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TAFJ U p g r a d e

TAFJ U p g r a d e

Amendment History:

Date Amended Name Description
1 2012 TAFJ Team Initial version
16 January
2 M. Kumar R13GA review

3 25th Feb 2013 M. Kumar Added the missing parameter for upgrade service.

Correction in document to run conversion in T24

4 26th April 2013 M. Kumar
before Authorizing Exceptions.

5 10th March 2015 H. Aubert R15 AMR review

6 15th March 2016 M. Kumar R16 AMR review

22nd October Correction in document to run TAFJ Upgrade through

7 Siranjeevi M
2018 App server

8 27th Feb 2019 M. Kumar Adding Module upgrade section

9 21st March 2019 M.Kumar R19 AMR Review

23rd September H Sanofar

10 Create views during upgrade
2019 Nisha

11 24th March 2020 Puja M R20 AMR Review

12 12th April 2021 Immanuel KJ R21 AMR Review

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Copyri g h t
Copyright © Temenos Headquarters SA 2009-2021. All rights reserved.
This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. No part of this document may
be reproduced, transmitted, or made available directly or indirectly to a third party without the express
written agreement of TEMENOS UK Limited. Receipt of this material directly TEMENOS UK Limited
constitutes its express permission to copy. Permission to use or copy this document expressly excludes
modifying it for any purpose, or using it to create a derivative therefrom.

Errat a and Com m e n t s

If you have any comments regarding this manual or wish to report any errors in the
documentation, please document them and send them to the address below:
Technology Department

Temenos Headquarters SA
2 Rue de l’Ecole-de-Chimie,
CH - 1205 Geneva,

Tel SB: +41 (0) 22 708 1150

Fax: +41 (0) 22 708 1160

Please include your name, company, address, and telephone and fax numbers, and email
address if applicable.

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Table of Contents
Copyright................................................................................................................................................ 3
Errata and Comments............................................................................................................................ 3
Overview................................................................................................................................................ 5
Pre requisite: Existing TAFJ area.......................................................................................................... 5
TAFJ UPGRADE.................................................................................................................................... 5
T24 UPGRADE....................................................................................................................................... 8
TEMP.RELEASE.................................................................................................................................... 8
MODULE UPGRADE........................................................................................................................... 11
T24.PRE.RELEASE............................................................................................................................. 12
RUN.CONVERSION............................................................................................................................. 18
ENQUIRY EXCEPTION....................................................................................................................... 21
AUTO.AUTHORISE.............................................................................................................................. 22
Change column STRRECORD to XMLRECORD (H2 & NuoDB).........................................................23

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Overvi e w
The primary Objective of this document is to provide guidance regarding the upgrade of T24
release and TAFJ release on existing TAFJ areas.

Pre req u i s i t e : Existi n g TAFJ are a

Following is the procedure to upgrade TAFJ libraries in the existing area.

Please get the latest TAFJ version .zip file (e.g. TAFJ.DEV.PB201810.0.tar.gz ) from
Distribution Team

Once downloaded, please unzip the file into a folder and you should be able to see the
following files inside the folder.

For upgrading, we make use of Patch_TAFJxxx.bat on windows and for

other operating systems.

Before launching the Patch_TAFJxxx.bat, make sure we have the following environment
variables set

Launch a Command Prompt (CMD) to set the following Environment variables temporarily.

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The minimum requirement for R18 branch is java 1.8

For 64 bit machines

SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Temenos\Development\3rdParty\jdk\jdk1.8.0_121

For 32 bit machines

SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Temenos\Development\3rdParty\jdk\jdk1.8.0_32bit


Set TAFJ_HOME=C:\LocalArea\201806\TAFJ



Once set, we can run the Patch_TAFJxxx.bat/sh.

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This will upgrade the necessary folders with the new contents from the new release.

Now you can restart your Eclipse for your new jars to be loaded for use.

Note : For Application Servers like Jboss , the following files should be replaced with the
existing files under JBOSS_HOME/server/<context>/deploy folder. Where context can be
default or a specific folder. (i.e for modelbank_tafj , context is R12)

 TAFJJEE_EAR.ear file

The above files can be found under TAFJ_HOME/appserver folder.

Note : It might be necessary to replace your database java stored functions if a bug has
been found or an enhancement has been added to them. Please check the release notes.
As well, you can tell the version of the java stored functions by running tDiag.

