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1.1 Vertical Portion: Length Lv = 3.608 m

Width bv = 3.608 m
Height hv = 1.832 m
Area Av = 13.018 m2
Thickness of vertical wall tv = 0.008 m

1.2 Hopper Portion : Height hh = 1.17 m

Thickness of hopper th = 0.010 m
Top portion Length = 3.608 m
Breadth = 3.608 m
Top area a1 = 13.0 m2
Bottom portion Length = 1.3 m
Breadth = 1.3 m
Bottom area a2 = 1.7 m2
Slope of hopper portion wall with horizontal θ = 45 ° ASSIGNMENT
Corrosion allowance on wall plate thickness 4 mm

1.3 Permissible stresses

Yield strength fy = 250 N /mm2
Poisson's ratio μ = 0.3
Young's modulus of steel E = 2.00E+05 N /mm2 IS800:2007

Allowable shear stress τva = 100 N /mm2 11.4.2

Allowable bending stress σbc = 165 N /mm2 11.4.1

Allowable axial tensile stress σat = 150 N /mm2 11.2.1

Allowable direct compressive stress σac = 150 N /mm2 11.3.1

2.1.1 Selfweight of the Bunker
Vertical portion, Av = 4x 3.608 x 1.832 = 26.439 m2
Weight of Vertical portion Wv = 28.505 KN (considering 75% for stiffners)
Hopper portion, Ah = 4*(3.608+1.3 )/2* 1.643 = 16.128 m2
Wt of Hopper portion Wh = 21.734 KN (considering 75% for stiffners)
Self weight of bunker = Total area * thickness of plate * 7850 kg/m = 2926.4 kg
Add 75% for stiffners = 5121.2 kg
Hence, DL of bunker = 50.24 kN
2.1.2 Liner weight (if added)
Liner thickness (vertical portion) = 8 mm
Liner weight =7850 kg/m3 * 8mm* Av = 1660.4 kg
16.604 kN
Liner thickness (hopper portion) = 10 mm
Liner weight =7850 kg/m3 * 10mm * Ah = 1266 kg
12.66 kN
2.1.3 Final forces on elements of Bunker
Total Dead load Bunker weight + Liner weight = 79.50 kN
DL over waist beam = 5.51 kN/m

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2.2.1 Data :
Silo capacity = 28 m3
Material stored in the bunker Iron Ore
Liner material inside the bunker None
Bulk density of the material stored W = 2.65 T/m3 Assignment Input
Height of bunker top from FGL = 6.098 m
Height of bunker top from its support = 2.162 m
Total height of bunker = 3.002 m

Mean particle diameter of the material = 40.00 mm

Angle of internal friction Φ = 45 ° Assignment Input
Angle of repose 30 °
Coefficient of Actve pressure Ka = 0.33
Angle of wall friction, Table 3
Select type of material δf, For grannular material
δe, For grannular material
= 34.0 °
= 27.2 ° IS: 9178 (Part I)
Pressure ratio: while filling λf = 0.50 Table 3
while emptying λe = 1.00
Coefficient of wall friction:
While Filling, µf = tanδf = 0.68
While Emptying, µe = tanδe = 0.51
Perimeter of wall P = 14.4 m
Hydraulic radius = Area / Perimeter R= A/P = 0.90 m
2.2.2 Pressure on bunker Wall IS: 9178 (Part I)
Max. Vertical load transferred to the wall Clause
per unit area due to friction, Max. Pw = WR Pw = 23.4 kN/m2
Max. horizontal pressure on the wall
While Filling, Phf = WR/µf = 34.7 kN/m2
While Emptying, Phe = WR/µe = 45.6 kN/m2
Max. vertical pressure on the horizontal
cross section of the stored material Pvf = WR/µf λf = 69.4 kN/m2
While Filling, Pve = WR/µe λe = 45.6 kN/m2
Variation of pressure along the depth, Clause

