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Past Paper Session: 2021

(Phase 1)


Q1:- Deference

(A) Defense (B) Repeat (C) Respect (D) Drain

Q2:- Quiver

(a) Certain (b) Terminate (c) Lasting (d) Tremble

Q3:- Intrepid

(a) Interrupt (b) Fearless (c) Terrified (d) Trespass

Q4:- Resilient

(a) Flexible (b) Proud (c) Separate (d) Rigid

Q5:- Remit

(a) Argue (b) Cancel (c) Kind (d) Praise


Q6:- Abandon

(a) Undone (b) Claim (c) Abuse (d) Waste

Q7:- Elaborate

(a) Argue (b) Storm (c) Guess (d) Promise

Q8:- Capitulate

(a) Conquer (b) Venerate (c) Destroy (d) Surrender

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Q9:- Extol

(a) Praise (b) Criticize (c) Advice (d) Like

Q10:- Chide

(a) Praise (b) Criticize (c) Promote (d) Admonish



(a) Adulation (b) Adlation (c) Aduletion (d) Addulation


(a) Occurred (b) Occured (c) Ocurred (d) Ocured


(a) Exadgerate (b) Exeggrate (c) Exagerate (d) Exaggerate


(a) Diagnostic (b) Dygnostic (c) Diaghnostic (d) Diegnostic


(a) Imaginery (b) Imaginary (c) Imagenary (d) Imajinary


Q16:- Faiza is afraid ______ spiders.

(a) from (b) in (c) about (d) of

Q17:- They decided ______ the gray sofa.

(a) about (b) on (c) for (d) of

Q18:- He is interested _____ history.

(a) about (b) of (c) in (d) on

Q19:- It was kind _____ you to help.

(a) of (b) in (c) about (d) on

Q20:- Pakistan got victory _____ West Indies in cricket match.

(a) to (b) from (c) over (d) on


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Q21:- Faiza said, ’’I may leave tomorrow.’’

Ans:- Faiza said that she might leave the next day.

Q22:- Athar said, ‘’I will manage hereafter.’’

Ans:- Athar said that he would manage thereafter.

Q23:- He said, ‘’Let us have dinner here.’’

(a) He proposed that we had dinner there. (b) He asked if we had dinner there.

(c) He said that we should have had dinner there. (d) He said that we had dinner there.

Q24:- The teacher said, ‘’The wind is a renewable energy source.’’

(a) The teacher said that the wind was a renewable energy source.

(b) The teacher said that the wind is a renewable energy source.

(c) The teacher told that wind is a renewable energy source.

(d) The teacher tells that the wind was a renewable energy source.

Q25:- ‘’I’ve been working for the same company since 1960.’’ He said to me.

Ans:- He told me that he had been working for the same company since 1960.


Q26:- My mother is cooking food.

Ans:- Food is being cooked by my mother.

Q27:- We have warned you.

Ans:- You have been warned by us. OR You have been warned.

Q28:- Why did she return the precious books?

Ans:- Why were the precious books returned by her OR Why were the precious books returned.

Q29:- The boys elected Athar captain.

Ans:- Athar was elected captain by the boys.

Q30:- The people elected him the president of their country.

Ans:- He was elected the president of their country by the people.


Q31:- Dublin is the capital city of ________.

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Ans:- Ireland

Q32:- Which one of the following cities is called ‘’Land of Authencity’’?

(a) Doha (b) Salaha (c) Sakaka (d) Yasrab

Q33:- Comedian actor ‘’Charlie Chaplin’’ belongs to _______.

Ans:- England

Q34:- What is the currency of Mauritius?

Ans:- Rupee

Q35:- ICC MEN’s T20 Cricket World Cup of 2021 is being held in which country?

Ans:- UAE & OMAN

Q36:- Who invented ball point pen?

Ans:- Laszlo Biro

Q37:- The famous K2 mountain peak is also known as ______.

Ans:- Godwin Austin

Q38:- Name the first Muslim woman ruler of India ______.

Ans:- Razia Sultana

Q39:- Daughter of the East is an autobiography of _______.

Ans:- Benazir Bhutto

Q40:- According to the World Bank, the population of Pakistan in 2020 is _______.

(a) 220 Millions (b) 200 Millions (c) 240 Millions (d) 180 Millions

Q41:- What was the old name of Madina Munawra?

Ans:- Yasrab

Q42:- What was the real name of Qalandar Lal Shahbaz?

