Chapter 07_Design of Channels

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Chapter 7 – Topics to be Covered

 Topics to be addressed in this chapter

 Terms related to channel design
 Rigid boundary or Non-erodible channels

 Mobile boundary or Erodible channels

 Alluvial channels

Design of Channels 1 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Background
 Many procedures have been developed over the years for the
hydraulic design of open channel sections
 Complexity of these procedures vary according to flow
conditions as well as level of assumption
 Solution using the Chezy equation is one of the procedure that
was developed by a French Engr in 1768. Development of this
eq. was based on the dimensional analysis of friction eq.
under the assumption that the flow condition is uniform
 A more practical procedure was presented in 1889 by the
Irish Engr Robert Manning which has proved to be very
reliable in practice
Design of Channels 2 Open Channel Flow

Prof Jahid, MIST 1


Chapter 7 – Background

 The Manning Eq. invokes the determination of flow velocity

based on the slope of channel bed, surface roughness of
channel, cross-sectional area of flow and wetted perimeter of
 Most important factor need to be considered for transporting
water between two locations in a safe and cost-effective
 Hydraulic design of a channel (ie. irrigation canal or drainage
channel) involves the determination of Cross-sectional
dimensions ie. bottom width b, side slope s, depth of flow h etc
to convey the required discharge

Design of Channels 3 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Design types

 Three types of channels

 Rigid boundary or non-erodible channels carrying clear
water with little or no sediment
 Mobile boundary or erodible channels carrying clear
water which scour but do not silt
 Alluvial or mobile boundary channels carrying sediment
which both scour and silt

Design of Channels 4 Open Channel Flow

Prof Jahid, MIST 2


Chapter 7 – Basic Parameters

 Basic common issues for all the types of channels

(1) Channel shape
(2) Side slope of the canal
(3) Longitudinal bed slope
(4) Permissible velocities – Maximum and Minimum
(5) Surface roughness
(6) Flow state (sub-critical or super-critical)
(7) Free board

Design of Channels 5 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Channel Shapes

 Channel cross-sectional shape ie trapezoidal or

rectangular or circular generally depends on discharge Q
and material forming the channel body
 Normally, a trapezoidal section is used when discharge is
 For small discharges, triangular sections are used
 Rectangular sections are also used when the discharge is
small or in special situations such as rock cuts, steep chutes
or cross-drainage works etc

Design of Channels 6 Open Channel Flow

Prof Jahid, MIST 3


Chapter 7 – Channel Shape

 From Manning or Chezy equation, it is obvious that the

conveyance of a channel increases as the hydraulic radius
increases or as the wetted perimeter decreases
 Thus, there is among all channel cross sections of a
specified geometric shape and areas an optimum set of
dimensions is possible
 Among all possible channel cross sections, the
hydraulically efficient section is a semicircle since, for a
given area, it has the minimum wetted perimeter

Design of Channels 7 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Channel Shape

Design of Channels 8 Open Channel Flow

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Chapter 7 – Side Slope

 Side slopes of a channel depend primarily on the

material through which the channel is excavated
 In many unlined earthen canals, side slopes are usually
1.5:1; however, side slopes as steep as 1:1 have been
used when the channel runs through cohesive materials
 In lined canals, the side slopes are generally steeper than
in an unlined canal
 Steeper slopes can be considered for canals in cutting
compared to canals in filling

Design of Channels 9 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Side Slope

Indian standards for canal in cutting and filling

Side slope (Horizontal to Vertical)
Materials (Soil) Cutting Filling
Hard clay or gravel 0.75:1 1.5 to 1.0
Soft clay and alluvial soils 1:1 2:1
Sandy loam 1.5:1 2:1
Light sand 2:1 2:1 to 3:1
Soft rock 0.25:1 to 0.5:1 -
Hard rock 0.125:1 to 0.25:1 -

Design of Channels 10 Open Channel Flow

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Chapter 7 – Longitudinal Slope

 Longitudinal slope generally depends on topography of

land, energy head or purpose of the channel
 For example, in a hydro-electric power canal, a high
head at the point of delivery is desirable, and a
maximum longitudinal channel slope should be used
 The slopes adopted in the irrigation channel should be as
minimum as possible in order to achieve the highest
command. Generally, the slopes vary from 1:4000 to
1:20000 in canal

Design of Channels 11 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Permissible Velocities