Pi (z) = Pi (max) * (1 – e(-z/zo))

where, suffix i stands for w, h or v corresponding
to the pressure Pw, Ph or Pv respectively
and, While Filling, Zof = R/(µfλf) = 2.7 m
While Emptying, Zoe = R/(µeλe) = 1.8 m

IS: 9178 (Part I)

Ph(des) = Pe upto 1.2dc or 0.75h whichever is less Fig. 3
1.2dc = 4.3296 m
0.75h = 2.2515 m
Depth at which Ph(des) is maximum,

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h - min(1.2dc, 0.75h) = 0.75 m
Variation of Ph & Pv along height of wall

Hor Dsgn Pre

Filling: Phf Emptying Phe Filling: Pvf Emptying Pvf Ver Dsgn Pre Pvdes)
Part Z (m) Z/Zof Z/Zoe Ph(des)
(kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN/m2)
0.100 0.0 0.1 1.28 2.53 2.53 2.55 2.53 2.55

0.600 0.2 0.3 6.98 13.21 13.21 13.97 13.21 13.97

1.200 0.4 0.7 12.56 22.59 22.59 25.13 22.59 25.13
1.832 0.7 1.0 17.23 29.54 29.54 34.46 29.54 34.46
2.158 0.8 1.2 19.24 32.26 32.26 38.48 32.26 38.48

2.479 0.9 1.4 20.99 34.49 34.49 41.98 34.49 41.98

2.799 1.0 1.6 22.54 36.33 36.33 45.08 36.33 45.08
3.002 1.1 1.7 23.43 37.34 37.34 46.86 37.34 46.86

Static Ver Pre Static Hor Pre

Part Z (m)
(kN/m2) (kN/m2)
0.100 23.4 0.87

0.600 23.4 5.20

1.200 23.4 10.40
1.832 47.6 15.88
2.158 56.1 18.70

2.479 64.4 21.48

2.799 72.8 24.25
3.002 78.0 26.01


Symmetrical Bunker with trough bottom for unit length of bin Cl.9

The two forces causing bursting are: i.e.

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h 1= = 1.83 m
h 2= = 1.17 m
hs= = 1.64 m Slant length of hopper
x= = 1.15 m
Where y= = 0.65 m
Weight W1= L/2 x h1 x W W1= = 85.9 kN/m
Weight W2= 0.5 x 'x' x h2 x W W2= = 17.5 kN/m
Weight W3= y x h2 x W W3= = 19.8 kN/m
Pressure P1= P(1.832m) x h1 x 0.5 P1= = 27.061 kN/m at H2/2
Pressure P2= P(1.832m) x h2 P2= = 43.7 kN/m at H2/3
Pressure P3= 0.5* P(3.002m) - P(1.17m) x h2 P3= = 4.56 kN/m
The two forces causing bursting are:
P1/3= 2
H'A= = 9.0203 kN/m
2P1/3= 2
H'B= = 18.041 kN/m IS: 9178 (Part II)
Bursting force at Waist level HB= = 50.04 kN/m Cl.9.2
Bursting force at discharge level HC= = 98.3 kN/m IS: 9178 (Part II)

Where RV = 123.2 kN/m

RB = 50.9 kN/m
RC = 56.1 kN/m
TB = 122.9 kN/m
TC = 83.1 kN/m
RN = 107.0 kN/m

2.2.4 Calculation of Pn and Pt at Hopper Portion

Self weight of bunker Ws = 2.3 kN/m2 (Wt hop/(surface area))
For filling /Emptying case
height Ph Pv Pn Pt

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Hopper portion
1.832 29.5 34.5 33.6 4.1
2.158 32.3 38.5 37.0 4.8
2.479 34.5 42.0 39.8 5.4
2.799 36.3 45.1 42.3 6.0
3.002 37.3 46.9 43.7 6.4

For Static case

height Ph Pv Pn Pt
Hopper portion

1.832 15.9 47.6 33.2 17.5

2.158 18.7 56.1 38.8 20.4
2.479 21.5 64.4 44.3 23.1
2.799 24.3 72.8 49.8 25.9
3.002 26.0 78.0 53.3 27.7