Ans:- Usman Marwandi

Q43:- The headquater of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) is located in _________.

Ans:- Geneva

Q44:- Who is the current Federal Minister of Human Rights of Pakistan?

Ans:- Dr. Shereen Mazari

Q45:- OPEC stands for ______.

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Ans:- Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Q46:- The famous Pakistani scientist Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan died at the age of ______.

Ans:- 85

Q47:- Pakistan is not the member of _______.

(a) G8 (b) SAARC (c) OIC (d) UNO

Q48:- The ‘’Baqar Lake Resort’’ is located in the district ________.

Ans:- Sanghar

Q49:- Which is the largest ocean of the world?

Ans:- Pacific Ocean

Q50:- Nathia Gali is situated in _______.

Ans:- KPK


Q51:- Which of the following absorb all the colors of the visible spectrum?

(a) Black (b) Red (c) White (d) Blue

Q52:- The formation of Rainbow is due to _______.

(a) Diffraction (b) Refraction (c) Reflection (d) Transmittance

Q53:- Gas molecules in a container _______.

(a) Move parallel (b) Unable to move (c) Move Randomly (d) None

Q54:- Diabetes occurs due to deficiency of ______.

Ans:- Insulin

Q55:- The organ that is part of the Respiratory System is ______.

Ans:- Lungs

Q56:- Leukemia is a disease of ______.

Ans:- Blood

Q57:- The first case of Corona Virus (COVID-19) was reported in the province of China, named ____.

(a) Anhui (b) Henan (c) Hubei (d) Hunan

Q58:- Immune System is drastically affected in _____. Ans:-


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Q59:- Typhoid is a disease of _____.

Ans:- Liver

Q60:- Carrot is good source of _____.

Ans:- Vitamin A

Q61:- Who was considered as ‘’Father of Modern Optics’’?

Ans:- Ibn-al-Haitham

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Q62:- Barcode reader is an example of _____.

(a) Input device (b) Output device (c) Input and Output device (d) None

Q63:- Which of the following is the smallest planet in our Solar system?

Ans:- Mercury

Q64:- The Ozone layer is present in the atmosphere approximately ______.

(a) 50 to 100 km high up the ground (b) 160 to 200 km high up the ground

(c) 12 to 50 km high up the ground (d) 160 to 500 km high up the ground

Q65:- ‘’Change in meat’s smell after it is out in the Sun for some time’’ is a _______.

(a) Physical change (b) Chemical change (c) Both Physical & Chemical change (d) None

Q66:- MRI stands for _____.

Ans:- Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Q67:- The shape of Milky Way Galaxy is ______.

Ans:- Spiral

Q68:- Inhalers is an example of ______.

(a) Natural Aerosol (b) Artificial Aerosol (c) Both A & B (d) None

Q69:- The unit of electrical charge is _____.

Ans:- Coulomb

Q70:- Gastric Juice is associated with _______.

Ans:- Stomach



Ans:- 4

Q72:- What is the value of in the equation

Ans:- 4
Q73:- What is the area in of the shaded region in the diagram


8 cm

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(a) 22 (b) 25 (c) 24 (d) 49

Q74:- If Athar completes a particular work in 4 days and Mazhar completes the same work in 12
days. How many days will it take if they work together?

Ans:- 3

Q75:- What comes next in the sequence 2, 5, 11, 23, _______.

Ans:- 47

Q76:- What is the distance traveled by a car which traveled at a speed of 60 km/hr for 4 hours and 15

Ans:- 255 km
Q77:- If then what is the value of the function

Ans:- 5

Q78:- _______.

Q79:- In the total investment of PKR 500,000, Athar’s share is 40%, while Mazhar’s share is 20% of
the Athar. The share of Mazhar in PKR is _____.

Ans:- 40,000

Q80:- Athar purchased a plot for Rs. 8,000. He sells the plot to Azhar at a profit of 20%. Azhar sells
the plot to Mazhar at a loss of 20%. Mazhar purchased the plot at ______.

Ans:- Rs. 7680

Q81:- The average of first 10 even numbers is _______.

Ans:- 11

Q82:- A batsman makes a score of 64 runs in the 16th innings and thus increased his average by 3.
Find his average after the 16th inning?

(a) 17 (b) 29 (c) 18 (d) 19

Q83:- Visitors were charged Rs.15 each on the first day, Rs 7.50 on the second day and Rs.2.50 on the
third day in a show and total attendance on the three days was in the ratio 2:5:13 respectively. The
average charge per person for the whole show is _______.

