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The Mind We All Know

Min Khin Kyaw

An explanation of consciousness from a philosophical perspective; exploring the foetal development and dream; comparing between animal and plant with a view on evolution

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Table of Contents
Abstract ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Characteristics of consciousness........................................................................................................................................... 4 Mind ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Consciousness and mental factors ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Rise and Fall ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Concentration ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Where does consciousness come from? ................................................................................................................................ 7 Two Main Life forms ........................................................................................................................................................... 7 Life Form in Coma ............................................................................................................................................................... 7 Stages of Life........................................................................................................................................................................ 9 The Purpose of Developments .............................................................................................................................................. 9 Dream as the Sign of Consciousness .................................................................................................................................. 11 Sensation ............................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Location of Consciousness ................................................................................................................................................. 12 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Appendixes .............................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Appendix 1 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Appendix 2 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Perception........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 15

The five aggregates: understanding Theravda psychology and soteriology .............................................................. 16 Appendix 3 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Appendix 4 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Appendix 5 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 17
5.1 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 5.2 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18

Appendix 6 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Appendix 7 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 19

7.1 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 7.2 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19

Appendix 8 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 20
REM Sleep ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20

Self ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 23

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This is about Consciousness (Apdx 1) and mind. Im trying to answer the following questions. 1. What is consciousness? 2. Where does consciousness come from? 3. Where does consciousness locate? 4. Is consciousness inside or outside of the body, or both? 5. When does consciousness start in human body considering embryonic and foetus states?

I will apply the references from both science and Buddhism to support my ideas wherever possible also from my memory. I dont aim to contribute anyone or any purpose. If someone benefits from my work, Id be glad. I can have flaws in my reasons. I might have referred the wrong points from different fields into my work. Whatever is disagreeable, its due to me. I write this work from my view and perspective and have made only a very little research. I have borrowed memory from different readings I cannot recall, through the years from Buddhism and scientists and researchers of course. So Im a little lazy in constructing a bibliography but I have given the links from what I directly add into this work mostly in the appendixes. Appendixes are only to help my ideas so are for optional reading. REM sleep is however an important idea which should be read carefully from the appendix. In reasoning REM, I found out many interesting aspects of consciousness. I admit that, in writing, as I cannot say exactly what is what, as I dont know perfectly what is what, intuition is a tool. Intuition is a tool used by a fool or an ignorant with limited knowledge. When one knows what is what e.g. red colour is red colour, there is no need for intuition. However, when one has to explain what red is made of, if one is no sure, one needs to guess i.e. uses intuition. So intuition can be everywhere in my writing. Certain philosopher might find a different idea on where consciousness locates. Im open to different views. Im only compiling the ideas from outside sources. Im only the author of this work but outside ideas influence me and this work. Im not claiming the ownership of the ideas but the work only. I only try to be most logical within my capacity. As Im no near an expert, I welcome any comments that pointing out my mistakes. Min Khin Kyaw 3.10.2011

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Characteristics of consciousness
Consciousness is basically the condition of: being awake, being aware knowing

The mind (Apdx 3) is a different terms for consciousness. Directed mind is conscious about a sensation on the body or a thought (in the brain) or an event in the vicinity.

Consciousness and mental factors

Consciousness is that recognizes (Apdx 2). Consciousness is that knows. Consciousness is the ability of detecting & recognizing sensation. Sensation is feeling. Consequently the following abilities can appear (by instinct or decision): perception - to perceive; being able to recognize something, distinctively, understand what it is without applying thought or any mental factors (i.e. emotion), and able to see its characters how similar to and different from others; it has the ability to match something with stored memory so it knows what is what by matching. feeling to feel the sensations (pleasure, pain and neither), thought - being able to control and direct the mental action and the bodily actions and speech

Rise and Fall

There are conditions in which a different amount (call it level) of consciousness appears. Sometimes a person is extremely alert and aware; sometimes not. The amount is not measurable but understandable. When the amount of consciousness is high, one is highly alert and feeling very afresh. Sometimes one is deeply asleep and not even dreaming. I think its important to understand about how consciousness works in different amounts. Unconsciousness is a word to represents a very low amount of consciousness. Subconsciousness seems an uncertain term representing the very low level of consciousness working independently from the control of a person. (Apdx 4) Whenever we get the sensation we like, feeling comfort, attractive feeling, soothing feeling, we become alert and consciousness level rises up, become enthusiastic, energetic, gladdened, attention rises up... Whenever we get a sense of dislike, we become bore and consciousness level falls down, attention diminishes...

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If extreme, both like and dislike senses can raise our attention, pain and pleasure for example, then we can again get our consciousness level rises up. An extreme pain raises the consciousness to a higher level but it can make the sufferer faint. An extreme pleasure however doesnt make the experiencing person faith but calm down, eases the muscles and raises joy and glee; and at the same time, reduces the negative mental states - anger, hate, jealousy, etc. The state of mind obviously affects the physical body, and vice versa. When a person experiences the feeling he/she likes, the positive mental states likely to follow. The mind is filled with pleasure and peace. When there is a bad feeling, bad for the sufferer, the negative mental states (hatred, anger, aggression) likely to follow. The mind has no pleasure and peace. These are the conditions in which the mind (consciousness) is active at higher level. Attention is high and concentrated at current sensation and on the physical part that sensation appears. In this way, we can understand the link between consciousness and sensation (feeling). There is also neutral feeling and neutral mental state (indifference) where attention is given in various low levels by keeping consciousness elsewhere. Here attention and consciousness are identical. Sensation brings the sense to consciousness to perceive it as sensation (feeling). Perception perceives the sensation as either liking it or disliking it in different levels of consciousness. By paying attention, consciousness level can be controlled; the more attention is paid, the higher consciousness level is achieved. Apart from that, the underdeveloped brain causes disability to both mind and body. The brain is the organ attached with nerves. An insufficient brain cannot have enough room/condition for the ability of detecting and controlling the consciousness for higher sensation, perception and thought. But an underdeveloped brain may have a level of consciousness up to its completion. In contrary, the highly developed brain can support the better control for consciousness and thus, can have higher level of sensitivity on both (mental and physical) bodies and also on the immediate environment and even on the wider environment. The more developed mind may have the higher mental skills such as: paying stable attention, ability to concentrate, ability to memorize things in a short time, immediate recalling of what were memorized, recalling of a far past events, reasoning and critical thinking in higher level, ability to recognize and perceive better (to see and feel things differently but better), ability for better creativity and imagination, the ability to predict (accurately), etc.

