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Clever English Academy

Curso de Inglês
“Clever English Academy”
Nos siga nas redes sociais clicando nos ícones abaixo:

@cleverenglishacademy Clever English Oficial Clever English Academy

To take (levar)
Eu levo I take
Eu não levo I don’t take
Você leva? Do you take?
Você não leva? Don’t you take?

To stay (ficar)
Eu fico I stay
Eu não fico I don’t stay
Você fica? Do you stay?
Você não fica? Don’t you stay?

Clever English Academy

New vocabulary:

I take (alguem) to (algum lugar)

I take my wife to the restaurant on the weekends
I take my kids to school from Monday to Friday
Do you take your son to the zoo?

Aqui Here
Lá There
Durante During
Em minha casa In my house
Nas minhas férias On my vacation
Na minha fazenda On my farm
Na fazenda On the farm

Clever English Academy


Jorge – Hey Sara… What do you like to do when you

stay home
during the week?
Sara – Hi Jorge… I like to read anything, to cook and to
with my kids… Sometimes I take my kids to the park or
to the movies… what about you?
Jorge – oh, That’s cool… I like to stay at home and to
watch soccer games all day, and during the game I drink
beer and I eat chips… Sometimes I take my wife to work
and then I go back home to stay there.
Sara – You love to watch soccer game. Don’t you?
Jorge – Yeah, I love but my family don’t, so I prefer to
watch with my beer hahaha!
Sara – I prefer to drink soda…!

Clever English Academy


1. I love to take my kids to the movies on

the weekends and then to eat Mc
Donald’s and to drink coke.
2. I don’t like to stay at the beach when it’s
raining, I prefer to stay there when it’s
3. Do you need to take your son to the
dentist every month?
4. Don’t you want to stay in my house with
me and to watch a comedy movie, to eat
popcorn and to drink something?

Clever English Academy

Hora de Praticar
Mude as frases 3 vezes cada com o
vocabulário que você está aprendendo

1. I take my kids to school from Monday to


2. I don’t stay at home during the week

because I work.

3. When do you want to take your husband to

the restaurant?

4. Don’t you like to stay at home alone?

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