(a) Rs.30 (b) Rs.4.50 (c) Rs.5.00 (d) Rs. 7.50

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Q84:- The number which when added to itself 12 times gives 91, is ______.

Ans:- 7

Q85:- You have cut a cake into two halves. One half is further cut into smaller pieces of equal size,
each of 15 g in weight. If you have nine pieces of the cake in all, what was the weight of the cake?

Ans:- 240 g

Q86:- At the end of a match, nine players shake hands with each other once. How many handshakes
will there be altogether?

(a) 20 (b) 36 (c) 55 (d) 90

Q87:- Faiza has some sweets to put in a pack. If she puts 2, 3 or 4 in a pack, she is left with one sweet
and if she puts 7 in a pack, then all sweets are packed. Which of the following is the possible number
of sweets she has to pack?

(a) 42 (b) 49 (c) 56 (d) 63 (not sure)

Q88:- A group of 1530 persons consisting of captains and soldiers is travelling in a train. For every 14
soldiers there is one captain. The numbers of captains in the group is ______.

(a) 105 (b) 100 (c) 102 (d) 90

Q89:- A businessman earns an income of PKR 1 on the first day of his business. On every subsequent
day, he earns an income which is just double of that made on the previous day. On the 10th day of
business, his income in PKR is ______.

(a) 29 (b) 210 (c) 10 (d) 102

Q90:- Price of one banana is Rs.8 and price of an orange is Rs.7. Athar spent Rs.30 to purchase these
fruits. How many bananas did he purchase?

(a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) None

Q91:- Which of the following can be arranged into a 5-Letter English word?

(a) H R G S T (b) R I L S B (c) T O O M T (d) W Q R G S

Q92:- Which number should come next in this series? 25, 24, 22, 19, 15

(a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) 10

Q93:- Which word is closest in the meaning to APPREHENSIVE?

(a) Thorough (b) Foolish (c) Anxious (d) Distraught

Q94:- Two people can make 2 bicycles in 2 hours. How many people are needed to make 12 bicycles
in 6 hours?

(a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 1

Q95:- Athar is taller than Ansaar and Khan is shorter than Athar. Which of the following statement
would be more accurate?

(a) Khan is taller than Ansaar (b) Ansaar is taller than Khan
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(c) Khan is as tall as Ansaar (d) It is impossible to tell whether Khan or Ansaar is taller

Q96:- The price of an article was cut by 20% for sale. By what percent the discounted item be
increased to again sell the article at the original price?

(a) 15% (b) 20% (c) 25% (d) 30%

Q97:- Some months have 31 days; how many have 28?

(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 9 (d) 12

Q98:- Find the answer that best completes the analogy: Book is to Reading as Fork is to _______.
(a) Drawing (b) Writing (c) Stirring (d) Eating

Q99:- What one is the best like the other three?

(a) Cow (b) Tiger (c) Snake (d) Dog

Q100:- Which one makes the best comparison? Brother is to Sister as Niece is to ________.

(a) Daughter (b) Aunt (c) Uncle (d) Nephew

Answer key:- Those options which are encircled with black dot are correct options.

(Phase 2)


Q1:- Obnoxious

(a) Disgusting (b) Obvious (c) Anxious (d) Angry

Q2:- Contemplation

(a) Contain (b) Creation (c) Ignore (d) Concentration

Q3:- Abrogate

(a) Appeal (b) Repeal (c) Command (d) Congratulate

Q4:- Admonish

(a) Threaten (b) Appeal (c) Praise (d) Support

Q5:- Baleful
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(a) Profitable (b) Harmful (c) Wise (d) Careful


Q6:- Banter

(a) Argument (b) Walk (c) Vague (d) Clash Q7:-


(a) Debated (b) Moved (c) Wash (d) Depressed Q8:- Heed

(a) Attain (b) Ignore (c) Attend (d) Nourish

Q9:- Obdurate

(a) Accurate (b) Smart (c) Objectionable (d) Flexible

Q10:- Facile

(a) Profound (b) Talented (c) Active (d) Failure



(a) Adulterate (b) Adeldurate (c) Adulterat (d) Adultarate Q12:-

(a) Equanimity (b) Equannimity (c) Equanimmity (d) Equinimity Q13:-

(a) Comitee (b) Comittee (c) Committee (d) Comiittee


(a) Foreign (b) Foreine (c) Foregin (d) Forein


(a) Scissor (b) Sissor (c) Scisser (d) Scisor


Q16:- I am worried ______ the exam.

