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Soal Latihan Report Tema Disaster Volcanic Eruptions

A volcanic eruption is the release of molten rock, or magma, and volcanic gases through
Earth's crust to the surface. Magma is formed when the earth's mantle melts. It is driven to erupt
by buoyancy because it is lighter than the surrounding rock. Gases within the magma are under
great pressure and force magma upwards. Runny magma erupts through openings or vents in the
earth's crust before flowing onto its surface as lava.
An eruption may last from a few minutes to days. An eruption may be only a discharge of
steam and gases through a small vent or a spectacular explosion that shoots gases and debris into
the sky. The explosiveness of an eruption depends on a great extent of the composition of the
molten rock. Magma high in silica will be more viscous than one low in silica. A high-viscosity
magma will tend to trap dissolved gases. The pressure of the gases can build up to the point where
they are released in a spontaneous explosive eruption. A less viscous magma allows volcanic gases
to bubble through more easily and results in outpourings of lava.
The length of an eruption is described as an eruptive pulse, eruptive phase, or eruptive episode. An
eruptive pulse is a very short event lasting for a few seconds to minutes. An eruption that lasts a
few hours to days and consists of numerous eruptive pulses is called an eruptive phase. Eruptions
that involve repeated pulses and phases over days, months, or years is an eruptive episode.

1. Which of the following statements are in line with the text?

I. Lava is magma coming out from the earth’s crust.
II. The gases trap magma under the surface of the Earth.
III. A high-viscosity magma tends to result in an explosion.
IV. An eruptive pulse involves explosions for a few seconds.

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. II and IV
2. Paragraph 2 mainly talks about … of an eruption.
A. the process
B. the duration
C. the materials
D. the explosiveness

A tsunami is a natural disaster caused by rising sea waves to the mainland at high speeds due to
the earthquake centered under the sea. The quake can be caused by soil erosion, the plates were
shifting, volcanic eruptions and meteor that crashed in the ocean.
When talking about the tsunami, we have to start from the cause, namely the earthquake in the
ocean. Tsunami is always preceded by a powerful movement that we commonly call the earthquake.
Although it is known that there are various types of the earthquake, but 90% of the tsunami caused by
the movement of the plates in the earth that happened in areas of the oceans. This usually happens when
the earthquakes are exceeding magnitude 7 on the Richter scale.
An earthquake in the bowels of the earth will result in the emergence of pressure to the vertical
direction so that the bottom of the sea will rise and fall in a short time span. This will lead to an
imbalance in the ocean water which is then pushed into a large wave that moves reached the mainland.
With the great power of the waves, the buildings on the mainland can be washed away easily. The
tsunami waves propagate at speeds unimaginable. It can reach 500 to 1000 kilometers per hour at sea.
And when it reaches the shore, the speed is reduced to 50 to 30 kilometers per hour. However, it is
able to cause severe damage to humans.
3. “…it is able to cause severe damage to humans. (paragraph 4)
The word “damage” is similar in meaning to ….
A. renovation
B. destruction
C. reinforcement
D. degradation
4. What will happen if the large waves of tsunami reach to the mainland?
A. They will make the soil of the mainland fertile.
B. The large waves of tsunami will beautify the mainland.
C. They will be able to strengthen the building on the mainland.
D. They will destroy building and cause severe damage to humans.
5. What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph?
A. When the wave reaches the shore, the speed is reduced.
B. The tsunami caused by the movement of the plates in the earth of the ocean.
C. The great speed of tsunami waves are to cause severe damage to humans.
D. Tsunami happens when the quakes are exceeding magnitude 7 on the Richter
Tornadoes are known as one of the most damaging disasters. What is the description of
tornadoes? A tornado is a very powerful column of winds which spirals around a center of low
atmospheric pressure. A tornado will look like a large black funnel which hangs down from a
storm cloud.
The name “tornado” derives from the Latin “tonare”. It means “to thunder.” While the
Spanish developed the word into “tornear” which means “to turn or twist”. This is why a
tornado is sometimes called twister or cyclone. The winds inside a twister can spin around at
speeds up to 500 miles an hour, but it usually travels at roughly 300 miles an hour. This speed
twisting makes a tornado the most dangerous storm. The average tornado has a diameter of
about 200 to 300 yards. The smaller tornadoes are known as satellite tornadoes. These small
offspring, about 50 yards across, can be very fierce and do lots of damage.
The forming of a tornado can be very quick. Sometimes it can form in a minute or less. A
tornado can travel across the ground at high speeds, then it can suddenly vanish. Most
tornadoes last less than twenty minutes and travel less than 15 miles. However, the super
storms sometimes travel over 100 miles before they are exhausted.

