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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Degree

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Supervised to: Submitted by:

MR. Ravinder Sharma Komal
( HEAD OF DEPARTMENT) 201361102002

Department of Management Studies

(RPSGOI BALANA, M.GARH, Session: 2023-2025)
I, Komal student of MBA 3rd Sem ,RPSGOI Balana Mahendragarh declare that the project
work entitled “ Human resource management &finance ” is my own personal efforts for
the degree master of business administration under the guidance and Supervision of Prof.
Ravinder Sharma(HOD) Department of management, RPSGOI , Balana ,
(Indira Gandhi University- Meerpur, Rewari)
Discussion and Interpretation made in this research work are based on my personal
understanding of the theoretical concepts and the knowledge of statistical tools. The text
referred from other research articles, reports, books and websites etc. has been
acknowledgement at the respective place in the text. For the present research work , which I
am submitting to the University , no degree or diploma or distinction has been conferred on
me before , either in this or in any other University.

Signature of student
(Full name:-Komal)
(Registration no:- 201361102002.)

“Gratitude is the hardest of emotion to express and other does not find adequate ways to
convey the entire one feels.”
Summer training is the one of the important part of MBA course, which was helped me to
learn a lot of experiences which will be beneficial in my succeeding career.
So , Here is my summer training project report on,” Human resource management
&finance ”has become successful because of the helping hand by the courteous people
mentioned below , without their inspiration, help, continuous guidance and co-operation,I
could not have succeeded in this project.
With deep sense of gratitude, I acknowledge the encouragement and guidance received by
guide Mr. Ravinder Sharma (HOD) to whom I owe a great deal for his input and guidance
during the process of completing my research, his insightful comments and challenging
questions allowed me to keep my enthusiasm while working on this project, I convey my
heartful affection to all those people who helped.

ROLL NO. 201361102002.
Address:-1208, 12th floor, RG Tower, NetajiSubhashplace
Pitampura, New Delhi,(110034)


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Most employers recognize the fact that their staff are their greatest asset, and the right
recruitment and selection processes are vital in ensuring that the new employee become
effective in the shortest time. The success of an organization depends on having the right
number of staff, with the right skills and abilities. 0rganisations may have a dedicated
personnel/human resource function overseeing this process, or they may devolve these
responsibilities to line managers and supervisors. Many people may be involved, and all
should be aware of the principles of good practice. Even it is essential to involve others in the
task of recruitment and selection.

Manpower planning means different things to different organizations. To some company's
manpower planning means management development to others. It means estimating
manpower needs, while some other may define manpower planning as organization planning.
Although the term, "manpower planning" can be defined, 'as the process by which an
organization ensures that it has the right number of people and the right kind of people at the
right places, at the time doing things for which they are economically most useful.'
Manpower Planning Involves: -
Manpower planning is a continuous process. In operational terms it involves the analysis of
the current and future manpower resources terms and requirement to ensure that such needs
and resources are always kept in proper balance, both in terms of quantity.
Need for Manpower Planning: -

All said and done, it cannot define the quality of manpower can be responsible for significant
difference in the short and long run performance among companies. As Ralph Besse once
said, "There is nothing we can do about performance of past management or the qualification
of today's management but tomorrow's management can be as good as today's manager care to
make it."
Harbar H Mayer has emphasized the importance of human assets and their utilization asunde
"The efficient utilization of human resources may very well be the most important determiner
of success in the business world in the coming decade. I think that the companies that prosper
in the future will be those that do the best job in fully utilizing their human resources."
All organizations are basically human organizations. They need people to carry out the
organizational mission, goals and objectives. Every organization needs to recruit people. The
recruitment policy should, therefore, address itself to the key question; what are the
personnel/human resource requirement of the organization in terms of number, skills, levels
etc. to meet present and future needs of production and technical and other changes planned or
anticipated in the next years.

Higher education is a human resource intensive enterprise. It is not surprising, then, that
recruitment and selection of staff should be a very high priority in most if not all units and
divisions of student affairs. Recruitment and selection should include procedures directed to
analyze the need and purpose of a position, the culture of the institution, and ultimately to
select and hire the person that best fits the position. Recruitment and selection policy should,
then, be directed toward the following objectives:

 Hire the right person.

 Conduct a wide and extensive search of the potential position candidates.

 Recruit staff members who are compatible with the college or university.

 environment and culture.

 Hire individuals by using a model that focuses on student learning and education of
the whole person.

 Place individuals in positions with responsibilities that will enhance their personal

 Issues in Recruitment and Selection

 Do not discard applicants who "stopped out" to provide care for a child or
for maternity leave.
 Consider the dynamics of the interview - is the candidate being interviewed
in an environment that is representative of the office environment.
 Understand questions that cannot be asked regarding family, children,
pregnancy etc.
 Provide medical insurance that covers the full range of medical needs of
women employees, including reproductive healthcare.
Provide paid sick-leave policies for employees' illness and illness of Have clear and
vigorously enforced sex, race and sexual orientation discrimination and sexual harassment
policies and include a statement about these policies in the advertisement of the position.
Before attempting to diversify a staff and make it more gender equitable, you must tackle issues
such as, "gender stereotyping; discrimination in hiring, pay, and promotions; family issues; and
sexual orientation discrimination.
There are five areas critical to this process:
1. Open communication.

2. A commitment to creating an inclusive Environment.

3. Clear preconceived expectations based on gender.
4. A neural supervisor who can observe different styles and facilitates communication when a
conflict arises.


Recruiters need to keep abreast of changes in the labour market to ensure that their
recruitment efforts are not wasted or directed at too small a pool of labour. Skill shortages
may occur unexpectedly and recruitment and training processes need to be kept flexible. It
is a good idea for any organization to plan its labour force requirements, matching available supply
against forecast demand. A skills audit of existing staff will increase knowledge of the skills the
organization has available and those which are lacking, and thus help pinpoint areas for future
A human resource plan need not be highly complicated. A straightforward plan will help
organizations to:
 Assess future recruitment needs.
 Formulate training programs.
 Develop promotion and career development policies.
 Anticipate and, where possible, avoid redundancies.
 Develop a flexible workforce to meet changing requirements.
 Control staff costs whilst ensuring salaries remain competitive.
 Assess future requirements for capital equipment, technology and premises.
Management is responsible for producing the human resource plan, senior management for
supporting it. Implementation is likely to be most effective if it carries the support of the
workforce, normally achieved through consultation with trade union or other employee
Producing a human resource plan involves:
 Forecasting staffing requirements against business objectives.
 Assessing the available supply of people to meet those requirements.
 Matching available supply against forecast demand.
 Factors Affecting Recruitment: -

In recruiting new employee management must consider the nature of labor market, what
sort of potential labor are available and how do look for works.
The factor affecting can be summed np under the following heads:
➢ Labor Market Boundaries: The knowledge of the boundaries help management in
estimating the available supply of qualified personnel form, which it might recruit. A labor
market consists of a geographical area in which the forces of demand and supply interact and
thus affect the price of labor.
➢ Available Skills: - Companies must locate the areas where they can find employees
who fit the jobs according to their skills.
➢ Economic Condition: - Economic condition also affect recruitment. Unemployed
worker may swamp a new plan located in a depressed labor market whereas a firm trying to
establish it or to expand in an area where a few qualified workers are out of wok has quite a
different recruitment problem.
➢ Attractiveness of the Company: -The attractiveness of the company in terms of higher
wages, clean work, better fringe benefits and rapid promotions serves as influencing factor in

Recruiting people who are wrong for the organization can lead to increased labour turnover,
increased costs for the organization, and lowering of morale in the existing workforce. Such
people are likely to be discontented, unlikely to give of their best, and end np leaving
voluntarily or involuntarily when their unsuitability becomes evident.
They will not offer the flexibility and commitment that many organizations seek. Managers
and supervisors will have to spend extra time on further recruitment exercises, when what is
needed in the first place is a systematic process to assess the role to be filled, and the type of
skills and Most recruitment systems will be simple, with stages that can be followed as a
routine whenever
there is a vacancy to be filled, and which can be monitored and adapted in the light of
experience. This booklet describes the main features of such systems, and other related issues.
Systems should be:

 Efficient - cost effective in methods and sources.