Considering the maximum cases

Resolving normal forces at the waist and the orifice/ discharge level,
Normal pressure at any point on hopper/ unit area Pn = 53.3 kN/m2
Tangential pressure at any point on hopper/ unit area Pt = 27.7 kN/m2
Slant height of hopper = 1.6435 m



Pn B + Pn C = 71.99 kN/m2

Pn C x 1.6435= 33.2*1.6435*1.6435/2+ (1/2*1.6435*(53.3-33.2)*1.6435*2/3)

Pnb 33.7 Kn/ sqm Pnc 38.289 Kn/ sqm
PTb 21.16 Kn/ sqm PTc 24.0 Kn/ sqm

2.2.5 Final forces on elements of Bunker

Total Material load (due to horizontal loads)
Pressure on vertical plate @ waist level = 29.54 kN/m2
Pressure on hopper plate @ discharge level = 37.34 kN/m2
Material load on Waist beam = 50.04 kN/m
Total Material load (due to vertical loads)
Pressure on hopper plate @ discharge level = 46.86 kN/m2
Material load on Waist beam = 123.24 kN/m
2.3.1 Data:
Type of Structure = All other buildings
Importance Factor, I = 1.5
Response Reduction Factor, R = 5
Seismic Zone, Z = II
Zone Factor = 0.1
Damping Ratio = 0.05
Type of soil = Medium Soil

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Soil Factor = 2

2.3.2 Seismic weights = 79.50 kN

At Waist beam level
Total weight of steel bunker is Wb = 79.50 kN
Volume of Bunker as mentioned V = 28 cum
Density of material = 2.65 T/cum
Total material weight Wm = 727.90 kN

Moment of inertia of bunker at waist beam

(( 3.624^4/12)-(3.608^4/12)) M.I = 0.25 m4
Area of structural bunker at waist beam
(3.624^2-3.608^2) A = 0.12 m2
Radius of gyration at waist beam = Sqrt (Moment of inertia/area)
r = sqrt(0.25/0.12) r = 1.48 m
Thus, Slenderness ratio k = effective height of bin/r
= 3.002/1.48 k = 2.03
The fundamental time period for stack like structures, ‘T’ is =

(Table 7, IS:1983-part4, 2015)

CT = 14.4
Wt = 807.41 kN (Wb+Wm)
h = 3.002 m
Es = 210000 N/mm2
= 2E+08 kN/m2
A = 0.12 m2
g = 9.81 m/sec2

Time period T (at waist beam) T = 0.046 sec

The horizontal seismic coefficient Ah is given by

where, Z = 0.1 (Seismic Zone II)

Sa/g = 1+15 T
= =1+15* 0.035
= 1.69 (Meduim soil)
I = 1.5
R = 5

Thus, horizontal seismic coefficient (@ wasite level) Ah = 0.025

Seismic shear on Steel Bunker is = Ah * Wt

= 0.025 x 807.41 = Vb = 20.453 kN
Seismic shear on waist beam is = Ah * Wt = 1.4172 Kn/m
Seismic bending moment at the base = Vb * Cg of bunker from bottom
C.G of bunker from the bottom is Cg = 1.765 m from 3d modelling
Thus, Seismic bending moment at the base
= 20.453 x 1.765 B.M(seismic) = 36.10 KNm

Section modulus of bunker at base, Z = M.I/0.5*d = 0.25 /(0.5* 3.624) 0.14 m3

Maximum Compressive/ Tensile stress in Bunker due to seismic load

= BM(seismic)/Z=12.46/0.14 = 259.40 kN/m2
= 0.259N/mm2 uplift
Seismic load on Waist beam = 1.42 kN/m

