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Report Text Exercise

flippers. Most penguins feed on krill, fish,

squid and other forms of sea life caught while
swimming underwater. They spend about half
of their lives on land and half in the oceans.
Although all penguin species are native to
the Southern Hemisphere, they are not found
only in cold climates, such as Antarctica. In
fact, only a few species of penguin live so far
south. Several species are found in the
temperate zone, and one species, the
Galápagos penguin, lives near the equator.

Text 2
Great horned owls have long, feathered
tufts called “plumicorns” which resemble
horns, or cat-like ears. Males are 2.5 to 3 lbs.
and females are 3 to 4.5 lbs.
Like other raptors, their feathers are
specific to soundless flight, so that they can
swoop down silently on their prey. Their
strong talons require a force of 28 lbs. to open
when clenched, they use this deadly grip to
sever the spine of larger prey. Their eyes are
fixed in their sockets, but they can swivel their
heads more than 180 degrees to look in any
They are highly adaptable birds living from
the Arctic to South America. They live in
woodlands, swamps, orchards, agricultural
1. From the table above, we can see that Polar
Bear … areas, wooded parks, suburban areas and even
A. is a solitary animal. in cities. They have the most diverse diet of all
B. likes to eat small shrimps. North American raptors, ranging from tiny
C. lives in the tropical oceans. rodents and scorpions to hares, skunks, geese
D. has no feet when it is born. and other raptors and birds.
2. The writer wrote the table in order to … ….
A. describe Polar Bear’s physical
characteristics. 3. The 4𝑡ℎ paragraph of the texts will
B. show the general facts about Polar Bear. likely give the description of …
C. report about Polar Bear’s habitat. A. Diet
D. tell about threatened animals. B. Habitat
C. Appearance
D. Reproduction
Text 1
Penguins (order Sphenisciformes, family 4. Which of the followings go with the texts?
Spheniscidae) are a group of aquatics, Text 1 Text 2
flightless birds living almost exclusively in the (1) They are They are
flightless predatory
Southern Hemisphere, especially in Antarctica. birds. birds.
Highly adapted for life in the water, (2) They are They are
penguins have counter shaded dark and white highly highly
plumage, and their wings have evolved into adapted for adapted for
life in water. life on land.
(3) They swim They swoop they can. The breathing process for sharks
underwater down silently begins and ends with their gills, which they use
to catch the for their prey. to both extract oxygen from water and rid their
sea bodies of carbon dioxide.
(4) All penguins They live in Sharks use sound to locate food. Sound is
live the cold climate
temperate in Antartica. often the first sense a shark relies on to detect
zone. prey. Under water, sound travels farther and
A. (1) and (3) approximately 4.5 times faster than on land.
B. (2) dan (4) Sharks are attracted to low-frequency pulsed
C. (1), (2) and (3)
D. (2), (3) and (4) sounds, similar to those wounded or ill prey
Text 1 would emit. After all, their olfactory organs
Unlike fish, dolphins do not have gills. help them smell their prey.
They breathe through a nostril, called a
blowhole, located on top of their head. This Sharks have a keen sense of smell, and
allows them to take breaths by exposing just the blood happens to be a very attractive odor.
top of their heads to the air while they are They can sniff out even a tiny amount diluted
swimming or resting under the water. After each into a large body of water. Sharks also use
breath, the blowhole is sealed tightly by strong sight to detect their prey. A splashing sound
muscles that surround it, so that water cannot might tempt them, as would the sight of a
get into the dolphin‟s lungs. flailing animal.