Thus, consciousness is not a flat canvass that appears blank and continuous. Its like a form that rises up and falling down like heat or energy but neither heat nor energy as they have no ability to be conscious. However, the term mental energy can be made. Viriya the Pali

6 of 24 word is there. Its not like physical energy. But (self) motivation is needed to increase the mental energy. Feeling of excitement may appear although the body may be very weak to carry out a task. We all know we can concentrate more and more. And we know we can give more and more attention to a particular object either physical or mental. But of course up to a limit. Consciousness only knows or recognizes by using perception upon sensation. Concentration is critical for understanding what the consciousness has detected or has noticed with attention. Attention is rather a skill that adults have to develop gradually but can have better attention if properly trained. Foetuses and babies lack (long and enough) attention. They have consciousness but little attention. Consciousness itself has no discrimination or complex mental state on different objects. Consciousness needs sensation and perception so it can have attention (on the sensation) and concentration (on mental tasks i.e. thoughts). The problem with foetuses is they might not have enough (physical) sensation before the nervous system is completed up to a level; however, they may have mental sensation i.e. thoughts or dreams. With more attention, individuals can get more conscious, more alert, sharper, clear minded particularly in normal time not near bed time or near awake (when we are dreaming normally). Hence, the mind is active side of life not passively growing. It is obviously faster rate in growing up and down. (Its like the four engines of a ship with various levels of acceleration.) To alter the state of alertness, we may do something like having a light meal, or wash the face, or have a cup of water, and we refresh ourselves and we can get more conscious. When consciousness is too little, as in low energy, there appears lacking alertness and concentration sloth and torpor are the words used together (in Buddhism). In that situation, our attention is low, alertness is low, and the sense of self is low too. If the consciousness is too low, we will fall asleep, and not detecting any physical sensation anymore. In sleep, we may be free from physical sufferings temporarily. In very deep sleep, non-REM sleep, we can become a foetus or even an embryonic state. Here weve known that consciousness can be moulded and shaped. We can grow it properly and look after it like a good gardener attending to his most precious plant in the garden. The way the body builders build their muscles, we can build our consciousness to become larger or more energetic or whatever we desire to make it become. Attention and concentration are almost the same. Attention concentrates our mind as we can continue giving attention to an object either inside the mind (as an image) or a real physical thing (can be a feeling). Both of them can make consciousness level higher. Without concentration, we cannot do anything attentively and achieve with the level of precision we want. Depends on the level of concentration, we are conscious, and we can do a job at certain quality that is equal to our consciousness level. If the consciousness level gets to the highest limit, by means of concentration of course, what might happen?

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Where does consciousness come from?

This is a mystery. It can be difficult to convince the readers, with my reasoning at all. We can only know we have physical body and consciousness. What gives the matters consciousness? With no consciousness, what made the matters into life forms? Even very tiny single-celled organisms are conscious although they have no brains (or brain like organs) but they have personality and social pattern. (Note: Single-celled organisms are included into animal.) By comparing with these single-celled organisms, brain and consciousness cannot be termed as though the same. But consciousness and the brain must be linked just like any other organs of the body. It makes sense to say consciousness operates the brain and the brain doesnt operate the consciousness. Brain is hence just an organ for better or fuller spectrum of sensations and perception to construct complicated thoughts and ideas logically and understand them properly. This where does consciousness come from? question is unanswerable beyond the level of hypothesis and theory. No matter how beautiful these theories are, they simply dont answer. One thing we can say is the first embryonic cell, made from mother and father in her womb, must contain the potential for consciousness as single-celled organisms do. There the cells transform into a heart and into a brain and the whole body. We have to understand about the thing that has such potential, as life.

Two Main Life forms

I think its important to understand about how the plants being different from animals so that it will be easier to target consciousness or mind. The whole process of a humans (also animals) life matches the process of the life of a plant particularly in growing into parts. What does that mean one life form gains consciousness and another does not? Why dont plants have the potential for consciousness? We may never get the right answer as a scientific finding but as philosophical reasoning. We can start with the available fact plants are not animals. Why not? Obviously there we can see two main life forms active and comatose.

Life Form in Coma

What is that distinguishes between plant and animal? It must be consciousness (mind) and conscious response. We have to confirm this.

