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Original Research Article………..

International Journal of Agricultural Invention

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International Journal of Agricultural Invention 1(2): 232-240: December, 2016 ISSN: 2456 – 1797 (P)

Plant microbiome in agro-ecosystem: A sustainable approach

Manoj Kumar, *Vivek Kumar, Narendra Tuteja, Ajit Varma
Amity Institute of Microbial Technology, Amity University, Gautam Budh Nagar, U.P., India
*Corresponding email:


Original Research Article Endophytic microbiome have been found in almost every plant studied, where they
Received on October 20, 2016 colonize the interior tissues of their host plant and may form a range of diverse associations
Accepted on November 24, 2016 including interdependent, synergistic, mutualistic, commensalistic and trophobiotic. Most
endophytic microbes appear to originate from the rhizosphere or phyllosphere; however,
Article Authors
Manoj Kumar, Vivek Kumar, some may be transmitted through the seed. Potential endophytic microbiome can encourage
and stimulate plant growth and produce and can also act as biocontrol agents. On the other
Narendra Tuteja, Ajit Varma
hand, these endophytes can also be valuable to their host plant by producing a wide range
Corresponding Author Email of natural products that could be utilized for possible use in medication, agronomy or
commerce. Furthermore, it has been revealed that they too have the potential to remove soil
PUBLICATION INFO contaminants by enhancing phytoremediation process and could play a significant role in
International Journal of Agricultural soil fertility improvement through nitrogen fixation and phosphate solubilization. There is
Invention (IJAI) an increasing interest in developing the biotechnological applications of potential
RNI: UPENG/2016/70091 endophytes for improving crop growth, phytoremediation and the sustainable production of
ISSN: 2456-1797 (P) food crops for biomass and biofuel production, which is a viable step towards sustainable
Vol.: 1, Issue: 2, Pages: 232-240 agriculture.
Journal Homepage URL KEYWORDS Endophytes, Microbiome, Plant, Sustainable Agriculture
DOI: 10.46492/IJAI/2016.1.2.19
Kumar, M., Kumar, V., Tuteja, N., Varma, A. (2016) Plant microbiome in agro-ecosystem: A sustainable approach, International
Journal of Agricultural Invention, 1(2): 232-240. DOI: 10.46492/IJAI/2016.1.2.19

Advantageous and positive plantmicrobe andSikora, 2008 and Larrana et al. 2016).
interactions that encourage plant health and Certainly, plentiful reports have revealed that
development have been the subject of substantial endophytic microorganisms can have the capacity
study. Most of these studies have focused on to control plant pathogens (Sturzand Matheson,
bacteria from the rhizosphere of plants (Adachi et 1996 and Duijff et al., 1997), insects (Azevedo et
al. 2002; Ali and Hasnain, 2007 and Andreote et al., 2000) and nematodes (Hallmann et al., 1997,
al., 2010). Endophytic microbiome can be defined 1998 and Schouten 2016). In some cases, they can
as those microbes that colonize the internal tissue also accelerate seedling emergence, promote plant
of the plant showing no external sign of infection establishment under adverse conditions (Chanway,
or negative, bad or undesirable effect on their host 1997 and Ryan et al. 2008) and enhance plant
(Sturz, 1995; Holliday, 1989; Zinnielet et al. growth (Bent and Chanway, 1998). Bacterial
2002), and of the nearly 300,000 plant species that endophytes have been shown to prevent disease
exist on the earth, each individual plant is host to development through endophyte-mediated de novo
one or more endophytes (Thomas and Soly, 2009; synthesis of novel compounds and antifungal
Lopez et al. 2011). Only a limited of these plants metabolites. Investigation of the biodiversity of
have ever been wholly studied relative to their endophytic strains for novel metabolites may
endophytic biology. Subsequently, the prospects identity new drugs for effective treatment of
to find new fangled and beneficial endophytes diseases in humans, plants and animals (Strobel
colonize an ecological niche similar to that of and Daisy 2003). Along with the production of
phytopathogens, which makes them suitable as novel chemicals, many endophytes have shown a
biocontrol agents (Sturz et al., 1997; Backman natural capacity for xenobiotic degradation or may
International Journal of Agricultural Invention, 1(2): 232-240, December, 2016 232
Manoj Kumar, Vivek Kumar, Narendra Tuteja, Ajit Varma

