This article is focused on providing an understanding about the concept of brand image

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 This article is focused on providing an understanding about the concept of brand

image, it's development and how is it important in corporate world. The concept of
brand image emerged in 1950 where this term was used to indicate the consumer's
feelings and emotions linked to a specific product or service. Brand image derives its
meaning from various resources like the user's attitude towards brand, personality,
interactions, benefits and attributes and is concerned with physical, social and
psychological implications. Brand image can be developed by formulating effective
brand strategy involving brand positioning and creating tools like logo, slogan etc. to
communicate the brand. In addition to this the brand image needs to updated
according to changing consumer preferences. Brand image is significant for
companies because it makes their products look attractive which helps in promoting
sales. It facilitates market segmentation, adds value to brand and product, boosts
customer loyalty and increases the psychological satisfaction obtained from the
product. That's why it's essential for a company to build brand image by adding
uniqueness and authenticity to its brand name. (Išoraitė, 2018)
 Almost all the products or services sold have a brand associated to them. This
particular brand enhances the likeability and the profitability of the product.
Customers tend to purchase products based on the brand image and brand loyalty.
This article talks about the different dimensions of brand image that is brand identity,
brand personality, brand association, brand behavior and attitude and brand
competence and benefit. This research paper also highlights a very important aspect
known as the brand communication. There are two models of brand building through
time, one, through intangible added values and tangible added values. It also mentions
hierarchy of branding which starts with brand awareness and goes on with brand
knowledge, brand image, brand experience, brand loyalty and brand spirituality.
Through this one can understand how the brand image impacts the consumer behavior
and also influences the decision making of the users. (Wijaya, 2013)
 When it comes to developing a strong brand image, brand communication serves as
an effective vehicle in establishing the presence of the brand which involves the use
of different aspects of advertising, promotion, word of mouth, etc. The paper focuses
on identifying the factors determining brand image by conducting a comparative
research between two brands with questionnaire being used as research tool. Brand in
itself does not promise to be beneficial for the company but in fact the way the
company manages its brand is what helps in offering a competitive advantage. The
research suggests that brand image is affected by advertising, satisfaction and
innovation. Positioning of a favorable brand image in the minds of the consumer can
be done through aggressive advertising during product launch. When the product
satisfies and meets consumer’s expectations, it will generate positive publicity and
through word of mouth the brand image will improve. Innovation helps attracting
potential customers and facilitates customer retention which has an affirmative impact
on brand image too. It concludes that brand image has a positive correlation with the
above-mentioned factors. (Nemati, 2009)

 This research paper focuses on the measurement of brand awareness, brand image and
brand equity and value. It also talks about the various methods that can be used to do
the same. There is a very interesting topic that stands out the most which the author
calls it as the "The Brand Knowledge Pyramid". Now, this particular pyramid
delineates the various stages a customer gets attached to the brand starting with brand
awareness which is followed by emotional and functional benefits to rational and
emotional evaluation to the proper attachment. This article explains all the minor
definitions as well with a bunch of examples for clarity. There are also various
techniques which help the consumers to use their own words to describe one
association with the brand. The author explains all these techniques in detail with
examples. The author talks about brand awareness as well which refers to the
familiarity of consumers with a particular product or service. The next step after the
techniques would be to evaluate the strength of each association. This is done through
strength and favorability. The next part of this paper is about Brand equity which is
the impact brand awareness and brand associations have on people. This also has
certain methods and experiments associated to it. Last but not the least, the author
talks about brand value and various methods to measure the same. In the end, the
author concluded with the recommendations for a brand audit report and gives
pointers on what an ideal report should include. (Chandon, 2003)

 The concept of brand image, brand trust and brand loyalty are popularly discussed in
the marketing field as they provide several strategic advantages to the companies.
Brand loyalty is basically a continuous commitment made to repurchase a brand's
products and services and stems from the extent to which the brand attributes coincide
with the consumer's needs. It is also concerned with the fact that what are the chances
of a consumer switching from the brand in question to another when changes are
made in the product's features, pricing etc. Brand loyalty ensures retention of a
faithful customer base who are likely to be less price sensitive. This loyalty can also
be one of the outcomes of brand image. When the brand image has a favorable
position in the market, consumers tend to place their confidence on the brand and the
company which gives rise to brand trust. Brand trust is formed when the product is
reliable in its performance adding up to brand credibility. Building and maintaining
personal relationships with customers not only also enhances brand trust but also
contributes to brand image. When the brand trust is high, it leads to development of
loyalty. Therefore, there exists a cycle between brand trust, brand loyalty and brand
image and they all have positive relations with each other and based on this,
companies should direct their marketing efforts in creating awareness of the brand
which will boost brand image through brand association. (Alhaddad, 2015)

 As we know that brand image is important but to attract the consumers, one needs to
use marketing strategies. This research paper focuses on the various techniques one
can adopt while marketing their products or service. The first and foremost is
advertisement. Advertisement is a dynamic form of sales promotion. It's a paid form
and helps attract a large number of customers. Advertising is a marketing tactic
involving paying for space to promote a product, service, or cause. The promotional
messages are called advertisements, or ads for short. The goal of advertising is to
reach people who are willing to pay for a company’s products or services and induce
them to buy. It's extremely effective. The next important aspect is perceived quality.
This refers to the judgement the customer passes or has on his mind regarding the
quality of the service. Perceived service quality is defined as the customer's
assessment of the overall superiority or excellence of the service Proposed framework
basically talks about how advertisement and perceived quality service together are
important towards brand image. (Momeni, Khesal, Roustapisheh & Zohoori, 2013)

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