(a) in (b) about (c) on (d) of

Q17:- She suffers _______ a heart disease.

(a) about (b) in (c) from (d) with

Q18:- Please do not interfere ______ my personal affairs.

(a) about (b) in (c) of (d) on

Q19:- Unfortunately, we had to cancel it owning _____ the bad weather.

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(a) in (b) to (c) of (d) about

Q20:- The rich man deprives the poor _____ their rights.

(a) of (b) to (c) with (d) for

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Q21:- Athar said, ‘’Faiza is busy right now.’’

(a) Athar said Faiza was busy. (b) Athar informed that Faiza was busy then.
(c) Athar said Faiza had been busy. (d) Athar informed that Faiza is busy.

Q22:- ‘’I am going out tonight.’’ Faiza said.

Ans:- Faiza said that she was going out that night.

Q23:- The salesman said to me, ‘’Are you interested in the scheme?’’

Ans:- The salesman asked me if I was interested in the scheme.

Q24:- The secretary said, ‘’Is Mr. Athar in his office?’’ (a) The

secretary said that if Mr. Athar was in his office.

(b) The secretary enquired if Mr. Athar was in his office.

(c) The secretary enquired that if Mr. Athar was in his office.

(d) The secretary asked if Mr. Athar had been in his office.

Q25:- I told him that he was not working hard.

Ans:- I said to him, ‘’You are not working hard.’’


Q26:- we have gifted him a watch.

Ans:- A watch has been gifted to him by us.

Q27:- Have you received the prize?

Ans:- Has the prize been received? OR Has the prize been received by you?

Q28:- Close the windows before you go to bed.

(a) The windows must be closed before you go to bed.

(b) The windows are closed before you go to bed.

(c) The windows are closing before going to bed.

(d) The windows were being closed before bed.

Q29:- The pilot landed the plane safely.

Ans:- The plane was landed safely y the pilot.

Q30:- They were laughing at her.

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Ans:- She was being laughed at by them.


Q31:- Amsterdam is the capital city of _______.

Ans:- Netherlands

Q32:- Which one of the following is a city name?

(a) Sakaka (b) Ukraine (c) Bulgaria (d) Luxembourg

Q33:- Comedian actor ‘’Mr. Bean’’ belongs to _______.

Ans:- British

Q34:- What is currency of Morocco?

Ans:- Dirham.

Q35:- Jahangir Khan player is associated with ________.

(a) Squash (b) Badminton (c) Kabaddi (d) Hockey

Q36:- Which country is called land of white Elephants?

Ans:- Thailand.

Q37:- Who invented fountain pen?

(a) Waterman (b) Edwin Land (c) Joseph Niepce (d) Louis Daguerre

Q38:- Which ocean waves are caused by Earthquakes or Volcanic Eruption?

(a) Tides (b) Waves (c) Floods (d) Tsunami

Q39:- The word Majlis Shoora means _______.

(a) Parliament (b) Religious gathering (c) Seminary (d) Missionary

Q40:- The book ‘’If I am Assassinated’’ is written by __________.

Ans:- Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

Q41:- According to the World Bank, the urban population of Pakistan in 2020 is _______.

(a) 35.10% (b) 38.10% (c) 25.10% (d) 42.10%

Q42:- What was the name of uncle of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who is buried near

Ans:- Hazrat Ameer Hamza (AS).

Q43:- Which prayers are performed for rain?

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Ans:- Salat ul Istisqa.

Q44:- The headquarter of World Health Organization (WHO) is located in _______. Ans:- Geneva
Q45:- Sania Nishtar is special Assistant to prime minister of Pakistan on __________.

(a) Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety (b) Benazir Income Support Program (BISP)
(c) Minister of Climate Change (d) Both A & B

Q46:- NAB stands for ______.

Ans:- National Accountability Bureau.

Q47:- The famous Pakistani Scientist Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan died on _________.

Ans:- October 10, 2021

Q48:- The highest civilian award in Pakistan is ______.

Ans:- Nishan-e-Pakistan

Q49:- ‘’Chotiari Dam’’ is another name of ______.

Ans:- Baqar Lake.

Q50:- Which is the second largest ocean of the world?