 Minimum permissible or non-silting velocity: lowest mean

velocity of flow that will prevent sedimentation and
vegetation growth. In general, an average velocity of
2~3 ft/s (0.61~0.91m/s) will prevent sedimentation and
a velocity of 2.5 ft/s (0.75 m/s) is sufficient to prevent
vegetation growth
 Maximum permissible or non-erodible velocity: highest
mean velocity that will not cause erosion. High flow
velocity may lift the lining blocks and dislocate them. For
brick or concrete tile lining, vel≤2 m/s to avoid erosion of
lining material

Design of Channels 12 Open Channel Flow

Prof Jahid, MIST 6


Chapter 7 – Permissible Velocities

Max permissible velocities for different materials

Material (Soil) V (m/s)
Fine Sand 0.5
Sandy loam – Silty loam 0.58 – 0.67
Stiff clay 1.25
Gravel (Fine – Coarse) 1.2 (0.83 – 1.33)
Hard rock 4.0
Brick masonry (cement pointing – cement 2.5 – 4.0
Concrete 6.0
Steel lining 10.0

Design of Channels 13 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Flow State

 It is desirable to maintain sub-critical flow state in the

channel having a Froude Number range of 0.3~0.4
 If Fr reaches to unity flow becomes unstable, wavy and
large disturbances are expected at bends and

Design of Channels 14 Open Channel Flow

Prof Jahid, MIST 7


Chapter 7 – Free Board

 Free board (Fb) is the vertical distance between top of the

channel and water surface at design condition
 Fb is provided to prevent the water level from overtopping
the sides of a channel due to fluctuation caused by wind,
tide, super-elevation at bends, hydraulic jumps, canal
sedimentatioin, temporary mis-operation etc
 Fb 5%~30% of depth of flow are commonly used in design
 Current practice of FB in India is as follows
Discharge Q (m3/s) <0.75 0.75 – 1.50 1.50 – 85.0 >85.0
Freeboard, Fb (m) 0.45 0.60 0.75 0.90

Design of Channels 15 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Rigid Boundary Channels

 Lined channels or build-up unlined channels are called

rigid boundary or non-erodible channels
 Manning’s or Chezy’s formula is used for computing
design parameters
 Maintain a velocity which will not cause sedimentation
 Material used for lined channels – concrete, stone or brick
masonary, steel, iron, timber, glass, plastic, geotextile etc
 Reason for lining – permits high velocity, reduce seepage
and percolation loss, reduce cost of operation and
maintenance, ensure stability of channels etc

Design of Channels 16 Open Channel Flow

Prof Jahid, MIST 8


Chapter 7 – Design of Lined Channels

Step Process
1 Estimate n or C for specified lining material and S0
2 Compute the value of section factor AR2/3 = nQ/√S0 (for Manning)
or AR1/2 = Q/(C√S0) (for Chezy)
3 Solve section factor equation for h given appropriate expressions
for A and R
4 If hydraulically efficient section is required, then the standard
geometric characteristics are used and h is to be computed
5 Check for: (a) Min permissible velocity if water carries silt and for
vegetation, (b) Max permissible velocity, and (c) Froude number
6 Estimate required height and freeboard
7 Summarize the results with dimensioned sketch
Design of Channels 17 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Example: Rigid Channel

Determine the section dimensions of a trapezoidal lined
channel having Q = 100 m3/s, b = 6 m, side slope 1:1, n =
0.013 and S0 = 1 in 3600.
Manning’s Eq, Q  1 AR 2 / 3 S 1/ 2 or AR 2 / 3  nQ  0.013  100  78
n S0 1 / 3600
Use trial and error method
h [m] A [m2] P [m] R [m] AR2/3 Remarks
2 16 11.66 1.37 19.76 Increase
4 40 17.31 2.31 69.90 Increase h = 4.24 m
4.24 43.42 17.99 2.41 78.11 Close and
4.25 43.56 18.02 2.42 78.45 Close b=6m

Design of Channels 18 Open Channel Flow

Prof Jahid, MIST 9


Chapter 7 – Example: Rigid Channel

Design a trapezoidal rigid channel to carry Q = 20.25 m3/s,
V = 1.5 m/s, side slope s = 2, n = 0.025 and S0 = 0.0016.
Assume a bed width of 6 m.
Area = Q/V = 20.25/1.5 = 13.5 m2
So, 13.5 = (6+2y)y, solving for y, we get y = 1.5 m
Add a free board of 0.75 m