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Job location Barbil, Orissa IS-875-PART-3-2015,
Basic wind speed Vb 47 m/s 6.3 clause
Terain category II Cl ,
For terrain category II, & for height 0 to 10m, value of k2 1.00 Table2, 6.2.2
Design life of structure 50 years table 1
Probablity factor or Risk Coefficient, k1 = 1 Table1, 6.3.1
k4 factor (cyclonic region ) 1 6.3.4
Height of the vertical portion of bin lv 1.83 m
Breadth of vertcal portion of bin lvb 3.61 m
Height of the hopper portion of bin lh 1.17
Breadth of hopper portion of bin lhb 3.61
Normal force Fn = Ctn*Pd*K*lv or lh*lvb or lhb Cl, (b)
Traverse force Fn = Ctn*Pd*K*lv or lh*lvb or lhb
Height to breadth ratio for vertical portion Kv 0.51
Height to breadth ratio for vertical portion Kh 0.32
Table 29
Force coefficient Cfn Cft

0 deg 2 0
90 deg 0 0.1

Design wind speed, Vd = k1*k2*k3*k4*Vb m/s = 47 m/sec Cl,6.3

2 2
Design wind pressure Pd = (0.6 x Vd )/1000 kN/m2 = 1.33 KN/m Cl, 7.2

2.4.1 Wind Pressure Calculations

Wind Ref. Ht. Part Z (m) k1 k2 k3 Vd Pd K Kn/m
2 6.3.1 for k3
wind force Hopper 1.17 1 1 1 47.0 1.3254 1 2.651
W+X (+VE ICP) Vertical 1.83 1 1 1 47.0 1.3254 1 2.651

2.4.2 final forces on elements of Bunker

Max horizontal force on waist beam = 2.651 x 1.50 = 3.98 kN/m 1.83 /2 + 1.17 /2 = 1.5
Wind pressure for vertical plate = 2.651 Kn /m2
Wind pressure on hopper plate = 2.651 Kn /m2


Vertical pl. Hopper pl. Waist Beam
Basic load cases:
KN/ M2 KN/ M
DL (V) 5.51
ML (H) 29.54 37.34 50.043
ML (V) 46.86 123.237
SL (h) 1.417
WL (H) 2.651 2.651 3.98


DL 0.00
DL+ML 0.00 29.54
DL+WL 0.00 2.65
The stess in Vertical plate due to sesimic shall be 0.259 N/sqmm Refer 2.3.3 b


DL 0.00 DL+SL+ML

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DL+ML 46.86 37.34
DL+WL 0.00 2.65


DL 5.51 Critical loads for WAISTE BEAM
DL+ML 128.75 50.04
DL+SL 5.51 1.417 DL+SL+ML
DL+SL+ML 128.75 51.460
DL+WL 5.51 3.979


The skin plate is designed as an interior panel restrained at all edges

IS 456:2000

w = maximum pressure on vertical wall
lx= length in shorter direction lx = 0.50 m
ly= length in longer direction ly = 0.50 m
Ratio of ly/lx = 1.00
Form clause 2.5.3 critical load case is DL+ML+SL Horizontal pressure

Horizontal pressure = 29.54 kN/m2 @ waist

Seismic pressure = 0.259 N/sqmm

Vertical pressure = 0.00 kN/m2
0 N/sqmm
Hence , Total horizontal pressure qh = 29.54 kN/m2
-ve moment co efficient at edge αx = 0.0320
-ve moment at edge
αy = 0.0320
+ve moment co efficient at edge α x = 0.0240
+ve moment at mid
αy = 0.0240
Maximum -ve moments from above coefficients
Mmax = 0.2363 kNm
Maximum +ve moments from above coefficients
Mmax = 0.1773 kNm

