Aula 03 - Past Perfect Tense - PDF

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✓ To arrive – arrived – arrived
Simple Past: I arrived home at 9:30 p.m.
Past Perfect: When I arrived home, I received a message from
my mother that my friend Brandon had called me.
I had saved my document before the computer crashed.
The train had just left when I arrived at the station.

Brandon had called me BEFORE 9:30 and when I arrived home

my mother gave me the message.
(Brandon had called me = Past Perfect Tense)
(I arrived home = Simple Past)

Clever English Academy


✓ Understand:
The Past Perfect Tense “had + the past participle of a verb”
is about an action that happened BEFORE the Simple Past.
Past Perfect is the past of the past.

✓ Continuing with the example about me and Brandon:

Simple Past: AFTER 9:30 p.m. (when I arrived home), I tried to
call Brandon.
Past Perfect: Brandon’s father answered the phone and he told
me that Brandon had gone to the movies with his girlfriend. His
father also said that Brandon and his girlfriend had left 30
minutes BEFORE I called and that they would probably be back
after midnight.

Clever English Academy


I had just smelled smoke When the fire alarm went off.
When the fire alarm went off, I had just smelled smoke.

Clever English Academy


By the time I called Brandon (Simple Past), he had already left
his house to go to the movies (Past Perfect).

✓ More Examples:
I called my sister in the USA. BEFORE THAT, I wrote a letter to her
and I enclosed a picture of my graduation party.
*Using the Past Perfect Tense:
Before calling my sister in the USA, I had written a letter to her
and I had enclosed a picture of my graduation party.

Clever English Academy


By the time I arrived at the party, all my pals had already left.
When she invited me to go to the club, I had already decided to
visit my uncle.
They had forgotten Sarah’s birthday but this week they
remembered it and they sent a special gift to her.
They hadn’t brought the wine, so they went to a 7-Eleven to buy
a bottle.
We hadn’t studied Unit 13 and because of that our grade was
Drake hadn’t bought the tickets and because of that we couldn’t
Before I left home I had had breakfast.

Clever English Academy

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I had decided I hadn't decided Had I decided?

You had decided You hadn't decided Had you decided?

She had decided She hadn't decided Had she decided?

We had decided We hadn't decided Had we decided?

They had decided They hadn't decided Had they decided?

✓ To forget – forgot – forgotten Contractions

• I had forgotten her birthday. I’d = I had
• I hadn’t forgotten her birthday. You’d
• Had you forgotten her birthday? She’d
• Hadn’t you forgotten her birthday? He’d
• You had forgotten her birthday, hadn’t you? We’d
• You hadn’t forgotten her birthday, had you? they’d

Clever English Academy


✓ Interrogative Sentences:
Had you cancelled our meeting?
Why had you cancelled it?
Had she forgotten our date?
Hadn’t you bought a new car?
Hadn’t he sold his farm?

Clever English Academy


…had just finished.
…had really tried.
…had already eaten.

JUST + past perfect

when one event happens IMMEDIATELY before the other.
• He had just gotten in the shower when he heard a knock on
the door.

ALREADY + past perfect

When one event happens EARLIER than expected.
• I ran to the supermarket as fast as I could, but it had already
closed when I got there.

• They have just left when I stopped by.

Clever English Academy


✓ Complete the sentences below using the Past Perfect Tense

and the words never, already, just and yet. Then, start a
short conversation:

Example: Before I traveled abroad, I had never seen snow


Before I moved to this city, …

Before I met my best friend, …
Before I started this course, …
Before I had my own money, …
By the time I was 18 years old, …

By the time I got married, …

When I started working at my present job, …
When I bought my first car, …

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