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The article written by Chuanyin Xie aims to provide information about entrepreneur i.e. Why do
some people choose to become entrepreneurs? The writer told us, different approach have been
employed to address the question, among them trait approach has received a lot of attention. He also
told venture creation is a central issue in entrepreneurs. As he expressed in the journal what
differentiate entrepreneur from non entrepreneurs is that entrepreneurs create organization while non
entrepreneurs do not.

The viewed article gives an insight for entrepreneurs behavior and venture creation interchangeably
and focus on the question why do some people but not other choose to create their own venture?
Individual decision to start a business can be affected by many factor including personality,
cognitive attribute, social network, prior knowledge and experience.

The factors that expressed by author are summarized into two categories. i.e individual and
environment. For this reason, venture creation cannot be understood adequately without
consideration of both individual and environment level.

These critiques contain the following chapter firstly, the introduction part secondly, literature review
thirdly, the strength and weakness part (critiques, and finally the summery part are included.


The author states kaizen as management fashion in Ethiopia and how kaizen is adopted. Having this
in mind this critics have three main objectives.

1. To apprise the contribution of technical efficiency and legitimacy of kaizen adoption in Ethiopia.

2. Can be used for other researcher to use these critics as an input.

3. We understand which company play important role in adopting kaizen in Ethiopia.

4. To understand and visualize the stages of kaizen development process

5. To review the article how kaizen as a fashion contribute in Ethiopian institutions

6. To identify and show strength and weakness of the article


In this section, I review different approaches used to examine entrepreneurial behavior such tha Trait
Approach, Demographic Approach, Cognitive Approach and Environment Approach. Based on the
review of the literature, I summarize existing research and discuss the importance of an integrative
approach in Individual and the Environment level .

Trait Approach

Trait approach proposes that entrepreneurship is a function of stable psychological characteristics

possessed by some people. It is the enduring human attributes that lead these people to start their
own business. In trait approach human attributes, classified in four important way: risk taking
propensity (Brockhaus & Horowitz, 1986), need for achievement (McClelland, 1961), tolerance for
ambiguity (Begley & Boyd, 1987), and internal locus of control (Brockhaus, 1982).

Demographic Approach

This approach uses individual demographic information to identify entrepreneurial behavior. It is

based on the following assumption: people with similar backgrounds possess similar characteristics
(Robinson et al., 1991). Therefore, entrepreneurial behavior may be predicted by identifying the
known entrepreneurs’ characteristics such as gender, age, education, socioeconomic status, and past

Cognitive Approach

Cognitive approach focuses on the cognitive mechanisms through which individuals acquire, store,
transform, and use information in the decision making process (Matlin, 2002). New ventures are
often created under uncertainty, so cognitive factors such as perception and interpretation of limited
information can play important roles in venture creation decisions (Forbes, 1999).

The Environment Approach

The environment approach to entrepreneurship focuses on the impact of the context on venture
creation. There are three streams of research on the role of the context. First, role modelse, most
entrepreneurs have a successful role model, either in their family or the work place.” Empirical
evidence suggests role models encourage entrepreneurial behavior.

The second stream of research explores that examined the impact of the following aspects:
political, economic, cultural, and support institutions. The third stream of research focuses on a
social network of actors,

Summary Scholars have used different approaches to study entrepreneurial behavior. Each approach
alone cannot answer the question: why do some people but not others become entrepreneurs?
Different approaches focus on different influencing factors which can be grouped into two

Individual based and environment-based. The individual-based research emphasizes the role of the
individual in starting a new business. The individual becomes an entrepreneur due to personal

The environment-based research puts emphasis on the individual’s context. The context is important
because it provides opportunities and assistance for venture creation. The environment is an
inseparable part of the entrepreneurial process because it provides opportunities and support.
However, it’s still unclear how to integrate the two levels of analysis.


At the environment level, research attention has been devoted to different aspects of the
environment. Though the environment can affect entrepreneurship in different ways, it plays two
basic roles: providing opportunities and facilitating venture creation process. Opportunity is a
necessary condition for entrepreneurship. “Without an opportunity, there is no entrepreneurship” I
address two types of opportunity: clearly defined and unclearly defined. With clearly defined
opportunities, individuals are able to perform cost-benefit analysis. Risk may not be totally
avoidable because of competition in the future.