Design of Channels 19 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Best Hydraulic Section

 Hydraulically efficient section minimizes the area required

to convey a specified discharge
 A channel section that conveys the max discharge for a
given area is known as the best hydraulic section
 Since Q  AR2/3 and R=A/P, the best hydraulic section
gives min wetted perimeter P and max hydraulic radius R
for a given area A
 Min wetted perimeter also gives min amount of lining
 Among all possible open channel cross-sections, the best
hydraulic section is a semicircle (h = d0/2)

Design of Channels 20 Open Channel Flow

Prof Jahid, MIST 10


Chapter 7 – Best Hydraulic Section

 For any channel section of a given geometric shape, there is a

relationship between the various geometric elements to form
the best hydraulic section
 The best hydraulic rectangular section is one half of a square
(B = 2h)
 The best hydraulic triangular section is one half of a square (s
= 1)
 The best hydraulic trapezoidal section is one half of a
hexagon (s = 1/√3)
 The best hydraulic parabolic section, top width is equal to 2√2
times the depth of flow (T = 2√2h)

Design of Channels 21 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Best Hydraulic Section

Show that the best hydraulic rectangular section is one-half of a
square. Also, determine the geometric elements of the best
hydraulic rectangular section.
For a rectangular section
A = Bh or B = A/h h
and P = B + 2h = A/h + 2h
Consider A as constant, P is then only a function of h
dP A
Differentiating P with respect to h, we get,  2 2
dh h
For P to be minimum, dp/dh = 0, hence we get
A Bh
 2
 2  0 or 2  2 or B  2h
h h
This means that the best hydraulic section is one half of a square
A = Bh = 2h2, P = B + 2h = 4h, R = A/P = 2h2/4h = h/2, D = A/B = 2h2/2h = h
Design of Channels 22 Open Channel Flow

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Chapter 7 – Best Hydraulic Section

Geometric Elements of some best hydraulic sections
Cross-section s A P R T D
Rectangle - 2h2 4h h/2 2h h
(half of a square)
Triangle 1 h2 2√2h √2h/4 2h h/2
(half of a square)
Trapezoidal 1/√3 √3h2 2√3h h/2 4√3h/3 3h/4
(half of a hexagon)
Circle - πh2/2 πh h/2 2h πh/4
(semi circle)
Parabola - 4√2h2/3 8√2h/3 h/2 2√2h 2h/3
(T = 2√2h)

Design of Channels 23 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Best Hydraulic Sections

Design of Channels 24 Open Channel Flow

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Chapter 7 – Best Hydraulic Section

Show that the best hydraulic trapezoidal section is one-half
of a regular hexagon. N

For a trapezoidal section

A  (b  sh)h or b  ( A / h)  sh .....(i ) s
P  b  2 1  s 2 h   sh  2 1  s 2 h   (2 1  s 2  s )h ......(ii )
h h
Considering A and s to be constant, differentiating P with respect to
h, we get, dp   A  2 1  s 2  s
dh h2
For the minimum value of P, dp/dh = 0, hence we get
 2  2 1  s 2  s  0 or A  (2 1  s 2  s )h 2 ......(iii )
Design of Channels 25 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Best Hydraulic Section

Combining Eq (i) and (iii) we get
(b  sh) h  (2 1  s 2  s )h 2 or b  2( 1  s 2  s )h......(iv )
Substituting (iv) into (ii), we get
P  2( 1  s 2  s )h  2 1  s 2 h  2h(2 1  s 2  s )......(v)

Dividing Eq (iii) by (v), we get, R = A/P = h/2

ie. For the best hydraulic trapezoidal section, the hydraulic radius R is
one-half of the depth of flow h, irrespective of the side slope
From Eq (v) we get, P 2  4h 2 (2 1  s 2  s ) 2 ......(vi)

And from Eq (iii) we get, h 2  A

......(vii )
2 1 s2  s

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Chapter 7 – Best Hydraulic Section

Using (vii) in (vi), we get
4 A( 2 1  s 2  s ) 2
P2   4 A( 2 1  s 2  s )......(viii )
2 1 s  s