act as vectors to introduce degradative traits (Kang be reduced following prior inoculation with
et al. 2012). The ability of some endophytes to endophytes (Hallmann et al. 1998; Azevedo, 2000
show resistance to heavy metals/antimicrobials and Schouten, 2016). It is thought that some
and degrade organic compounds probably stems endophyte bacteria activate a phenomenon known
from their exposure to diversecompounds in the as induced systemic resistance (ISR), which is
plant/soil niche (Ruppel et al. 1992 and Varsha et phenotypically similar to systemic acquired
al. 2011). This intrinsic and natural ability resistance (SAR). SAR develops when plants
todegrade these xenobiotic compounds has been successfully activate their defense mechanism in
investigated with regardto improving response to primary infection by a pathogen,
phytoremediation (Germaine et al., 2006; notably when the latter induces a hypersensitive
Porteous-Mooreet et al., 2006). This article intent reaction through which it becomes limited in a
to providean impression about the potential use of local necrotic lesion of brown desiccated tissue
microbial endophytes predominantly in the area of (Van Loon et al., 1998 and Melnick et al. 2011).
sustainable agriculture. ISR is effective against different types of
pathogens but differs from SAR in that the
Mechanisms of Plant Growth Promotion inducing bacterium does not cause visible
symptoms on the host plant (Yi et al. 2103).
The mechanisms and procedures by which Bacterial endophytes and their role in ISR have
endophytic microbes can influence plant growth been reviewed recently by Kloepperand Ryu
differ among species and strains, so typically there (2006).
is no single mechanism for promoting plant
growth. Studies have been conducted regarding Biological Nitrogen Fixation
the abilities of various endophytic microbiotas to
promote plant growth, among them the endophytic Among the leguminous plants of the
bacteria predominate (Hallmann et al. 1997, Fabaceae family, the soil bacteria of the
Strobel 2003 and Hardoim et al. 2008). Rhizobiaceae (rhizobia) family are confined to the
Endophytes are conventionally defined as bacteria root nodules (Olivares et al. 1013). Within these
or fungi that colonize internal plant tissues, can be nodules, rhizobia effectively perform BNF
isolated from the plant after surface disinfection through the adequate control of the presence of
and cause no negative effects on plant growth oxygen, an inhibitor of nitrogenase activity
(Fisher et al. 1992; Kuklinsky-Sobral et al. 2004 (Galloway et al. 2004 and Bru et al. 2011). Many
and Gaiero et al., 2013). Many endophytic species of microorganisms are used in the
microbes promote plant growth at various stages cultivation of plants of economic interest,
of the host plant life cycle by means of various facilitating the host plant growth without the use
mechanisms. of nitrogenous fertilizers. For instance, the
production of soybean (Glycine max L.) in Brazil
Endophytes as Biocontrol Agent is an excellent example of the efficiency of BNF
through the use of different strains of Brady
Endophytic microbes are able to reduceor rhizobium sp., such as B. japonicum and B. elkanii
prevent the deleterious effects of certain (Bohrer et al. 1998 and Alves et al., 2004). The
pathogenic organisms. The beneficial effects of importance of endophytic Nitrogen fixing bacteria
bacterial endophytes on their host plant appear to has also been the object of studies in non-
occur through similar mechanisms as described for leguminous plants such as sugarcane (Saccharum
rhizosphere associated bacteria. These officinarum L. and Thaweenut et al., 2011). Other
mechanisms have been reviewed in great detail by studies have suggested that bradyrhizobia colonize
Larran et al. (2016) oralso by Backman and Sikora and express nifH not only in the root nodules of
(2008) and Compant et al. (2005). Diseases of leguminous plants but also in the roots of sweet
fungal, bacterial, viral origin and insome instances potatoes (Ipomoea batatas L.), acting as
even damage caused by insects and nematodes can diazotrophic endophytes (Torreset et al. 2008).

