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Clever English Academy

Curso de Inglês
“Clever English Academy”
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To wear / wore / worn (vestir/usar)

New vocabulary of Clothes (roupas):
Camisa Shirt
CLOSE Camiseta T-shirt
Terno Suit
Calça paints
Meias socks
Sapatos shoes
Dress up
Tênis sneakers
Put on Saia Skirt
Take off Casaco Coat
Try on Roupas sociais Social clothes
Jaqueta Jacket
Blusa Blouse
Pijama Pajamas
Blusa moletom Hoodie
Vestido Dress
Clever English Academy

New vocabulary of Accessories (acessórios):

Bolsa Purse
Carteira Wallet
Chapéu Hat
Boné Cap
Relógio de pulso Watch
Anel Ring
Brincos earrings
Óculos glasses
Óculos de sol Sunglasses
Pulseira Bracelet
Colar Necklace
Luvas Gloves
Cinto Belt

Clever English Academy

Short Dialogue 1
A: Excuse me… Do you work here?
B: Yes, I work… How can I help you?
A: I want to buy a new shirt for my husband, today
his birthday.
B: Cool… Do you know what color of shirt does he
A: Yes, I do… He prefers the black or white shirts…
B: Ok… I’ll get both for you, ok? Do you want to see
anything for you today?
A: No, thanks, I’m okay.
B: Ok… I’ll be back in a minute!

Clever English Academy

Short Dialogue 2
A: When is Brad’s wedding?
B: It’s next Saturday… Will you go?
A: Yes, I will. What about you?
B: I’ll go too… What clothes will you wear at the
A: I want to wear my red skirt, my blue shirt and my
black shoes.
B: What about the accessories, won’t you wear
A: Yes, of course I’ll wear something. I will probably
wear my new purse, my diamond ring and my pair
of crystal earrings.
B: beautiful, I loved that, I already imagined you
dressed like you said.
A: Thanks sweetheart!
Clever English Academy

Short Dialogue 3
A: I went to the mall last Sunday to buy some
clothes for me and my wife.
B: What did you buy there?
A: I bought 3 shirts, 2 pants and 1 sneakers for me
and my wife bought 2 purses, 2 coat and 3 skirts for
B: Oh my God. How much did you spend there? It
was a lot?
A: Yes, I spent about $ 1,000.00 in this store and I'm
not talking yet about the mall we went to
B: OMG, that’s a lot of money.
A: We work hard, we deserve it, after all.
B: True, of course you guys deserve it.

Clever English Academy

Questions and Answers

What do you like to wear at home?
I like to wear only a simple shirt and shorts.

When did you go to the mall to shop? Did you go alone?

I went shopping at the mall last Friday and I went with my wife
and the kids.

What will you wear in your birthday party?

I don’t know yet, but I think I’ll wear a black shirt, a jeans, my
new sneakers and my watch.

What accessories does your mother wear at her job?

She usually wears earrings, glasses, bracelet and ring at her job.

What will your brother buy in Oklahoma next Saturday?

My brother will buy a new jacket and he wants to buy a new
computer too. In Oklahoma everything is cheap.

Excuse me. Where is my cap and my hat? Did you see it?
Yes. I saw it in the kitchen.

When is your birthday and what do you want to get for

I wanna get a pair of shoes and blouse or a hoodie, ok?

Clever English Academy

Hora de Praticar
Mude as frases 3 vezes cada com o
vocabulário que você está aprendendo

1. At home, I like to wear a shirt and a skirt.

2. My wife doesn’t need to wear watch and ring

at work.

3. Do you want to go to the mall to buy jeans,

purse, belt, and rings for you and your family?

4. Won’t your parents wear wallet if I give it to


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