Ans:- Atlantic ocean.


Q51:- Color with the longest wavelength is ______.

(a) Blue (b) Red (c) Green (d) Violet

Q52:- A process in which gas is converted into liquid is called?

Ans:- Condensation.

Q53:- Which gases are used in gas-welding?

Ans:- Oxygen, Acetylene & Argon.

Q54:- Diabetes is caused due to the malfunctioning of ________.

Ans:- Pancreas

Q55:- The largest gland in the human body is _______. Ans:-


Q56:- Ringworm disease is caused by _______.

Ans:- Fungi

Q57:- The first case of Corona Virus (COVID-19) was reported in the city of China, named _______.

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(a) Hefei (b) Wuhan (c) Wuxi (d) Xian

Q58:- Which of the following is not Bacterial disease?

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(a) Influenza (b) TB (c) Typhoid (d) Diarrhea

Q59:- Malaria is a disease which affects the ________.

Ans:- Spleen

Q60:- Rickets is caused due to deficiency of _______.

Ans:- Vitamin D

Q61:- The scientists who proposed the DNA model in 1953 were ________.

Ans:- Watson and Crick

Q62:- Quick Response (QR Code) reader is an example of ________.

(a) Output device (b) Input device (c) Input & Output device (d) None

Q63:- The brightest planet of our Solar system is _______.

Ans:- Venus

Q64:- The layer which protects the Earth from Ultraviolet Radiation is called _______.

Ans:- Ozone layer

Q65:- Kilowatt is a unit to measure _______.

Ans:- Power

Q66:- RNA stands for _______.

Ans:- Ribonucleic Acid

Q67:- 1000 nanometers are equal to ________.

(a) 1 millimeter (b) 1 centimeter (c) 1 micrometer (d) 1 meter

Q68:- Air Fresher is an example of _________.

(a) Natural Aerosol (b) Artificial Aerosol (c) Both A & B (d) None

Q69:- Organ of human body which is considered on the largest organ in terms of length is ________.

(a) Intestine (b) Kidney (c) Liver (d) Brain

Q70:- Cataract is a disease related with _______.

(a) Lungs (b) Heart (c) Ears (d) Eye


Q71:- What comes next in the sequence: 1, 3, 11, 43, _____?

(a) 141 (b) 171 (c) 181 (d) 191

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Ans:- 18

then is _______.
(a) (b) (c) 1 (d) 2

Q74:- What are the values of and in the following pair of equations:


Q75:- How many feet are there in 7 meters? If

Ans:- Q76:-

Ans:- 4096

Q77:- If the cost of 12 eggs is Rs. 120. What will be the cost of 3 eggs?

Ans:- Rs. 30

Q78:- If the sum of two numbers is 16 and their product is 63. Then the smaller number is _______.

(a) 7 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) 10

Q79:- The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 72. What is the smallest number?

(a) 22 (b) 24 (c) 30 (d) 28

Q80:- In a group of goats and hens, the number of legs is 12 more than twice the number of heads.
The number of goats is _________.

(a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 6

Q81:- In a class of the students are boys and the rest are girls. If of the boys and of the
girls are present, the n what part of the total number of students is absent?

Q82:- If is a right triangle and are is a semicircle, then find the total area
of the figure:

A 4 C

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(a) (b) (c) (d)
Q83:- Two automobiles are 75 kilometers apart and travelling towards each other. One automobile is
moving at 60km/h and the other is moving at 40km/h. In how many minutes will they meet?

(a) 1 hr 15 minutes (b) 25 minutes (c) 30 minutes (d) 45 minutes

Q84:- The average of 11 numbers is 10.9. If the average of first six is 10.5 and that of the last is 11.4,
then find the sixth number.

(a) 11.0 (b) 11.3 (c) 11.4 (d) 11.5

Q85:- The average of first 10 odd numbers is _______.

Ans:- 10

Q86:- A building contractor employs 20 males, 15 females and 5 teen workers. Male worker gets Rs.
25 per day, a female worker gets Rs. 20 per day and a teen worker gets Rs. 8 per day. The average
wage per day paid by the contractor is ______.

(a) Rs. 20 (b) Rs. 21 (c) Rs. 22 (d) Rs. 23

Q87:- The average temperature for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday was 48 degrees and
for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday was 46 degrees. If the temperature on Monday was 42
degrees. Find the temperature on Friday?