8 of 24 Some plants show the sign of awareness by responding to sunlight, season and the touch (of insect). Several plants have flexible joints for movement. Do those activities need consciousness for the plants? Can these activities be done without consciousness? By comparing comatose patients, we can get a clue of unconsciousness. Instead of having consciousness, there could be no consciousness at all present in certain life form (plants, fungus, etc) and yet life may go on - sustaining the physical side of life alone with the supply of water and food. Call them inactive, or limitedly active, or mechanistically active, life forms which need no consciousness to be alive. Life may not need consciousness to be life. All naturally comatose life forms should be categorized as plant-like life forms. These comatose plants, having physical body alone, can have the natural growth as there is the means for getting the supplies of food and water directly from their environments. That is generally the animal life forms cannot do. But I dont include half-plant half-animal life forms in plant category because animals can be creative enough to have plant like nature; but no vice versa. Therefore, I rather assume that there is no type of plants that can actively evolve into animal life form. I think plants are not supposed to grow up into psychological capability, i.e. consciousness, but stay at embryonic capability all their lifetime; yet their parts have the ability to respond, as the earth is as though the womb for them supporting to grow with water and nutrition as the sun is there for photosynthesis and other reasons. Hence, the tree may survive even after its branches are cut off. Isnt it the way embryonic cells can survive? Their growth is to stay within the embryonic stage entirely, never to grow up and become free from the womb. As unnecessary, they are the life form free of mind unlike animal embryonic cells which have the embryonic stage of consciousness. And that is how plants, etc, have no mind/consciousness and has no potential to develop consciousness unlike animals that have potential to develop consciousness in a later embryonic stage. (Apdx 5.1) As plants have no consciousness, they dont seem to need perception and to have the body parts like ears, eyes, tongue, etc for sensation. As there is no condition to perceive, as there is no consciousness, plants have no other mental abilities such as pain and the sense of self. Hence, they dont produce the generations that will have the potential for consciousness. Plants appear as though theyre aware of the sun, the season and touch. They response to injury and heal the scar. That capacity of response is what life form all about eating, breathing, growing and breeding through time as evolving too. Still they are comatose life, natural mechanism, lacking the potential to develop consciousness, forever embryonic. Another important thing is feeling or sensation. Feeling is of consciousness. Without consciousness, feeling cannot rise. Although plants show the obvious sign of response, as though they feel the touch of insect or the presence of sunlight and water, especially the seeds, they must not have sensation at all for not having consciousness. There the plants have the unconscious means of response like computerized robots using lifeless sensors.

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A comatose person would live that of plant life. Sometimes a comatose person seems to be aware of the surrounding and responding to whatever happening around him/her. See (Apdx 5.2) opinion on evolution of plant

Stages of Life
A life is composed of STAGES in continual development: from the first cell to the last exhaling. First the cells develop into the HEART and next the BRAIN with its nervous system growing with different other body parts as forming into the complete shape. (Apdx6) In what stage of a foetus does AWARENESS appear? In which stage nerves become practically complete and capable of perceiving senses?

The Purpose of Developments

Dream is a mystery that deserves appreciation with full attention and understanding especially which appears in foetuses both human and non-human. Whether we can see or not, due to graduality of muscle developments, we may assume dream could be there in the brain of a foetus without muscle movements. (please see REM Sleep) Life, I think, at its early stage is asleep as a first embryonic cell conditioned with sleeping consciousness as low conscious state whilst the living body is developing toward equipping itself with tools for sensation and higher consciousness. The whole process is to seek higher consciousness with possible tools to be developed within the foetuss capability. In this sense, one heart and one brain together make a complete being. And the purpose of the embryo is the obvious one to seek sensation and intelligence by means of developing higher consciousness. Why does the foetus long for the higher ability? It develops only to become independent from the mother physically but it must be equipped with everything it will need for its life. This independency is only to further development for perception and sensation (or feeling). Perception here is for: in scientific terms, self awareness and memory. In plain words, perception has two main functions: to store incoming information and to match it with new incoming information or to describe. Both functions can be described as perceiving to perceive. That is how it recognizes itself and others through experience. Babies might not show self-awareness as theyve never seen themselves before; however, they have the basic understanding with self-conscious internally built memory or instinct and tendency. This is further clarification of how one heart and its brain make a complete person. Once the brain appears, a person is completed as consciousness now can grow from zero level to up

10 of 24 whatever level possible within that stage. Once consciousness appears, the embryo has completed its main purpose and awakened for the first time. The first spark of consciousness can make such difference because the foetus now knows. The foetus might possess only physical sensation at this early stage yet very faintly. Say its the level 1 stage. For mental sensation or thoughts has not appeared. Thus, the entire process is to wake up. Actually we rather say the first embryonic cell itself is the being due to its zero level consciousness and its being different from plants. The gradual development of the brain is simply dedicated to intelligence and widening the scope of consciousness for reaching out the more the brain is developed, the better condition is developed for consciousness, sensation, perception and thoughts. Yet the brain alone is not enough, all physical organs and the nervous system must be highly developed too for these sensational abilities, except thought sensation. The whole body must develop well for sensation. As sensation supports perception, physical defect can cause perceptual problem. But this doesnt necessarily mean consciousness is the brain itself; obviously not. There is the heart and all other organs, and everywhere inside and outside the body where consciousness can appears by means of knowing/detecting sensation. Perception appears only at the very moment the foetus can hear sound, see light etc. External stimulus must be necessary in forming perception and thoughts. That is how sensation (feeling) has to appear to be perceived by the perception. Thoughts may or may not appear depends on whether the being thinks or not. Recognition doesnt follow with the first experience but with the second as first experience is stored with perception (as memory) and second experience is matched by perception for example, a persons first experience of supersonic flight. The body itself is only the extension to support the heart and the brain independently. The body only serves as the support mechanism useful for following the guidance of the brain in various activities of life such as finding/making food, shelter, etc. The body is also useful for higher levels of consciousness by supporting the rise of sensation and perception constructed with all incoming information, brought in by the sensational organs mental activities (thinking, memorizing, recalling, imagining, etc). The brain itself is I think the area of thought sensation occurs. The brain is the mechanism for thinking and using intelligence. Other organs serve for five other physical sensations: seeing, hearing, taste, touch and smell. Actually these organs are detectors detecting five different forms of matters, travelling with different speeds that appear in the vicinity. Sensation and CONSCIOUSNESS are linked. Thought consciousness as dream can be simply a part of mental development. Physical development and mental development emerge together as one stage by stage. The general sequence is: Consciousness, feeling, Consciousness, perception And consciousness, thoughts.

