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WORKSHEET 2023–2024
Chap 1.Components of food
Name: _____________________________________ Grade:VI
Roll No: ____________________ Subject:Science
 Do it yourself
i. Sea Food is a rich source of ______.
ii. _______________helps in protecting our body against diseases.
iii. A solution of _________ and Caustic Soda is used to detect the presence of proteins.
iv. Food containing ______________ are often called the body building foods.
v. vitamin ________keeps our skin healthy.
vi. ___________ is essential for forming haemoglobin in the blood.

Question 2
Fill in the Blank
i. Sea Food is a rich source of ______.
ii. _______________helps in protecting our body against diseases.
iii. A solution of _________ and Caustic Soda is used to detect the presence of proteins.
iv. Food containing ______________ are often called the body building foods.
v. vitamin ________keeps our skin healthy.
vi. ___________ is essential for forming haemoglobin in the blood.

vii. Wounds take longer time to heal when we have deficiency of ___________.
viii. _______ for the body should contain a variety of food items.
ix. Fats provide ______ Energy compared to the same amount of carbohydrates.
x. Ghee/ oil is rich in ____
xi .Water helps our body to absorb _______ from food.
xii. Milk provides us ____, vitamin ,____ and ____
xiii. Carbohydrates found in our food are in the form of ______ and ______
Q-1 Multiple Choice Questions:
1) Nutrition in food contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals what In Addition does it
(a) Salt and water (b) Water and sugar
(c) Dietary fibre and water(d) Dietary fibre and sugar
(2) Different regions have different meal items – choose the odd one out on the basis of region
(a) Makkiroti (b) Sargamsaag(c) Kunduru (d) Rajma
(3) Carbohydrates in food are mainly found in which form?
(a) Starch (b) Sugars (c) Starch and sugars both (d) None of the above
(4) The changes In colour while testing the starch is
(a) Blue – black (b) Purple – yellow(c) White – black (d) Green – red
(5) A blue – black colour indicates the food item contains ___________ after testing with dil. Iodine
(a) Protein (b) Fats (c) Dietary fibre (d) Carbohydrates
(6) To test the protein present in the food item which solution should be add to it?
(a) Copper sulphate solution (b) Iodine solution (c) H2So4 solution (d) HCl solution
(7) To test the starch present in food item which solution should be add to it ?
(a) Copper sulphate solution (b) Iodine solution (c) H2So4 solution (d) HCl solution
(8) Which colour indicates the presence of proteins in food items?
(a) Blue (b) Black (c) Violet (d) Yellow
(9) Which food item will show the presence of starch?
(a) Raw potato (b) Boiled egg white (c) Cooked dal (d) Fruits
(10) Which food item of the following will show the positive test for protein?
(a) Vegetables (b) Cooked rice (c) Raw potato (d) Cooked dal
(11) Which is the test for fat?
(a) Adding copper sulphate solution to it. (b) Adding dil. H2So4 solution
(c) Adding dil. Iodine solution (d) Wrap the food into paper, an oily patch on paper will appear.

Q.2 Very Short answer type Questions:

1. Do all meals consist of the same food items?

2. Why should a meal have different food items?.
3. Do all foods contain all the required nutrients?
4. c5. What are carbohydrates?.
6. What happens when two or more drops of iodine solution fall on starch substance?
7. If any food item gives blue-black colour with iodine then which nutrient is present in the food?

Q.3 Short Answer Type Questions

1. What are nutrients? Name major nutrients.
2. What are the functions of carbohydrates?
3. Write test for detecting the presence of starch.
4. What are the functions of proteins?
5. How can you test presence of proteins in a given food item?
6. What are fats? Name some fat-containing substances.
7. Write test for detecting, presence of fat..
Q4 .Long Answer Type Questions
1. List various types of nutrients and write the functions of each.
2.. How can you detect the presence of proteins in a given food item?
3. . How can you detect the presence of starch in a given food item?