(a) 40 degrees (b) 38 degrees (c) 36 degrees (d) 34 degrees

Q88:- If the average of then


Q89:- Athar sleeps 8 hours a day. The fraction of a day he sleeps:


Q90:- The reciprocal of is ______.


Q91:- If you arrange the letters ‘’BARBIT’’, you would have the name of

(a) Ocean (b) Country (c) City (d) Animal

Q92:- Faiza, twelve years old, is three times as old as her sister. How many old will Faiza be when she
is twice as old as her sister?

(a) 15 (b) 18 (c) 16 (d) 20

Q93:- LIGHT BULB is to FILAMENT as WHEEL is to _________.

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(a) ROOD (b) SPOKE (c) Automobile (d) PULLEY

Q94:- Which one of the letters is least like the other three?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Q95:- Which one makes the best comparison? ‘Milk’ is to ‘glass’ as the ‘letter’ is to _______.

(a) pen (b) envelop (c) book (d) door

Q96:- Which one is the antonym of the word ‘Tough’?

(a) Cowardly (b) Starch (c) Strong (d) Tender

Q97:- Which one of the following makes the best comparison? CAACCAC is to 3113313 as CACAACAC
is to:

(a) 31313113 (b) 31311313 (c) 31311131 (d) 13133313

Q98:- T’s grandfather’s son o=is M’s dad. How is M related to T?

(a) They are first cousins (b) T is M’s uncle (c) T is M’s father (d) M is T’s father

Q99:- What is the minimum number of toothpicks necessary to spell the word ‘HAT’. (You are not
allowed to break or bend any toothpicks.)

(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 12 (d) 14

Q100:- Which of
the figure in the

(a) (b) (c) (d)
given options will best describe the pattern:

Answer key:- Those options which are encircled with black dot are correct options.

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(Phase 3)

Q1:- Paradox

(a) Praise (b) Power (c) Puzzle (d) Dress

Q2:- Censure

(a) Sentence (b) Criticize (c) Common (d) Contend

Q3:- Covenant

(a) Contract (b) Cancel (c) Convenient (d) Create

Q4:- Prognosis

(a) Identification (b) Preface (c) Forecast (d) Scheme

Q5:- Retrieve

(a) Repeat (b) Repose (c) Retort (d) Recover


Q6:- Defer

(a) Confer (b) Refer (c) Dress (d) Expenditure Q7:-


(a) Legalize (b) Spurious (c) Authenticate (d) Disprove

Q8:- Tentative

(a) Immediate (b) Urgent (c) Developed (d) Final Q9:-


(a) Affection (b) Dislike (c) Determination (d) Alliance

Q10:- Shallow

(a) High (b) Hidden (c) Deep (d) Hollow


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(a) Affedevit (b) Afidevit (c) Affidevit (d) Affidavit


(a) Parallelled (b) Parralleled (c) Paralleled (d) Paraleled Q13:-

(a) Velnerable (b) Vulnarable (c) Vulnerable (d) Valnerable Q14:-

(a) Excessive (b) Excessesive (c) Excesasive (d) Excassive


(a) Congregation (b) Congrigation (c) Congragation (d) Congregition


Q16:- He looks upset; I think he took the criticism _____ heart.

(a) to (b) about (c) in (d) of

Q17:- The teacher set some homework _____ the end of the class.

(a) about (b) in (c) of (d) at

Q18:- Green pepper is very rich ______ vitamin C.

(a) of (b) about (c) on (d) in

Q19:- Did you write the letter _____ ink?

(a) in (b) on (c) about (d) of

Q20:- Can I come and sit _____ you?

(a) beside (b) around (c) next (d) of


Q21:- The teacher said, ‘’You are suspended!’’

Ans:- The teacher informed me that I was suspended.

Q22:- The guard asked, ‘’Who are you?’’

Ans:- The guard asked who I was.

Q23:- She said, ‘’Shut the door!’’

Ans:- She ordered me to shut the door.

Q24:- Athar said, ‘’I did my duty with full justice.’’ Ans:- Athar

said that he had done his duty with full justice.

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Q25:- ‘’Will you be home soon?’’ She asked her husband. Ans:-

She asked her husband if he would be home soon.


Q26:- He was writing a thesis paper.

Ans:- A thesis paper was being written by him.

Q27:- One must keep one’s valuables carefully.

Ans:- One’s valuables carefully must be kept.