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Dream as the Sign of Consciousness

A foetus does dream it might starts from the very early stage of the brain with the completion of sensational parts, especially vision. Perception must appear with dreams. Instincts may be learned from this stage. (Apdx7.1) A dream must appear only after the foetus has completed its brain functionality particularly for REM stage of sleeping (Apdx8) the stage capable of dreaming. My speculation is this stage could be as early as the early stage of the brains development particularly the parts of brain where dream activity lights up. Dream can be the first beauty of the brain, as the sign of consciousness, sensation, perception and mental activities. But before that stage of development, how is the foetus being? It must be asleep without its brain. Without the capability of REM, it must be non-REM sleep. This is the stage there is no muscle and no bones. Dream interpretation is important. Not only about interpreting what we see in the dream but its also about when we start to dream and how we emotionally deal with our dream. And we may learn personality, individual sense, and instinct, including how to function the body. Note about the kittens. They are very playful and also behave quite similarly. They generally use the same techniques and style of fighting which they later develop into individual different styles. How do they know how to fight in similar style? They might be learning in their dreams, even in the womb. Also consider other animals and human babies.

When does sensation appear? In this case, its about the physical sensations touch or pain. The foetus has no cover of skin or anything yet. Shouldnt it appear with the first nerve cell connected to the brain with its body? What would it be like? Toothache as the neve is exposed to outside word? That is the sensation of touch. But dream appears the sensation of thought visual communication. And emotions appear. In active communication, the foetus is mentally engaged. Thought seems not needing the rest of the body but brain. With sensation, the sense of pain, fear, desire and struggle must arise spontaneously round and round. Also sensation gives the rise of self even though that is very early stage of life. Self awareness, the feeling of being, and the idea of being me can be the result of sensation and perception working back and forth in consciousness.

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In Buddhism, sensations are described as six: Vision, Hearing, Taste, Touch, Smell and mental sensation (thoughts, idea formation, emotions etc). (Apdx7.2)

Location of Consciousness
Where does consciousness locate? Is it inside or outside or both of the body? I believe consciousness will remain as philosophical issue. Im just sharing my thoughts. Brain comes after the heart. Life in this case appears not needing the brain. Consciousness is not showing its sign to locate anywhere at all. Then this state must be about the sleep without the function of the brain. I suppose the heart doesnt need the brain to function. Its functioning must be independent from the brain all life time. Unlike other organs, the heart doesnt need control but to detect and supply the brain its need of oxygen and blood. Life starts with a cell and then a heart in unconscious state. What does this mean? Brain is for consciousness? Or is it just the amplifier of consciousness? Animal life and human life have potential for consciousness. Is this statement true? Although not mature enough, is consciousness simply always the first cell was made at level zero? I like to take the word potential and also being with the first cell. I want to take both. Under the heading Rise and Fall, Ive mentioned the changing level of consciousness. As an embryonic cell, life has no chance to have strong consciousness. But consciousness is there although its weak very weak, at level zero. Life with zero consciousness is not dead but alive. We have to take this as life. But when life becomes minus conscious, its dead. And we can say there is no consciousness, there is no potential for it, and the being is dead. I think we have to measure life and death with consciousness levels. And Concentration needs above zero level of consciousness to perceive sensation; that means: the stronger consciousness, the stronger concentration and vice versa. As consciousness is being with the first cell, the cell is alive and can grow independently, till it starts to need nutrition and oxygen from the mother; probably nothing else, no blood, no body liquid transferred. (Embryonic cord is a strange thing I wonder how it regulates.) As the foetus is independent, its consciousness doesnt come from the mother either. The consciousness only belongs to the embryo independent from outside factors and effects.

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At certain condition of sleep, or at unconscious condition, that independence of consciousness manifests as it can grow both up and down unlike the physical body. If consciousness is independent but depending on its own body the embryo, we may have to answer what life is about. I think it answers how consciousness is not the brain or in the brain. The brain seems to be the organ that houses sensation, perception and mental activity. Sensation gives rise to consciousness from zero level to a higher level. Hence, life itself is consciousness. Yet plants dont show they need consciousness to live; or maybe their consciousness has no potential above zero level; or they dont have it at all. Its quite clear that the plants dont have to have the potential meaning they dont need to live intelligently. However, humans and animals need consciousness; otherwise, intelligent life form cannot exist. The life form of the plants can be also described hence as material based life forms. Humans and animals, however, should be described as consciousness based life forms. These are observable phenomena. Its obvious that the first embryonic cell has the potential to have consciousness. It must contain consciousness as seed level or we rather say that that seed is the zero level consciousness. Therefore, consciousness, at its zero level, appears with the first embryonic cell. The consciousness in that cell might keep staying at the same location inside the body where the first embryonic cell was located, all lifelong. If it doesnt, then it might be able to locate elsewhere; that means it can be in the brain or anywhere at all or can even be everywhere in the entire body which comes from the first embryonic cell. In concentration, the level of consciousness rises up. The more we can concentrate, the higher the consciousness level. Concentration is based on sensation. That means consciousness is concentrated at a sensation when we concentrate or pay attention to a sensation. On wherever we concentrate, we may aware of that location. That place can be within the body or outside the body. That place can be where we can see with bare eyes or with a help of a tool. We can see that place in real life or in our imagination or in our past or future. Once we give the attention to that place, our consciousness can get there right at that moment near or afar, past or present or future. And on whatever we concentrate, were aware of that thing. That thing can be just within the body or outside the body. That thing can be at where we can see or at an obscured place. That thing can exist in real life or only in imagination, or in the past or in the future. Once we give the attention to that thing, our consciousness can get on that thing right at that moment near or afar, past or present or future. When we concentrate, our consciousness can be there around that thing.