Although some species are known for their 5. Read these statements carefully.
excellent eyesight, most dolphins have acute I. All dolphins can see underwater
eyesight. They use their sense of hearing to find excellently.
their prey. Their sense of hearing is superior to II. Sharks can find their prey using
that of humans. Though they have a small ear echolocation.
opening on each side of their head, it is believed III. Dolphins can produce “click” sound
that hearing underwater is also, if not exclusively, to locate their prey.
done with the lower jaw which conducts the IV. Sharks can use their sense of smell
sound vibrations to the middle ear via a fat filled to locate their prey.
cavity in the lower jaw bone. Hearing is also used Which of the statements are correct
for echolocation, which is an ability all dolphins based on the texts?
have to survive. A. I and II
B. I and IV
Dolphins locate food and other objects in the C. II and III
ocean through echolocation. In echolocating, they D. III and IV
produce short broad-spectrum burst-pulses that 6. Why do dolphins come to the surface while
sound to us like "clicks." These "clicks" are swimming? Because dolphins.…
reflected from objects of interest to the dolphin A. have gills to respire
and provide information to the whale on food B. need to take oxygen
sources. C. absorb the oxygen from water
D. possess a blowhole on their snout
Text 2 7. What is probably the next paragraph for
Sharks do not have lungs, but they do both texts about?
have to breathe oxygen to survive. Instead of A. Finding food.
breathing air, though, sharks get oxygen from B. Mating activity.
the water that surrounds them. The C. Respiratory organs.
concentration of oxygen in water is much lower D. Echolocation ability.
than in air, so animals like sharks have
developed ways to harvest as much oxygen as
family. These large marine mammals
are easily distinguished by their black-
and-white coloration, large dorsal fin
A rhinoceros or rhino, is one of the numerous and a sleek, streamlined body. The
threatened species of odd-toed ungulates in dorsal surface and pectoral flippers are
the family. The population decreases year by year. black except for a greyish patch that
lies behind the dorsal fin and a white
Rhinoceros are some of the largest animals. eyespot located just above and slightly
All species can reach or exceed one ton in weight.
behind each eye. The ventral surface,
They have small brains for mammals of their size.
The African Sumatran species have two horns, lower jaw and undersides of the flukes
while the Indian and Javan rhinoceros have one are predominantly bright white.
horn. They also have a thick protective skin. They are not equipped with gills.
Rhinoceroses are herbivorous. They generally Instead, orcas breathe through a single
eat leaves. Unlike other species, the African blowhole on top of their head. Below
rhinoceros lack teeth at the front of their mouths. water, an orca holds its breath. Orcas
This makes them rely instead on their lips to pluck need to rise to the surface of the water
food. to inhale and exhale oxygen through
Rhinos are killed by some poachers for their their blowholes. Orcas open the
horns. The horns are sold at the black market. The blowhole to exhale just before
horns are also used by some cultures for ornaments reaching the surface of the water.
or traditional medicine. Some cultures believe that Orcas use sophisticated biological
the horns have therapeutic properties. The horns are sonar, called echolocation.
ground up and the flour is consumed. The horns are Echolocation enables them to locate
made of keratin, the same type of protein that makes and discriminate objects underwater.
up hair and fingernails. The vocalisations within a whale
8. The word “threatened” in “A rhinoceros or rhino, community are distinct and different
is one of the threatened species.….” has a closest from those in other communities,
in meaning to …. (paragraph 1) serving to keep the pods together. The
A. endangered calls also bring the pods together over
B. dangerous large expanses of water when it is
C. hazardous impossible for the whales to see each
D. angered other.
9. What does a rhino look like? …..
A. It is a medium size of animal.
B. It has no more than on of weight.
C. It has a big brain size of mammal. TEXT 2
D. It has one or two horns and protective skin. Manta rays are recognized by their
10. What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph? large diamond-shaped body with wing-
A. The poachers killed rhinoceroses for their like pectoral fins, gill slits, laterally-
horns. placed eyes and wide mouths. In front
B. Rhinos are popular for their horns. of the mouth, they have two structures
C. Rhino has many species. called cephalic lobes which extend and
D. Rhinos are herbivorous help to channel water into the mouth
for feeding activities. Manta rays vary
TEXT 1 from black, to grey-blue, to red-brown
The orca is a toothed whale and is on the upper surface, occasionally with
the largest member of the Dolphin white shoulder patches, and often pure
white on the under surface. Colour
patterns show individual variation, and
help to identify individuals.
Manta rays are cartilaginous fishes.
Being fish, they do not breathe air.
Instead, they have gills allowing them
to respire underwater. Manta rays have Text 1
five pairs of gills on their
breathe, they must continually keep Leopards are powerful big cats closely related
water flowing over their gills. to lions, tigers, and jaguars. They live in sub-
Despite their misleading size, Saharan Africa, northeast Africa, Central
Asia, India, and China. However, many of their
manta rays feed on some of the
populations are endangered, especially outside of
smallest organisms in the sea. They are
planktivores, feeding on the plankton
found in the water column. They
You can identify most leopards by their light color
swim with their mouths wide open,
and distinctive dark spots. Those spots are called
drawing in zooplankton and krill
rosettes, because they resemble the shape of a rose.
which they sift through rows of tiny These patterns camouflage their bodies as they
rakes that line their mouths called gill move through the grass and trees. Black leopards,
plates. which appear to be almost solid in color because
….. their spots are hard to distinguish, are commonly
11. Read these sentences carefully. called black panthers.
I. Orcas can find the others using
echolocation. Unlike lions, leopards are solitary creatures. Males
II. Orcas must come to the surface to are almost entirely solitary and females only break
breathe. their solitude when they are raising cubs. But, like
III. Manta rays must swim fast to hunt for lions, leopards roar. Male leopards defend their
fish. territory by roaring and scent marking, while
IV. Manta rays can breathe underwater. females use their roar to attract mates and call their
Which of the sentences are correct based cubs. A leopard roar is a rough rasp, like a
on the texts. handsaw cutting wood. In addition, the leopard is
A. I and III so comfortable up in the tree that it often stalks
B. I and IV prey and even hauls its kills up into the branches.
C. II and III
Text 2
D. II and IV
12. Why do manta rays open their mouths Jaguars are the largest of South America's big cats
while swimming? Because they want … and the third largest cats in the world. Because of
A. to trap the plankton their size, strength, and predatory skills, jaguars
B. to let the oxygen in are considered one of the “big cats.”
C. to feed the plankton Tigers, leopards, cheetahs, and cougars are also
D. to push the water out part of this grouping.
13. What is probably the next paragraph for
both texts about? Their fur is usually brownish-yellow with black
A. Physical characteristics. spots, called "rosettes" because they are shaped
B. Respiratory organs. like roses. However, jaguar’s rosette markings are
C. Hunting for food. larger than leopard’s. Some jaguars are so dark
D. Mating activity. they don't seem to have spots.
Unlike many other cats, jaguars do not avoid
water; in fact, they are quite good swimmers.
Rivers provide prey in the form of fish, turtles, or
caimans—small, alligator like animals. Jaguars
also eat larger animals such as deer, peccaries,
capybaras, and tapirs. They sometimes climb trees
to prepare an ambush, killing their prey with one
powerful bite.

14. Read these sentences carefully.

I. Both leopards and jaguars stalks their
preys up in the tree
II. Leopards have larger rosette
III. Only jaguars seek their prey from the
IV. Jaguars have dark brown color
Which of the sentences are correct based
on the texts.
A. I and III
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. II and IV
15. The 3rd paragraph of both texts likely give
the description of…
A. Habitat of the animals
B. Physical appearance of the animals
C. The defense system of the animals
D. The general facts of the animals

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