Considering A to be constant and differentiating P with respect to s,

we get  1 
dp  2  2  2s   2s 
2P  4 A  1  4 A  1 ........(ix)
 1 s  1 s
2 2
ds  
 
For Minimum P, dp/ds = 0, Hence from Eq (ix) we get
 1  0 or 2 s  1  s 2 or 4 s 2  1  s 2 or 3s 2  1
1 s 2

s  1 / 3 ie. tan   1 / s  3  tan 60   60

Design of Channels 27 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Best Hydraulic Section

This means that the section is one-half of a regular hexagon
Now from figure,
1 MN
OE  OF  OB  OM sin   MN sin  
2 2 1 s2
1 1
 (b  2 sh)   2 1 s2  h  h
2 1 s 2
2 1 s2


Design of Channels 28 Open Channel Flow

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Chapter 7 – Best Hydraulic Section

Procedure for designing a channel with the concept of Best

Hydraulic section:
Given parameters:
Discharge Q, Manning’s n and bottom slope S0
- Compute section factor for uniform flow computation,
AR2/3 = nQ/√S0
- Put A and R for different channels and solve for h
- Check for minimum permissible velocity for siltation and/or
- Check Fr and add Freeboard
Design of Channels 29 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Best Hydraulic Section

Geometric Elements of some best hydraulic sections
Cross-section s A P R T D
Rectangle - 2h2 4h h/2 2h h
(half of a square)
Triangle 1 h2 2√2h √2h/4 2h h/2
(half of a square)
Trapezoidal 1/√3 √3h2 2√3h h/2 4√3h/3 3h/4
(half of a hexagon)
Circle - πh2/2 πh h/2 2h πh/4
(semi circle)
Parabola - 4√2h2/3 8√2h/3 h/2 2√2h 2h/3
(T = 2√2h)

Design of Channels 30 Open Channel Flow

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Chapter 7 – Design Example

A trapezoidal channel carrying 20 m3/s is built with non-erodible
bed having a slope of 1 in 1000 and n = 0.025. Design the
channel by the concept of best hydraulic section.
Given: Q = 20 m3/s, n = 0.025, S0 = 1 in 1000 = 0.001
AR2/3 = nQ/√S0 = (0.025 x 20)/√0.001=15.81
For best hydraulic trapezoidal section, A = √3h2, R = h/2
So, √3h2 x (h/2)2/3 = 15.81  h8/3 = 14.49  h = 2.73 m
and side slope = 1/√3
Now, b = 2h[√(1+s2) - s] = 4.12 m; A = √3h2 = 12.86 m
P = 2√3h = 9.44 m; T = 4√3h/3 = 6.3 m; R = h/2 = 1.36 m
D = 3h/4 = 2.05 m; V = Q/A =1.56 m/s > min permissible vel
Fr = V/√(gD) = 0.33 Satisfactory
Add a freeboard of 0.77 m, so total depth becomes 3.5 m
Design of Channels 31 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Class Work

Design a concrete lined channel (rough finish n = 0.015) carry 20
m3/s on a slope of 0.0015. Consider the hydraulically efficient
trapezoidal shape.

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Chapter 7 – Practical Rigid Boundary Channels

 Best hydraulic section may not necessarily the most

economic section, because-
(i) sharp corners may prone for deposition of silt,
(ii) area to be excavated may be significantly large,
(iii) material may not be suitable to get the slope, and
(iv) cost involved in excavation
 So instead of sharp corners, rounded corners of
triangular and trapezoidal sections provide most
practical sections

Design of Channels 33 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Practical Rigid Boundary Channels

A = h2( + Cot)
P = 2h( + Cot)

Lined triangular sections for Q < 55 m3/s)

A = Bh + h2( + Cot)
P = B + 2h( + Cot)

Lined trapezoidal sections for Q > 55 m3/s)

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Chapter 7 – Design Example 01

A channel lined with concrete is to be laid on a slope of 1 in
3600. Side slope is 1:1 and n = 0.013. Determine section
dimensions if (a) Q = 35 m3/s and (b) Q = 100 m3/s, provided
max permissible vel 2 m/s. Use practical rigid channel concept.
(a) Since Q < 55  triangular section with rounded corner
s or m = Cot = 1   = 0.785 rad
So, A = h2(+Cot ) = 1.785 h2 and P = 2h(+Cot ) = 3.571 h
and R = A/P = 0.5h
Using Manning’s eq, Q = (1/n)AR2/3S01/2
or, 35 = (1/0.013) x 1.785h2 x (0.5h)2/3 x (1/3600)1/2
or, h8/3 = 24.28  h = 3.307m