Q28:- The task would have been completed by that time tomorrow.

Ans:- Someone would have completed the task by that time tomorrow.

Q29:- The rising gale fanned the smouldering fire.

Ans:- The smouldering fire was fanned by the rising gale.

Q30:- The child could not have done this mischief.

Ans:- This mischief could not have been done by the child.


Q31:- Doha is the capital of _______.

Ans:- Qatar

Q32:- Pisa is a city of _____.

Ans:- Italy

Q33:- Where was Ibn-e-Batuta born?

Ans:- Tunisia

Q34:- What is the currency of Switzerland?

Ans:- Franc.

Q35:- Who is now the champion of ICC MEN’s T20 Cricket World Cup?

(a) Pakistan (b) England (c) West Indies (d) India

Q36:- Khunjerab pass is located at the borders of Pakistan and _______.

Ans:- China

Q37:- Who invented electric thermometer?

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Ans:- Santorio

Q38:- Hina lake is situated near ________.

Ans:- Quetta

Q39:- Tomb of Baba Farid Ganj Shakar is located in ________.

Ans:- Pakpattan

Q40:- Which is the National tree of Pakistan?

Ans:- Deodar.

Q41:- What percentage of the population of Pakistan lives in villages?

(a) 70% (b) 80% (c) 60% (d) 55%

Q42:- Injeel (Bible) was revealed to _________.

Ans:- Hazrat Essa (AS)

Q43:- How many Farz are there for ablution (Wudo)?

Ans:- Four.

Q44:- The headquarter of the International Atomic Energy Agency is located in ____.

Ans:- Vienna

Q45:- National bird of Pakistan is ______.

Ans:- Chakkor

Q46:- SIUT stands for ______.

Ans:- Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation

Q47:- The book ‘’In the line of fire’’ is written by _________.

Ans:- Pervez Mushararaf

Q48:- The war of 1965 between Pakistan and India lasted for?

Ans:- 17 days.

Q49:- The ‘’Rooplo Kolhi Resort’’ is located in __________.

Ans:- Nagarparkar

Q50:- The first atom bomb was dropped on _______.

Ans:- Hiroshima

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Q51:- White light is made up of ________ color.

(a) Indigo (b) Orange (c) Yellow (d) All of above

Q52:- Which causes acid rain?

(a) Fertilizers (b) Human waste (c) Smoke and toxic gases (a) Factory waste Q53:-
Plants do exchange of gases through _______.

Ans:- Stomata

Q54:- Machine that works like lungs when patient’s natural breathing becomes difficult is called ___.

(a) Lithotripsy machine (b) Dialysis machine (c) Artificial Ventilator (d) All of above

Q55:- The largest bone in the human body is _______.

Ans:- Femur

Q56:- Cholera is a disease caused by _______.

(a) Viruses (b) Fungi (c) Bacteria (d) All of above

Q57:- The fluid part of blood can be used against COVID-19 is _________.

(a) Plasma (b) Platelets (c) Lymph (d) Vitamin A

Q58:- Insulin is secreted in _______.

Ans:- Pancreas

Q59:- Which of the following disease is caused by Virus?

(a) Small pox (b) Tuberculosis (c) Malaria (d) Cholera

Q60:- Main compound of vinegar is _______.

(a) Acetic Acid (b) Benzoic Acid (c) Carbonic Acid (d) None

Q61:- The study of Earthquakes is called as _________.

Ans:- Seismology

Q62:- Joy Stick is an example of ________.

(a) Output device (b) Input device (c) Input & Output device (d) None Q63:-

The outer most planet in the Solar system is ___________.

(a) Mercury (b) Saturn (c) Uranus (d) Pluto

Q64:- The process of making copies of DNA is called _________.

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(a) Lengthening (b) Regeneration (c) Replication (d) Reproduction

Q65:- In S.I unit, the unit of mass is _______.

Ans:- Kilogram (Kg)

Q66:- GPS stands for ________.

Ans:- Global Positioning System

Q67:- Which of the following convert chemical energy into electrical energy?

(a) Generator (b) Motor (c) Battery (d) None

Q68:- An object possesses the energy to its motion is called?

Ans:- Kinetic energy

Q69:- The hardest part of the human body is _______.

Ans:- Tooth

Q70:- Lungs are protected by ______.

Ans:- Rib cage


Q71:- The number of zeros in a billion is _______.

Ans:- 9
Q72:- The length of each side of cube of volume is ______.