International Journal of Agricultural Invention 1(2):2016 233

Plant microbiome in agro-ecosystem: A sustainable approach

high concentrations of ferrous (Fe2+) ions

Indolic Compounds Production generated through the reduction of ferric (Fe3+)
ions might lead to iron toxicity due to excessive
The influence of endophytic microbes of Fe uptake (Bohrer et al., 1998). Under aerobic
host plant is largely due to the production of auxin conditions, iron solubility is low, reflecting the
phytohormones (Celloto et al. 2012 and Uma predominance of Fe3+ typically observed as
Maheswari et al., 2013). Several bacterial species oxyhydroxide polymers, thereby limiting the Fe
can produce indolic compounds (ICs) such as the supply for different forms of life, particularly in
auxin phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), calcareous soils (Abdallah 1991 and Andrews et
which present great physiological relevance for al., 2003). Microorganisms have developed active
bacteria-plant interactions, varying from strategies for Fe uptake. Bacteria can overcome
pathogenesis to phytostimulation (Jha and Kumar, the nutritional Fe limitation by using chelator
2007 and Uma Maheswari et al., 2013). The agents called siderophores. Siderophores are
ability to produce ICs is widely distributed among defined as low-molecular-mass molecules (< 1000
plant-associated bacteria. Sturz et al. (2000) Da) with high specificity and affinity for chelating
demonstrated that approximately 80% of bacteria or binding Fe3+, followed by the transportation
isolated from the rhizosphere of rice produce ICs. and deposition of Fe within bacterial cells (Liaqat
Other studies have shown that rhizosphere bacteria and Eltem, 2016). The excretion of siderophores
produce more ICs than bulk soil bacteria (Thuler by endophytic microbes might stimulate plant
et al., 2003), and in a recent study (Costa et al. growth, thereby improving nutrition (direct effect)
2014) showed that this effect was also observed in or inhibiting the establishment of phytopathogens
endophytic bacteria, demonstrating high IC (indirect effect) through the sequestration of Fe
production in the Enterobacteriaceae. The from the environment (Leong, 1986). Unlike
synthesis of ICs in bacteria depends on the microbial pathogens, plants are not affected by
presence of precursors in root exudates. Among microbial mediated iron depletion, and some
the various exudates, L-tryptophan has been plants can even capture and utilize
identified as the main precursor for the route of IC Fe siderophore bacterial complexes (Dimkpa, et
biosynthesis in bacteria (Stijn, 2003). The al., 2009). The role of endophytic
characterization of intermediate compounds has siderophoreproducing bacteria has been rarely
led to the identification of different pathways that studied; however, the ability to produce
use L-tryptophan as the main precursor. The siderophores confers competitive advantages to
different pathways of IAA synthesis in bacteria endophytic bacteria for the colonization of plant
show a high degree of similarity with the IAA tissues and the exclusion of other microorganisms
biosynthesis pathways in plants (Spaepen et al., from the same ecological niche (Loaces et al.,
2007). Beneficial bacteria predominantly 2011). These authors observed that the community
synthesize IAA via the indole-3-pyruvic acid of endophytic siderophore-producing bacteria
pathway, an alternative pathway dependent on L- associated to rice roots is richer than those from
tryptophan (Bianco et al. 2006 and Govindarajan the soil at the tillering and grain-filling stages.
et al. 2007). Endophytic bacterial strains belonging to genus
Burkholderia showed preferential localization
Siderophore Production inside rice plants, and their role may be relevant to
prevent the infection of young plants by
Iron (Fe) is an essential micronutrient for Sclerotium oryzae and Rhizoctonia oryzae.
plants and microorganisms, as it is involved in
numerous significant biological processes, such as Acc Deaminase Activity
photosynthesis, respiration, chlorophyll
biosynthesis (Costa and Loper 1994 and Rout et Ethylene is an endogenously produced
al. 2013), and BNF (Thaweenut et al. 2011). In gaseous phytohormone that acts at low
anaerobic and acidic soils, such as flooded soils, concentrations, participating in the regulation of