Q.1 Multiple Choice questions:
(1) Which of the following statement is incorrect?
(a) Calcium is necessary for strong bones and teeth.
(b) Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in our diet.
(c) Tomatoes contain vitamin D.
(d) Spinach does not contain iron
(2) Example of carbohydrates is
(a) Rice (b) Gram (c) Cabbage (d) Pulses
(3) Deficiency of Vitamin D is causes disease known as?
(a) Beriberi (b) Night blindness (c) Scurvy (d) None of the above
(4) Which of the following statement is incorrect?
(a) Calcium is necessary for strong bones and teeth
(b) Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in our diet
(c) Tomatoes contain vitamin D
(d) Spinach does not contain iron
(5) Which of the following is the example of the carbohydrates
(a) Rice (b) Gram (c) Cabbage (d) Pulses
(6) Deficiency of vitamin A causes the disease known as?
(a) scurvy (b) night blindness (c) rickets (d) beriberi
(7) Vitamin A is responsible for the deficiency of the diseases night blindness, other are wrong option as
they are not responsible for the night blindness. They are responsible for
Scurvy – vitamin C
Rickets – vitamin D
Beriberi – vitamin B1
deficiency of vitamin D causes a diseases known as
(a) beriberi (b) night blindness (c) scurvy (d) rickets
(8) Vitamin D is responsible for the deficiency of the diseases known as rickets, other are wrong option as
they are not responsible for the rickets. They are responsible for
Scurvy – vitamin C
Beriberi – vitamin B1
Night blindness – vitamin A
(9).Gram and pulses are rich in?
(a) Carbohydrates (b) Protein (c) Fats (d) none of the above
(10) Gram and pulses are mainly consists of protein, and not of fats and carbohydrates.Spinach is good
source of?

(a) Carbohydrates (b) Proteins (c) Fats (d) Iron
Q.2 Very Short answer type Questions:
1. Name two substances which provide carbohydrates.
2. Name the food nutrient indicated by an oily patch on paper.
3. Name two energy-providing nutrients.
4. Name a nutrient which helps in repairing the damaged body cells.
5. . Name two nutrients which protect the body from diseases.
6. Name two plant food items which provide proteins.
7. . Name two sources of proteins provided by animals.
8. Which type of food is called body-building food?
9. Name various types of vitamins.
10. Name a vitamin which represents a group of vitamins.
11. Name two sources of Vitamin A.
12. Write two sources of Vitamin B.
13. Write two sources of Vitamin C
14. . Write two sources of Vitamin D.
15. What is roughage?
16. What is the main Function of roughage?
17. Name some food items which provide roughage..
Q.3 Short Answer Type Questions
1. What are vitamins? Write various kinds of vitamins.
2. People who eat sea-food do not suffer from Goitre. Explain.
3. Excess intake of fats is harmful for the body because it causes obesity. Would it be harmful for the
body to take too much of proteins or vitamins in the diet?
4. . Name the vitamin that our body prepares in the presence of sunlight.
5. Name a vitamin that is not present in milk.
6. A patient had stunted growth, swelling on face, discolouration of hair and skin disease. Doctor
advised him to eat a lot of pulses, grams, egg white, milk etc. What is wrong with the patient?
7. . A small child became very thin and lean and later he became so weak that he could not move.
Which nutrients should he eat so as to improve his health?
8. . What are the functions of minerals?
9. Write the functions of water in our body.
10. What is obesity?
11. . What are deficiency diseases?
Q4 .Long Answer Type Questions
1. What is a balanced diet? Write the components of balanced diet.
2. What is dietary fibres? Write down its sources also.
3. How would you show that vegetables or fruits contain water?
4. Do we need water for our body? Discuss.
5. What do you mean by malnutrition? Do you know about any scheme to prevent malnutrition in
children which runs by Indian government?
6. “Water does not provide nutrients, yet it is an important component of food”. explain.
7. ‘More expensive the food, more nutritious it is.’ Comment upon this statement. Give examples to
support your answer.
8. How can you detect the presence of proteins in a given food item?
9. .What is anaemia? Explain.