Q73:- A movie started for 3 hours. Athar could not watch the movie for 2 hours and 15 minutes. What
fraction of the period did he watch the movie?

Q74:- My watch 10 minutes fast and the train which should have arrived at the railway station at
10:30 AM was 6 minutes late. What time it in my watch when the train arrived?

(a) 10:38 AM (b) 10:40 AM (c) 10:46 AM (d) 10:44 AM

Q75:- Two cars start moving from the same point in opposite directions on a straight road. After
12km, both cars turned to their left and drove for 9km. What is the distance between two cars?

(a) 16km (b) 20km (c) 30km (d) 40km

Q76:- In three years time my father will exactly twice as old as I am now. Now my father is thirty
seven. How old am I?

(a) 14 (not sure) (b) 15 (c) 16 (d) 20

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Q77:- A railway train 100 meters long is running at the speed of 30km/h. How long will it take to pass
in 80 meters long bridge?

(a) 17.6 sec (b) 15 sec (c) 21.6 sec (d) 12.6 sec

Q78:- If you add 5% of 12o to the 15% of 3000, the result will be _______.

Ans:- 456

is an even integer, which of the following could be the value of

(a) 27 (b) 64 (c) 121 (d) 144

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Q80:- Athar is now years old. After years he would be _______.
(a) years old (b) years old (c) years old (not
sure) (d) years old

Q81:- Athar, Mazhar and Azhar started a business in the partnership. Share of profit is in the ratio of
2:3:4. If Mazhar’s share of the profit is Rs.600. What is Athar’s share?

(a) Rs.15o (b) Rs.300 (c) Rs.400 (d) Rs.900

Q82:- An employee’s wage is Rs.20/hour up to 50 hours. Overtime is twice the regular wage. If he
was paid Rs.1680. How many hours overtime did he work?

(a) 17 (b) 16 (c) 28 (d) 48

Q83:- If an increase of 30% charged the price of shirt to Rs.520, then the original price of shirt is ___.

(a) 576 (b) 432 (c) 400 (d) 384

Q84:- What is the value of k in the sequence: 1, 5, 11, 19, k, 41, 55?

(a) 20 (b) 21 (c) 29 (d) 33

what is the value of

Ans:- 6

Ans:- 4

Q87:- The number of real solution(s) of the equation is (are) ______.

(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1

Q88:- Which of the following is the Least Common Multiple of 6, 12 and 18?

Ans:- 36

Q89:- The average of 13 numbers is 60. Average of the first 7 of them is 57 and that of last 7 is 61.
Find the 7th number?

(a) 46 (b) 32 (c) 68 (d) 51

Q90:- Calculate the area of the shaded region in the right triangle below?

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B 15cm C

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Q91:- There are 12 pens on the table, you took 4, how many do you have?

(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 1 (d) 12

Q92:- 72496 is to 1315, 62134 is to 97 and 85316 is to 167 then 28439 is to ________.

(a) 1016 (b) 1412 (c) 179 (d) 1812

Q93:- In the following figure, the white dot moves two places anti-clock wise at each stage and black
dot moves one place clock wise at each stage. After how many stages will they be together in the
same corner?

(a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 2

Q94:- If 10 clothes are dried up together in 5 hrs, in how many hours can 20 clothes be dried up

(a) 50 hrs (b) 10 hrs (c) 20 hrs (d) 5 hrs

Q95:- What is the number that is of

Ans:- 2

Q96:- The missing number in the sequence: 0, 1, 8, 27, 64, ?, 216

(a) 169 (b) 144 (c) 121 (d) 125

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Q97:- At a store, they cut the price 40% for a particular item. By what percent must the item be
increased if you wanted to sell it at the original price?

(a) 66.75% (b) 30.33% (c) 40% (d) 54.5%

Q98:- Find the missing letter?

C R ?

(a) D (b) L (c) Z (d) G

Q99:- Athar left home for the bus stop 15 minutes earlier than usual. It takes 10 minutes to reach
the bus stop. He reached the stop at 8:40 AM. What time does he usually leave home for the bus

(a) 8:30 AM (b) 8:45 AM (c) 8:55 AM (d) 8:50 AM

Q100:- The day before the day before yesterday is three days after Saturday. What day is it today?

(a) Tuesday (b) Wednesday (c) Thursday (d) Friday

Answer key:- Those options which are encircled with black dot are correct options.

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