Geometry of skin plate considered for design is given as

Width of skin plate Fs = 1000 mm
without corrossion allowance
thickness of skin plate ts = 4.00 mm
Area of section A = 4000.0 mm2
Sectional modulus of I section Z = 2666.67 mm3
a) Check for bending stress in skin plate
Design Bending stress in skin plate
σbd= Mmax/Z= σbd= 88.6 N /mm2 < 165 N/mm2
Hence the section is SAFE for bending stress, i.e. σbd<σbc SAFE

b) Check for axial stress in wall

Where q= maximum axial pressure on plate T = 23.4 kN/m2 Vertical pressure @

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= 0.023 N/mm2 along wall
Area of plate under compression=
A = 4000 mm2
Design axial compressive stress
σacd= T/A+vertcial pressure= σacd 0.2653 N /mm2 < 150 N/mm2
c) Check for combined axial and bending stress in wall IS:800-1984
Combined Axial and bending stresses in plate is given as
σbd σacd 88.6 0.3 Cl.7.1.2
+ <= 1 + <= 1
σbc σac 165 150
0.5371 + 0.002 <= 1
0.539 <= 1
Hence the section is SAFE for combined stresses OK

Provided skin plate thickness for vertical portion 4 mm

Corrossion allowance 4 mm from clause 13.1 of IS 9178
Total plate thickness 8 mm

3.1.1 Analysis and design of vertical stiffeners (Vertical Plate)

For design, the vertical stiffeners are assumed as simply supported beams Cl.10.3.4
subject to UDL
The following are calculated moments and tension values for the design.
Considering the vertical stiffner just above the junction of hopper and vertical
wall, the average pressure at this point is Ph = 29.54 kN/m2
The c/c spacing of vertical stiffeners shall
not exceed 80t s = 0.64 m Cl.10.4.3
Provided spacing between the vertical stiffeners s = 0.50 m
Hence UDL on the stiffener is given by, P's = 14.77 kN/m

Geometry of vertical stiffner

ISA 100 x 100 x 10
Angle thickness ft = 10 mm
Angle width wh = 100 mm

Area of cross sectional of stiffener , A= 1900.00 mm2

Sectional Modulus of stiffener , Z= 24700.0 mm3
Length of vertical stiffeners L = 1.83 m

a) Check for axial stress in stiffeners

The design tension values along the vertical stiffeners
Axial stress on the plate Stress = 23.4 kN /sqm
Axial force on to stiffner T = 21.5 kN
Design axial tensile stress
σatd= T/A= 11.564 N/mm2 < 150 N/mm2
Hence, σatd<σat SAFE

b) Check for bending stress in stiffeners

The design moment values along the verical stiffeners

M = 0.128 x W x L
W = L x P's /2 M = 3.1728 kNm
13.53 kN

Design Bending stress in stiffner plate

σbd= M/Z
σbd= 128.45 N/mm2 < 165 N/mm2
Hence σbd<σbc SAFE

c) Check for combined axial and bending stress in stiffeners IS:800-1984

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Combined Axial and bending stresses in plate is given as
σbd σatd 128.5 11.6 Cl.7.1.2
+ <= 1 + <= 1
σbc σat 165 150
0.7785 + 0.077 <= 1
0.856 <= 1
Hence the section is SAFE for combined stresses OK

3.1.2 Analysis and design of horizontal stiffeners (Vertical Plate)

Stiffner size Plate 100 x 8 mm
A 800 mm
Z 13333 mm
Maximum udl on stiffner = 14.77 kN/m
Spacing of hor. Stiffners = 0.5 m
Bending Moment = 0.4616 Kn-m
Bending stress in plate = 34.62 N/mm2 Hence OK


Spacing of the vertical stiffner = 0.46 m
Reaction from Vertical stiffner of vertical plate = Ra = 9.8046 Kn/m
Bending to above load Mz = 15.954 KN-m
Shear force Fy = 17.688 Kn
This shear will act as compression from the other horizontal adjacent top beam
Compression force due to adjacent top beam F = 17.688 Kn
Geometry of L -Section ISA 200x200 x15

Area of cross sectional of stiffener , A= 5780.00 mm2

Sectional Modulus of stiffener , Z= 151400.0 mm3
Length of Top beam L = 3.608 m

a) Check for compression stress in beam

Axial Compression force on the beam F = 17.7 kN
Design axial compressive stress
σacd= F/A= 3.06 N/mm2 < 150 N/mm2
Hence, σacd < σac SAFE

b) Check for bending stress in Top beam

Design Bending stress in Top beam
σbd= Mmax/Z= σbd= 105.4 N /mm2 < 165 N/mm2
Hence the section is SAFE for bending stress, i.e. σbd<σbc SAFE

c) Check for shear stress in Top beam

Design shear stress
τb = Fy/A τb = 3.06 N/mm2 < 100 N/mm2 (< 0.4* fy)