 Effective - producing enough suitable candidates without excess and ensuring the
identification of the best fitted for the job and the organization.
 Fair - ensuring that right through the process decisions are made on merit alone.

A vacancy presents an opportunity to consider restructuring, or to reassess the
requirements of the job. This assessment is valid whether it is to fill an existing job or a
new one. Ask questions such as:

 Has the function changed?

 Have work patterns, new technology or new products altered the job?
 Are there any changes anticipated which will require different, more flexible skills
from the jobholder?
Answers to these questions should help to clarify the actual requirements of the job and how it
fits into the rest of the organization or department. Exit interviews, or consultation with the
current job-holder and colleagues may well produce good ideas about useful changes.
Recruitment begins by specifying the human resource recruitment, initiating activities and
action to identify the possible sources form where they can be met, communicating the
information about the jobs, terms and conditions and prospects they offer, and enthuse the
people who meet the recruitment to respond to the invitation by applying for jobs. Thereafter
the selection process begins. The process is as follows:
1. Decide on how many people you really need: -

If everything is being done to improve performance and still there is a gap between what the
current performance is and the goals set, then the best way is to recruit more people.
2. Analyzing the job: -
Analyzing the job is the process of assembling and studying information relating to all
aspects of a particular post. Analysis is done to find possible details about:
➢ Purpose: Identify the aims and objectives of job and what the employees expected to
achieve within department and company.
➢ Position: The job title, its position in the hierarchy and for whom it isresponsible
ought recorded. A sample organization chart may be useful for this purpose.
➢ Main Duties: A list of key tasks may be written out; standards that need to bereached
and maintained must also be maintained. Methods of recording, assessing and recording the
key tasks must be determined.
➢ The work Environment: Study the physical and social environment in which thework
is out because the work environment influences the quantity and quality of work.
3. Drafting a job description: -
After job analysis is done, job description is made. Job description describes the job. The job
description decides upon the exact knowledge, skill and experience needed to do the job.
Job description must be drafted around these heading:
➢ Job title
➢ Responsible to
➢ Responsible for
➢ Purpose of job
➢ Duties
➢ Responsibility
➢ Signature and date
4. Evaluation of future needs:
For Evaluation future needs manpower is drafting. A manpower plan evolves studying the
make-up of present work force, assessing forthcoming changes and calculating future
workforce, which is required. Manpower planning helps in devising long-term recruitment
5. Finding sources of recruitment:
The human resource requirement can be met from internal or external source.

6. Monitoring effectiveness of recruitment:

As with any work activity it is recommended that the recruitment and induction process be
reviewed for its effectiveness. If any stage of the recruitment process failed to produce the
expected result, eg. if the advertising method has produced too many candidates, you may
want to examine what happened and why in order to make it more efficient in the future.
Future recruitment exercises may require modifications to the methods used - a successful
for one job does not automatically mean the same method will be as successful again. This is
particularly true if the labour market changes, with, for instance, fewer school leavers but
more mature workers being available. Recruitment and induction may be a continuous process
in your organization, necessitating more or less constant monitoring. Monitoring regularly will
also ensure equal opportunity policies are being actively pursued, and that internal candidates
are receiving the same consideration as external candidates.
Application forms
Application forms can help the recruitment process by providing necessary and relevant
information about the applicant and their skills. The design of the form needs to be realistic
and straightforward, appropriate to the level of the job. Using application forms has the
following advantages:
comparing like with like is easier. CVs can be time-consuming and may not provide the
information required
they provide the basis for an initial sift(filter), and then for the interview
the standard of completion can be a guide to the candidate's suitability, if writing and
presentation skills are essential to the job; however, be aware of the possibility of disability
they provide a record of qualifications, abilities and experience as stated byt h e
applicant. Care also needs to be taken over some less positive aspects of application

 There is a temptation to use application forms to try to extract too much information,
eg motives, values and personality characteristics. The form should concentrate on
the experience, knowledge and competencies needed for the job.
 Some people may dislike filling in forms and so be put off applying for the job.
Some very experienced people may find the form inadequate, whilst those with little
in the way of qualifications or experience may be intimidated by large empty spaces
on the form.
 Application forms add another stage, and therefore more time, to the recruitment
Some candidates may be lost if they can obtain work elsewhere more quickly
Application forms may inadvertently be discriminatory. For instance, to require a form to be
filled out 'in your own handwriting', where written English is not relevant to the job, may
discriminate against those for whom English is not their first language, or who may not
have well-developed literacy skills. Any information such as title (marital status), ethnic
origin or
date of birth requested for monitoring purposes (eg for compliance with the legal
requirements and codes of practice on race, sex, disability and age discrimination) should be
clearly shown to be for this purpose only, and should be on a separate sheet or tear-off
section. Such information need only be provided on a voluntary basis. Medical information
should also be obtained separately and kept separate from the application form.


Recruitment have two sources Internal sources and External sources:

Internal Sources
These refer to persons already employed in the organization. Promoting persons from lower
levels may fill np vacancies at higher levels. Shortage of manpower in one branch \ factory
may be met by transferring surplus staff from another branch \ factory. Promotion means
shifting of an employee to higher post caring greater salary, status and responsibility. 0n the
other hand transfer refers to the shifting an employee with salary, status and responsibility.
Sometime ex- employee of the organization may be re-employed.
External Sources
It refers to recruitment of employees from outside the organization. External sources provide
wide choice of the required number of the employees having the desired qualification. It also
provides the people with new ideas and specialized skills required to cope with new challenge
and to ensure growth of the organization.
Internal competitors have to compete with the outsiders. However, existing employees resent
the policy of filling higher-level vacancies from the outsiders. Mostly it is time consuming and
expensive to recruit peoples from outside. Recruitment from the outside may create frustration
among the existing employees that aspires for promotions. There is no guarantee that the
organizations will attract sufficient number of suitable candidates.


Merits of Internal Sources of Recruitment:

Filling vacancies for higher job by promoting employees from within the organization helps
to motivate and improved the morale of the employees. This induces loyalty among them.
Internal requirement has to minimize labor turnover and absenteeism. People wait for
promotion and the work force is more satisfied.
Candidates working in organization do not require induction training. They are already
familiar with organization and with the people working in it.

Merits of External Sources of Recruitment:

1. The entry of fresh talent in to the organization is encouraged. New employees
bring new ideas to the organization.
2. External sources provide wider sources of personnel to choose from.
3. Requisite type of personnel having the required qualifications, training and skill
are available from the external sources.

Demerits of Internal sources of Recruitment:

1. There may be inbreeding, as fresh talent from outside is not obtained. Internal
candidates may not be given a new outlook and fresh ideas to business.
2. Unsuitable candidates may not be promoted to positions of higher responsibility
because the choice is limited.
3. The employees may become lethargic if they are sure of time bound promotion.
There may be infighting among those who aspires for promotion within the organization.
4. Internal recruitment cannot be complete method in itself. The enterprise has to resort
to external recruitment at some stage because all vacancies cannot be filled from within
Demerits of External Sources of Recruitment:
1. The enterprise can make the best selection since selection is made from among a
large number of applicants.
2. There is a greater decoration in employer- employee relationship, resulting in
industrial strikes, unrest, and lockouts.
3. The personnel's selected from outside may suffer from the danger of adjustment to
the new work environment.