Design of Channels 35 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Design Example 01

(b) Since Q > 55  trapezoidal section with rounded corner
s = Cot = 1  = 0.785 rad and V= 2m/s  A=100/2 = 50 m2
Using Manning’s eq, Q = (1/n)AR2/3S01/2
or, 100 = (1/0.013) x 50 x R2/3 x (1/3600)1/2  R = 1.95 m
So, P = 50/1.95 = 25.66 m
Now, A = bh + h2(+Cot ) = bh + 1.785 h2 = 50 ......(i)
and P = b + 2h(+Cot ) = b + 3.571 h = 25.66 ......(ii)
Solving Eq (i) and (ii), h = 2.32 m and 12.04 m
and corresponding b = 17.36 m and -17.34 m
Since b can’t be negative, so h = 2.32 m and b = 17.36 m (Ans)

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Chapter 7 – Design Example 02

A trapezoidal channel lined with concrete (n=0.013) is to be laid on
a slope of 1 in 3600 carries a discharge of 100 m3/s. Determine
section dimensions of the channel (a) considering b = 6m and side
slope 1:1, (b) for the best hydraulic section, and (c) for the practical
section when the side slope is 1:1 and max permissible vel is 2 m/s.
(a) Solution:
1 nQ 0.013  100
Manning’s Eq, Q  AR 2 / 3 S 01/ 2 or AR 2 / 3    78
n S0 1 / 3600
Use trial and error method

h [m] A [m2] P [m] R [m] AR2/3 Remarks So,

h = 4.24 m
4 40 17.31 2.31 69.90 Increase
4.24 43.42 17.99 2.41 78.11 Close b=6m
Design of Channels 37 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Design Example 02

(b) For best trapezoidal section, R = h/2
and A = [2√(1+s2)-s]h2 = [2√2-1]h2 = 1.828h2
So, AR2/3=(1.828)h2 x (h/2)2/3 = 78  h8/3 = 67.73  h = 4.86 m
and b = 2h[√(1+s2)-s] = 4.03m

(c) For trapezoidal section with rounded corner (previous example)

h = 2.32 m and b = 17.36m

Rigid boundary channel: h = 4.24 m and b = 6 m
Best hydraulic section: h = 4.86 m and b = 4.03 m
Practical rounded corner: h = 2.32 m and b = 17.36 m

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Chapter 7 – Erodible Channels

 Erodible channels with non-cohesive materials on the perimeter
and carrying either clear water or water with fine sediment in
suspension which will not deposit
 A design methodology based primarily on experience and
observation rather than physical principles
 First step in developing a design process for unlined, stable,
earthen channels is to examine the forces which cause scouring
 Scour on the perimeter of a channel occurs when the particles
on the perimeter are subjected to forces of sufficient
magnitude to cause particle movement

Design of Channels 39 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Erodible Channels

 When a particle rests on the bottom of a channel, the force
acting to cause movement is the result on the flow of water
past the particle
 A particle rests on the slope side of a channel is acted on not
only by the flow generated forces, but also by a gravitational
component which tends to make the particle roll or slide down
the slope
 If the resultant of those two forces is larger than the forces
resisting movement, ie. gravity component and cohesion, then
erosion of the channel perimeter occurs

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Chapter 7 – Tractive Force

 By definition, the Tractive force is the force acting on the
particle composing the perimeter of the channel and is the
result of the flow of water past these particles
 In practice, the tractive force is not the force acting on a single
particle, but the force exerted over a certain area of the
channel perimeter. This concept was first stated by duBoys
(1879) and later restated by Lane (1955)
 The method is based on incipient motion of soil particles which
means the soil particles just begin to move
 Main assumption of this method – a channel scours when the
shear stress on the channel boundary exceeds the critical
value of shear stress, c
Design of Channels 41 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Tractive Force

 Critical Shear Stress, c: avg shear stress on the boundary at which
soil particlles just begin to move
 In most channels, the tractive force is not uniformly distributed over
the perimeter