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That seems to mean consciousness is flexible, stretchable, elastic, swift, and can travel. I suppose, at certain stage of sleep, or drug effect, the body might show up a condition in which it is acting as though dead the state when the brain activity ceases down to zero level. That can be described as the embryonic state of consciousness. (Apdx8)

Life is the evolutionary physical development with the independence of the self-controlling, self generating assembly that is reacting toward the effects of its immediate environment, with or without consciousness. Animal life form is consciousness based however. Consciousness itself may be the life form of animals. Consciousness can grow up and down depends on sensation and attention. Consciousness may locate where the first embryonic cell located. REM sleep is a very important issue. It can lead us to figure out the aspect of consciousness. REM sleep is helpful in solving this puzzle of consciousness. Consciousness and attention are linked. The more attention we have, the more conscious we become on a subject/object. Due to attention, we can know that consciousness appears at different levels on different sensations at different places at the same time or spontaneously or consciousness travels very fast. Consciousness is not constant but relies on sensation and attention. When the sensation occurs, attention might not. Then consciousness does not appear upon that sensation. When attention occurs, consciousness does occur upon a sensation. As attention occurs all the time from one subject (object) to another, it seems consciousness is almost constant. As attention spreads, we get awareness on the environment but an object always gets more attention than others. Consciousness is a very complex and might remain a philosophical issue.

Appendix 1
Consciousness is a term that refers to a variety of aspects of the relationship between the mind and [1] the world with which it interacts. It has been defined as: subjectivity; awareness; the ability to experience feelings; wakefulness; having a sense of selfhood; or the executive control system of the mind...

Reference Link:

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Appendix 2
Via cannot arise without an object. Pg5
Via is an abstract term conveying such a profound meaning that it can be understood in its fullness not by reasoning, thinking or speculating but only by investigating, observing or comprehending with intuitive insight. Pg9 For the Buddha, consciousness and body, mind and matter represented merely functions, consciousness stood for the function of being conscious and matter for the function of resisting.5Via is neither a soul nor a creation of a creator. Pg22 It recognizes, monks, so it is called via (the Buddha) pg23 It recognizes, it recognizes, friend, so it is called via (Venerable Sriputta Thera) pg23 Sayuttanikya, it is mentioned, Vijntti kho bhikkhave tasm vianti vuccati58 (Indeed, it knows the object, bhikkhus, therefore it is called via). Pg24 Therefore, in this thesis consciousness has been choosen for the Pi word via. Pg25

Reference Link: HO THI LIEN, A STUDY OF VIA IN ABHIDHAMMA, Vinnana_In_Abhidhamma.pdf Perception 2.1 These abilities contribute each others as consciousness flows. Consciousness is the master can wake up these three individually or all one after another spontaneously. Each of them can be understood in their own terms but they are interdependent. Especially thought, it can only appear after perception. Feeling follows sensation. Consciousness is present all along like someone watching (either carefully or casually) the event or whatever happening. Thought is guided by perception either by words or by images or by mere recognition. Mental function is obviousness to distinguish as nonphysical function. All those consciousness, perception, feeling and thought (formation of concept and idea) are mental activities. Sensation is body and mind as one. Memory can be part of perception, or perception itself in which consciousness perceives internal information as mental sensation, thought and idea. As stored ideas, if properly formed, we can store them as skills as memory. Skill is not unconscious or subconscious state of mind. Its simply what we can perceive without much attention to pay to. 2.2

The Five Aggregates Of Clinging - By Bhikkhu Bodhi

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(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Perception of form Perception of sound Perception of smell Perception of taste Perception of touch Perception of ideas 2.3

The five aggregates: understanding Theravda psychology and soteriology

By Mathieu Boisvert, Canadian Corporation for Studies in Religion summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q=perception&f=false

Appendix 3
Evolutionary Theory Of Mind - Wiki 1. The evolution of human intelligence refers to a set of theories that attempt to explain how human intelligence has evolved. The question is closely tied to the evolution of the human brain, and to the emergence of human language. The timeline of human evolution spans some 7 million years, from the separation of the Pan genus until the emergence of behavioral modernityby 50,000 years ago. Of this timeline, the first 3 million years concern Sahelanthropus, the following 2 million concern Australopithecus, while the final 2 million span the history of actual human species (the Paleolithic). Reference Link: Mindbody Problem 2. The mind-body problem is a philosophical problem arising in the fields of metaphysics andphilosophy of mind. The problem arises because of the fact that mental phenomena appear to be qualitatively and substantially different from the physical bodies on which they appear to depend. Reference Link:

Appendix 4
1. The term subconscious is used in many different contexts and has no single or precise definition. This greatly limits its significance as a definition-bearing concept, and in consequence the word tends to be avoided in academic and scientific settings. Reference Link: 2. Subconscious: existing or operating in the mind beneath or beyond consciousness: the subconscious self. Compare preconscious, unconscious. Reference Link: Subconsciousness is controversial. In my opinion, it seems to be addressing that plants have subconsciousness too in order to carry out their needs for survival of life. In fact, machines

17 of 24 can function without mind or subconsciousness, especially computers and robots with programs to function independently on their own. I dont think it is right to address the plant, as life form, could have subconsciousness, hence indicating they could have consciousness too, or to evolve into that high level of consciousness. In this context, the existence of subconsciousness is questionable. If subconsciousness is to indicate the sub state of consciousness, plants and animals would be the same; if not, then they are different. In this case, if evolutionary theory is applied, its necessary to explain how plants have evolved without mind and how humans and animals have evolved with mind. Science has to explain what mind actually is. This is the need to make science to be triumphant over all speculations and theories including religions. Before the explanation mind comes to exist, its not enough for science to address others are wrong without evidence. Science is capable of debunking religious scriptural claims (e.g. earth is not flat) but not God unlike philosophy that can; consciousness is independently caused by sensation etc back and forth. Science is incapable of disproving God for one reason the meaning of God is not materialistic in nature; hence, its not scientific issue but philosophical. The independence physical functions which are not controlled by a living being should be recognized as plants have those functions too. But plants have not consciousness to indicate subconsciousness. The interdependence of body and mind is obvious in the life forms of humans and animals e.g. brain. Plants have the function of life and also the independent physical functions, e.g. opening of leaves during the day and closing of the leaves for night.

Appendix 5
5.1 Plants show how life may be possible without consciousness. This can be true throughout the universe. There may be other life forms without consciousness and intelligence in other worlds. They might look very different but they must function in similar way. One thing to wonder is if plant-like life forms emerge at all in the environments with no conscious life forms; whether unconscious life forms emerge all alone in life supporting environments. Our oceans are made of mostly conscious life forms. A conscious life form may have the body parts of the unconscious life forms such as planktons. Some plants might be animals as they contain conscious life-form with them - with minimum consciousness and sensation so they can benefit as both animal and plant. Consider how crabs decorate themselves for protection with the objects available in their environment.

18 of 24 5.2 The plants evolve by responding to these environmental factors: temperature, wind, moisture, nutrition and the activity of other life forms and diseases. Altitude and soil type also make the plants to response. Whatever is in the environment, it affects the plants and contribute to their gradual change by adaptation. And they together form an ecosystem supporting all the survival of every member. For example, an active member like birds will deliberately spreading the seeds of certain plants, or others (e.g. snails), so that they can have plenty of food and secure the future; and these plants and animals also survive and thrive. Intelligent life form or conscious life form is active life form. It may or may not control its own body system but it can actively use its inbuilt tools and manipulate its environment. They may devolve, become smaller or weaker, if the balance of symbiosis is deprived and mutually benefitting systems are upset. The natural phenomena and the invasive species can do such damage to the extinction of certain species. This fact we know has shaped the world we know now. It makes me wonder how the variety of plants and plant like life forms are in a forest. If plants had to evolve from a single life form in a billion years or so into such variety displaying around the world in all environment, how often would they have to change, how much time did they get to become into a new species and multiply into that amount of variety? I doubt that even two billion years might not be enough to achieve the variety we have now. But I would like to know the experts calculation comparing with the real fossil and other findings. I also wonder which came first plants or animals? We may never know in modern sciences, as there is no trace left for that to answer. But if we can calculate how much time a species get to evolve the next phase and make the varieties we have now, we might be able solve many mysteries. We will have to content with theories. A few questions I have are Can unconscious life form emerge naturally? Can it gain consciousness? Or did conscious life form emerge independently from (star) dusts? What on earth those made the two lineages of life forms, and have kept them apart? Do any semiconscious life forms exist? Can conscious life form survive without the support of unconscious life forms?

The Origin of the World

There is no reason to suppose that the world had a beginning at all. The idea that things must have a beginning is really due to the poverty of our thoughts. (BERTRAND RUSSELL)

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Appendix 6
Why isnt oxygen needed in the earliest stage of life? Is it strange to die as having the breath out rather than the breath in?

Plants seem to breathe too they have to produce the first two leaves first and get the carbon dioxide; but this doesnt seem to be about breathing but filtering carbon from CO2 and releasing oxygen i.e. plants dont produce bio-waste during their lifetime. Such way of filtering carbon from atmosphere is as though taking food in like the fan worms or the corals. If plants could filter carbon directly from atmosphere, if carbon exists in other form of gas such as carbon monoxide, it can be interesting. In this sense, plants do not breathe but filter food from the air. One mystery of plant is they dont seem to use energy for pumping such huge amount of water. Perhaps, they get energy from the sun and change sunlight into a (mysterious) type of energy which is neither magnetism nor electricity. Perhaps the sun dries the leaves and the plant replaces water by means of soaking the leaves. Yet the lifecycle of leaves and regularly bearing of flowers and fruits are very interesting.