All methods of recruitment can be put into three categories:
a) Direct method
b) Indirect method
c) Third-party method
a) Direct Method:
These include the campus interview and keeping a live register of job seekers. Usually
under this method, information about jobs and profile of persons available for jobs is
exchanged and preliminary screening is done. The short listed candidates are then subjected to
the remainder of the selection process. Some organization maintains live registers or record of
applicants and refers to them as and when the need arises.
b) Indirect Method:
They cover advertising in newspapers, on the radio, in trade and professional journals,
technical journals and brochures. When qualified and experienced persons are not available
through other sources, advertising in newspapers and professional and technical journals in
made. Whereas all types of advertisements can be made in newspapers and magazines, only
particular types of posts should be advertised in the professional and technical journals.
A well thought-out and planned advertisement for appointments reduces the possibility of
unqualified people applying. If the advertisement is clear and to the point, candidates can
assess their abilities and suitability for the position and only those who possess the requisite
qualifications will apply.
c) Third Party Method:
Various agencies are used for recruitment under these methods. These include commercial
and private employment agencies, state agencies, and placement offices of schools, colleges
and professional associations, recruiting firms, management consulting firms, indoctrination
seminars for college professors, friends and relatives.
1. Employment Agencies:
They are specializing in specific occupation like general office help, salesman, technical
workers, accountants, computer staff, engineers and executives and suitable persons available
for a job. Because of their specialization, they can interpret the needs of their clients and seek
out particular types of persons.
2. State or Public Employment Agencies:
They also knew as Employment or Labor Exchanges, are the main agencies for public
employment. They also provide a wide range of services, like counseling, assistance in getting
jobs, information about the labor market, labor and wage rates, etc.
3. Executive Research Agencies:
They maintain a complete information records about employed executives and recommend
persons of high caliber for managerial, marketing and production engineers' posts. These
agencies are looked upon as 'head hunters', 'raiders', and 'pirates'.
4. Trade Unions:
The employers to supply whatever additional employees may be needed often call on Trade
Unions. Unions may be asked for recommendations largely as a matter of courtesy and an
evidence of goodwill and cooperation.
5. Professional Societies:
They may provide leads and clues in providing promising candidates for engineering,
technical and management positions. Some of these maintain mail order placement services.

Whatever form the applications take, there may be a need to sift them before moving on to the
interview stage. Such a sift serves to match the applicants as closely as possible to the job
and person specification and to produce a shortlist of people to interview. To avoid any
possibility of bias, such sifting should be undertaken by two or more people, and it should
involve the direct line manager/supervisor as well as personnel. The sifting stage can also help
the organization by providing feedback on the advertising process and the suitability of the
application form. It can also identify people who might be useful elsewhere in the
organization. If references or medicals are to be taken np before the invitation to interview
stage, it should be made clear on the application form/information pack sent to the applicant.
If your organization believes that pre-employment health screening is necessary, you
must make sure it is carried out in a non-discriminatory way: for instance, do not single
out disabled people for medical assessment. If a report from any individual's doctor is sought,
then permission must be given by the individual, and they have the right to see the report
(Access to Medical Reports Act 1988).
The candidates who best match the specifications may then be invited for interview. The
invitation letter should tell candidates that they should advise the organization in advance if
any particular arrangements need to be made to accommodate them on arrival or during the
interview; for instance, ramp access or lighting levels. The invitation letter should also clearly
state whether the organization will pay the candidate's reasonable travel expenses for the
A formal definition of selection is as following:
"It is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify (and hire) those
with a greater likelihood of success in a job." Selection process assumes and rightly so, that
there are more number of candidate actually selected candidates are made available through
recruitment process.
The main objectives of selection are to hire people having competence and commitment.
This objective is often defeated because of certain barriers. The impediments, which check
effectiveness of selection, are perception, fairness, validity, reliability and pressure.
1. Fairness: Fairness is selection requires that no individual should be discriminated
against on the
basis of religion, region, race or gender. But the low numbers of women and other less-
privileged sections of the society in middle and senior management positions and open
discrimination on the basis of age in job advertisements and in the selection process would
suggest that all the efforts to minimize inequity have not been very effective.
2. Reliability: A reliable method is one that will produce consistent results when
repeated in similar situations. Like a validated test, a reliable test may fail to predict job
performance with precision.
3. Pressure: Pressure is brought on the selectors by politicians, bureaucrats, relatives,
friends and peers to select particular candidates. Candidates selected because of compulsions
are obviously not the rights ones. Appointments to public sector undertakings generally take
place under such pressures.
The selection procedure is concerned with securing relevant information about an applicant.
This information is secured in a number of steps and stages. The objective of selection process
is to determine whether an applicant needs the qualification for a specific job and to choose
the applicant who is most likely to perform in that job.
The hiring procedures not a single act but it is essentially a series of methods or steps or stages
by which additional information is secured about the applicant. At each stage, facts may come
to light, which lead to the rejection of the applicant. A procedure may be considered to a
series of successive hurdles or barriers, which an applicant must cross.
These are indented as screens and they are designed to eliminate an unqualified applicant at
any point in this process. That technique is known as the successive hurdle technique. Not all
selection process includes all these hurdles. The complexity of process usually increases with
the level and responsibility of the position to be fulfilled.
A well-organized selection procedure should be designed to select sustainable candidates for
various jobs. Each step in the selection process should help in getting more and more
information about the candidate. There is no idle selection procedure appropriate for all cases.
Steps in the selection process:
➢ Preliminary Screening
➢ Application Blank
➢ Employment Tests
➢ Selection Interview
➢ Medical or Physical Examination
➢ Checking Reference
➢ Final Approval
1. Preliminary Screening:
This is essentially to check whether the candidate fulfills the minimum qualification. The
preliminary interview is generally quite brief. Its aim is to eliminate the unsuitable candidate.
The job seekers are received at the reception counter of the company. The receptionists or
other official interviews the candidates to determine whether he is worthwhile or the
candidate to fill np the application blank. Candidates processing the minimum qualification
and having some chances of being selected are given the prescribed application form known
as application blank.
2. Application Blank:
The candidates are required to give full information about their age, qualification, experience,
family background, aptitude and interests act in the application blank. The application blank
provides a written record about the candidate. The application form should be designed to
obtain all relevant information about the candidates. All applications received from the
candidates are carefully scrutinized. After the scrutiny more suitable candidates among the
applicants are short-listed for written tests and others are rejected.
3. Employment Tests:
Candidates are asked to appear for written or other tests. Tests have become popular screening
devices. These tests are based on the assumption that human traits and work behaviors can be
predicted by sampling, however tests are not fully reliable and they also involve time and
money. Test is more useful in identifying and eliminating unsuitable candidates therefore
should be used only as supplements rather than an independent technique of selection. The
main types of tests are:
➢ Intelligence tests
➢ Aptitude Test
➢ Interest Test
➢ Personality Test
4. Selection Interview:
It involves a face-to-face conversation between the employer and the candidate; the selector
asks a job related and general questions. The way in which a candidate responds to the
question is evaluated. The objectives of the interview are as following:
➢ To find out the candidate's overall suitability for the job.
➢ To cross-check the information obtained through application blank and tests, and
➢ To give an accurate picture of the job and the company.
Interview is the most widely used step in employee selection. However, interview suffers
from several drawbacks:
Firstly, it is a time consuming and expensive device. Secondly, it can test only the personality
of the candidate and not his skill for the job. Thirdly, the interviewer may not be an expert
and may fill to extract all relevant information from the candidate. Fourthly, the personal
judgment or bias of the interviewer may make the result of the interviews inaccurate.
Interview should be properly conducted in a proper physical environment. The interview
room should be free from noise and interruptions. The environment should be confident and
quite. People generally talk freely and frankly when there is privacy and comfort. Therefore,
candidates should be put at ease. The interviewer should pay full attention to what the
candidates have to say.
5. Medical or Physical Examination:
Candidates who are found suitable after interview are called for physical examination. A
Panel of doctors to insure that they are healthy and physically fit for the job does a medical
check-np of such candidates. A proper medical examination will also ensure that the
candidates selected do not suffer from any serious desirous which may create problems in
6. Checking Reference:
Generally, every candidate if required to state in the application form, the name and address
of at least two responsible persons who know him. The reference may not give their Frank
opinion unless promises made that in all information will be kept strictly confidential.
Moreover the information given by them may be biased in the form of candidate.
7. Final Approval:
The candidates who are found suitable after the medical check-np and background
investigation are formally appointed by issuing appointment letter to them. They are asked to
join duty by the specified date. No selection procedure is foolproof and the best way judge a
person is by observing him working on the job. Candidate who gives satisfactory during the
probationary period are made permanent.