, I develop an integrative model, as shown in Table 2.

Kirznerian and Schumpeterian, I classify people into four groups, as shown in Table 3.

Proactive Professionals

If individuals are prepared well both technically and psychologically, they are often motivated to
become entrepreneurs, regardless of the environment.

. Conservative Non-Professionals

If individuals are not prepared both technically and psychologically, they are least likely to create
their own business, regardless of the environment. Without basic knowledge and skills. Conservative

Technical preparedness is important in the Kirznerian view, but it may not ensure venture creation.
If it is combined with low psychological preparedness, venture creation can be likely, slightly likely,
and least likely. Individuals with high technical preparedness are well equipped to identify emerging
opportunities because of their knowledge and skills.

Proactive non-professionals

Characterized by high psychological preparedness and low technical preparedness. Psychological

preparedness is emphasized in the Schumpeterian view. When it is combined with low technical
preparedness, venture creation can be very likely, likely, slightly likely, and least likely, depending
on the environment defined opportunities.
In this paper we try to review the article which is . Why do some people choose to become
entrepreneurs? In this section we try to see the strength and weakness of the article; what did the
author do well and does the author meet the audience effectively.


The author of this journal puts some useful idea that strongly support enterpurnership behavior listed

The author put in using entrepreneurial behavior and venture creation interchangeably and focus on
the question why do some people but not other choose to create their own venture?

He also focus on two approach that affect entrpuraneureshpe which individual and environment also
indicate the important of their integration

The writer this journal use sufficient literature review .almost 70% of the journal cover the literature
part which clarify different approach of entrepreneurial behavior and also the author used sufficient
reference material to support the idea of entrepreneurship behavior. This journal develops and
improve model which integrate both the individual and the environment level of analysis.

It also fill the gap of the previous few study which addressed the integration of two levels of analysis
by developing an improved integrative model.

The writer also put very interesting idea i.e. conceptual model in this case two direction for future
research are suggested.

Firstly, technical preparedness and psychological preparedness are two broad concepts.
Secondly, the study integrates the individual and environmental level variable but does not address
possible impact of the environment on the individual.

The author put the two basic contribution of the journal. First it bring together vast but fragmented
literature on entrepreneur behavior Second the integrative model helps resolve conflicting argument
and evidence in entrepreneurship Research.

3.2. Weakness

The author do not clearly define the topic the title of the journal and do not completely answer the
basic question ‘’why do some people but not other choose to create their own venture?’’ This
indicate the journal is not problem solving and its theme is difficult to understand easily

- The structure of the journal is not well organized its content have introduction, scope of the
study, literature review, metduology, discussion and conclusion part. However ,if it not
complete and miss the important part like significance of the study objective of journal
limitation of journal.e.t.c
- In the introduction part of journal we have let two contradicting ideas. The first one is
’’ Different approach has been employed to address the question. Among theme trait approach
has received a lot of attention ’’ this means trait approach have strong support among different
approach in addressing the question of venture creation .the second idea is that ‘’research has
not provided strong support for this argument ‘’this means trait approach do no not have strong
support for addressing the question of venture creation

From this we can understand that the author set two contradicting idea .regarding to trite approach.
In the literature part of the journal demographic approach assume that people in similar background
possess similar characteristics and the entrepreneurial behavior may be predicted by identifying
the known entrepreneurial characteristics such as gender, age, education. However according to
trite approach human attribute affect entrepreneurirshipe.

From this we can understand that people with similar demographic characteristics may have
different human attribute like risk taking propensity, need for achievement, tolerance for ambiguity,
and internal locus of control .so different people who have similar demographic behavior. So the
literature reviews part of the author unclear and bias.

Generally this article is focus on Why do some people choose to become entrepreneurs? Scholars
have used different approaches, including trait, demographic, cognitive, and environmental,
approach. And used to two integrative model individual and environmental level.

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