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Clever English Academy

Curso de Inglês
“Clever English Academy”
Nos siga nas redes sociais clicando nos ícones abaixo:

@cleverenglishacademy Clever English Oficial Clever English Academy

VERB + ing
Regra 1: Apenas acrescentar “ing” no verbo sem alterar nada.
Por exemplo:
Eu trabalho I work
Eu estou trabalhando I am working
Ele estuda He studies
Ele está estudando He is studying
Ela viaja She travels
Ela está viajando She is traveling
Nós cozinhamos We cook
Nós estamos cozinhando We are cooking
Vocês bebem You drink
Vocês estão bebendo You are drinking
Eles comem They eat
Eles estão comendo They are eating
Está chovendo It is raining
Clever English Academy

VERB + ing
Regra 2: Verbos terminados com a letra “e”, tiramos o “e” e
colocamos o “ing”. Veja os exemplos a seguir:

Live Living
Like Liking
Write Writing
Take Taking
Make Making
Give Giving
Dance Dancing
Close Closing
Use Using
Be Being
Lose Losing
Move Moving

Clever English Academy

Gerund (Gerúndio): VERB + ing

Regra 3: Verbos terminados em uma sequencia de “consoante
vogal consoante” devem ter a última consoante dobrada. Por
Get Getting
Run Running
Set Setting
Stop Stopping
Begin Beginning
Prefer Preferring

Mas, ATENÇÃO, quando a ênfase é maior no começo da palavra,

nesses casos, na escrita não é dobrada a última consoante,
apenas acrescentado o “ing” ao final do verbo por exemplo:

Open Opening
Travel Traveling
Cancel Canceling

Clever English Academy

Questions and Answers

What are you doing now?
Now I’m studying English online by video class with
my teacher John from Clever English.

Is your father working from Monday to Friday in the

No, he’s working from Tuesday to Saturday in the

Is your sister talking to her boyfriend about last

I don’t know, but I think that she’s talking about her
friend Janice, do you think that they are fighting
because of Janice?

Aren’t your kids going to school in the morning

No, they are going to school in the afternoon
because I don't have time to take them to school in
the morning, I need to get to work on time.

Clever English Academy

Questions and Answers

Are you speaking English very well? Why?
Yes, I am speaking English very well, because I am
every day with Teacher John at Clever English. Don't
you know
his school?

What are your relatives doing right now? They asked

me to come here ASAP
Probably my relatives are resting in the backyard, go
out there and talk to them, I’m sure that is nothing to
worry about, they are very calm and relaxed today.

Why is your brother sleeping until late? What time

did he go to bed yesterday?
I'm not sure mom, but I think he's going to sleep very
late, the last time he went to sleep at 2 a.m. and
woke me up making noises to bother me.

Clever English Academy

What is your family doing now?

Now my father is working at the school, he is a

math teacher and the students love him. He's
funny and friendly.

My mom is cooking a new recipe she found on the

internet, I will probably love it because my mom is
the best cook in the world.

My brother Tony is watching TV or playing video

games with our neighbor. I can hear the TV from

My sister Maria is studying because tomorrow she

has an important exam at school.

And I'm just relaxing on the couch playing with my

dog Bark. He's a silly dog.

Clever English Academy

Hora de Praticar
Mude as frases 3 vezes cada com o
vocabulário que você está aprendendo

1. I’m writing a message to my friends, because

on Friday night I want to do a barbecue with

2. My mother isn’t having lunch with us, because

she’s having lunch at work.

3. Is your teacher speaking in English or in

Spanish here?

4. Aren't your friends reading that good book

about the USA that I told you?

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