Hence the section is SAFE for shear stress, i.e, τb < τab SAFE

d) Check for combined axial and bending stress

Combined Axial and bending stresses is given as
σbd σacd 105.4 3.1
+ <= 1 + <= 1
σbc σac 165 150
0.6387 + 0.02 <= 1
0.7 <= 1
Hence the section is SAFE for combined stresses OK

d) Check for combined shear and bending stress

Combined Axial and bending stresses is given as
σbd τb 105.4 3.1
+ <= 1 + <= 1
σbc τab 165 100
0.6387 + 0.031 <= 1
0.7 <= 1
Hence the section is SAFE for combined stresses OK

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The skin plate is designed as an interior panel restrained at all edges
IS 456:2000

q= maximum pressure on hopper wall
lx= length in shorter direction lx = 0.50 m
ly= length in longer direction ly = 0.50 m
Ratio of ly/lx ly/lx = 1.00

Max horizontal load at orifice level qh = 37.34 kN/m2 clause 2.5.4

Max vertical Design pressure during filling qv = 46.86 kN/m2

Hence total Resultant load q = 59.9 kN/m2
-ve moment co efficient at edge αx = 0.0320
-ve moment at edge
αy = 0.0320
+ve moment co efficient at edge αx = 0.0240
+ve moment at mid
αy = 0.0240
Maximum -ve moments from above coefficients
Mmax = 0.4794 kNm
Maximum +ve moments from above coefficients
Mmax = 0.3595 kNm
Geometry of skin plate considered for design is given as
Width of skin plate Fs = 1000 mm
without corrossion allowance
thickness of skin plate ts = 6 mm
Area of plate A = 6000.0 mm2
Sectional modulus of plate Z = 6000.00 mm3

a) Check for bending stress in skin plate

Design Bending stress in skin plate
σbd= Mmax/Z= σbd= 79.9 N /mm2 < 165 N/mm2
Hence the section is SAFE for bending stress, i.e. σbd<σbc SAFE

b) Check for axial stress in wall

Where q= maximum tensile load on plate Tensile force @
T = 122.9 kN along hopper (TB/TC)
Area of plate under tension=
A = 6000 mm2
Design axial tensile stress
σatd= T/A= σatd = 20.526 N /mm2 < 150 N/mm2
Hence σatd<σat SAFE

c) Check for combined axial and bending stress in wall IS:800-1984

Combined Axial and bending stresses in plate is given as
σbd σatd 79.9 20.5 Cl.7.1.2
+ <= 1 + <= 1
σbc σat 165 150
0.4842 + 0.137 <= 1
0.621 <= 1
Hence the section is SAFE for combined stresses OK

Provided thickness for hopper portion skin plate 6 mm

Corrossion allowance 4 mm Cl.10.4 (IS 9178 PART 2)

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Total plate thickness required 10 mm

3.3.1 Analysis and design of trough stiffeners (Hopper Plate)

Assuming the horizontal member as a main trough stiffing element, the maximum interrupted
length of the vertical stiffener provided in either ways is,
spro = 0.46 m
The c/c spacing of vertical stiffeners shall
not exceed 80t s = 0.80 m Cl.10.4.2
Provided c/c spacing of stiffners is OK

to find k to find Ψ
1 0.5 1 0.125
1.25 0.5092 1.25 0.141
1.136 0.505 1.136 0.133
PnB = 33.7 KN /sqm
Pnc = 38.29 KN /sqm
Now, ү= PnC/PnB= ү = 1.136 Table 2