1. Objective theory

1) Assumes applicants use a very rational method for making decisions

2) Thus, the more information you can give them (e.g. salaries, benefits, working condition,
etc), the better applicants weight these factors to arrive at a relative “desirability” index.

2. Subjective theory

1) Assumes applicants are not rational, but respond to social or psychological needs (e.g.
security, achievement, affiliation).
2) Thus, play to these needs by highlighting job security or opportunities for promotion or
collegiality of work group, etc.

3. Critical Contact theory

1) Assumes key attractor is quality of contact with the recruiter or recruiter behavior, e.g.
(promptness, warmth, follow-up calls, sincerity, etc.)
2) Research indicates that more recruiter contact enhances acceptance of offer, also
experienced recruiter (e.g. middle-aged) more successful than young or inexperienced
recruiter - may be especially important when recruiting ethnic minorities, women, etc.

Recruitment policy of any organization is derived from the personnel policy of the same
organization. However, recruitment policy by itself should take into consideration the government’s
reservation policy, policy regarding sons of soil, etc., personnel policies of other organizations
regarding merit, internal sources, social responsibility in absorbing minority sections, women, etc.
Specific issues which may be addressed in Recruitment Policy:

1) Statement: Nondiscrimination (EEO employer) or particular protected class members

that may be sought for different positions (see also Affirmative Action guidelines).
2) Position description: Adherence to job description (& qualifications) in recruitment &
selection -BFOQ’s -bonafide occupational qualifications.
3) How to handle special personnel in recruitment/selection: e.g. relatives (nepotism)
veterans (any special advancement toward retirement for military experience?), rehires
(special consideration? vacation days or other prior benefits?), part-time or temporary
personnel (special consideration? benefits?).
4) Recruitment budget/expenses: what is covered? Travel, Lodging/meals, Staff travel to
recruit, relocation, expenses, etc.
5) Others:
a. Residency requirement in district?
b. Favors, special considerations related to recruitment? - e.g. get spouse a job?

Recorded. A sample organization chart may be useful for this purpose.

➢ Main Duties: A list of key tasks may be written out; standards that need to be
reached and maintained must also be maintained. Methods of recording, assessing and
recording the key tasks must be determined.
➢ The work Environment: Study the physical and social environment in which
the work is out because the work environment influences the quantity and quality of
4. Drafting a job description: -
After job analysis is done, job description is made. Job description describes the job. The job
description decides upon the exact knowledge, skill and experience needed to do the job.

Job description must be drafted around these heading:

➢ Job title

➢ Responsible to

➢ Responsible for

➢ Purpose of job

➢ Duties

➢ Responsibility

➢ Signature and date

5. Evaluation of future needs:

For Evaluation future needs manpower is drafting. A manpower plan evolves studying
the make-up of present work force, assessing forthcoming changes and calculating future
workforce, which is required. Manpower planning helps in devising long-term recruitment
6. Finding sources of recruitment:
The human resource requirement can be met from internal or external source.
7. Monitoring effectiveness of recruitment:
As with any work activity it is recommended that the recruitment and induction process be
reviewed for its effectiveness. If any stage of the recruitment process failed to produce the
expected result, eg. If the advertising method has produced too many candidates, you may
want to examine what happened and why in order to make it more efficient in the future.
Future recruitment exercises may require modifications to the methods used – a successful
recruitment for one job does not automatically mean the same method will be as successful
again. This is particularly true if the labour market changes, with, for instance, fewer school
leavers but more mature workers being available. Recruitment and induction may be a
continuous process in your organization, necessitating more or less constant monitoring.
Monitoring regularly will also ensure equal opportunity policies are being actively pursued,
and that internal candidates are receiving the same consideration as external candidates.
Application forms

Application forms can help the recruitment process by providing necessary and relevant
information about the applicant and their skills. The design of the form needs to be realistic
and straightforward, appropriate to the level of the job. Using application forms has the
following advantages:

Comparing like with like is easier. CVs can be time-consuming and may not provide the
information required

They provide the basis for an initial sift(filter), and then for the interview

The standard of completion can be a guide to the candidate’s suitability, if writing and
presentation skills are essential to the job; however, be aware of the possibility of disability

They provide a record of qualifications, abilities and experience as stated bythe applicant.

Care also needs to be taken over some less positive aspects of application forms:

There is a temptation to use application forms to try to extract too much information, eg
motives, values and personality characteristics. The form should concentrate on the
experience, knowledge and competencies needed for the job.

Some people may dislike filling in forms and so be put off applying for the job. Some very
experienced people may find the form inadequate, whilst those with little in the way of
qualifications or experience may be intimidated by large empty spaces on the form.

Application forms add another stage, and therefore more time, to the recruitment process.
Some candidates may be lost if they can obtain work elsewhere more quickly
Application forms may inadvertently be discriminatory. For instance, to require a form to be
filled out ‘in your own handwriting’, where written English is not relevant to the job, may
discriminate against those for whom English is not their first language, or who may not
have well-developed literacy skills. Any information such as title (marital status), ethnic
origin or date of birth requested for monitoring purposes (eg for compliance with the legal
requirements and codes of practice on race, sex, disability and age discrimination) should be
clearly shown to be for this purpose only, and should be on a separate sheet or tear-off
section. Such information need only be provided on a voluntary basis. Medical information
should also be obtained separately and kept separate from the application form.


Recruitment have two sources Internal sources and External sources:

Internal Sources

These refer to persons already employed in the organization. Promoting persons from lower
levels may fill np vacancies at higher levels. Shortage of manpower in one branch \ factory
may be met by transferring surplus staff from another branch \ factory. Promotion means
shifting of an employee to higher post caring greater salary, status and responsibility. 0n the
other hand transfer refers to the shifting an employee with salary, status and responsibility.
Sometime ex-employee of the organization may be re-employed.

External Sources
It refers to recruitment of employees from outside the organization. External sources provide
wide choice of the required number of the employees having the desired qualification. It also
provides the people with new ideas and specialized skills required to cope with new
challenge and to ensure growth of the organization.

Internal competitors have to compete with the outsiders. However, existing employees resent
the policy of filling higher-level vacancies from the outsiders. Mostly it is time consuming
and expensive to recruit peoples from outside. Recruitment from the outside may create
frustration among the existing employees that aspires for promotions. There is no guarantee
that the organizations will attract sufficient number of suitable candidates.