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Following is the procedure for upgrading the T24 libraries and data to higher release making
use of TEMP.RELEASE provided by Integration team. ( TAFJ.R12_201214 or higher)

Before going for upgrade, we will make sure that the existing precompiled jar files are
present in a single folder and this folder is referenced in precompiled path on
file under TAFJ_HOME/conf folder.


in = C:\LocalArea\201806\precompiled

(Where in the precompiled folder contains all the precompiled jar files including
Enterprise jars.)

To start the upgrade process, we launch the following command from DBTools Servlet page
from Browser

Syntax :

TEMP-RELEASE [options] pathToTempRelease pathToLibDestinationFolder [-i

pathToInsertDestinationFolder] [-bp pathToSrcDestinationFolder] [-module

Where options can be

–s (script mode)
-log (<name of log >. To be generated under TAFJ_HOME/log )
-cf <Configuration file>

Note : For module specific upgrade [-module T24_moduleName] when passed to TEMP-RELEASE,
only the relative artifacts (jars, data records are only replaced inside the precompiled folder and database).

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Full Upgrade Module Upgrade

Release all the libs from temp.release /t24lib Release only the module specific libs from
Clear the table F.PGM.DATA.CONTROL and populate Delete all existing records related to the module from
it from TEMP.RELEASE J4 file F.PGM.DATA.CONTROL in database and populate
records specific to the module from TEMP.RELEASE
J4 file.
Clear the table F.RELEASE.DATA and populate it from Release all the records into F.RELEASE.DATA based
TEMP.RELEASE J4 file on the ID’s matching from above step.
BP/INSERT files copy if specified into folder BP/INSERT files copy if specified into folder

Now start the upgrade process by launching this command from DBTools Servlet page.

DBtools -cf -log tmprelease.log TEMP-RELEASE

C:\Temp_release\temp.release C:\LocalArea\201806\precompiled
-bp C:\LocalArea\201806\Source
Where is a configuration file
tmprelease.log is the name of the log file to be generated in TAFJ_HOME/log folder,
C:\Temp_release\temp.release is the path where my temp.release folder is present
C:\LocalArea\201806\precompiled is path where my precompiled jars are present.

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Creating a J4 file SYSTEM and pointing to TEMP.RELEASE

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T24. P R E . R ELEA SE

Add the following property in the configuration properties file in TAFJ_HOME/conf


The process of upgrade can be monitored in the log file specified, i.e. tmprelease.log under
TAFJ_HOME/log folder.

Once finish the first phase of upgrade, we need to run T24.PRE.RELEASE routine from the


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Failure shown in above screen shot is because of a STOP statement in the program, which
will throw an exception at the end of processing.

After executing the T24.PRE.RELEASE, you should be able to see the file in
&SAVEDLISTS& with the files records being exported into T24 for preliminary use.

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Once this process is finished, we need to run the service T24.UPGRADE to release the Data
records and create file wherever necessary.

Set the record T24.UPGRADE of F.TSA.SERVICE to START.

Run START.TSM inside appserver using TAFJEE servlet.

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We can find the appropriate como for the service in como folder specified.

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Once the service T24.UPGRADE is finished, you should login into T24 to see the release of
F.SPF>SYSTEM record for the latest upgraded CURRENT.RELEASE column.

Check the record SYSTEM of F.SPF

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Sample view of records after upgrade:

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Now run the T24 service RUN.CONVERSION to run the conversions if any existing.

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Before starting the Service, we put “START” to TSM and BNK/RUN.CONVERSION in


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Run START.TSM inside appserver using TAFJEE servlet.

We can find the appropriate como for the service in como folder specified.

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Once this process is finished, we can now login into T24 and run the enquiry EXCEPTION to
have a look at the data records which are in $INAU status.

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Once done, we run the enquiry EXCEPTION enquiry to list the contents

We can either authorize the records manually or can use a program AUTO.AUTHORISE to
authorize all the existing $NAU records.

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AUTHORISING RECORDS can be achieved using core T24 Multithreaded job
(T24.AUTHORISE or BNK/T24.AUTHORISE) which is included in T24 R14 and above

Run START.TSM inside appserver using TAFJEE servlet.

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We can find the appropriate como for the service in como folder specified.

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Chan g e col u m n STRRECOR D to XMLRECOR D (H 2

& Nu o D B )
DBImport to create all VIEW is mandate when the upgarde is done from TAFJ R19 lower
release to TAFJ 201905 or higher release provided the database is H2 or NuoDB.

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