Appendix 7
7.1 What does it dream about? We might never know but dream is the indication of awareness perhaps not of the outside world as it is not yet equipped with physical sensation: vision, hearing, taste, touch and smell. How should we interpret this not outside world? It indicates that the foetus has its own inner consciousness, not deliberately formed by the foetus but I think the dream must represent instinct (as human, cat...), desire and tendency that is governed by its prime emotion (happiness, pain, anger, fear, greed...) depends on the story, object, whatever is there in the dream the foetus is dreaming. And dream indicates the foetus is asleep but at REM whether the eyes or muscles have developed at all. The brain may perceive the dreams without the eyes as the blind people can dream too. 7.2 Where do those dream images come from, as it has never engaged with the world? We have to assume the foetus has no experience whatsoever in the five senses. What does a foetus dream about? People? Colours? Events? Without any experience of real world, how does a foetus dream? In the dreams of adults, many unworldly experiences can appear. Many dreams contain the darkest stories which no authors would imagine of. Sometimes solutions come from dreams. Sometimes its about ideas. Sometimes its about events that make a person to misunderstand about the world, to start a craving for something, to get a long lasting mental impression. (Here a wild lion can become to have the love for another animal which is its food).

20 of 24 That can be the same in the dreams of foetuses especially during later stage. Their dreams might shape them who they have to become as humans, etc. One interesting fact is animal babies know what to do once theyre born. Dreams can be part of education or preparation for their lives as instinct, personality, and individuality. Self view could have developed in such early stage as in dream, facing dangers (?) and dealing with tasks. There a young knows to go for the milk and suckle. There to start chasing its mother or whoever it meets first. Foetuses can smile and cry. They do show the sign of perception and consciousness with facial expression after facial muscles have developed. Before such development, they might have their brain activity if they do have perception and consciousness for dreaming. That indicates the foetus has the capability of sleeping. Does it? But isnt it the indication of life starting by either sleeping or unconscious stage? Perhaps some foetuses have more brain activity than others even at that early stage. This might indicate the intelligence in later life. I think we should keep studying this as there are more things to know from them. It could be cruel to scan the tiny brain of a foetus but if there is technology ready for it, then have a go. Life is very interesting.

Appendix 8
REM Sleep Sleep is only needed for resting body muscles. Maybe the brain needs to rest too. Sleep doesnt seem for consciousness to rest. Perception and mental activity may appear in sleep therefore. When we do excessive thinking, we tend to get our head tired. The heart itself might get tired. Muscles must get tired too. However, the mind might not. Once the body gets enough rest, especially the brain and heart, we tend to get mental activity as the mind doesnt rest anymore. Hence, dreams appear as the body is now somewhat ready again for mental activity and enter the phase of REM sleep; however, when the body gets tired again, REM sleep ceases. Although not the whole body is active, the facial muscles, especially of eyes become active as moved by REM. But we must consider that ears do not need movement. Touch, taste and smell are the senses that dont need muscle movements. In a dream, all six sensations can be equally active. Dream is a mystery that deserves appreciation with full attention and understanding especially which appears in foetuses both human and non-human. Whether we can see or not, due to the gradual development of muscles and the organs, we may assume dream could be there in the brain of a foetus in very early stage as REM is on and off depends on the sleeping states of the foetus. What is the mental stage at the first cell of embryo? We all experience deep sleep. Its non-REM the state when the body is completely relaxed. This state is short but its the vital clue for that first embryonic state of mind. In this state, the mind and the body are in control influencing each other but consciousness is not present.

21 of 24 In REM, consciousness emerges but the mind is not with the physical body; i.e. the attention is elsewhere with the dream or something else (e.g. jaw dropping and sliver dripping as attention gets completely on something and consciousness is not with the body anymore yet the body is standing with semi-comatose state or one has forgotten oneself for a moment). Hence, the body is let free from attention, at vegetated state simply the body become a plant-like condition for a moment. Generally, we do not focus on a thing 100%. Our consciousness can be on everything around us, even if as much as on our body. Our focus is weak as it spreads. In this condition, we have self awareness and being separated from the rest. The sense of self is now quite still. Sensation and perception are the main characters that play the role in causing self awareness the sense of self or being separated from the environment. That is how the feeling of I-exist is made. When we put 100% focus on an object, we forget everything. This usually happens when we get tired and sleep. The focus is set on sleep and we fall asleep. Lose consciousness 100% till we cannot focus anymore and dream appears. Consciousness and perception seems always seeking for active moment (for sensation) as their nature. As perception can be working actively taking charge of the body, the magic is significant as skills: riding bicycle, playing an instrument, speaking through a language. Attention cannot be given on everything at the same time. Consciousness is thus not at everything but on the focussed object. Perception takes charge and everything seems to be in place. Yet consciousness is necessary and it seems it appears faintly in everything. From with focus to without focus, consciousness can appear in different levels at once. How can consciousness appear at the same time with different levels of focus? The reason for it is consciousness is not flat, doesnt appear on everything at once, but it travels, like the drumstick hitting different drums with different amounts of force as being played by a drummer. By observing how we can be aware of our environment all 360 at the same time, mainly with sensations: focus (mind), vision, hearing and smell, we can know consciousness is very fast in hitting everything in the surroundings. Yet we always have something most the attention is paid. The mind is concentrated elsewhere, on an object of attention which can be near or afar, within the body or outside. Even not during sleep, when attention is completely elsewhere, people tend to forget themselves and the state they are in just similar to REM sleep. It is how attention works within or outside of the body. However, the five senses plus thought sense (so there are six senses) are necessary in order to have attention. Sound, view, desire can be the objects appear outside but thought (e.g. nostalgia) must develop somewhere inside as perception. Attention can appear at different location, at different object, different sense, etc. Attention is caused by a deliberate mental action focussing or attending on a sense object. Attention and consciousness are identical but its the active part of consciousness, as concentration is, and the other is known as subconscious state or perception. As REM is important for adult, it must also be important for a foetus.

