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My last build: Deathknight inspired

. up to 6 undead minions conjured or reanimated
. Heavy armor
. conjuration/melee hybrid
. can stand its ground, does not only rely on minions
. viable with any race (I prefer Imperial)
. Skeletons are almost immune to pierce (bow) dmg and will tank for you

. Low health early game
. minions are weak and magicka hungry until key perks/gear are aquired

Medical traits:
(-4) Expert (weapon of choice, I choose swords = 30% bonus damage)
(+2) unable to use axe
(+2) unable to use blunt
(+2) unable to use missle (you can summon archers)
(-2) +10 Magicka (wisdom)

Birthsign : Apprentice (100 Magicka, 200% regen)

Relgion: Mannimarco
lvl1= 10% conjuration cost reduction, lvl2= 50Magicka, lvl3= +2 undead minions.
(Prayer): +2 undead minions

Key perks/gear:
. Cultist: for religion bonuses ^
. 1 Handed: Armed spell casting = 10% spell cost reduction (can forgoe this and go
. Destiny skill tree: Mage = 10% spell cost reduction
. Mentors Ring = 10% spell cost reduction
. Necromancer's Amulet = +200 Magicka, +25% Conj spell cost reduction
. Put points into magicka till base = 150 (to use amulet ^)
.^ rest of the points into health
. Conjuration Necromancy skill line = Spell cost reduction + minion buffs
. Elite Necromancer's hood: +85 Magicka (you can use mage hood instead)
. Enchant armor with health
. 2 points in base weapon perk early for +40% increased damage

First 3 perk points:

. Heavy armor
. Cultist
. Conjuration
.> (Put 4th skill into your weapon skill 1H or 2H)

Key spells
. Conjure Hero (get asap for early game power spike)
.> Once you can summon more than one undead minion you can replace this ^ with
Conjure Champion
. Conjure Marksman or Boneman (To kill dragons and other ranged enemies)
.> To aquire Conjure Boneman you must kill first dragonpriest in Bleakfalls,
Boneman archer apply a shadow damage stacking dot.
- You get Boneman archer from bleakfalls dragonpriest

- 600 Magicka
- 55% cast cost reduction
- spammable minion hommies
- Big melee damage
- squishy early

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