Analysing Digital Communication Strategies

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Analysing Digital Communication Strategies: A Case Study of Starbucks

Now, communication among workers is the basic function of perfect managing system in the
environment of ever-changing business world. Digitalisation has a high speed and
communication, on the other hand, has evolved considerably too and now wider paths for
productive communication than in the previous times is achieved via the corporate realm. By
holding the leading alpha dog place in world coffee market, the report will look at strategies
the Starbucks coffee has implements using digital communications. I will deal with a case
study of a company which keens communicative processes through different devices, such as
social media, is frequent, and messages are clear and understandable by specific groups. The
study will help me to propose improvements in the area.
Rationale for Selecting Starbucks
I make a decision to execute specific parts of my research on a solid evaluation of a
company's background and the way it creatively involves digital media innovations.
Starbucks now has a well-developed customer base due to the fact that it reinvents the wheel
in the industry, not only presenting top quality coffee and food but also by detailing the ways
by which customers can be engaged via digital platforms. Through leaving alone their old
style and strategies, Starbucks does appropriate digital tactics and converts a customer
relationship into the sublime. The experience with customers becomes personalized and
clients feel that they are taken care for.
Moreover, Starbucks uniquely attracts the general public by the broad appeal of the brand and
the appropriated audience which colours the deepened strategies. Because it has to try and
make marketing initiatives which appeal generational, cultural and geographical diversity of
the customer base yet remain unified in the brand identity, globalization is an issue at
Starbucks that is related to serving many people who come from different age groups,
cultural backgrounds and geographic locations.
Primarily, it is largely based on the fact that Starbucks is referred to as a trailblazing
technology leader and dominant influencer in the international coffee market, as well as the
diversity of its clientele that it comprises that the company is chosen to be considered the
central object of this research. The study explores the communication tools of Starbucks so as
to conclude their effectiveness and how they, more probably, can be applied in the present-
day competitive business world.
Identifying Target Audiences
The wide array of stakeholders which the green enterprise of Starbucks comprise is
inherently different in terms its intensity and timing. These marketing research techniques are
quite complex and the data applications are quite powerful. With such, Starbucks is not only
able to get into the specific environment, where the users are located and utilize the pattern,
but also segment the audiences.
Internal and External Communication at Starbucks

Distinct channel of communication is a major feature of the Starbucks coffee shop which is
used to have the message consistent and, at the same time, the target people whose
understanding of the message is very much guaranteed. Generally, inside communication is
reliant on the supplementary factors such as the growth of Starbucks culture and values, the
enlightenment of employees, investors, and display of company’s mission, vision, and

Furthermore, public relations focus on the internal communication, which targets a smaller
range of stakeholders such as employees and board of directors. On the contrary, public
relations is made up of external communication focus that widens the audience to include
shareholders, customers and the general society. An efficient internal communication
supports the external partners with the valuable information about the philosophy and
principles of the company.

Elaborating on Target Audience Engagement

Besides that, Starbucks particularly contributes more to the initiative of ensuring the positive
engagement between its wide array of stakeholders. Whether Starbucks engage the audiences
through proactively inviting the feedback, addressing the concerns or it’s appreciation of their
achievements, it consistently builds a sense of belonging and ownership among the
stakeholders. What bring this inclusiveness attitude is not only that but also to associate the
brand of Starbucks with a beautiful and lively restitue.
Expanding on Internal Communication Dynamics
In that regard, the organization does not just have the role it utilizes to create an ideal
environment where stakeholders go beyond playing a positive role in the company and into a
constructive relationship, but something greater.
In their strategy, pillars as such make Starbucks not only its communicating strategies
become powerful and flexible but also help it to cope with the unique needs of a multifaceted
group of a global stakeholder.

Leveraging Digital Communication Channels

All the digital platforms of Starbucks, which are highly diversified, are not only examples of
good communication inside the company, but also contribute to the improvement of the
effectiveness of communication with all stakeholders of the company. Such means is for you
to be in close contact with your customers, travel to distance places and create an
amalgamation vital for a longer or shorter duration. For instance:
- Social Media Platforms: It has succeeded in establishing a strong presence on a large
number of the most popular social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter,
Facebook, and LinkedIn and rather than a number or has a profile on them acts as an
active player. Hi! Social media serves as the means through which the business
utilizes communication channels with the customers, a way to promote its products,
and to identify customers' opinions and views through these several platforms.
- Mobile App: The retail outlet of Starbucks is one of the many mediums of customer
engagement it has, which also includes mobile ordering, the management of the
loyalty program, and personalized recommendations. The app is, of course, fully
cloud based, so it eliminates the headaches that a customer would meet if they forget
something or if they have had a bad experience with the business. Hence, the
convenience and convenience of the app helps return business and boost satisfaction.
- Email Marketing: The retail outlet of Starbucks is one of the many mediums of
customer engagement it has, which also includes mobile ordering, the management of
the loyalty program, and personalized recommendations. The app is, of course, fully
cloud based, so it eliminates the headaches that a customer would meet if they forget
something or if they have had a bad experience with the business. (Assignment was
done by Farbee)
- Website and Blog: By the net the Starbucks become an powerful main for the
customer containing a wealth of serious content with various types of interactive
application, educational materials and blog posts. The webpage contains the details
about the information buyers which allow them to understand the firm’s sustainability,
community involvement, and product advancements. They are among those means to
steal a lead in the market and add to the authority of the company.
Tailoring Communication for Different Audiences
Starbucks appreciates the need for building up its communication strategies and cater them to
different audience groups demographic. For example:
- Engaging Younger Demographics: The modern people who are the millennials or
the Gen Z are much happy about how Starbucks shows their brand using cool colours,
come out with products from fans besides using Instagram, and TikTok platforms in
engaging the audience.
- Reaching Older Demographics: Communication with the aged might opt mainly to
convey informative content, via emailing newsletters and time tested media channels.
The coffee chain creates an impact by staying on the mean and also uses a language
which can be understood by all the consumers, specially by the seniors. Therefore,
showing the customer, who prefers more of a traditional communication, that the
communication is clear and concise.
Assessing Effectiveness and Areas for Improvement
Different metrics are needed to measure such performances which may involve the number of
social media engagements, the platforms engaged, the posts in the apps and as well views
using the app, customer feedback, and the brand sentiment. These two functions react with
each other: the first one is the benefit of channel reaction time and the second one is the
benefit of segment audience part. Therefore, by means of gathering such data, its
communication strategies and the overall client experience will meet an imminent
In the last, Starbucks displays how the strategic stand with regards digital communication
automatically involves the use of all communication channels that a firm can deem
appropriate with a purpose to enhance the real-time interaction by establishing a platform for
stakeholder involvement. The diversity might be big, but the audiences are quite specific and
Starbuck makes its approach more dynamic, precise and immediate through its deep
understanding of its audience. As place happening, it is very much to build the constancy and
the adaptation to audience’s recommendation and market trend, finally to achieve the highest
of efficacy in the digital communications.
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Here two main points of the Starbucks' report related digital communications are presented
both having innovations in the centre and direct relationship between the company and client
at realization. By using interactive and flexible digital communications techniques could
enable Starbucks` keeping lead in the coffee sector, among competitors that are present all
over the world.
Assignment: Report Writing

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