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Name - Naman Gandhi

Roll No. - BAP23191
Course - BA. P (Economics Major)
Contact No. -9310417347

1. Concept of Worksheets and Workbooks: -

-Worksheets: Worksheets are individual sheets within a workbook where you can enter and
manipulate data. Each worksheet is identified by a tab at the bottom of the workbook
- Workbooks: Workbooks are collections of one or more worksheets. They act as containers
for organizing related data and calculations.

2. Creating, Opening, Closing, and Saving Workbooks:

➔ Creating: To create a new workbook, you typically go to the File menu, select "New," and
choose "Blank Workbook.

➔ Opening: To open an existing workbook, go to the File menu, select "Open," and navigate
to the location of the file on your computer.

➔ Closing: To close a workbook, click the "X" button on the workbook tab or go to the File
menu and select "Close."

➔ Saving: To save a workbook, go to the File menu and select "Save" or "Save As" to
specify a name and location for the file on your computer.

3. Moving, Copying, Inserting, Deleting, and Renaming Worksheets:

➔ Moving: To move a worksheet within a workbook, click and drag the worksheet tab to the
desired location.

➔ Copying: To copy a worksheet, right-click on the worksheet tab, select "Move or Copy,"
choose the location where you want to copy the worksheet, and check the "Create a copy"

➔ Inserting: To insert a new worksheet, right-click on an existing worksheet tab, select

"Insert," and choose "Worksheet."

➔ Deleting: To delete a worksheet, right-click on the worksheet tab and select "Delete."

➔ Renaming: To rename a worksheet, double-click on the worksheet tab, type the new name,
and press Enter.

4. Working with Multiple Worksheets and Multiple Workbooks:

- To work with multiple worksheets, simply click on the tab of the worksheet you want to
view or edit.
- To work with multiple workbooks, you can open them in separate windows or use the
Window menu to switch between them.
5. Controlling Worksheet Views:
- You can control the worksheet view by adjusting settings such as zoom level, freeze panes,
and split panes to focus on specific areas of the worksheet.

6. Naming Cells Using Name Box, Name Create, and Name Define:
- The Name Box allows you to give a name to a specific cell or range of cells, making it
easier to reference them in formulas.
- You can create and define names for cells or ranges using the "Define Name" option in the
Formulas tab. This allows you to use descriptive names instead of cell references in formulas.

7. Exchanging Data Using Clipboard, Object Linking, and Embedding:

- You can exchange data between worksheets or workbooks using copy-and-paste commands
or by dragging and dropping cells.
- Object linking and embedding (OLE) allows you to insert data from other programs, such as
charts or tables, into your Excel worksheet while maintaining a connection to the source.

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