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Operational Planning and Delegation: Operational planning is essential in organizing tasks and
resources effectively. Delegation is a crucial aspect of this, as it involves assigning responsibilities
to team members. Preplanning ensures that each team member knows their role, which
improves efficiency and accountability.

2. Importance of Forms in Housekeeping: Forms like the Night Clerk’s Report to Housekeeping,
Supervisor’s Daily Work Report, and GRA’s Daily Report are vital for tracking and managing tasks.
They provide structured and consistent information flow, aiding in efficient operation and
coordination in opening the house.

3. Define Terms:

 Ready room: A room prepared for new guests.

 Occupied: A room currently being used by a guest.

 Checkout: A room vacated by a guest and awaiting cleaning.

 Out of order: A room unavailable for use due to maintenance or other issues.

 Pickup room: A room that needs unscheduled cleaning.

 Open section: An area of the hotel ready for guests.

4. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): SOPs provide a consistent framework for tasks, which
can enhance efficiency and quality. They don't necessarily restrict initiative but rather ensure a
baseline of operations, allowing for informed and safe innovations.

5. Meaning of “Controlled Change”: This refers to implementing changes in a managed, systematic

manner. It involves planning, testing, and evaluating changes to ensure they contribute positively
to operations, minimizing disruption and risk.

1. A.M. and P.M. Room Checks: A.M. room checks focus on ensuring rooms are ready for new
guests and checking on occupied rooms for any needs. P.M. checks might focus more on
preparing for the next day, ensuring any necessary maintenance or cleaning is scheduled. To
show maximum concern for guests during A.M. checks, it's essential to be discreet, efficient, and
responsive to their needs.

2. Importance of Forms and Symbols: Forms and symbols streamline communication in

housekeeping, ensuring efficiency and clarity. Common symbols include: R (Ready), OCC
(Occupied), OOO (Out of Order), MR (Maintenance Required), T (Turn-down Service Required),
CO (Check-Out), DND (Do Not Disturb), RFV (Room for Verification).
3. Discrepancy vs Recheck: A discrepancy occurs when there is a mismatch in room status (e.g.,
between what is reported and actual status). A recheck refers to verifying room status again to
resolve discrepancies.

4. Night Supervisor’s Report: This report documents activities and issues during the evening shift,
providing crucial information for the next day’s planning and ensuring continuity in operations.

5. Unexpected Occupied Rooms in A.M. Checks: Alternatives include reallocating staff from other
areas, prioritizing these rooms for cleaning, or temporarily delaying less urgent tasks.

6. Evening Crew Tasks and Night Supervisor’s Final Function: The evening crew is responsible for
tasks like preparing rooms for night-time, final checks, and ensuring all areas are clean and
secure. The night supervisor’s last function often involves securing the department and finalizing
reports. The primary objective of the evening is to ensure all areas are ready and secured for the

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