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Chapter 7 – Tractive Force

 The maximum net tractive force on the sides and bottoms of

various channels as determined by mathematical studies are
shown as a function of the ratio of the bottom width ‘b’ to the
depth of flow ‘y’
 It may be noted that for the trapezoidal section, the maximum
tractive force on the bottom is approximately 0.97γyS0 and on
the sides 0.75γyS0.
 When a particle on the perimeter of a channel is in a state of
impending motion, the forces acting to cause motion are in
equilibrium with the forces resisting motion

Design of Channels 43 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Correction Factor

 Lane also recognized that sinuous canals scour more easily
than canals with straight alignments
 To account this observation in the tractive force design method,
Lane developed correction factors for different channels
Degree of sinuousness Correction Factor
(stream length/valley length)
Straight Channels 1.00
Slightly Sinuous Channels 0.90
Moderately Sinuous Channels 0.75
Very Sinuous Channels 0.60
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Chapter 7 – Tractive Force Method

 When water flows in a channel, a force that acts in the
direction of flow on the channel bed is developed. This force,
which is nothing but the drag of water on the wetted area
and is known as the tractive force
 A particle on the sloping side of a channel is subject to both a
tractive force and a down-slope gravitational component
 Tractive force ratio is a function of both the side slope angle
and the angle of repose of the material composing the
channel perimeter

Design of Channels 45 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Tractive Force Method

 In case of cohesive materials and fine non-cohesive materials,
the angle of repose is small and can be assumed to be zero ie
for these materials the forces of cohesion are significantly
larger than the gravitational component tending to make the
particles roll down-slope
 Consider the shear stress at incipient motion (which just begins
to move particles) for uniform flow
 The tractive force is equal to the gravity force component
acting on the body of water, parallel to the channel bed
 The tractive force is also called Drag Force

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Chapter 7 – Tractive Force Method

 Gravity component of weight of water in the direction of flow
is equal to Wsin, which is equal to the friction force Ff
 So, Wsin = Ff; now, Ff = 0 PL and Wsin = γALS0
 Since  is small, so sin = tan = S0
where, γ is the unit weight of water, A is the wetted area, L is
the length of the channel reach, P is the wetted perimeter, and
S0 is the slope
 Thus, the average value of the tractive force per unit wetted
area, is equal to 0 = γALS0/PL = γRS0
 For wide rectangular channel, it can be written as 0 = γyS0
 0 is not uniform in bottom and sides of a channel

Design of Channels 47 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Tractive Force Method

 Figure
shows the
max unit
forces in
terms of
γyS0 for
b/y ratios

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Chapter 7 – Tractive Force Method

 Shear Stress Ratio:
 Consider a sediment particle submerged in water and resting
on the side of a trapezoidal channel in which water is flowing.
Two forces will act and tend to move the particle.
 (i) The Tactive force or Shear force as and (ii) the Gravity
force component wssin. Since the forces act on the particle at
right angles to each other, the resultant force on the soil
particle is R = √[(wssin)2 + (as)2]
where, a is the effective surface area of the soil particle, s is
the shear stress on the sloping side,  is the angle of the side
slope, and ws is the submerged weight of the particle

Design of Channels 49 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Tractive Force Method



Forces acting on a soil particle resting on the side and the bottom of a trapezoidal channel

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Chapter 7 – Tractive Force Method

 Shear Stress Ratio:
 The force resisting the movement of the soil particle is equal to
ws cos tanψ, where ψ is the Angle of Repose and tanψ is the
coefficient of friction (due to angle of internal friction)
 For the incipient motion condition of the soil particle,
ws cos tanψ = √[(wssin)2 + (as)2]
 Solving the equation for unit tractive force s that causes
impending motion on a sloping surface, we get
ws tan 2 
s  cos  tan 1 
a tan 2 

Design of Channels 51 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Tractive Force Method

 Shear Stress Ratio:
 Similarly, for the incipient motion condition of a soil particle on
the horizontal bottom with  = 0 gives, b = (ws/a) tanψ,
where, b is the shear stress on the bed
 Tractive Force Ratio or Shear Stress Ratio, K = s/b
s tan 2  sin 2  sin 2   1 
K  cos  1   cos 2    1  sin 2    1  sin 2  1  
b tan 
tan 
tan 2   tan 2
 
 cos 2    sin 2   cos 2   sin 2 
 1  sin 2  1    1  sin 2     1  2
 sin  sin 2  sin 
  