Merits of Internal Sources of Recruitment:

Filling vacancies for higher job by promoting employees from within the organization helps
to motivate and improved the morale of the employees. This induces loyalty among them.

Internal requirement has to minimize labor turnover and absenteeism. People wait for
promotion and the work force is more satisfied.

Candidates working in organization do not require induction training. They are already
familiar with organization and with the people working in it.

Merits of External Sources of Recruitment:

The entry of fresh talent in to the organization is encouraged. New employees bring new
ideas to the organization.

External sources provide wider sources of personnel to choose from.

Requisite type of personnel having the required qualifications, training and skill are available
from the external sources.


Demerits of Internal sources of Recruitment:

1. There may be inbreeding, as fresh talent from outside is not obtained. Internal
candidates may not be given a new outlook and fresh ideas to business.

2. Unsuitable candidates may not be promoted to positions of higher responsibility

because the choice is limited.
3. The employees may become lethargic if they are sure of time bound promotion. There
may be infighting among those who aspires for promotion within the organization.

4. Internal recruitment cannot be complete method in itself. The enterprise has to resort to
external recruitment at some stage because all vacancies cannot be wit.
Demerits of External Sources of Recruitment:

The enterprise can make the best selection since selection is made from among a large
number of applicants.

There is a greater decoration in employer- employee relationship, resulting in industrial

strikes, unrest, and lockouts.

The personnel’s selected from outside may suffer from the danger of adjustment to the new
work environment.


All methods of recruitment can be put into three categories:

a) Direct method

b) Indirect method

c) Third-party method

a) Direct Method:

These include the campus interview and keeping a live register of job seekers. Usually under
this method, information about jobs and profile of persons available for jobs is exchanged
and preliminary screening is done. The short listed candidates are then subjected to the
remainder of the selection process. Some organization maintains live registers or record of
applicants and refers to them as and when the need arises.

b) Indirect Method:
They cover advertising in newspapers, on the radio, in trade and professional journals,
technical journals and brochures. When qualified and experienced persons are not available
through other sources, advertising in newspapers and professional and technical journals in
made. Whereas all types of advertisements can be made in newspapers and magazines,
only particular types of posts should be advertised in the professional and technical

A well thought-out and planned advertisement for appointments reduces the possibility of
unqualified people applying. If the advertisement is clear and to the point, candidates can
assess their abilities and suitability for the position and only those who possess the requisite
qualifications will apply.
Third Party Method:

Various agencies are used for recruitment under these methods. These include commercial
and private employment agencies, state agencies, and placement offices of schools, colleges
and professional associations, recruiting firms, management consulting firms, indoctrination
seminars for college professors, friends and relatives.

1. Employment Agencies:

They are specializing in specific occupation like general office help, salesman, technical
workers, accountants, computer staff, engineers and executives and suitable persons available
for a job. Because of their specialization, they can interpret the needs of their clients and seek
out particular types of persons.

2. State or Public Employment Agencies:

They also knew as Employment or Labor Exchanges, are the main agencies for public
employment. They also provide a wide range of services, like counseling, assistance in
getting jobs, information about the labor market, labor and wage rates, etc.

3. Executive Research Agencies:

They maintain a complete information records about employed executives and recommend
persons of high caliber for managerial, marketing and production engineers’ posts. These
agencies are looked upon as ‘head hunters’, ‘raiders’, and ‘pirates’.
4. Trade Unions:

The employers to supply whatever additional employees may be needed often call on Trade
Unions. Unions may be asked for recommendations largely as a matter of courtesy and an
evidence of goodwill and cooperation.

5. Professional Societies:

They may provide leads and clues in providing promising candidates for engineering,
technical and management positions. Some of these maintain mail order placement services.

Whatever form the applications take, there may be a need to sift them before moving on to
the interview stage. Such a sift serves to match the applicants as closely as possible to the
job and person specification and to produce a shortlist of people to interview. To avoid any
possibility of bias, such sifting should be undertaken by two or more people, and it should
involve the direct line manager/supervisor as well as personnel. The sifting stage can also
help the organization by providing feedback on the advertising process and the suitability of
the application form. It can also identify people who might be useful elsewhere in the
organization. If references or medicals are to be taken np before the invitation to interview
stage, it should be made clear on the application form/information pack sent to the applicant.

If your organization believes that pre-employment health screening is necessary, you must
make sure it is carried out in a non-discriminatory way: for instance, do not single out
disabled people for medical assessment. If a report from any individual’s doctor is sought,
then permission must be given by the individual, and they have the right to see the report
(Access to Medical Reports Act 1988).

The candidates who best match the specifications may then be invited for interview. The
invitation letter should tell candidates that they should advise the organization in advance if
any particular arrangements need to be made to accommodate them on arrival or during the
interview; for instance, ramp access or lighting levels. The invitation letter should also
clearly state whether the organization will pay the candidate’s reasonable travel expenses
the interview.A formal definition of selection is as following:
“It is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify (and hire) those
with a greater likelihood of success in a job.” Selection process assumes and rightly so, that
there are more number of candidate actually selected candidates are made available through
recruitment process.

The main objectives of selection are to hire people having competence and commitment. This
objective is often defeated because of certain barriers. The impediments, which check
effectiveness of selection, are perception, fairness, validity, reliability and pressure.
Fairness: Fairness is selection requires that no individual should be discriminated against on
Basis of religion, region, race or gender. But the low numbers of women and other less-
privileged sections of the society in middle and senior management positions and open
discrimination on the basis of age in job advertisements and in the selection process would
suggest that all the efforts to minimize inequity have not been very effective.

Reliability: A reliable method is one that will produce consistent results when repeated
in similar situations. Like a validated test, a reliable test may fail to predict job
performance with precision.

Pressure: Pressure is brought on the selectors by politicians, bureaucrats, relatives,

friends and peers to select particular candidates. Candidates selected because of
compulsions are obviously not the rights ones. Appointments to public sector
undertakings generally take place under such pressures.


The selection procedure is concerned with securing relevant information about an applicant.
This information is secured in a number of steps and stages. The objective of selection
process is to determine whether an applicant needs the qualification for a specific job and to
choose the applicant who is most likely to perform in that job.
The hiring procedures not a single act but it is essentially a series of methods or steps or
stages by which additional information is secured about the applicant. At each stage, facts
may come to light, which lead to the rejection of the applicant. A procedure may be
considered to a series of successive hurdles or barriers, which an applicant must cross.

These are indented as screens and they are designed to eliminate an unqualified applicant at
any point in this process. That technique is known as the successive hurdle technique. Not all
selection process includes all these hurdles. The complexity of process usually increases
with the level and responsibility of the position to be fulfilled.

A well-organized selection procedure should be designed to select sustainable candidates for

various jobs. Each step in the selection process should help in getting more and more
information about the candidate. There is no idle selection procedure appropriate for all

Steps in the selection process:

➢ Preliminary Screening

➢ Application Blank

➢ Employment Tests

➢ Selection Interview

➢ Medical or Physical Examination

➢ Checking Reference

➢ Final Approval

1. Preliminary Screening:
This is essentially to check whether the candidate fulfills the minimum qualification. The
preliminary interview is generally quite brief. Its aim is to eliminate the unsuitable candidate.
The job seekers are received at the reception counter of the company. The receptionists or
other official interviews the candidates to determine whether he is worthwhile or the
candidate to fill np the application blank. Candidates processing the minimum qualification
and having some chances of being selected are given the prescribed application form known
as application blank.

