Survey
for land conversion. To attend trainings for Re-survey and re-fixing the Govt.,lands with modern
April To attend F-lines, Patta Sub divisions, Survey for webland correction, survey for issue of passbooks, Survey
for land conversion. To attend trainings for Re-survey and re-fixing the Govt.,lands with modern
Technology(CORS). Celebrate National Survey day on 10 th of April.
May To attend F-lines, Patta Sub divisions, Survey for webland correction, survey for issue of passbooks, Survey
for land conversion. Field work practice with CORS rover.
June To attend F-lines, Patta Sub divisions, Survey for webland correction, survey for issue of passbooks, Survey
for land conversion. Field work practice with CORS rover.
July Re-survey operations, To Stone inspection on filed, To update data collection of Topo details in field. To
Update the stone register of previous week stone inspection. To prepare Sub-division/Lay-out records on
un-objectionable house sites/cultivable lands To repair sketches for rebuilding of missing FMBs and other
August Re-survey operations, To prepare Sub-division/Lay-out records on un-objectionable house sites/ cultivable
lands, To prepare sketches for rebuilding of missing FMBs and other records, Stone inspection on filed, To
update data collection of Topo details in field,To Update the stone register of previous week stone
September Re-survey operations, To Prepare the sketches for incorporation of Topo details, To act as a legal Assistance.
Act as a bridge between the Law and real life and work on mediation, organising, Education and Advocacy
in the Village.
Month Activity

October Re-survey operations, To Stone inspection on filed, To update data collection of Topo details in field. To
Update the stone register of previous week stone inspection. To prepare Sub-division/Lay-out records on
un-objectionable house sites/cultivable lands, To repair sketches for rebuilding of missing FMBs and other
November Re-survey operations, To attend F-lines, Patta Sub divisions, Survey for webland correction, survey for
issue of passbooks, Survey for land conversion
December Re-survey operations, Identification of Vacant Government Lands and preparation of Layouts for
preparation of House Site Pattas as announced by Govt.,

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