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“Changes in the life of people related to Primary Education Sector during Coronavirus Pandemic”
Target Area: Khulna Residential Areas
Note: close proximity to your home
1. Primary School Going Children (Class 1 - 5)
Target Population: 2. Parents (primary caregiver)
3. Teachers
Four (4) children
Four (4) parents
Number of Survey required: Four (4) teachers
In total fifteen (12) surveys
Note: It is better to collect data from households/persons with different income levels.
At least six
Number of Tools to be used:
Note: If you want, you can use more tools.
A. Resource Analysis
B. Pair wise Priority Ranking
C. Contact Analysis
Name of the Tools:
D. Decision Making Matrix
E. Responsibility Matrix
F. Daily Chart Diagram
Way of Survey: You can do it face to face or in phone
Note: Please wear face mask, maintain safe distance while surveying and wash after survey.
1. Introduction/Background 5
2. Methods of each tools used 24
3. Advantages and Disadvantages of each tool 12
Report Format and Marks 4. Result Analysis from each tools 24
Distribution: 5.Conclusion 5
6. 12 surveys 18
Note: Report should be within 10 - 20 pages. Attach all of the 12 survey data with the reports.
Please take the consent of participants before surveying.
Presentation: Not more than 15 slides 12
Total Marks 100 (Weight 50%)
Date of Report Submission
Tentatively 26/03/2021
and Presentation:

General Question
1. Name:
2. Age:
3. Class in school:
3. Household/Personal Monthly Income:
a) Less than 10000
b) 10000-30000
c) More than 30000

A1. Resource Evaluation Matrix (for online education)

Resources Availability Quality Priority
Mobile phone
Smart mobile phone
Laptop/PC with webcam
Headset/Ear phone with
Access to Internet
Presentation medium like
Black board/white
board/chalk/marker (at
Presentation medium like
Microsoft power point
Availability: Available= 3; Sometime available=2; Not available=1
Quality: Good=3; Moderate=2; Bad=1

A2. Evaluation of Platform or Media (People’s comfort)

Platforms Priority Reason
Text message
Phone call
You tube

B1 Pair wise priority ranking of benefits (may get) from online education
Benefits Travel Visually Dressing Getting up to More leisure
time presentable up time date with time at
saved study materials saved technology home
Travel time saved      
Visually presentable     
study materials
Dressing up time    
Getting up to date with   
More leisure time at  

B2 Pair wise Priority ranking of problems (may arise) due to online education
Problems Extra Confusion and Bad Hard to Less
work misunderstandin evaluation keep communication
load g system attentio and socialization

Extra work load to      

prepare study
Confusion and     
Bad evaluation    
Hard to keep   
attention to students
Less communication  
and socialization

*Extra work load may be different from the perspective of students, parents, and teachers.

C1 Contact Analysis before Corona
Types of medium Physical Meeting Video call Phone contact Text messages

Types of relation
Relatives  Everyday  Everyday  Everyday  Everyday
 1 days in a  1 days in a  1 days in a  1 days in a
week week week week
 Sometime  Sometime  Sometime  Sometime
Neighbor  Everyday  Everyday  Everyday  Everyday
 1 days in a  1 days in a  1 days in a  1 days in a
week week week week
 Once a week  Once a week  Once a week  Sometime
 Sometime  Sometime  Sometime
Friends  Everyday  Everyday  Everyday  Everyday
 1 days in a  1 days in a  1 days in a  1 days in a
week week week week
 Sometime  Sometime  Sometime  Sometime
Colleagues/Classmates  Everyday  Everyday  Everyday  Everyday
 1 days in a  1 days in a  1 days in a  1 days in a
week week week week
 Sometime  Sometime  Sometime  Sometime

C2 Contact Analysis after Corona

Types of medium Physical Meeting Video call Phone contact Text messages

Types of relation
Relatives  Everyday  Everyday  Everyday  Everyday
 1 days in a  1 days in a  1 days in a  1 days in a
week week week week
 Sometime  Sometime  Sometime  Sometime
Neighbor  Everyday  Everyday  Everyday  Everyday
 1 days in a  1 days in a  1 days in a  1 days in a
week week week week
 Sometime  Sometime  Sometime  Sometime
Friends  Everyday  Everyday  Everyday  Everyday
 1 days in a  1 days in a  1 days in a  1 days in a
week week week week
 Sometime  Sometime  Sometime  Sometime
Colleagues/Classmates  Everyday  Everyday  Everyday  Everyday
 1 days in a  1 days in a  1 days in a  1 days in a
week week week week
 Sometime  Sometime  Sometime  Sometime

D. Decision Making Matrix
No need for online Online education Online education No subsidy is
education can be provided must be provided required
with subsidy with subsidy

E. Responsibility Matrix
Activity Who do it Who can do it
Govt Self NGO/Private Govt Self NGO/Private
Provide subsidy
for internet/call
Buying other
electronic device
like headphone,

F1. Daily Chart before Corona
Time 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm 12am
Work Description

F2. Daily Chart after Corona

Time 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm 12am
Work Description

Main Activities of children Main Activities of parents Main Activities of teachers

School time Income related work time Income related work time
Travel time Travel time Travel time
Household work Household work Household work
Home study Helping children for home study Helping children for home study
Leisure Time Leisure Time Leisure Time

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