 Thus the ratio is a function of only two angles

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Chapter 7 – Tractive Force Method

 For cohesive and fine non-cohesive material, cohesive force
>> gravity force component  so ψ can be neglected
 The angle of repose need to be considered only for coarse
non-cohesive materials
 The angle of repose increases with both size and angularity
of the material
 A curves shown in the next slide prepared by the USBR for
angle of repose particularly for non-cohesive material larger
than 0.2 inch (5 mm) in diameter
 In the fig, particle size is the d75 size (means 75% of the
material by wt is smaller)

Design of Channels 53 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Tractive Force Method

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Chapter 7 – Tractive Force Method

 Procedure for designing a trapezoidal channel:
 For trapezoidal s < b  so side force is critical and need to
consider for section design and then check for bottom force
 Given, Q, S0, soil properties, n
Step Process
1 Estimate angle of repose ψ of the material (using curve)
2 Assume s and b/y, and then compute  (= cot-1s)
3 Determine max shear stress developed on sides in terms of y (using
left panel of fig)
4 Estimate ‘Tractive force ratio’, K, between sides and bottom of the

Design of Channels 55 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Tractive Force Method

Step Process
5 Determine b, the permissible shear stress on bottom (b = 0.40d75
when b is in lb/ft2 and d75 is in inch and correct for sinuosity (if
6 Compute s, the permissible shear stress on sides using s = Kb
7 Compute depth y by equating the value of s in step 6 to the shear
stress obtained in step 3
8 Compute b and Q, and then compare with the design Q
9 Repeat steps 2 to 8 until the computed Q is close to the design Q
10 Compare the actual shear stress on bed b (right panel of fig) with
the permissible value obtained in step 5

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Chapter 7 – Design Example-01

 A trapezoidal channel is to be laid on a slope of 1 in 1000 and carry
a discharge of 20 m3/s. It is to be excavated in earth containing
moderately rounded coarse non-cohesive particle with d50 = 2 cm, d75
= 2.5 cm and n = 0.025. Determine the section dimensions of the
channel using Lane’s method.
1. Longitudinal slope, S0 = 1/1000 = 0.001
2. Angle of repose: d75 = 2.5/2.54 = 0.98 in  ψ = 35°
3. Assume s = 2 and b/y = 4, So, φ = tan-1(1/2) = 26.56°
4. From Fig, Max shear stress on sides is 0.75γyS0 = 0.75 x 9810 x y x
0.001 = 7.36y N/m2

5. Tractive force ratio: K  s  1 
sin 2  sin 2 26.56
 1   0.57
b sin 2  sin 2 33
6. Permissible shear stress on bottom, b = 0.40 d75 = 0.4 x 0.98 = 0.39
lb/ft2 = 18.77 N/m2; [1lb/ft2 = 47.86 N/m2]
Design of Channels 57 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Design Example-01

7. Permissible shear stress on side, s = Kb = 0.57x18.77 = 10.72 N/m2
8. For a state of impending motion, 7.36y = 10.72 or y = 1.47 m
9. So, b = 1.47 x 4 = 5.83 m
10. For this trapezoidal section, A = 12.73 m2, P = 12.34 m, R = 1.03 m,
hence, Q = (1/0.025)x12.73x1.032/3x0.0011/2 = 16.44 m3/s which is
less than the design discharge of 20 m3/s
b/y y [m] b [m] A [m2] P [m] R [m] Q [m3/s] Remarks
4.5 1.47 6.62 14.05 13.19 1.065 18.53
5.0 1.47 7.35 15.13 13.92 1.086 20.22 Ok
4.9 1.47 7.20 14.91 13.78 1.082 19.88
So, with s = 2 and b/y = 5.0, the shear stress on bottom (right panel of
fig) is 0.97γyS0 = 0.97 x 9810 x 1.42 x 0.001 = 13.51 N/m2 which is
less than 18.77 N/m2, hence the design is acceptable.
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Chapter 7 – Design Example-02

 Design a trapezoidal channel to carry 20 m3/s through a slightly
sinuous channel on a slope of 0.0015. The channel is to be
excavated in coarse alluvium with a 75 percentile diameter of 2 cm
of moderately rounded particle
1. Manning n: n for gravel ranges: 0.020 – 0.030
Assume n = 0.025
2. Angle of repose: d75 = 2 cm = 0.8 in  ψ = 32°
3. Slightly sinuous channel: CS = 0.90
4. Side slope: Try 2H:1V, So, φ = tan-1(1/2) = 26.6°
5. Tractive force ratio:
s sin 2  sin 2 26.6
K   1 2  1  0.53
b sin  sin 2 32