6. What is the writer‟s intention of writing the text?

A. The explain about the formation of tornado.
B. To inform that a tornado is dangerous.
C. To give description about tornado.
D. To make people aware of tornado.
7. According to paragraph 3, what is the maximum speed of a tornado?
A. 50 miles per hour.
B. 200 miles per hour.
C. 300 miles per hour.
D. 500 miles per hour.
8. What will probably happen if a tornado travels at roughly 300 miles an hour?
A. A tornado will be formed in a minute.
B. It will be the most dangerous storm.
C. A smaller tornado will happen.
D. It will be a satellite tornado.

A fire whirl or fire devil is a whirlwind induced by a fire and often composed of flame or ash. This
start with a whirl of wind, often made visible by smoke, and may occur when intense rising heat and
turbulent wind conditions combine to form whirling eddies of air. These eddies can contract a tornado-
like vortex that sucks in debris and combustible gases. The phenomenon is sometimes labelled a fire
tornado, firenado, fire swirl, or fire twister, but these terms usually refer to a separate phenomenon where a
fire has such intensity that it generates an actual tornado. Fire whirls are not usually classifiable as tornadoes
as the vortex in most cases does not extend from the surface to cloud base.

A fire whirl consists of a burning core and a rotating pocket of air. A fire whirl can reach up to 2,000 °F.
Fire whirls become frequent when a wildfire, or especially firestorm, creates its own wind, which can spawn
large vortices. Even bonfires often have whirls on a smaller scale and tiny fire whirls have been generated by
very small fires in laboratories.

Most of the largest fire whirls are formed from wildfires. They form when a warm updraft and
convergence from the wildfire are present. They are usually 10–50m tall, a few meters (several feet) wide,
and last only a few minutes. Some, however, can be more than 1km tall, contain wind speeds over 200 km/h,
and persist for more than 20 minutes.

9. What do the readers learn after reading the text? They know about … of fire devil.
A. the general definition
B. the common description
C. the particular information
D. the specific characteristics
10. Which of the followings are in line with Fire Devil?
I. It is formed by smoke combined with debris and combustible gases.
II. It may happen when there is firestorm which creates its own wind.
III. It usually spins from the surface of the earth to the cloud base.
IV. It can generally occur when it is triggered by wildfires.
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. II and IV
D. III and IV

11. “… that sucks in debris and combustible gases.” (Paragraph1)

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. remains
B. residue
C. wrecks
D. waste

A steam devil is a small, weak whirlwind over water (or

sometimes wet land) that has drawn fog into the vortex, thus
rendering it visible. Steam devils form over large lakes and oceans
during cold air outbreaks while the water is still relatively warm,
and can be an important mechanism in vertically transporting

Steam devils are vortices typically about 50 to 200 metres in

diameter, essentially vertical, and up to 500 metres high. The
general shape is

like a small waterspout. Steam devils rotate with a cyclonic direction of motion, but not very fast or powerfully,
usually just a few rotations per minute, and sometimes they do not rotate at all. The central core of the steam devil
can be clear. The core is around 10% of the width of the rotating column. The sky above the steam devils may be
clear, or there may be cumulus clouds present. Steam devils are a rare and short-lived phenomenon, typically
surviving no more than three or four minutes, and the smaller ones over hot springs dissipating in a matter of

Steam devils can become separated from their base and be blown downstream by the wind. On small bodies
of water such as hot springs, this can mean that the steam devil ends up over land away from the water altogether.
Such steam devils continue to rotate even after they have become separated from the source of heat, but will soon
12. After reading the text, the readers know about … of steam devil.
A. the common definition
B. the detailed information
C. the general explanation
D. the specific characteristics
13. Which of the following is in line with Steam Devil?
I. It usually rotates slowly in a cyclonic motion.
II. It stays at its place and is never blown away.
III. It appears over the oceans when the water is cold.
IV. It is visible because of the existence of fog in the vortex.
A. I and II
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. II and IV
14. “ … become separated from the source of heat, but will soon dissipate.” (Paragraph 3)
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. disappear
B. disperse
C. dissolve
D. diffuse

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