Case study
1.We know that each dish is usually made up of one or more ingredients, which we get from plants or
animals. These ingredients contain some components that are needed by our body. These components are
called nutrients. The major nutrients in our food are named carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and
minerals. In addition, food contains dietary fibres and water which are also needed by our body.
With some simple methods we can test whether cooked food or a raw ingredient contains one or more of
these nutrients. For carrying out these tests, you will need solutions of iodine, copper Sulphate and caustic
soda. You will also need a few test tubes and a dropper. Try these tests on cooked food items as well as raw
materials. If the required solutions are not available in readymade form, you can prepare them as given in the
Table 1. There are many types of carbohydrates. The main carbohydrates found in our food are in the form
of starch and sugars.

Table 1

1) Starch and sugar are the forms of carbohydrates mainly present in our food?
(a) True (b) False
2) To make the solution of caustic soda, we need to
dissolve ………………………………………………………………………….…….. in 100ml
of ……………………………………………………………….…..?
(a) Iodine and water (b) Salt and water (c) Caustic soda and salt(d) Caustic soda and water
3) Which of the following is NOT required to test the presence of nutrients in food?
(a) Vinegar solution (b) Iodine solution (c) Copper Sulphate (d) Caustic soda solution
4) What are nutrients? Give one example?
5) Name all the components present in our food?
2.The tests for presence of carbohydrates, proteins and fats are simpler to do as compared to the tests for
other nutrients. Let us begin by testing different food items to see if they contain carbohydrates. Take a small
quantity of a food item or a raw ingredient. Put 2-3 drops of dilute Iodine solution on it. Observe if there is
any change in the colour of the food item. A blue-black colour indicates that it contains starch.To test the
presence of proteins in food we need to take a small quantity of a food item for testing. If the food you want
to test is a solid, you first need to make a paste of it or powder it. Grind or mash a small quantity of the food
item. Put some of this in a clean test tube, add 10 drops of water to it and shake the test tube. Now, using a
dropper, add two drops of solution of copper sulphate and ten drops of solution of caustic soda to the test
tube. Shake well and let the test tube stand for a few minutes. You will see that the contents of the test tube
will turn violet. A violet colourindicates presence of proteins in thefood item.
For fats, take a small quantity of a food item.Wrap it in a piece of paper and crush it.Take care that the paper
does not tear.Now, straighten the paper and observeit carefully. If you see an oily patch on paper,then it
shows that the food item contains fat. The food items may sometimes contain a little water. Therefore, after
you have rubbed an item on paper, let the paper dry for a while. If there were any water that may have come
from food, it would dry up after some time. If no oily patch shows up after this, the food item does not
contain any fat.
1)Which colour indicates the presence of proteins in the food items?
a) Blue b) Green c) Violet d) Blue – black
2) We put drops of dilute Iodine solution to test the presence
of ………………………………………………………………………………………….?
a) Oil b) Starch c) Vitamin d) Protein
3)If the colour of the food item turns blue- black, then it contains fat.
a) Trueb) False
4) How can we test the presence of fats in food items?
5) Solutions of Copper sulphate and caustic soda are used to test the presence of which nutrient? Elaborate
how its presence is detected?
Processed food items can cause no less than 32 side-effects on your health!
Ultra-processed foods, such as cereals and fizzy drinks, have been linked to 32
harmful health effects, according to the largest review of the evidence to date.
Globally, one in five deaths are thought to be due to poor diet, and the role of ultra-
processed foods or UPFs has attracted much attention in many studies over recent
UPFs were first defined around 15 years ago to allow researchers to investigate the
effect of food processing on health. This new study, called an "umbrella review",
analysed many recent studies, involving almost 10 million people, to bring together
much of the available data to give an overall picture of how UPFs affect our health
The results implicate the consumption of large proportions of UPFs in a diet with poor
health outcomes and early death from a range of conditions, including heart disease,
type 2 diabetes, obesity and poor mental health.

Diets containing high proportions of UPFs are undoubtedly bad for your health, and
the new study supports the links to a wide variety of diseases. But questions remain
about the specific mechanisms by which these foods make us ill.

Researchers have proposed several mechanisms over the years. These include poor
nutritional quality, as some UPFs can be high in fat, sugar and salt, low in fibre and
deficient in essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Read more at:
1. What is balanced diet?
2. What is UPF?
3. What happens when we take high proportion of UPF in our diet?


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