Design of Channels 59 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Design Example-02

6. Permissible Tractive Force:
Bed: b = CS x 0.40 d75 = 0.9 x 0.4 x 0.8 = 0.288 lb/ft2
= 0.288 x 47.86 N/m2 = 13.8 N/m2
Side: s = K b = 0.53 x 13.8 = 7.3 N/m2
7. Assume incipient motion on side wall:
s = 0.76γyS0 = 7.3 N/m2
y = s/0.76γS0 = 7.3/(0.76x9810x0.0015) = 0.65 m
8. Solve for bottom width:
Q = (1/n)AR2/3S01/2 = (1/n)A5/3S01/2/P2/3
where, A = by+my2; p = b+2y√(1+m2)
b = 2.42 m (smallest positive real solution)

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Chapter 7 – Design Example-02

9. Tractive force on bed:
b = 0.97γyS0 = 0.97x9790x0.68x0.0015 = 9.7 N/m2 < 14.4, ok
10. Check velocities:
Area = by + my2 = 24.2 x 0.68 + 2(0.68)2 = 17.4 m2
V = Q/A = 20/17.4 = 1.1 m/s
Fr = V/√(gD) = V/√(gA/B)
T = Top width = T + 2my = 26.92 m
D = A/T = 0.65 m
Fr = 0.44
11. Free board:
For Q = 20 m3/s the freeboard will be 0.75 m
Total depth = 0.68 + 0.75 = 1.43 m

Design of Channels 61 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Class Work

 Design a straight trapezoidal channel for a design discharge of 20
m3/s. The bed slope 0.0025 and channel is excavated through the
fine gravel having particle size of 8 mm. Assume the material to be
rounded moderately and water has low concentration of

Design of Channels 62 Open Channel Flow

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Chapter 7 – Alluvial Channels

 Alluvial channel can be defined as a channel transporting the
same type of material as that comprising the channel
 This type of channel only can be stable if sediment inflow is
equal to sediment outflow which means cross-section and
bottom slope do not change due to erosion or deposition
 A channel is said to be in a regime state when it has adjusted
its shape and slope to an equilibrium condition
 Design of alluvial channels: two methods
(i) Shear or Tractive force approach (previous one)
(ii) Regime approach: purely empirical, developed by Kennedy

Design of Channels 63 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Regime Approach

 First Regime Formula developed by Kennedy (in 1845) as –
U0 = 0.546h0.64, where, U0 = non-silting non-scouring velocity
and h = depth of flow
Main Limitation: does not specify a stable width
 Later on, in 1930 and 1946, Lacey proposed a new theory, he
differentiate between two regime conditions –
(i) Initial or false regime: this is not true regime state and his theory
not applicable
(ii) Final regime: Q constant, flow is uniform, fixed silt grade, cross-
section and slope do not change

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Chapter 7 – Lacey’s Regime Theory

 Lacey’s Regime theory for final regime channels –
Wetted Perimeter, P = 4.75√Q
Hydraulic Radius, R = 0.47(Q/fs)1/3
Bottom slope, S0 = fs5/3/3340 Q1/6
Silt factor, fs = 1.76√d, d = average particle size in mm

Design of Channels 65 Open Channel Flow

Chapter 7 – Design Example

 Design a stable alluvial channel using the Lacey’s theory. The
channel is to carry 10 m3/s through 1 mm sand.
fs = 1.76√d = 1.76√1 = 1.76
S0 = fs5/3/3340 Q1/6 = 1.765/3/3340 x 101/6 = 5.233 x 10-4
R = 0.47(Q/fs)1/3 = 0.47(10/1.76)1/3 = 0.8387 m
P = 4.75√Q = 4.75√10 = 15.02 m
So, A = PR = 15.02 x 0.8387 = 12.60 m2
Assume, s = 0.5 (0.5H:1V)
P = 15.02 = b + 2h√(1+0.52) = b + 2.236h
A = 12.60 = (b + 0.5h)h = bh + 0.50h2
Solving the two equations, we get b = 12.916 m and h = 0.941 m

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