2. Application Blank:

The candidates are required to give full information about their age, qualification,
experience, family background, aptitude and interests act in the application blank. The
application blank provides a written record about the candidate. The application form should
be designed to obtain all relevant information about the candidates. All applications received
from the candidates are carefully scrutinized. After the scrutiny more suitable candidates
among the applicants are short-listed for written tests and others are rejected.

3. Employment Tests:

Candidates are asked to appear for written or other tests. Tests have become popular
screening devices. These tests are based on the assumption that human traits and work
behaviors can be predicted by sampling, however tests are not fully reliable and they also
involve time and money. Test is more useful in identifying and eliminating unsuitable
candidates therefore should be used only as supplements rather than an independent
technique of selection. The main types of tests are:

➢ Intelligence tests

➢ Aptitude Test

➢ Interest Test
➢ Personality Test
1.Selection Interview:

It involves a face-to-face conversation between the employer and the candidate; the selector
asks a job related and general questions. The way in which a candidate responds to the
question is evaluated. The objectives of the interview are as following:

➢ To find out the candidate’s overall suitability for the job.

➢ To cross-check the information obtained through application blank and tests, and

➢ To give an accurate picture of the job and the company.

Interview is the most widely used step in employee selection. However, interview
suffers from several drawbacks:

Firstly, it is a time consuming and expensive device. Secondly, it can test only the
personality of the candidate and not his skill for the job. Thirdly, the interviewer may not be
an expert and may fill to extract all relevant information from the candidate. Fourthly, the
personal judgment or bias of the interviewer may make the result of the interviews

Interview should be properly conducted in a proper physical environment. The interview

room should be free from noise and interruptions. The environment should be confident and
quite. People generally talk freely and frankly when there is privacy and comfort. Therefore,
candidates should be put at ease. The interviewer should pay full attention to what the
candidates have to say.

Medical or Physical Examination:

Candidates who are found suitable after interview are called for physical examination. A
Panel of doctors to insure that they are healthy and physically fit for the job does a
medical check-np of such candidates. A proper medical examination will also ensure that
the candidates selected do not suffer from any serious desirous which may create problems
Checking Reference:

Generally, every candidate if required to state in the application form, the name and address
of at least two responsible persons who know him. The reference may not give their Frank
opinion unless promises made that in all information will be kept strictly confidential.
Moreover the information given by them may be biased in the form of candidate.

Final Approval:

The candidates who are found suitable after the medical check-np and background
investigation are formally appointed by issuing appointment letter to them. They are asked to
join duty by the specified date. No selection procedure is foolproof and the best way judge a
person is by observing him working on the job. Candidate who gives satisfactory during the
probationary period are made permanent.



Objective theory

Assumes applicants use a very rational method for making decisions

Thus, the more information you can give them (e.g. salaries, benefits, working condition,
etc), the better applicants weight these factors to arrive at a relative “desirability” index.
Subjective theory

Assumes applicants are not rational, but respond to social or psychological needs (e.g.
security, achievement, affiliation).

hus, play to these needs by highlighting job security or opportunities for promotion or
collegiality of work group, etc.
Critical Contact theory

Assumes key attractor is quality of contact with the recruiter or recruiter behavior, e.g.
(promptness, warmth, follow-up calls, sincerity, etc.)

Research indicates that more recruiter contact enhances acceptance of offer, also experienced
recruiter (e.g. middle-aged) more successful than young or inexperienced recruiter – may be
especially important when recruiting ethnic minorities, women, etc.
Recruitment policy of any organization is derived from the personnel policy of the same
organization. However, recruitment policy by itself should take into consideration the
government’s reservation policy, policy regarding sons of soil, etc., personnel policies of
other organizations regarding merit, internal sources, social responsibility in absorbing
minority sections, women, etc. Specific issues which may be addressed in Recruitment

Statement: Nondiscrimination (EEO employer) or particular protected class members that

may be sought for different positions (see also Affirmative Action guidelines).

Position description: Adherence to job description (& qualifications) in recruitment &

selection -BFOQ’s -bonafide occupational qualifications.
How to handle special personnel in recruitment/selection: e.g. relatives (nepotism) veterans
(any special advancement toward retirement for military experience?), rehires (special
consideration? Vacation days or other prior benefits?), part-time or temporary personnel
(special consideration? Benefits?).

Recruitment budget/expenses: what is covered? Travel, Lodging/meals, Staff travel to recruit,

relocation, expenses, etc.


Residency requirement in district?

Favors, special considerations related to recruitment? – e.g. get spouse a job?


1. Talent Acquisition.
2. Retention of employees.
3. Expensive.
4. Time Constraint.
5. Budget.
6. Managing law attrition rate.


1. Talent Shortage.
2. Attrition Rate.
3. Remoteness of Job.
4. Reservation & Government Policies.

Application forms
Application forms can help the recruitment process by providing necessary and relevant
information about the applicant and their skills. The design of the form needs to be realistic
and advantages:
comparing like with like is easier. CVs can be time-consuming and may notprovide the
information required

they provide the basis for an initial sift(filter), and then for the interview

the standard of completion can be a guide to the candidate's suitability, if writing and
presentation skills are essential to the job; however, be aware of the possibility of disability
they provide a record of qualifications, abilities and experience as stated byt h e
applicant. Care also needs to be taken over some less positive aspects of application

 There is a temptation to use application forms to try to extract too much information,
eg motives, values and personality characteristics. The form should concentrate on
the experience, knowledge and competencies needed for the job.
 Some people may dislike filling in forms and so be put off applying for the job.
Some very experienced people may find the form inadequate, whilst those with little
in the way of qualifications or experience may be intimidated by large empty spaces
on the form.
 Application forms add another stage, and therefore more time, to the recruitment
Some candidates may be lost if they can obtain work elsewhere more quickly
 Application forms may inadvertently be discriminatory. For instance, to require a
form to be filled out 'in your own handwriting', where written English is not relevant
to the job, may discriminate against those for whom English is not their first
language, or who may not have well-developed literacy skills. Any information
such as title (marital status), ethnic origin or date of birth requested for monitoring
purposes (eg for compliance with the legal requirements and codes of practice on
race, sex, disability and age discrimination) should be
The objective of my study is to understand and critically analyze the recruitment and
selection procedure at ECCO FAST LOGISTIC SOLUTION PVT. LTD.
1. To know the prospect or recruitment and selection procedure.
2. To critically analyze the functioning of recruitment and selection procedures.
3. To identify the probable area of improvement to make recruitment and
selection procedures and more effective.
4. To know the managerial satisfaction level about recruitment and selection procedure.
5. To identify the internal &external sources of recruitment & selection.
6. To study the existing policy of ECCO FAST LOGISTIC SOLUTION PVT.
LTD regarding recruitment and selection process.


