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Balqis Nurmauli Damanik

Public Health Study Program, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Columbia Asia, Medan

*corresponding author :

ABSTRACT. The impacts that can occur if PKRS is not implemented include increasing the number of
patients with unhealthy behavior which leads to a high incidence of disease. The aim of this research
is to monitor and evaluate the implementation of hospital health promotion in the health promotion
unit of the Malahayati Islamic Hospital. This research design is a descriptive qualitative research
design. This research activity was carried out at the Health Promotion Unit of the Malahayati Islamic
Hospital starting from 07 May 2024 to 06 June 2024. Research informants were obtained using a
purposive sampling technique of 9 informants consisting of the head of the PKRS unit, PKRS staff, and
the coordinator at one of the Inpatient Installations. Stay at Malahayati Islamic Hospital. Data
collection was obtained by interviews, field observations, and searching documents. Determining
problem priorities using the Urgency Seriousness Growth (USG) method. The research results showed
that a PKRS organization had not yet been formed in accordance with PMK No. 44 of 2018 and there
were SPOs (Standard Operational Procedures) that had not been revised in the PKRS unit, there were
still many PKRS human resources who had not been trained, and many PPA had not participated in
effective communication training, monitoring and evaluation of implementation Health promotion in
hospitals is not yet optimal, the necessary facilities are not yet complete are obstacles in PKRS
activities and partnership programs already exist with several foundations and associations, but are
not yet running. Conclusion: The implementation of PKRS at Malahayati Islamic Hospital has been
carried out in accordance with Minister of Health regulations and focuses on education. The main
activities include outreach inside and outside the building, as well as developing health promotion
Keywords: evaluation, monitoring, hospital health promotion
Everyone has the right to receive information and education about health in a balanced
and responsible manner and has the right to obtain information about health data, actions and
treatment that they have received or will receive from health workers (Law No. 17 of 2023).
Hospitals as referral level health service institutions have the task of providing complete
individual health services which include improving health (promotive), preventing disease
(preventive), healing disease (curative) and restoring health (rehabilitative) (Larasanti, 2019).
Promotive and preventive services in hospitals are realized through the implementation of
Hospital Health Promotion (PKRS) (Tatang & Mawartinah, 2019).
Hospital Health Promotion is defined as the process of empowering patients, patient
families, hospital human resources, hospital visitors and the community around the hospital to
actively participate in the care process to support changes in behavior and the environment and
maintain and improve health towards achieving health status. optimal (Permenkes RI, 2018).
The impacts that can occur if PKRS is not implemented include, among other things, causing
an increase in the number of patients with unhealthy behavior which leads to a high incidence
of disease (Agustiawan, 2022). More than 70% of health budget costs in hospitals are for
curative financing (Rubiyanti, Marlina, & Purwonegoro, 2022). The importance of health
promotion in hospitals is because the effectiveness of a treatment, apart from being influenced
by existing health service patterns, PKRS units, is also greatly influenced by the environment,
attitudes, lifestyle of the patient and the patient's family (Nurdianna, 2018).
In order for the implementation of Hospital Health Promotion to run well and in
accordance with PMK No. 44 of 2018, concerning the Implementation of PKRS,
implementation of PKRS Management and Fulfillment of PKRS Standards, monitoring and
evaluation need to be carried out (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. PMK No.
44, 2018). By carrying out monitoring and evaluation, we can assess and be accountable for
whether the current implementation of PKRS is in accordance with the goals and objectives
and achieves the expected results (Astuti et al, 2021). Ramadhona's research (2021) shows that
the implementation of PKRS is still not optimal in its implementation, even though there has
been good communication, there are still other elements that are not in accordance with the
concept, including lack of commitment, incomplete resources, and not yet structured
bureaucracy. in accordance.
Research by Baedowi et al (2022) with the title "Evaluation of Health Promotion
Standards for the Medan Haji General Hospital" shows that the implementation of the PKRS
program is quite good with all assessments of the input, process, output and impact indicators
of the program being fulfilled. Starting from the commitment of the directors and all staff,
there are work units, adequate facilities and infrastructure, sufficient funds according to the
work program, promotional media in the form of posters, leaflets, etc. However, there are
several obstacles in implementing PKRS, namely the problem of the staff's communication
skills, more specifically nurses, in conveying information and providing services to patients
and their families which are less than optimal.
Preliminary survey results on June 01, 2024, Malahayati Islamic Hospital not only has
responsibility for Curative and Rehabilitative health efforts but also Promotive and Preventive
efforts, where efforts to improve public health and disease prevention can be realized by
implementing quality and sustainable Hospital Health Promotion (PKRS) so that it has an
impact on behavior change public. The aim of this research is to monitor and evaluate the
implementation of hospital health promotion in the RSI Hospital health promotion unit
Malahayati Medan.

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