Interpolating the values for "k" k = 0.51

Interpolating the values for "Ψ" Ψ = 0.13
To find y y= kL= y = 1.8221 m
PnB = 38.3 KN /sqm
udl on the stiffner = 17.6 KN/m
My= ΨxPnBxL^2=
Stiff ht fr Length(m) udl on T/L section T/L section
Pn Pt My Area of stiff Zxx of stiffner
ner tp(m) of stiifn stiffner Flange web
1 2.158 3.168 38.8 20.4 17.839 23.899 150 12 12 138 3456 178866.9

Page 12 of 17
2 2.479 2.54 44.3 23.1 20.381 17.552 130 12 12 118 2976 129924.93
3 2.799 1.908 49.8 25.9 22.914 11.136 130 12 12 118 2976 129924.93
Botom 3.002 1.522 53.3 27.7 24.522 7.5828 200 10 50 10 2500 126923.8683

chk-combined σbd σatd

Stiff ht fr Bending + <= 1
Axial Stress axil and σbc σat
ner tp(m) stress
1 2.158 133.62 5.89 0.85
2 2.479 135.10 7.77 0.87
3 2.799 85.71 8.71 0.58
Botom 3.002 59.74 11.07 0.44

Where, the tangential pressures at B and C are

PtB = 21.2 kN/m
PtC = 24.0 kN/m
Direct tension at distance y from B Ty = 79.1 kN Cl.10.4.1
Design Ty = 36.399 kNm


a) Check for bending stress in Beam
Total load on beam udl (ver) = 128.7 kN/m (Rv)
L=length of the beam considered at the level, L = 3.608 m
Max Bending Moment (simply supported)
M= Wl*l*l/8 Mv = 209.5 kNm
Geometry of I-section is given as
Area of I section A= 20896.00 mm2
Sectional modulus of I section Zxx = 11102440526.00 mm3
Design Bending stress in I section Zyy= 8610891.67 mm3
σbv= M/Z= σbv= 0.0 N /mm2
a) Combined bending stress ratio is
Hence the section is SAFE for bending stress, i.e. σbd<σbc SAFE

b) Check for shear stress

Shear in Y direction Fy = 232.26 KN
Shear stress = 11.115 N /mm2 < 100 N /mm2

d) Check for combined shear and bending stress

Combined shear and bending stresses is given as
σbV τb 0.0 11.1
+ <= 1 + <= 1
σbc τab 165 100
0.0001 + 0.111 <= 1
0.111 <= 1
Hence the section is SAFE for combined stresses OK

3.4.1 Design of T section provided at waist beam to resist horizontal force (HB)
Flange thickness ft = 20 mm
Flange width fb = 200 mm
Web height wh = 250 mm
Web thickness wt = 12 mm
Area of cross sectional of stiffener, A 7000.00 mm2
Sectional Modulus of stiffener, Z 692649.12 mm3

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Hb = 50.04 Kn/m
a) Check for bending stress in stiffeners
Design Bending stress in stiffner plate
σbd= M/Z= 81.43 σbd= 117.6 < 165 N/mm2
Hence σbd<σbc SAFE

b) Check for axial stress in beam Tb =

Axial tensile force in beam is given as
T= (TB)*L/2 T = 226 kN
Design Axial stress in I section
σad= T/A= σad= 32.3 N /mm2 > 150 N/mm2
Hence the section is SAFE for axial tensile stress, i.e. σad<σat SAFE

c) Check for combined axial and bending stress in beam IS:800-2007.

Combined Axial and bending stresses in beam is given as
σbd σad 117.6 32.3 Cl.7.1.2
+ <= 1 + <= 1
σbc σat 165 150
0.71 + 0.215 <= 1
0.93 <= 1
Hence the section is SAFE for combined stresses OK

3.5 Connection between Ring beam and structural top beam

Shear between the connection = 50.0 Kn/m
Shear capacity of the bolt of 16mm dia 8.8 grade 31.6 KN as per IS 4000 table 2
Total shear per one length = 180.6 KN
Required bolt along one length = 5.714 say 6 nos
Provided 16 nos

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