The benefits of the study for the researcher is that it helped to gain knowledge and experience
and also provided the provided the opportunity to study and understand the prevalent
recruitment and selection procedures.
The key points of my research study are:
1. To study the facts about the ECCO FAST LOGISTIC SOLUTION PVT. LTD as
a group.
2. To understand and analyze various H.R. factors including recruitment and
selection procedure at ECCO FAST LOGISTIC SOLUTION PVT. LTD.
3. To suggest any measures / recommendations for the improvement of the
recruitment procedures.
4. To define the process and flow of activities while recruiting, selecting
and appointing personnel on the permanent roles of an organization.
mature workers being available. Recruitment and induction may be a continuous process in
your organization, necessitating more or less constant monitoring. Monitoring regularly will
also ensure equal opportunity policies are being actively pursued, and that internal candidates
are receiving the same consideration as external candidates.
Application forms can help the recruitment process by providing necessary and relevant
information about the applicant and their skills. The design of the form needs to be realistic
and straightforward, appropriate to the level of the job. Using application forms has the
comparing like with like is easier. CVs can be time-consuming and may notprovide the
information required
they provide the basis for an initial sift(filter), and then for the interview

the standard of completion can be a guide to the candidate's suitability, if writing and
presentation skills are essential to the job; however, be aware of the possibility of disability
they provide a record of qualifications, abilities and experience as stated byt h e

applicant. Care also needs to be taken over some less positive aspects of application


 There is a temptation to use application forms to try to extract too much information,
eg motives, values and personality characteristics. The form should concentrate on
the experience, knowledge and competencies needed for the job.
 Some people may dislike filling in forms and so be put off applying for the job.
Some very experienced people may find the form inadequate, whilst those with little
in the way of qualifications or experience may be intimidated by large empty spaces
on the form.
 Application forms add another stage, and therefore more time, to the recruitment
Some candidates may be lost if they can obtain work elsewhere more quickly
Application forms may inadvertently be discriminatory. For instance, to require a
form to be filled out 'in your own handwriting', where written English is not relevant
to the job, may discriminate against those for whom English is not their first
language, or who may not have well-developed literacy skills. Any information such
as title (marital status), ethnic origin or date of birth requested for monitoring
purposes (eg for compliance with the legal requirements and codes of practice on
race, sex, disability and age discrimination) should be


The project has inherent limitations due to its potential scope:
1. Due to time constraint in- depth study could not be carried out.
2. Unwillingness & inability of respondents to provide information.
3. Less importance to long term operational benefits.
4. As the strength of the company is big, it was not possible to draw sample from
each and every department.
5. Many a times the employees may not be really conscious or may not be
bothered about the questionnaire. This may create a problem in the research.
6. The questionnaires were filled be 100 employees working in the company. So
the scope of sample findings was less.

Research can be described as a systematic and organized efforts to investigate a specific
problem that needs a solution. More specifically, it is a process of planning, acquiring and
analyzing relevant data and information. We can define business research as an organized,
systematic, data-based, critical, objective, scientific problem undertaken with the purpose of
finding answers to it. In fact, research provides the needed information that guides managers
to make decisions. They can deal, successfully, with problems.

Research is a "careful investigation or inquiry specially through search for new facts in any
branch of knowledge."
The project is a systematic presentation consisting of the enunciated problem, formulated
hypothesis, collected facts or data, analyzed facts and proposed conclusions in form of

The research done by:
A research design is the specification of methods and procedures for acquiring the
information needed to structure and solve the problem. It is overall operational pattern or
framework of the project that stimulates what information is to be collected from which
source and by what procedure. On the basis of our main purpose of our investigation the
DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH was found more suitable.

A complete interaction and enumeration of all the employees of ECCO FAST LOGISTIC
SOLUTION PVT. LTD was not possible so a sample was chosen that consisted of 100

An integral component of a research design is the sampling plan. Specifically, it
addresses three questions
Whom to survey (The Sample Unit)
How many to Survey (Sample
Making a census study of the whole universe will be impossible on the account
of limitations of time. Hence sampling becomes inevitable. A sample is only a
portion of the total employee strength. According to Yule, a famous statistician,
the object of sampling is to get maximum information about the parent population
with minimum effort.
Probability Sampling is also known as random sampling or
chance sampling. Under this sampling design every individual in
the organization has an equal chance, or probability, of being
chosen as a sample. This implies that the section of sample items
is independent of the persons making the study that is, the
sampling operation is controlled objectively so that the items
will be chosen strictly at random.
Non Probability Sampling is also known as deliberate
sampling, purposeful and judgmental sampling. Non-
Probability Sampling is that which does not provide every
individual in the Organization with a known chance of being
included in the sample.


The data for the survey will be conducted from both Primaries as well as Secondary
Primary Data:
Using personal interview technique for survey the data will collect by using questionnaire.
The primary data collection for his purpose is supposed to be done by judgment sampling
conversation sampling. Questionnaire has been formatted with both open and close structure
Data required from the study has been collected from:
QUESTIONNAIRE survey among the employees of the organization.
PERSONAL INTERVIEWS with the company representative regarding recruitment and
selection practices in organization.
Secondary Data:
➢ By going through various records.

➢ By going through the magazine of the company.

➢ Internet, Websites

➢ Organizational Report

➢ Case studies

➢ Magazines

➢ Journals on E- learning industry


A research design is the specification of methods and procedure for acquiring the
information needed to structure or to solve problems. It is the overall operation pattern or
framework of the project that stipulates what information is to be collected from which source,
and be what procedures.

"A research design is the arrangement of condition for collection and analysis of data
in a manner that aims to combine Relevance to the research purpose with economy in

Design decision happens.

1. What is study about?

2. What is study being made?

3. Where will the study be carried out?

4. What type of data is required?

5. Where can the required data be found?

6. What will be the sample design?

7. Technique of data collection.

8. How will data be analyzed?

9. How can the customer can be persuaded for opening current with ECCO FAST

10. How to increase the market share of ECCO FAST LOGISTIC SOLUTION PVT. LTD?

11. Who is the competitor of ECCO FAST LOGISTIC SOLUTION PVT. LTD?


Data analysis and interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to the collected
information and determining the conclusions, significance, and implications of the
findings. The steps involved in data analysis are a function of the type of information
collected, however, returning to the purpose of the assessment and the assessment
questions will provide a structure for the organization of the data and a focus for the

The analysis of the data is done as per the survey finding. The data is represented graphically
in percentage.
The percentage of people opinion was analyzed expressed in the form of charts and have been
placed in the next few pages.

Data interpretation refers to the process of critiquing and determining the significance
of important information, such as survey results, experimental findings, observations
or narrative reports. Interpreting data is an important critical thinking skill that helps
you comprehend text books, graphs and tables.
A questionnaire was prepared for the purpose of getting feedback from the employees and
manager regarding "Recruitment & Selection Procedure" of their company. 100 employees are
selected from different department and were distributed the questionnaire from the purpose of
the study.
1. Does your organization plan the recruitment policy?


1. Yes 100 100%

2. No 0 0%

Plan For Recruitment Policy




100% people said that the plan the requirement policy.
2. Specify the time period(s) for which the estimates are made?


1. 0-2years 30 30%

2. 2-3years 20 20%

3. 3-4years 40 40%

4. 4&above years 10 10%

Estimation Time Period

30% 0-2Years

40% 3-4Years

20% 4&above Years

30% people said that the company specifies 0-2 year for making estimation of forecasting.
20% people said that the company specifies 2-3 years for making estimation.
40% people said that the company specifies 3-4 years for making the estimation of
10% people said that the company specifies 4 & above time period for making forecasting.
3. Which internal source of recruitment is followed by the company and give
more priority?


1. Job Posting 30 30

2. Employee Referrals 30 30

3. Internal Promotions 40 40

Internal Source

40% Job Posting
Employee Referrals
Internal Promotions


30% people said that company uses the job posting method.
30% people said that company uses the employee referrals.
40% people said that company uses the internal promotions.
4. Do you think the present recruitment policy is helpful in achieving the goals of
the company?



1. Yes 60 60%

2. No 15 15%

3. To some extent 25 25%

Recruitment Policy

60% To some content


60% people said that the company's recruitment policy is helpful in achieving the goals.
15% people said that the company's recruitment policy is not helpful in achieving the goals.
25% people said that the company's recruitment policy is helpful to some extent in
achieving the goals.
5. Through which source your organizations recruit the employees?