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Manoj Kumar, Vivek Kumar, Narendra Tuteja, Ajit Varma

all processes of plant growth, development and (incorporated into biomass or soil organic matter)
senescence (Nonaka et al. 2008 and Sun et al., and inorganic compounds, primarily in the form of
2009). In addition to acting as a plant growth insoluble mineral complexes, are major sources of
regulator, ethylene has also been identified as a available P in the soil (Oteino et al. 2015).
stress phytohormone. Under abiotic and biotic Therefore, the availability of P depends on the
stresses (including pathogen damage, flooding, solubility of this element, which could be
drought, salt, and organic and inorganic influenced by the activity of plant roots and
contaminants), endogenous ethylene production is microorganisms in the soil. Phosphatesolubilizing
substantially accelerated and adversely affects the bacteria and fungi constitute approximately 1-50%
growth of the roots and thus the growth of the and 0.1-0.5%, respectively, of the total population
plant as a whole (Grincko and Glick, 2001). A of cultivable microorganisms in the soil (Illmerand
number of mechanisms have been investigated Schinner, 1992). Among the different sources of P
aiming to reduce the levels of ethylene in plants. in the soil (as previously mentioned), the
One of these mechanisms involves the activity of solubilization of inorganic phosphates has been
the bacterial enzyme 1-aminocyclopropane-1- the main focus of research studies.
carboxylate (ACC) deaminase (Glick et al. 2007). Phosphatesolubilizing bacteria solubilize
ACC deaminase regulates the production of plant inorganic soil phosphates, such as Ca3 (PO4)2,
ethylene by metabolizing ACC (the immediate FePO4, and AlPO4, through the production of
precursor of ethylene biosynthesis in higher organic acids, siderophores, and hydroxyl ions
plants) into α-ketobutyric acid and ammonia (Chen et al., 2006; Taurian et al. 2010). Some
(Onofre-Lemus et al. 2009). A significant amount bacteria only solubilize calcium phosphate, while
of plant ACC might be excreted from the plant other microorganisms are capable of solubilizing
roots and subsequently taken up by soil other forms of inorganic phosphates at different
microorganisms and hydrolyzed by the enzyme intensities. Bacterial isolates belonging to genera
ACC deaminase, thus decreasing the amount of Enterobacter, Pantoea and Klebsiella solubilize
ACC in the environment. When associated with Ca3 (PO4)2 to a greater extent than FePO4 and
plant roots, soil microbial communities with ACC AlPO4 (Chen et al., 2014). The production of
deaminase activity might have a better growth organic acids, particularly gluconic and
than other free microorganisms, as these carboxylic, is one of the well-studied mechanisms
organisms use ACC as a source of nitrogen (Ali et utilized by microorganisms to solubilize inorganic
al. 2014). phosphates (Kim et al. 2003).


Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for All over the globe, effects of incessant
plants, participating as a structural component of agricultural practices such as chemical fertilization
nucleic acids, phospholipids and adenosine could lead tograve and stern damage to the
triphosphate (ATP), as a key element of metabolic ecosystem. Inoculation of plants or seeds with
and biochemical pathways, important particularly potential endophytic microbes is one of the utmost
for BNF and photosynthesis (Goldstein, 1986). significant to maintainable agricultural practices,
Plants absorb P in two soluble forms: the sinceendophytic microbes establish associations
monobasic (H2PO4) and the dibasic (HPO 4 2−) with plants and encourage plant growth by ways
(Glass, 1989). However, a large proportion of P is of numerous valuable and positive characteristics.
present in insoluble forms and is consequently not Endophytic microbes are appropriate for plant
available for plant nutrition. Low levels of P inoculation, reflecting the ability of these micro-
reflect the high reactivity of phosphate with other organisms for plant colonization. Numerous
soluble components (Valverde, 2006), such as studies have established that the precise and basic
aluminum in acid soils (pH < 5) and calcium in interaction among endophytic bacteria and host
alkaline soils (pH > 7) (Chen et al. 2006). Organic plants of different species and genotypes.

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Plant microbiome in agro-ecosystem: A sustainable approach

Combination of dissimilar techniques and Ali, S., Trevor, C. C., Glick, B. R. (2014)
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Rhizobium, Fusarium, Alternaria could be the Lee Y. H., Yun, H. D. (2010) Effect of plant age
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