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Another condition of dream is the dreamer is physically carrying the tasks he is dreaming. Sometimes the dreamer is walking or having some food from the fridge but sometimes he can be carrying out dangerous tasks such as cooking a meal. This is about consciousness being not there fully but the memory or perception is doing well, like in computer programming, and acting on its own without the real intention of the dreamer. During REM sleep, all the six sensations are obviously present actively without waking up the dreamer. When the body rests in bed, how do consciousness, sensation, perception and mental activity function? Do they leave the body and travelling somewhere unworldly locations so that the dreamer experiences not food in the kitchen but the reality unknown to normal world? Here the ability to wake up is another thing. Although the dreamer is in the bed, REM can move the entire body of dreamer human and animal alike. Hence, REM sleep doesnt let the body rest; however, sometimes it only moves the facial muscles and leaves the rest of body unattended so that the rest of body appears completely relaxed but sometimes it moves entire body and causes sleep walking/cooking. In the case of cooking, a dreamer may be still creative in dream. I dreamer might see something he/she wants or fears to see in dream. In certain dreams, both human and animal seem to experience being chased by one or more fearsome entities. And this seems to happen often. REM sleep gives a variety of experiences engaging the dreamer emotionally and even physically. As being asleep, the dreamer is not controlling his/her body. Perception seems to control the body in dreams. Consciousness might not be the one that controls the body but perception. When sensation and consciousness are present, perception must present too. If perception has not memory to move the body, it must not move the body. Hence, I think, foetuses develop body movements through perception and they learn their concerned instincts respectively inside mothers wombs. We usually wake up sometimes and unable to response to the surrounding immediately. Probably this is a plant-like response to surrounding. This may be due to perception not attending the body although we have sensation all over the body and conscious about our body. There are beings that dont have to go through earlier stages of physical and mental developments, e.g. single-celled organisms they rather pass these stages to become fully a new. They might not have complex instinct. However, some of the microbes with complex body parts must learn their instincts before they are born. ...... Subconsciousness can be perception. Subconsciousness can be only literal thing if its not taken as perception. No one consciously functions various internal organs, cell developments, immune system, and other activities. Nobody is usually conscious on these body parts. Hence, consciousness and the body do not seem to be the same one.

23 of 24 The body may be plant like life form whilst the consciousness is another. The Body may be independent from consciousness. The body can take charge of its systems and run them they way they are. Being is unable to control or manipulate his/her organs (etc) consciously. The being has no control over these systems although sensation can appear in these organs. In this condition, mind (as consciousness) and the body appear to work separately or exists independent from each other. .... A chef cooking a meal in sleep:

As the body is not controlled consciously by consciousness, the concept of soul is invalid. If consciousness is no soul, then soul is not conscious. If soul is conscious, and the being is also conscious, then they are two different individuals. We know the brain can survive without the need of other organs if supplies are met. Likewise, all other organs can survive if the conditions are met; even tiniest cells can survive. Then is there self in each of these organ? No. Then self might not exist in the brain either. Here we can see the independence of every part and organ of a body. The body is a compound noun - it exists but only as an assembly. This is the reason why we cannot control everything in the system naturally assembled. (Kamma is the nature in Buddhism). Self is also only the word representing that assembly from a perspective. It is the illustration of the assembly as a whole as a system built with the structural parts which support each others for the coexistence. Once the body is unassembled, self disappears. Self is only the feeling of unity sent from the perception and reflected back from the assembly. Self is an assumption, a feeling, an intuition, built by perception with the sensations recurring on that assembly. The parts in the assembly are independent but interdependent for survival that they exist for each others as a factory that produces a certain product self perhaps. Consciousness seeks sensation. Perception also seeks something to do. Even when during asleep, they wake up and do their desired tasks. On the other hand, the desire for being conscious appears when there is insecurity or a desire to do a task or when a thought/idea appears yet the dreamer may stay asleep physically. Perception seems to use this phenomenon in the foetus for learning a respective instinct. The dreamer becomes conscious but not awake. This is not semi-conscious state either but fully conscious state in which attention/focus in not with the body. Thus, feeling of self exists inside the perception. Sensation links the body and the mind to make two as one. Self is quite obvious in all conscious based life forms. In Buddhism, Self is the main ingredient of the consciousness based life form.

24 of 24 Self is the view applied by an individual whilst the body functions the way it has to as it can only obey the natural law none is of its assumed owner, the being. With self, we only get two things: discrimination and competition naturally. We all have enough misunderstandings. We have false beliefs. We know we can do mistakes. We know some mistakes should not be committed. We know many things but not all what we know are what they really are. Self is obviously one of the ideas we take with a grain of salt. We are not serious because were born with this assumption. And the problem is its a difficult task to remove this born belief sticky and magnetised. You sometimes might feel youve removed it but doesnt last long. Self is built in negligence like a ship is built in shipyard. Discrimination is ego. It discriminates oneself from other selves. It makes one to think or to believe one is different from others both physically and mentally, and in other things. In fact, its caused by consciousness, sensation and perception. Pride is a tricky thing comes out of self. When one is rich, one is proud of wealth. When one is poor, one is proud of poverty but with grievance; the same to other things such as intelligence, look, good voice, social status, race, colour, so on and so forth. And they are all built on self that doesnt really exist. We are very funny. With self view, we are selfish in nature more or less. Selfishness is that dries the mud and makes it crack, the fire that breaks the pot. Selflessness is the cause of unity and solitude. If we know something the way it is, we have the wisdom about that thing.

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