1. Internally 25 25%

2. Externally 40 40%

3. Both 35 35%

Recruitment Sources

35% Internally


25% people said that the company recruits the employee from the internal sources.
40% people said that the company recruits the employee from the external
sources. 35% people said that the company recruits the employee from the both
6. How much number of employees you train in a year?


1. 5-10 Emp. 0 0%

2. 10-15 Emp. 20 20%

3. 15& above Emp. 80 80%

No. of Employees Trained in a Year

5-10 Employees
10-15 Employees
15& above Employees



20% people said that the company trains 10-15 Employees in a year.

80% people said that the company trains 15&above Employees in a

7. Does the procedure adopted for recruitment and selection of employees enables
to give right person at the right job?


1. Yes 70 70%

2. No 10 10%

3. To some extent 20 20%

Placement to the Right Person at the Right


10% No

70% To some extent

70% people said that the procedure adopted for recruitment and selection of employees

enable to place the right person for the right job.

10% people said that the procedure adopted for recruitment and selection of employees

does not enable to place the right person for at the right job.

20% people said that the procedure adopted for recruitment and selection of employees
enable to some extent to place the right person for at the right job.

8. Which type of technique is used for interview?


1. Structured 60 60%

2. Unstructured 10 10%

3. Both 30 30%

Interview Technique


60% people said that the company uses the structure technique for selection.
10% people said that the company uses the unstructured technique for
selection. 30% people said that the company uses both the techniques for
9. Is there any provision for evaluation and control of recruitment and
selection process?


1. Yes 80 80%

2. No 20 20%

Provision for Evalution and Control





80% people said that the company has the provision for evaluation and control of

recruitment and selection.

20% people said that the company does not have the provision for evaluation and control of

recruitment and selection.

10. Is there any facility for absorbing the trainees in your organization?



1. Yes 100 100%

2. No 0 0%

Facility For Absorbtion of Trainess




100% people said that the company has the facility for absorbing the trainees.

11. Which of the following external sources you choose for the recruitment of

the employees?


1. Employee Exchange 25 25%
2. Private Employee Agencies 20 20%
3. Advertisement 15 15%
4. Internet 30 30%
5. Any other 10 10%

External Sources

25% Employee Exchange Agencies
Private Employee Agencies
30% Advertisement
Any other

25% people said that the company uses the employee exchange consultants.

20% people said that the company uses private employment Agencies.
15% people said that the company uses the advertisement Method.

30% people said that the company uses the Internet method.

10% people said that the company uses the any other way.

12. Is company use own web site for recruitment?


1. Yes 90 90%

2. No 10 10%

Use Own Websites





90% people said that the company uses his own web site for recruitment.
10% people said that the company not uses his own web site.
13. The internal recruitment sources are primarily considered for recruitment?


1. Very True 20 20%
2. True 40 40%
3. Partly True 30 30%
4. Not True 10 10%

Primarily Consideration of Recruitment


20% Very True
Partly True
Not True


20% people said that primarily consideration of internal sources of recruitment by the
company is very true.
40% people said that primarily consideration of internal sources of recruitment by the
company is true.
30% people said that primarily consideration of internal sources of recruitment by the
company is partly true.
10% people said that primarily consideration of internal sources of recruitment by the
company is not true.
14. Does your organization recruit employees through latest method of

recruitment through Internet?


1. Yes 100 100%

2. No 0 0%

Recruitment Through Internet





100% people said that the company uses the latest method of recruitment.

The following are the suggestions received from the respondents of the questionnaire. These
suggestions are based on their awareness regarding the Recruitment and Selection procedure.

1. During the selection process not only the experienced candidates but also the fresh
candidate should be selected so as to avail the innovation and enthusiasm of new candidates.
2. In the organization where summer training facility prevailing then such kind of practices
must be adopted so that the student can learn and again from their practical views.
3. Candidates should be kept on the job for some time period; if suitable they should be
recruited. During the selection process, the candidates should be made relaxed and at ease.
4. Company should follow all the steps of recruitment and selection for the selection of the
5. Selection process should be less time consuming.
6. The interview should not be boring, monotonous. It should be made interesting. There
must be proper communication between the Interviewer and the Interviewee any the time of
7. Evaluation and control of recruitment and selection should be done fair judgment
8. Methods used for selection of candidates should be done carefully and systematically
9. The attainment of goals and objective of any organization depend on the type and
quality of its manpower. To have right type of men at right job and at right time, the
recruitment and selection procedure should be fair and impartial.
10. This is indeed an important suggestion and authorities concerned should immediately
look into it and try to implement it.
Based on the analysis through the questionnaire responses the following is the conclusion of
the study.
The organization follows the rules and regulation involved in their Recruitment and
Selection Procedure of the organization. However, there is some scope for improvement with
regard to following:
1. The managers are fully satisfied with the existing Recruitment and Selection procedure.
2. The recruitment and Selection procedure should not be lengthy.
3. To some extent a clear picture of required candidates should be made in order to
search for appropriate candidates.
4. The Recruitment and Selection procedure should be impartial.
Management should structure and systematically organize the entire recruitment processes.
It should Offer tolls and supports to enhance productivity, solutions and optimizing the
recruitment processes to ensure improved ROI. The Recruitment Management System
(RMS) should be such that it helps to save the time and costs of the HR recruiters in
company and improving the recruitment processes.

 Mishra, K.V. Personnel Management, Aditya Publishing House Madras, 1992.

 Sharma, F.C. Human Resource Management, Mahavir Book Depot, Delhi
 Chhabra, T.N. Principal & Practices of Management, Dhanpat Rai and co.(p)
Ltd. Delhi,2000
 Rao, V.S.P. Human Resource Management, Excel Book Publication,
Second Edition.
 Kothari, C.R. Research Methodology
 Rao, P. Subba Personnel and Human Resource Management, Himalaya Publication
 Sharma, F.C. Business Research Method, Mahavir Book Depot, Delhi.

 National HRD Manager
 People Matters
 Perfect Professional


 www.eccofastlogistic.com
 www.indiawarehousingshow.com
 https://www.justidal.com

1. Does your organization plan the recruitment policy?

(a) Yes (b) No

2. Specify the time period(s) for which the estimates are made?

(a) 0-2 Years (b) 2-3 Years

(c) 3-4 Years (d) 4 & Above Years

3. Which internal source of recruitment is followed by the company and give more priority?
(a) Job Posting (b) Employee Referrals
(c) Internal Promotions

4. Do you think the present recruitment policy is helpful in achieving the goals of
the company?

(a) Yes (b) No

(c) To Some Extent

5. Through which source your organizations recruit the employees?

(a) Internally (b) Externally
(c) Both

6. How much number of employees you train in a year?

(a) 5-10 Employees (b) 10-15 Employees
(c) 15 & Above Emp.

7. Does the procedure adopted for recruitment and selection of employees enables to
give right person at the right job?
(a) Yes (b) No
(c) To Some Extent
8. Which type of technique is used for interview?
(a) Structured (b) Unstructured
(c) Both
9. Is there any provision for evaluation and control of recruitment and selection process?
(a) Yes (b) No

10. Is there any facility for absorbing the trainees in your organization?
(a) Yes (b) No

11. Which of the following external sources you choose for the recruitment of
the employees?
(a) Employee Exchange Consultant (b) Private Employee Agencies
(c) Advertisement (d) Internet
(e) Any other

12. Is company use own web site for recruitment

(a) Yes (b) No

13. The internal recruitment sources are primarily considered for recruitment?
(a) Very True (b) True
(c) Partly True (d) Not True

14. Does your organization recruit employees through latest method of recruitment
through Internet?
(a) Yes (b) No

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